Mit( t.: SIX i OU ND). Adt M aurly, a uti-,k Vat,ploy., Coulit Nest slt,u 'T atipttittou, Halifax, F. S, Oct. 27.-Adam A. 1arley, the former nanatger of the Bank of Britt,h North America at. Fredoricton, N. B., was arrested in this city tonight on a warrant charg irg him with stealing $(,00() belong ing to the bank. Ilarley caine from Scotland to Halifax ten years ago, took a position in the bank hero, later being transforred to Montreal and (ron there to I,-nderioton, where he was appointod manager of the agency. Two weeks ago he mot two friends from Scotland, and one of them, it is claimled, gave him $6,000 to deposit for him in the bank. This friend then went to Montreal and presented the deposit roceipt a' the bank for the money but to his surprise he found that there wore no funds there. The bank itntediately made an investigation and Harley was discharged. Tonight he was arrestod on a railroad train bound for St. John's. An Iplode in a taclelor i.1fo. I caught her and held her fast. We sank down together into a deep chair. The girl was watching us merrily. Nancy gngledl with delight. "Please giantttlet me go home to my nmuvver," she piped. "Never!" I thundoreu, with a sud den idet', born of the girl's look, "until you have perfortmod my be hest." "What's that V asked Nancy naive ly. "This," said I, and whispered in her ear. "tEzzackly in the nmiddle?" said she. "'Exactly," I answore(l, kissing her. "Now, quick! Put your hand over it., so it can't get away." Nancy flashed from my arms to the girl. She put it exactly in the middle There is a color that the sails of ships take on in the early dawn of a perfect day. I have never seen it but twice. The other time was on a ship.-Nancy and I and t he girl, a story by N. V. MeClelland, illus trated by Henry Hutt., in McClure's for November. Iutttect iN of a MIact t-or. When a red-beaded girl inherits a fortune it changes to auburn. Rich muot hers don't even find it interesting to make miatches for their daughters. They' re so eas.y. A man's wdml power can't be seeni under a microscope when it has been in collusion with a woman's wont. New York Press. PrWoII of Slate Cutin MiII. [Special to the Gireenville News.] (Columbia,S.C0., Oct. 26-Trhe leis lative dispensary committee has made its quarterly report to the Governor. The11 assets incelutding m< rchandise, real estate, etc., are $084,202,65. Of this thme School fuind has got $500,470.38. Thbe gross pIrofits net were $20,574 04h. There is now a balance in the treasury of $50,675. il. Conltaious$ There is no poison so highly contagious, so deceptive anid so destructive. Don't be too sure you are curedl because all external signs of the disease have disappeared, and the (doctor says you are wvell. Many per. sons have bien dlosedi with Mercury and Potash for months or years, and pro nounced cured - to realiz.e when too late that the dlisease was only covered up Like Bogots Like. driveni from the surface to break out again, and to their sorrow and mnortifi cation find those nearest and dearest to them have beeni infected by this loath some disease, for no othier poison is so surely tranmittedI from p)arentt to child as this. Ofteni a bad case of Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula or severe skin disease, an old sore or ulcer developinig in middle life, can be traced to blood poison con tracted in earl y The SIn of the Passent. life, for it remains smnoldering ini the sys temn forever, unless p)roperly. treated and driven out in the beginnmng. 