McCormick messenger. (McCormick, S.C.) 1902-current, April 13, 1939, Image 1
i *
Thirty-Seventh Year
Established June 5, 1902 McCORMICK, S. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1939
Number 46
April 14th and 15th, 7:15 P. M. and 9 P. M.
Matinee Saturday 3:30 P. M.
A Captain & The Kids Cartoon
“The Pygmy Hunt”
A Pete Smith Specialty
Adventures of The Newsreel Cameraman
^ “Recording Modern Science”
MATINEE SATURDAY 3:30 P. M. Adults 20 cents
April 17th and ISth, 7:15 P. M. and 9:10 P. M.
A Cartoon
“The Glass Slipper”
and *
i.~> a
ADMISSION: Adults, 25 cents; Children up to 12, 10 cents;
Children 12 to 15, 15 cents
Phone No. 25
Main Street
We Deliver
McCormick, S. C.
When you are in town be sure and come by our
market and let us suggest your meat needs for you.
We will give you your choice of meats.
Prices are Reasonable, Meats the Best.
We carry a full line of Fresh Meats at all times
and are always ready to be at your service.
Special prices on Pure Pork Sausage,
per pound
(Money Back Guarantee)
Special prices oh Mixed Sausage,
per pound
(Money Back Guarantee)
Special on Armour’s Dexter Sliced Break- OQf*
fast Bacon, per pound fciWW
Armour’s Best Star Boiled Ham, Special, Jj d
per pound
Fresh Fish on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
We highly appreciate your patronage.
Before selling your cattle and bogs, see us. We
pay the market price for them.
Those are the important things in measuring the worth
of a funeral director, and should be borne in mind when
you have occasion to choose one.
and there is no additional charge for service out of town.
Main Street McCormick, 3. C.
Home Demonstration
Agents’ Schedule
April 17-22
Mrs. Martha White
Claimed By Death
Mrs. Martha White, age 76, died
at 8:30 o’clock Friday morning *at
♦he home of her daughter, Mrs.
Barnev Weeks, near here, after a
long illness.
Her husband, Jim White, died
several years ago.
Funeral services were conducted
at the graveside in the Deason
cemetery at 3:30 o’clock Saturday
afternoon, with the Rev. A. Thad.
Persons officiating.
She was a daughter of the late
John and Julia Deason, and spent
her entire life in McCormick
county except 15 years in Burke
county, Georgia. She was a mem
ber of Rehoboth Baptist church.
Survivors include two daughters,
Mrs. Barney Weeks, Mrs. Julia
Price, both of McCormick; five
sons. Wallace White, Grover Miss Elizabeth Harris of Erskine
White, of McCormick, Gassaway College is here this week with her
White, John White and Clyde mother, Mrs. J. S. Harris,
White of Waynesboro, Ga., and
Corley of Aiken spent the Easter
holidays with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. R. Corley. Mrs. Corley
accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Titus for a week’s visit.
Sullivan News
A large crowd attended cervices
of the Union Sunday School f3un-
Mis-, Bi-die Walker, who teaches I ~L ?' l he vlsitors , we ™
. tt High Point, N. C, spent Easter
C Monday, Washington 4-H Club: , here with her’ parents, Judge and . voun8
Tuesday, Office; Rehoboth H.
D. C.
Vrs H C Walker ~ | people and the talks on the lessoiu
e • “Paul Preaches The Risen Christ."
Mrs. R. J. Miras and son, R. J., -- Th ~ r ?? ular monthly meeting of
Wednesday, Office; Bordeaux H. ,T r " 0 f Greenvil’ 0 snent thp wppk A s - was held afc Sullivan
D - C. end hei-e with ho/^^^arents Mr S? 001 house afternoon.
Thursday, Office; Sandy Branch; and Mrs. F. E. Williams. ’ 'ijil ere ™ ere twelve members pres-
H. D. c. ent. The subject for study waSr
Fridav, Office Health Contest;' • , ... _ —- * •
hit.P T-riim w r» r< • I Citizens were gratified Wednes-
White Tcwn H. D. C.
Saturday, Office.
Matilda Bell,
Co. Home Dem. Agent.
day to see city authorities mark
ing off parking spaces on Main
Street. This facility has long been
needed in simplifying traffic
problems in the business section
of town.
one brother, Joe Deason, of Mc
Pallbearers were Lee Price, Carl
Dr. C. H. Workman attended
the meeting of State Medical
WUlls, Frank Holloway, Sheriff W ^i ociaMo “ in Spartanburg yester-
T. Strom, Walter Lawton, and y '
Howard Jennings.
G. P. McCain, funeral director,
in charge. '
W. Rufus Miner
Claimed By Death
Mrs. J. S. Strom, Mrs. Paul R.
Brown, and Mrs. Marion P.
Hamilton and Miss Ruth Kemp,
attended a tea at the home of
Miss Martha Johnson near Edge-
field Saturday p. m., given in
honor of Miss Sara Nicholson,
bride elect, of Edgefield.
