?!*?? us? ofUaiK?I ..rtawilt) .^ffr*?/ BM==?y - " n..r?,,'-v , .u a ,r,.; l%2ftl^ ?SStO?n^ -W*-1*^! dll ,fitodh^-din Uuttaa m>t li> dq^^r4jfco|-5 indibsolubly firm; God ?and ^?TiTKirJBltD' ?iifeijaXii*.M toX adMor?mrl-- >T .tnoaiot X flUy^:* -, ? J-,,,Y .?-.:? :_~-~~?_( ?ob hOi gogti fam ily gfcisfc gnlfwo aoo* ? Jill ?muJiA ?/ifWjun inn :i*ni:tiB n'\ I ADVANCE ??' OBA9TGEBUR^ SOUTI* ^AROTLIIVA^ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1872, 3*?^ THE OBANGEB?RG TIMES , I? published ?tWrf ^""U Hr .bastrtoTbn OTfl'-^fjf vaaf^ntplli? nj ]&Wf?Bf?l&, ?; H., SOUTH CAROLINA ni too wcqoTq a lt>ct CfaJ^riolioA .-ir >t? osio * ?*-irS}^taoie* ttkHM ?V? ?0? '''ne^liUAi- ?QirtfiWWfl?05'** 11 j iL "What is this that He Saith; A Little Wniie^-Johniei 18. ' 1 Oh I for the peace which floweth on a river ! Making life's desert-place* bloom find omilc. Oh ! for a'fttuTto gra-p llcaveu'o bright "tbr ? tJ ? ipverV* a'%vf v1*^ ol H * ft\n oj t:at t . Ar*M thtV shtddw* of earth's little while. ft h$jwy*tfr Yjk?>'jiiT litta ol ii/o f "A little while," for pitient vigil-keeping, To face the Morm, to wrestle with the strong; ' " A little while," to sow the wed with weeping. Then bind tho ehea.ves and (dug the harvest ! .1. aopf.fclodwf adj n'a^ia- c lobnii t/or ; ? of the Fountain head. ?"A Utile whit^'Mn Veep the: oil from failing; ' A little while,'? faith'* flickering lamp to trim And ?Vn the brich^roora's coming footstep t l^nmM.}\)aiJj^Aj'iri4x -v -lv'1 -? ? 1 To haate to meet Him with the hrtdal hymn. And He who U once,both g\ft and giver, The future Rhtry. and the preunt smile, H'ith the,brii?ht promino of the giad'"forever," trill liglit shadows of the "little while." i ni i>.n mi nil', ig mm ? in i- ????? CLARA HELL'S STRATAGEM ??'!?? <1? gittO'j yi'tg tp:fl *?fj ;i.;'-!j I J; Uppcrtetidon was in a blaze, for the ?daughter of a man oi" millions was about to nuikc her dehn t into fashionable society. No one t.o'.ild t?jl from whence Pctor Bell c;unc, hut be bad recently arrived from some foreign clitne, purchased an el egant nn-town mansion, and it was whis pered that large stuns ol money had been placed to bin credit at a number of the inctro|M>litiui bunks. True, Mrs. Grundy t-aid that Peter had formerly held the po t-itiou of "gentleman's gentleman" inKn glnnd, had married a "roaid-of-all-work," und, al ter having saved up a little money, had sailed for Australia, and had there succeeded in ainaKsiug an immense for tune. But he was n matt of gold now, and what he had been must by no means bo called into question?ho wbb an aristocrat now. Especially were the young men of New York iu a flutter, fur a sole heiress was to be won by some person, Some affirmed that Clara Bell was another Psyche, while others declared that sho was a coarse, red-bait cd, red-faced thing, ignorant and brazen, with a temper like, a hyena, and one of the greatest female tyrants that ever wore petticoats. But no matter. Tho lucky winner of her bund would receive, as an accom paniment, a rousing dowry, and a prinoe ly sura when her parents died. So the fops gave their mustaches an extra French twist, and got themselves up generally in the most improved style, for tho invita . tions had already been issued for the gatheriug at the Bell mansion, and the event was to transpire that very evening. Among those especially interested was ?one who was an espucial favorite with the lady portion of tho circle in which ho moved. He was a young Frenchman, 1 inndAome and polished in his manners, ami he gloried iu tho title and name of ( ount Henri de Lave. He was not a man of great intellect, hut he possessed a fund of soft nothings in the shape of vi .?r?'1' - ' ? ? ?>?"- .'? , '?? ? -n-; words, and ha knew just where and when tousothorutoplcu.se. 7 I For more than an hour Count De Lave had ctood in front of his mirror, arrang ing his immaculate self, for the conquest he anticipated making. A huge gem glittered in ^is.spotiess shirt-bosom,but an expert could easily detect the fact that it -was only an imitation, and Upon the little finger of tho right, hand u there was worn another Jewel of.still, greater bril liancy. It was a real diamond.,!, Throwing himself into an teasy, chair, he glanced at an unpaid,, pvardjbill lying upon, the table badde liini,and then gazud long and earnestly upon his ring. After a time, with a deep sigh, he exclaimed: "It is ze last. I eauuot leave, zis grand hotel for zis is ze place for ze rich Count Henri He Lave. Ze ring must be pop to-morrow, unlets"?