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( *v TBUI TO OUB8ELVVB, OOB NEIGHBORS, OUR COUNTRY AND OUR GOD. Thirty-Eighth Year Established June 5, 1902 McCORMICK, S. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1939 Number 24 wuhumton Washington, Nov. 13.—The fact that many “old line” Democrats, including such staunch party men as Senator Carter Glass of Vir ginia, elected to go along with the Administration in advocating the repeal of the arms embargo, has been taken in some quarters as proof that the split in the party ranks has been closed up and that all is harmony once more between the New Dealers and the tradi tional Jeffersonians. Nothing could be farther from the truth, as the political events of the next few weeks are certain to demonstrate. The recalcitrants who jumped the party lines last year are still as bitterly opposed to the President and the acts of his ad ministration as they were before. They simply regarded the Neu trality matter as something out side of party lines, went along with the President not because re peal of the embargo was his idea, but because they believed in it as the best way of keeping America . out of the European war. Their attitude was much like that of Gov. Alf Landon when he went to the Lima Pan-American Congress: “Politics ends at the water line.” Opposition Still Strong When it comes down to the struggle for delegates to the party nominating convention and the effort to pick a candidate for 1940, the same Senators and Rep resentatives and party organiza tion men who have opposed Mr. Roosevelt on domestic questions will be found opposing him again. It is generally admitted, how ever, by astute political, observers here, that it is likely to be more difficult to prevent him from get ting himself nominated for a third term than it would have been had the European war not broken out Beyond any question, the very fact that the President, as chief executive, is responsible for the management of our international relations, has strengthened Mr. Roosevelt’s position immensely. Even if there is no untoward inci dent to stir up public indignation and make people believe that we are bound to get into the war, re ports from the nation at large in dicate a growing feeling that the Administration intends to insist upon the recognition of American rights by all the belligerent na tions. That puts the President, person ally, in the position of the outer guardian of American liberties, in sures him first-page publicity and distinctly improves his popularity with the masses of the voters. It also puts on him a tremendous re sponsibility to watch his step and see to it that no act of the Admin istration gets us embroiled. So long as he makes no misstep in the handling of foreign affairs— for the Secretary of State is, after all, merely the President’s personal aide whom he could dismiss at any time—Mr. Roosevelt is bound to enlarge his personal prestige with the voters. Talk Of “Incident” There is much speculation going De la Howe Opens Basketball Season Friday Night The De la Howe Basketball teams will open the basketball season at De la Howe Friday night when they meet the boys and girls from Calhoun Falls at 7:30 o’clock. Both teams are as yet untried, but the De la Howe teams are considered somewhat stronger than las% year. The many fans who have followed the De la Howe teams during the past years are expected to be on hand to cheer the Blue and White Flame to victory Friday night. xx Chicken Supper At Buffalo School House Nov. 30th The Buffalo-Bellvue Home Dem onstration Club will serve a chicken supper at Buffalo school house on Thursday evening, No vember 30th, beginning at 6:30 o’clock, vrhich the public is cor dially invited to attend. The pro ceeds go to the Buffalo Baptist on in Washington'as to what sort I Church cemetery fence fund. The of ar^ “incident” might precipitate a crisis in our foreign relations which would give the President an opportunity to further assert him self and gain still greater popular acclaim. The German government has always been notoriously inept in its handling of foreign affairs, and many who understand the in ternational situation are expecting some move on Germany’s part which could be taken as seriously here as was the German effort to line up Mexico against the United States, which was the final straw that brought us into the last war. The effort to make such an “in cident” out of the seizure of the American ship “City of Flint” by a German sea-raider is being pro moted by some of the little group price per plate will be 25 cents. The menu is given as follows: Rice, baked chicken, dressing, gravy, potato salad, macaroni pie, rolls, cake and coffee. Hunting Season Opens Nov. 23rd County Game Warden D. M. McGrath announces that the hunting season opens on Thursday, November 23rd, in McCormick County. Sullivan News Mt. Carmel News BOUYM1HEATRE McCORMICK, S. C. FRIDAY and SATURDAY November 17lh and 18th, 7 P. M. and 8:50 P. M. Matinee Saturday 3:30 P. M. SONJA HEINIE TYRONE POWER RUDY VALLEE m 641 SECOND FIDDLE” Also A Cartoon ‘Prize Guest*’ and A Travel-Talk ‘Tsle of Pleasure” MATINEE SATURDAY 3:30 P. M. Adults 20 cents MONDAY and TUESDAY November 20th and 21st, 7 P. M. and 9 P. M. ERROL FLYNN OLIVIA de HAVILLAND ANN SHERIDAN in “DODGE CITY” (If you have not seen this, please don’t miss it.) , Also A Travel-Talk “Evergreen Empire” and FOX MOVIETONE NEWS r Ur'* t ■¥ *» rf f ADMISSION: Adults. 