, IT _ , . „ , Miss Catherine Self has com-
M 11161 ” D prominent pi e ted her course at the Bowling
citizen of the Plum Branch sec- Q reen Ky. Business University
tion of this county, died at the and returned to her home in
residence Tuesday morning at Plum Branch.
5:15 o clock. He had been in de-,
dining health for the past two j
years but confined to his bed only , Misses Mary duller, Vivian
the past few weeks. . ' Jaynes, Ethleen Gable, Lorene
Funeral services were conducted Drennan, and Kate Bracknell of
from the Plum Branch Baptist Lander College spent the week
church of which he was a mem- end with their homefolk.
ber, Wednesday afternoon at 3
o’clock with the pastor, Rev. G. P. Dr. and Mrs. D. V. Cason and
Lanier, officiating. He was assist- sons of Washington, Ga., will
ed by the Rev. Foster Speer, spend this week end in the home
pastor of the St. Paul Methodist of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Huguley.
church. Interment followed in Dr. Cason and the Rev. A. Thad.
the Plum Branch cemetery with Persons will exchange pulpits
the following serving as active Sunday.
pallbearers: Horace Creswell, L.
V/. Ridlehoover, H. M. Freeland, Mrs. j. h. Heiss of Seneca, Mr.
R. M. Winn, Ed. C. Rice, and J. J. an( j Mrs. Roy Talbert and daugh-
Collier. Honorary pallbearers were ter> Miss Miriam Talbert, of Au-
J. L. Caudle, Senator M. Gary g US t a , Mr. and Mrs. Metz Price of
Dorn, Dr. Claude H. Workman, Greenville were guests of Mr. and
W. W. Banks, J. Frank Mattison Mrs. J. Arch Talbert the past
and J. L. Bracknell. (week end.
Mr. Miner was a native of Me-
Cormick County son of the late Miss Helen cheathamt wh0
Jim and Ida Johnston Miner. A1 ho j ds a secretarial position in
he Charlotte, N. C./ spent the week
hp 1 hi!iiH - end at Plum Branch with her
served SrS 21 meinDer of trie builQ- parents Air and IVfrs John Self
ine committee of the new Plum P aren ^ s » Mr - ana Mrs - Jonn &e11 -
Branch Baptist church, recently „ T ^ i „ i, ^
completed. He was a member of Mrs. W. G. Blackwell had as
the Masonic Order, Mine Lodge, week end guests, Mr. and Mrs. T.
No . E. Snellmg, Misses Amie Ann and
Surviving are: his wife, Mrs. Marie SneUing of Charlotte, N. C.,
Maude Holley Miner, one daugh- Mr. and Mrs. William Blackwell
ter. Mrs. C. C. Geddings of Pax-, and two small sons of Macon, Ga.
ville, S. C., six sons, W. R. Miner,
Mss. Walter C. Domirieck of
Glen Rock, N. J., is here on a visit
to relatives.
After spending several days
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Austin Abercrombie, Mrs. G. N.
Dulin has returned to her home
in Andrews, N. C.
Miss Ruby Abercrombie of Lees-
vlile, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Cobb of
Columbia and Mr. Gray Aber
crombie of Ridgeland spent the
week end in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Austin Abercrombie.
Mrs. John Creswell and chil
dren, Margaret and Ralph Cres
well, and Mr. and Mrs. J. P.
Sturkey of Lincolnton, Ga., spent
the week end with relatives in
Winston-Salem, N. C.
Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Alverson had
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Stone, Mr. and
Mrs. DeWitt Tumlin, Miss Annie
Bell Tumlin, Miss Colie Hanley
and Miss Margaret Turner of
Belton as their spend the day
guests Sunday.
Little Miss Cecil Alverson is on
an extended visit to relatives in
Mrs. E. B. Brown spent Sunday
with her daughter, Miss Elizabeth
Brown, student at Winthrcp Col
lege, Rock Hill.
Miss Alma Faulkner of Augusta
spent the week end here with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
T. Faulkner.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Earnhardt
and children and Mr. Edgar
Couch spent Sunday in Rock Hill
with relatives.
Olanda. Fla., T. E. Miner, Hawaii,
J. W., H. R., L. H., and E. E. Miner,
all of Plum Branch. Four grand-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Harmon
of Swainsboro, Ga., spent the past
week end here with Mrs. J. B.
children, a brother, H. C. Miner, | Harmon and Mr. Mark Harmon.
Augusta, Ga., and two sisters, Mrs. ‘
Jesse Watkins, Augusta, and Mrs
George Stapleton of Columbia,
also survive.
J. S. Strom, funeral director,
in charge.
Chicken Supper
At Ml. Carmel
Thursday, April 13
The Mt. Carmel Home Demon
stration Club will have a chicken
supper on Thursday nieht, April
13, at 8 o’clock at the Mt. Carmel
Community House. The proceeds
will go for the benefit of the
Community House. 25 cents per
An election is hereby ordered to
'e held on the 2nd day of May,
1939, in each of the several school
districts in McCormick County, S.