8. 8. 8. is the only antidlote for this peculiar virus, the only remedy known that can over come it anid dIrive it out of the blood, amnd it does this so thoroughly and effectually that there is never a return of the disease to embar.rass or humiliate you afterwards. Poison in any and all stages, conitainse no mineral to blreak down yourcoititution ; It is er kniown that cleanses the blood( and at the same time builds up the general health. Our little boo0k on contagious blood poison is the most complete and instruc tive ever issuedl; it not only tells all about this disease, but also how to cure yourself at home. It is free and should beltn the hands of everyone seeking a cure. Send for it. THE SWIFT SPREIFI CO., AT ANTA, nA. WA5,INo'UN IN('IUCNT IN 1'OkOI A Hero In Onmo Uolleg, 1',,utt,t Who Woultl Not I)ino boctally With Hooker. Miledgeville, Gat., Oct. 24.-Presi dont Chappell arraigned Presidei ltocsovolt today before 420 young women of the Woman's Industrial school. He said: "A study of tht races of mankind place the South, ern anglo saxon in the highest stat( of development: the negro in th( lowest. 'rbo negro left to himsnll has never evolved anything likt civilization. Ht has always been F barbarian and a savage. What God has so wisely sundered, not ton thou. sand Toddy Roosovelts can bring into social equality. The bringing together of suoh unequal races iQ social union white Southeru womer should loathe because of their God given instinct." Whichu 81t. ? The following, written in regard tc the shirt two, a novelty that has twc differoit bosoms on the same shirt: This side is the outside, When the other side in inside, When the inside's the outside, Both are out of sight sides. And so is the soiled side When worn on the inside. The outside's the right side And so is the wrong side WVhen its on the outside, For both sides are front sides, And both sides are inside. So it doesn't matter which side You wear on the outside. Reflections of a Bachelor. All is not old that embitters. Marriages are not always un happy. Men work for their livings; wo men earn them. Penitence nearly always peep: between the fingers which it hold: to its face. Politicians have more tact that highwaymen ; highwaymen havl more sincerity. E..ngaged people are always ii other people's way, but not so muel as other people are in their way. Any summer girl is willing t compromise by returning the younj man's heart and keeping the ring The time that a man is most it love with a woman in all their livei is five minutes before he propose to her. The first thing the woman wh< means to get into society does i: to call one corner of the kitchen th< butler's pantry. A wvoman's baby can fall dlowi andI bump itself hard wvithout it' being a calamity, but if she hear another woman has called that bab' uigly, that's a national disaster. T1he woman who sheds the mos tears in the theatre where the heroine is pursed by wicked slande is the one who pulverizes the repu tation of her nearest neighbor th next day.