Orangeburg times. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1872-1875, November 06, 1872, Image 1

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A4 AM/ I ? II ^PtfT7i)/i:i!i:^)// no ant *2 JPER ANNUM, }? "On we move indiss?ia^bly firm; Got) l^rM^nature mid the same.'1 El 8 .voVa ,.Q .a .stutlosri?iO ? ? 'fill i! v !? I'.'; ?? ? . . . .. " """ 11 < ?- IJllJI i '0 AT* i "Vol. 1 iilhi i?i JLiifii ilf. I. ORAWGEBtRG, SOUTH CAB01^IW?ii;/\W]iBI>KBS?Air^ NOVEMBER. 6, 1872. .. t^.j ...?. . a THE OMNGEBURG TIMES In published every WEDNESDAY, at ORANGEBURG, C. it, SOUTH CAROLINA . mr james s.%heyward. RATES OF ADVERTISING. ?PACK. 1 In icrtion 12 In Rertion square, - uarcn, ? arcs, - ?ar?s, - >iumn, - rjumn, - column, ? 1 60 3 00 4 00 5 00 5 50 8 50 6 00 11 00 15 00 18 00 20 50 33 00 24 In seriion 48 In sertion 10 00 18 00 25 00 30 00 33 00 50 00 12 00 27 00 37 00 45 00 57 00 75 00 1 13 001 55 001 83 00!125 00 M'tiHCRirriOlT kates: 92 a rear, in advance?$1 for six months. JOB PRINTING in its all depaitmcnts neatly executed. Give us a call. JZXiAJR & DIBBLE, attorneys at law, RUSSELL STREET, Orangeburg, S. C. J %k. F. 17.1-au. S. Dmni-k. mrh G-lyr * Kirk Robinson, DKJtLKn in Bxdea, Music and Stationery, and Fnney Articles, AT TUE EXOIXE HOUSE, ?RANGEBURG, C. H., S. C. ^ch 6 I)R. T. BERWICK LEG A RE, rental surgeon, "itaduutc, Baltimore .College Deutal Surgery. Of-ft, Market ttreet, flrer Store of J. A. Hamilton Ir'o 14 W. OoTrevill A T T O R N E Y A T L A W. Office st Court House Square, Orangohurg, S. (.'. wcl?13-lyr FERSNER & DANTZLER, D it TsT T I s rr S Orangeburg, 8. 0., Office ovef store of Win. Willeock. F. FKasMKK. P. A. D.vNTZi.Kn, D. D. S melt 12~3mos SrowningT& brownin Attorneys* At Ijuv, OnANOKnuno, C. H., S. C, ' f ?> I " - ' I . ? Malcolm I. Itnow.viNo. A. F. Rkowkixo tnchO-lyr To Arrive o x Friday Next; A. SPLENDID LOT OF VIRGINIA H O B S E 8 . Finest Dtotc of Horses ever brought to this market. Those in want of a good horse had better cnl at oivce. AT Sale Stable* of W. M. SAIN & CO. aug27-tf. POETRY. Fifty Tears Apart, They nit in the winter gloaming, And the fire burns bright between; One has passed seventy Hummers, And tha other juRt seventeen. They rest in a happy Bilence, As the shadows deepen fast; One lives in a coming future, And one in a long, long past. Each dreams of a rush of music, And a question whispered low; One will hear it this evening? One beard it long ago. Each dreams of a loving husband, Whose heart in hers alone; For one the joy is coming1? For one the joy has flown. Each dreams of a life of gladness, Spent under the sunny skies; And both the hope and tha memory Shine in the happy eyes. "Who knows which dream is the brightest? And who knows which is the best ? The sorrow and joy arc mingled, Hut onlv tho end'is rent* How Birds are Taught to Slag. Every kind of bird sings its own pe culiar notes, but all may be taught to sing regular tunes. The mocking-bird und thrush learn tunes without training. But, by a regular education, other birds may become line performers. A contri butor to the Nursery says : "East summer I was at a friend's house at Naliant. I rose early iu the morning, and went down stairs to walk on the piazza. While there I heard, as I thought, some person whistling a tune in a very sweet style. I looked around, hut could see tu one. could Jho ?wlt?d.j cootu from? I looked up and saw a lit tle bird in a cage. *Thc cage was hung in the midst of flowers and twining plants. "Can it b ," thought I, "that such a little bird as that has been taught to sing a t cgulnr t ne so su cot ly ?" I did not know what to make of it. When my friend came down stairs she told me that it vns the little bird who had whistled the sweet t(inc. Then my friend cried out to the bird, "Come Bully, Bully, sweet little blueiinvh. give us just one more tune." And then this dear little bird hopped about the cage, looked at his mistress, and whistled another sweet tune. It was so strange to hear a bird whistle a regular tune! "Now, Bully," saiil my friend, "you must give us 'Yankee Doodle.' Come, cornc, you shall have some nice fresh seed if you will whistle 'Yankee Doodle.' " And the little thing did whistle it much to my surprise. My friend then told mc that