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Forty-Fifth Year TRUE TO OURSELVES. OUR NEIGHBORS, OUR COUNTRY AND OUR GOD. Established June 5, 1902 McCORMICK, S. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1946 Number IE Dorn Is Nominated For U. S. Congress William Jennings Bryan Dorn of Greenwood, veteran of World War n and a former state - Senator, won nomination as representative in the House of Representatives from the Third Congressional Dis trict Tuesday, defeating Represen tative Butler B. Hare of Saluda. The total unofficial vote, with 321 of 326 precincts reporting was: Dorn, 30,441; Hare, 18,559. X— Candidates Set For Run-Offs J. Strom Thurmond and Dr. James Carlisle McLeod face the Sept. 3 run-off as the top of the 11-man' gubernatorial field * in Tuesday's primary. Thurmond led the ticket with 86,514 votes on the latest unofficial returns from 1,426 of 1,543 precincts while McLeod had 73,603. The vote for the others stood; Ransome J. Williams, 30,838; John C. Taylor, 20,952; John D. Long, *15,212; Del O'Neal, 14,824; Dr. Carl B. Epps, 4,644; Marcus A. Stone, 3,923; A. J. Beattie, 3,004; A. L. Wood, 2,469; Roger W. Scott, 2,345. For lieutenant governor, the vote was George Bell Timmerman, Jr., 78,869; John C. Williams, 75,904; E. C. Bridges, 52,625; R. E. Hanna, 29,474; J. W. D. Zerbst, 18,317. Timmerman and Williams will be in the run-off. * For superintedent of education, Jesse T. Anderson, 108,960; W. D. Nixon, 71,469; H.’ Odelle Harman, 49,157. Anderson and Nixon will be in the run-off. J. Roy Jones was renominated commmissioner of agriculture, the vote being, Jones, 167,992; A. W. Bethea, 88,992. X Modoc News UNOFFICIAL RETURNS OF COUNTY PRIMARY Complete unofficial returns of Bell Timmerman, Jr., for lieuten- the first Democratic primary in McCormick County Tuesday show: • W. J. Bryan Dorn carried the county for congress; J. Strom Thurmond for governor; George ant governor; J. Roy Jones for commissioner of agriculture, and W. D. Nixon for State superinten dent of education. Hugh C. Brown re-elected to the house of representatives. Joe A. Sibert elected treasurer. E. C. Cheatham and C. E. Wilkie in second race for supervisor. Paul T. Ludwick and D. M. McGrath, incumbent, in second race for game warden. J. Bruce Walker re-elected mag istrate at McCormick. F. L. Bass elected magistrate at Parksville. The unofficial returns by pre cincts are given below: g CQ UJ d a o v s FOR CONGRESS: W. J. BRYAN DORN BUTLER B. HARE HUGH C. BROWN J. S. DUKES , i. FOR TREASURER: JOE A. SIBERT W. C. STROM FOR SUPERVISOR: D. M. BLACKWELL E. C. CHEATHAM G. H. McCAIN • C. E. WILKIE J. L. WELLS FOR GAME WARDEN: PAUL T. LUDWICK d. m. mcgrath thos. m. McKinney FOR MAGISTRATE, McCORMICK: J. F. E. JESTER O. B. MINOR J. BRUCE WALKER FOR MAGISTRATE, Parksville: F. L. BASS J. P. BRUNSON For Governor A. J. BEATTIE CARL B. EPPS JOHN D. LONG , JAMES McLEOD DEL O’NEAL ROGER W. SCOTT MARCUS A. STONE t JNO. C. TAYLOR J. STROM THURMOND RANSOME J. WILLIAMS A. L. WOOD f For Lieutenant Governor E. COKE BRIDGES R. E. HANNA CM • O 2; PQ p n-3 u u* □ o CJ o £ a V. J3 n CQ a a 3 a P i-4 U a P a QJ 3 a a cn "O 0B e a a p a CJ 2; £ o H < a o H CD ce <» C Ui a a CD a cd a CD CO S' o g H H a a a a j a a 6* a a a a Z o £ -2 230 1 2401101 1 119| 68 • 1 37 ' 39 8 .188 19| ®l 4| 282 1 268| 95 24 37 » * 2 11361 94) 75 1 1 1 1 -31 - 11 10 1 19 4] 13 PQ P J CJ CD a' O P o l 13! 