1$ P'OETKY.) |trz=^=r r=z==-.-: While She 8leeps. ??? iii ... r?Hij '' ? : ! -''M',kt ({tjV Tired of jost, , . ... '^Kb?edto nwt, . ' Fled like, a binl,tu its nest? , ? ' To my breast ' . " SdtYty pressed, '"IoVeisa'gentloguCHl; ? ' Sleep and i cst! ilrcdViWlow, Love sliao gtbw All its dear charm to know, ii Flower* so ,, ? || Hours. Airo'.. Sleep i' .the hud and grow? Sleep and grow. [I[uri>er\iSrayazlne. ? ??1 du,.. . ? ? '? ' - ?j FariXL and Oardeii? _ ^il^ietiMlri i- the General Pursuit ofI'icn'r II m the Itaain of all others, and therefore, the most Useful and Honorable.." lifille fle?igned for butter-making, as a rule, should be agitated as little as pos sible until the cream lias risen. Wp can; not say that such a moderate agitatjon.of the milk. us. would arise simply from .frequent skimming, would lessen the quantity of cream, but any excessive agitation has .a tendency to diminish tile" quantity of cream. This ha? been nb?hvlnntly proved by experiments made on milts, a portion of which has been retained at the farm, and the rett scut by vngon and rail tj t*Ve (My. In numerous instances, where a careful test of Such milk has been made, the milk which has been less disturbed threw up most cream.?Southern Cultivator. Ca'poxizi.no.?The usual mortality in France amongst tbo birds thus treated is only about one in fort}-, and the danger h thought so little of, that the operation is frequently committed to more children. The tinio chosen is about the age of four mouths, and when the weather is rather cool iVnrr moists itv tiro, hent of summer it ia* Attended with danger, and is rarely performed. The instruments are two?a small curved knife, kept very sharp, and a curved surgical needle, with some waxed thread. Two persons are required, one of whom operates while the other holds fbe bird. The operator sits down, and the assist ant holds the bird on his lap, with its baek towards him, and the right side downwards; the lowermost leg being held; firmly along the body, and the left leg being drawn backwards the tail, so as to expofe the left flank, where the incision is made. A few featheis being plucked off to expose the skin, the latter is raised with the needle so as to avoid.the intes tines, and an incision large enough to ad mit the finger eadly is made into the ab dominal cavity, just at the posterior edge of the last rib: in fact the knife is kept closo to the edge of flic bone as a guide. (Should any portion of the bowels pro trude through the wound they must be gently returned. The forefinger is then introduced, and passed behind the intes tines towards the spine; on each side of which the two testicles arc situated, being in a young bird of four months rather larger than a horse-bean. One of the testicles being felt, it is to be gently torn by the finger away from its attachments to the spine, and removed through the wound, the other being afterwards sought for and removed in a similar manner. .Care must be taken that the testicle does Wot slip away among the intestines after it is detached, when its detection and re moval from ?he body may be difficult; but even if this accident should occur it is not often followed by surious results, though occasionally it docs excite, in . HSo?l? Testicles being safely removed, the edges of the wouud are brought to gether and kept iH the proper position by two or three stitches with the waxed thread. These are made in the usual surgical mode, each stitch being detached, and separately tied, not sewn as a scam. In making them the chief thing to guard against is to avoid even pricking the in tesiincs with the needle, much less in cluding any portion of them in the stitch, which last would ineyitab'y result in the denth of