slu had brought the bird from the little town of FoliIn, in Germany, where there ore little schools for teaching these birds to sing. When a bullfinch has learned to sing two or three tunes, he is worth from forty to sixtv dollars, for he will briug that price in France or England. Great skill and patience arc needed to teach these birds. Few teachers can have the time to give to the children under their charge so much care as tho bird tcachcrs give to their bird-pupils. The birds are put into classes of about six each, and kept for a time in a dark room. Here, when their food is given to them, they are made to hear music, so that, when they have eaten their food, or when they want more food, they will sing, and try to imitate the tune they have just learned. This tune they probably con nect with the ac* of fcediug. As soon as they begin to imitate a few notes, the light is let into the room, and this cheers them still more, and makes them feel as if they would like to sing. In some of these schools the birds arc allowed reicher light nor food till they begin to sing. These are the schools where the teachers arc more strict. After being thus taught in classes, each bulfinch is put under tho care of a boy, who plays Ida organ from morning till night, while the m?stet or the mistress of the bird rchnrd go^ round to ".?.c hov; the pupils are getting on. Tho bullfinches seem to know at once when they aro scolded, and when they are praised by their master or mistress;' and they like td I be petted when they have done well. The training goes on for nine months, and then the birds have got their education and are sent to Eng land or to France, and sometimes to America, to be sold. - All animals, all birds, and all reptiles? ev/en fishes?are susceptible of culture and improvement- 80 are plants, roots and fruits; And, above and beyond all hu man beings capable of almost illimitable development, both of body and mind. RubiustGin's Flaying. . And, finally, with his shy, awkward bow, like a school boy doing obeisance to a cqmmittccman, and bis long, unkept black hair straggling over his mggod Slavonic features, the great Rubinstein steps'' on the i-tage, and without prefatory glance or gesture, drops on the piauo-stool and plungqaggdnto his trork. For a single^ evening, either thro'igh personal mood | or unfavorable position, we wcre*at sofy?u trouble?lej us now confess U? to judge ] how great he actually is. Rut a seeondj hearing dispelled all doubt. Rubinsteit ia not only the greatest we have had here, j hut almost mit of comparison gres)j Facile princcps, hand simile nut sequndui) or any other well-worn phrase which th] render may manage to pick out of h dog-eared old Xatin .grammar, becom^ literal in his case. In brief plain English, there is nobody like him, or who comes" near it. Of course, the most immediately evident feature of this grentnees is his mechanical command of the insfrumcnt/j imprimis, the amazing hard work of which! ho is capable. The mere labor of play- j lug, well or ill, the four tremendous num/j Den? OU tho k)4.fc pH>proui?l?r -OTt-TrhltTtr'tttfji heard him, would have reduced an ordi nary day laborer to synoopc ami a stretch er. But when we reflect that every note was played with the most, exquisite und conscious discrimination, with the most admirable weighing of power and scjf-. command, that every stnecato was assharp and clean cut, even* trill as liquid and reso nant as if he had been, doing nothing else but practice hour before, we begin to realize his power es a mere me chanician. But behind this lies the taste, and, stiil further, the soul ami the inn gi nation. With most pianists, even of the better class, the piano is, after all, rather an obstinate and ungrateful instrument, a little wooden, a,little mechanical, even a little tin-kettlish, on occasion. But with Rubiustcn it absolutely gives up all sub stance of being n machte at all and be comes a living agent, interpenetrated by and reupousive to the spirit of the master. Under biS* wonderful fingers it sings or thundcis, murmurs or tingles, laughs or weeps, in apparent freedom from all phys ical law but that which puts ic in inline di?te relation with the soul of the jwrfor ?ncr. Su.;h soft dying resonance .of single cords, such microscopic cliiimond-dust of trill ?3r pearl-drop of.