Cotton.?Sales for tlie week ending May 7, about }8 bales, prdinufy/lOcy; low middling 203c; middling 211. Prices Current, PREPARED FOR THE TIMES. [CORRECTED WEEKLY.] Cotton : : : ? lb 19 2T Bacon Hams :. .: U> 10 (l::X Ko plant yicfrf* anything like as much nutriment fi-bAi the eftfne extent of soft at the banana. Baron Ilunibolctt t?fiihated* that it returns 20 times as ni'ieh as the potato, and 113 times as much as the Wheaf. In wheat culture more depen-s Upon the preparation of the soil than upon the rarietv of the seed., The more thorough the culture, the better the crop. It is better to drill in the seed than to sow broadcast. Seed wheat should be soaked in strotyg sail Water and a-fteitWards rolled in lim'c- to kill the spores. Sweeney,in Horses.?A correspondent of the incinnati Gazette takes, to eure? this disease, equal parts of tallow, bees wax, marrow (out of beeves' bones) and sliiep's tallow, and from one gill to ouc quart of warm witter also one tablcspoonful of suit, rut the-first four articles into a pot or kettle; melt them together; then put in tho other two articl* *,in 1 then apply it to the affected part of the horse; bathe in with a hot iron as hot as the horse can boar. You may work your horse? right along. A corespondent of the Country Gen tleman, writing from Hamilton Md., Ohio, bhvs the system of all good hog raisers in that region is to pasture hogs ? n clowr (hiring tlie sumsm-r.? lie pre sents, as the advantage of his plan, the statement that an acre of ground in ilovc?', will pasture live bog?- f*>Ui' month**, und that it will lake the corn from hail' an acre to feed them thestfine time. The cultivation ?l the corn ho counts crpiiil to the rent of the other half acre: flo further claims that hogs pastured* on clover are. in far better coivTi'timi'than if fed on com, as they are larger frame*!, healthier, and eat better; and also states that the land Ls enriched' by the clover pasturing. Gatiif.u Woods Diut,?When going to work in the fields uear the wood* lot, take along a shovel and carry home at noon and at night a load of forest loam, or else set apart a day and devote it entire ly to the purpose of collecting. Woods dirt', \s, 9110, of the best mulch cs that can be used; it is one of the absorbents for the stable, and as a loan and fertilizer for soil it cannot be excelled. It is good upon all kinds of soil, and as cheap as tho air. Leaves and loam form an excellent ma terial for house banking and for covering vegetables buried in the fields or garden. Nature has designed the fallen leaves as a shield to the tree roots against the frost; a thin coating being almost impervious to that element, they arc, therefore, exactly fitted for the use above mentioned. No better manure can be used upon the gar den, as it will make the soil light, airy and at the same time give itthe primitive qualities of fertillity. THE ORANGEIHJRG TIMES Is published every W E D N E S I) A Y, at ORANGEBURG, O.H., SOUTH CAROLINA BY HEYWARD & BEARD. SVBSCKiPTIOH BATES! $2 a rear, in advance?$1 for six iionths. JOB PRINTING in all its depai tin cuts, neatly executed. Give ut acall. