The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, October 29, 1901, Image 1

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4 ~ ~~ f 11 11Ar 7 ESTABLISHED 1865. NEWBERIVY .. c , .UE S[I' V, OCTOBEli. 2U9, 'O WIEAWE.8.QAY~ OFFICIAL REPORT OF HAMPTON LYNCHING. M 117.4ltATN: UA1 . OF S 01TI . wiHITE4 T1IHt)rGVItNIlt. T o b o, T u r an d n O vo r to S o ll i o r---t o v er ou,r Feoe Su,o That That O1in1ur Wil U>o Hiis Full Deity lei thu, Mat.ter. [Tho State, 24th.] Uov. McSweenny yesterday re coived from Magistrate t. M. J)a.oy of Scotia, the acting coroner in the recent -ampton county lynching af fair, a full report as to the unfortu nato occurrence. The Governor has referred the report to Solicitor J. E. Davis in whose circuit the afl'air oc. currod and states that he feels satis lied that the solicitor will do his fall duty in the matter. The report to the Governor roads as follows: Dear Sir: It. becomes my painful duty to report to you a deplorable deed of mob violence that was per potrated on the night of October the 18th, 1901, near Furman, in Hamp. ton county, by parties unknown. The facts are as follows (what the State y is prepared to prove): On the night of October the 17th, 1901, at Scotia, f S. C., about 10 o'clock the dwelliug house of Dr. M. L. Poeples was rokon into and entered by one Wil a-r Sanders (this is the name iven). Mrs. Peoples, the wife of Dr. Pebles, was arousod and said to kiher husband some one was in the room. She struck a match to light ',he lamp and she wias fired upon by id Sanders. Ho (Sanders) had pro. red thtr doltor's pistol, which he lied, and had also procured gold atches and chains to the value of 118. W1hen he fired the doctor prang out of bed and spoke to San ers. Sanders then ran to the front the house and broke through a arge glass door on the front of said Ouse arid made his escape up the rack toward Estill. He was pur ed by Dr. Peepls and others and ght on the morning of October 18 ut daylight. His face showed ass cuts on it and the watches, stol and chains wore found on his rson aud taken away by his cap 0, and said Sanders was brought k to Scotia, the p1' co of the e. r. Peobles then sent for me. I ved at Scotia about 3 30 p. m. ere was aa goodly crowd there. I ad a warrant for Sanders and ho turned over to a special consta Mr. J. A. Ponder, a very dis and repultable cit izn,) anid ght up on the charge of burg and grnd( larceny for p)relimi y ixainiat ion. Sanders wiived nrat ion in writing and volun aihewa-i guilty ofth je. I then coimmiit.ted him11 to jatil amuplon to be then-o delivered ue course of law ini default of '3As liy regular conist able was 'n the uipp'r part, of the coun a work, I aIppo)intedl Mr. J1. A. or, speciail coiis[table, to take e'ra to H-amnptoni. M. r. Penider 8ootia with prisoner lat.e that g, Octob"r 18, just before suun What testimony shown lat uest was that night overtook about seven mriles be&low Scotia V he way to Hampton. Mr. J. A. er stopped for the night lit his er's) house, thimking it would eor to st ay there till mfor[ilng. then got three of his neigh help him guard Sanders till ha', On October 19 I was dyight.