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*1 r \ TRUE TU OURSELVES, OUR NEIGHBORS, OITR COUNTRY AND OIJR GOD. Twenty-Seventh Year 8 Pages — All Home Print McCORMICK, lliursdav, Deeeinljer 13. 192° Cr Established June 5, 1902 Number 23 Santa Claus To Be In McCormick Next Thursday More Bids (Called 5,918 Bales Cotton For On MeCor mick T o Ginned In M(*< lormick Anderson Star lit. (k)untyTo Dec. 1st Santa Claus sc: ds word to the chd- dren of McCormick. County that h ' Met will arrive i'n McCc *mick on nex. tht Thursday afternoon, December 20th, tor at two o’clock and wOl have free MeCoriiiic! presents for every child who comes icr.te, aie. to McCoimick to see li m dp v. All children of th? county should come to McCormick on next Thru s- dav afternocn to see Santa t laus and tell him what they want for Christ mas. Parents are invited to come and hrincr their children. The town °t McCormick will be decorated with trees and li.erhts in hoi or ol Christ mas and Santa Claus’ coming. Everybody come and see Santa Claus. The main bus'ness streets of the town are being decorated for Christ mas and will be leady for Santa Claus’ visit next Thursday. Cedar trees are being placed at intervals on the streets and will be properly P decorated and lighted at nights. The ' idea originated among the Lions club and the expenses are being borne by business and prcCessional men o'; the town and the town council. X i cure i and '"tir'-'-to" D. B Woodward lormlck has been requested post <«’fice department to mere bids, or re-bidding, on n of by call th- to Andersoi star mail prepared to furnish ap- o.i mat plication blanks and necessary in- Baptist Bazaar This Week The public is msot cordially invit ed to the bazaar which is given by the ladies of the Baptist Church Thursday and Friday of this week. Th ! s will be held in th e vacant build ing on Augusta street opposite the Messenger office. An «'/ster supper will be served Thursday evening and a chicken dinner Friday. Cake, candy, and fancy work will also be for sale Come and have a good time with us. X County Teachers’ Meeting Postponed The meeting of McCormick County teachers, scheduled to bo held at the McCormick High School budding nevt Saturday, has been indefinitely post poned on account of the clo ing of McCornv’ck schools on last Tuesday until after the Christmas holidays. W. E. LAKE, Jv, President. TXt Better Telephone Service Promised formation to all interested parties. All bids must be completed and in Washington not later than January 8, 1J2D. Most of the first bids were found to be defective, hence the call f< • • second bids. Mr Wood war 5 has, however, been instructed to employ a temporary carrier tr :n December IT. PJ28, to January 21, 11)2'J, to operate this route at a salary not exceeding $1,- 500 00 per annum. There’ore the route Wiil begin opeiatk*i between McCcrmiek and Anderson, December 17, making a dai.y round trip. According to "he schedules this | mad w 11 leave McCormick at 12:45 p. in., arriving at Anderson at 3:451 m.; e.n the return trip it will leave e’er or at 1 p. m. and arrive at: McCormick at 7 p. :n. Stop: will bej made at the following places: Wil- lingt -i, Mt. Carmel, Calhoun Falls Barnes, Lrwrelcsvile, Starr and Iva. A movement is under way to se- a star route between Augusta McCormick, mail to arrive here early in the niorn ng. Thomas Spence Hurt In Auto Accident D°'oartm nt cf Commerce Bureau c*" The Census Washington, D. C. Dc <+. 8, 1028. Mr. Austin Abercrombie, McCormick, S. C. Dear S’r: The tabulation of the card reports shows telegraph summary to be cor rect. There were 5,1J18 bales of cot ton, counting round as half bales, pinned in McCormick County, from the crop of 1928 prior to December 1. 