SOCIAL i Mrs. W. 0. Houseal and Mrs. C. H Cannn entertained on Friday afternoon at Mrs. W. 0. Houseal's handsome residence on Caldwell street in honor of Mrs Word Peake and Miss Daisy Myers, of Virginia. The bome was beautiful with a pro fusion of potted plants and spring flowers. The souvenirs were lovely hand-painted daisies. Dainty refreshments were served. Those present were: Mrs. Jno. M. Kinard. Mrs. Burr Martin. Mrs. P. G. Ellesor. Mrs. George Johnstone. Mrs. C. J. Purcell. Mrs. J. V. Chappell. Mrs. S. H. Zimmerman. Mrs. E. M. Evans. Mrs. Robert, Y. Leavoll. Mrs. A. C. Jones. Mrs Robert It. Welch. Mrs. W. L. Seabrook. lIiss Mlaud ILangford. Miss iargaret. Johnstone. Miss M1ary Nance Ftair. Miss Mamie Henwick. Mliss Fannie McCaughrin. Miss Lucy McCangbrin. Miss Nannie iceOaughrin. Miss Myrtie Schumpert. Miss Thyra Schumpet. Miss Bessie Gilder. Miss Ola W ilsou. Iiss Vinnio Nat Wilson. Miss Cora Dominick. Miss Moriat Martin. Miss Margaret Unrnette. Miss Mary Burton. Miss Helen M1ower. M,liss Nel le Mc'all. Miss Bestie Simmons. Miss Lizzie Glenn. Miss Gertrude Simpson. Miss Edith Henderson. Miss Ethyl Boozer. Th1 tables were served by Misses Marguerite Crower, Vera Houseal, Carrie Mayes, and Mary Lou Bow ers. The Emery Sewing Club and a ft-w invited guests were very charm inly entert ained by Mrs. John M. Kinardl on Wed,nesdlay mnorning. " >s."s and ferls forwed b"eu:mful lecorat to ns fur mantels and t ables. The bunrs passed very quickly in pleasant conversation, while busy need.les wvere engaged in man y dif ferenrt kinds of work, both useful and ornamntal. A delightful salad course was served during the morning. Thle ladies present on this very pleasanit occaIsion w~ere. MIrs. J. T1. D)uncan, of Union. Mrs. George .Johnstone. Mrs. A. HI. Peoples. Mrs. (3. 13. Mayer. Mrs James Mcintosh. Mrs. George S. Mower. Mrs. S. J. McCaughrin. Mrs. J. N. Martin. Mrs. L W. Flovd. Mrs. J. W. M. Simmons, Mrs. B. M. Dennis. Mrs. J1. T'. Ma3es. Mrs. A. T1. Brown. Mrs. TI. C. Pool. MI rs. S. 13, Jones. MIiss Fannie McCaughrin. MIiss Naninie McCaughrin. Miss Gertrude Carwilo. Miss Mary Nanee Ftair. Mrs. WV. II. Hunit was the charm ing bostess on Tuesdlay morning to the visit ing ladies in town and the three sewing circles in Newberry. Her hospitable home was beautifully decorated with a profusion of lovely roses, which miadtt a very pretty background for the interesting groups of busy wYorkers. Delight ful ref reshmuents were served by a hovy of pretty young ladies, and all together, it wvas a very pleas ant occasion. The 'mntertainmuent given b3 Mrs. Georg4 Jchngstone on Wednesday af ternioon was one of the most delight ful ever given in Newberry. T1he ex 9uisities of roses of every hue were tastily arraniged in each room. The guests of honor were Mrs Tonm Dani. can and Mrs. Ann Jeter, of Union, and Mrs. Sue TIurnipseed, of New berry. Mrs. Johnstone is a charm. ing hostess and her entertainment was very delightful. EWBERY. I Mrs. Robert D. Wright on Thurs. day evening gave a very enjoyable flinch party, cowplimentery to Miss Daisy Myers, of Virginia. Mrs. Wright's elegant home on College Street was beautiful in decorations of pink and crimson roses and ferns. Strawberry nectar was served during the progress of the game, and at the close delightful ices and cakes were served Miss Lois Fant was awarded one of the prizes, a lovely gold shirt waist set. This Miss Faat gracefully presetted to Miss Myers. The gen tleman's prize, a gold scarf pin, was awarded Dr. D. L. Boozer. Those present were Nancy Pool, Azie Pool, Helen Mower. Bessie Simmons, Moriat Martin, Nellye McFall, Myrtie Schumpert, Nannie McOaughrin, Lucy McCaughrin,Fan nie .McCaughrin, Linda Welch, Mary Nanei Fair, Maud Fant, Messrs. W. C. Tyree, F. N. Martin, D. L Boozer, H. T. Renwick, J. N. Mc Caughrin J. B. Mayes, 0. H. Dun can, L 0. Eskridge, 