McCormick messenger. (McCormick, S.C.) 1902-current, November 11, 1943, Image 2

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• ■ • .<* 'M'/l , McCORMICK MESSENGER, McCORMICK, SOUTH CAROLINA Thursday, November 11, 1943 HeCORMICK MESSENGER Published Every Thursday Established June 5, IMS that may bring the home to ruin. ^ Adultery is primarily a violation df marriage but in its wider meahihg it includes all illicit re- \ EDMOND J. McCRACKEN, ( Editor and Owner Entered at the Post Office at Mc Cormick. S. C., as mail matter of tf.e seco .d class. iCBSCRIPTION RATES: Ohe Year _$l.dO Biz Months .75 Three Months .so The Sanctity of the Home. Lesson for November 14: Exo dus 20:14; Matthew 5:27-30; Mark 10:2-12. Golden Text: Matthew 5:8. Not less than the sanctity of human life, considered in the last lesson, is the sanctity of the home — where human life begins ahd is nurtured. We study the latter today and the great evil lations whatsoever. So Jesus warned against lustful thought which can make a man guilty of adultery in the heart. In answer to the Pharisees, trying to en tangle Jesus by their question, Jesus went beyond Mo c ~ Mid forbade divorce at all e;: . for adultery. No other cause is al lowed. And in only two cases of five cases quoting Jesus against divorce does he allow that the in nocent mate may secure divorce on the grounds of adultery. However this seems in aggra vated cases, holy vows must be considered, the nature of marri age as ordained of God, and the j statement of Jesus, “What there fore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder.” When God has joined man and woman, together, should men venture to "let down the bars”? What Jesus said to the Pharisees was repeated in stronger terms when he and the disciples were alone and they (verses 10-12) question ed him further concerning di vorce. It is said that the home is the unit of the State. Its sanctity i directly concerns the welfare of the nation, the nurture and fu ture ot children, and the spiritual life of parents. The home should Report of Condition of THE DORN BANKING CO. of McCormick, in the State of So. Car., at the close of business oh Oct. 18. 1943. r ASSETS 1. Loans and discounts (including $25.00 overdrafts) i $ 21,184.10 2. United States Government obligations, direct and guar- teed 92,000.00 3. Obligations of States and political subdivisions 37,600.00 G. Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve bal ances, and cash items in process of collection 310,445.06 11. Other assets __ 145.36 12. TOTAL ASSETS : $460,774.52 LIABILITIES 13. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and cor porations j $376,325.93 14. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corpo rations 1,347.86 15. ' Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) 1,569.99 16. Deposits of States and political subdivisions 30,423.71 18. Other deposits (certified and officers’ checks, etc.) 2,052.14 19. TOTAL DEPOSITS __ $411,719.63 24. TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated obli gations shown below) $411,719.63 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 25. Capital * $ 25,000.00 26. Surplus __ . 10,000.00 27. Undivided prdfits __ 14,054.89 29. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 49,054.89 ^ YOU can help prevent disastrous forest fires! CARELESSNESS starts more than 200,000 forest fires in the Uhited States every year. Carelessness destroys millions upon millions of feet of timber, noto 0 critical war material. It cripples watersheds that supply hydro* electric power to war industries. And the fighting of forest fires diverts precious labor from factories and farms. Many persons who start these fires toss away matches and cigarettes that aren’t dead out. Many others bum to clear plow land or logging slash or grass or debris and— the fires they started break away into searing, roaring flames that destroy timber, forage, wildlife, and beauty that may never be replaced. Each of these persons forgot—for a moment. And each thoughtless act was as destructive as if it had been the act of a saboteur. YOU can help prevent disastrous forest fires by observing the four simple rules illus trated here when you're in forest areas. And by seeing that others observe them. ATTENTION, BRUSH feURNERS! ^ More than 6 million acres are burned, yearly, because of YOUR careless use of fire in clearing plow land and burning logging and other slash and debris. Do your part this year. Remember: 1. Don’t burn without a permit from a ranger or fire warden. 2. Don’t bum during unusually hot, dry; . or windy weather. 3. Scrape a trail or u p!ow around" areas to be burned. 4. Have help handy till the last spark is dead REMEMBER THESE RULES: IF YOU BURN SLASH First—set a permit Last — kill every spark # 30. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ——$460,774.52 •This bank’s &pital consists of $ None of capital notes and debentures; first preferred stock with total 'par value of $ None, total retirable value $ None; second preferred stock with total par value of $ None, total re tirable value $ None; and cbmmbn -stock with total par j value of $25,0fo.N>. memoranda %1. Pledged assets (Unfcl securities lotmed) (book value): (a) U. 8. Government obligations, direct And 'guaran teed, pledget! % secure deposits ahd Other liabilities None (b) Other assets pledged to secure deposits and other i liabilities (ihclUding notes and bills rediscounted And • securities sold under repurchase agreement) _$ 18,715.95 (c) Assets pledged to Qualify fOr exercise of fiduciary" . =>. or corporate powers, and for purposes other than to secure liabilities None (d) Securities loaned __ None (e) TOTAL — _____ _____._$ 18,715.95 32. Secured and preferred liabilities: (a) Deposits secured by pledged assests pursuant to re quirements of law 18,715.95 % <b) BorA>wings secured by pledged assets (including re discounts and repurchase agreements) None (c) Other liabilities secured by pledged assets None • (d) Deposits preferred under provisions of law but not secured by pledge of assets , None (e) TOTAL „ $ 18,715.95 33. Subordinated obligatioss: (a) Unpaid dividends on preferred stock and unpaid in terest on capital notes and debentures, accrued to end of last dividend or interest period, not included in lia bilities or reserves above None (b) Other obligations not included in liabilities which are subordinated to claims of depositors and other cred itors None 34. (a) On date of report the required legal reserve against deposits of tills bank was 28,766.45 (b) Assets reported above which were eligible as legal reserve amounted to $310,445.06 I, Hanora C. Dom, Vice-President, of the above-named bank, do gfiigrrmiy swear that the above statement is true, and that it fully or>ri correctly represents the true state of the several matters herein contained and set forth, to the best of my knowledge and belief. HANORA C. DORN, V.-Pres. Correct—Attest: M. G. Dorn, Hanora C. Dorn, G. j. Sanders, Jr., Directors. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County Of McCormick. Sworn to and stf&Scrttoed before me this 1st day of November, 1943, yrttf i hereby certify that Tata not an OffWer or director of this bank. ltdb*t. L. Dendy, Notary Public. My commission expires at the will of the Governor. PREVENT FOREST FIRES be strengthened, rather than .weakened by making divorce easy. And all should guard against insidious thoughts that may lead to ruin. ‘‘Blessed are the pure in heart.” X Contributions To War Fund Drive Names and amounts contributed from Buffalo community to War Fund Drive Buffalo Baptist Church $ 5.00 Miss Alice Talbert 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Talbert— 7.00 Mr. and Leslie Britt 5.00 E. Hanvey __ 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Britt. __ 6.00 Mrs. T. Lee Edmunds .50 S. H. Talbert 1.00 Georgia Britt. __ .25 Douglass Britt __ .25 Mr. and Mrs.-T. L. Britt and Family __ — 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bowick__ 3.00 Buffalo Sunday School 5.00 Mrs. Mollie Clinkscales 1.00 $46.00 Bellvue contributed -- $3.50 Names and amounts contributed from Plum Branch to War Fund brive Amount previously re ported — — $231.75 Miss Mamie Coleman .50 P. J. Coursey and Family._ 1.58 BROWN’S INC. McCORMICK, S. C. V Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Craw ford __ __ 5.00 Mrs. W. W. Jackson 1.50 Alonza Seigler __ 1.00 James M. Strother and Family __ __ 3.00 Mrs. John H. Jennings 1.00 Mrs. Elmer Seigler 1.00 Mrs. Grace Moore 5.00 Mrs. Maude Miner 2.00 Mrs. W. W. Banks 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crawford 5.00 $259.25 Mrs. D. J. McAllister 1.00 Miss Julia Cade .50 Mrs. j. D. Cade .50 Miss Susie Patterson 1.00 Miss Florence Patterson 1.00 Total __ __ $56.50 DR. HENRY J. GODIN Sight Specialist Eyes Examined Names and amounts contributed from Mt. Carmel to War Spectacles And Eye Glasses Professionally Fitted. Fund Drive Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Watson_$10.00 956 Broad Street Augusta. G» Mrs. P. K. Black Mrs. J. W. Boyd Mr. M. D. Black Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Horton_ Mrs. J. B. Curtis Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Scott— Miss Mary Hardaway Mrs. Leonora Hardaway Mr. W. W. M. Lindley Mr. D. W. Harling Miss Monnie Harling <A Friend — — Sen. and Mrs. L. L. fcestdr— Mrs. Cecil Gilliam Mr. Wffiie ifArtcr — Mr. r J. McAllister. Mr. k. M. PelttgteW Mr. A. k. %kfiitfey Miss Lfennie Oovih — Miss Eliza Covin .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 10.00 .50 .50 1.00 .50 .50 1.00 10.60 1.00 5.00 tfbo 2.50 rife m .50 FINAL SETTLEMENT STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, I County Of McCormick. In The Court Of Probate Notice is hereby given that Mrs. Charles Bowyer and Mrs. W. A. Scott, Administratrices- df the estate of Mrs. Carrie Watt Tarrant, deceased, have this day made application unto me for a final accounting and xtfseiianra as such Administratrices, khtt the 9th day of December, 1943, at 10 o’clock, A. M., has been fixed for the hearing of said petition. All persons holding Claims a- gainst said estate are hereby no tified to present same oh above date. J. FRANK mattjj Judge bf Probate, ’Me i mick Co., S. C. November 8th, 1943.—4t. by Ok FINAL SETTLEMENT STATE 6F SOUTH CAROLINA, County Of McCormick. In The Court of Probate. Notice is hereby given that Feas- ter* Mauldin, Executor of the es tate of Mrs. Mrytle Mauldin, de ceased, has this day made appli cation unto me for a final ac counting and discharge as suCh Executor, and the 3rd day of De cember, 1943, at 10 o’clock, A. 1L. has been fixed for the hearing Bf said petition. All persons holding claims a- gainst said estate are hereby no tified to present same on or Bjjr above date. J. FRANK MATTISON, Judge of Probate, McCormick County, S. C. November 1st, 1943.—4t. INSURANCE Fire Insurance And m Other Kinds of Insurance llh eluding Life Insurance. «#! HUGH q. BROWN. ;| McCORMICK. S. C. AT FIRST StCMOFA c OV® USE 646 TABLETS. SALVE. NOSE 0R0K