1928, as compared with 5,488 bales ginned to December 1, 1927. You will please furnish these to tals to all newspapers in your dis trict, being careful not to discrimin ate in favor of any of them. Very respectfully W. M. STEUART, Director. tXt Christmas Seals Oneal Sprouse To Apply For Pardon State ( f South Car - ina Board of Pardons Columbia, S D c. 7. I McCormick Messenger: S. C. WEEKLY INDUSTRIAL We hard you Herewith ; summary of the petition:; for from you: pointy, which are ed to be presented to the one: pardon ex pec t- ParJon on for Hos- Board at its meeting at noon ] )c'*emb( r 14 f b. This information is sent to you for Release on December iuth. Yours very truly. D. W. ROBINtiOV dr. Secretary. (IS) Oneal Sprouse; convicted in McCormick County of manslaughter; sentenced to five years by Judge C. C. Feathcrstone; commerced serving in October, 1927; grounds good rep utation c*f prisoner; petition pre sented by J. Wm. Thurmond cf Erige- f’eld; recommended by a number cf the juiors. X of J. Co.! Final Cotton Estimaic Made For The Seamen m Molier, John Paul Mathewson, Trudeau, Thomas Spence of Troy sus- a fractured shc*ulder bone, o 5 Mi. tainee bruise on the head and in the chest abort 5 o’clock Tuesday afternc* n when his f ord roadster collided with a Whippet sedan on the h ghway, about 100 yards west of the Ander son Branch railway junction at Me-, I Cormick. M:*. C. H. Sanders of: i Fajrfa::, was driving th e Whippet. I Beth oars were badly damaged. Mr. was immediately given medi-; cal atter.tic-i and removed to his home. i>u may yet have to be taken , to a hospital Th c several other oc- The Tuberculosis germ was d s- covered by D:7 Robert K'gh, a Germ- ar ’ hy ichin in 1881.. Tuberculcsis '-s not considered an heredity disease. Rc-ords show prac tically no infect'on at birth. Five rremi..ent men who died from Tuber- culos's are: jjfie^ Chiist’ I ]V1om ice. The State Sanatorium is located at .ntat 1 Park. 8 C. Approximately 2000 died from Tu- I bcrculosis in Sou’.h Carolina in 1917. 1547 people died from Tuberculosis in South Caiolira in 1927. i The founder of the Christmas seal was Einar Holbc-.dl, a Danish postal! ele' k, more than twenty years ago Christmas seals sell for one cent, each or a dollar a sheet. The S. C. Tuberculoses Association conduct: rcc chest clinics through- ' out the state. There are 55 public health nurses in South Caroli. a Tuberculcsis is a curable disease the earlier the diagnosis, and the i sooner treatment is started, the bet-i ter chance for cure or for “arrest-! S. M’G. Simkins Died In (ioluinhia S. MiG; wan S’mkins of Edgefield, long a piomine.t lawyer of the South Can • ina bar, and who in re cent years has held cou ts in various parte of the state as special judge, died n a Columbia hospital M nday morning shortly after 8 o’clock. He had been ill for several weeks. The body was carried to Edgefield Tues day morning, where funeral services were held at Trimly Episcopal church, of which he was a senio: warden, followed by interment in the family plot. Mr. Simkins was descended from a long line illustrious in the history of the state. His great-grand athev, was Arthur Simkins. one of the ear liest settlers ?n Edgefield district and known as the founder o ’ the Department Carolina in stores Street. under cup: th ie were not hurt. Legion Officers Are Chosen By McCormick Post ing” the The S C. lion sponso.s Sale in Si uth The Over four Mr. Mell, manager of the lecal lephone system, artneared before a rge number of McCorm’ck busi- nes , i men at the court hoii^e ’as 4- Friday afternoon and i itlined plans of the company to render better tele phone se’vice in and around McCer- mick, which may be summed up as follows: Beginning Saturday, 8th instant. 