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/ i;. -. ,o >■ *r-f.^WlC#T6’r * •j*-' TRUE TO OURSELVES, OUR NEIGHB OKS, OUR COUNTRY AND OUR GOD. ^ °rty*Secoiid Year Established June 5, 1902 McCORMICK, S. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1943 Number 20 This Week in ij , J^ington, D. C., Oct. 18.— many government departments. l£iIS N ? ) — A 10 Per cent national There is also a growing objec- »«ies tax, perhaps on everything tion to the amount of money our with some basic ne- government spends on lend-lease, exempted, appears at the feeling being that we are car- JJ^sent to be the most likely sub- rying too much of the financial * or ^he treasury’s tax plan burden of the war. Senator Al- wnich hds been rejected as im- len Ellender of Louisiana, de- PHteticai by most all congressmen manding that this government re- wno have analyzed it. The treas- ceive raw materials and bases in ury plan calls for high increases exchange for supplies, gave fig- jn income and in corporation ures that we are spending more Jwtes plus big boosts in excise than all our allies put together tAjes on luxuries. and that our debt is greater than Financial experts who have all of the nations put together. He analyzed the treasury proposal de-; said our’ per capita debt now Clare that it is unsound and stands at $935 while the per capi- M£ny charge that it is teeming ta debt in Great Britain is only wltti politics. They point to the $164. He added that bur lend- plan of getting rid of the Victory lease expenditures alone for 1943 2m, which is included in the are only three billion dollars less treasury measure, as a plan to get than the total war expenditures votes^ by excusing 9,000,000 fam ilies from nayine a tax next year. of Great Britain for this year. Whether this problem will be Critics also point out that/ un- ironed out at the important meet- der the treasury plan, in some ing of foreign ministers in mos- siates a man earning less than cow is uncertain, but it is hoped $5,000 a year would have more that all subjects which are apt to bn between Allied na- M -V. money left over after payment of taxers than a man earning three or four hundred thousand a year. In New York state, where there is also a state tax on income, it iy estimated that a man earning $480,000 a year would have to pay a tax of $402,000—an actual loss for the year. The treasury admits that four fifths of our present high nation al income goes to people earning less that $5,000 a year and con gressmen therefore feel that any revenue measure will fail that doesn’t increase the tax on this group. A-sales tax, which would tax people in accordance with the amount of goods they purchase, 3s considered by experts to be a sound plan during this period of scarcity of merchandise. Repre- • co - tP*1ve Robertson of Virginia, the first to propose a 10 per cent s,'- les tax. estimates that this tax alone would bring in $6,000,000,- 000 in additional revenue. As a substitute for additional taxation, there is expected to be a xnalor movement in congress aimed at. decreasing government '-WfMSSaitufes.-On their visits home, during the congressional recess, conaressmen learned that the people realize the need for high t«*xes but vehemently object to the waste of their tax money by cause friction tions will be given attention. The Moscow meeting, between Secretary Hull of the United States, Foreign Minister Anthony Eden of Great Britain and Rus sian Foreign Minister Molototf is expected to have a lot to do with ' ■ rerunning the length of the war. If Germany finds that her three powerful enemies are able to reach agreements on war strategy as veil as on peace time planning, the Nazis should then be most ready to admit defeat. Although the Moscow meeting is referred to as a “practice session” for the peace conference after the war, it is looked* upon with almost as great importance as the peace e itself. ' This County Asked To Raise $3,200 For War Fund Drive MrSi