- by J: A. Ponder to Slot for agan er the dead body hol an inquest' 0 I hold the of the prisoner, Sanide - tizens as ibquost widh 12 repuitable o testi * jrors, and after hearing the iony of Mr. J. A. pender, the e . stable, and his deputies or guards and( thoroughly investieninlg the *crilne we failed to ascertalin the idenl tity of any of the parties to the dia bolical deed. The jury of inquw" >rought in a verdict that William anders oarne~ to his death by being shot and hanged by parties unknown to the jnry. The testimony of all the witnesses for the State is agreed that abont 1C - 0'clock on the night of Oct. 18 Mr Pexider had the prisoner safe at hi' (Ponder's) house when a very larg crowd of arled maon came t hro and deandod the prisoner, which was refused by Mr. Ponder. The door of Ir. Ponder's house was thou broken open by the crowd of a hun dred or more metn Imasked, Mr. Pon dor and his guard overpowered and the prisoner taken and carried about ono mile away tid shot amd hanged by the neck and1 that. non11 of the witnossoes recogn)izod thm identity of any of the parties. I failed inl the investigat.ion to find any who knew the prisoner, Sanders. Ito wits it burly, large black negro about 30 or 35 years old, weight 180 or 200 pounds, about. 5 foot .10 inches in height. I have bound over Mr. J. A. Ponder and those who were help ing to guard the prisonl r to the court of general sessions, February torm, it Itampion, to bi sibjet to the action of the grand jury, and forwarded ill papers to the clerk of the court and coroner. L would have notified you sooner but, wanted to write you the facts fully and could not (1o so until after full investiga gatlon. Hoping this may roach you safo ly and be I aatisfactory explana tion. Yours very truly, I. M. Daloy, M'igistrate. P. S.--Tho peoplo around Scotia very muuch surprised at. th's violene as well as lnyself, as overyone ex pressed satisfactiln in tlhe penalty that the imw fixed for the prisoner's crione-life sentence in the pe0niton. tiary. M1ONU 11 EN t" 'I) 'IONTENNi (l EENs. In Mieini,ry of 3'. lll %%W1,. iF11F1ght A\guainst t11e 114 itt. Knoxville, 'Tenn., Oct.. 2-1.-A mon ument of Tennesso marble erected to the nenory of the 32,000 Tl nnes eoonus who enlisted for Sorvic( in t ihe Federal army in the Civil War, 6,000 of whom never returned home, was dedicated in the National cemetery in this city today. 'I'he orator was Judge Newton Itacks, of Jonesboro, TeInn. It had been exllected that Secretary of War Root would for mally receive the monument, as the representative of the ; v'.me("nt but he was detained by illness. A l'ROMINENT I)EO))IIN i)iAI). George T. Itwr1 ,a+. Who Was Thrun Timeo Elec'ted1 to liongresi.. Angusta, Ga., Oct. 21..-George T. Barnes, c mgressmnan from the tenth Georgia district in the forty -ninth, fiftieth and fift.y.first congresses. died at his h-om=e in this cit.y today. Hie wats iat one( tim1o1 memlber of thle niational Dem,ocra tic (x'.Uive com mitten andl prom inent in party poli t ili. H wats G5 years ol. Late4 L.iterary N.'ws. Thle Cosmnopol it an has erndeav oredu to make itself knownz by timnely ('on. tributiouis to all imiportaint conitro versies. Frank Moss, soe well known in the LeOxow anid Matzet. investiga, contributes "'Maniicipal11 Mis. ,governmnt and Corru ptioni; A WVarning to Pat riots" to thle Novem ber issue. TPhis consMiders a serious (aufliculty in a wvay that will be fonnai interesting ntot onIly to New Yorkers, hut to residen of otvery part of tIle United St aLes. As we come toward the Christmas holidays, larger. spacee in the maga. zines is givon to fiction. The Cos moepolitan includes a t ragic stocry of the Mexicatn foot hills by 'Thomias A. Janvior, a very clever society story b)y Carolyn WVolls, one of thle Old French Riomances by Rtichatrd LI Gallienne, all unusually intoresting Inidian narrative by HI. 