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McCORMICK MESSENGER. McCORMICK, SOITTH CAROLINA Thursday, November 4. 1943 3*%' * 4 • * * I r CORMICR MESSENGER rnbllsned Every Thorsday Established June S, EDMOND J. McCRACKEN, Editor and Owner ntered at the Post Office at Mc Cormick, S. C., as mail matter of “ b second class. •UB&CRIPTION RATES: One Year $1.00 Six Months — .75 Three Months .50 Inch TOKOtl ; t REV. ROBERT H. HARPER t .( ' The Sacredness of Human Life. Lesson for November 7: Exodus 20:13; Matthew 5:21-26. 38-45. Golden Text: I John 3:15. Beginning with the curse upon Cain and expressed in the law a- gainst murder, the Bible through out teaches the sacredness of human life by its commands a- gainst taking life. Murder is gen erally regarded as the worst of aP transgressions, for it ends an .e&ithly career, and makes it im possible for a murderer to make restitution. Jesus, ever concerned to eradi cate sin at the source in the heart, warns against the hatred that may bring a man into dan ger of the judgment, apd counsels a man to seek reconciliation with his brother. Further, he teaches men to ov ercome evil with good. This is not non-resistance, but resistance of wrong with good. To meet wrong with wrong is to perpetu ate and increase it, as the sad history of the world proves. So Jesus bids men to love even their enemies. To love one’s enemies is re quired that one may be the son of the Father in heaven. To be a good son, a man must be a good brother to all his fellows, who are sons of God and his brotlgRfs. . '•»? v* * Thb” great question ^s, How can m^n love instead of hate, how csyi they fttjatp unip love, how can they^ obey all tfee teachings of Jesus? Only by faith in the Great Teacher—not first as the Great Teacher but as the Saviour of men. And. manifestly the supreme v '.2ed Oi thf sorj world ,r j V.. spread oi the . e. of love. J T-X Contributions To War Fund Drive 1.00 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gable $ 5.00 Mrs. Gable reports the fol lowing from colored people at Shiloh Church program: Spencer Nelson __ $ .50 J. C. Devlin .25 Earnestine Ware __ .25 Lewis Jenkins __ 1.00 Renie H. Patterson Baker Harrison Robert Leverett 1.00 Ella Hogan .25 Charlie Harrison __ .59 Clifton F. Patterson .50 William H. Patterson 1.00 Ida Mae Johnson -50 Addie Lee Johnson ^ .50 Mary Wardlaw __ .25 Annie Lee Wardlaw .25 Earline Drenon .10 Elizabeth Jenkins .10 Elberta Mae Robertson .10 Clara New __ .10* Daisy R. Leverett — .10 Ebbie Lee Traylor .10 Parrie Jenkins __ .50 Lizzie Bell — .10 George Drinon __ .10 Artelia Harrison .10 George New .25 Parlee Walter __ .50 Melvin Perrin __ .05 Lela New ; .10 WILL YOU BE TIJE •' "mu,,"?' -f 't I V'l* NEXT Don’t say “NO” until you read this Total from program $16.05 War Fund from Buffalo Commun ity. A. K. Britt $ 5.00 Mrs. M. K. Britt 2.00 Mrs. Eulalia Young .50 Mr. and Mrs. J. N. LeRoy___ 2.00 Young People’s Class Buffalo SURE YOU KNOW all about for«t and range fires. How they destroy timber, which is a critical war material, and feed (or cattle and sheep. How they rob us of precious man-hours—nearly eight million every year. How they cripple supplies of water that are vital for electric power and irrigation. "So what?" you ask, "What can I do?" ' YOU can do more than anyone else < because it's folks like you—good, honest, i fighting American citizens—who start' the most forest and range fires. » Sounds incredible, doesn't it? J But here are the facts: Careless Americans i last year started more forest fires than light- 1 ning, saboteurs, and incendiaries put to- , gether. j We can't let it happen again this year. ; So when we are in or near forests, farm wood lands, brush,'and grass—remember: WE are the key men and women in this fight to pro tect the home front, and we mustn*t let Our Carelessness be the Enemy’s Secret Weapon. ATTENTION, BRUSH BURNERS! More thaif 6 million acres are burned, yearly, because of YOUR careless use of fire in clearing plow land and burning log ging and other slash and debris. Do your part this year. Remember: 1. Don’t bum without a permit from a ranger or fire warden. S. Don't bum during unusually hot, dry, or windy weather. 3. Scrape a trail or "plow around areas to be burned. 