24 hou i service every week day and Surda> Rebuilding of the entire outside plant, that is. double wire c’rcuits for each ’T>h< • o; new cresote poles in the business section of town and cables used at all practicable places / Ccnn^ction with all private and party lines and improvement of the company’s outlying properties, also installation o’ telephone service in! every ti* vn and community wheie the ! ne'-'me warrants. The meeting welcomed Mr. Mel!! and his company to McCormick and} "ave him a rising vote of thanks and , welci-nc. tXt Attend To Home Orchard Now The McCormick Pest of the Amer ican Legion, known as the Thomas J. Lyon. Jr., 7V;t No. 19, was reorgan ized here last Thursday night at a largely attended meeting of ox-serv-j C( j states. :c< men. Tin following officers were elect ed and installed: Y. E. Seigler, Post Commandant. W. O. F..tts Vice-commandant. W. H. Barfield, Chaplain. R. S. Owens, post service officer. J. B. Hannon, Jr , finance officer. J. F. Bannister, post-adjutant. Ti e executive ce nmittee is com- of C. K. Epting, G. la Camp- aisease process. Tuberculosis Associa- the Chrstmas Seal Carolina. Double Baired Cross is. the emblem of the National Tuberculosis! Association and its affiliated Asso ciations in the fight against Tuber culosis. There are thirteen county c«rgan:- nations affiliated with the South Carolina Tuberculcsis Association. The twenty-’irst Annual Tubercul osis Christmas seal sale is now be ing conducted throughout the Unit- village of Edgefield. He came to South Carolina fr< m the eastern shore of Virginia. The place he set tled in Edgefield was famous as “Cedar F elds ” and the site o’ his home still bears that name. His youngest son was Eldred Simkins, the grandfather of S MeGo van Sim- kins. In 181G Eldred S’.mkirs sur- cceded John C. Calhoun in congress, where he served for four years, de clining re-election in favor of his 1 law partner, the brilliant George McDuffie. Francis W. Pickens, Con federate war governor of South Car- < ina. then became a law partner ov Eldred Simkins, and Pickens went from this law office to congress as the successor of McDuffie when Mc Duffie went to thc senate. 1XI — million. XXI- Teachers’ Building Started In Columbia Honor Roll For Dornville School For Third Month posed bel! and F. J. Dowtin. -IXX- Bethany Sc hool Honor Roll Now is the time, according to] Jr... Thus \V. Morgan, countv agent. t-» SHVii ■ a 4 tend to th' home orchard. All, Eh- t ees sh< uld be pruned at this time ! ,}. p rf the year, and new trees shotld be! d^. 5 put out this month. There are many old orchards in the county that are .» . .. not bearing, but which could be put W j { j into nrofit-tilo ’ hy a little! attention at this time. In pruning oeach tree*, all diseas-j ed nr broken limbs should he cut out. making a clean cut close to the tree, and covering the vvi.jnd with 1 oa'pt. The yeuno- g"owth should h 1 *! cut back from one third to one-half of last vear’s growth, and thinned out to the place where it : s rot] crowded. Apple trees should be thinned out. cut hack, and all broken or diseased limbs removed. Grape vines should he cut hack to a single runner r-f last year’s growth going in each direction. Scuppernong vines should be thinned out where the growth has beceine so thick that the crop is deePascd Co-operative orders for I'ru’t trees are being sent out from the county agent’s office at very reason able prices. The county agent will be gbul to give anyone a dem.ons<rn- t j« n ii* i runing’. i 1 :i'" y.<i;*■}•• 1 rves. FIRST GRADE— Maggie Mac Gable Will Jet Gable Workman Golf Ma' v r. > 1 eD; nald SECOND GRADE— France Goff Est 11 ' | Tolling:worth THIRD GRADE— Viigir. a dayncs M..iV Richardson Flt TJI GRA.DE - ",h: istian t‘reman ■ 'ade uis: rlADE— GRADE- re Deloach COLUMBIA, Dec. 11.—The South Carolina Teachers’ Association began work yesterday on the remodeling of the Sandel property on Senate street, next door to tne state c.’fice building, pnpai atory to making it the associa tion’s p rmanent headquarters. It is expected that the building will be ready lor occupancy January 1. The as: oc ation purchased the property last spring at a cost of !?15,- 000 and is now spending 83 000 re- mulelirg it. The association will occupy most cf the first floo: ami the second floor and the remainder o: the fiist will be rented out as of- ices. Membership in the association now numbers 5 344 and 4 77 schoids th oughout the state have 100 per ci nt menib rsh p Oran ..cburg, f'; rniick, V/iiliamsburg■ Hanibi rg. daspc‘, Chester and Calhoun cou.'