Orangeburg times. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1872-1875, January 02, 1873, Image 1

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V. i i ji u ii m in ii i i SUM n?y. vlUuoO ho* :4Bb?^a'^?to<s | ^i*i? tri?*? ffliflf **** Xi l^ta'?hco^-' ***** *rfa.,rf ?aus 4i ?ibnM^i ;*cH*anw.tI^N(is we m0ve indicium* n^r; O^nSD katuhf. did y" h?* itM* jlfeavl .<^gj?'o ? I? n>?*mfl* yjkyn::'T y:.:}v?ra -l^rt'T { t hoxi Jitntl lo 1?!io"w fi^'j ,blio/* two YTH?Oj ^HT ^tSf-AWVAlffCB. 4irlTo ?>i;i?d -j -? - ? (?"?tis ? ?* hiio.:-1 li i?HA Sir n-]2f rUonlsertlonjai coin cithnap,-'.--^*; colonr 00| 1? 00 00! .18' -' ? ... j_13 ooi_q.v J ' ix'i&ciijnios'ji _ a year, IB advance?Sl in its Jon PKISTIKU., ritt] Wif^Oo 30" 00 -4? 00 . 33 00 <G7 00 :60 00 76 00 | oo;,,^,oOil2VQO jwoTWt Iii * f?r fix months; ? alFdepaitmeuts >/L-l:.u-..j-.:.u:: KUSSEl-L STiUSE^V^ F. IxtAB. K Pinnt-TVi mclr 6-1 fr * *t( #ttR IS Ii joks, Music and Stationery, and Fanov j ?m<dt '* \ . Dil". T. BEIUVICK LEGABE, liEXTAL SUR? EON, ..aduatc,. lmhimoro Collog, Dental Surgery. ? 0#r*, MrirL*l drftt, <hrtr FtvrtpfJ. A. lUwiVvn lei* ? W. ?. BeTreville, A T T O Ii JC K Y A t L A W. Olnce at Court 1 louse Square,. OranRfLurfc, 8. <-'. m.l.i:j-1rr iltocJVv! .-?n-1--r-??--ht4?-?.fatmd i I5UOWNING & BROWNING At ternovs At I,.iaV, ()RANojjau?^,fC. H., S^CL.. Mai^oi.m I. Itnowxtxa, A. F, Bhou sixo mehtUfvr' > >T l-AH _ __. V . --j>? THUS. W. ALIiUJtGOTTI,' J. P. PARLEY'S RusfcII Street, Ornngeburg,, So. Co., Han' Just Received a fresh supply of French Candies, .-*?>?-*-?/ Fine Candies, Nuts, allsorpi, , T*>vf, China Ware, Baskets, ' WoM Large and ?mnll Fancy liaisons, ? Pickle?, <Jce, Ac - Abo Fresh Bread always on hand, and supplied to regular custoWrs tvery'day nt their doors. In my department you will tftml Fruit Cake;', Fancy Cakes, always on hand and fresh. Fine Bridal Present.-. Fresh Pies constantly on hand. Wedding* supplied with all kinds of ('aUcs'nnd Confectionarioa at thc a>drto9t notice. The above goods cannot be excelled in l uality and price, A il work warranted to give satisfaction. July 16,1872 23 tf HHACK?ftFORl* & KFXXlt FACfOKS AND GKSKRAb COMMISSION 'MERCHANTS, ftOR'Vh;Aft;ANTIC Wjj AUF, Charleston, 8. CV ^Lobnts ron r. .Moro rhillij a" Amnioniated Carribcan Sea JfiX* ff. V f Xd t l\ff ?*?Jl baa ?waiaW owT aia srn/iT ?yd'-** Ii? v> ?WS odi-.-a 61 %}<d ni ba%%d \<* ?jn >? O^4-1 Jooj jb Hasfift ?toroi?uad cansteuy y. flc?riyiugr j^r^c^ q?aliW'or price.- F&?kdV'ipoctitiWof ?f} iii I cm hrrt>'($f:uu ba* bo:Jfth| ?i 113% &\ awffUp^lP^ePMhi^ T*i bmiaiaxa a<f ,V> ia^tfa c\? et i! ..-*ss kwn.vj r).} troinavof mL 1? wjji'mh jtw "?pUga.r?