<•' PAGE EIGHT THE NEWBERRY SUN FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1949 WANT ADS FOR SALE—My house and lot 1610 Harrington St.,—also one vacant lot on Kinard St. between Mr. Sowells and Mr. John T. Cromers. D. E. Schumpert WANTED _ Scrap iron, brass, copper, lead, zinc, aluminum pewter, old batteries, radiators, all kinds of rags, old waste cot- tor .. attress cotton. We also h- , •> nice line of groceries. W. fa. Si jJuRLING, VINCENT ST, WELLS THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ALLAN LANE in "Marshall of Cripple Creek" with LITTLE BEAVER Added—First Chapter of . . . CONGO BILL and WALT DISNEY Comedy SPARE TIME PROFITS!—Join Battery C, 107 th AAA AW Bn. (SP)! Earn extra pay for training only one night a week. Opening now available for young men, 17 to 35. Excel lent opportunity for veterans! Phone 189-M for further de tails! l-21|3tc BLDG. SUPPLIES—J. M. 16x 32 Ceiling tile, Sheetrock, Fir Doors, Glass doors, Windows, Asbestos Siding and Shingles, Asphalt Shingles. We deliver Truck load lots. M. W. Crouch & Son, Phone 14-J; Johnston, S. C. l|28-2|25c WE HAVE ALL KINDS OF the popular brands of can dies—chewing gum — cigars — cigarettes — fresh shipments coming in every day—prices right. R. Derrill Smith & Son, Inc. Wholesale Grocers, New berry, S. C. tn PECANS—PECANS — StiU buy- ing—bring us what you don’t need—don’t let them spoil — R. Derrill Smith and Son, Inc., Wholesale Grocers, Newberry, S. C. tn HAL—HAY—Serecia Lespedeza Hay—$30.00 per ton — can supply any quantity you want —R. Derrill Smith and Son, Inc. Wholesale Grocers., Newberry, S. C. tn LOCKER PAPER and contain ers—shipment just received— ready for your freezer locker— R. Derrill Smith and Son, Inc., Wholesale Grocers, Newberry, S. C. tn HUNT CLUB Dog Feed—One of the very best balanced Ra tions—fresh shipment just re ceived—R. Derrill Smith and Son, Inc.; Wholesale Grocers. Newberry, S. C. tn MONDAY 8t TUESDAY Prehistoric Monsters of an Un known World Invade the World of Today! UNKNOWN ISLAND (In COLOR) Virginia Grey and Philip Reed Added PATHE NEWS and COLOR CARTOON 3:00. 4:37, 6:14, 7:51 St 9:28 WEDNESDAY St THURSDAY I WOULDN'T BE IN YOUR SHOES Don Castle and Elyse Knox Added—SPORTS 3:00, 4:30. 6:00, 7:30 St 9:00 Morning Show 9:30 Saturday Admission 12c-35c every day OPERA HOUSE SATURDAY JOHNNY MACK BROWN in "Ghost Guns" Added — FEDERAL AGENTS VS. UNDERWORLD and COMEDY Admission 9c-25c all day NOT: There will be no Late Show this Saturday Night Only MATTRESSES RENOVATED UPHOLSTERING ESTIMATES FURNISHED Furniture and Auto Upholster ing All work done according to State Board of Health Requirements PERKINS Mattress Works P. O. Box 218 — Phono 657-R Newberry. South Carolina Established in 1936 RITZ THEATRE THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Bob Hope, Jane Russell, Robert Armstrong and John Litel THE PALEFACE (In Technicolor) Also Short—Nimrod Artists FOX NEWS MONDAY St TUESDAY Dennis MJorgan, Dorothy Ma lone, Don DeFore, Janis Paige ONE SUNDAY AFTERNOON (In Technicolor) M.G.M. NEWS WEDNESDAY Loretta Young, Henry Wilcoxon Ian Keith, Alan Hale THE CRUSADES Short—Olympic Water Wizards PROSPERITY NEWS (Continued from page 5) lers. Bonny Ray Stockman, James Ray Dawkins, Richard Ross, Joe Lovelace, Thomas Warren, Jr. Weekend guests in th e home IS YOUR CAR ON THE JOB? Don't let your car down ... let us give you complete auto service at prices you'll like. We do all kinds of auto re pairings including body and fender work. F. J. HARMON Call us either day or night DAY 106-W — NIGHT 160-W 935 Friend Street of Mir. and Mrs. J. D. Luther were their daughter. Miss Pa tricia Luther, senior at- Wo man’s College of the University of N. C. and four of her class mates, Miss Nancy Shepard and Miss Sallie Irvin of Charlotte, N. C.; Miss Winifred Rogers of Scotland Neck, N. C.; Miss Car olyn Shelly of Greensboro, N, C.; Donald White of Chapel Hill, N. C.; and J. D. Luther Jr. of the Citadel. DRIVE-IN THEATRE THURSDAY St FRIDAY Gene Tierney, Bruce Cabot SUNDOWN Short: Reckless Driver SATURDAY Lawrence Tierney, Marion Carr SAN QUENTION Short: Our Old Car MONDAY AND TUESDAY Broadwick Crawford, Anne Gwynne TIGHT SHOES Short: Host to a Ghost WEDNESDAY Susan Hayward, Lee Bowman SMASH UP CHILDERS REENLESTS IN U. S. ARMY Charles Childers, a brother of Mrs. M. E. Goldsmith, route 1, Newberry, has reenlisted in the United States Army as of December 8, 1948. At the present time, he is at Camp Kilmer, N. J. awaiting orders for shipment overseas. NOTICE—i am now prepared to assist you with the filing of your Income Tax Returns— State and Federal. Also Social Security and Withholding. Am located at 1304 Main Street up stairs over Baker’s - Shoe Shop in office formerly occupied by Dr. Lynch. Mrs. A. H. Counts. , <- Keepsake /•—o'i a mono rrsron BLDG. SUPPLIES—J. M. 16x 32 Ceiling tile, Sheetrock, Fir Doors, Glass doors, Windows, Asbestos Siding and Shingles, Asphalt Shingles. We deliver Truck load lots. M. W. Crouch & Son, Phone 14-J; Johnston. S. C. l|28-2|25c • huH'Miriauj I have purchased the stock of WOOL and CROCHET TREAD of Miss Mattie Adams, and anyone who has started work, will be able to find the same thread and colors they want at my place of business. Mrs. J. W. White Opposite Central Methodist Church 