0. F. Wearing, G. E. Fdwards, I. H. Hunt, C. D. Weeks. WHY INDIANS PAINT. A Legend of the lIted Men Explaims the Strange Custom. Once an old Apache Indian when asked the question why his people painted their faces told this little leg end: "Long ago when mten were weak and aninals were big and strong a chief of the red men who lived in these moun ta ins went out to get at deer, for his people were huntgry. "After walking all day he saw a deer and shot at it. but the arrow was turned aside and wounded a mountain li- u. which was also after the deer. \\ h1et the lion felt tho sting of the ar r~w ie jout1 ed up atd bounded after thA tman. who ran for his life. 'lle was almost exhausted. and i he fe-it his strength giving way b e , i11 to the ground, calling to the big i.:ir. who, you know. is the grandfa ther of mten. to save him. "The big bear heard the call and saw that to save the tian he had to act quickly, so he scratched his foot and sprinkled his blood over the man. 'Now. you must know that no ani. tmal will eat of the hear or taste of his blood. So when the lion reacled the man he smelled the blood and titurned away. but as he did so his foot scraped the face of the ttian. leaving the marks of his claws on thae blood smeared face. "When the atan found that he was uninjured. he was so thankful that he left the blood to dry on his face and never washed it at all. but left it until it pe~ele'd off. "Whaere the claws of the lion scraped it off here were mtarks that turned b)rowni int the sun, and where the bloodl stayed on it wats lighter. Now aili mean paint their faces that way witha blood antd scrape it off ini streaks whetn they hunit or go to war." THE CARIBS OF DOMINICA. Fierce savages Who Have Dropped 'Thetir Man Eating Ways. A recenat coloanial report on the Cariba of )omniiea is interestinig. V'ery mnys terious is the origin of the fierce sav' nges, ntow alamost e'xtinact. wholi( were int p)ossessiont of the smialler WVest 11nd itan islandt(s whten the iat wthaite mant burast "'it:to thtat silenit sea." 'They' showevtd a dist lic Mongoliiat char 'a cter, i andl it wou,tldl he harid tto distingutisht a 'iaa'ib in fanat fa' , n a Chintese t'hild. Stimte t wen ty yeiia's agoait( 'hitn amanI whIo land difted to D otninaican declite t'et'a r 'ibalIs to lie his own't pe~ole ataal atared a purte bre'td ('artb wtomaan a. 'lTe resullt ant child shiowe'd nao dt'viattiotn fr'om the nat To'(day they hav e dr'oiwd tir m'antia etatig watiys, but ini the sixtaeeath i een ttuay they' scoured the Spiaaish matin in seat'ch of htaana food, antd fa'om Porto Rico atlone tire siad to havte tiakent more thaan 5,000) maent to be etateat. 'Thoutgh Spl,aniaards, Fraeanehmaeaa, l)utchmen'a, nie groes, or Arr'ow'aks, were till "at to themt, yet these Cartlits seemaa to, havie shown~i atraeferenace for' cer'm ta ltinal ities. I 'avis. for' hins t 't', ini Is "'Ills tory of the Car 'libby3 I slatdl.'' te'lls uas thaat ''the Cttalheas ltmvt lestedl of tall thte anationas t hat fraqunteda aa them'tta aad afhla'am that the Fr'ench' are't thle atost de'lh'ate atad the Siaanitards tarte har'dest of digestiotn.'' I,ah orde' also, in oneo of lis jautta int St. Vinentt, t)Cappear to hiav't ov'er'taaken on the roadl a com muilenttive Catrib) wvho was beguIling thte te'diutm of lis journey by gntawing at the remtainis of p boIled hutmana foot. rThis genttlemana onily ate Arrowaks. "Chtristians," he said, "give me the bellyacha" Queese Qualiafeation. The entusism of the thoroughgoing lover of Browinag takes somte surpris ing turas. 'The tathtor of "in a Tuscan Garadena" tells a story conacerning Dr. Furn'aival, otne of the founaders of the Brownting aoeia'ty. A younag reliative of the Eanglishwo miana ini Lonadon wats lookiang ouat aAaone timeta for bachelor chambaalers ian a block of flats. 