Lona F. Newby Claimed By Death Funeral services for Mrs. Lona ^iroueron Newby, who died at ‘he home of h«r sister, Mrs. B. C. Owings, here Friday, were con- ducted from the Owings resi- your door be ii r i ngs t0 . d * e ? ce i, S ^ day at 4 morrow morning and you find there someone to get your con- ducted by her pastor the P^v. f r ibi>tion to the National War Claude Evans, assisted bv Dr. S. count it a p rivil e g e. W. Reid of Presslv Memorial A. R. seventeen agencies have com- <snn C v Ur £f’ bined efforts administer re- ok 1 ’ ° f „ McCormick Baptist lief to our men our a nie S> and vrlrvf^\ ? iJ ld was in the the starving millions of the-con- M ^?° rr ^T Ck K Cemete ^l' h . . auered countries. Your gift will M^s .Newby was the daughter of k^jp re iieve suffering in the Pi' Furoueron and the late Mrs. far corners* of the world and even I; othr Q^ Fu v5 b H r ^;/l f r ' 1 ’ r men wV>0 have been , prisoners, will be reached. Make home in St. Petersburg, Fla., for y 0ur g }f t a generous one. McCor- he oast twenty-one vears, until mfck P Coun tv has been asked to l bo ^^ a raise $3,200.00. Let us show the ,. r of /he Republican Metno-1 sair , e snirit we’ve been so proud di ‘o V , c h. urcb r » ea j ^^cCorrnick. ©f in the recent financial drives ToS 16 lS c»j Urvi X ed TvT Q b ^K„ tw0 f ou*- countv has made •Tames Edward Newby, of the when we think of the sweat, Al NTo££ r , PS ’ hlood and tears and all the priVi- Bobby Newbv st. Fetersbu^,. j e g es of home, wealth and happi- w SiS iur rS WA«HpSl!n br ?iSr ness our men on th , e fighting • JK?* fronts are sacrificing, we should Owings^ both of McCormick, Mrs. kne ei a nd thank God that all A* A*' we’re asked to give is dollars.. I Then there’s this to think of: Furqueron, all of St. Petersburg, I ^ muc j 1 as ye did - it unt<0 ar ^ d , J - 0f r , ni?v C °M" I one of the least of these, my vtoi Q ? ary M ' brethren, ye did it unto me.” PaUbeaJm were^eorlf 'sharD- ^ to” VeMaa Jennings Marsna: ^ ^commltT^end Chamberlain and J. S. Strom, funeral director, in w ‘ ^ &inil ' n - charge. I X X How To Display Auto License Strips Sullivan News conference -X- McCormick Metho dist Church Plans Party Tonight r-r- , . - • All members of McCormick Methodist Church are urged to attend the church party being held tonight at the community house. People of ail ages are in vited. The time is 8:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. LaGroon spent, Surdav afternqon with Mr. HOLLYWOOD THEATRE McCORMICK, S. C FRIDAY and SATURDAY October 22nd and 23rd, 7:15 P. M. and 9:15 P. M. Matinee Saturday 3:30 P. M. ROY ROGERS_GABBY HAYES in 66 RIDIN’ DOWN THE CANYON” Also CHAPTER 8 SERIAL “KING OF THE MOUNTIES” a-d REPORT FROM THE ALEUTIANS” Schools To Do Ration Farmers Of This Job For Book “4” Oct. 25, 26. 27. Oct. Oct. "H t*'"'* v.'v-s are from 9:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. School Files’ McCormick High School. 9:30 to 5. Oct. 25. **6 and °v. ""d the 26th from 7 p. m. to 9 p. m. Dp la Howe School, Oct. 25th, Willington, Mrs. McNair’s Store, Oct. 26th. Mt. Carmel, Community House, Oct. 27th. Washington Consolidated, Oct. 25th, • . . Meriwether School Bldg., 26th, Washington Con. School, 27th, Ppthanv School. Mims’ High School. First reoumement for securing Book No. “4” is to present Book No. “3”. The applicant must show a book for each person for whom he is requesting a ndw book. If the applicant does not have Book No. 3 with him the registration center cannot serv~ him at that time. If the book has never been issued to him, he must first apply for it at the lo cal ration board. Second reouirement is that the Replication form be properly filled in. Families—File a single applica tion for all members of a group of persons who are related bv blood, merriage. or adoption and who revHarly live in the same household. X Parksville News Items Highway Patrolman F. H. Ar- an d Mrs. E. O. LaGroon. -‘"id bas received information miss Laura Mellette was tne at- from