-rpand he laughed as he continued . "unless some of ze fair ladies should be unfortunate enough to lose some valuable article to-night, and I should be so fortunate as to fiiid it. We shall sec." ' _ : ; ~ ' 1 | An hour later tho count enter the sa-p clous parlors of the Bell mansion. Kis appearance wad a uignal for a general flutter among the fair, and he bowed in the most approved style to many he had previously met, and upon each he be stowed a well-timed compliment, all of which were received with simpering ae 'knowlcdgcmcnts which showed how highly gratifying were bis words. He was met by Mr! and Mrs. Hell? plain/ unassuming'people?and weleom-' cd cordially. Alter making as he sup posed a favorable impression upon thorn, he asked : ? Shall we foon see ze meteor of zo eve ning?zc grand queen of ze fete? 'We cannot ret t until her dazzling splendors flash upon us, which must delight ze eye and thrill ze heart." "Do you mean mv daughter'.'' asked Mr. Bell. "Yes monsieur, I mean ze lairy you have ze grand pleasure to call by that name." "She will be down presently." While waiting for the "Kvcning Star," tho count upproached a group of holies, and hearing their words, his attention was drawn toward a young man, who sat apart by himself unnoticed and un known. "Who can he he?" asked one. "A handsome man, at all events," said another. "A decidedly plcbian expression of face; and certainly not of our circle," said a third. "I can tell you who he is," said an ex quisite otanding near. "Oh, tell us?tell us." "His name is Walter ClyfT. Ho lan ded in this country from Italy only about a month ago. It is said that be is a painter, but as he has no reputation as yet, he is not blessed with a supera bundance of greenbacks. Yesterday I saw him with a ragged coat upon his hack trying to dispose, of a picture in ?Broadway. By chance, Mr. Bell camo in at the moment, and taking a fancy to the young man, although a stranger to him, engaged him to paint the family portraits. I suppose ho has been paid something on account, and thus been en abled to replenish hia dilapidated ward robe." "And doubtless Mr. Bell baa invited him to be present to-night." "No doubt of it" "What presumption." "Truo?but we must treat him civilly on account of the family." "I shan't notice him, the presuming i pauper." "Nor I?nor I" chimed fft"tia&a-4oT, zen voices, f At this moment every voice was hush ed, for tjie great event ^pf the evening was about to transpire. Every, eye was directed toward the door, through which the hell was to appear. She came, and there was a low mur j nvirjndicative of disappointment. Sho was disgustingly "plebian''?a squatty, red-haired, red-faced girl, with small, twinkling eyes, a pug nose, a roost capa cious mouth, and there was a duck like waddle in her walk. Her dress was ri diculously .picturesque iu its variety of bright eojora;,worn quite, short, and her feet were encased in a . pajr. of shoes such as probably would have-feeen selected by a country milk-maid fur burn yard work. She walked down tho eentre of the parlors with about as much grace as a pig on stilts would have done, grin ning and bowing right and left while she vigorously wagged a huge Chinese fan, which seemed to cause her considerable effort. Once she stopped to re-arrange a necklace of brilliants, and to re-claBp a bracelet Svhich had become partially detached from her arm. Her waiting maid followed her. This latter person was a perfect marble of beauty, her dress consisting of sirriple white .Swiss, without the. simplest sign of an ornament of any "description. Her movements were graceful, and her man ner that of extreme modesty. A hundred admiring iy "Where's my maid? .She ahalldance. And who is this talking With . heft*. He vor mind?ho shall bo her. pariner/! and she seized Walter and the.young, girl,' dragging them both on the floojc^uT^ | <0| This was almost too much for pome of the fashionables, but they, swallowed the "iiisult,";and the dancing was! renewed.- ' Certain it was that the maid bocamo the. center of attraction, so far as the gentle men were concerned, and the envy of the ladies. .Even De Lave sighed as his eyes followed her graceful movement, and, he i could not but draw the contrast between /servant and niistris*. | bra v*\ tt*:*)i? ?|j Miss Bell noticed this, and she became 1'urimisly jealous in a moment. After the dance was over,and the maid seated, the .mistress i approached , her, And ex claimed in a loud and angry voice: "You.impudcut ..bAwzy.