THE NEWBERRY SUN, NEWBERRY, S. C. Always Works SUNNYSIDE r STRETCH, I TELL YOU WWAT. INSTEAD'' OF ME G1VIKG YOU A REGULAR. WAND- OUT FOR NOTHIN', PUSH THIS -BROOM ^ UNDERSTAND, I WOULDN'T SUFFER THIS HUMILIATION IF THERE WASN'T SOMETHING IN VOUR HUMBLE ESTABLISH MENT I PEARLY DESIRE/ VVELL, DEPENDS. what is rr you DEARLV DESIRE? by Clark S. Haas A book-agent rang the front door bell, and smiled when the middle- aged lady of the house appeared. “Can I see the lady of the house?” “Well, yes, you can, unless your eyesight’s bad,” she snapped bel ligerently. “Oh, beg pardon, madam! Are you the lady of the house?” “Yes, I am. Who did you take me for? Did you think I was the gentleman of the house, or the next door neighbor, or the cat, or the dumb-waiter?” “I didn’t know, madam, but you might be the youngest daughter.” “Oh, did you? WelL that was natural, too,” she replied with a smile. “What can I do for you, sir?” SOMETHING IN COMMON Little Willie: “Mom, you said the baby has your eyes and Dad dy’s nose didn’t you?” Mother: “Yes. darling.” Willie: “Well, you’d better watch him, he has grandpa’s teeth now.” Keep Oat Husband: "Why did you wallop me last night?” Willie: “Well, you’d better watch self, and I don’t allow strangers in the house.” MUTT AND JEFF nr By Bud Fisher Good Neighbor Policy Little boy from next door, calling on neighbor: “If the little boy next door ever bothers you practicing on the piano, you might try complain ing to my mother.” Common Property Betty showed up with a new en gagement ring. All the girls ad mired it and three of the girls recognized it. It’s a Tough Life A girl has gotten divorced so many times she doesn’t know where her next heel is coming from. Business Discussion “You can’t sit on Daddy’s knee tonight—he’s had a busy day at the office.” Helping Father “I prevented a serious auto mobile accident to-day.” “Really?” "Our chauffeur said that if I didn't kiss him he’d run the car off the road, so I must have saved Father at least a thousand dol lars.” Take Your Choice JITTER By Arthur Pointer WYLDE AND WOOLY By Bert Thomas Patient: “What! Three dollars for pulling a tooth? You certainly earn your money quickly.” Dentist: “Oh, if you prefer, I can do it very slowly.” REMINDER Robinson: “Who was that man you just raised your hat to?” Green: “That? Oh, that was my barber. He sold me a bottle of hair restorer a month ago, and whenever I meet him I let him see what a frr.ud he is.” NICE TIMING “I’m through with that girL I’ll never take her out again." “Why, what’s the trouble?” “She asked me if I could dance.” “And what’s wrong with that?” "We were dancing when she asked.’’ Mixup The two doctors found their new patient in a strong perspiration, and both put their hands undei the bed covers in order to feel his pulse, but, by accident, got bole of each other’s hand. “Nothing serious,” said one doc tor. “He’s probably drunk,” said the other doctor. The Joker They laughed when I sat down to play—the cards were marked Accidents Among Leading Causes of Death in U. S. CHICAGO.—Are accidents now the leading cause of death in America? In a sense—yes. Accidents take a greater toll of productive years than any one natural cause of death, according to a study by the American Medical Association. More actual deaths still are caused by heart disease, cancer and cerebral hemorrhage. But the report points out that such deaths usually befall older persons after their working lifetimes are ended. In the usual working age span of 20 to 65, accidents claimed 1.75 million work years: heart disease, 1.5 million; pneumonia, one million; and cancer, one million, forty thousand. What to give? What to give? If that question has you running a.’ound in circles this Christmas, here’s a smart suggestion. Make a list of your friends who enjoy smoking. Then take the list into your neighborhood dealer. He has a well-stocked array of gay gift cartons of Camel cigarettes—yes. mild flavorful Camels that bring pleasure with every