'T. George and a weird story by S. R. Crockett. What.L TSIllaaa saiys. ,everal people have iasked if ,orTilliman had boen heard from. ~'.gt has been genorally pre. dieted t.heti he would make some0 in i marks anid he has. A dispatch fro'o Guthrie, O. '1., Oct. 24, says: "Uenator Tillmnan of South Carolinat, who is here on It lecturinlg tour, sat d last night: "Thle action of Presido it Roosevelt. in (41. our kilning aI thiousantd negroes in th< a Sonth before they learn their places.' a WOMAN PERFORMS A WONDERFUL FEAT. ()OS OV/'IC CANAIAN HII)I OF NI (1 AICA ANI) MUICVIv;. M iscin It -rIliou Trlp hI Iicrrl---FIr t TlI,c' It Iis ECvcr II.ew' Acc<Icatpllilcc"1. 1)ruhpwuI I( FINt ve r tho -lll - h N i Ffty Yunrs Mlid. Niwntra Falls, N. Y., October 24. Mtinnio Ildso)n 'tylor, 501 years old, wont. over Niagara Falls on the Calla dian sitlo this afternoon, and stir vivo(d, it feat never bof)re accon pllished, and indotod never atttmpted, except in t ho comissi of suicido. She llade t he trip in a barrel. Not only did she survive, but she escaped without it brokon bono, her only ap patrcnt in juries bning at scalp wound 0110 and ono-half inches long, a slight concussion of the brain, some shock to her nervous system, and bruisos about the body. She wa' conscious when taken out- of the barrel. The doctors in attendance upon her to light said t itt. though she was some what hysterical, her condition is not at all sorouS, and that she probably will be out of bod within it few days. Mrs. Taylor's trip cwarnd a t mile ride throngh the Canadian rapids hofore sheo reached the brink of the precipices. H-ir barrel wats twirled and tpplo(l and bufifeted throtigh these waters, but escaped serious con tact with rocks. As it passetl through the stioother, swifter waters that rushed over into the abyss, it rode in an llblnost porpondicular position with its Upper ha.f out of the water. Over t he brink it rod at an angle of about 45 degrees on the outer surface of the dlugo and doseended to the white foaming waters, 158 foot below. True to her calenlations the anvil fastened to the bottom of the barrel kept it foot downward, and so it land ed The ride through the rapids occu pied .18 minttes. The barrel could not be seen as it struck the water below because of the spray, but in less than a half minute after it passed over the brink, it was seen on the surface of the sCUm-covered waters below the fulls. It was carried swiftly down to the Maid of the Mist land ing, caught in an eddy, and hold there until it floated so close to the shore that it was reached by means of a poln and hook and drawn in upon the rocks. Ton minutes later the woman was lifted from the bar rel, and half an hour later she lay on a cot at her boarding place on First street. in Niagara Falls on the Ameri can sidle. She thanked God she wvas alive, thanked all wvho had helped heri ini any way, said she would never (d0 it agin, but she wvas not sorry sh11 hadl done1 it, "'if it wvould help her inaniauilly." She sid she had1( prayed all dur the truip, except during a few mo ienOts of uliicons5ctiusLnss jU$t aflor hor (toscenlt. Thle barrel iln which Mrs Taylor nmade the~ journey is four and a half feot high ando about three trett in d1iamleter. A leather hartness andi( enshions in1sid1 protect her body. Air was secured thIroughi a rulibber tub)o conniect ed with a small opening near the top of the barrel. Mrs. Taylor is a school10 teacher and recently camoe here from Bay City, Mich. lil RfIX cY's 51rATEMENT. Hie says Thiat. Onnigrense Uauneid P'red WVashlington, Oct. 26.