.tie.- have 100 per cent naemberslrp. Holidays For Furman Start On The 21st Conway—Work progressing establishment of new Conway p’tal. Pickens—Law office building P. Carey nearing completion. Sumter—Sumter Gas & Power will make improvements here. Calhoun Falls—<$5,000,000 finish ing mill will be erected here future. Abbeville—Local telephom e*ompleted and in service. Backville—Maroedonia school opens here. P.'ckens— Pickens Moto ware Co., erecting new here. Gieenville—Local airpc«rt dedicated. Myrtle Beach—Plans making for construction of polo field here. Sumter—Reconstruction of dam at Second M : !l completed. Dillon—Plans in progress for es tablishment (-f cannery in th ; s place. Sumter—State sells 7,00o.000 feet of hardwood timber to Sumter Haid- wood Co., for $33,000. Columbia—Highway reports roads in South gwi>d c, edition. Pickets—Three new construct’on on Main Gaffney—Knit underwear 'actory may be established here in near fu ture. Belton—.Andersen highway plated. Bcltor.—Paving on North Street nears completion. Pickers- Pickens’s 820 000 jail completed. Unit j — Jonesville highway open to traffic. Belto::—New Sunday School an- rex to First Bapt st Church complet ed. Charleston- -Four South, and Ge'- gia power and pub! companies merge. McCormick—New shuttle ing established here. A nderson— N ew S10,0(»O under construction department store. Gaffney—Xew greenhous es in this place, Abbev lie- Model city planned for Calhoun estate on Savannah River. Haitsville—Sta. mail loute may be established from MeBoe. Hartsvillc—Ci* icrete dam at Caro lina Fiber Co., nears completion. Beaufcrt—iBuilding activities in creasing and bus'ness on upward trend in this city. Allendale—State highway from Hampton County 1'ne to th ; being w'dened. B.eauf o rt—Two- story b ing under construction : Schein Department Store. Camden—Annual Kershaw County Fair was a success this year. | Bethunc*—Bithune Hi*.el being re- modeled and new equipment added. Cottageville — Summerville road ' will be constructed soon. SET AT 1 1 PM ’’S—YIELD PER ACPE ST'T’M — GTNN'NG IV* !*RIOR TO DECEMBER ANNOUNCED BY BUREAU WASHINGTON, Dec irtinert of agiicuitur, si i; K system I Industrial Production in 1927 I & Hard- building l recently 8.- today 1928 cot on crop r t 14 COO eqaivaler.t 500-pounil bale t 'inal estimates of the sens-.:. The cen us bureau at the tim ‘ rep: : ted total ginn'ng o 1928 troo prior to Decernb.;* 12,561 618 was 12 ').0 n 9 bales; in 1926 it was l7 977,C0'i; m 1925 a total of 16,104,000 bale, was grown. The department in announcing the estimate said that “the Dim. total ginnirgs for the will depend on whether ihe /various^wfhiivonces. i ffect ip. the Harvesting of ti,e por tion of the crop still in the field, will be mb re or less favo'jable than us ual.*’ The acreage for harvest was re port ?d as 45,326,000 acres and the per centage of abandonment July 1 was given as 3.4 per cert; the indicated yield per acre c r lint cotton was placed at 1518 gourds. The department sa’-d that July ' tin* aeerage in cultivation was 46,913 00(1 acres. An estimated abandonment of 3.4 per cent of the estimated ac:euge :n cultivation July 1, compared with 4.2 per cent for 1927 and viM N‘> per cent for the ten-year _ a'ciage abandonment after June 25 or July for the years 1918-1927. The revised estimate of 45,326 000 acres •'i*r harvest compared w’th 40,- 138,000 acres in 1927 and 40,932 000 for the five-year average f"'- i.>22- 1926. The total yield of lint cotton pm* acre on the area for harvest is HU 8 pounds, compared with 14.5 no r.Js in 1927 and 155.8 for the five-year average 1922-1926, with 156 4 poui.ils for the ten-year average. The est mated world’s p , v V’cHon of commercial cotton exclu.uye nf linters, growing in 1927, compile^ by the di partment :’rom various . ources was 23,370 000 bales, counting Amer ican in running bales and foreign bales of 478 pounds lint, vhi»e the c<*numption if cotton for thr veai ending July 31. 