1005 Caldwell St. Phone 181-J • Leaders of unions representing rail road engineers and firemen seek to force railroads to add extra, needless men on diesel locomotives. This is sheer waste —a “make-work” program which would mean fewer improvements and higher costs—for YOU! Railroads use modem diesel locomotives be cause they are one of the means of giving faster, better service to you. Two men compose the crew of a diesel. They occupy a clean, comfortable cab at the front. The engineer handles the throttle. The fireman sits and watches the track ahead. With no coal to shovel, he haa practically nothing else to do. No Benefit To Yon Now the leaders of the Brotherhood of Loco motive Engineers and the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen want to use the diesel locomotive as a means of forcing a feather-bedding scheme on the rail roads. The extra men they propose to add to the diesel crews are not needed. There is no work for them. The union leaders are fighting among them selves about which union should furnish these extra, needless men. The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers have even threatened a strike. You may not be interested in this dis pute of these two unions, but you would be vitally concerned if these groups succeed in putting through this feather-bedding schema, because it would mean a slowing up of the improvement program of the railroads—of which the dieael is the outstanding symbol. ^ Diesel craws are among the highest paid leaders eftwo unions think its A ViA/l ^ 9 mmr-wa tc-you,. railroad employes—real aristocrats of labor! Their pay is high by any standard. Granting of these demands, therefore, would mean that the railroads would be paying out millions in unearned wages to those in the very highest pay brackets. We’d Like To Spend This Money On Yon You know how much the diesel has meant to you in increased speed, comfort and conven ience. The railroada have many more of them on order for even greater improvement in service to you. But needless drains of money, such as this present demand of the unions for needless men on dieeela, reduce the ability of the railroads to spend money on better serv ice for you. Proud as the railroads are oi’ the diesel, it is only a small part of their improvement pro gram. Since the War, literally billions of dol lars have been spent on improvement of tracks and stations, on new passenger and freight cars, as well as on diesel locomotives, and on the many other less conspicuous de tails of railroading that contribute to im proved service. Feather-Bedding Means Less Service Ts Ysa But brazen feather-bedding schemes like the one now proposed would, if successful, divert large sums of money from our present im provement programs. Even worse, they make improvements like the diesel worthless, by making the cost of their operation prohibitive. These demands are against tour interests —as well as those of the railroads. They are schemes to "make work”. Neither you nor the railroads should be forced to pay such a penalty for progress. That’s why the railroads are resisting these "make work” demands to the last ditch— why they are telling you about them. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Ernest Tubbs HOLLYWOOD BARN DANCE tar, ■ I m I ' at I 1 CAN YOU J I STOP, [ ■ ON A DIME? I i we ADJUST t S 'AND DELINE | l.BRAKESJ LIPSCOMB Motor Company 1418 College Si. Phone 707 Du BARRY CLEANSING CREAM gives c woman fhat look. Her skin glows with clean, young freshness . . . because Du Barry' Oeansing Cream softens as it seeks out imperceptible dirt and grime. Prove it to yourself! ... for th« fbo ring . . . rtm natfonalty < pric* is oa the tag... Certificate of Guarantee i Aha $400 • HEATHER Set SA&JO , Engagement Ring 350.00 Aha $100 to 2475 and In platinum $300 to 3450 *n rings illustrated available in white at well at natural geld IRing* enlarged to tHow detaMs •Frtces include Federal ten W. E. TURNER -i SETTING A NEW WORLD STANDARD OF LOW-COST MOTORING ou mu new Styl.lin. D. Lux* 2-Door Sods Wo ara publishing this and other advertisements to talk with you at first hand about matters which are important to everybody. You’ll find that now more than ever before Chev rolet merits the title of being “first for quality at lowest cost”; and that it is, indeed, the most beautiful buy of all, in all these features and in all these ways. Chevrolet is the only car bringing you all these fine-car advantages at lowest cost! Completely new Bodies by Fisher . New, ultra-fine color har monies, fixtures and fabrics • New Super-Size Interiors with “Five-Foot Seats” . New Pano ramic Visibility with wider curved windshield and 30% more glass area all around • New Center-Point Design with Center-Point Steering, Lower Center of Gravity, Center-Point Seating and Center-Point Rear Suspension * Improved Valve-in-Head engine for power, acceleration, smoothness and economy » Certi-Safe Hydraulic Brakes with New Braking Ratios * Extra-Strong Fisher Unisteel Body Construction . Improved Knee-Action Ride with new Airplane-Type Shock Absorbers • The Car that “Breathes” for New All-Weather Comfort (Heater and defroster units optional at extra cost) First for Quality V CHEVROLET /i at Lowest Cost DAVIS MOTOR COMPANY 1517 Main St. Newberry, S.C.