--N. Y. Press. "He Sang s., Sweetly." A few dlays ago a little boy wat amusing himself by watching tb~ birds that wecre p)laying round him At length a beautiful bobolin! p)erched on the bough of an app!< tree near by, and sat there quietly The little boy picked upj a stoni andI got ready to throw it at th< bird. The bird's th)roat swelled and forth came tihe song :''A-link a-link, a-link, bob-o link, bob-c link, a- no-sweet, a-no-sweet, know it, a-link, a-link, dlon't throv it, throw it, throw it,'' And the boy didn't throw th< stone, but dropped it on th< ground. '"Why didn't you stone him, my boy? You might have killed hin and carried him home." The little fellow looked up and replied :'"Couldn't 'cos he rang so.''-Christian Observer. No Difference In DIstance. H ere is a drouth story by a travel. img man : I was dlriving across tihe count~ to a little town in Western Kansas the other day, when I met a farme: hauling a wagon load of water. "Where do you get water?" said I. ''Up the road about seven milaus,' he replied. "AndI you haul water seven mile, for your family and stock ?'' '''Yep.' " "'Why in the name of sense don't you dig a well?" '''Because it's jest as far one way as the other, stranger.' "-Ex. Headache kills, not necessarily suddenly, but SURELY. It preys upon the intellectual powers more than we realize. It consumes the vitality faster than nature can replenish it, and we cannot tell just what moment a temporary or complete aberration of the mind will result. Headache and pain should be promptly re moved-but properly. Many pain cures are more harmful than the pain. Beware. If you would be safe, take Mil.s' Pain Pills. "As a result of neuralgia I lost the sight of my right eye, and the pain I have suffered is incomprehensible, be ing obliged to take opiates almost con t inually. A friend gave me one of Dr. Miles, I'aint Pills and it promptly re lieved me. I then purchased a box and n'ow my trouble is gone. They have alno cured my datighter of nervous headache, and I heartily recommend then to otlers."-W. J. CORLEY. lire m ond, Texas. Sold by )ruggists. 25 Doses, 25c. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Notice of Filial Scttlemelt anid )ischaric. N OTICI. IS IIEREIIY GIV HN that I will make a final S."ttle ment on the estate of Mrs Katie Melia Bray, formerly Miss 1(at te Melia Smith, a minor in the Probate Court for New berry County, S. C., on Thursday the 21st day of November, A. D. 1901, and will immediately thereafter apply for Letters of )ismissory. M. H. KEMPSON, Guardianm of Said (M inor.) October 18th, 1901. Land for Sale. A AGR IS 011' V h,RY 'I NIE. 1 - land, in Saludia County, three miles(r,,m Chappells, known af a part of Mrs. V. E Payne's estate, bounded by lands of J. W. Webb, Jno. Il ipp and Mott, Payne, will be sold ati a reason able price. For particulars apply to MOTT PAY NE, Payne, S. C. It will cost you find out about th< the quality, the gi and the sizes. D simply say "Rox nine in full, givir Dlater Broomi a PELZE SBack to 3 T HE 0. SWALTER NOW IllaBa3 Colossal Menagerie, Soc Olympia Hippodrome a Newberry, Tuesi A Big Al NewFea Ne7et,NwCoeis/e Amzigl BldOrgialAcs A A BAll- la Prgrme oFSena Clmerics. an0 aTickicl direct from Paris. The highest St rongest Woman Living. 