-Dr. Rixey has filedi wit h the surgeon general of the navy a report of the wound ing and illness of President McKin Io; in part: "Gangrene of both walls of the stomallch and the pancreas following the gunshot wound caused deothl." The report IS in the shape of a ship's log and1( t he entios indl(icate that lie presidenlt was in ia precarious condi 'tion froml the time he was first oper ated upon01. In view (of the fact the regular surgeoons wvho iat t entded the lato presi dont. have niever been able to exactly agree on the immnediato cause of hit death Dr. ltixey's statement is 0 THE LAaT M4SSAGE FROM 111S FATHER TO 1.1'ON CZ(I41()z wit ll C TISWll"s MR11(N I NO. Th'11at Ito Aluut. 1a4 RICsp bleiIIl. feur ii14 Untt furttltnate (I '4nltion misldIIt t th t Ae lunut Meet II 14111IBu Iahnen 111 i Cleveland, Oct.. 27.---The Assooi ated I'ross is mado tho me10diuLlm of tho last. Imtessago from the father of Leon F. Czolgo-z, tho c'ondeimi t d assassin, who will pay the penalty for his crimo in Auburn prison Tuies (lay morninig. In an interview this afternoon the older Cztolgos was asked whiat h had to say finally to his unfortunate son. T1he old man's oyos lillod with tears as ho replied delierately: "Toll Loon that I hope that he may rest in )oac(+ that lie will h colmo reconcilcd to (od, and will moot his end bravely. Tell him that as much as I and all of our fimnil) regret his most unhappy plight that wo can do nothing to interfere, that. he alone is responsible for his utifur tunlito position and that he must moet, his puIishment aS a conse quenco." Further conversation eliciting the information thit the l)urlposo of tihe visit of \V. Baudosski to Auburn is to arraig( for the disposal of the body after the law's mnidito has been carried out. Up to this after 110011 no colmun)ictll lioll has b n ro ceived by the oldor Czolgosz from Waldeck, ald this is takon to Ienli that the father's presonce is not, do sired at the death scono. '1'ho ontiro arrangement, of the after part of the law's courso is in Valdeck's hands and What stops ho will take is i mat ter of uncertaiinty. The expet-nse of convoying the body fr,im Auburn prison to Cloveland is one of t ho Col1 sidorations that. causos hesitancy in the ainonicu nlont of definitO 1inal arrangements. Paul Czolgosz, the father, stated that there was Som1 foar of mutilation or othor um(l0siral b10 occurrence at someo timle or other if the body should be brought to Cloveland inmmnodiately aftor the olo. trocution. This four has led to the consideration of crenating the body at Buffalo or soime other city whore a crematory is available. Some anony Ious communications to the Czolgosz family have mentioned the fact that the body might be valuabli as a scientific object to medical peo)plo, and would bring a good sum of money, but further than mere hints, no definite offer has been