the State Highway Denart- tractive guest in the home of Mr. ment on how the new 1943-44 and Mrs. j. e. Winn Tuesday night, motor vehicle license strios shall Mrs. Frank Capra is spending a- be displayed. The Department while with her parents, Mr. and points out that many motorists ^i rs . g. R. Mayson. Mr. Capra is attach in p the new strips to i n the armed services, the top of the ol<J plates and Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Williams and many are discarding the 1942-43 family were visitors in th° home plates altogether and using only of Mr. T. B. Gilchrist Sunday af- the 1492-1943 strios. ternoon - He is instructed to inform mo- Mr* r t West recently made torists that the 1943-44 strips re- a visit to Columbia to see her validate the 1942-43 plates i^rd bro t,h e r. Mr. W. B. Hughey, who is that the new strips should be at-j stickily ill.' •• r tached to. the bottom of the 1942- Mrs. juljan Corley is recuperat •13 plates. jog after ar> operation in the Prior to the war when we requir- Greenwood Hospital, ed motor vehicles to display two We ar e delighted to know that licenses, if one plate was lost che m*-s j m. Johnson is improving other was surrendered with < an The home of Mr. and Mrs. W application for replacement and r, Timmerman, Trenton, was the $1.10. The same will be true for I of a lovely birtbdav dinner the license year 1944. It takes J c;nr> d oT7 honoring R^*eldon Tim- both a 1943 plate and a 1944 strip merman’s thirteenth birthdav for a proper license. If either one j obn .Albert Timmerman’s eieht- is lost, the other should be sur- j eenth birthdav and Harlod Cor- rendered with application for re- lev » s t we nt.v-sixth birthday. Mr placement and the usual fee of and Mrs. Hermon Sandifer of Troy $1.10. .This difference, however, M r. John Albert Timmerman ot must be noted, tw) replacement 1 ciemson College and Mr. and Mrs. cards must be submitted if either I Harold Corley were guests on this plate is lost or both of them. The occasion reason for this is that two years’ Thg gullivan H. D. Club met last records must be maintained. I Tnesdav with Mrs. P. S. Mayson So in every case of replace- Mellette gave an interesting ment, send in a card for 1943 and ^. a | k OI f keeping prices down, s pother for 1944, properly filled | ^ out and probated with one re- * mittance of $1.10. TTfj d f\ r a • regulation the 1943 plate number has been deter mined to be the license number on the vehicle and the strip a re- Modoc News validation of that number. X- Role Of Farms In Our State Praised In Greyhound Ad I st ™® Pvt. G. E. Canteleau from New Orleans. La., is spending some ♦ime with relatives here and at Edgefield. Mr. and Mrs. Mayfield Copeland ond Mrs. J. M. Stone from Clin- ‘^n spent last Friday and Satur day here with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. The current series of Greyhound O. E. Dukes, Jr., from *mp Stuart made a short visit ’^erp Sunday to his mother, Mrs. 44 • (Ev’eryone should see this.) Mathiee Saturday 3:30 P. M. Adults 20c, Plus Tax m I V-’ m MONDAY and TUESDAY October 25th and 26th, 7:15 P. M. and 9 P. M. ; JACK BENNY_PR1SCILLA LANE bus advertisements, which has q e Dukes b*>en appearing in this newspaper Mr.’'and Mrs. c. E. Skelton, Mr. and in others throughout the Mrs J. M Burnett and Mis* State, has been featuring the part uorley Mr and Mrs C. T. Bussey played in our community life by U-« re d i n par guests Sunday tc —^ nDa tional groups and M ^. and Mrs. B. M. Bussey, organizations. Miss Sarah Howie of Or Q en- The important roles played by P70f > d was a we ek end visitor here our State’s bighwavs, schools, and f 0 v, er parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. newspapers have already been in- g H^wlg Westinglv nresc^tod. This tim- ' Miss A nnice Brooks of Green- tb« far^s of our state have their nvv > d tb° week end here turn. City dwellers and farmers W jf b M’-* W S Clem alike will undoubtedly discover m M iss Hazel’Dukes