03 'I one ring, at one time. A Femali Rough Riders, fresh from their I more's Quintetto of Daring Airli A Tremendous Free Street Carnival Seen Before, at 10 o'clock. TwE beneath a Waterproof Tent. Doors open at 2 and 6.80 p. m. Perft Children 4 and over, and under 12 holder all the wary through the Men and< Rough Rider Exhibition. 'fickets on sale at Scholtz's Jeweir 0:00 A. M. UDIORE studenDts BU11N THE MIDNIGHTLjI. We Have the Lamps. Lamps Cheap, but Not Cheap Lamps! Also all the reqmsites for the Toilet: Razors, St r~ps, bat her Brmiey, Shaving and Toilot Soaps, Toilet Powders amd 'erfumory. Vo invito your patronage. Mayes, Dril Store.N We handle Wiley's Candies--Fresh. Good Time. Every man, lady and boy should have a good time piece. Come and buy it of us as-we have a large selection. If your watch, clock or jewelry needs repair bring it to us and we will put it in good or der. We also have a nice line of Jewelry, Silver Wear and Glass. EduRdf SC6110hZ, The Jeweler. only one cent to "Rox" Mattress; iarantte'e, the prices -op Us the postal, ," and sign your ig address. a iYlattross C c, I, S. C. Tewbherry, RIGINA L .zr. z .Rifl Oimous. ety Horse Fair, Genuine nd Superb Spectacular. lay, November 5. -r Shw/hi 7er lohat an plnyofte1 00 Hudes fAial nHndeso Clreow di Mrymar. Sull, the Last Specimen, Eyes will never BJehohl Another. ;ional F~eat ures. -The Martell Famnily, st.. (Garcinoutti F"amiily of Acrobats, Ralariedi sirIist,s roW InI Amgerica, The horoughi rod Charg~ers, in one aict, in e Zouavo (Corps, 24 H-anidsome Ladios. )hilippine. Victories. MVIoore and Gil mFtR and others. and Parade, Nothing like it, Ever Perforances D)aily, Rain or Shine, 'rrnmne's commencing one hor lator. - -- DO OEMrs ,25 cents. One Ticket passes the aigerie, Hippodrome, 8 Ring Circus, H E - ! Are you ever troubled with the vexing thought "What Can I Get to cat?" If so, a glanwo at this ad. will pOrlslH roliovt you Homiinowhat. It. will cor taintly (lirtet you to a comllto sto( k of itch goods, both faney and ttl1, as you uso ovory day. WYo havo juit roeoived: SEEDEI) RAISINS, QUAK WR OATIi, BUOKWHEAT FLOUR. PINE APPLE UHE-!SE, FULL 'REAM CHEESE, CREA'A OF WHE AT Our lino of Cannetod Fish and Monts is not surpsiisd by any. Potte= Chicken, Potted Turkey, Potted Ham,. Vetl Loaf, Ham Loaf, Lunch Tongue. Jellied .ocks. Chipped Beef. Corned. Beef Hash, Corned Be& f, Imp. S rdines, Salmon Steak, Barataria Shrimp, Deviled Crabs, Vienn:i Sausage, Pigs Feet. Wo h ivo ia full lino of Cmnod Fruits, Pickl'H, Olivoi, Tablo C,orclinonts, Extracts, tipiceu, &e.( , &ce. Til' (1U1( 11 11ILI) T Il:1T (011% PER POUND, AT' 25, 30 E1Nl :33 1-3 (1N PER '1OU.N Try to got any thing you iIod from us. If it ir in our lin %o will ho moro thou likoly to haivo it, atndl if wo harvo it it w II stiroly ho tirst class. Very fruly, At Ollr Now Fall aR4 i11erStoekOfS1I lI i llll, Wu don't talk Very im uch1 Ul) )aut. low ric 1)l tt wh1n it, Comes to quality we have solietlilng to say. It has bxeell since going ilto )usin1tess to sel I Ulothling, Shioes, IIats, Etc., made up strictly first-class, and which will wear and look stylish to the perfect SatiSfilactionl of the buyer. THLE RESU=LT WE HAVE NEVER BEEN UNDERSOLD WHE THE QUALITY WAS OONSIH.RED. Tlhei public can lepel(l upon us for