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, Five hundred hurdicls of peas for which I will give the highest cauh prices, E. EZEKTEL, may c It Opposite Post OflW. liarawcll ('ownties for the Timiis!. A chance to make money. Apply immediately at $ - r ' i ( >j? THIS OFFICE.' Jewelry, Watches and Silverware. No. 307 KING STREET, Invites speciid attention to his iic\t, large nufl elegant stbek of \ tv ten es, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, aud Fancy Goods. All the newest designs iii Jeweiyi corrtfc prising: g-Ag-* Lcoininc, Opera Neclc and Veil Chain *, Sea) Rinus,8Diaj*>?c| &ings, always oh h&nd nnOTrnideao ordeF, Sleeve Button^ .and Studs, Bracelets, Brooches an 1 Eaf riugs, Armlots ami Necklaces, in GoKl and Coral.* Brditshes for Hair or Minia turea, Lockets, Chains and Masonic Pius, Glove Bands, at JAMES ALLAN'S, ! Wo. 307 KihgSirc-ty, j j A lew door* above Weutworth St'. . I may 8-3 irtb* " OWEN DALY'S 8TABLES.; , Tfcose lylVERY ABLE* a*> ?rtnated on Assembly and on Washington streets, .AUen ti.^e hostter? and'good^drivers always present, 'fliehest stock and the best turnouts in the city, including ro'ekaways, brctts, buggies,, etc., etc., for family use, or for parties, or pleasure, will be furnished at short notice. Our terms an safe, our prices are liberal, and our stock equal to the . 13 AUOTIOIK SALSS. 00 TTIURStfA'-f, etil ins'., at the rosidenci of K. W. FKNX, hue residence of J. S. K. Uj Gnrc, at 2 o'clock I*. M., Llousehold Furniture! Reds, Redding, (.'rookery, (.'coking, Utensils and imp'em'MUs'geii'jr.UK- u ed in tho, "hoitpe hold-'?aiaa can be had. {?j^Sule positive. Terms casb. may 1 the ?iwhSoS^?ui a l. 1 am pleased to inform the citizens ofOr angeburg and vicinity that I have opened a Rarbc-r .Shop, over the Store of Captain lirig',' mann, where I am ready to -erve them in my profeHHion, which consists of Hair Cutting, Shaving, Siv.unp^oning.-H-;ir-dri>sing and such other work na belongs to the tonsorial art. 1 aaktrial. .JOHN ROBINSON. may 1 -3mo JOB 7R3MTX?*C3 AT THE ???TIMES*' OFFICE. Circ itlars, 1 ?egCll Blank s*, Cai-cls a'lid' Pbctoi'ts, Executed \vitii malnc?* and dispatch. DRUG STORE! Rr}* the liberal patronnfce which I have thus fir received from the citizens of OhtfhgeUiirg ! end*the Continence shown in me by very nilm I ? r?Ua f.-.'l ft; take the opportunity of ex pros ing ihy siiK-i-Vl? gratitude in* the "Orangsbilrg Times." Tho encouragement of past pritron I age and kindness induces a strong* faith in i future success, and, while thanking my friend* for past favors, I can assure them that nothing will be left undone to deserve their continuing patronage. My store is essouttafly a Drug Store; where will be kept such Drugs, and Medi cines alone, as I will Warrant genuine and Pure. I have arranged "to*1 supply my customers with Medicines ?TlKcVery best quality afforded in the market. I avoid all clu .ip useless articles, and yet my prices shall be as reasonable for valuable, good, fresh Medicines asanybody's. 1 invite the Physicians of the District to call rftul examine for themselves" They are judges to whose opinion I biibmit.