HE ORAJSG Kilt) IIG TIMES. Orangeburg, S. 0.. Sept. 11. 1872, LARGEST CIRCULATION IN THE COUNTY. l.'.i_~?E2~m~~?F?~_ ? To change Contract Advertisements, notice must be given before Monday noon. Our friends wishing to Imve advertisements inserted iu thy i-'.WjvS, must iiuml liiem in by Tuesday morning, lOo'elock. ""APVKRTfSKM BKTN will be inserted at the; rate of .Hy !<.''?!;? and a half per square for tbejtrajiliscrtion, an*' one dollar per square for each subsequent insertion. Liberal terms made with those who desire to, advertise for three, six or twelve months. Marriage .notices and Obituaries char ged for at advertising rates. ITo-nr-otovfh, nil Legril Ad vertisemeTit p?, of County Itttdrest, whet'liei' not ices or olliovs, wil] be? publish ed 1bi' the berieft 1 of our readers whether they are y>;tid 1'or or not ._ FOR PRESIDENT: HORACE GREELEY, OF KKW YORK. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT: ]>. G'RATZ BROWN, OF MISSOURI. We want a> govern ment without corruption; a. Congress a-Uli oa f ///?ice; and a Judiciary without politics. " ? B. ' Gil ATZ BROWN. STATE TICKET. For (Jovornor: FRANKLIN J. MOSES Jit. Licntenaiit (hireruor: R. H. GLEAVES. Attorney (Jeimrnl: SAMUEL W. MELTON. Scerclarv of State: HENRY E. IIAYNE. State Treasurer: FRANCIS L. CARDOZO. Comptroller (Jpiieral: SOLOMON L. H?GE. Superintendent of Falncntiou: JUSTUS K. J1LLSON, of Richland. Ailiiitntit and Inspector t'eiieral: riENRY W. PURVIS. Congressman. State at barge : R. II. CAIN, of Charleston. DI U POSITION. On the lfith of October nevt, the peo ple of South Carolina will bo called upon to elect a Governor, Lieutenant-Gover nor and the other various State officers. The Democratic parly has decided to put no State ticket in the field, and there fore leaves its members the only alterna tive of supporting whichever of the Re publican factions gives the best assuran ces of reform. The election is now near at hand, and wc must speedily make up our minds. It seldom happens that two things are so exactly nlike, that wc. cannot find any point of difference or preference, and so in the two Republican tickets which have been put forward, it is rot likely that the degree of criminality on each sido is so equal, that we cannot decide between them. However bad both may be, it is very certain that one must he belter (ban the other, and if there is to bo no other tick et, in the field, it, is very plainly our duly to vole for the best, and lhcrc-by, if pos sible, prevent the election of the worst. Wc shall therefore, as men, indulge no h ngcr in idle dreams of political perfec tion, r?l?KCIAM.Y IN THIS S'l'ATK, but grappling practically with the stern re alities which wc find before us, endeavor to wjrk out that which will bring Hie most gooil under jtbe circumstances to an oppressed and distracted people. Let. us then weigh carefully flic two tickets, ami laying aside whims and prejudices, decide, between them with an eye single, ib-lho public good. Ah to the individual record *ol the two Candidates, Moses and Tomlinson, liiere may *ecm but little difference, both being nssaiied with the gravest charges. Tom lin.Miii, however, labors under the decided disadvantage of being of the same carpi t bag persuasion as Soott, tbe present in cumbent, whose adniinistratiou has plunged the State into wholesale corrup tion, and pecuniary embarrassment. With this evil staring us in the face, it is natural that wo should dread its repeti tion and look fcra change. Moses, though wo cannot endorse his political views, is a native of this State ; owns considerable property hero and from self interest, if from notbii g elso, would bo most apt to act for the good of ilio.se with whom ho is identified. As to the platform, the pledges given by the Itegulnrs are far more decided and binding. The Bolters too have spurned Demo cratic aid, and publicly proclaimed that they desired none of their assistance, while the Regulars have acted quite different ly. And lastly, as to the character of the men composing the two Conventions, and supporting and advocating the separate tickets, there is a marked difference. Wo have only to mcntain that on the side of tbe Bolters, we find the names of B. F. Whittcmoro and C. C. Bowcn, the mere recital of whoso record would falsify the best of promises and damn the purest cause. Nor can we expect anything good to come from such men as Orr and Corbin, the former being notorious all his life for jumping from side to side as interest dic tated, and both of them standing with folded arms while Carpenter was nobly exposing tbe very crinu's^which they now admit, and must then have known. Conceiving it to be the duty of the Press to unravel the political knot, which has been placed before the public we have thus honestly applied ourselves to the task, and laying aside prejudice, we have been driven by the