1928. was : pproxi- mately 25,285.000 bales. i..*y t‘t r! number of su nning cotton spinriii's. both active ard idlli was i eye id eel as about 165,0(^,000. The estimated cotton producuion this year was 14,373,000. em’-velent i1s niace 500-pound bales, thc department cf agriculture announced ti.dry h. final estimates of the se t .; ’ti<. Last year’s crop was 12,955,000. The estimated yield per ncte total production by states fMIov Virginia, 265 and 44,000> North com- Maia new now Carolina c service mill be- add’tion at Gal!ant-Belk open irk build- here for its snu Care-Bna, 212 and 840,000; SECOND GRADE Etta Shaw THIRD GRADE— Wiley Shannon SIXTH GRADE— Elliott Williams Mrs. Austin ! Hamptcn Bee rais ng i: i Cou. ty proves successful. ! Orangeburg — Orangeburg receiv- , irg and g.*adi:ig station opened for i convenience of t.i j sect "on. Abercrombie, Teacher 1X4 16,000,000 People Believe In Hoodoos conveniences new high A recent bulletin issued by the National Bureau of Research states j that im ro tbon sixteen million ner-1 so’-? of 1 hi* United States and Can-1 ada, rang’ng in age from :ix v years and of both sex- s, to folh-v th'* dictates o’ their minds in dc e'dintr the everydav McCormick—Modern now being installed in school building. Cheraw— South Carolira National Bank will establish office* here j through South Can.'ina Savings Bank. Dillon—-Plans progressing for es tablishment of cannery here. Charlotte—Great Atlantic & Pa- e ie Tea Company opens ia:ge and modern bakery i:i this city. Abbeville- -Pc*< pies Bank property sold at auctio.* for $2i 666. South Carolina, 147 and 725,004: Go: rgia. 131 and 1,020,000; Florida. 100 and 20,000; Missouri, 200 and 145 0 ( '0; Hampton Tennessee, 185 and 420,000' Ala- jbama, 145 and 1.090,000; Misirssippi. 176 and 1.470,000; Lou ; .sia..a,_ 165 and 685.000; Texap 139 and .,.50,- an gr<..vt*rs of this. 000; Oklahoma, 133 and 1,120.000; ! Arkansas. 161 and 1,715,009: r.ew Mu Mexico 310 and 70,000; 320 and 134,000; California, 155,000!; ail others, 154 a>'u 'J.o-ju; Lc.wer California (not irdi :3<i the United States total), 211 a .d 83,000. The Deei mher revis'd estimate of thc area f<* cotton for lia'vest in 1928 was announced as 49 *26 0JO acres, compared with 40.16i ,4C . n es •- io--q ixtecn to ] Sumti r—Williams fail | Company own 1 Fin nitur hai li^ telle o’v but that they re ?. pahn : sts. med- aders. elairvoynnts. istrolog’.sts nr others, have* power over the! iibrrt XXI- \ !-< I.u T(‘:nS ( h\ ('olloii Sued \ .. c. •. ,: g .o :::i anm ■ me mi ‘“Iio- \ *i '•!•;;!!!. cou t a - ag u 1 i v i - ?on : J: .T.I crops ' at ' G! ic ge - ii position to make n;.t i < n \ on c to** sec<l fi fan.. o. , ')<• state. 1 i’ a rim r •v;nt tii . > rk done are a«:v s m. i i i ne poui.d (<f scei! eair let be tc Ud 'i* hese s; Will t e ’’..ailed by Mr. Mo.'gii bn r’ 1 ; '’G office. Wi h- i ; i taimer has cotton if -eeii i* v'ry important that i gemination test made on 1. This will giv«- him a { - s upon whieh to sell his snow him what he can cx- viay of germination if he * I uni self. on-1 agent woulo liC*.* i<> • * ’ ‘* tin- e Uiitv 'vho This is a busy time on the Fur man University campus. Stud aits are t<*> much under the shadow of approaching examinations to be over nil ir.ous ovei the prospects of an enlv Chrstmas vacation and too jub- ’iar.t i vi r th; nearness of that vaea- f’on to be particularly downcast. The Christinas holidays will begin at noi n on December 21 and will last until January 3. Ci der the three-term system used at Furman, examinations are held three times a year. Examinations covering the work of the ’irst. term begin this session on December 18 and run through the morning a f De cember 21. Freshmen, in particular fiue the tests w'th cmsideitilde tests win ciosidei tilde trepidation.'