- Send vour orders and they will be filled to your satisfaction. Just received a stock of pure', liicc'rcincs consisting of Rrtiidanum, Puragqric, (.'astofdil Sweet Oil, I'pb-om' Salts, Cream Tartar, Cub/ Soda, &c, Dye Sintis, Paints and Brfifilles, CdH Cent rated Jjye, Patent Medicines of all kinds. .lust call at the .VcAiOicrit Drug Store on hn* sell Street, and you will be stnetoget what yoff' want. A. C. l>\ K\:k THE SINGER STILL -TRIUMPHANT! Tilt NEW FAaflLY SINGER* SEWING MACHINE, WITH A"TTAClt>l KNTS loll A Iii. KJ.N1S "F U'OIIK is fast winning favor in the household asshinvn by the rapidly increasing sales. ThisNK ll'FAMIli J'SR JK.NO M/H'IIIN H is capable of a range and variety of Work shell as was once thought impossible to perform by machinery. Ho eli'tTr/'and can show ihnt it M the cheapest, most beautiful, dclieitelr arrang ed, nicely adjustcdl easily operated, and smooth ly running of nil the Family Sewing Machines It is remarkable not only for the range ami va riety of Its sewing, hnt'aUo for the variety and diflorentkinUifoftextnre which it will sew with" equal facility and perfection, using silk t"M?t, linen or cotton thread', tine or coarse, making the Interlocked ftutttc-Ktich, alike on both sides of the fabric sewtf* Thus, beaver cloth, or leather, may he sewn with great strength and uniformity of stitch; and, in a moment, this willing and never*wearying instrument may be adjusted for line work on gauze or go*-, mcr tissue, or the '.ticking of tarlatan, or milling, or almost any other work which delicate fingen have been known to perform. At the World'? Fair, it receivco/ iho grea award of the highest sales-! . . J. K. R'nTT-E, Agent, Sale?-roofii*t-Engine Ho*.) e Orangiburg, S.0 inch 6 " fsnr-.' Primd sS?^JJffJe ?nS Sugars- at prices to please; W ?Aooisr, MAPES' PHOSPHATE BROWN'S COTTfJj?* g^LAl^E Always uj^TiaiKLr" JOUN*A.?#AMII/r 4!: fob 21-1 yr Market Street. , 10 >*tfc| ? .4 I am prepared to furnish SASllEr* BLINDS. Doors, Mantels, and every style of inside wore, at'.tho shortest nptice, itntt nfh?&l ?nftoiial, at Baltimore rates, adding freight. Cull iu and see catalogue. lloTk warranted. Tffcr jtflllK A. I1.1 MILTON, mch 13-lyr <3raiiaelmi*K.|^|C. I'lllI C. D. BLUMEgArtt wlitre ho isprcpArcd cn-eotypos^- = *? ; remTypef^ 'etc, Ina few minutes at the lowest possible rates. - Halk up to ilnf (firterjyovi'sr Mr- F. H. If Briggnianfi's Store,' if yon trailt to obtain ? a present that is always apyr^cchiti.d by Lov^r Sweethearts* und '.others, vi/,: Yourself* Si.i* fiction guaranteed, ui^y 1-tfv ? WOOSsI W??L! The subscriber-witl 'pay tin1 lights' prices for WOOL, washed, or lurry. Would also invite u'.teiiliun to tin' Honte Shuttle Sowing Machine. $2? to bo run by hand. S:>7 with table. This Machine is ofthoJocR-Ktiieh pat torn, and id equal in finish and petf t tnance to the $7? Matrhiiics Ol othe'i patterns. Call anil examine. ?1 *r 24 ,k)h N A. ha Mil ffpX. KirSt Robinson, DtSAtmn ix ^ B k.'ks, Mu?h?$3(! Stationary, ami'Fanc\ Articles, .4 7' THE ENGINE HOUSE, OUA-NGERCKtt, c. h., s. c. tn'eh li Attovneys A t I .\ w, OKA:?i:Llit:;u:,-(!:! 11.. S. C, M \i.< ?i.>: I.MhtowxiiiO'. A. F. Fnr'.WNiNu inch 0-1 \r ? - ?- - i'EkS^ER A DANTZLER, D 13 1ST T T S rr S . Ofcansf>!>t*rg. S. 0.. Office over store of Win'. Willcok. F. Fkiwnkk, P.