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OUK GOD* =5T TSUI TO OUWtXLTHA. ’ ,Tt W NTEIQHBOBS, OUS COUNTRY Forty-First Year War Loan Drive Starts Monday, April 12th 1 O. J. Sanders, Jr., chairman of the Second War Loan Drive for McCormick County iias announced that 'Otir quota is $50;000. Thirteen billion is the nation's quota. This means that America, is opening another great fighting front, against the enemy. It's a dollar front this time—a call for billions of fighting dollars to sup port our fighting men. To raise this $50,000 in McCor mick County will take the whole hearted and all-out support of ev ery: man, woman and child in the county. If we fail in this effort we are letting our fighting men down! Remember our ene mies will stop at nothing to de feat us and turn us inta a nation June 5,190? McCORMICK. S. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1943 . Number 45 Legion Auxiliary Mrs. R. L. Dendy The April meeting of the Ameri can Legion Auxiliary was held at the home Of Mrs. R. L. Dendy in Troy, on Wednesday afternoon of last week with Mrs. T. O. Young and . Mrs. Prank White, assistant hostesses. Mrs. Dendy’s spacious rooms were beautiful with spring flow ers and potted plants. Followhig the ritual and flag salute, conducted by music chair man, Mrs. Mildred Nave, assisted by Mrs. E. F. Creighton at the piano, a short business session was held with Mrs. P. W. Roper, president, presiding. Miss Frances New was announced as winner of the Americanism Essay contest in A. H. Ward Will Ad dress Council Mem bers Herei Saturday W. A. Tumblin Claimed By Death Wade A. Tumblin, 66, retired At Community House farme r of Troy, died at his resi- - denep last 'Thursdav nftpr an of slaves. When buying govern- which the subject, “Making Amer- ment bonds, remember this is not a 10 per cent, not a 15 per cent, not even a 25 per cent war. This is a total war! Our men give their lives, we lend our money— Buy Bonds, all you possible can * now. The following is a list of work- / crs that have been appointed to serve in the various communities in the county: E. C. Rice, Plum Branch, W. T. Self, ParksviUe, Carroll Bussey, Modoc, Jeff Sharpton, Clarks Hill, Mrs. Maffie Minarik, Meriwether, Mrs. H. M. Freeland, White Town, Mrs. Avis Britt, Buffalo-Belle- vue, * Mrs. W. H. McNair, WiWngton, J Mrs. Hunter McKinney, Mt. Car mel, * A. S. Cade, Bordeaux, Mrs. Y. E. Seigler, Bethan^, Mrs. P. J. Dowtin, Dowtin sec tion, J. C. McComb, Bethia section, E. F. Gettys, De la Howe, Miss Willie Young, Youngs sec tion. Publicity" Chairman, Mrs. C. H. ica Strong," was used. Running second was Miss Bertha Mae Harris and third was Claude Huguley, Jr. Mrs. Dendy, child welfare chair man, presented the following pro gram: talk, “Resources Available for Child Help,” Mrs. C. H. Hugu ley; reading, “I Like Americans,” Mrs. W. P. Grier; piano solo, Mrs. Creighton; talk, “Juvenilis Delin quency ” Rev. W. P. Grier. A social hour followed and th e hostesses served sandwiches, cook ies and Russian tea. Huguley, ' , Solicitors for McCormick, City Chairman, J. M. Dorn, Schools, W. Y. Webb, Mrs. Luther Bowick, Mrs. A. J. Hendrix, Mrs. James Dam, Mrs. W. M. Talbert, Mrs. R. L. Faulkner, Mrs. E. L. Rogers, Mrs. J. B. Hannon, Jr., Mrs* W. P. Parks, Jr., Mrs. J. E. Bell. W. S. Mims will supervise work among the colored people the HoiLMin me McCORMICK, S. G (•YS) FRIDAY and SATURDAY APRIL 9th and 10th, 7;15 P. M. and 9:05 P. M. Matinee Saturday 3:30 P. M. FRED MacMURRAY PAULETTE GODDARD in “THE FOREST RANGERS” (In Technicolor) Also CHAPTER EIGHT ‘‘GANG BUSTERS” and SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS Matinee Saturday 3:30 P. M. Adults 20c, Plus Tax m MONDAY and TUESDAY APRIL 12th and J3th, 7:15 P. M. and 9 P. M. DON AMECHE JOAN