--rf -??Hl 5nitl*iw ha* Attm ia* 71 Vy^jJ in **d ata 3bU\ s Kwoa4 ?fflet/cynT .X%?ueaC1 llacou^^^ Harns. ^TJiba^who want^aycouly^to cjjd^qm} $fP$arfviBcecltsFrtbe'lrrw'prices;^ ,??? rvd _?' . ? Uli; ? J Jan 1-ly sxvorjqe?y ,ti*ttn?w tbatW vi atniavj irid? AI TTcm JWTSXPEyED ti WtsV ami fine stock IdMbj itateat &vlcs'an<l PatrcrW "An5! opportunity for aelecliou. A | compel* Watch Ohaln?j Jtiadles' Watches ! and Ol$n$, Loqhets, ?t??!} Charms, Btc. Elegant sets of 1 ? . i ?KUOC HKS an.: EARRINGS I English, Swh* mil American WATCl I KS. ?oid! and 'Silver? cvo.y W?TfH warranted ' AMKlUr AX? -LOCKS of every description i SPE? TA( "LttS and EY ERLASSES to; suit all Ages. !M tmmie, Odd J3cjlkwa aid i^onieQf Temper ance jl^^tiJ^ ,*d );.??> V owJ s* IvLTAlillK? Promptly and Well DONE at 'j r.* Una^^l'^EKIftlUjBt booi hi ok or Tin-: urc? watch. _.m_iMr_iiL__JEi?3 \f "ENTERPRISE". SAtOOlM. "b-H The ?atixcnp ?>f Orancahuru nre notified that jJI W?HLERS hnvopentd i?'l a*5a^i4af 'J ot ;v*Ji Firrt eis** LIQUOR STORE ru?l Drinking Saioo?fiiAewRi?4rtiUittBiya wfo +i ? JT To ^u^?^tjtcflnfWT>ral^ff4??r^7;B,?,Jll'/JN J? lll)UQh& XhtrAJiX, ?ve., that can.he ha in Orahgctnirg. DON'T " * " ' 1 Ott jhat tho'ENTEHPlSE id ;?. firrt-vla*?^^ luon,i conducted on the inc*t improved plan, and a place where loafcra are not permuted'1 to congregate, and where no di>-<nndons nrd l hurgnguoa arc allowed. Aprewiug invitation is c^hmded fo ' ' atoVjr .a?>j>oJ*J?' i tm boa ai Ha.) J<l . .xo?a^ovH I To call ahd ?xunetlu? my. *toek, before going elsewhere. J. HERMAN W?HLERS. j jul 10 ,t;^i a A t<t?a*-?< <yr I Geo S Hacker Boors BmsIi, |SHaa rpll U^n'j " ->as !rtf? (i^/.Diifia IS IS AS LAROK AND COMPLETE,. jl a factory as there is in the South. All work manufactured at the factory In thiacity. The only hou?c owned and managed by a Onrolln laalnithu city. ' Send for prieo lht. . Addre- * ? rtlKO.flt HAGKER, taeff) PoiitofficcBox 170, Cliarlim?l^i9r , l-actoryand WnrerootneonKing ?freet opno ?w Cannon street m Wb? i&fJ?Ny BiBlwayf i ov. 13 *i amjjisc a.XAa?.to.ti^ tea:oHe *?r^0JC ?SUUAM OVA ^.v^ moiJ*?y. 131 Ivm iei m>?. ? J ,<r->n?ltadO m(1 a??fi -t:-?d> Jlia *coi*J tJJjrlftiiijr, away?3rlfungl5w1vy t~J MB Ulk\ mfo&u Wrtgyfltof, ttyifi ?Ma ? bailing Ant in ih*,trctlcherou*t<!^?} til > n Where /ho- h^Uilft ghv^'jof,w9m.aivi^V%i ?il te^c^pboor^le^ {tat* irht twlncth a rfiadj*, le.-*, mgnt twuictn a Htiaue, ic.-*, -ur r&eyqir?tl-nourVipplc^:d3^'tftjlrdSjn* -J0 Baby, riJt?U^tt4ftttiqt 8*ajtfj}*i h* ^a?jifewlt?^^ ?* .4&pfo true strokes of thy rirvjcBltppcd.XHtr ;>> ^Euatjbaok to my cehoon ra?mory?a-*liorc. I Wonderful words ?an the dnuity lips Hay, i Wb'nd<Wtt> t^rftfifttn/Wkrft?a'ti??0U ,m W?hderftd jo?^aoye go XiMjf^4h\Q'jtsb; ,Xii (5Te?