C., for the purpose of electing
school trustees for the several
school districts as provided by law.
The said elections shall be con
ducted under the same rules and
regulations as the general elections
are conducted in the County and
School Trustees now in office
shall act as managers of said elec
Voting place shall be at the
school house at each of the several
districts except in School District
| No. 4, in which said district the
I voting will be at the Court House.
Polls shall open at 8 a. m., and
close at 4 p. m. All returns of said
election shall be filed with the
County Board of Education in ten
days after date of election.
County Board of Education, Mc
Cormick County, S. C.
April 13, 1939.—3t.
Mrs. J. B. Harmon, Jr., has re
turned to her home here much
improved after surgical treatment
at the Tri-County Hospital in
Miss Marion Harmon, who
teaches at Lyons, Ga., was a re
cent visitor to relatives here.
Mrs. A. L. Moragne, Miss Caro
lyn Moragne and Mrs. Gerald
Bunn and Gerald, Jr., of Augusta
spent Sunday in the home of Mr.
S. H. -Talbert and Mr. and Mrs. T.
L. Edmunds of the Buffalo com
munity. Miss Mabel Moragne,
who had been here on a three
days’ visit, returned home with
Misses Catherine and Henrietta
Brown of Greenville spent the
week end near town with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Brown.
Cadets C. C. Morgan and Carl
Faulkner of Clemson were here
for the week end with their home-
Diplomacy in the Americas.’
The Rev. A. D. Croft, Strom
Quarles and Miss Trula Winn were
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J_
E. Winn Sunday.
Friends will be sorry to know
that Mrs. James Keown is ill at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. G. R. Mayson. Mrs. W. W.
Keown, Jr., of McCormick, was a
reernt visitor in this home.
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Mavson spent
Sunday with Misses Alma and
Rubye Mayson- in Greenwood,
where they attended services at
the Main Street Methodist Church.
Mrs. Susie Winn and Messrs. J.
E. and Maxcie Winn were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Winn Sunday.
Spend the day guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. Reames Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reames and
baby, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Reames,
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Johnson and
Ramona, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Seigler and children, Miss Gladys
Reames, Mr. Eugene Reames and
Mr. Cecil Reames.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Winn, Mrs.
Strom Culbreath, and Mr. Walter
Culbreath attended the fat cattle
show in Augusta Wednesday.
Mr. Roy Callison of Marietta^
Ga.,. visited his parents. Mr. and
Mrs. E. W. Callison, during the
week end.
Mrs. Foster LaGrone, Miss Lois
LaGrone and E. F. LaGrone
visited Mrs. James Mayson and
Mrs. J. J. Mayson Saturday after
The members of the junior and
primary classes of the Union Sun
day Scnool enjoyed an Easter egg
hunt, given at the home of Mrs.
Janelle Winn, by the teachers.
Miss Sarah Katharine Winn, Mis*
Janie Gilchrist, Mrs. Janelle Winn
and Miss Minnie Lee Winn, Satur
day afternoon..
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Winn and
children spent Sunday with Mrs.
Minnie Winn and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Whatley of
Greenwood spent Sunday witfc
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Reames.
Miss Minnie Lee Winn is spend
ing some time in Kirksey with.
Mrs. Blanche Rambo.
Mr. Marvin Reames spent me
week end with his parents, Mr_.
and Mrs. I. C. Reames.
Miss Grace Gilchrist of Green
wood spent the week end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Gil
all roses sold from now on goes to
the Methodist Church building
program—my roses are 2 year bM,
No. 1’s at 25c -each; Pink-Radiance,
Red-Radiance, Talisman, Climbing
Red-Radiance, Climbing Calidonia*
(white), Golden Ophelia, Killamey
(double white). Mrs. Frank P-
Deason, McCormick, S. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Titus of
Knoxville, Tenn., and Frank W.
Mr. and Mrs. Emory R. Bentley
announce the birth of a son on
April 10, 1939. He is to be called
Emory Robert Bentley, Jr.
Plenty of Mules and Horses
for sale or trade. Come to sec
me. J. L. Smith, McCormick,
S. C.
A metal preservative as
well as a paint. For roofs,
metal garages, sheds, etc.
Does not check or “alli
Brilliant colors to meet
the modern trend in house
paint styling. Retain their
lustre and resist fading for
A tough, durable enamel
for inside or outside use.
Water-proof; weather-
piLof: scuff-proof.
“To be sure of a $@b
that will hold up,
Every business man knows a dozen ways to save
money by taking short cuts—but the men who
remain in business know that short cuts are
mighty risky. When you figure on painting, don’t
figure the price per gallon. Figure how much
coverage per gallon you get—how much “hiding
power”—how long the job will last.
You’ll be pleasantly surprised
when you figure on Davis of Bal-^
timore Paint!
'•“****»‘'-* PER GALLON
M. G. & J. J. DORN, Inc.
I* I