THE SUN, NEWBERRY, S. C„ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1937 Fun for the Whole Family THE FEATHERHEADS S’MATTER POP— There They Are, William, Kick Them “Fools Rush In— w M He wASrt'f Experienced pURfflAR- he \nas JUST breakwg W r By C. M. PAYNE U-UVUM 15 A-'Put>t»iKi'-4|eA'3 V^pu-dpim-He-AU.' ^X^Pu'DDtiV+lEAT*yi MESCAL IKE By S. L. HUNTLEY e B*n Syndicate.—WNU Service. So That's Out ME SAVS ME AiKJ-r ©or BUT OIME fkienjo J’ ME AJMT Otsl SPEAxaiO’ rERNVS WITH mini/ luiitlry. Mark K<<«. t'. i*. I***. OF THE FORCE ByTadOXonsUin e By VoaUn Nwr»pii» Ustoa ir— And Sew— I So—he Tore his PANTS V/AL, Ol'LL GIT HIM AT TH’ ALLEY- HE'LL HAFTA COME OUT THERE Hf WEAK—WHERE'S A TAILOR SHOP OPEN NOW ? I “To RE ME PANTS OacoLoSSjFBQ. K pNM£/ 1 TH’ tailor WHUT FERftTj TO TAKE ALL TH* PASTiN' OUT OF A SCOT OptlN HAS FOLKS IN STi CHE'S rv/H POP-No Need to Take His Own Medicine By J. MILLAR WATT HE SUFFERS TERRIBLY FROM GOOD HEALTH/ WHO? v.- V /* OUR DOCTOR/ e Ban Syndicate.—WNU Service. The Curse of Progress Generons The Judge regarded the prisoner sternly. “1 intend to sentence you to ten years' imprisonment, but be fore 1 pass sentence, perhaps you might like to say something on your own behali?” “Well," said the prisoner, “1 don’t know as 1 have anything particular to say for myself, but I don’t mind tellin’ you that you people around this court are pretty liberal with other people’s time.”—Tit-Bits Mag azine. Wet Paint A well dressed man had sat down on a newly painted seat. Furious, he said to the painter. Well Dressed Man—Wy don’t you put “WET PAINT” signs on your seats? Painter—That’s what I’m doing, ain’t I? Is He From Japan? “Is he_economical?” “Why,’he is so thrifty that he has postponed buying an atlas until world affairs are more settled.” THE CRACKER By GLUYAS WILLIAMS MOTHER REWO/tS Hit fun- 1MIH6S BECAUSE HE !>£>«»* X WflH6 EVBNTHM6 (Hit) ISStfEN A CRACKER wsno® Wft n'lMMEWAf&.Y a Mown AWP IS VASliV SURPRISED WH£H NO ONE STOPS HIM removes nix® k) us tv non MOOtH. HOWMPlWfmefHWSMKMeWH 106ES SPIT OH IT. PURSUES imiii* THEV1SY s®p HIM. ifftCROSSStOOM CRACKER ,trom vigorous HAittUHfc, BESirtSTbCOME APART (CwMcte »». to Tto >,11 totolun lM.1 USES one PIECE UNDER HIM- MOTHER REMOVES CRACKER SElT. M TWlHS Tb RECOVER YAMCrt IS HOW MEDIBIE. WHS tT,SRUASHES REST Of CRACKER OHE REMAIMNS CRUMB AHD Consoles himsele ev eaTiKs if L ADY, lady, lady have you any thing in wool? Smart women everywhere are clamoring for wool. They’re wearing it to work in, to play in, to date in, to go to church in. Yes, wool is going places! Sew-Your-Own is here to day (and will be here tomorrow) with three ultra - smooth new models for you to choose from— just to make sure you won’t be a poor little lady without “something in wool” for Fall. Needs Slim Lines. That “something in wool” might well and easily be the handsome model at the left above. Espe cially does a weightier fabric need slim lines and here you have them pared down to hairline precision. The zipper from throat to hemline gives this frock additional chic, and the far-reaching collar takes care of that all-important need for contrast. French wine, black, duck green, and gendarme blue are the popular colors. Compliment to Youth. Youth and th4 blouse ’n’ skirt have always gone sporting to gether. That’s a compliment to youth and retd flattery for the two- piecer above, center. This engag ing combination has a waist-coat- ish topper and a simply cut, flar ing skirt. A singular asset is its size range: 14 to 42. And because it is figure flattering every size is benefited. Acetate crepe is lovely for the blouse; velvet or thin wool is smart for the skirt. For a Busy Body. If you’re a busy body or a lady of legion labors, yop’ll thank Sew- Your-Own for the charming new frock at the right. Now is the time to cut two versions: one in ging ham for housework, another as your "something in wool” ir. tfte long sleeve style for all occasions. Remember then, double your chances for day-in, day-out chic with this one becoming model and save one-third on time and one- half on the price of your new Fall wardrobe assets. Pattern 1375 is designed for sizes 12 to 20 (30 to 40 bust). Size 14 re quires 2% yards of 54-inch mate- terial. With short sleeves, 3% yards of 39-inch material. Collar and cuffs in contrast take five- eighths of a yard. Pattern 1302 is designed for sizes 14 to 20 (32 to 42 bust). Size 16 re quires 4% yards of 39-inch mate rial. Pattern 1382 is designed for sizes 34 to 48. Size 36 requires 2% yards of 54-inch material with long sleeves; 3% yards of 39-inch ma terial with short sleeves. Send your order to The Sewing Circle Pattern Dept., Room 1020, 211 W. Wacker Drive, Chicago, I1L Price of patterns, 15 cents (in coins) each. Send 15 cents for the Barbara Bell Fall and Winter Pattern Book. Make yourself attractive, practical and becoming clothes, selecting designs from the Barbara Bell well-planned, easy-to-make pat terns. e BeU Syndicate—WNU Service. IV/7VACQ}e III-II Radio Waves The longest time that has ever elapsed betwen the sending and receiving of a radio signal is four minutes and twenty seconds. If, as it is said, radio waves have a velocity of 186.000 miles a second, this particular signal may have traveled 48,360,000 miles, or a dis tance equivalent to almost 2,000 trips around the earth.—Collier’s Weekly. RADIANT' HEATER A Coleman will bring yon plenty of quick. It*a Jose dm beater for homes, i . •hope, etc. See this heater et your dealer'!. FREE FOLDERS—Send a postcard now! THE COLEMAN LAMP AND STOVE CO. - Fruit of Suffering Out of suffering comes the se rious mind; out of the salvation, the grateful heart; out of the de liverance, the faith.—Ruskin. CONSTIPATED? *To keep food waste soft and moving, many doctors recom mend Nujol—because of it* gentle, lubricating action. INSIST ON GENUINE NUJOL Common Sense Bows Common sense boWs to the in evitable and makes use of it.— Wendell Phillips. for Wattm HEAD :old TrytUis PENETROl NOSE DROOSjj CHEW LONG BILL NAVY TOBACCO 1 QUR readers should always remember that our community merchants cannot afford to adver tise a bargain unless it is a real bargain. They do advertise bargains and such advertising means money saving to the people of the community.