> 0?? difthoiir'rlprucptuav: afte r dar. ltabvj ruf tfiur?n^lT^lhv^AISBf1!'u' :1 w teifigaway^ 1 .Stee}iifefa/?uJ||iOn'f|le #|^erpuf ff^ .^foG , VVhe>(e t h e bright iriorie* of w?>rano-ii fe bo? ^ j i"tc?,on the honr-^ppioS; fUy aTicy^Jr' ^^V pajbyj my darling, tsdiifturg airajrl ? JA7/ .3 ?Kud j OUK mSHINGTON LbtT?t , ? j iuo ,wt~?dV*arj|i el ?*?: T?wd'-; ,-1? did* M 4~JP*?Um edl ha.*M?t?f tj fkom our dw.v t'OIlKlJsXV.?Nl>K>'t. ? Was?inot? ?n, l>r?r}^bfrt8, 1*72. J TruijibuU stands with regard to theUraU! alndnhdralion. His urraignmoiit ot'ih ? President (br not fotlucing the number 0$ in'ci;::?! revenue distriets.-grcally in-uh .1 & fiiipio, ami a g^^^STXQrVo;..V ami desire to pitch into him was mani fested, but it,was lofuto thin John Slier-,, man to defend" his master. ?Donator Cjis sct'ly's intimation that.Grnsu's neglect-.of duty in the case Was due tu politico, brought I'thin John" to his .loot again, and instead of a hectoring touc^ he whined out n. remonstrance against connecting the President? natu?: with politics in the matter. Th?r, far, in the Senate there, has beep a studied avoidance, of conflict, with the opposition -by..the .administra tion' ?wiftt?i^v Avh'tch. when the super* cillipusness,of sdjnjp,-aad! Jth.c .bitterne^| of oihers, a?d the desire to;crow over iho! WVfc^uisbpd Xpbcrai^ is takeu: into ?:onr 'slderation it.wopld.^eeiu as if a, p^?l??fuj ] jine of;policy hpd; been . agreed tUj)on by the Radicals, From the indications tlwy Wi 11 'nn^ l?\-pmm i*>r^Hftm^iflp^V ?n Und, lincjvcry long. ^VikuA hwQJt?d ?cd *i ten The bill wi.ici;pa.^oa- tWf??oW9^ tcrday, proVulihgV far)ex'cHahging rcgi= tcrecl for "cettpon bonds, is as foU?lv? -The Secretary :6f'tho Treasury is nuihor jr.cdito make the exchange, "Providcft: ihairtn*?1 e^^stf'of ^feMsMK- of mkI. bonds shall bo paid hy the owiicr thereof, under il^hj^e^l||i(Dt<|ftQltol?c^cfii4'* shall prcscrihe." The appeals made l>y Messrs. lloliuah itrf(.'ox lo protect the Government and not extend the powers of''*t|tu Sccrctorj ^Voro unheeded. The hill met with* general approval, but the attcihpt to confine the power of Seefetary Roiitwollin certain limits was'-'looked upon ?s a reflection on the whole army 'ofth'o faithful, ami was scouted. Thiu every m^uxc tha^t (is jpossed in some hhap'e or fyrm. enlarges tlic po\ycrs of the, Jj'cdoral oflicew.: Whether thin is the re sult of a eystcmatic plan to > gradually takchll power from flic p?oplc and centre it in the administration or is caused hy the madn^ofjljcjt out* previous concert, .matters (but .little ??*h(! cH'eet it precisely the same, play* lug directly into the bands of the new and i^dvnnced parly who desire a Presi dent for life, a party in power and in n^t^ccfrot' despised. I \f >Juorliia^!