17 I 0| 2 PQ P w PQ O H CD CD H PQ W PQ i-J < H 55 16 P ! J 1 U w J hQ —« CD UQ PQ PL PQ P J u o Q O £ a a a a P Lj P -a a P j a pw a a u a a a a ►— a CD a a a H o a o a a s <a < rj o H a a X P Q a a a a a • H a o a a a w i—i e* a II I i-l H O H 521 14| 3»| I I 61 2| 13[ 411 25| 271 14j 12| III., |306|2531123| 35| 30| I. I; I I I I I |113|107| 471 19| 18| 3| I I I ‘I I I s I till I I - I | 411 46| 14| 24| 12|‘ 1| I I 1 I I 1 I jlll|110[ 4| 3j 30| I I I I I | 73|102| 13| 1\ I ! I I I |181| 791 86{ 24| I I I I I 7| 14] I I I I I I 3^ 1| I 4| I 1| 4] I 0| »l 6| I 2! I 5| I 6| I 01 I 2| 5| I I I I I 15| 1 51 1 -55| l 30| • “j 16| 1 975 17| 1 23| 1 111 % ! 586 1 6| I 1 591 1 1 431 1 1 22j 1043 14| 1 12| 1 I 3| J » 1 517 1 1 1 551 I 1 43) I 1 27| | 1092 12] 16| »| U| 468 I I I 1| 0| 771 Ibf 141 6| 26| 6| 12| I 5| 66 4| I I I 0| 6| 13| 2! I 0| I I 2| l\ 5| 15{ 1| I I I I 0| 14| 13| 12| I 4| 0| 30| 17| 221 10{ 25| 15| 2| 0| 0| 0| I I I 9| I I I I 0| I II 0;| I | 14| 23i 52| till I I I I |196!113| 841 32| 311 ij| 10| 8j. 21 331 55| 7| 18| I I I I I I |159 183| 60! 16; 13| » I 1 I 1 63! 63| 25! 7| 4| 8| 13| f I I I I I 11 I I 1| I I ai 2| 3| 0| 301 375 254 522 110 15| 8) ll>| 630 I I 3| 15| 33 | l 40| 1V| 18| 13| 34| 40| 17| 682 I I I I I I I 19| 671 11| 3|! 3.| I I I I I I |188| 76| 49|' 35| 30| I h \ I 2| I JJ 0| I 3> 51 I 2| I I I I 6| 29| lb| 8| 2| 23 4, 0 249 6| I 4f I 7| 12t | I I I 2| 28 j I I I I. I I I I I I I *,210|212| 109| 16 15! 9| 151 3| 10| 31 f I ‘ 1 I I I I I Miss Minnie Lucile McDaniel from Charleston is visiting here a- mong relatives. Mrs. O. J. White and Mrs. Francis Bussey were dinner guesls Tuesday to Mrs. K. E. White. Mr. William Bussey of Augusta spent Monday night and Tuesday here with his father, Mr. E. F. Bussey. Mrs. John Talbert and Mrs. Ray Bussey and Mr. J. M. Reese were week end-guests to their mother, Mrs. Roseland Reese. Misses Cehoy McDaniel and Min nie McDaniel were dinner guests Tuesday to Miss Lucy Bussey. Mrs. B. M. Bussey spent Tuesday in Greenwood visiting her daugh ter, Mrs. Tom Price, who is sick in Greenwood Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. F M. Bussey spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.' K. E. White. ' Mr. E. F. Bussey, Miss Lucy Bussey, Mr. James Bussey, Mrs. Nettie Bussey and Mr. T. D. Howie attended the funeral of Mr. Cecil Robertson in Avondale, N. C., last Tuesday. Mr. Ernest Reese from Green ville visited in the home of Mrs. Roseland Reese last week end. Mrs. Bert Ganto and children, Judy and Bert, Jr., from Wilming ton, N. C., have returned home, after spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Bussey. Mr. Frank Jefferson from Clarks Hill spent Monday and Tuesday with Mr. Cooledge Clem. Mr ‘ W „ P - ^“ndi Reames Wednesday afternoon, snrines. Ga., is spending a two. weeks’ vacation here with his par- j Master Tandy Bailey, son of Mrs. ents Mr. and Mrs. W. McDaniel. | Virginia G. Bailey, is spending four We are glad to report that Miss weeks at Opportunity Camp at Eunice McDaniel, who has been ill Kings Mountain, N. C. for two months, is able to report Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Wayland of back to her work with J. B. Carr Miami, Florida, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Biscuit Co. in Greenwood. Ridlehoover of Greenwood are _ x visiting Mrs. Minnie Winn of this community. Very successful revival meetings have just been completed at Mt. Mr and Mrs. Claud Reames and Vernon Methodist Church and daughter, Betty Jeanne Reames, Gilgal Baptist Church last week, and Joanne Seigler were visitors in This week Rehoboth and Bethany the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L.