lights before us, to give our decided preference to the tick et headed by F. J. Moses. THE REPUBLICAN MEETING ON SATURDAY, The meeting of the Regular faction of the Republican party, which was held here on Saturday was small but very en thusiastic for Moses. " The colored people seem to have lost their relish for political gatherings. T. II. Cook Esq, the first speaker, evi dently expected a big crowd, and prepar ed bis speech accordingly. Mr. Cook now turned to national poli ties, . and made one the best Grceley speeches we have heard during the cam paign, although he could not have meant it, because it is said that he is a Grant man. Byas was next called upon, but excus ed himself, as he was not in sympathy with the meeting ; stating that the other side of the question would bo discussed on the 21st. S. L. 1 logo, was the next speaker. He was much more conservative than usual. Butts, tbe Regular candidate for Solic itor, spoke next. Hcwas very conciliatory in his tone. J. Felder Meyers was the next speak er, and although \\c could not hear on account, of the inattention, wo supposo he must have made a good speech, as he requested his hearers not to oitrci:niiiM. John Phillips, the Tim Hurley of Or angeburg, (minus the money') next amused the people with his quaint say ings, and native wit. After other speeches by I hmelly, Jami son and 1 lumber!, the meeting adjourned, the wind und tide being decidedly in favor of the Moses Ticket. Resolutions ratifying the whole Muses ticket were adopted. \ _ . . .^.^.^ Mi:. Eoitoi:: There is a law of recent enactment in our town, prohibiting curs ing and the use of indecent language in our streets. Since the ordinance prohib iting this nuisance passed Council, there has been ho abatement of these disgus ting expressions, but they have been if anything more freely indulged In. Now unless our city fathers enforce the laws they pass, it is useless to have them on tue statute books of the town. Our town is hoggish enough, without this nuisance, and if wo are obliged to submit to either of the two, let it bo the hogs, for they cannot offend the ear by the use of pro fane, vulgar and ob ;ccne language. Will not our city fathers look to tint matter und enforce . the luw at all haz ards ! If there were none but men inhabi ting our town, there would not be Of strong grounds for complaint, hut tis ladies form no inconsiderable portion ot our inhabitants, (and in this matter their feelings should be considered,) it is nof very pleasant fortheifi to hear oaths and language the most obsceno, when they are passing along our streets. If our city fathers will consider the matter in this light, they will take more notice .of this grievance, and will see that this in creasing and abominable nuisance is abated. ORDER. Mr. Tomlinson i.s supposed to be a bet ter man than Mr. Moses, but the people repose no confidence in the man w'ao sur rounds him ami who are the real leaders.' of the movement. The Bolters could have nominated i ticket worthy of gen eral support; they did not do it. Upiri all sides it is agreed that the Tomlinson faction arc far more interested in saving the heads of the Federal officials in this State than in reforming its government. This is the only interpretation which can be put upon their taunting warning that, if the Conservatives should nominate-a State ticket,*the virtuous R-oltors would return to the fold, and let the Conserva tives bear the blame of all the evils which might befall the people. The Moses faction are equally unworthy of confi dence. There is, however, the faint hope that the few upright men who publicly support the ticket will, for their own sake, compel Mr. Muses, if elected, to walk steadily in the path of persona! and ofKcal reform.?[Cir.vKi,i>/roN Nkws. Among the patent contrivances design ed to stop runaway horses is a pair of blinders, by which tlm driver, on pulling a cord, instantly and effectually blind folds the animal. Suite for breach of promise of mar riage are becoming very numerous in IOnjibind, so much so that it would til most appear that they are young women quite equal to laying trajs f r unwary bachelors i:i the hope of obtaining hea\^ damages from the courts. Secretary Delano is better. Charles E. Loew declines che mayoral ty candidacy of New York City. It is rumored that the Geneva Court of Arbitration has awarded the United States three and one-half million pounds sterling. The new statue of Sir Waller Scott, de signed for the Central Park, t.r.'Kcd at New York, from Europe, laot Saturday. Washir glen, September 9.?Forrester, recently front New Oilcans and arrested here, was taken to New York on the charge of implication iu the Nathan murder. Tiik Onk SuI'TU.'ikxt Ukason.?The one fact without reference to anything else, that Mr. Grccloy is in favor of rid ding the South of the carpet-baggers and detectives, and of bayonet rub', and of restoring us to equal rights in the Union, should induce cv? ry Southern man to prefer him to General Grant. This is a practical mutter, which comes home to the bosom of us nil. With Grant and his Kings, despotism would usurp the place ot, liberty, and the future of the South would be one of dispair. With Greeny, the Ilepulic would have u chanco to breathe onco more, ami the Southern States might indu'.go the hope of regaining some of their lost prosperity. ?