'Te secretatry of thae company to whtomt they belonged iatimated that thte teslttmonay of two householders as to lhlsa reat paying ca taclty wouildl be requtiredI. fThe aphplicati gavei the' Etng liishwomana's namte as one and Dri. Fur niv'al for' the other. Dr'. F~urnivalI's repily, aifter a giowinag panegyric on the merIts of the appli caat, wounid tip by contgratulating the company Ott getting as a teant a man who "was not onily a gentleman and a good fellow, but a member of 'the Browning society." 4 FILIPINO FUNERALS. Pictureique For the Riek and P. thotto For the Pooat. One of the most striking things to be seen on the streets of Manila is a Fili pino funeral. If the deceased was wealthy and had hosts of friends, the funeral will be headed by a band play ing selections from comic operas. The body of the deceased follows in a hearse covered with black cloth ar ranged In a grewsome design and drawn by six black ponies, each be decked with headgear of long black feathers. The hearse will be followed by men on foot wearing knickerbock ers and cocked hats, and after them follow innumerable vehicles of every description. If the body Is to be in terred, the gravediggers will precede the band, with their tools over their shoulders. Most Filipino funerals, however; are more pathetic. The father of a tew weeks old baby will trot out to the cemetery entirely alone, with the little white coffin balanced well on his head, and if a man had not the price of a vehicle his remains will be carried out on bamboo poles by four Chinamen, and the coffin will be one that has seen service before. The natives have different ways of burial. Some bodies are put into the ground, while the larger majority are placed In niches in the wall of the cemetery. A slab cemented into the opening of the niche contains a brief biography of the deceased. Some Survivals of Fashion. Man is unquestionably a highly ra tional being. Still, if you travel and observe, from the mouth of the Danube to the Golden Gate you will find most men wearing a coat with a useless col lar mat*ed with a useless V shaped slash and decorated with two useless buttons at the small of the back and one or two more useless buttons at the cuffs. The collar, the slash and the buttons are there in answer to no rational need. It is not a common cil mate nor a common racial need of pro tection against climate that they repre sevt, but a common civilization whose fc,rn and ritual they mutely confess. Over this entire area those who aspire to be of the Brahman caste deck their heads for wedding, funeral and feast with a black cylindrical covering, suit ed, so far as we can disceru, ueither to avert the weapon of the adveirnary or the dart of the rain nor to provide a seat whereon man may sit and rest himself. And as for the wome,u con tained within this same area we behold that the amplitude of the sleeve, the disposition of the belt and the outline of the skirt all obey the rise and fall of one resistless tide which neither moon nor seasons control.-Benjamin Ide Wheeler in Atlantic. The Certainty of Fate. The Mohammedans have a fable which they repeat to illustrate the cer tainty of fate. The Philadelphia Times quotes it as having been told by Mr. Robert Barr. the celebrated novelist. A sultan was once asked by his fa voi-ite, the grand vizier, for permission to leave at once for Smyrna, although a brilliant court fete was then in prog ress. Upon being asked his reason for such t.aste the vizier replied: "Because I just saw the angel of death yonder In the crowd. He looked at me so earnestly that I know he has come for mec. I wish to escape him." "Gio Go at once!" said the sultan, who then beckcned to the angel and asked why the latter had looked so earnestly at the vizier. "I was wondering," replied the angel of death, "why be was here, for I have orders to kIll him in Smayrna." Nelsun's Only Defeat, Nelson, like all the greatest