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© III I ‘ dr agii» ^ ‘V Forty-Second Year TRUE TO OURSELVES, OUR NEIGHBORS, OUR COUNTRY AND OUR GOD. Established June 5, 1902 McCORMICK, S. C., THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1944 Number 48 Spring Council Meeting Cpl. J. Elliott Seigler Missing In Action The Spring Meeting of the Mc Cormick Council of Farm Women „ ^ . , was held May 2 in the Hollywood Under present conditions the vast ... nie v Theatre at McCormick with 216 Washington, D. C., May 8.— (NWNS>—An urgent demand for the removal of all government control over wages and salaries, „ u „ ... 1 be rt , called the meeting to order, $200 a come category. Granting them|„_„’ , majority of persons in the white- , . . ,, „ ^, collar and fixed-income groups do 1 not belong in the surplus-in- o? people earning under >xnonth, in order to safeguard the health and decent living stand ards of 20,000,000 white-collar workers, has been made to the senate by a committee studying wages and living costs. The com mittee analyzed all phases of this subject, but its report is concern ed chiefly with the plight of the white-collar group which is forced, by the Wage Stabilization act, to exist in wartime on pre war wages. The committee reports that th ter the president, Mrs. C. A. Gil- .. ... - __ .Rev. J. Caude Evans, local pastor the opporumty for an adequate ... , _ „ .. _ ’ . .. , j . f of the Methodist Church, gave a diet, decent clothing, medical and . , ^ ... . . TZ’l , . .y!” Koo . very helpful devotional, stressing dental care and other basic ne- ^ ... . , 7 tn some ways in which we might cessities will not encourage mfis*- , , , „ help make «war-marriages more f successful and lasting. Mrs. R. L. It is expected here that the _ _ x ^ ^ i i ^ 'Dowtm extended a cordial wel- committse report will be acted upon and that congress will, as soon as possible, end the curbs on giving wage increases to tl white-collar group. There is a: to be some opposition, however, I Matilda Bell, and three members. a come, responded to by Mrs. D. J. McAllister of Mt. Carmel HDC. Then a number of certificates, and seals were awarded by Miss as follows: Mrs. B. S. Miss Susie Patterson, Cuibreath and Miss 000 white-collar workers is now $28.69 as compared with $23.64 in 1940, an increase of 21.4 per cent, but points out that without con sidering the increased cost of liv ing all of this extra income is now being deducted from wages. The committee gives figures to on the grounds that higher wages in civilian businesses would at- average weekly income of 4,500,- tract workers to non-essential in- Alma,, Young received pins for dustries rather than to war jobs, twelve years record-keeping Because of the present shortage The following officers were then of help in most civilian busi- elected: nesses, it is believed that action Mrs. j. Fred Buzhardt, Presi- cf this kind by the government dent, would lead most companies to Mrs. B. E. Gilchrist, 1st Vice compete for help by offering I President, higher attractive wages and) Mrs. J. W. Bracknell, 2nd Vice show that deductions among this would quickly force white-collar President, -group for income tax, social se- j pay up to the maximum permit- curity, war bonds and company : ted by law. retirement funds average $2 per It is also unlikely that congress cent. will act on behalf of the white 4 ?Their standards of dress and: collar workers, during this elec- nutrition, their continued educa-1 tion year, without also Mrs. J. E. Bell, Secretary, Mrs. D. J. McAllister, Treasurer, Mrs. C. A. Gilbert and Mrs. J. J. White, Directors. The treasurer, Mrs. D. J. McAl- taking I lister, gave a very fine "report, tiolh, their health safeguards and soriie action to break the Little showing that our goal of a re- such modest security as they have ; Steel formula, which has govern- volving fund for Marie Cromer been able to set up against future ed the wages in labor unions. La- | Scholarship is an assured thing. needs are being foregone,” the re port stated, “in a desperate at tempt to meet the demands of the moment.” Forseeing opposition on the grounds that the removal of gov ernment curbs over the wages of this large group would encourage inflation, the committee stated: “Inflation is augmented by over spending on the part of those who have more