BENNETT v in A. H. Ward, District Agent, Mrs. Harriet 'F. Johnson, 4-H Club Leader, and Dr. Mauldin J. Boggs, Jr., will address the County Coun cil Members, Saturday. April 10, at the Community House. The theme of the program will be “Food Production on the Home Battlb Front.” • All farm men as well as women are invited to attend this meet ing. The following program has been arranged by the Executive Committee of the Council: 10:30—Registration, 11:00—Meeting called to order— President, Mrs. C. A. Gilbert, Assembly Singing, Devotional, Solo—Miss Lilia Bell Rogers, Council Creed in Unison, Address of Welcome: Mrs. J. F. Buzhardt, Response: Mrs. Tom Franklin, Appointment of Committees, Roll Call: By Clubs, Reading of Minutes: Secretary, Mrs. J. E. Bell, Special Music, Report of County Chairmen: Agriculture: Mrs. B. S. Cul- breath, Beautification: Mrs. A. J. Hen drix. Citizenship: Mrs. W. H. Horton, Education: Mrs. R. H. Banks, Finance: Mrs. J, C. Young, Health:‘Mrs. T. L. Edmunds, Legislative: Mrs. H. O. Watson, Membership: Mrs. Foster Speer, Music and Recreation: Mrs. J W. Seigler, : Publicity: Mrs. T. J. Minarik, Religion and Welfare: Mrs J. M. Hemminger, Assembly Singing, Report of Red Cross Work—Mrs. C. K. Epting, ' Address—Mrs. Harriet F. John son, 4-H Club Leader, Winthrop, Solo—Miss Lilia Bell Rogers, Address — Food Production on the Home Battle Front, A. H Ward, District Agent, Aiken, S. C., Address—Lay Participation . In Community Health Program, Dr. Mauldin J. Boggs, Jr., Co. Health Dept., Assembly singing. Awarding of Certificates and Diplomas, Miss Matilda Bell, Co. H. D. A., Business, Adjourn: God Bless America, 1:00 Lunch, Flower Exchange. Modoc News GIRL TROUBLE # Also A FOPEYE CARTOON “ALON A ON THE S ARONG SEAS” and * LATEST NEWS EVENTS ADMISSION: Adults. 28 cents; Children up to 12, 11 cents; Children 12 to 15. 17 cents, includfrtg defense tax crease of $1,647.82. Mrs. George Peel of Anderson is the charming guest of her sis ters, Misses Lennie and • Eliza Co vin. , Mr. and Mrs. Enrick Blackwell and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Black- well of Columbia visited their mother, Mrs. Fannie Blackwell, and aunt, Mrs. Ida Black, Sunday. Sen. L. L. Hester and Mr. W. H. Horton were ^business visitors in Abbeville Monday. Miss Lillie Miller of De la Howe Infirmary spent the week end at her home here. Mr. W. L. Miller was a visitor in McCormick one day last week. Mrs. Lucy Branyon was a recent /isitcr of Mrs. Mary Smith, also Mrs. A. B. Lyon was a recent visi- cr here. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Morrah of Greenville were visitors here jne day last week. Sen. L. L. Hester left Tuesday norning to attend the meeting cf he General Assembly in Columbia his Aveek. Dr. S. W. Reid of McCormick was visitihg friends in Mt. Car mel Friday afternoon. Mrs. Posey Alverson of McCor mick was a visitor here Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Feaster Mauldin of McCormick were visitors here Sat urday. Mrs. Rebecca Boyd, Mrs. -Henry Frierson, and son, Henry, Jr., and Mrs. Eugene Hunnicutt spent a few days at the home near here last week, and all visited Miss Anne White Friday evening. Mrs. Boyd extended her visit to South Carolina until next Friday and is now with Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Boyd and family in Abbeville. Mrs. Etta Lindley spent last week in Columbia with relatives. Mrs. John D. Cade has returned home from a short, but pleasant Postmaster J. E. Bell announces visit with her sister, Miss McKel- §|r that postal receipts for the year lar, in Florence. •spending March 31, 1943, were Mrs. W. A. Scott and Mrs. Hun- S 1 $8,608.81, as compared with re- ter McKinney were visitors in Me- ; |£ ceipts of $6,960.99 for the year Cormick Monday. W ending March 31, 1942, an in- Mrs. Cecil Gilliam was a visitor Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Johnson Spartanburg were week end visitors here to the latter’s moth er, Mrs. Mattie Key. Mr. and Mrs. K. E. White from Parksville were week end guests to Mr. and Mrs. O. J. White. Mrs. G. E. Dukes is spending the week in Tennessee with her daughter, Mrs. Donald Hancock. Mr. E. F. Bussey and daughter, Miss Rosalie Bussey, were spend .he day guests last Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Howie. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bussey from Columbia spent the week end here among friends and relatives. Sgt. Austin Clem and Lt. Murry from Camp Gordon spent Satur day night here with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Clem Mr. and Mrs. Richard Key from Columbia were week end visitors here to the former’s mother, Mrs Mattie Key. Mr. E. F. Bussey made a short Dusiness trip to Augusta o:i Tuesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. McDaniel from Virginia are spending the week with relatives here and Augusta. X- dence late last Thursday after an illness of several months. Funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon at four o’clock from Rabun Creek Baptist church, near Laurens, where he was a member, by his pastor, the Rev. R. A. Baldwin, assisted by the. Rev. Ben Davenport. Inter ment followed in the church cemetery. Survivors are his widow, Mrs. Alice Tumblin; two daughters, Mrs. )ff. H. Beadles, Atlanta, Ga.; Mrs. J. W. Goff, McCormick; six sons, Sgt. L. T. Tumblin, Miami, Fla., H. E. and C. P. Tumblin, Greenville; W. A. Tumblin, Spar tanburg; H. T. Tumblin, Navy; Raymond C. Tumblin, Troy; two brothers, J. H. and H. F. Tum blin, both of Laurens. Mr. Tumblin was a native of Laurens, but had made his home in Troy for the past 26 years. J. S. Strom, funeral director, in charge. X Workers’ Council Meets With Mrs. C. R. Strom Plum Branch News “Christian Measurements” was the topic discussed by Mrs. T. R. McAbee Monday evening of last week when the Workers’ Council of the local Baptist Sunday school met with Mrs. C. R. Strom with Mrs. R. H. Talbert and Mrs. Edgar Price, assisting. Following reports from each de partment the council voted to al low the T. E. L. class to occupy the newly finished basement. Mrs. T. R. McAbee, Mrs. C. R. Strom, Mrs. R. L. Faulkner and Mrs D. C. Talbert were appointed to secure musical instruments. The hostesses served sandwiches^ arid punch. Mt. Carmel News Mrs. Sara Wilson of Clinton visited several days the past week with her sister, Mrs. Minnie Wells, and other relatives. Mias Willie Mae Humphrey of Greenwood and Miss Annie Hum phrey, student at Winthrop Col lege, recently spent several days with their parents here. Pvt. Gary B. Self of Portsmouth, Va., visited his family here recent ly. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Kilpatrick of Charlotte, N. C., spent a recent week end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Self. * Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gaylor and children, Gwendolyn and Robin, visited In the home of E. L. Lang ley a few days ago. G. E. Langley of Atlanta, Ga., visited with his family several days last week. Mrs. R. Moore has returned to her home here, after a visit to her husband, J. R. Moore, U. S. N., stationed in Portsmouth, Va. Miss Mabel Winn visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Winn, the past week end. Messrs. Millard Crawford, George Willis and Herbert White of Savannah, Ga., visited their families liere the past week end. Mrs. J. L. King of De la Howe spent the past week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. King. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wells of Pickens visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. X P. WeUs K several days recently. Mrs. Lillie Langley has returned from a visit to her sister, Mrs. A. L. Zellars, and Mr. Zellars. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Collier and family of Greenwood visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. 3. Coleman on Sunday. x W. W. Jackson, U. S. N., who is stationed in N. C., visited his fam ily here 'several days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Connell and little daughter, Nina, visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wells on last Sunday. Troop 71 To Hold Court Of Honor Here Tonight O Troop 71, McCormick’s troop of the Boy Scouts of America, will hold their first Court of Honor tonight at the McCormick High Schol Auditorium at 8:30. Boys that have advanced to second class or further since the troop was organized will receive their badges. In addition to* the pres- entation of badges there will be an address by Rev. Claude Evans, and movies on various phases of scouting. Parents of scouts and the public ip general are cordially invited to attend. X Mrs. J. L. Self Host To W. S. S. C. Circles Meet The circles of the local Woman’s Society of Christian Service met for lesson study Wednesday after noon, March 24. The Emma Smith Circle met with Mrs. Frank Deason. Fol lowing a short devotional by Mrs. A. J. Hendrix, the Bible lesson was taught by Mrs. J. L. Smith, discussing the books of Habakkuk and Zephaniah. A social hour was enjoyed. Mrs. Deason served hot chocolate with cookies. X Buffalo Grange To Meet April 12tli The Buffalo Grange will meet Monday night, April 12th, at 8:15 at the Buffalo school house. The March meeting of the Woman’s Society of Christian Ser vice met - at the home of. Mrs. J. •L. Self with Mrs. J. B. Smith, Mrs. J. L. Smith and Mrs. Emma Smith as assistant hostesses. The program was conducted by Mrs. Claude Evans, using as her subject, “No Duty Can Seem Low ly to Him Who Lives With Thee.” I After the reading of the scripture and prayer, the membersv sang, “Faith of our Fathers”, after which Mrs. E. F. Creighton gave a very interesting talk on “Up rooted People.” Mrs. C. H. Workman, president, had charge of the business ses sion. Mrs. Workman reported the district meeting to be held in Greenwood and, requested that all members who could, attend this meeting. Mrs. J. T. Fooshe, treasurer, asked that the members send in their money so that she could make a report by the first of the quarter. A love offering was taken up for Mrs. Byars, wife of one of our ministers, who has served faithful ly in the missionary work, who is very ill. Mrs. W. C. Jaynes had charge of the recreational hour, after which the hostess served a deli cious salad course with hot tea. T. E. L. Class Meets With Mrs. J. M- Dorn The T. E. L. Class of the local Baptist Sunday School met at the home of Mrs. J. M. Dorn on Wed nesday afternoon of last week with Mrs. J.*B. Harmon, Mrs. Geo. W. Bonnette, and Mrs. G. J. San ders, Jr., serving as co-hostesses. Mrs. G. C. Patterson brought Hie devotional message which was followed , by a business session conducted by the president, Mrs. H. N. Coleman. During the social hour the hostesses served a delicious salad :ourse. in H Postal Receipts Show Increase AMERICAN HEROES / in Abbeville Saturday. Ll. Clarence Lipsky, United States Air Force, from Great Neck, L. I., was one of the first Americans to participate in the bombing of Germany and the. occupied countries. Forced down over enemy territory, Lt. Lipsky is now in a Nazi prison. To free this American soldier, as well as guarantee your own future liberty, buy Second War Loan Ronds witli every cent not needed for the essentials of living. PBMMM—WO——■■miw | —— V. J'n-Jsur#