4. Have help handy till the last spark is dead. REMEMBER THESE RULES: Crush out your smoko Drown your campfire — then bury It V4 A Break your burned match IF YOU BURN SLASH First—get a permit Last — kill every spark PREVENT FOREST FIRES CURGNtELESSNESS Their Seoet Weapon Sponsored By M. G- & J. J. DORN, INC. . McCORMICK, S. C. Church A -2.00 W. M. S. Buffalo Church 1.00 Jim & Edd Wiley 1.00 Mrs. Sudie Edmonds 1.00 $14.50 i • \ Just received a nice shipment of Good, Sound, Young Tennessee Mules and' Mares. Call at my stables on Cedar Street and look them over. Why not trade in the one you don’t like for one you do like? Just received a shipment of new one and two- horse wagqns. Terms to suit anybody. J.L. SMITH Cedar Street McCormick, S. C. Or# Buy Your Furniture From S. STROM V Easy Payment Plan. ^rvrf-np, | No Carrying Charge. “ S K •• * ' • • * '• * McCormick, S. C. AT Juft , hi Names and Amounts Contributed . Frpm Plum Branch To War Fund Drive Mr. and' Mrs. S. J. King $ T. W. Lanham Raymond McDonald Mrs. Guy Carr E. C. Rice and Family J. L. Bracknell and Family^ Miss Sarra Speltz 5.00 Rev. Foster Speer 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Wide- man __ __ H. D. Creswell Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Winn G. A. Talbert J. A. Ridlehoover Ozzie McKellar __ H. M. Self Mr. and Mrs. W. F. White. _ 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 25.00 2.00 1.50 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 Mrs. Mary L. Lyon 1.00 Gary Keith Self 1.00 Mrs. Gary Self 1.00 Rev. and Mrs. Harold T. Jester __ __ 2.00 Mrs. M. F. Self 1.00 John Wilkie 1.00 Mrs. Jim Parks 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Reynolds __ __ 1.50 Mrs. Fannie M. Parks 1.00 Mrs. Rhett Timmerman 1.00 Mrs. W. L. Wall — 1.00 E. R. Holloway .50 Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Freeland — __ 1.00 Mrs. Robert Lee McKinnie__ .50 Miss Mary Ann Winn_ .25 J. W. Bracknell -1— 2.50 Miss Arline.Jennings 2.00 Mr. and: Mrs. t A- Self 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Winn.. 5.00 J£rs. Louise &. Banks.. 5.00 Miss Lucy Brown .-...I-.I. " 5.00 Miss Nerine Wall 1.50 Mrs. A. T. Moore 2.00 J. J. Collier _.. ... 5.00 Mr. and' Mrs. R. E. Cole man 1.00 C. L. Wideman 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. G. T. . Rearden __ .. 4.00 R. M. Winn 5.00 Ralph Wilkie .50 Robert Wilkie .50 B. I. Bladon and Wife 4.00 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds __ 2.00 Mrs. Hattie Collier 2.00 Miss Margaret Freeland ,1.00 Mrs. Roy Strother 1.00 J. C. Wells 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Willis and Family __ 1.00 Mrs. B. N. Robertson 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. J. Ellison White 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wilkie._ 5.00 Ray Wilkie „ 1.00 Mrs. G. C. Wall and ' Family __ 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Leon Langley. 5.00 E. L. Langley 5.00 Forest Wall and Family 5.00 Ray L. Wall 2.00 M. M. Wall 1.00 Mrs. Irene Freeland 5.00 T. R. Ridlehoover 1.00 Earl Collier __ 1.00 Frank Freeland and Family 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. George Willis. 2.00 Gladys Winn 2.00 Mrs. R. M. Winn 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Sturkey. 2.00 Marion Foster Sturkey 1.00 Mr. and Mrs: J. M. Bowick. 2.00 J. L. Wells and Family 25.00 W. R. Bodie and Family—. 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. White.. 1.00 Floyd Mobley and Wife..-. 2.00 J, M. C.’ Freeland—------- 1«> Mrs. J. R. Wilkie..—— 2.00 Mack Wells (colored) 1.00 Martha Brunson (colored) . .50 Total „ — * $231.75 x Scout News The Cub Scouts met Tuesday, November 2nd, at the home of Mrs. G. J. Sanders. The meeting was started by the pledge to the flag. Then the business came up. All the Cubs joined in the living circle. Then we closed the meet ing. Sandwiches and punch were served. Keeper of the Buckskin. DR HENRY J. GODIN Sight Specialist Eyes Examined Spectacles And Eye Glasaea Professionally Fitted. $56 Broad Street Augusta. Ga. FINAL SETTLEMENT The Scouts of Trop 71 put the Hallowe’en Carnival over a hun dred per cent. One half of the proceeds will go to the South Carolina National War Fund. Al bert Campbell has joined troop 71. | They will meet Thursday at the regular meeting. Troop Scribe. INSURANCE Fire Insurance And Other Kinds of Insurance eluding Life Insurance. All In- STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County Of McCormick. In The Court Of Probate. Notice is hereby given that Mj Lillie C. Bussey, Executrix of tl estate of J. M. Bussey, decease has this day made applicatii unto me for a final accountii and discharge as such Executrj and the 10th day of Novembi 1943. at 10 o’clock, A. M., has be< fixed for the hearing of said pet tion. All persons holding claims j gainst said estate are hereby not fied to present same on or by j bove date. J. FRANK MATTISON, Judge of Probate, McCormick Co S C October‘9th, 1943.—4t. FINAL SETTLEMENT HUGH C. BROWN, McCORMICK, S. C AT FIRST SKN OF A 666 TA1 s. ttWc.'Mterisswi STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County Of McCormick. In The Court of Probate. Notice is hereby given that ter’Mauldin, Executor of the tate of Mrs. Mrytle MauicUn, ceased, has this day made &i cation unto me for a final counting and discharge as st Executor, and the 3rd day of cember, 1943, at 10 o’clock, A. Has been fixed for the hearing] said petition. All persons holding claims gainst said estate are hereby 1 tified to present same on or above date. - . * J. FRANK MATTISON, i Judge of Probate, McCormick j: County, S; C. > • l November 1st, 1&43.—4t. '