. ,, 11 is their first college exam|inatii.ns.! 1 Naturally they are anxious 'to make: ai1 ‘ v ' cr in an ? a favorable lege work. beginning of X L to if heir lenings of m fortune "ns sr oJ i I unrniorolists. cn \ nee' * *■' . human destiny. Th. i-emeikvhle statement of this icsearch society g<*.*s on fuither to late that i • th s "ountrv ‘'lone there s a circulation of ten million OuiR board«. In this mystic little toy, men, w<*nen and children place tlie : r •ith in future happiness and dc ds < ' glory as well as d ; sasterous hap pening' are attributeJ to the we rd predict ions of the Ouija. Doug’as Fairbanks is cn ■ of the Oui?a enthusiasts in findings of the rt search ‘atician. When the great questitm future hajin nes 1 ^. marriage, eon- fri its him in his latest United Art ist-' screen production. “When the Clouds Roll By,’’ which will he l-tmvn at the Dixit Theatre in Fri- '■ ,v a; d Saturday, at 7:30 r . m. '‘rug appeals to the* Ouija n'd * -ange as it mav seem tbi * —* furnisl.e.- manner. txt i• coei oi T-*) acquiied by Corporation w $200,009. & I’anel Williams’ h capital uster new j will open u I rormallv being Union ,r'a i'*n million eluded in the ol Gafipev Shelling Wi cotton brokerage firm branch office he c. Greenv lie—New airpi rt opened lie re. Se: eca—Gigniliiat buiidir.g mnodeied f<*' use by Western '11 legranh t ompany. Buf alo Contract awarded grading highway from here to S t ar burg County line. Con way*—Co nsfcriy (tion Rail! ed millkn dollar hotel at Ocean csts. Conway- ‘Rock surfacing Beach road from beach t completed. Carolina bia propose in 1927, and 47 ,08 7,000 ne •e The aba: rdon inert of aci cs ti mated M'f * ] 1.4 P r c<*u es timated . acre: igc ■ in c : t; cc m paied \ Gth an abanoon July 1, la St V 'eai . 4' * . i l 4.6 T1 :e total y ieM of lint ottoi on the ana . U, l j • • hi :v vest V, ; \. -r! •t 151 8 poll.) d*. c muv ! •» 3. • ] ru:'i M i 1927. Th * reel age u. l fo- ha v p i i: i::' 1 ■ te r July 1 V.’lM 1 -ft * V *:t 3 Her \ ' X c- V ; r . -j n ’*i 4 * i.q.'i Norlh Ca < Jina 1.89 3.0 o - uta Gan Jina 2.-35: ',.(10: G< *("■ ! 7" 1 POi F’ orida (V 5 Oi* n t n Myrtle; Socastee ‘lisrouri T n*H 'se A1 ibama ■eight Lines of Colum- 'Ti 1 * i : ipp’ ■ 1 s .’ * .:a stahlishing -tate wide rn r . line sei*vice. (V :’n hem a Two mMe section of Vi karsas here and Frii avion will N< w Mexii 1 opened to iraffic by A ,• • r ’or a Greenville road betweet be paved ai January l. S:iint George—Dorchesti receives $250,009 from sta9 highway depart nr : t to pay "or grading and : California County Other stati 349.000 LOsOO'iO 3,595,000 3 n r, < ft y .085.000 ! 7 7iu; ono 4.249,000 ;J 610.000 108,000 200.000 218.000 28,000 • ) pumpkin weighing 1*25 raised (his year, v.h/jch make enough pli awake. pounds would pies to IJ- About 20.000 new laws wii! •‘e the state legislature so* hat s needed is a law agar educing th'iu. — txt ha ‘dsurfacing alioiit 10 ‘mil Rout > Ni 2 in county. Camden- Kershaw County 11,940 bales of cotton from crop 1928 pr’or to November 1. pr or Camden— it Camden w >- New equipment Hospital. i r.i ne Chevn-’et C re,\- building ::l ipice subdivision. Camden —Beth ginned tfoing alterations of i South Carolina pi*ct good cr< installed Hampton i Countv Fair omp! renov. lion? pecan gro'.i x~ nupaiiy M a i n >p thi s year. 'it.” h annual Got r pei-01 tly hold. Udg Geld C un : \ k:u eew s than ai \ 0” 1 iv aicst. 1* )■ The Turk day, while days to live -txt Sunda* ■ still' tins oi -ted for br< light ;rd and i ianner. LO ip It t he g noisu getting i sleeping. th itung so m t'liicn. and bombs niakc t even those j who 8iiot, have ;i ha' iicn. rxi- SS P hoi din and Kershaw G un.ty » ' an: Gorrmoree moves to qua etc G: oikctt building. Camden—Contract let fo tea stalled lie Sumti r- pany pun haidwoou Sumter Hardwe* bases 7,000000 tim'per from star I room and amusement center at Free- s commission.