25 cents; Children up to 12, 10 cents; Children 12 to 15, 15 cents who believe that for the United States to get into the war would insure their jobs for another four years, and so would like to see the shooting start right off. There is no concern among sober-minded observers here over the “Flint” affair, since Germany has only applied the rules of con traband which were first formu lated and made to stick in inter national law by our own Govern ment, during the Civil War. There is little concern, either, over the bungling of the Russian authorities in the “Flint” matter. They chased the American ship out cf a Russian port as soon as our Government protested. Unless the Germans pull a boner by harming the American crew of the “Flint” nobody in Washington feels that the incident is anything to worry about, since a neutral shio carrying contraband to a belligerent port is always subject to search and seizure. The President made a quick and j snappy come-back to the charge of the Russian foreign minister that he was meddling in European affairs by expressing sympathy with Finland, when he pulled out the letter from the Russian gov ernment praising him for his ap- oeal to Russia and other nations for peace. Build-Up For 1940 Such things as that, heralded to the nation by press and radio, are becoming regarded in Washington as part of the New Deal build-up for 1940, if not for a third term for Mr. Roosevelt himself. Henry Wallace, Secretary of Ag riculture, who is as enthusiastic over the New Deal as religious con verts are said to be when they first experience a change of faith, got a slap on the wrist from the WhitjC House for saying publicly what many of his associates say privately, that Mr. Roosevelt must be reelected. Mr. Wallace was born and bred a Republican, like Secretary Ickes of the Interior De partment, the only other Cabinet member who has voiced the third- term idea. The President could kill off third-term talk in a single sen tence. At the same time, how ever, he would kill a lot of his in- Mrs. L. C. Deal, of the Callison Mr. and Mrs. James Boyd and -ection, spent several days last son, Julius, of Greenville were week with her sister, Mrs. J. P. dinner guests of Mrs. Ludie Boyd. Sullivan. In the afternoon she accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Reames spent them on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. several days last week in Aiken, Dode Philips of Due West, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. A very pleasant social event of Johnson. last week in Mt. Carmel was the Mrs. Blanche Rambo and daugh- barbecue with which Mr. and Mrs. ter, Ann, Mrs. Ida Kemp and Mr. Lawrence Hester entertained many W. L. Winn visited Mrs. Janelle friends of this and adjoining Winn and family, Saturday even- counties. Quite a number of pee ing. pie were present from McCormick, The children and grandchildren De la Howe, Willington, Calhoun of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Mayson met Falls, Abbeville, Spartanburg, and in their home Wednesday evening, other places. The supper con- honoring Mr. Mayson on his 70th sisted of delicious barbecued pork birthday. and two kinds of barbecued hash, Mrs. J. E. Reynolds, of Clinton, pickle, bread, coffee and iced tea and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith, Jr., all in abundance. The cordial of Johnston, were week end guests welcome extended to all by . Mr. of Mr. J. E. Reynolds and Mr. and and Mrs. Hester made it a very Mrs. H. M. Reynolds. pleasant and enjoyable evening. Mrs. I. C. Reames spent several This gathering was in the cabin days last week in Greenwood as and the N. Y. A. park, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Capt. and Mrs. James McCelvey Langley. of Spartanburg spent Wednesday Friends of Mr. J. T. Reames, night with Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Warren, Arkansas, will be sorry to Hester. know that he has been ill for the Messrs. H. O. Watson, W. H. past week. Hester, Harold Gilliam, John Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Callison and Rawls, Pat Hester and Mrs. Cecil Mr. Harold Corley visited Mr. Gilliam attended the Clemson- Callison’s sister, Mrs. C. C. Rodgers, Wake Forest football game at who continues to be critically ill, Clemson last Saturday, in the Callison section, Saturday Miss Matilda Bell attended the evening. meeting of Mt. Carmel Home Miss Trula Winn spent several Demonstration Club Tuesday after days in North Augusta last week noon, as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mrs. Mabel Brown attended the Hughey, Sr., and family. Clemson-Wake Forest footbal The Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Diggs game Saturday. Her son, Cade were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Drennan Brown, and friend, Cadet H. L. Ashley, Tuesday, and Mr. St. Clair Knight, of Clemson Col and Mrs. R. T. Mayson, Tuesday lege, accompanied her home for night and Wednesday. the week end. Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gilliam, Messrs. Har- Mrs. W. W. Mayson, Jr., Wednes- old Gilliam, John Rawls, Misses day, were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Juanita and Sara Curtis spent Holloway and brother, of McCor- Sunday in Social Circle with Mrs. mick. Misses Elizabeth and Cecyle O. C. Hart and family. Mayson returned home with them Quite a serious accident occurred for a short visit. near Mt. Carmel Monday morning Mr. and Mrs. Calhoun Jordan in which two colored W. P. A. were guests of the latter’s parents, workers were seriously if not Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Flynn, Sunday, fatally injured by a cave in at a . Mrs. Janelle Winn spent Wed- gravel pit in which the W. P. A nesday with Miss Leonora What- workers were engaged in digging ley. gravel. The injured men were Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Reynolds, Mr. carried to