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1,1 , *.**%■/ 1 vy ^ <y K^/M f i TRUE TO OURSELVES r OUR KRlGHB ORS, OUR COUNTRY AND OUR GOD. Forty-Second Year Established June 5, 1902 McCORMICK* S. C., THUR SDAY, APRIL 27, 1944 Number 46 New Pastor Moves To Plum Branch Tht Key. Lewis M. Kirkland ha£ been extended a unanimous call from the Plum Branch, Parksville, Modoc, Buffalo and Troy Baptist Churches and will moye to the pastorium in Plum Branch this week and begin his work on May 1st. Rev. Mr. Kirkland is a native of Batesburg. He was graduated from the University of S. C., and has been in the ministry for the past seven years. His first pas torate was at the Broadway Bap- Chuieh in Columbia. He comes from Cayce where he served as assistant pastor of the West Co lumbia Baptist Church, and pas tor of the Bulls Swamp Church near North. He was Secretary- Treasurer of the Interdenomina tional Ministerial Association of Columbia and he comes highly recommended as an earnest, con secrated hard worker. His wife 'is the former Miss Gladys Hallman of Aiken and they have a six months bid baby boy. Rev. Mr. Kirkland fills the va cancy made in this pastorate by the death of the beloved Rev. Harold T. Jester last December. — X -A Vacation Bible School Notice Mrs. Mary Wash I Democratic Club Claimed By Death Meetings Held] Democratic Club meetings held noxs. roMi-y *v*w«** I in the various precincts in Me- died Sunday morning at the home , nr the Mrs. Mary Richardson Wash Council Of Farm Women To Meet Here May 2nd cuea Bunuuy “"V I Cormick County Saturday for the I The McCormick County Council of her son, Earl Wash, in tne I purpose of re-organizing and e- of Farm Women will meet on Cleora section of Edgefield ^oun- | lecting delegates to the county I Tuesday, May 2nd, 10 to 1 o'clock ty, after several years of declining convention ^ to be held in at ^e Hollywood Theater in Mc- health. Funeral c ° n the court house here next Mon- Corm ^ c ^' Dr. H. J. Boggs, Jr., ducted from the Rehoboth Bapt^t day morning at n 0 > clock are re I County Health Director, will hold Church Monday at 12 o clock ^ I po rted as f 0 nows: a nutrition clinic. He will give a Rev. A. D. Croft and Rev. L. McCORMICK PRECINCT NO. 1— I lecture, show a nutrition picture Simpson with interment in ad- c w p enna i j president, and have *0 or more patients joining cemetery. W. B. Quarles, Vice-President, [present who show certain defects Surviving a re three sons, Earl, j a Patterson> secretary. Julian T. and John Was , d 8e - Execut;ive committeeman: field county; one sister, Mrs. W. Dan A Bell J. Talbert, McCormick, one broth- Delegates to County ConVention . er, Ansel D. Talbert, Washington, B R rown D. C.. and 13 grandchUdren. | j ‘ p ' Buzhar ’ dt> The annual Vacation Bible school of the McCormick Baptist Church is scheduled to begin on June 12 and will continue for two weeks. This announcement is made in advance with the desire that parents and young peopled will keep this date in mind so as not to be away at that time. Plans are being made to / make this the best Bible school we have ever had. Further an nouncements will be made later as to the complete arrangements. L. K. Simpson, Pastor. Forest Ranger Holds Training Meeting Mr. G* L. Sharpton, Forest Ranger of McCormick County, held a training meeting for the Forest Fire Fighters Service mem bers in the Willington community house Thursday, April 20th, at 8:30 o’clock. Mr. F. M. Renfroe, Forest Technician from the Aiken Office, and his assistant had charge of Dan A Bell, J. F. Mattison, J. P. Deason, J. L. Caudle, H. C. Walker, P. R. Brown, J. W. Britt. W. W. Keown, Jr., .C. H. Crawford, W. B. Quarles, J. W. Corley. that may be corrected by proper diet. The Beautification Chairman* Mrs. A. J. Hendrix, asks any who have flowers in bloom to bring them to community house by 9:30 for a flower show. Also bring plants for the plant exchange and don’t forget the purse, with a collection for the Marie Cromei Scholarship Fund. The lunch will be as usual, with Dowtin, Bethany and Rehoboth Clubs, hostesses, and serving the drink. This should be a very interest ing, instructive meeting. Come to it. McCORMICK PRECINCT NO. 2—| T. J. Sibert, President, J. T. Creswell, Vice-President, -X- E. J. McCracken, Secretary, the meeting. A picture , on forest I Executive Committeeman: fire control was shown. w. E. Britt. The Buffalo Grange served Enrollment Committee: Program supper. Price Facts Apples sold at retail must be sold by the pound. The maximum price is twelve (12) cents per pound. The maximum price for live fryers by group 1 retail stores is thirty seven cents per pound. Producers selling live fryers to consumers may charge the same price as group 