from Charles- the facts presented many things sp°r*t the oast few days herg tbo- know before about the with her mo ther, Mrs. G. E. agricultural achievements of our I Apices. ROCHESTER in # * M ^-MEANEST MAN IN THE WORLD” AC SELECTED S^OTF SUBJECTS «in< State. Particularlv now. when , farm produce is so essential to our war effort. Greyhound officials feel S r I that all of us should have a clear- . er realization of the lob our farm- ers a*"' doing and the bus lines '$<}?, are tpking this means of en- couraeing more people to think -V? more about the farms of our State. iyi I • "*r Al Willington Co^iniinitv House Wed n esday Ni ( rli t Mr. w. McDaniel spent Tuesday of this week at Bradley. Mr. C. E. Holson from Green wood was a week end visitoT here to home. Miss Etoyle Clem is spending some time at Panama City, Fla. X Program At Shiloh Colored Church Mrs. Bettv Barrett from Clinton is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr* R. N. Edmunds. TT *sito^s in the home o* Mrs Della Harvelv this week end were Mr. and Mrs. K. McNeil their daughter. Joan, from Augus ta. and Mrs. Roger Williams trom Greenwood. Mrs. K. B. Brigman and son. Brodie. are on an extended visit f n r oi<, rives in Newberry and Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Williams ffonr Camden visited- in the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Blackwell this week end. Rev. and Mrs. Harold Jester and son, Jackie, were supper guests in the home of Mrs. Ella Lankford Friday. Mrs. T otitia Bussey from Augus ta is visiting Mrs. W. P. Parks this week. Mr. O. S. Long was called to Columbia Friday by the serious illness of his brbther. We are glad to report an improvement in his brother’s condition. Mr. J. R. Cartledge from Al bany. Oa., spent the week end here with his family. Mrs. Theo Quarles and daugh ter. Svlvia. from Red Hill spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wood. Mr. Wood is still confined to his bed: but is much improved Mrs. J. W. Parks and son, Bob by, joined Pvt. Parks in Augusta to spend the week end with Mrs. B. tr. Parks. Mrs. J. A. Hamlin from Wash ington. D. C.. Mrs. W. P. Parks Jr, from McCormick and Mrs. K B. Bngman snent Wednesday with Mrs. H. P. Schmidt. Mrs. Ella Lankford spent the w'-ek end in Plum Branch with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Langley. The W. M. S. held their October rr»ee + ingr jn the home of Mrs. R County Proud Of Part They Took In Third War Loan Campaign “Farmers of McCormick County are proud of the part they to": ip our Third War Loan Cam paign,” G. J. Sanders. Jr.. Cou*' : Chairman of the War Finar'" Committee, said this week. “Tiry are anxious, however, to cor>ti~ * their purchases of War Bonds be cause this costliest of all wa^s must be financed and fought to a conclusion. “There are two strong reasons for the purchase of War Bonds bv individuals.” Mr. Sanders con tinued. “First, we should supply our fighting men with whatev^* is needed -to protect themselves and end the war on the eerM <,c,r . possible date. Second, we should be wise enough to take advantage of higher incomes to build up re serves for the day when prices and incomes go down. “Our enemies are well trained and eouipped, and our fighting men do not have a chance with out an abundance of the weapons of modem war. Their fortitude alr*nf» is not sufficient. “Prices now received by farm ers for their products will not last forever! It is conceded by almost everyope that the time will again enm^ when farm prices drop to a low level. Farmers’ in comes now are not real incomes. They are not replacing machin ery and eouioment or making ^orm°l repairs. Many ’farmers are, therefore, investing in War Bonds the money which would ordinarily be soent for these pur poses. In this wav they will create a reserve available for re placements after the war or at any time for anv purpose.” X Mt. Carmel News Rev. jpffcoat of Calhoun Falls, Dr. S. W. Reid of McCormick. Mrs. Ida