* A- !&XT/.*,Etf. I). 1?. s. ! i. h V2 :ta?.) r CS-eorge S. Shirer, ( O M MIS Sl ON M ERC ha NT Wholesale Dealer in und Importer of FI WE WIXES, LIQUORS, ALUS AM HEAVY GROCERIES, ?Cc. feh 14-3inos W. J. DoTreville, A TTORN eY AT LA W . Oliiee at Court. House Square, Orangeburg, S. ('. mch 13 lyr 1ZL.VH <& lYIl^lVT.K, attorneys at f,.l>y, k i rss e e e ? ktr dtt, Orangeburg, S. c. Jas. F. A. Drama:, meh t) lyr Tlio C 'h fist ini"i X< -i?jrlil >< >r Is published every Thur.-day in Columbia,S.C., iiy SIDI. H.BROWNE, Editor A Prop'tr The Neighbor, now In it-* fifth year, con tinue** an advocate of ? hristuuiity against all other religions?'"war" religions iu particular. As a church paper, it is n.U'bi;.'"tcd, bill Metho dist. f 1 A Though it has never as] iiedfn tlie horortjoi prolits o!" an ''olHcial," yet lhiwNc:ghl:<.,* Is a jehtiikh paper, anil an oruran <>? 4>difieaih*ff to I the family, the school and the church?to all who may read it. Excepting the j>u'.lie aliens at jf.Jlh*. ilb Teiin.. the ( T*l? Ighbo'r, like all flic other neiiodieals in ihu llift rc-ts of the M V. Chinch, South, is pii lite properly; And ex, ccpting it wcoklv of the African M. K Church, tlieh? is not, bildes the Neighbor, a Muthndist paper of any sort published ih South Carolina, or \\ \ bin a hundred miles outside. Terms . :Onc year in advance, S*J.()(?; eix month ,' jSl.OU. If payments be surely made within three months, it is accpled as in advance vlny pers-jfi sending S?.Ot) for other.?, shall I have his r wr. pa) er r. year for Sl.fiO; for $10.00 Rent for others/the ponder shall have bis ovn paper a whole vefcr free; or, on ail amounts above ono'a oWn subscription, a confimivdon of 20 per cent, will be aHowcd. The NeJ^box/circrlatrpg atpreser.tir. thirty States of tao Lxlca? wants,! an ftttivo agcat. for every rnwr. arid DeiJrbhorhoOfl ir. ScutS Ctueo->' linaanrlbeycAl.- t ^ I Arfdrefs: C'ilKl.-iTIAN NEIGflBoR, apr '27 Columbia, S.O. WILHAMS, WUfflE & CO?, 0^m|sS^N !t|EKCIIA"NT3, 05 lienver street and 29 Ecchange Place, N. Y 11-30 _ l^?Ti WALE. L jQj CO-tJa GI lit K JL witlfchnie . ; l'rh\lr 0 by 8 inche.s will be soM AN>SUI and Hol kr. for Jiaif of origtiialco?r. * AfMress. F. P. BEAKD, ? _Columbia. S. C. IIAELE3TON, S. C. I3?AIID, PEIi DAY, Sfi.?O tt.'"Hamilton, Mi?. M. L. ButterGckl, ?j, t 6)ijj^t'i(ffnfcvic Office 'opposite tue C^iunhin Hotel, in rear of Mr. \Y. J. Dutiie's Book Store. [QU ff GEO. IIUGG1NS. ^13-20 Agent. Agents/anted Everywhere. TtoyT^irjfu^gfr'^ ificiunud wuntMj A^iupjfo. nagariruAndVsplf n.IIrf prcmhftn CTIroiho to svery Buh-icribcr. All the margin given . tgents... ?D ptre<-ntity>ro!tt. Don't deiav ! AddrVs 1'. '1. KK II CO., apr-0 Portland, A/o. DR: T. IIEKWICK LEGAHE, ~ D ENT1 Ii ? U U C* E'OK, Giad'iale, Baltimore College Dental :?! 77 Q A ZI Surgery. 0/?.r<-, Market ttreet. Orer Store ?>.'./. A: Hamilton: leb 14 I* 1 1 LV< r.-!M 1 I LIFE TNStirVNCF.: COMPANY We are desironsofsecaih?'.,- theser". let^'ofu lud f ! louoi canvassing agent* in South * ihm tor J (to t X I V 1 ,li"VV LT.rFK I NSUl: AN'.?E COM l'.WY, nl'Xi'w York, ?frtli whom HUeTrtlu rttM , will hp made. We desire also, responsible lo ?id a-rents for cacl/ t? to be excelled for cheapness in tho town. Come and see for your.