^^S^^4^^^^f0Vlvv ^AYcster^lly -the supremo Court heard the argumenta of Hon% Philip Phillips and Mr. VS^^|rA-tornpjL Mineral <d liouisiana, ..n ounau oi'.i Jovenjor ">Var-: mouth of thatjfla^^u^^r^^sj^fj ^ ^1 j IU od*m bam 2? et banairai ?x I la boa ,vttT> *i* \o ?timj no rra^it rhhc} a*4T ~s4t>fi > / -mm 11 gtfeMA jcould njt have bcejn Jjoutemplated by Qnh'rv?s? rla; the paWRgd of JXJiO cu-' ^rcelne?f tfcV afePttH?i ^6r^Jr^?/Ji i o urge upon this point, i have no 'doubt 4M >uU wortf^^ InE). U>c rnforcunent- acta. who -japvur. ^xm^icd Buch pVTfPOw:^x?trs^gqti by ^udgc Duroll, ^?8^0^ by ^ivcii jtqL the jp^fntl courts, hut' au<%r^a^lt|t9 .de^giy ?yf, thp framcjr?ot.the -ISill/ aYicVeuj/h-WilP $P}t# 'cftciou ' i?n. Ca^ j,lL')^lifn^|?^ ^gAPr was elmply a suit between private tfrgV&s- The recognition of Piuchback a a^^c^ *rwwegt,4?Iye^grf ifo^tfs&cUo^n to \)jfer !^hat ne has acted solely in odjedience Jfe ^V&tial broduduW^KJft^irtWtnV acna L4drel^p, nno! Graffs 8yropatlii<&MTi:Km/ .th^.blam^^it? ?WMf^<S9r&^c toAA?a'dical ? scheiacfd tclra passed the eruur^eB^\l ^R^ana ^^j^SSif^l^ ' tAblie^QiGimcnil Grau^ ibjs^utUigbn ae-. rWdancc with them-, -eTinmf?they~<lo fit His hand sb nicely ad:to elect Iii? brotln. r in Hnv tO'tho'tTirifctl Htatea? fyniatfiK-'iIi\ .Cjeneral Graut wuB'cnrrfoP tho origia^.&i?S} jDf^lio enforcement latwthc^easeHs-vrry ditVfrertr:',t^': *' *9twhteTi***+^la*rj aali i? S ' 1*f331BSYNI)ICATK. The,>Vny.s and Means. Committee do .not peem disposed to accept Secretary, 4SoulwelP8 piatL.of?jiygAl,iaJ;uig_.thc re ^nuiodcr of the new five>por cent loan, und .have decided by the advice and.con sent of the;Secretary t() invite such bank-, pers'aH Messrs. day(Juokb^^yaifus.Hutch, | Ilemy .Glow.*, and cthVi leading, liiinu-. Hc'?r^tkj^^ie?Vvi? on . Iii? vnbjm, ?\ftor which they wiil come to .some de termination on the qucs'ion. It is auid i that a number ol German capitalists I combined, offer to negotiate the entire i loan if allowed a clear commission of two and a half per cent. If the Secretary finds the committee disposed io haggle 1 jng over the matter, ho saj'ft that he will negotiate the loan under the existing law which pr-?babiy metm? the aete.J ft ico of tho.Iiothschild'a afteiyimado ovcrr aJyear llB^A^^Vt^^^ylr^wi^^^ ff iL?! ^iV^jAj?AKV. juh f The X.udiana, f.ongre63ional delegation cnllod upon tho President and urged tlto name of Gen. J. ?.. Fofctex, .chairman of ?fhe $t?tp .KopubUeau Commit-.' tec for tho mission to Switzerland. Grant complimented Gen. Foster, but said that A^eeont* there' was '.no ^vacancy, and under the" civil 'service rule, He could not nVak?*oim \Vithdut;tate?