[Richmond Whig. Sad and sorrowful arc the children of the drnnl ard, abused stud s< mctimc3 de serted by their inebriated parents?cold and hungry they might endure, but lo have the love oi parents turned into hate is more than their fragile forms can.-land, ft blights the blossom of their life ere it is blown, and sends them through life, if not early to the grave, withered in hopes and prospects like some early flower by the frost and cut do\\ n. Alcohol is the only snlistaticc in the world thai can extinguished paternal aff ection, and this dehumanizing agent men arc licensed to peddle out lo those who have dependent little ones. ./Eshincs praised Philip of Macedon as a jovial, free drinker. Demosthenes re plied, "That is a g >od quality in a sponge, but not iu a king." alcoholic liquors spoil the brahI No innttor whether drunk in large quuntiti<-s or small, if drunk habitually, the effect is ruinous in proportion to the quantity taken. b Not u teaspoonful can ho taken once a week, regularly and hub (tually. without impairing the healthful imdition and the functional action of 'he brain. One spoonful taken into eir ?ulalion (-1111*80 hurt the brain that it may not recover from the harm for weeks, hough thereafter none be taken. And when alcohol is taken, though in very small quantities, quite frequently and at regular intervals, tbe brain soon becomes dependent upon it, and will not act with out it. Theu the process of organic ruin begins. In what way the injury will show itself is not always to be predicted. In many instances it comes in the loss of bodily health. In as many perhaps more instances, it comes in the perversion of the mental faculties. Who drinks alco hol, though in the smallest quantity, till he becomes addicted to it, is hurt in his intellect. His mind can never reason with the clearness, nor can his moral sense back up and endorse the decisions j of his intellect, with anything like the certainty that would be shown, other things being equal, wire the subject ab stinent from liquor. The intellectual, moral and spiritual faculties of man, really constitute those parts of him which ennoble him. To have a body as huge as a giant's without heart or mind to appreciate how to put its vast powers to use would be very un fortunate for any one. Only as thcTiody can be made to execute high purposes, which the mind and spiritual faculties ol man have to- conceive, can there be any personal benefit or public good arising from having such body. To drink liquor, therefore, so as to les sen the clearness of one's perceptions,, the profoundness of one's reflections, the com prehensive insight into things which his spiritual faculties alone can coufer, is to be very unhappily related to life and to its largo and useful results. The use of alcoholic liquors, even in moderate quantities, is, therefore, very much to be deplored because of the ruin ous effects which are observable, upon all persons who arc addicted to the habit. Will all the young men who desire to have large capacity for business, clear Jind^bt into truth, a degree of self-respect which shall induce respect from their fel lows, a power to take in truth and work it out into practical forms, put away for ever the use of every form of beverage wherein there is a particle of ubohol?? James C.Jackson, M. D. WANTED WANT?D, W ANTED; Everybody to know that K. EZLKIEL llu* JUST OPENED a Large, and Hue stock J E \VTL LRY of the Latest Styles and Pnttcrns. An unusua opportunity for selection. A complete assortment '<[ JEWELRY, STUDS ami BUTTONS. Engagement 18 k Plain, Wedding, Friendship and Seal Kings, Watch Chains, Ladies' Watches and Chains, Lockets, Charms, Etc. Elegant sei? of BROOCHES and EARRINGS' English, Swiss and American WATCHES. Gold and Silver?every WATCJ/ warranted AMERICAN CLOCKS of every description. SPECTACLES mid EYEGLASSES to nuit nil Ages. Jfaaonic, Odd Fellows and Sons of Tetnper anco BADGES. REPA I KING Promptly nod ?VII DONE at E. EZEKIEL'S, SION OF TUB 1SIO WATCH. Sept; 1-tf KENTUCKY STOCK. \VrE iinve just nrrived from Kentucky with T n tine lot of Horse* ami Males, and will K EEll ( !< )NSTANTEY ON HAND during the Fall and Winter Season, a GOOD SUPPEY of the same. We guarantee ENTIU13SATISFA< JTION" Before buying elsewhere, give us a call. WOKSHAM (t BRUCE. N. B. air. Bruce is exihiti::g the stock through the County and will return about the '20th instant with a new supply. Sept; 1-tf _-v;.