-viw1?:. JP-^ir'All per.-mis indebted to iuu must pay up imaiediat'dy. an I urn compelled to close my books. A word to the wie ''is sufficient. .1. P. II ARLE Y. fob 21 i*. stok k's j C?lttiribia, S. ( Main St., Opposite the Phmnix Office Kien- constantly on hand a full line of Staple and Fancy Stalionarv, ami a large assortment of Writing Dv^ks, Ladies' Werk R?xes,'AUnthiA, Autograph*. Port Folio-*, l Sold I'cnsand Pencil Cases, PorliaonicJ, &cj, Ac. a.sSbenn's, Clerk".-, Judgs of Probate, County Comniisionrrs, Ac, on bund and made to* order-?mied to any Pattern, of the best Taper .and materials, with or without prime'd Headings; et-'o prrged or indexed, in required/ Special attention given to the Infolding of Mnsie.Periodieabt, Law Books, and all the otfier \york in his line. 13-20 JAMBS oi^ in WATCllLS, CLOCKS, .li*WFL?tV: STF.Jl LING SILVLW, rfeia l a' i.r.-, iCvn-GnASSKi and F.vst v Goons No. ."'?7 King street, Ciidrlenion, .V t . I -20 \. ihVlTANCrSrnT I 3 f\ \ l'\ (j v n t . lMP(iril>R OL AM) I) P. A LEU B i \J ft is s EG A H S-. TOB AC CO, PIPES jr\ ANtr I>A N< V ARTICLES. IC-ING KT HE ET, CHARLESTON, S. c. Apl D2-.3 ifrios; DANIEL 11. SI I AO \ PC UN IT CHE WARE-ROOMS, Nos. 17b and ]?'.> King street,corner of ClifTord i harle?ton, S. C. A full and large a^rtment continually on hand and at the lowest prices. Call and ox s.nine*, av 1-Om GEORGE TLPPER, BEOK-ER, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGKNT, Orrosnr. CcnuMDi.v Hotel, Main sthklt Columbia, S, C. 1 Special Noticed BURNETT'S FLAVORING EXTRACTS. ?The superiority of thfee extracts J cdnsL-ta' In their perfect purity ahd great strength. They are warranted free .from poisonous Vila and acids. Joseph Burnett & Co., Boston, Manu facturers und ? Proprietors. For solo by ail grocers and druggists. NATURE GIVES US TEETH, butehedoes not preserve and purify them. That must be done with fragrant Sozodont' The dental bone and its enamel casing arc made invulnerable to all destructive influences by tho daily u.s of this beneficent preparation. J ? f i WHAT EVERY HORSES*AN WANTS.? A good, cheap and reliable Lintment. Such au article in Dr. Tobias" Hone Liniment, Pint bottles at one dollar. For Lameness*, Cut), Galls, Colic, Sprains, Ac., wurrante'd better than any other, Sold by the DruggLtts. D liver*, by Caswell, Hazard A Co.. NO* YctlfV"It' sotutoly pure and sweet.. Psticnis. who hav? once taken it ptefer if'to aM" Other*. Physicians have decided it iupcrior to any of the other oijs in the inavkcl.' Jill'VlNS Inwd'.r.iis,.I\iJ Glove (.leaner restore.: sbild gloves cpual to yewi For sale by Druggists and Funcv (ioons of mothers can'testify, mch Olyr ESale Academy, or..iNr;i:BURCi,c. n.s.v. ' TERMS Pi ll MONTH : Eugii.h $4.00 Classical.5.00 JiliiES S. HEYW.1RD, Teacher. Sl^l-T?^E^? ilOTElL ORANGEBUUa, S. C. I am pleas * 1 to inform my numerous friends throughout] the State that 1" have purchased the "Tiaadwell Hotel," and am now re-juvenr. ting and fixing it up in the most modern style. '!!:.'? tah'c* are v.vll furnished from the Charleston market '. I guarantee full tatis faetion. Wr'. A. MERONEY, Proprietor. npr 20_ *. H. XXNARD i Cne rcor South Columbia Hotel. I We are no w opening one of the most de.