University of South Carolina Libraries
’rrT’.S'W - 'A' 1 - ■WM >-■ rr rir ■-w. ■* * ‘ o Nf- jr.T^~ ." Ife.r;; .~j >. -*i‘* v j ?£r<v' ; • | SBK MttiMiaii * *>: • ' .•*■ rrrxz I si 8.1 f McCorm ick South Carolina. TTS Inception and the Men and Institutions ■"■Instrumental in Creating it. An Historical Record of the Important Events Leading up to its formation and a true Statement as to the County’s Resources, and advantages, both developed and undeveloped. JORDANS mw< JL.X» Map of McCormick County, S. C. Published by, and a Supplement to THE McCORMICK MESSENGER McCormick, S. C., June 22nd, 1916. , J*. »0; J 1/ * /yt 1 vaLt-g. * 1