- i-? k BROWNING Attorneys At Law, Okanoebukg, 0. IL, S. G.j Malcolm I. Iuiowni.no. A. F. IJuow.vinc; meltO-l vr * -;>.. m JNO, COT-COCK & CO., PACTOIIS ami COMMISSION MEIt CHANTS, CHARLESTON, 8. C. JOHN C0LC0CIC, TIIOS. ir. COLCOUX, I.. IIAOpOI) O. P, HAY, Agt. July 10, 1872 23 3m PHOTOGRAPH O'G* 1herewith return my thanks to my friends for their past patronage, and hope still to merit their future patronage. I nm still over Captain F?H*.W. Rrigginann's store, prepared to execate work in my line of j business, in the latest and MOST IMPROVED STYLE. J5S5"\Satisfaction guaranteed. C- I). IHATME, juKU-T Artist COTTON STATES^" LIFE Insurance compamy. Principal Office, Macon, Ga. The undersigned having been appoint ed State Agents for the above Company and established the offico of the Com pany in Columbia, invite attention to one or two of the advantages ottered to them who may desire to offect insurance on their lives in a safe Home Company ; The Board of hamigera at a recent meeting, passed unanimously the follow ing resolution : "Ilcsolvcd, That in view of the fact that there are unusually large sums paid for Life Insurance, to the Companies ol the North and East, which sums being there invested, contribute to the enrich ment of those sections, whilst our own South is greatly in neeif of cash capital to prosecute successfully our Agricultu ral and Mechanical enterprises ; it is or dered, that for the purpose of retaining these stuns in our midst, hereafter a cer tain proportion of the net cash receipts from premiums, amounting *to not more than 70 percent, of the same bs invested in such manner a-< may he, .in accordance with the regulations of the Company, in those sections from which the said pre miums are attained." (Signed) M W. B. JOHNSTON, President Gforce S. OV.far, Scc'y, The Financial strength of the Com pany places it in high rank. Its hits Annual Statement shows that the Com pany pos. esstjs, besides its large Guaran tee, $170 for every $100 of its liability. ABNEY & PA11KEI1, State Agents. J tine WAGNER & M ON SEES, Wholesale GROCERS AND Li I Q U O R 1 > E A LE R S , 103 & it!.") East Ray and 2 & 1 Queen St. Charleston, S. C. have in store as usual, n large variety of GROGER I E S, L I Q U 0 IIS ?c. ami in addition are receiving their forge, assort ment of FAMILY & PLdNTATlON C5RO-j OERIES, for the Fall trade, bought at lowest cash prices, consisting in part of Smoked C. It- SIDES AND.SHOULDERS. I). S- SID ES AND S//OULDERS. Family, Extra & iS'uperior Flour. Ktigar.i of aU Grades. A Large Variety of Green & Mack Tea. A Large Variety of Chewing& .S'mok ? ing Tobacco. A Large ?Yariety of Havanna and Domestic Sugars, .lava, Laiiquayra and Rio Codec. Ariel Various otlicr Goods, | Blieb as Salt, Mnekrel, Reef, Fork, Syrups, Molasses, ? undies Starch, Preserved and fanned Stulls, Ac., Ac, tic. Their LIQUOR DEPART MENT is filled wit Ii choice Foreign and Do inestie, as also the cheaper grades of Urandies, Gin, iriiiskys, Wines &., ?Sc., too numerous to mention. ?Sole Agents for Obi Crow, Clipper and Oka lona Whisky, ami the Celebrated Diamond Gin in barrels and ease.-. aiic21-3uio. i ATTEKTSON ALL. Arsons indebted to me by open Account, _ Note, Rond nnu .Mortgages or Lien, are notified thai they M UST make payment by the first day of October next, or their papers will be placed in the hand- of my Attorney for eol eetion. I am in dead earnest. I also ofi'er At tea p e r cent Discount on Cost, SIX THOUSAND ACR>ES OF LAND, Situated in Ornngeburg Comity, including the property known ns the Whitmorc Soap Factory, and other Lots in the Town of Orangehurg, also one valuable tract of land containing six hundred acres, situated in Aikcn County. One three hundred acre tract situated in Lexington Comity. One tract containing one hundred pud thirty acres situated on John's Island. ?-Hl of which iands were bought cheap and will be sold for cash ten per cent "below cost. TIL ID. C-AN DREWS I aug'27.-lf. COMiAXER OIAL ORANGER URO COTTON MARK. The market Im? heen quite brisk for;tfi< week or ten days, und upwards of 270j;idY sold, at prices ranging from 18c to lSgc.*' , tcrday the market was duller than usual,! prices fell Jc. Hat.timokk, September 9.?Cotton Middlings 22; sales f>0 Nkw Oiu.kans, September 0?Cotton .mil demand active; middlings 21 \; sales baie.e CltA ni.nSTON, September 9.?Cotton C . PRESENT To dispense Uiefinest hr.-.ndsof'ALES, WINl ft LIQUORS, SEGARS, Ac, Hint can he had in Ornngeburg. DON'T FOB Get that the F.NTFRPISE is a first-class sa loon, conducted Oil the most improved plan, and a place where loafers are not permitted to congregate, and where no discussions and harranguos are allowed. A pressing invitation is extended to ALL To call and examine my stock, before going elsewhere. _ J. HERMAN W?HLERS. jul 16 Ivr