Anderson Co. Hospital, and Mrs. H. M. Reynolds, and Mt. The many friends of Mr. and and Mrs. J. A. Smith, Jr., were Mrs. L. L. Hester will be glad to guests of Mr. and Mrs. . R. H. know the family escaped serious Quarles, Jr., in the Bethany sec- injury in their recent automobile tion, Sunday. accident. All were injured slight- Miss Mary Mayson spent Sun- ly. Mrs. Hester suffered some day with Miss Willie Mae Jordan, time from the shock, Carolyn and in Kirksey. Pat were hurt on the face and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Mayson, of Hester had some ribs broken. It the Limestone section, visited in seemed almost a miracle that the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. their lives were spared. Car was Mayson, Thursday evening. demolished. Visitors to Mr. and Mrs. I. C. txt Reames, Saturday evening, were Old Maids’ Conven tion At Mt. Carmel November 17th Mt. Carmel, Nov. 13.—The Mt. Carmel Grange sponsors an “Old Maids’ Convention” at the Mt. Carmel community house on Fri day night, Nov. 17th, 7; 30 o’clock. Be sure and come, your friends will be there to greet the Old Maids. Admission, adults, 20 cents; children, 10 cents. and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mayson Beth. Master James Winn spent Thursday night with his cousin, Master Ralph Bailey, in Edgefield. Mr. I. C. Reames and Mr. Mar vin Reames, of Columbia, spent I DEPARTMENT OF 5,792 Bales Of Cotton Ginned In McCormick County To Nov. 1st the week end with Mrs. I. C. Reames and children. Callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Winn, Monday evening, were Misses Marie and Jaunita Reames and Messrs. Wilbur and Edward Reames. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Reames, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Seigler and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Reames, and Mr. Eugene Reames were spend the day guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Johnson, in Aiken, Sun day. Misses Jaunita and Janie Reames spent Friday night with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Mayson. X Sandy Branch Club Meets COMMERCE, BUREAU OF THE CENSUS. WASHINGTON. COTTON GINNING REPORT. fluence v/ith Congress. The Sandy Branch H. D. Club met with Mrs. J. B. Walker at the regular time with only one mem ber absent. Several visitors were present. Miss Bell talked of plans for yards, lawns, drives, flowering plants and shrubbery. A most entertaining social hour followed when Mrs. W. R. McNeill held a contest after which che hostess served a delightful salad course with an iced drink. Reporter. Census report shows that 5,792 bales of cotton were ginned in Mc Cormick County, South Carolina, from the crop of 1939 prior to Nov. 1, 1939, as compared with 3,578 bales for the crop of 1938. Very respectfully,' James E. Bell, Special Agent. Date 11-13-39. -X- The Messenger To Print On Wednesday Next Week The Messenger expects to print on Wednesday next week instead of on Thursday, in order to ob serve Thanksgiving Day which is on the 23rd, and asks all who have items or advs. for that issue to get them to the office as early as possible. X With a 40 per cent increase in Army and Navy personnel voted by Congress, your Red Cross will be called upon for greater service in the year to come. Do your part. Join today. A. H. Ward To Discuss 1940 Pro gram Here Monday Mr. A. H. Ward, District Farm Agent, will discuss the 1940 1 Agri cultural Conservation Program at a meeting in the McCormick County Court House at 10:00 a. m. Monday, November 20th. Mr. O. M. Clark, Extension Economist, will be present to dis cuss the present cotton situation and what might be expected from the war conditions. Mr. C. G. Cushman, Extension Dairyman, will also speak briefly on the 1940 dairy outlook. Every McCormick County farmer is urged to attend this meeting and become informed upon pres ent agricultural conditions, out look, and program plans before he votes in the cotton marketing quota referendum on December 9 th. D. Austin Shelley, County Agent. x McCormick Post Entertained By • * Auxiliary Friday The Thomas J. Lyon, Jr., Post American Legion was entertained by its auxiliary Friday evening at the community house here. Fol lowing an oyster supper with Post Commander Paul Dowtin presid ing, short talks were made by the Rev. G. P. Lanier of Plum Branch, James M. Cox of Troy, and Dis trict Commander Tillman Pinson, ef Greenwood. Dr. Garnet Tuten spoke on “The Blessedness of Be ing an American”, particularly from a religious and an economic standpoint. The principal speaker, Vice Com mander Malcolm Shirley, of Honea Path, was introduced by Dr. C. K. Epting, service officer and past post commander. Mr. Shirley stressed the principles for which the American Legion stands— Apiericanism, National Defense, Child Welfare and Rehabilitation and urged legionnaires to go out after every man who was eligible to join the organization. In enumeration of the advantages and benefits brought about by the American Legion he said that men eligible to receive such benefits should stop “thumbing their way” on their comrades who had made them possible, and join the Legion themselves. Music for the program was rendered by Mrs. J. K. White and A. C. Horne. Following the program sons and daughters of the Legion , and other young people were invited in to dance. Baptist Associational Sunday School Meet ing On December 10th The Abbeville Baptist Associa tional Sunday School meeting will be held at the Gallic Self Memorial Church in South Greenwood on December 10th at 2:30 o’clock. All McCormick Baptists in the associa tion are urged to make prepara tions to attend. TO SELL ’EM, TELL ’EM- With An Ad