comn mianders on sea or land, made his mis takes and his failures, b)ut there is only one Instance on recordl of his having been actually dlefeated in a direct at tack. This occurred at Santa Cruz, in the ('almry Islands, on July 24, 1797. Th'le hlace' was very strongly fortified, and Nelson, in the face of a lire of fifty gunms t'rom the batterIes, attempted to storm the town by boats. The attempt was frustrated by the strength of the mole anid the nonappearance of a land for'ce which should have co-operated, A hiund(red and fifty meon were killed and1( a hundred wounded on the British R1(de, and Nelson lost his right arm. Two tlags were also captured, and these are still kept in the cathedral of Santa Cruz. The Scotch Sunday. As an instance of the observance of the Sabbath in Scotland, an IEnglish pamper tells of a postman having a route bet ween Stirling and Blairdrummond. iIe was ob)served to ride a bicycle over ils six miles on weekdays and to walk the same distance on Sunday, and when asked why lie rep)lied that he was not allowed to use the machIne on Sun day. An Investigation followed, and the postman's exp)lanation proved to be correct. The Poet Turned, Oilee lioy-I told dat poet wet called dat you wuz out of town. 10ditor-Coodi What did he say? Oilee Boy-ie said he thought he niotieed anm impirovemen)t in de paper. New York Journal. Unucertalm. "Hle's a quteer chap." "Yes. ,1fus now lie was saying that nothing was certain in thIs world but the uncertainty of things, and you couldn't banik on that."-Detrolt Free Press. Justifiab.le. "Johnson writes that he's just killed' the hero in his new novel." "Well, lie needn't wvorry over that; any juiry will ac(qult him!l"--Atlanta ('onstitulion. hims Inuonhia Completely Oared. "They tell me you have cured your self of chronic insomnnia." "Yes, I'm completely cured," "It mulst be a great relief i" "Itelefi I should say it was! Why, I lie iawake half the night thinking how I used to suffer from it."--Olevre land Plinr haler ~P L ^! NOT REVOKED. General Grant Laid Down the Law to President Johnson. Daniel It. Goodloe, for many years a distinguished resident of Washington and chairman of the commission to free the slaves of the District, once told this story: "One morning soon after the surren der at Appomattox I was one of a group of gentlemen standing on Penn sylvania avenue, discussing the mo mentous questions of the day. As we talked General Grant rode toward us, smoking his usual cigar. Recognizing several of us, he dismounted and joined us. " 'What's the news?' he asked. "I a swered, 'We are discussing a piece ok news which comes to us di rectly from the White House and which gives me no little concern.' 'What is it?' asked the general. "'I understand that President An drew Johnson intends to revoke the parole of General Lee and other gener als of the late Southern Confederacy.' "'Who was your informant?' asked General Grant. "I gave him the name of the gentle man who had given the information. "General Grant quietly said, 'Thank you, gentlemen,' remounted his horse and rode rapidly away toward the White House. "We leisurely turned our steps in the same direction, and as we entered ti a portico we saw Grant coming down the steps looking more excited than I had ever seen lilmt before. I went up stairs and met a friend who had been in conference that morning with Mr. Johnson on the subject above men tioned. le said to me: 'If you have any request to make of the president this morning, keep it until some other time. He is angrier than I have ever seen him. A moment ago General Grant stro('.e into his presence and per emptorily (leminde(l, "Do you intend to revokc: the parole of General Robert E. Lee and other oflicers of the late Con federacy?2" '" I am considering the subject," Johnson replied. "You need not consid er it. Those paroles were signed by me as general comman(ling the army of the United States. My promise to them shall he kept in good faith if it takes the army ot' the United States, plus the army of the late Confederacy, to en force it." 