Black. Mrs. Dora BrySon and Mrs. R. J: McAllister were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McAllister Sunday. Mrs. Eula Scott was a recent business visitor in Abbeville. Mrs. Gladys Scott is enjoying k nieasant stay of a few days whh her sister. Mrs. W. A. Scott. R°v. and Mrs. Henderson and children *n°nt the week end in Calhoun Falls. * Mrs. Edward Hammond of El- berton was a guest of Jier mother, Mrs. Mary Smith, and sister, Mrs. Loftus Jones. Mr. a^d Mrs. Dode Philips and David of Due West and Mr. and Mrs. James Boyd of Greenville visited, Mrs. J. W. Boyd Sunday afternoon. _ f Mrs. D. J. McAllister attended the Fall meeting of the County Council at McCormick Saturday. Mrs. W. B. Sham has returned home from a pleasant visit to Col. W. B. Sharp at Camp Mc Clellan, Anniston, Ala. Mrs. Mary Smith and Mrs. Lof tus Jones accompanied Sgt. James L. Jones to Elberton one dav last week and visited Mrs. Edward Hammond and other relatives un til Set. Jones left to return to rx. Meade in Maryland. Mrs. H. O. Watson and Misses- Lura Jean and Virginia Watson were Augusta visitors Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. Pavson White of Columba spent the week end N. Edmunds. Mrs. Joe P. Br^”’* j with his sister, Miss Anne White. Mrs. Cecil Gilliam spent the week end • in A r 'dersof 1 ' with her cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Kellv. Mr. Pettigrew of Edgefield was a business visitor here Mondav. He is with the Clark Milling Co. of Augusta. was co-hostess with Mrs. Ed munds. c'. 1 r> b £ip-«t’ ir»pt at the church Friday afternoon. Sara Perciva' v r as aor)0int o d to act as treasurer since Lucy Buchanan moved a- wav. Miss Mazelle Campbell from Cross Hill was the house guest of Mrs. R. V. Tuten recently. X Ozzie McKellar En joys Birthday Dinner A surnn* 0 ' d’^^er was eive’a honor of 38th birthdav. Sun- Oct J n +h. at the home of ard M**s. P J. Cosey nea r Plum Bravoh. His aunt. M" 0 a"'* wife. Mrs. McKclla r V>nr3 4Tnr* nl''' 5 *l?*'~ flying orenarinr* the dinner. The table -r.oe fjv'd nut in the yard and M-,r r o g-—rrne enjoyed a very de- licin’m ch~ner. After p^erwme went i "*- to the b r ‘us'' a^d enloved sorv-- TFc r v p^od and singing Tb'm the brought m ann opened. Ho r* P oi-r ed some ver- { Home Front Pledges For All Retail Merchants Next Sunday Night ^ °£S ui*™ one. The Iccol Rationing Board an nounces that all food merchants are bolng mailed pledges to s^n that thev will charge no mo-e than top legal prices end wih eell no rationed e- 0O ds without ration r, *nmns. Each merchant who po- dorses the program bv signing and returning t b p oledge to tne ration office wPl receive a win dow pledge ca*-d Also that p-y hneo»* rrli wih b’'°d ’"•v ♦be pr’«» “those patii^t- ie merchants” w^o b avp podor^pd this pledeo of f->ir dealing a-> d will co-operate with their govern- LATEST NEWS EVENTS r'ies +c mcluded D. Weeks a.nrt Mr. and Mrs. ehi 1r,r en o+ rr-v,nrill j")'-* v’-:—'nr** ’’t T D. Weeks an^ chporen or j ‘-yvin fhjFio- tlv' 4 ' farmin'^ | , J\ jnecial program will be put on O’-eenwood. Mrs. Crate Brown and i most is »-»ora 1 e. W° r - 1 ‘n - a rne ^ -entored church near Me- pt* 5 ',!,—^ Mr. a”d Mr* ^d B rn wn j ♦niQ vefio-*-* k'- , ow on,- l-' OM 11- o 'ADM t B c ’ t ON: Adtiir* ’28 cents: Children up to 12. tl'ccntj, Children 12 to 15. 17 cents, includi11g-,idefenser4.ak,* a: TT7 ^ ^7 <3 • - '7-0 no . J V^7 r " , ■ " WRbnort.on Cc r mick on Sunday night, October «r* d Mr. and Mrs. Yar-1 that farming is not a October 2 A \h. at. 8 oeloctc. lor the benefit b-n\i<-h rr r -, V ;n and chiMre^ and -.p, to go to the cf the United War Fund Drive. M r J H B^own, ah of MeCor- m«rbv»*^d i-'d**-*— - *-♦. - ——><■ "'*•<♦•- i Janir Gable appointed wi'-f- • and Mrs Buiter of f’a^ > t . . ... — •>-—•- i--- v-o T ~r, ;q. -.-v-ir-'- v ill have charge of the two children cf Au- sirm*- h.”—v r Club, and every one is hivited. , program. 4 gusta, Ga. ‘ -* ji-ov jn Ih. r >. • . ... - ■*' • • . " +■