^ulcnza, such infiuitcsunal diminution of miry-like pirn, issimo, ij will never probably be our fate to hear again. That any mortal lingers can strike u lumbering, resistent, resilient machine like a ph* no-key with the abso lute self-command and nervous discrimi nation, the infinite variety of shading and flower-like softness of Rubinstein? that any human power of combination can blend a scries of percussions to the liquid resonant chant and spirit-like mur mur of his enntabile, is n thing which we beg pardon for the trite phraze?must he heard to be belie veil. If any one is inclined to deem these mere technical merits, to be acquired by the average per former though mere length and assiduity of practice, let him hear the trngic in tensity of expression, the picturesque in uividualization in Rubinstein's "Eii Koing,"?the dreamy melancholy pathos and poetic sweetness of his Romanze and barcaroles, and repent. But why should we waste words in doing that for our reader wich he will surely do for himself? Suffice it, that, so far as we can judge at present, Rubins! ien \* ihr. kii?? :>f pianists, royally arrayed in all the apparel and insignia, rich in all tho gifts and graces of his pro-eminent station, exceptionally great alike in pow er. |n?ensity, delicacy, sweetness, and iiringi^ntivc expression. His advent here wiil.form an epoch in instrumental art; fron! his achievement our own pianists ra?rtt take a new departure, and from the study of his transcendent art mitst draw reproof, instruction, and inspira Scribner's for November. i&ev. Jean Henri Serie D'Aubigne. Jean Henri Merle D'Aubigne, tl emiuent historian, died suddenly on Monday last in Geneva, Switzerland. He W. Inborn in that city, August 16, 1794, a id descended from a family who were d dyen from France by the revocation of ti c Edict ot Nantes. Tie was educated i'r Tits native town, and after his collegiate pi jUnie there went to Berlin to attend the lectures of Neandcr. In 1817 he entered tye*; evangelical ministry, and was for several years pastor of a French church ar Hamburg, and afterward the favorite Court preacher of the King'of Holland. Pp*f830 he returned to Ge.ievu, and when the Evangelical Society of that city jinded their theological school he was |aji>poiuted to the chair of Ecclesiastical l^story. He wrote there his great work, tljb "History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century," of winch three edi tions have been sold in France, and 200, O?p copies issued of the English translate tdin. He was also the author of severnr ot&er works, including "Recollections of a^f&viss Minister" and an account of Crom YpU's Protectorate. In his last visit lira S$bchwid* (1856) he was presented with $fe freedom of the ci y of Edinburg. ?L i:crle D'Aubigne was u man of enlarged irfid liberal views, and evinced in his at^?nj?s a. spirit of earnest devotion united with a strong atihCrViTcc'^'tlUS Protestant faith. Jle made historical re& stfarches with great earnestness, Inlying devoted more than 30 years to the Kis torv of the Reformation alone. ??w. ':?| The Boundary Line Between the United States' and tfreat Britain^ Among the questions submitted by the Washington Treaty was tho true boun dary between Great Britain and the United States on our Northwestern and Pacific coasts. The English Government claim that the line should run through the Uosario Straits, inc American Gov eminent through the Canal de Haro. Tiiis involves the legal title to the Islands of-San Juan, Orcas, Ijopey, Blnkeley, Decatnr and Shaw, which lie between these two points. This forms a portion of formerly Ore gon, hut now of Washington Territory. There will be well remembered, the famous controversy some years since in reference to our Northwestern Boundary, when the United States claimed the i whole of the Northwest territory as fur as the Russian possessions. It was in 1844, ncaily thirty year* ago, that Mr. Polk and the Democratic party aroused the national pride by the utterance of 54 40, elr a fight. If the British claim of boun dary had then been permitted, the United States would have be.m without a seaport on the Pacific. Finally, the Ashburton