1 stores. The maximum price of snap beans is twenty four (24) cents per pound. J. R. Corley, G. H. McCain, James A. Keown. Delegates to County Convention: J. T. McGrath, G. H. McCain, J. B. Walker, Rev. J. Claude Evans, J. T' Creswell, H. M. Schumpert, T. J. Sibert, W. E. Britt, Rev. E. F. Gettys, J. R. Corley, Mrs. j. e. Bradley, Mrs. Ruth P. Duncan, M. L. Gibert, C. R. Edmunds, S. L. Britt. Edgefield Associational Training Union Rally Sunday After noon April 30, First Bap tist Church, Edgefield. Program Union Service At Baptist Church Sunday Night The regular quarterly union ser vice of the McCormick churches will be held next Sunday night, April 30, with the local Baptist Church at 8:30. Dr. S. W. Reid will preach. It is-hoped that each congregation will be well repre sented at this service. A cordial invitation is extended to every one. L. K. Simpson, Pastor. X Men From 38 To 49 May Take Test For Navy Radio School Chief Bishop, Petty Officer ir Charge, Greenwood Navy Recruit ing Station, Post Office Building Greenwood, S. C.. stated thi. c morning that the Navy is seeking qualified men between the ages o' ■*8-49 with th§ proper background who wish to serve their countr* at this time in a field which of- f ers a $12,000 education in Elec tronics. The Navy needs thes' men badly and to this end Chief Yeoman C. L. Coward, USN (Re tired), has been sent to Green wood to assist Chief Bishop in screening those men who fee* that they are ready to stand the required test. In this connection qualified men who have had the c/YlcOchmick Farm Ni necessary physics, general science 2:15 Song Service led by I s* 10 ? practice and who have stood the chorister, in mathematics, are urged to 2:30 — Devotional — Antioch cal1 th e U. .S. Navy Recruiting Training Union, Station, Greenwood, for full par- 2:45—Roll call of churches, ticulars relative to this wonderful business, announcements, opportunity. 3:00 — Special music — Plum Arrangements will be made to Branch Training Union, visit any applicant who does not 3:05 — Junior Sword Drill — have the tune or transportation Edgefield Junior Union, come Into Greenwood, S. C. 3:15 — Message — Rev. Albert x ;£ ^' Bolter, | Union Meeting (By G. W. Bonnette, County Agent) The Big County Terracing Out fit has been busy when the ground was dry enough to plow, but that doesn’t mean that we have done much yet. The best run was on the Kennedy place, when we built about 5000 feet in one afternoon. Hie Kudzu planted by many of our farmers has begun to put out- Some of the men planting sericea report good stands. Folks I can’t help believing that these two crops will be very popular in the near future. Soybeans, if innoculated, will ?ive better yields. This innocula- cion can be purchased from most seed houses, or from Paul Brown icre in McCormick. If ycu intend getting molasses this year, mail your order at an early date to the County Agentfs office. Price same as last year. The Red Cross Drive was com pleted some time ago. Our quota was over subscribed as you hav* heard. Quota asked $3,200—col lected $3,264.00. I wish to thank every worker and every one who contributed. Your chairman was mighty worried at times, but was very much delighted when the quota was reached. X Drivers Of Motor Vehicles Will Be Required To Show Drivers Licenses 3:45 diction. Closing song and bene- ■ r HOLLYWOOD THEATRE McCORMICK, S. G FRIDAY snd SATURDAY APRIL 28th and 29th, 7:15 P. M. and 9 P. M. Matinee Saturday 3:30 P. M. JOHNNY MACK BROWN TEX RITTER PLUM BRANCH CLUB— R. M. Winn, President, S. J. King, Secretary. Executive Committeeman: J. L. Bracknell. Delegates to County Convention: W. M. Freeland, R. M. Winn, S. J. King, J. L. Bracknell, E. L. Langley, E. C. Rice. Church Notice Fifth Sunday services for Of The Edgefield Baptist Associa- Drivers of motor vehicles will be tion To Be Held With Edgefield stopped and required to show in Church Sunday, April Thirtieth. | their possession valid driver li censes as required by law, said J. The regular Fifth Sunday Unior IS. Williamson, chief highway com- Meeting of the Edgefield Associa- missioner, today. Driver license . . „ . ,. w tion of Baptist Churches will meet violations have been surprisingly “dfct Charge wrn b?“ l witk the Church enlarge in number recently, and the [ lows: in DEEP in the HEART of TEXAS Also CHAPTER ONE “ADVENTURES OF THE FLYING CADETS and A MUSICAL V) MT. CARMEL CLUB— D. W. Harling, President, H. O. Watson, Secretary. Executive Committeeman: L. L. Hester. Delegates to County Convention: D. W. Harling. H. O. Watson, J. C. Covin, L. L. Hester. 11:00 A. M., McCormick, 12:00 M., Plum Branch, 4:00 P. M., Republican, 8:30 P. M., Union Service, Mc Cormick. J. Claude Evans, Pastor. 