the fowl. When all is done rightly there should be little bleeding or suffering; ami the whole bc'ngsnfely over, the bird should he put under a coop in a (piiet place and given only ?oft food, such ns sopped br>?ad and water. Aller a few hours be may be put by himself in a ruh or yard; but. until perfectly healed must not. be allowed to perch, hut obliged to sleep on straw. For three or four days the soft food alone must he continued' mill when entirely recovered the bird may he either cct at liberty if warned to rear chickens, or put up to fatten. Pullets arc also converted into pool ?-^v^T^a^^K^F^--^y^^ ? '"ifj?'? ^. *?->-?* ardes by depriving they* of tbe power' of producing ipWg%'i\?3^^rftnes ,it is u?Uui to extirpate the^ovuryj.but,thin need-, l'q&;' the operation re^ontnicnded by Mr. Ynrrel of sira/ily dividing the oviduct with a sharp Jyiifc being ^quito sufntgentv The flank is tpjm; exposed in tbo.vsanie. iManncr as in tbo-preceding case, but tbo incision should bo made clc.se to the side hone. The lower. bowel will then bo seen, and. obpo beside it the oviduct, which is then easily drawn forward by a blunt hook and cut across. This entirely slops the development of the ovary, and emi8P'S .thef lnr any otherj in pint bottle* at One Dbllnr. Sold bv all Druggists. Depot, 10 Park Place, New" York. ? Burnett's Standard Flavoring Extracts are neatly put .np in U/frAXN?a>i8 .Maiden Lane, New York. Carbolic Salve, recommended by .Phvsieln s as the great healing .compound. Price 2o cent* per box. .John F. Jjfenry, sole proprietors. College Place, Nsw York". . ^ Hisley's Ruehn is a reliable^Dhirctic nnd Tori ie for all derangement*- ofrthc urbroy and geni tal organs. The genuine, as formerly sold by llav'dand, Harral & Risley and their branches, is now prepared by II. W- Risley, the originator and proprietor, nnd the trade supplied by his tra lessors, Morgan & Risley, New York. " Svnpnin, Or opium purified, tho most per fect nncdvnc in tho market, made by a process of Dr. r. M. BigeJoWj, Detroit Medical College. Is always, unifcrm in strength, which is rarely the ease in other preparations of Opium. Pratt's Astral Oil, has a world-wide reputa tion as the surest and best illuminating oil. Over two million gallons have 1-con sold for the past two years, from which no accidents of nnv description hare occurred. Scndfor circular. Oil House of Pratt, established in 1770, New York. We have frcau,cntly henrd mothers say they would not be without Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup from the birth of the child until it hns finished with the teething wiege, under any con sideration whatever. The Seeret of Beanty. What in it? No longer ask, for the world* of fashion and all the ladies know that it is produced by using a de lightful nnd lue: ml ess preparation known a* G. W. Laird's Dloom of Youth. Its ffrlm'tifying effects arc trulv wonderful. Depot 5 Gold St. N. Y. COTTON GINS, Sec. Magnolia Cotton Gins, the lightest running Gin made. Price $4 a saw. Gullctt's Steel Brush Cotton Gins. $5 a saw. Hall's Patent Cotton Gins, with feeders. $5,50 a saw. Brown's Georgia Patent Gins. $!5.7o a saw, delivered. Colenian's Burr Stone Corn Mills, Cot ton Presses. Headlcy's Steam Engines. For. sale by G. GRAVELEY, No. 205 East Bay, South of Post Office, oct 1?It Charleston, S. C. SIIACKELFOKD & KELLY, FACTORS AND tiENKRAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS; Noktii Atlantic* WiiAitr, Charleston, S.C. agkxts FOll Moro Phillips' Aminuniated Cnrribesn Sea til ANO. W. W. SllACKLEFOlin. WM. Aitir* Akli.t. oct 1-12 "Old Acquaintance," Thirty year* ago I commenced selling HATS lo the mcrehahts of Orangehurg, and hare not got tired of the work vet. Gents Kxtrn