^you'ro always trying to cut me out, with your doll face, C*o to your room and don't let me sec you. ugain to-night." At.t^io same time Miss Boll-ga VC her a ; smart blow witb her .fiUbtabftrt tbi(jlu bua J4ilrj?b A i? u n'f j ?i The girl colored deeply, and. instantly left the apartmant. But in her mortifi catiou, she had one source of consolation. The young artist had looked his sympa thy, and she felt sure be would have spoken kind words had opportunity been afforded him. . It was but a few moments, after this bofore considerable excitement was man ifest, and then tbe announcement came that one of tho lady guests had lost a . braceleth^Lwith diamonds, aud value/1' at two thousand dollars. A most dili gent search was made, but it was no where to be found. The loser was a little dried-up speci men of female loveliness, owning to thir ty* but paint and powder could not make so great a doduction from the fifty win ters which had probably passed over her head. In a spiteful manner, while she pretended to weep, she. exclaimed: "A robbery has been committed, and such a thing has never occurred before where our circle have met. There is one stranger present, aud he is not of us. I demand that he be instantly searched." "Do you refer to me, madam?" asked Walter Clyff, springing to his feat, and turning very pale. "I, do, sir," was the sneering answer. "Then I demand that you shall search me." "No?I would not dirty my fingers I with such a canaille as you. Mr. Bell should protect his guests, aud I demand that he make a search!" "If Mr. Clyff is willing," returned Bell. "Perfectly," answered the artist. The search Was made, but the mis?ing jewol was not found. This operation over, tho host turned, and bow ing to his guests, said: "Ladies and gentlemen, this ii my first party, aud it will be my last. Good I The mcnuing could not be . mistaken, and ouo by one tho company took their leave. As the loser of tho diamonds did so, a check of double their \ aluo was pla<^f?i4i^jb^d?,-^4"f,^< i??}1 re marked: ?ifj taodgthridi \io Inolbcti "Be kind enough,, raadame, .tet^ffpiit myself and family of,- any binmo in ihia matter "riaoin t a v?l cw rf^iWrflF .i?w De Lave was the l*s> to dcpnrt, and as he went down- the steps, Bell called .after him, saying: - ? i < ijtcojihw I "Come again to-morrow, parley vous." . ."By gar!" was the,: ^wachwan's solil oquy, as he proceeded : toward his hotel; "zi3 4a a good -. night's work.: A two thousand;set of diamonds,, and an; heiress rffWlfci:i m ?diuo8 ^ris !!? ai J*d* ,no is a, jl|?e next .4ay, iand .< every,: dftji for a month, fmind him a regular visitor at Jhej B^;,rAans>oflKi;JS^ suit prospered finely, and the;ed.,v^ 1 odw , "Time enough/' eaAd .theMdq, ?hj*l Meantime the young artist had been busily engaged upon his pain'iuga. The maid had become his subject, and ho loved her. .i For did;he love iu yain. He was an i accepted lover?one. mpr^ i,day was to make him a happv hu?ba?Ox>n;> One morning tho entiro;party;were as semfcled. in ;the ?, parier, andf, th e j young girl whispered to her French (lover: "Now(is,the time tp^aak .t^t)Hlfidffti> and woman, i Out with.ih parley' yftus.', Do Lave addressed rjtbe %fg&g&* *ay ?Kf?'fiuta bua * >Hloi Wt a^'ahtb/ia^ "I deeply, love *i# J^^tfuA:^te?fa)re, Have.4,,yourjtfJ^ wifef": ,.? ?iJlo?aomom? "Of course you have. You, .shall ,bo married in church, t^l?5>rj)%w,?eyeing. That's the time AValter ClyflV and my daughter are to be united >?dff \o "Your daughter!" crfed Wajter, spring ing to his foot. .... vflofV! "Your daughter!" echoed the French man. "Why, it isyour. daughter I wish toffiGD^'tfhoq has ?sjfamv jteasferurd "Is it? Why I tliought you worein love with my redheaded servant girl, who sits so lovingly by,your side." The secret was out, and De Lave wait ed to hear no more. Ho bolted down the house iu double-quick time, and rushed down the strcot like a madman, lie was seen no more. The young artist was deceived, al though agreeably so, when he found that ho was to wed the mist w?, and not tho maid, That was settled, and it was also settled, that no more ?hoddyparties should take place at the B^ll mansion. Newspaper Propriety?It is not a very charitable or broad vjew Which takes it for granted that such newspapers of the country as avoid sensationalism do 80 from fear of suits for libel. It might just as reasonably be objected) by profligate per sons to men of good character that they are moral and decent because virtue, is economical. To meet such a cavil, as ap plied to newspaper, (says the Baltimore Sun,) it is enough to say that if editors choose to make them the medium of im purity, they can do so without incurring the penalties of libel. It is quite possible to mnke a newspaper an indecent publi cation without assailing any particular individual. The great aim of a journal in this regard should be to respect the delicacy and purity of the public, and whenever it becomes necessary to chroni cle occurrences of a scandalous character to discharge the unpleasant duty in m brief and delicate terms as possible, and bo as not to minister to sensationalism or pruriency. This much is demanded la tho interests of public virtue and decency as well as of the family cirelesinto which newspapers find their *ka.fi -um? ? mm* - Wo muatrotireiuwsrd, says St. Bernard, if wo m ould ascend upward.