TRUK TO OURSELVES, OUR NEIGHBORS, OUR COUNTRY AND OUR GOD. Twenty-Seventh Year 8 Pages — All Home Print McCORMICK, S. C., Thursday, November 8, 1928 Established June 5, 1902 Number 23 Sen. Robinson Of Mc Cormick Head Senate Finance Committee COLUMBIA, Nov. 7.—Senator Frank C. Rob nscn of McCormick County is scheduled to be the next chairman of the finance committee of the state senate. He is the ranking member of the committee and will under the usual procedure, be elected by the committee as its chairman. Senator Robinson will succeed Sen ator H. H. Gross, who was not re elected this year. He was defeated with the “Bessie” L'mehouse fac tion’s ticket in Dorchester Countyv Senator Robinson sat with the state budget commission at several sessions last week and will probably sit at future sessions, getting ac quainted with the needs cf the state government as presented by the heads of the various departments and institutions. The McCormick sena tor was invited by the budget board to meet with it He and Senator Gross have both sat at these recent sessions. The other members of the board are Representative -Robert E. McCaslan, chairman of the house ways and means committee, re-elect ed to the house this year, and Gover nor Richards. Senator Gross, who su: renders the cha rmanship to Senator Robinson, has been at the head of the finance committee s nee 1922. He has been in the senate since 1913. Senator Grois is a prominent planter and banker at Harleyville. He was born in Brighten Canada but moved to South Carolina in 1884. He has, serv ed as magistrate and supervisor in h ? s county, as well as occupying an important business position. He has been prominent in many public af fairs of his county. Senator R • dnson is a banker at McCormick. He is the only senator his county has ever had. Before the county was created he was a member of the house serving from 1913 to 1916, and then as senator the new county of McCo.Tn’ck until the present time. He was a delegate te« the national Democratic ccnvention in 1920. txt % Atlanta Man Kills Wife And Himself ATLANTA, Nov. 2.—Aurin Bug- bee 28, shot his estranged wife to death and wounded her young woman cempanion as they kn^lt in prayer at his order early today, and then turned the gun c-i h mself, inflicting a fatal wound. Mis. Cora Heckman 22, the com panion, was taken to a hospital with serious bullet wounds in the should er. She told police that she and Mrs. Bugbee were awakened by a noise at the window cf their apartment. In a few momenta Bugbee was at the’r bedside. “I am going tr. kill both of you ” Mrs. Heckman quoted him as saying, “so you had better make peace with the Lord.” She said she arose and ran when he fired at her, but that Bugbee shot his wife through the head as she knelt by the bedside. He shot him self through the head. Police reports said the couple were rnanied a 1 ttle over five months ago, and separated two* weeks ago, Bugbee taking up residence in a downtown hotel. Mrs. Bugbee had sued for a di vorce, Mrs. Heckntan said, and added that she had obtained a peace war rant in municipal court charging that her husband had threatened her life. Mrs. Heckman is expected to live. X Land Sales Made Here Monday J Sales made here Monday by the Mastei;. L. G. Bell, were as follows: The Federal Land Bank of Colum bia vs. E. L. Hollingsworth Jr., et al., 122 1-2 acres, bid in by W. K. Charles, attorney, for $1,500.00. The Federal Land Bank of Colum bia vs. J. L. Lesley et al., 515 acres, bid in by W. K. Charles, attorney, for $2,500.00. The Federal L~nd Bank of Colum bia vs. Q. C. Cheatham, et al., 81 7-8 acres, bid in by W. K. Charles, at torney, for $1,350.00. Herbert Hoover Is Elected President Herbert Hoover has been elected president of the United States. He is already sure of many more than the 266 votes in the electoral college, and every additional report adds to his majority. New York state, which in the early returns showed Smith a winner ap pears to be going for Hoover. Smith may possibly pull c»ut in his own state yet but it will do him no good. On the basis of first returns, from the western farm belt, it appeared that Smith’s challenge to their norm al republicanism had fallen short. All of them, including Nebraska and Wisconsin where Democrats were highly optimistic, gave impressive early majorities to Hoover. In the cast, cutside of New York and Massachusetts. Hoover went in to the lead at tHe outset in every state. He finally wrested Smith’s own lead from him when the gover nor’s majority in New York city fell below the 60G000 he expected. For a time Smith led of the tremendous votes df Boston in Massachusetts, but, with most remaining to be count ed, Hoover moved steadily ahead. The total vote in McCormick Coun ty showed, unofficially, Sm th, 615; Hoover, 20; Thcmas. 1. The official tabulation will be made next Tuesday and results declared. tXt A. R. P. Church Committees Named Church Comn^ittees which will con duct the Erskine College endowment campaign in McCornvck and vicinity v/e:e announced today from the cam paign headquarters at Charlotte, N. C. These church ccmm!tteeme.i will work with tho pastors, church chair men, group and Presbytery leaders in the work cf raising the $350,000 endowment fund for Erskire. the unified Associate Reamed Presby ter‘an Church college at Due West S. C While the intensive effort in the appeal will not get under way for- m,ally until November 18, a date set aside as Erskine Day in all A. R. P churches, the so’icitation of init’al or special gifts is already in progress in most cf the churches. These church committees, in ad dition to work : r.g among the A. R. P. members also will conduct the r ppcal among the alumni and alum nae of Erskine College, the Woman’s College of Due West and Erskine Thec-’ogical Seminary, the three in stitutions which have been consoli dated under the name of Erskine College. The Church Cc-mmittee in th’s place includes: McCormick—Geo. P. Watkins, chairman; Rev. L. T. Pressly, asso ciate chairman. ' M' Carmel—H. O. Watson, chair man; Rev. L. T. Pressly, associate cbali man. Lo: g Cane—W. D. Morrah, chair man, Rev. R F. Bradley, associate chairman; Wm. Cowan, Charles Dansby. Troy—