{ ^hc HrflfV j atsians'did not malte Judy's of themselves pas did tho Pennsylvania delegation wHert: their* mouth? wero stoppctV-with-tho-civil 'servieo rule*, but uttered siictU-prayers^ not loud but deep,, on behalf of that mc el uncivil monster that is nursed and cared. ?o tenderly for by tin* President. That ?bete noir well 'breed trouble yet among tho fcaafrui brethren. **! ^ \\o itdb ->d Ailtl?th blood* ;i .nfwirta Z/nJii; eToibftlderable t?nm1^ir-rf^6 ^congre gating in tho capital. .(.The ilanicof Mt. Walter Ingalls has juBt^beeii-added to the art circle.T*Thhy ^n11enian,8*'?S>fkat were 'great lv'adtmred tn" ItbintP li^ -Wie Pope, who sat to hint 'fhKhisi' p*orfruTf This was quite a eomplirhenf to tho American urth>t as ITovaco Bernet was i tho only ono who previously had painted' hR^Mf.IngallsliS^^?lTVllM^ the ! portraits of ? number of prominentgcntle: jnen here; the portrait of Prof. Henry, t?f thoHmithsonidn Institute, just finished ; lrko iUelf, and very much admired. I ialif ti ' *"atiY?l * LoAd'na fctw ttrr\ti-. cn&iVF Moiin.iElr. l'j .ludgo Pollard's eommitteo f6'investi gate tho charges of bribery ngainaVcer tain congic^8men met did not examine, any witnetses. Hon. Oakes Ames and counsel, Hon. John T. [?{^niWowaiM^'B^ his counsel, Hon. Jorro S. Ulack, lion. .7. B.'Alloyand*Bbnpa? axWillfeW, )y? pJPi?enti .Speaker JJlamo Appeared'. [ia|^t 'O^'l.djMMfjjiiM'^ unb<^piirmttflr against him. )Vjf ^^^l^omb.wit-lyja.^a ? ^ *h\ ml bfooo es >;>oVid bee A%*** ,..jTWr^^ ^?F|>rpvtuc tor tho construction of ton in stead. bT8&<keQf^<<MW, 'as **^in 4fec orf^Mltn&^^CH'^^ dis^ J&tu-fl?? fldthc^hBH/Scei^i^ilQfft^e ?iaai ih?dJ qt; dva? hj aikpvn sol it ,4? id** jootHL. rtias?M xrfl '?jot tooil Gcrmafl, orCiifcmnatt, lias invented tho ejeVc$Wt<>d'^^ its (Icst-riptipu?into cb-morn, fcniplicatccki ^Woie/vjb} WB-^c^qOi^ie^ijiteijr^ kW B?aWft fij^^t^pla^ST 111? i firsk fetory and nine f> ~ 1 tury and nine feet high. The move dellcnte*ca1t^ pcndJuifiift ii-Th? second story consist* of lAv? itpwerdike? pieces*?.,on. the-duocs oJ& fu*nb*,4to dWctry^b^ the portnh /Whori din" 1 cioeK mark* the^ first cpuitrfecr, jl>ts.dooif.oltheJciVwot^)?f the seconder/ J3#Mf,^ tLj^ijd ^cft from, tb^e [background, comes forward to a little bell,*gives 'it 'onb bW\ a'no! tnon disapf<cnteI,li'!A?,itWr secbW^quSfteAj^ yc uth lappWe'??AflPlte!#d|h?' bell ? ? tw"cV; and disappear*; At; thc/rChlrd Itlmrc. cornea hfe l^^^iljB?qrtk?ft^C a to?er^ngjphj^hianr leaping on a ft^L who striked thof bell four times. Each time the (loot cToses**of Itself When the hours arc full, tho door of the right picie of tho second aw*y" opens, and Death; aa^ a skeleton, scythe in hand, appears: and ; marks the hour by striking a bell. , But ; j it is at the twelfth hour that vojnwe the grand''spectacle* in tho raprttbiitation of the day of judgment. kTben, whcn Death has struck three, blows on the little bell, ?tK^c^ek-^r^helop pf^h^i t^f*jf^tn^)p^ Haps his .