miado. It was stiated that such an offer would hie distasteful to tihe family of the as sasinL aInd wou)ild not ho c'onide(lredl. FeaIr that tbe body1) mright, be stolen if buried i t.he uisual mannflJor is ills'o a reason for cremation betiing favore'd. As sa1(ilbove, all post mortem alr rangemnents are ini thes hands(1 of WVol (deck tjandosski and whatever he does0 the filmily here will aicqieisco inl. says hatt, thero wa4rnt P'lnty oft Itcynh111 lectorsiAIp to 44n "Outlder."' [News and Courier.] Darlington, S. C., October 28 Special: Deputy Collector K. 11. Dolls has just returned1 from WVmeb. ington arnd is very much wron1ght up over the political situation so far es the old1 line Republicans are con (cornoai. Hie declines to have any thing to say in reference to President Rloosevelt('s att ituide towiards his fale Lion just now, hut does [not hosit ate to add to tihe complications, as5 then following letter, mailed to Acting Collector Hluggins, will show: "I heroby tender my resignat ion as deputy collector of internall reve nue of the 2(d district of South Calro lina, to take elfect the day procoding the taking charge of said oiflico by your scccessor, Mr. George R. K(ues ter." D'3a9 says that no self-r(spectir)g man couldl (10 otherwiso than sendj( in his re'signaltioni ini the ci rcumst anees. lie added0( that there were a ph nty (of such good Rlepublicanis as8 Scr4'vet, Hluggins, Gates alnd others who het ter deserved recognition thiani out. Bidlers. Dnas aIdmittna thalt. his oinnann~1m hi'e j h ~a p ibbli', to thrm aI t I t ' ii, Iys t hat hli' has the d ti ta tl Itlo; t h he w ll lit in tIo purty ts h, I l tg a ip s IIh, it ibr' n1l ititko to tte st"nato inl i)t'('mbeur, whero heo will i iot t ml ait t P'hilp1)1 i. i )t'sit) hint"(htsarkly of nluic'h ho inlt+r'i to dlo sh101l. it, ho noco'ssary, a nd ho ovidl''ntly thinks that i rv iuch will bl o et'( i rl y. 1 t I t - m b1 i I+l jiinit tv r wthlesuprse.rthu nim tvi1 }}rt't isot \i- t Ii iit niIt sin ;ittg tion, but sits ho Itnd his lat rt\ wioll prtson i timI 'nill phanx, hl n IIo natter wtihtlha lin i. J1. K. N. i N I T ,l't T l i II ' t'.; i;ti: 't ' IutN. (0ver11 1)it :,t I t)s1 I t M,. h fn I t'l t Itt trl ii, h ir b "(-r rh-! t'ufll t I toll i i -F I Itur" T'IhI) or f. i Was;hintontti, O)ct V2 -Seotary Wrilson il atIn mt)ed. todr liiIh-it ox}rt't of the ag rieitondl <ht'}pariltlt t will. Iltlt Ia l ort' i 1o0 ( ' tl' 1d Stittl'i m d its tl(rw }>,I p siIS for comiitli'ls fatvoriatsl I theo ('tultiv.itIn of h th Iill r tonn;eca. sue ic ts isi I >wt rais+d wvithint thle bold, aiels of ti tU',n t it Stath"s. "Tho Un,itod tatl "h ad i now\ p itingi :8.t0 0,0I)( f'1r tilletr loobaccu, whieb c,1m1's n1I'stly frott Cubn , nd Itt t,-,ll)I0lltI fo r wratIII'I totcco. Wi'l have uceditd'nt ItIt' il lilii inl. irn thii l nt a ity f i '' co;Ilit' s i l undeor whieb aill tho wrappe} r 1(1hn04" o w.r( need+ c'Ini ho riw,"il btro, atid ox ltsi. of 1t lit arlit mr tn tlt of airicil. turoe for itit lirst. Ii. 11 t' a s,'t ilt soils adptllathlo to to ult ir mioll of tho e iIlo liI li i l uct.. Wl'o Iilv parts of I'mii,)'vaia;, Ohit arnd Tox is slocteditl fort) t h i lvi Iga tions of our oxp orts, andl hll- for r.iuir plrposvs will ho sel(td in all tur n o\1 i isi i t- p ost 1 sjssi onti > with a i,t Iw to ascertain Itnhw II nld,r what co iitions (to tilhar prodine