treaty was adjusted in 1846, by which forty-nine degrees was agreed a^ the parallel, but to extend Westward "to the middle of tho channel, which separates ic.Continent from Vancover's Island, ml thence Southerly through the middle said channel and of Fuca Straits to he Pacific Ocean." i It will be observed that tho name of die channel is not designated. Tho whole question, therefore, turns upon the point, vhich is the channel which soparales the jontinent from Vancouver's I land? Is t the Rosaria Strait, or I ho Canal do ?Iaro? Which fit* these was thu rnftin Ihanncl in 1846, when the treaty was Signed ? < )n this ono is3tio the whole sub 'cct matter rests. It is a matter of cbn icquence, on account of tho value k the Island of San Juan, as a coaling and other station. By the fnl lovfng, the 31th Arthde of this Washing toi Treaty, the whole subject was sub mitted to the Emperor William, of Ger mtnv? for bis final decision: "Article 34,?Whereas it was stipu lated bylarticlc lof theTreaty concluded at Washington on the 15th of June, 1846, between Her Britanic &{{u?Sty and tho United Stalcsr'tlidi1 flW"^j>f bdundary between thew Territories of *hV United States and those of Her Britannic Majes ty, from tho point on the forty ninth parallel of North latitude, up to which it bad already .been ascertained, should be continued' "Westward along tne ''said parallel of North;latitude "to'the middle of the eh an ncl which separates the Con tinent !from Vancouver's Island, and thence Southerly, through the middle of the said channel ami of Fuca Straits to the Pacific Ocean;" and whereas the commissioners appointed by the two high contracting parties tb> detchnthe tbnt por tion of the b?uvndary which-runs South erly through the middle of the channel aforesaid .were .unable to agree; upon1 the' same; and whereas,,the, government of Her Britannic Majesty claims that such boundary line should, under the terms of the treaty above recited, bo run tbrough the Rorario'Stratos, and the government of the United States claims that it should be run through,fhc Canal dejliaro, }\ is agreed that the respective claims of the government of Her B ritaunic Majesty und of tho government of the' United State; shall be submitted to tho arbitra tion and award of Ilia Majesty the Em peror nany, who, having regard to the abov?-mentioned articje of tho said treaty, shall decide thereupon, finally and without appeal, which of those claims is most in accordance with the true inter pretation of the Treaty of June 15, 1845." It nowappenrs that the Emporor Wil liam has ?Tclcrred the question to able jurists of his own domain, who have ?rendered a.written judgment in Javnr of the claim of the United States, und 'against that made by Great Britain. It but. awaits the final signature of the Kaiser, when the vexed question of bout e forever settled, e Sau Jnan boundary. Hicr.i.ix, October 2G. names of the Imperial advisors, on whose reports judgment is based, are Grenim, Vice-President of the Supreme Court; Kieper, tin eminent geographer and Goldschmidt, member of the Su erior Tribunal of Leirsic. They charge England with vagueness in wording ot the treaty of 184G, and state that the word "Sodtherly" means the shortest channel to the Straight of junndcz. The drinking of absinthe has wonder fully fallen off in Paris. The drinkers have also fallen off wonderfully. Louisville girls wear chunks of ice in their paniers, enclosed in oil-cloth sacks, und keep cool and happy as a cucumber 11 the day long. person addicted to the habit of chewing the finger nails ?how a want of decision of character, at least so say the cranium savnns. The Secretary of the Treasury directs Collectors to forbid the importation of horses suspected of disease. Collectors report that tho ducaso is epidemic but not contagious, and when taken early yields readily to remedies. ! Tho construction of the Port Royal Railroad is progressing rapidly. It is finished to a pbin*. seventy-eight miles be yond Beaufort, and within* thirty miles of Augusta. It is firmly believed that the road will be running by the 1st of Janua ry.