Fine Blnek Dress Wctmrt/f?M I The ahovv hat is sold elsewhere/ $7. A large variety of Gents hew stitTFelt Hits Soft Felt Hats ?Oc, 70c, $1, $2, Sa*. $4. Hoys HaU and Caps, 50c, 75c, $1. $1.50. Beautiful Fancy Hats for the "little ones at home." ? Professional Gents' Hats in variety. Umbrellas, 7">c, SI, $.1, $4, $5! All in want of this indispensable articlo should consult STEELE. Fur Department Sable, Sciinrrcl, Alaska and Mink Furs in sets nr single. Silase?' White nnd Fancy Furs, $2.50 a set. Ladies' F?r? a? low as $:*S n set. Large Brown Capes lor elderly Indies or those in delicate health. Ik-careful from whom von purchase- Kurs 0r yob imtv.be iWught with damaged ones"/ K tatume ?TEELE'S FUR STOCK', STEELE'? "HAT HALT,/' No. 318 Kino Strktt, Charleston, S. C. oct 30 lino JOBST S. FAIRLY & 00; wholesale dealers in Wotlofiaifilillinory, Hosiery and Whtte ?OOd8, t No. 37 HAYN IS STREET, Charleston, 8. C., 'n Solicit the custom of the merchant* of Orango Inirg, fouling confident that ihuy am otlcr hi due-men ts to niirchaRerx equal to those oifeiod by any house.in our line in this, country*'- Our .Stock in always large ami is replenished trith frwh good* Of thu latest styles by every steainer from the North. Our terms are liberal to n. Hp "iisibb-houses, ami we jruaruitee satisfaction to pitrtir* entrusting order.-, to us. iM t IlO-thiio ' . ,1 oV. A. HUNT, wirotflf&i.e dealer in BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS AND VALISI[iSw . Nor. 101 and 103 Meeting Street, Charleston, 8. O. Nearly opposite Charleston Hotel,' ? oct30-3mo . ' ?v*,~" W?GE NE?' & MO N S ES S, Wholesale GROCERS AND LIQUOR I) EALKRS, 163 A 105 Ea*t Bay and 2 & 4 Queen &. Charleston, S. C. have in store an tiRtial, a large variety of GKOCE'RIES, LIQUORS Ac and in addition arc receiving thcit large aMort hcM of FAMILY & PLANTATION (tRO CEE1EK, for the Fall trade, bought at^W?rt cash prices, consUting in part of Smoked C. RESIDES AND SHOULDERS. I). S- SIDES AND SHOULDERS. Family, Extra & Superior Flout. Susan? of a'l tirades. A I.argc Variety of ttrecn & Black Ten.* A Large Variety of (.'hewing A .Smok ing Tobacvo. A Large Variety of Havana and Domestic Saga**.- Java Laguayra and Uiu Coffee. Ariel Various oilier O001I?, \ * men as Salt Mackerel, Reef, Pork, Syrups, Molasses, Candles, Starch, Preserved and Canned KtufTs, &c, &e.. &e. Their LIQUOR DEPART MENT ih filled with choice Foreign and Do mctttin an also the cheaper grade* of Hrandies, Gin, Whiskeys, Wine* &> ,'\ ,Vi!>?il AT T. G. YINCE'S OF Fall and Winter Bit Goods, CLOTHINa, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, TRUNKS, &C, WHICH V.H.L CK KUI-D AT IJIE X.OWBST PRioas A.nd Good Value Guaranteed, Having had many years experience in the BOOT AND SHOP BUSINESS, I will make a specialty oftbat department and warrant all GOODS as represented. ORANGEBURG, ?. O. ' y "i^dyi'll r.'n-'r f ,i din * ?. .^ oct 9 Next poor to Dr. A. C. Dako'? Drug Stor*. . Felder Vose &lzlar Are now doily receiving their Fall Stock of D R Y G OODS, Silks, Silk Poplins, Alpacas, Japsliese Silks, and all kinds of D RE S S GOODS A large assortment of, , BOOTS AND SHOES, including Celebrated CaVc Screw "Wire, and I.ad!o.-' Waterproof 0alter?, warranted to give eat:? faction. , ALSO, ? '% -.?>:.. ???> rvt.f .Vftidl a i ? Wood and Willow Waro, Hardware, China, Tin And Glass Ware, CHOICE GROCERIES Always on liruid. t?>-(?ood? delivered aa usual. ?et 1?ly DR. E. J. dealer rs DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, FINE TOILET SOAPS, FANtiY JIAIll ^>D TOOTH BRUSHES, PERFUMERY AND FAXCY TOILET ARTICLES, TRUSSES tSJST) ?1*:R^YC1?S grass and garden seeds. PAINTS, OILS, VARNLSHES. AND DYE-STUFFS, Letter-Paper, Pens, Ink, Envelops,GIa