'Saying this, Grant retired and left Johnson white with rage.' "Ve never heard any more of the revocation of the paroles."-Indianapo lIs Sentinel. It Gr-own Feeble. The attraction of a man's character is apt to be outlived, like the attraction of his body, and the power of love grows feeble in its turn, as well as the power to inspire love in others. It is onily wit i a few rare natures that friendlship is added to friendship, love t(o love and fthe man keeps growing richea in utfe(t ion-richer, I mean, as a b:ank may be said to grow rich, both giving and receiving more-after his head is white and his back weary, and he prepares to go down into the dust of death. i Robert Louis Stevenson. Gorki's Early Struggles. Miaxim Gorki, thle Russian novelist, had anm early career that in many ways recalls the early struggles of Jacob A. itiis. lie ranm away from home when a lad anda for years found life mighty hamrdi grulbbing. lHe worked am a day laborer, a sawyer, a cook and a lighter manl1. Then he heard that free instrue tioni could he obtained at Kazan, and, having no money to paiy for his jour ney, he walked there, a distance of over UE00 miles. Then he found he had a head. A Business Man's Tribute. "You admire that musician?" "Very much," answered Mr. Oumrog. "For his compositions or for his per formances?" "Neither. For his nerve in charging 65 a seat."-Washington Star. There is no case on record of a man having committed a crime with a pipe oar cigar in his mouth. This is the best day the world has sver seen. Tomorrow will be better. Rt. A. Campbell. I have had occasion to us. your Black.Draught Stock and Poultry Medi. cire and am pleased to say that I never. used anything for stock that gave half as good satisfaction. I hearily recom-. mend it to all owners of stock. .J. B. BELSH ER, St. Louis, Mo. Sick stock or poultry should not eat cheap stock food any more than sick persons shlold expect to be ejied by food. When your stock and pIoultry aro sick give themn med ICeme. Don't stuff them with worth less stoc~k foods. Unload the bowels and stir up tihe torpid liver and the anlimlal will be cured, if it be possi ble to cure it. Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine unloads the bowels anld stirs up the tornid liIver. It cures every mnalady ofstock if taken in tiue. Secure a 25-cent can of Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine and it will pay for itsolf ten ti.mes over, Horses work better. Cows giv more milk. Hogs gain flesh. And lhens lay mor.e eggs. It solves the probleml of making as much blood Lieas and( energy as pbossible out o the smallest amiounto food con Faithful to the Last. In many Scotch families the old man servant Is a permanent Institution. He enters the service of a family when he is a boy, sticks to his place and re signs only when the infirmities of age ar.3 upon him. Naturally he grows in time to cliim as rights wha,were at first granted him as favors and if he is opposed asserts himself with a spirit of independence. An English paper tells a story illustrative of this. A lady's coachman, a crusty old fel low, who had been in the service of the family in her father's time, gave her great trouble and annoyance on several occasions by not carrying out her instructions. At length his conduct became unbearable, and she determin ed to dismilss him. Calling him into her presence, she said with as much asperity as she could command: "I Cannot stand this any longer, John. You must look out for another situa tion. You will leave my service at the end of the month." The old servant lotAed at her in amuomet for a minute, tud then the characteristle "loyalty" ct me to