* Tho bridge at Augusta will be com pleted in December. BBiledTjHHL Capt. W. W. N.?, .1. O. Duck.t and Ludy Trihblc, were before Commissioner Runkle on last Wednesday. They were released on a bond of fivo thousand dol lars each to. appear in Columbia on the 4th Monday in November at the sitting of the United States Circuit Court. Dr. Dave Ricbardson and Capt. Joel An ler sop, are '" 'be Commissioner a> wo go to preis. This completes the list of tho late arrests in this county.f_?Laur ensvillc Herald. -??-r-?????~??-???? Fall Fioiithi.^-The"' folF'^jSMiave begun in earnest, and hire' nb?no'n'ftft*kn individual, Who had evufentTv unoibod too much ' tangle-toot, accidentally, i?n* loosened his artp; jwhjfin anight rpiijgil in the eye of a spectator, putting tltat mem ber in mourning/ 'No 'ot hbr rh\r6ag^ done. " Lauge SQUAj}rtV3.-^\V^J4y^jfeA?kn a couple of cnor'ihtms!s<?U^^ Jand!&. this, jut eck, fivh"d imi*T*VdSmTT' tyr~tho iafjferiOgrfl t^^U^iiMi^ urcd 6i feet in circumference and weigh* cd 140 pbuinUJKnS^c -MKrY measured g fcfiiiapd; yt<2gM LT4 frfcSMflF1*11* good for hjghl ^Or^gY"/ -?,i -?^m. ?* . .? The fyiare^J;1ietf>btilft) cSHjftin Eu rope has bought .out. tnnny curious ex planations of tnc pflcnodichbn, the prin cipal one being; ithd. Jgreijt> prevalence of thunder steint?. 1 iouce-it^hr utfjpeUwth'nt electricity notnmly, turn^^^^^iiLj^rcara sour, but also rots^^j J>aooaa ? : Persistent effort'hind tintirln^^Ae^r ance will-? move tne-mitaius!Vri>dlUtioultics? and smooth the. roughest placed. iFnrthne seldom lays her bounty nt^ho feel, c?jthe indolent, listless and inditror^uijL^Wie must be courted bv unceasing vigfanco, flattered by patient attention? ?if?'nUu aged by guarded ami poirtieVt4lrfr^* ^?_- ? , mu bua-Vriga?f v ,In Ci ncinnuti,, In - a certuip^ycajity, there has been an iutcuso excitement ; it-..; ? . , ?tMyji i-.a? /xslITJtl occasioned by the discovery tnat a Doc .terlmd fallen in iov^with an^nfletta ker's wife. It might have been a little rhore natural perh'?psiif th?f Undertaker J^ad fallen in love with the Poptof.vtai) The last novelty in the churcl^-nuftd. ing line was the shippirig it!fljj?. f&g* ?Ooth^hj'iron ?tiflUBft. for 1,1 mn;#y?uV in a ^ ship chartered lor the purpose, lit cost, including the accompanying organ, was over S100.000. The church was first entirely finished and set up in New York, and then taken down and packed for shipment. : tadi Ln?1s ?' . i * 1 mm 1 n^.iji u'i lano? Josh Billings never S|\i<l a .better th^ng than this: "I hey. njjurs observed,^ha^ a whining dog is ?nre to get Hckf in k fight. -No cur of well 'regn fated Vuorals can resist the temtation to fiitc a eow^fdly ptirp that tries to sneak off with his talc between his legs. The whiuih business man is just so. A good ringing bark is wurth more to put green has in a. man's pocket tliau forty-two years ot whjhin." Mrs Fair manages to keep' herself be fore *hc people in San Francisco; ;<;$ho lately sued her mother for ?lebt, antL^ho mother contributed still? further to tho excitement Ivy taking a small dose of laudanum when she heard that the ver dict had gone against her. Meantime young James Orittcndcn 'nthls 'lU'liio interest by dogging Mrs. Fair abuut'toith >a cocked pistol, and intimating that it would be healthier for her in somcjdis tant clime. ?__fc?_>__? L The Scientific and F.xpb>jrr^E*^li tion to the copper Iflrnts of Northwestern Toxas conducted by Col*. \V?l).*Mcfearty, of-Texas,' report that vhsi copper-'and coal beds have been found. ; Tho coal resembles the anthracite of eastern Fenu. .? \i'?n; ;??? TfjGKfn?nr and tho copper assaying 84. tief <cent with a valuable trace of diver. The Expedi tion located ar>,000 acres for! trnV llJina Land and Copper < ^impuity, A Hese <h r poration. with no stock fot?salo. XJioepal discovery is regarded as most important, as the Southern Pacific Railroad passes ; through this region. _ m , m __ I Please Notl ? " THE TIM IKS gives regularly to its readers the latest, j Rail Roar, Post Office, Express and" market reports. It-also furnishes ait the legal notices of County inun est, whether emanating from our County .seat or from the State Capital. To d-> thhj nHjjiiu?? money. It cannot but pay you to sub scribe $'J,<)() and have the TunM sollt'^ou for a, year. If you have already sub scribed it cannot but jaty you in easuro its being sent by cnlliug and payingyoUr sub.-cr'p.ion. ,