Clothing, Shoes, Hats and( F~urnishinigs that are new and( u p-to-dlate e'very dlay In the year' in style, qualit:, , price ali.d neOwless. THE EWART-PIFER CO., Under The Newberry Hotel. WE fIT TilE IIlD To-T. R bt5ho1pe cloth ni~~~~ NIAND-MADEA te m rsrad -'e .RE STRE TRAE>VR. GROSMAN,luiNAElSOM & C-9.l..iKER NE T C F IKWU S cav Rou money Co t~o so us Your truly, S. J WO TER NWRD Theret yoe allu kid oh men firtheI..1 O l'iny usins burites mean compft. tory th10.auecrt hasaatdo uatoko ely,o isrthe(a whothts to8 andl. ull tristao, distif cu lsto hav)arey o b', 'i ne mo s by Uu i, &c ein tbem thy haeuer sw1i nded, etc WO wil oul ai se uch moernt aoso nod ge,ott work,ey. i Cthe tim tey waste o uchwrks t isny,s u'stomes, ndterh asheyn codso nd Panoten aw ileo. hea rea e nd l( he rids ofr in th e [chane bys overy lit.thle id ci,mh)vs work th n miti aone. tseod r t eli able STPI 1F ly, i AN 0)1wo 8 al to tLim, and wohen othesy h e cia wnd furnis set hing wu a od or s eh nones .jnst remeb you havk, utthed "Gosthe sti 10 be orke.t sInbn.i Witoetod and getap Vthy ries n iaithe 1STaEFF PIA I sveth big h pr ssofit made by t )he y oalor.P'PtANO rete et, ~ o m reun:he' .ouNhorth and(1so'utht. arolina''hefanch TRAINS DOUBL.E DAILY SERVICE t"ivita1 City Rolltc.1" MlhortIMI Inb" hot weent all principal cities N.>rth, I':alt Houth amid Went. 1nveIji.l Itld lche't"1lnlo to 'an Aunorlcanit Ex p+irinttoi 1t l3111,lo. ychledbile rn e11"ect ltepl. 1, 1901. C4.1 I- rIl TI 10 Local At. Daily. hfI ly. 11n tat to North'1,ullt0 i (it :4 Clinton,. IAv ti1"at, 'h,........11 45 pinl 2 -0 pin 1 ..i e A. .....3 :14 a1t13 3 58 p)11) +" un..n k .. .. 2 I) al. 4 :i9 p1) I; Iturn'1TIn.o. Ut .in hht ..... .. . I 7 12 pn '.t-' ...........'173 4m 80 pia l'I.trav........7 , 32 il 9 14 p)il A r II,1. li t ... 7..a..... t lIt t5 I 1n. 52.. L.v (, .u3t3 .rl3 1'.( )$ 10(1 )iln 4 lI pil 11 137 ttnl Ahbll,viilo....... 1 3 l 1 31 pun 12 22 pi lIie,nw" l .....2 (II it If 50) it 12 "111 pm C;lin IIn .. ..... . ll 6 ' 31 .1 1 1f pm ('a11. $t'..... . t :43 sill 1;:33 pitt t10 ans 7 u, pim ,lttw h.t J ct. ... 1 47 am 7 3'. ")'1 j'. 33u~it .83. 0ninn 305 pah :\r I. lrL ........ 0 I till 14 1.)1,u l,Y~ ~ ~ ~ IItltt..... 1 akil 103"i pin, Arlat 3 t31 l:..... 3.. :S7 atl 1 231 fil l'.tll star); .... 2 1) 31m 5 4S ai C1t00111t..t ....... :3 2.i m 3 pi2 sti Uh'lts ltigt... ... 7 01 ai . 10 13 an. A aihi rt. .......I 7 21 nit.3 p.1un I'ltl te1 51tin ... 2..4j iln I pm p1m New 1 1rk......... 6t 30 na 4 1, p1. P'tilt:l)utl- Nort'K 5 .ll pin. 7 001 313 --I'att18'31 11i10. 1-1otthboiund. In t)ly. Dially. 31 2, I"v Ch rat w........... 7 3 3n111 11 is pm Ca...tle n ........... I 2', 3a1n 12 o3 111 C'outrtl m1'e,i0. ((olunhilt......... 9 40 3nm11 1 05 13a 3I13t- nltk.........11 3R nin 2 '27 1111 ".tiriax .......... 21 all 3 0; a1n At' Say"a;. m i ........ .7 pin 4 52 3111 .d eksontv1ll'-... li 10 pm 3 I511 '1T i ............. 6 15 anu 5 l0 pin 1tst1 T1ine, w.1oca1 I,v C"atawIn ......,...3 to 1 am I 31 s itIt'tt to e hle' r ............143 2t, at11 1 .2 it A tI Caclile ..... ...I 17 an. 2 0") 3133 No. 63 :lntn ......... 0I 3333 2 3333 2 n1 p133 (.'t i4' wootl......1:: 22 13' 31333 3 : p33 A hh vilie .....U. 1. IS p:l . t. am .333 )313 e',tihltrt3i. Ia i .. .' 1; Iit 11i 113 11 3 p Ar .\1ht-ns .... ... 