\ings, and ^#fijh{^ tonej and,, iifter Death bath iunrkcd the twelfth 'hour wfth'Tiis hnmindfl no''crons again twieev n, r31** ?''??, ?"","? i1 Immediately thrct-^ngels/Vrlioiftincl as guardians in n o^nlral posi?16n,iraL*oth('iT? ^trumpet* with their right lnlnd /itr th? 1 it tlicgr.^ol^Jf^9(^X>AH^^IIV'ia'^ml 't?waH each ojf>,*j)ie<,#}ur quartos, of earth. At tho last blast the door offlL tower opens, and the resurrected children Of cart If: nppeAr,s *^?"lc tits' fle^SvlnV angel sinksoui of eighth "Tlien, suddenly, Christc<|es(.'ends, ftunyuuded <by abgehv' On his left there . nngcl 1 who diohfs the scales of justice; on his right another farcies the Book of Life, whk^^peiijs^to show the alpha and omega?the^e^ifi "mngUtft- theVtadi*: ?nri*f -waves IrtslStffid? und instantly the good arcong the rcsur Tcctetl are,separated from tho wicked,the former going to tho right, tho latter to the left. The Arch'angnl Michael salutes the good, whilo on '"the oilier sido stands' the'devil, radiant with fiendish delight ? he Can hardly1 waif for the 'ntiarsentence of those tvho fall to him,vbuti.iuobodienco to the ciramand ?f tlm.central-figure, he ^^TO^^^^^*^^ its hand again, with a threatening mein, and the hecuree'd 'sink dojfip" to |bc re alma of his satauic mnjosty.^ !T!ien'CnriHlj "blessca thc chbseft-fewfAvlio ;dra.v ne?r'lo him. Finally we hoar .1 cheerful chimo of bells, during w hich Christ jri^, ^ur-. rounded by his angels, until ho di^ap pears and the portal closes. A complete drarta ft heVe^pr^chied^ without the aid of a human liana, * The movements aro steady, calm and noise less, wjUhJhp, exception o? thu thfeateu-. ihgf 'gestures of Ijucifvc^bn,^^ acrc^ the scone witli lightning ninld^ity. Of course? tli e-phc^o^nw^ctloh *orlhWe *tihy figures id Intentional on- thb patt of the artist, and ndd* greatly to tab ellbot.; 1 . 1 d r^as iaS iidlofc O'U ?o wlnl V y.c??if >* V> IqphI 1 .lya&O yfi -rttyfii 00 llt? t ,x h-n? - ?* *3<iiis? ,nhJ*ih aid** fr6m Afe|MNWf^<WiV ffjft'1, tl.-1? MToTib ?tih Wrjw, leave it, iih<^^^ W'?S&?* f1 jitUjfP^ iKtet,^H&*&^ ?ort *?nii>uwted^|^, * unft'tVftjMfltn ?IIA? A i?*?at1l.-_ ??et fcfft ^he|irJUfVv.ME?u|4>8ey^ tkt&k ?f ro cnB*thing jdefrrnBr numo ?Aitiftsplf, it tfkca aaMVitMjR :?aft'. scoop* 'fresh places. A man nover couaes to fall ?T W&U TTh^ajbar^ ^nlft # tarns,,Qej* ^; l**?*?*?)^ Wto*"Jfciirm MP Wfeflk? something it cannot upset. It i^thomos^^; no man is secure with ouo unless he has,; [itdw^. on something, Aftthcelborrowhgs. ' iL, usc.