the surface. "Na, an, my lady," he said. "I drove you to the kirk to be baptized, I drore you to your marriage, and I'll itay to drive you to your funeral." Me- OFI 'Costs May Zcad Or mail 25 cents to 0. Cures Eruptions, Sores, Collo, HiveE Worms. T100TEX"1.A. THE EFFECTS OF THE SUMMER'S SEABI AIR*- LINE NORTH -- SOUTH Two Daily Pullman Ve Between SOUTH a FIRST-CLASS DINI The Best Rates and Ro Via Richmond and \ Norfolk and Stearr Nashville, Mermph Louis, Chicago, Ne Points South and South, and Jacksonville and and Cuba. POSITIVELY THE SI-IOR NORTH AN *ligFor detailed information man reservations, etc., appi: board Air Linc Railway, or~ Passenger Agent, Columbia C. F. STEWART, A SAVANN THlE SOUTHE The crest Hlgghway or T HRaOUGoH THF. SO Excetent Service Quick ') Aaiy TrIp to a PI.a,u Yravel via YIt H ,O0U The Finest Dining-Car ror detailed SnforrvatIon as to TIelI vat ions addresse the nearest Agen W. ^. -Uroa. S. I, lnAR WA$S&SNCTOX. D. C- WACKiKOGT OAT NORTHA Floride~ A passenger servic and comfort,equipped Dining, Sleeping and Per rates, schedule tion, write to WM. J. NESTING WOOD DUCKS. The Courtealp Period in Followed by a Very ProNalo Married Life. When a pair of wood ducks find water and a hollow tree to suit, little time Is lost In preparing the nest. This task and the covering of the eggs are performed by the female, for, to the best of lny knowledge, the male does little u ure than sit around on handy limbs and look pretty. During the period of nest building and while the duck is laying he is tht. beau ideal of a handsome and loving envalier, ever at tentive and seemingly most aixious as to her whereabouts should she happen to get out of his sight. lBut with the waning of the honeyinoon he seems to feel rather bored with the whole busi ness, and gradually he gets clubby-l. e., wanders fromi his own fireside and hunts up another drake (i' two to help him loaf away the sumnter. Thle busy little dtik keeps her own counsel and "sits tight" on the dozen or more highly poli:3hed ivorylike eggs crowded to gether in a bed of soft decayed wood and down from her breast. Quite frequently the nest is at the bottom of a hollow several feet deep, and no otiubt the strong, hooked claws of the wood duck are a special pro vision for the oft repeated climbing out of the hollow.-Edwyu Sandys in Out ET' Cures Cholera-Infantuin, Diarrhoea,Dysentery, and the Bowel Troubles of Children of Any Age. Aids Digestion, Regulates VMbI the Bowels, Strengthens the Child and Makes T E TIMNO EASY. J. MOPPETT, M. D., ST. LOUIS, MO. , Thrush. Removes and Prevents. DOUNTERACTS AND OVERCOMES HEAT UPON TEETHING CHILDREN. D AD RAILWAY. -- EAST -- WEST. stibuled Limited Trains nd NEW YORK. NG CAR SERVICE. ute to all Eastern Cities Vashington, or via ers.---To Atlanta, is, Louisville, St. w Orleans, and All vest-To Savannah all points in Florida TEST LINE BETWEEN D SOUTH. rates, schedules, Pull 'to any agent of The Sea 3. 3. Puller, Traveling , S.C. sst.G~eni. Pass. Agt., AH, GA. R.N RAILWAY TRADE and TRAVEL UTHERN STATES. "me Convenient se:hedules re T..,p to those who THERN RAiLWAY. Service in the World. eta. Rates and Sleeping-Cav reser t of THE SOUTH ERN RAILWAY. TC -T ll. UGHiFAPEofTkfIVL NDSOUTH L-Cuba. e unexcelled for luxury with the latest Pullman Thoroughfare Cars. ,maps or any informa. CRAIG, eral Passenger Agent, Wilmingtn. . C. BLUE RIDGE RAILWADy , U. 0. BA' TIE, Receiver. In Eteet June 8 1902. netwoon A nder-oun and Walhalla. .as-ruoUu. Wa:TBOUND ARitivE. LEAvB. Mixed- Mixed No. 9. No. 12 1tations. No. 11 No. 9 P.M. A.M- P.M. A.M 8 1 9 66...............Iltton............... 8 20 10 60 2 48 9 83,......endereon F. D......... 8 40 1110 2 45 980........ -. oierson P. D........ 8 46 1 15 ........ 92......... W at,Audaron....... 3 49 ........ ........ 9 09...............Denver......,....... 8 69 ....... I ........... Auttn............ 