2 10 , p i t S tl -: t " i l 333 ....... '. 3tl 1)111 sti . i n i (3 pn t ' lt No. I; 1333333 c;8 13 ' 3 W h Igt ti1L t 30 111n11YIV.n 33 t.3333 Itatlva3y, 31tu3311o I'xpretlsll, ubt' Iivl. I( ail'ntlN i 3. 331 t'ulun!hia)33, Ntv33I'lr) 311t31 .3ItI3l-vilH Itailwey333, lti"titi Not L2 le"ftiol C..,1ulIIlIIt. lt ill o 3t.t ti l,~ tit 11 2:S 31333 3333311, Collnitcttitt I I t13pon w 1 i S A . . R way. N 3. 5:, - ll 0tling + le.n sI lal n i l3ll ie t y,. 3331' by3 pesi , 3uri t ).113 b1, N tter aNe3l3tl 81N J(a'llw 3y, l Cli "ith 3A 3l13 ill w . Nun 3 5 '(I.r 'lose cf' 3 t 3331 a)t 1'e lersburg, 111tihmondi, W1'ash,i.agton P'r1tnouth Norfolk, C)lutlnbia, Sny1I.1n3h, J. 3ctsonville. tintl Altltt, with llivtlrgi,1g1 line"s MI:tgll c'ti is4tittlciainsYcutryng 3thrugh 1'ullt n sLtt.pi.,g car'1 t ewt i 3a33 princtal 3331i33 8 A 1,. Itnilwity 1,3X3O lintle books 313o 4,1)3tl vr .,N .. antI. i1wy13'; a31383 1o Wa1Ijg t1n, Ii. C. 'or rt- iuert3s, Ptu I33llan reservaltiona, 11 ., ., 1.ply to W1' im. 31t3 !er, 1). '. A., 831' 31313313, 1,3n .1. 51. lirr. 1st V. 33, & U. M. It. E. L. UIunch, U. '. ,.. Pourtslmou(ath, 'a. C'arlcstoll all Westru Caini Rwv Co. Augusta and Asheville Short Line. dithedulu In iftfect July 2le.3 1901, Luavu A ngut ............10 05 at Il1 3 m 4) pn Ai li''cy G ul:'.wood...........12 33 p in Ai le rs(n ........................ . 7 .) , .n L tre'l1 ........... . 41. .. I.. 6 3-5 i W lltorilu,Ii. S.)... 1 12 p 33 . UAruen ville. .......... 3 '4:, p Iin 9a,sil lenn Sprinlgl...... 4 45 113 .patan333urg..........S 30 m 1 n!utin.................... 6 33 p m .. 3litlierst nvili ..... 6 03 p m . . V 11 41 ........... ... 7 1 1 1 3 ,av(A8sh ,v ille............ 7 0.3p ti i la rtanh trg; .........11 ltt 1t mi ..... S13 3) 3111 3103)in Glen ti,rtrt gl...... 930 a m GlVC tl3 vi If ............11 u 3311 I 1 1 ) ata u e18.......... . .12 4 3) -. p in Arrive Wa',t311331I. 5.)... 1 12 p m . . GUren wood............ 1 .151 11 4 p u 1.e'.ve Alilt-sot ............. .,.7 6311 .A3u3.u3...........133 3p m) 3:53 3 t.1nvo1. Augutn....................f11'jj Fai1rfa1x............ .t'31)3 Y e.i.a1see1........... IA l am 31pi Inauort.........10 15 am 3333 Po1rt ityl........... 13331 nm 3031 Arnia.tAligisli... ...000a m A 6glaa 32p1. .i 3 3in No. 32.'(3 lIlOi35,pm A i (3 33 ti r 1.33 38 3 pm Snynnnah.................... .3(3) 13 Por 3 o y 3'........... Ill pm v 4 0 am331 lI.nut .................3,y4 m &47nm i.'3 3 n 3 3........ 3 0 p. in 6 40ai Fa.......................................h7p4 m pont o . A '3L an C. anti3.'31 3inilway,3and a.t33 3'a' !:m. .r(3wth 8tuther Itlway.3 W3.t~ J.3 CRA13, Gcon,r Pa, 1g3., E.03 .NO113 '. Nor.hAo;t. T 3. M. CEI8tM..ra e'ang . j.t .3: n A3tois mr5231\- ih 1s 2lji 'N bt.'v1rno 3 N16 a2IMe M33 J0i3wo 48xeJ - pA (Ian. ....... 2 0 p 1( ln -.' (11'l -3r 3g: A ..... Lv414p -3j,1 33 r ' 31'31 <13r . ...L 4 p 07 . a 3.' , it...L 29 ( m3 , t. - r 3 1 1 -3t -on ........Lv 1 1 a 22........'.. --...,..............51p 4 (,3n3na, 3 4P. M. A . Il.. Su eit Hi .ni 33. i 1 3thpi So. 11 1N 11 33 '3 e 1n 1y,3October 6, 1.33 33'' .Iunbk T3me.3 2 A 3 3 3 33 r. M.3A.- P.2 3.M. 1 .3>333n 3 E )berton 1 4A 11(3 12 23 A bb vill 3 .3. l 35p A r (Clinon1$ Ly,3 2v 700s 10 0'n Lv Oln Sprngs A"3 % 00t g Uou2ta 01p Gre Wiinvillo N. 0