=, without doubt, ;hut indtt ieisuio 'moments it is the greatest blighting curse r^*t^^j^JaOis^iTha-,io Jxybn ? ]Sever;mqmro thoi^of the editor,%r 'fMPaews, for behold it ivlm business 3$. r. iptlt' asking. W hen thou dost c-nipr hw pffice^Aa^a. heed unto thyi-elf that ppu do.U.uotlooit afe vrhat^may. be ...faying open ai d cenc$iv . [otjt theo ftot, forA^tjinftftist. ^^mtfffmfk Kill erfr to* iofi ^Neither cxomlno thou the J#oof ehc^4}f \TCnrH Is not ready td meet thine eye,that thou mnyc*t understand?0 f "' : r Prefer thinu own town paper to *?y' other, and subscribe fof it immediately;i*w |jjj^dy tCT;iHtt advance,;it snail Be r" welljurith thee and thiue. ? ] "'Never sendest tb?? ati article for pi?P'\ licatiou without giving tkoi editor thy Saint, fur tlr^-n'ambAoftfltf^fil^'ree'|n]lll^', cat too to worthless articled. * jjtyver do thou loaf about, ask qu?? 'lion*, drknoek down Wp^.-nr* ffc*f Body's wift love ymi like they do ubade^ trees.?when? you leaveth. Thou should?t never read the copy on ' the printer's cas?,'or'thesharp end hook*' ^(J.-oontainer Uwrcof-or-dieTiray knock tjpeeUo^t.'^i . ?/J ??*>?f-. ? -? 1 m' ' ' j ? firm .which h'ns demanded gn^ anrls thcfuri'Ais tJi6uu:b? oi'every net {qQ?j|fnn .wfueh aasi .demandedte^^ tio\v dcglfinds thesuriovis thought oi'evcrv citizirT ir/^hc ?tm Whltfcr '^bc wc ' bound: ;\Yhat L*tiy>lM;comb of io*^'V?iM' after ycar; :t}in*o carpct*ba*gtsin has ibe* yhtjl^jn^ 4^|)M ^n^-mc^c ii^voJvc4 in . 1 Wit; Fr-pra ajbond? Oeut of $0,000^ 000 wc IiaV^W^ r>ablic^a' clchVtir^il^ OOf^OOO- Froti^an antfjh! cix^chdituru of |40(^00,:vro ffavo^bw reached the 'mngbi6cc4tl *um of 6;>,000,000. T< *Fd ^bp thing gpc?. | Ycarj | aAcj:.. tjjeer 1 nothing to shower it. This is our, great t complnirtt against the Rep:ubllean'party. They msU- entirely \6ti' ircUch mdncy and they do not applyjt 4o: the proper object* 1 of governmental ' The taxes have ' 4b?eh. i^cr^^d, ^tyro; thousand por ccgil^ and more still, the rqaeala ere notJiapjiY,^ "Sliey want mif.?Chrolim'au. Hokkibi.k AccrottXT ASl> DsAiit^4 The Greenbrur (\Xps%, Va.) Indepeu-. dentPaysi^ j ( , , /, ;o*t,f 11 Mrs. Wm. B. .Kehl,, who Jived ncer l^nuikfort, in this coupty. JSPt a? accident .on Friday mornipg, v.hich re snlttd in her,death tnosamc evening. It l'icHm9 ttiat snb ? ItaadlThg a Ininp be fbr^ llftFtW; and in turning tho chimney ' 1 down ?a r- quantity, vras spilt In tho fire, which sc?, her clothes; ablaio, bumiUghor in amosf lnvriblo maun. r, causing h 1? deatl| as above at^c4^t ^)>p w?? a woman of relaltvca and fricitds to moilrtt her 1A t?jnelydcttH?^^-i: ? : ?V? *>a ?1 lud ,wrLj^'