406 ........ .....8655..... Pen dleton ..... 4 1. ...... 847 ..............U( h erry.............. .1 18 . ..-.... 844..... .Adau.A............ 4 21 8 28 .....dJO.(lanin Jtt .34 8 .....82 .'.-------.........eneen .............. - 81 ..... ..... 8 08 ....... ..W est, Union ............. 800. Walhala ............ 6 0i All regular truins frou. I lton to Waliaa, bave precedonce over trauint or a"mo olasl it oving in the Opposite direotton unless oth otwie spoolfled by train order. Will niao sto at the following stations to la1e on a 0nd plr assongers: 'hinney's Janin and ttncl Sprins. Jl. R. ANSItq agN. Superintendent. Charestui ald Wostorn Carolina Rwiv &. Augusta and Ashevillo Short Line. (e(bed utile ii clCect I+.atoht 1, I903.) (Itad Down (Read Up) 12.46 pit).........Lv Newberry ........ Ar 3.10 pm I.'0 fll . .. Ar Laurens............. Lv '2.02 pin 2.17 pin ........ Lv Laurens.. ... Ar 1.80 p . 30 pin......... At 8partan burg..... Lv 12 01 3.4 pn.........1 v z4partanbuig..... Ar 10.2i am 6.82 pin......... A Saluda............... Lv 8. 89 am t'.I pa ......... Ar Elonulersonvilte l.v 8.05 am 7 I' 1pt1......... Ar ahyvlle....... .. Lv 7.05 am 6 .40 pin ..... L - Newborry (u.n.&r.) 3 10 p I... i '. ..... %r s ut n9 .................l,y 2.02 p . .pmr.... L ra l na t .en............Ar 1.45 n I. 1 pin Ar 4ruenwoo 1........... .Lv 12.44 p ." - ---. r Angus ua............... Lv 10.10 a - o . . augusta..........Ar 11.65 a : -0 i ' ...... \ r It aufort ......... Lv 7.60 a1n 6.13 tl"-... l'ort Royal ..........L.v 7.40 ait i6 1. .lv 4-,wbeir (o u.r><.).r 4.10 pi . .0 pit. .. Ar Laurens ......... V 2 02 pm 2 ' 9 p o. . I y ..1. r nI"I-.............. et.' 1.15 pm 6_)111 .._ r - ' nr ivllle. L-V 12.15 pm1 F'or titsrtlier Iufo iinit rl nuli e to rates a' n , c'lt Of , "'ir (il(O. 1' l1' I N, G3(1n. Ag . t4rooville, 8 I(NE -Y''WJ LI IAMS, tIo . 'ass.-Agt. Auusta, da. 1.~~~ ~ ~ 111 -.rvt.T afig'n er (Estern Standard Tin .) Southbcnutd. Northboundl. sch- tu.e In Efect Augutl 26th 1902. STATIO. %S. 8 41 am Lv Atlanta (a A.L) Ar. 8 50 pm 10 50 atn Athens 6 19 pm 11 t5 as Elberton 5 17 pm .2 . b in Abbeville 4 03 pm t 2 pin (Greenwood 3 85 pm 2 ip. Ar Clinton (Din'r) Ly. 2 45 pil (0.&W 0.) 10 O :_I. Lv (lonn Springs Ar 4 00 pm 12 1r6 : i-par,anburW 8 80 pm [. 2 p,n (4reenville c' 25 pin (Barris L; ,'.!g.) S13 prr. Waterloo 2 35 pm 1 : 1. .'r i.aurens (Din'r) Lv 2 17 pin .' 62 20'2 i.v Laarna A' 1 561 ?19 'arks Ar 1 42 22 .. )lntore., 1 30 2 34 Go1dv111r 1 17 2 4 ..Kinard.- 1 10 2 49 ...Oery... 1 06 2 54 ..Jlapa.. 1 00 310 hewberry 1240 3 24 Prosperity 1282 3 84 ....SIghs.... 12 28 3 89 Lt Mountain 12 19 3 61 ...Chapin... 12 09 3157 Hilton 1202 4 01 W hite Rock 11 59 4 ("7 Ballen tine 11 64 4 17 ... rm o..... 11 46 4 21 ..Leaphart.. 1 1 40 4 45 ArColumblatLv 11 20 pm am i 65 LvColun'bia (A.o.L.)Ar 11 t 6 20 Sumter 9 60 9 20 Ar Ch),rleston Lv 7 00 Trait,n8 . ud 6l arlve ardlirt frmn 110W ution etite for alco holic liquors after using White Ribbon Remedy. Indlorsed1 by Members ''f W. C. T. U. Mrs. Moore, press superintendent of Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Ventura, California, writes- "I have testedl White Ribbon Remedy on very obtinate drunkards. and the cures have been many. In many cases the Remedy was gven secretly. I cheerfully recom mnend and indorse White Ribbon Reme lighte to id an economieal treatet to ait our~ templer.ance work" Di'uggists or by mail, $1. Trial pak age free by writmng Mrs. A. M Town sendi (fo yas ec" tay of a YWoman's mont St., Boston, Mats. Sol(d in Ne berry by Gilder & Weeks. Get the Best! Su bscibeh to Th ~1wJ8'iy 2fl'dd 811i NOWS andl ijfr jll j0, Nows alid Conijoi, Trhe best counrty news>aper'i Th est gener'al and t a te newspaper*. Alhe telegraphl, State and general neOws you can11 read. K((eep up wvith the news of the world, the nation, the State and1( your county.