^ Churches are having their meet- I I I I I I ' I I I I I I .1 I I I ’ I I I I I I I I I I I -I I I I I JOHN C. WILLIAMS J. W. D. ZERBST For Commissioner Of Agriculture ALFRED W. BETHEA J. ROY JONES 1 3i 21 1 1 1. 0| I 11 1 0! i 1 1 1 1 U 2| i I 1 1 0| 1 1 0i 1 01 1 1 1 | 61 13| 1 71 1 41 1 4| l 01 1 1 | | 331 32] i I I 2| 1 8! I 1 i 1 5| 3| 1 1 1 0) 1 0| 1 1 0| 1 1 2| 0| l 1 1 ! 0| i 0? 1 01 1 1 0| 2! 1 1 1 1 oi I 1 01 1 1 f*; i 1 1 | 241 331 i i i I 4| i 1 5! ' | 31 1 130012461148! iiii 421 j 34| 1 | 81 13j i i i i 11 | 1 11 1 i i l I 1 41 0| 1 1 1 1 11 1 01 1 Cl I 1 1 1 | 251 lOj } 1 | 27| 1 1 51 I i 7! i | 221 13! 1 1 1 1 4! 1 1 11 | 1 11 l 1289123911141 IIII 421 i 36| 1 | 531 47| 1 1 * I 51 6| 1 % 121 1 1 2! 1 1 2! 1 «l 1 2! l 01 01 I 0| I 0| I Of I I 0| I 0| I 0| I 0| 0| I 01 I 0| I 2| I 0| I 01 I 0| I 0| I I I 01 0| 0| I I I I I ■ I I | 55| 15| 31| I I I I | 7U| l&j 13| I I I 01 I 0| I 0| I 0| I 0| I 0| I Oh 01 I 0| I 0| I 0| I 0| I 0| 0! I 3| I 6| I 0| I 0| I I 0| .01 •I I 2| 0< I I 0| 0| I I 3| 19| 0| I ir i Oft 1 I 0| I 0| 0| I M I I oi l 2| 0! I 0| I 0| I 2| I 1| I T 0| •l 3| 13'. I 7| 0| I 0| I 0| I I I 0| I 0! I I I I I I I I 2| 0| 2| I 2| I V I 0< I 0| I 0| I 4| 0| I PI I Of I 01 I 0| I 01 • I 0! I 01 I 0| I 0| I 0| I 0| ! Dl I 21 133 418 630 H4 1U9 8 7 35 97 10 119 121 211 131 14| 371 96) 28| 35| 19| 45| 34| 23| 1145 0| • I 0‘i 1| I Cl 0| I 01 Cl I •01 2| 3'| 15f. 0! I I I 0| 2| I 2‘ I 0| I 11 I I 4| I 3| I 0i I r 5| I »| 7 I 0| I I 3| I 0| 1| I 01 I i oi 0| I 0| 2| 0| «l 61 I I i| oi I I I ! 6h I 0| 2| I 0| 63 7 5| I «l 0| 112 0'| I 56 6i 16| I I 5' 51 9| 19| 29| 104| 211 38| 16| 50| 36| 221 iOOS I I I '17811211 401 I I I J 191 |238|236|128| 51| 28| 0| I I I 01 01 OI I I I I I I 31 121 I I I 9| 11| 01 131 I I 0 14! I 41 I 3! I I 81 3| II 13) 3| 01 I Jl 0! I I 21 174 43 488 I For Superintendent Of Education | | | | | | JESSE T. ANDERSON 117311531 761 16| 28! 9| 18j( 38, 101 I ! I I H. ODELLE HARMAN W. D. NIXON III 1 66) 71] 15| 10( 74 I 11771130| 77| 301 18t| 6| I 21 I 4| I I 511- I T hi: 51 I 2| I 6| 1| 32| 21| 4| 4| 4| 19! 14| * 7| I I I I I I I I I 29| 40| 16| 511 38| 201 1061 I I I I I I I I I I I I 10| 7| 12| 54| 251 10| 631 I I I I I I 2| 81 0| 9| 7! 3| 233 I .1 I I I I I ‘ I I 9j 291 94^ 21j| 28f 8| 9| 20| 14| 685 4| 28 24| I I I 6| 12| 6| Sullivan News ings. Last Sunday night Rev. Owen Hoffman of Washington, Ga., de livered a very impressive message to a large crowd at Sullivan School House. Many visitors came from long distances to see and hear him. Everybody present enjoyed this very much. So many express ed their desire for him to return in the near future. Masters Jack and Jim Keown, handsome little sons of Mr. and Mrs. James Keown of McCormick, spent several days recently with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Mayson. Mrs. Jack Stuart of Lake City, S. C., formerly Miss Caroline May- returned to York Monday after noon. The many friends of Mrs. Leo- Bold Spring Baptist Church Announces Revival Meeting , August 18th-23rd The annual series of revival ser vices of the Bold Spring Baptist Church will begin Sunday morn ing, August eighteenth, and con tinue through Friday evening, Au gust twenty third. The