puff. And for the pipe smoker or the man who likes to roll his own. your dealer will show you pound tins of Prince Albert Smoking Tobacco—the Na tional Joy Smoke. Both these popu lar gifts come all dressed up in special, colorful Christmas wrap pings. You don’t even have to fuss with a personal ^rueting card—it’s built right into the package for your easy-writing convenience. You’ll be good to your friends and kind to your budget if you send them Camels and Prince Albert! —Adv. Sure helps you shake off COLDS say thousands about good tasting SCOTT’S EMULSION If colds hang on, or you catch them often, maybe yon don’t get enough natural A&D Vitamin food. Then start taking good- testing Scott's Emulsion! See how promptly it helps break up a cold and helps build you up, so you feel your own self again ! Scott’s is a HIGH ENERGY FOOD TONIC—rich in natural A&D Vitamins and energy-building natural oiL Economical. Buy today at your drug store. MORE Ihaii fust a tonic — if’«powerful nourishment! SCOTTS EMULSION High Ehcrgy tonic * Bine Serge It's a cinch to get rid of the stuff that blue serge picks up. Take a large piece of adhesive tape and rub the sticky side over the serge. AMERICAS GARDEN SPOII Weal CM- mate. Year around Farming and Grazing for Poultry, Hog and Cattle Raising. St. Joseph aspirin WORID'S LARGEST SELLER AT.ICX- WHY BE A CHAIN CIGARETTE SMOKERY Thousands have asked this queMfioiU Has anyone ever found an answer? i fi Our Copyrighted . J I, oooklet tells you 1 If h o w to easily f / overcome t h I • j habit * ^ NO DRUGS PRICE S1.00 NO-CHAIN SMOKING CO. P. O- BOX 2309 PORTLAND 14. OREGON. "COLD DEMONS" GOT _ . ? Don’t let “Cold Demons” make her chest feel sore, con gested—rub on Mentholatum. Fast, safe Mentholatum helpu lessen congestion. Its vapors soothe inflamed passages, ease coughing spasms. For head colds, too ... makes breathing easier. In jars, tubes. Quick Relic/' with MENTHOLATUM Heovenly home-style HOT ROILS. Gammon Buns, . • - ~ri.r. fastsr, better COHOO COkOS! with Duff’s than with any other Hot Roll Mixl Make them tonight and serve them fresh, delicious and piping hot right out of your own oven! JUST ADD WATER - that’s all! Mi$d in justS minutes ^s^SNOlVDHfTk Emulsorized! MYSTERY MALLOW CAKE Quich-mctbod recipe No creaming I No egg-beating I Mixing time 3 minutes) 81ft together into a large bowl: 2 cups sifted enks flour 1 tsp. salt Ktsp. soda IVi cups sugar Add: Vi cup Snowdrift (Emulscrized—quick-blending) Ik cup milk Mix enough te dampen flour. Beat 2 minutes. If by hand, count beating time only. With electric mixer, use “low speed”; scrape bowl often; scrape beaters after 2 minutes. Add: Ik cup milk 3 squares unsweetened 1 tsp. vanilla chocolate, melted 2 eggs and cooled Beat 1 minute for Snowdrift-smooth batter.Tum Into 2 greased 8' layer pans, lined with plain paper. Bake in moderate oven (375* F.) about 25 minutes. Cool and frost with— MYSTERY MALLOW ICING: Combine 2 egg whites, I’A cups sugar, % tsp. salt, 14 tsp. cream of tartar and hi cup water In top of double boiler over boiling water. Beat with rotary beater 7 minutes, or until icing peaks. Add 1 tip. vanilla. Spread between layers. “Spike” 8 marshmallow halves on top with toothpicks, leaving enough toothpick exposed to remove easily. Then frost all over. Re move toothpicks. Melt 1 square chocolate with % teaspoon Snowdrift and drip over top. Kj taste this new Mystery Mallow Cake. So rich . and chocolaty! Surprisingly different! Yet quick and easy to make with Emulsorized Snowdrift All ingredients mixed in the same bowl in just 3 minutes. No creaming! No egg-beating! Only an emulsorized shortening can blend these cakes so quickly and successfully—and Snowdrift is emulsorized. For finer-grained, richer-tasting cakes so moist they stay fresh for days, for fluffy biscuits and flaky pie crust, for crisp, digestible fried foods, rely on SnowdriftI ^ SHOWlPRIFr PURE ALL-VEGETABLE SHORTENING- MADE BY THE WESSON OIL PEOPLE tops for flaky pies