-irabl ' slocks of i> n x g o o i> s ? ' / r \ I \ % i 11 t i \ . vir oiUied In t'ii- market, consi.?ug of the most popular styles of !-> R E S S GOODS;5 ! lActsT, IRISH l.lNLNS, HC^ILPY. GLOY ES, With a full and'r.*?mpk'tt- stock of heo'-y CASSINI ER ESi LINSE YS. SHE El INGS AND 8U1R T.INGS. We hr?'?herihg 6ur stick at greatly reduced riricoR, and will gnaran?>.-j to please any and all. both a-s to price, and quality 9f goods. Wee?li?it a call, facliag ta.tlr.nod that we cermet fail to rlear.e. 2 3mo:, J. H. KIN ARD. DI*. L>. ij. BOOZF.R, Surgeon Dentist, 1- preiiarc.l to execute his professional work in the. neuteet and most perfect manner. O Arco over DuiSo & Gh apman'e, Opposite the Columbia Hotel, Columbia, S C. "WHOLESALE GROCERS JLND BANKERS, rAYNE ST?KET, ston, S. 0. COLUMBIA HOTEL, COL.U31B/A, c? Tlii4 ?rat-claw and entirely hew eeuUUb ineut, loeatc-J in the basinets midst of ?oute ^ar?ltba'a Cafitt, a?b modatiomujthc tis. nent guests. Large Air/ Boom?, degan?/ fur LadtJ and Centimen'? Balls, Lot 'aJ?SJ BillhuU-Boom, famished with Phelaa A Col lenderV Tbeat T*bl Improvements of a firat-class 1 ia in eil coast*. flMsa?jbtfiflfcfeMBAtfflft Tbc proprietor having h#a an experience fr: yearly > gnarter of ty' f yjf Jn^iltttgjfc*?* of tiio Charleston Hotel, & sufficient guaxifftfe* thrntthe 'ix jLUKIBIA" wttl*e (bond to *ey J. D. Bl-DDA, Jas. F. O 1MEW 0002)8. SPRING 1872. We ara. no\r. *JU5>HnjPi jip ihtr new1 sitflw -In Dress Oooda, Embroideries, I.nccj?, Tr??miagv, IC&sjImera and. Cloths, Hosiery and Glove*; PriutK, Cambrics, Carpels, Matting, Windww Shades, \c. Our budneaa ia conducted on the or.e price system. We keep only standard makes of. Goods, and sell them at uniformly Low Price*. #aT Bargains tins week. apr 2? Fagan: 13 rot hers. Main ^'troct, between Lady and Washington, ' 'Coimnlla, S. C. rSrloiy Chamber, Dining-Boem, and all kinds o^JSurpiture, from the l>efit innnufa in NcW'A'ork, Baltimore and Plubdelpbla. anr 27?-6tuo_I-1 rV? HOUSE F?RItflS?W 0003)8, New Crockery/Plated A\varc, table Cut (Under Coluiabit iiotel.) Columbia, 8?>S*^. apr onio OTTO ^OiVTAW DYERAXli SCOURER0* GENT'8 COATS, PANTS AND HATS. Ac., CH/;?LEgroy, 8. C:_' Carolina'* LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Patronize Southern Companies ??'Southern men. The Carolina Life is represented by such men as Jell'. Daria and. Bade Hampton; it needs r.n other recommendation. General John D. Ken? nedy is the General State Agent, E. W.Siebels, Agent in charge of the office at Columbia, 8. C. apr 27-3mo .-;xw*r&v _' A: i G?IC AUF M A 1$a lliter a ncl JB N'? zh BR?ttT) STR i St-jlV'Collections of Commercial reaper Dividends, CYmpnnwp'&e., A'c, recejve ?especial attention. .m l^-*-3mos (P LAIN ST R E ET ,) eoXu>iBiA;?c.t,u Board - ? - .$2 F*r IU// 1 . p. B. CLAYTON, Proprietor. ? E-JTABLISIIEn Iti 18f? t.' .UlT SELL FOSTER. iMroirvLua axu nn.vir.rtH in Pancv ^oods, Notions, Fancy ?ress Good?, Cloves, liadies7 dloth Cloaks,. Worsted ftQPgs, Trimmed Hats - BSillinerv and S^ra^ Groods No, 27 Hayne Street, GEO. W. WIL1aTAMrW& CO.? CHURCH STREET, Charlc ton, S. C