pastor *s pleased to announce that he bar been able to secure the services of the Rev. J. E. Willis, as guest speaker. Rev. Mr. Willis, is pastor of the Callie Self Memorial Church in Greenwood, and, since his coming to that field of laboiv his efforts have been crowned with material and spiritual suc cess. Under liis leadership, great, progress has been made in the service of the Master. He is a. speaker of real ability, and his a- bflity in preaching the Father’s Word is proof that God has called him into a large place in Kingdom service. He is well known and greatly beloved by the people lit this section of the country; and his coming to Bold Spring is an occasion for real rejoicing by the people there. To all people in the area of our church, we extend a cordial invitation to come, hear, and worship during our series of services. • The scheduled hours of services follow: Sunday morning, Sunday School, ten thirty o’clock; morn ing worship service, eleven thirty o’clock. Sunday evening, worship service at eight thirty o’clock. Services each evening, Monday through Friday, beginning at eight thirty o’clock. To you, to all of you, we extend an invitation to share the blessings we know we will receive. Come, . and worship with us. A. D. Croft, Pastor. X 4 ' * AAA Meetings The McCormick County Com munity Committeemen and AAA. Representative will meet with the farmers in McCormick County in a series of meetings as listed be low to discuss the soil-building advantages offered by the Federal Government through the AAA Program. W. W. Brock Farm, Wednesday, August 21, at 10 a. m. McCormick Courthouse, Satur day, August 24, at 10 a. m. Vernon Church, Tuesday, August 27, at . 2 p. :n. Hollingsworth’s Store, Tuesday, August 27, at 3:30 p. m. All farmers in these communi ties please attend if possible. Meetings for other sections of the county will be scheduled later. X Honorable Discharges ARMY Sgt. William M. Self, entered service Feb. 17, 1945, discharged August 1, 1946. Wears Asiatic Pacific Service medal, Good Con duct medal, and Victory medal. Served with 864th Engineer Avia tion Battalion. , X Card Of Thanks son, recently spent several days nora Hardaway will regret to with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. hear that she hurt her fingers! R. Mayson. ver y p a i n f U ny i n the cow chain.! Mr. W. W. Mayson made a re- ghe ^ now hnproving slowly. Wei cent trip to the hospital for a check up. Mr. Mayson seems to be getting along fine. X Mt. Carmel News Prof. George McCelvey of York was a welcome guest of Sen. and Mrs. L. L. Hester last week. He wish for her a speedy recovery. Miss Eliza Covin has returned home from quite an extended visit with Dr. and Mrs. George Peel in Anderson. Many friends were glad indeed to see her again and welcome her home. Miss Mary Jones of Columbia was quite an interesting and wel- I wish to use this means to ex press my deep appreciation to the people of McCormick County for the kindness shown me during my recent illness. W.-’L. Brown. come guest of Mrs. L. L. Hester for the past week end.^ Mr. Pat Hes ter of the Merchant Marines also spent the week end here. Mr. Tarrant Scott is enjoying a very pretty car which he recently purchased. Nice rains last week helped all growing things, and made gard^ns^ look pretty. Mr. J. J. Sutherland of Anderson was a visitor here Tuesday. Mr. Murray of Anderson was a. business visitor here Monday.