9* “TED WEENIS & ORCHESTRA’ Matinee Saturday 3:30 P. M. Adults 24c m Sc* BORDEAUX CLUB— Mrs. G. W. Cade, President, * A. S. Cade, Secretary. Executive Committeeman: G. W. Cade. * Enrollment Committee: P. B. Moragne, M. S. Willis, A. S. Cade, Delegate to County Convention: P. B. Moragne. dent, R. T. McKinney, Secretary. Executive Committeeman: J. E. Mosley. Delegate to County Convention: E. L. Hollingsworth. Enrollment Committee: Mrs. Reid Brock, Mrs. Ernest Hollingsworth. MONDAY and TUESDAY MAY 1st and 2nd, 7:15 P. M. and 9 P. M. BOB HOPE—BETTY HUTTON m 46 99 , >» <r:l LET S FACE IT Also SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS and LATEST NEWS EVENTS ADMISSION: Adults, 30 cents; Children up to 12, 12 cents; Children 12 to 15, 18 cents, including tax. S.I WILLINGTON CLUB— A. E. Andrews, President, Mrs. Viola Cowan, Secretary. Executive Committeeman. T. W. Cowan. Delegates to County Convention: J. W. Morrah, Chester McNair. Enrollment Committee: J. W. Morrah, Mrs. L. F. McNair. BETHANY CLUB— W. E. Sheppard, Sr., President, E. W. Callison, Secretary. Executive Committeeman: Y. E. Seigler. Delegates to County Convention: W. K. McDonald, E. W. Callison. CLATWORTHY’S CROSS ROADS CLUB— Horace D. Brown, President, Frances Wilson, Secretary. Delegate to County Convention: Horace D. Brown. LYON’S CLUB— Wm. M. McKinney, President, Manly B. Timmons, Vice-JPresi- YOUNG’S CLUB— J. A. Young, President, Jack Gable, Vice-President, W. K. Long, Secretary. Executive Committeeman: J. A. Young. Enrollment Committee: T. F. Langley, T. O. Young, W. C. Brown. Delegate to County Convention: J. A. Young. ROBINSON'S CLUB— Ken Dowtin, President, E. C. Cheatham, Secretary. Executive Committeeman: T. A. Dowtin, Sr. Delegates to County Convention: L. C. Talbert, D. H. Langley, J. P. Robinson, Sr. Sunday, April thirtieth. - The public should be warned that the morning session will begin at e- highway patrol is vigorously ac- leven thirty, and will be under tive is carrying out the law. the direction of Mr. H. E. Free- Cases made by the state high land, Moderator of the Unior j way patrol - during March, 1944* Meeting. - The afternoon session totalled 1,479, and one fourth of will be under the direction of J these were for driving without H- Miss Louise Bracknell, Associa- cense. tional Training Union Director. Speeding (250), pedestrian Dinner will be served by the host- Irunk on highway (147), driving ess church. Interesting program' under the influence of liquor have been prepared for both (106), and recklessness (104) were morning and afternoon meet- the next most common charges, mgs, and it is earnestly dioped Driving without license has that every church in the Edge- led all other infractions reported field Association will be well by the patrol for the past nine represented. Visitors are also in- months. This includes drivers vited to attend. who have been apprehended for A. D. Croft, driving while their ^icenses are For The Program Committee. | under suspension. Driving under the influence of liquor, if the motorist is appre hended and convicted, carries an automatic suspension of the driver’s license for six months. Conservation News (By Benj. W. Crouch) Mr. P. W. Roper has just har The penalties beepme higher for completed about 25 acres of ’ goof j additional convictions, one year terraces. He is now in the process for the second, two years for the of plowing these terraces to a set- J third and each succeeding con- tied bed. Maintenance is a nec j Action. essary step in keeping an efficien' j r D ie state highway department terracing system. A two horse * s required by law to suspend plow used properly is the best e - driver licenses when convictions quipment for maintenance. for driving under the influence of Mr. J. W. Morrah has finishec li( l uor or narcotics are reported, planting his sericea lespedeza. Fines of $20,247.50 were paid to This first ^planting is on good coun ties of the state on ac- land to be used for a seed patch coun t of activities of the state From this seed patch he hopes to | highway parol during March, get enough seed to finish his planned program. A number of other farmers also planted sericea and include: S. O. Bouknight, J. M. Hemminger, W. L. White, J. T. Creswell, Mrs. Mary Sudie Stone, E. C. Cheatham, Mrs. D. M. Ward- law and possibly others. I am glad to report that Kudzu planted in the county is already sprouting and it looks like we will get a good percentage of the crown to live. Store Closing Notice Beginning May 1, and continu ing until September 1, we will close our stores every afternoon at 6:30 o’cock, Saturdays excepted. Your cooperation by shopping early will be appreciated. J. L. Bracknell, Jas. J. Collier. Plum Branch, S. C.