money than they need for the essentials of life. bor organizations are carrying on | Miss Carrie Carson of winthrop a vigorous fight to scrap th^t^foi- | college was introduced and gave an excellent talk on production mula and it is probable that it will be relaxed • unless tpe Presi dent insists* on keeping it in or der to guard against inflation. Although the labor unions are strongly supporting the President I ^"/'m^'inated by ”br" M. and the War Labor board in their and conservation of food. We al ways welcome extension workers from the center at Winthrop. The subject of nutrition was J , Boggs, Jr., Health Director. His action agaifist the Montgomery wag f ran ^ anc j timely, inter- Ward mail order house in that company’s effort to test the le gality of the board’s orders, the HOLLYWOOD THEATRE McCOllMICK, S. G FRIDAY and SATURDAY MAY 12th and 13th, 7:15 P. M. and 9 P. M. Matinee Saturday 3:30 P. M. ANN MILLER—LARRY PARKS in 'V> “HEY, ROOKIE Also CHAPTER 2 “ADVENTURES OF THE FLYING CADETS” , and SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS Matinee Saturday 3:30 P. M. Adults 24c MONDAY and TUESDAY MAY 15th and 16th, 7:15 P. M. and 9:15 P. M. BETTE DAVIS MIRIAM HOPKINS spersed with humorous anecdotes from his own varied experiences After pointing out in his address some results of faulty nutrition, assisted by the County Health Nurse, Miss Gertrude McGrath, a demonstration was given of pa tients who had suffered the ills of such deficiencies. We hope Dr. Boggs will come again!! Lunch was served by the Dow- tin, Rehoboth and Bethany Clubs in the community house and was made more enjoyable by the sing ing of the McCormick High School Glee Club, and the display of beautiful flowers of the flower show. A plant exchange was in charge of Mrs. Harvey Sanders and Mrs. J. W. Ferqueron, with nothing lacking except the pres ence of Exterior Beautification Chairman, Mrs. A. J. Hendrix, who usually assists her commit- ces. Cn the whole, it was a very ex cellent meeting, of much infer-1 mation and pleasure — and de-» served the large attendance given | it. X News has been received here that Corporal J. Elliott Seigler, 36, son of the late Walter and Mattie Timmerman Seigler, has been missing in action since April 20. He was in the Army air forces ground crews stationed in the North African theatre, according to a war department message. He had been in the service nearly three years. He graduated from McCormick high school but had made his home for several years in Greenville with his sister, Mrs. Cecil Bowen. Other survivors are two other sisters, Mrs. Frank Holloway and Mrs. Wallace Mayson; two broth ers, James W. Seigler and Yancey E. Seigler, all of McCormick. Death Of Mr. B. Frank Boyd Mr. B. Frank Boyd, 73, died Thursday morning, April 20th, a f his home in Calhoun Falls. He had been in declining health for the past three years. Mr. Boyd was born June 27, 1870. He had been farming in Abbeville county all his life. He was the son of Rob ert Nelson and Nancy Janie Hut cherson Boyd. Funeral services were held Fri day at 4 p. m. at Lodimont ceme tery, by his pastor, Rev. A. F. Doty, assisted by Dr. S. W. Reid of McCormick. Pallbearers were J. M. Boyd, J. C. Boyd, D. J. McAllister, Willie Hester, Pat Brough and Joel Bur- riss. Mr. Boyd is survived by two brothers, Mr. Walter Boyd of near Mt. Carmel and Mr. C. B. Boyd of Atlanta, Ga., and several nieces and nephews. * Plum Branch News -X- Modoc News Mrs. W. L. Reynolds of Barnwell visited relatives in Plum Branch several days the past week. Cpl. Gary B. Self of Camp Pick ett, Va., is enjoying a furlough here with Mrs. Self and their young son, Gary Keith. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Rice spent Sunday with relatives in Augusta. Miss Louise Rice returned with them, after enjoying the week end with Miss Polly Stevens. Mrs. A. T. Moore, who has spent some time with her sister, Mrs. Foster Speer, and Mr. Speer, re turned Friday to her home in Ridgeway. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Collier and Miss Amanda Collier visited Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Zellars in Lincoln- ton, Ga., on last Sunday. Mrs. Alex Wells of Port Royal is visiting relatives and friends in Plum Branch this week. Friends of Miss Willie Mae Humphreys will be glad to know that she is improving nicely from an appendectomy made last Tues day at Greenwood Hospital. She expects to be brought home this week. T-Sgt. and Mrs. M. D. Shuler have returned to Texas, after a visit to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bracknell, and Mr. ano Mrs. M. D. Shuler, Sr., of St. Mat thews. Plum Branch is glad to wel come Rev. and Mrs. Lewis M. Kirkland and their infant son, Donnie, who moved into the Bap tist parsonage on last Thursday. They come to us from Cayce. Rev Mr. Kirkland filled his first ap pointment at the Baptist Church on Sunday morning. Mrs. Sara Broadwater of Augus ta visited several days recently in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Rice. Messrs. J. H. White of Clinton, Tenn., and Marvin Horne, Green wood, visited their families the past week end. Friends are sorry to know that Mrs. White is ill a this time. Manning C. Freeland, S 2-c weather | Beaufort, S. C., visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Freeland, the past week end. Misses Saree and Mary Frances Talbert of Greenwood visited at home on Sunday. Mrs. Sara H. Jester and son, Jackie, of Greenville, spent the Home Guard Needs Recruits Cohi'jJany M" 6f the State Guard will have its annual federal in spection on Thursday, May 18, at 8:00 p. m. All members are urged to attend regular drill Monday night at 9:00 o’clock so that we may prepare for this inspection. Notice has just been received from the adjutant general’s office that rifles have been received and are ready for distribution to all companies of the State guard. Each company will receive sixty rifles to replace the shot guns which will be turned in. The army, realizing the impor tance and need of well-trained and well-equipped units to take the place of the national guard, has released these rifles and other equipment. The local company is in need of recruits to replace men lost to the armed forces. The age litriit is from seventeen to sixty. Any one interested and willing to give one night each week, contact any of the members of 7he local com pany. We will be glad to take your application. O. L. Sturkey, Captain, Co. M. X Mt. Carmel News Well, the farmers are making pretty good headway while the sun is shining, tho the keeps so cool. Miss Eunice Brooks of Green wood spent Tuesday night here in the home of Mrs. W. S. Clem Col. L. B. Guillebeau from At lanta was a week end visitor here to Mr. E. F. Bussey. Miss Etoyle Clem is spending J past week in the home of Mr. and the week at Spartanburg with | Mrs. Frank Freeland. relatives. Sgt. T. J. Stone spent the past week here with his parents, Mr and Mrs. T. J. Stone, Sr. Mr. W. P. McDaniel from Warn: Springs is spending the week her. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. McDaniel. Mr. T. J, Stone made a shor' business trip to Augusta on Tues day of this week. Misses Marie and Rosalie Bussej made a short visit to McCormicF n Tuesday evening of this week X Sullivan News Price Facts ”1 ?! in OLD ACQUAINTANCE Also SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS and LATEST NEWS EVENTS , M. ADMISSION: Adults, 30 cents; Children up to 12, 12 cents; Children 12 to 15, 18 cents, including tax. Nrw community ceiling price'- °re being distributed to the mer chants in the county. Prices re main unchanged but new item? and brands have been added. At the same time, new whole sale urices are being distributed Retail merchants will now be able to check prices charged by their wholesalers. Any overcharges should be reported to the local War Price and Rationing Board. New prices for fresh fruit and produce are being distributed. These posters should be displayed near the item sold. The manv friends of Mr. anr* Mrs. R. T. Mayson will be delight ed to know that they are improv ing after two weeks’ illness. Mrs. Rhett Timmerman and little son, Rhett, Jr., are visiting her husband, S 2-2 Rhett Tim merman, stationed at South Port, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. James Gibert and little son, Jimmie, of Woodruff, visited in the home of Mr. E. L Langley on Sunday. The H. D. Club held its regula monthly meeting in the home o:- Mrs. E. C. Rice with Mrs. J. L Bracknell as joint hostess. Mrs Joe Willis, health chairman, hac charge of the program. The demonstration was on the uses of sour cream in our diet. In the absence of Miss Bell, Mrs. E. M. Winn, local leader, and Mrs. R. M. Winn, president, demon strated sour cream salad dressing About 16 members were present, Mrs. Homer Corley has the with two new members, sympathy of this community ir At the conclusion of the recrea- the death of her mother, Mrs. tional feature directed by Mrs F Gossett, of Glenn Springs. M Winn, the hostesses served Mrs. Bert Langley of Greenwood strawbe rry shortcake with lemon unions are also vitally interested in finding out what the courts have to say about the authority of the WLB. For if the court should hold that the board does not have the power it claims to have they see an opportunity to get spent the past week here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Mayson. Mr. Harry Ashley of Columbia came home for a few days last week. His mother accompanied him back to Columbia where she is spending awhile with relatives. Mrs. j. E. Roberson and little Jimmie, Mrs. Maude CogBurn, Misses Alma Lou and Anne Cog- burn of Greenwood were supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mayson on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Keown and little sons, Jack and Jim Keown, of McCormick spent a day here recently with the G. R. Maysons. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Winn at tended the union meeting fifth ade. out from under the control which the board has been exercising ov- Sunday at Edgefield, er them. j Mr. and Mrs. Boozer are here visiting Mrs. Boozer’s father, Mr. T. B. Gilchrist. Ffc. William Burnette of Camp Van Dorn, Mississippi, and Mr: Burnette of Greenwood made a short visit here Sunday afternoo to see Mrs. G. R. Mayson. Miss Lena Louise Gilchrist o f Columbia spent several days her^ last week in the home of her father, Mr. T. B. Gilchrist. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Murphey d Greenwood spent the week ene here with Mr. Murphey’s parents Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Mayson. We are sorry to report tha little Beth Mayson has been sick and unable to attend school Fri- of Idaho ^ day. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stevenson and little son were recent visitors of Mr. D. W. Harling and Miss Monnie Harling. Mr. Stevenson has been in the navy for some time. ‘ Mrs. F. E. White spent Monday with Mrs. J. C. Bowick in Buffalo community. Mr. Bradley Morrah of Green ville was a business visitor here one day last week. We are glad to say Miss Annie White is improving, also Miss Florence Patterson is improving nicely. Many friends will be glad to hear of their improved condi tion. Mr. Jim Boyd of Abbeville was a recent business visitor here. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gilliam of Greenwood were visitors here Monday and Tuesday. Sen. L. L. Hester was a recent visitor in Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Russell of Augusta were recent guests of Mrs. J. W. Boyd. Mr. J. D. Dean was a visitor in McCormick last Thursday. Mrs. Gladys Bowyer of Ander son spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Scott. Mrs. Henry Beaird, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Scott, for two weeks, left recently to join her husband, S-Sgt. Henry Beaird, at his post in Texas. Mrs. W. B. Sharp, Misses Julia Cade and Juanita Curtis were re- ent visitors in Anderson. Miss Florence Patterson returned home with them from the Anderson Co. Icspital. Mrs. L. L. Hester, Mrs.*D. J. Mc Allister, Mrs. H. O. Watson and Mrs. W. H. Horton attended the pring meeting of the McCormick County Council of Farm Women at McCormick Tuesday, May 2. It was quite an interesting and en joyable meeting, and quite a nice crowd was in attendance. Fall meeting is scheduled for Mt. Car mel. Mrs. White, Mrs. J. J. White, Mrs. W. A. Scott and Mrs. Hunter McKinney were shopping in Au gusta Monday. Mr. Roy Wells spent a few days in Mt. Carmel last week. Mrs. Cecil Gilliam is enjoying a very pleasant visit with relatives in Florida. Card Of Thanks We wish to extend our heart felt thanks to our many friends md relatives of McCormick, Plum Branch, White Town and Green wood who so willingly came to our assistance and who contributed so many useful gifts, since we lose our home in the tornado which hit Greenwood April 16. May God bless each of you. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Horne,