can ho built up1) h irt." Hi ~~,f 8 ,Mine' circus.iot i -tn TI'hor til' ft ofeatuis'o bo exhihited i ot i w) ' I IIin tIna rient' t(1 wit i tho Wbititr L. dltin r stit ti Now herry, Tusday, Novmior f>th, ar. too num111rousl1 to givt+ spoi tcI d 110wntI)In to ontch. SuIliel+ it to hia\ t hat tho"s( wvho IIr1 f. iilIt ('n tt);3rngh t') h 't thI, howl wt ll i+ronii nIne"t it, tho gr'"i t:" exhlibitin cf i;ovtltIt ' of 1the ;:o. T1ho }intril1lo will lotavo tht bho>w grounds ait 10 it. mi., amrlt its g;rti longt h will b>o ct>nlno tted0 it onil. I t will b e ono inoving masshr of g ob1iandl glittor, oxhib>iling m oro foaturlsitt; In has ovor Volt honl a0ttemlptid. fim muoliiattely afteor Cho pairadto at fr('o ox hib ition will talk(+ hitco att Iht show STAEMENT FROM KOESTER. lIt: F'X I.l..\iN ri't \1 It14 . 1 i t'OIN I' '.4 4(14 11:.l WA' I'SEI~ ''CI"I.u AIi) Ilt' (' libn-ltly Olt . it th' I lit tisi4 of 't .Iir'-1I i N t ti W rt1N sntt IJ. t evv I.g Ag\ lorn l I h. lI'1n,u hfol V'"-n of u it)4 1 01 I i'4" %, tt:.I 11 IN41111 4, ig ('lllhnn it, ti ('., Oct. 2:1 M r'. (,11. It. K. -Sr rcet'ni t Ivltly itlap otltd r iV n1 ('hIII it kIIIlit is th tt follow in1; st'oioltIll'll int Theo Ilticr1'd1 of whici to-wsitl";r \lr. K"ot r is thl o(Iitor.. "I havt hIn app)inted collectr of iltr-trlul rovenulo forl $outh CaIro Iinit. T1'ho ppIot iintIrtl sitiirn to Ittvo Iv btIn i surlri8o to oullthll C'ro lintat. This in not Stralnglt is it was I 11114If it u rrlit to mo, for I wat s nota h for (11 t iit o1he position, Itntt iVor inl antly way atl pltlitl for it. I hatv1'e slit >tronig friondls in \\Va,'h intton. \\'hon Ihe wrilnglo occurro<l ViIIoiiog I ; it bliCan11 leaderoot ailS to whiirh net t tif th lt l sh 1l1 itll lho c.loctilItihIt, thoio frionds witholut *(n )Ilinillg n11 tiugettedtt that I ho appoilinto:d. They.) wor"( kina lilnough to h1y 511nl'o ;.;otld1 woos tthout nlto fitllny pillrgrt'ssivo lowsIatplr work. 'ht Irttihh, t "it r I on I utillt II)oni - tlr" \le' Iliur Itl ith.b lt n111t, andlll Its tll thIi ('iir""11111il Sioti wt (it rohlittit 11o 11lll IhitIa V(' ', Ill ti 4I4 tx%v i ll is it'o r illee li o aitI lat ill t 1 -uditi't l i "o tt i it. is otiy to u lt rslint t t whilo h )til d ii il ) i n I l o lilt rtl(nt w itt. h, si of nu, c favoratlo. 2Th pr'iden1 ofx prs aotr Sulu 1(1tir( to se0 Ill" I went It, \\"itthil,tl'n :tu I l at lit tho \'Vhilt Ilti isi litit t 111-11 :. i t (5111 t NI W l I 1t-h I"t ilill.'tV':1i 'l. IttI t TIho p rosideont, atftor Holm, pions-. aItlt cotv'rItioin, Irt'trl mtro (ho lipploint15 m 1n1. I r llil'd I hatl I hadl I'nd1.r1"it itutotlhor +kndl pr1"fi'rredt( his appoltinhIOont. TIho piroidelnt. sidl Iiat appo tiltnuIt wonubl not uInado104 and I Iotnad 444"('It)'It ho plat. That is all thtre st i it. imvo h'on in to newspin.r bunsinss 1n SOuth Carolihtt f' .r ' fturto1,n v.,Irs andl( it wo11h4 bt t!rangi. indlto(1 it' dur"ing t hat I1on1 ? had11 nt t nlitlo enemluiois, I am11 pr( nd oif some( thet onomlios I haIVO nu55l.. TIh(ty will condIo:nnr my ::I H i l::n11-n)i llli i ir..;m i lt lln tlpaper has", ii a t t't- Ii it i.. it ol i1 unscim(lll I"'nit and mnttrtlhful 1%ay}. I will ntot, olngIg1, in it con truorHy wit h t h(ml. T.'im rint 1rtt and honrt y tsongirtla tIlony 4)f hun 1rid i fih e h s pe it-1,.4 I ol d of (Cohnnabit, whieb hats bent my holm for Itn y'ttr"i, Iih, vondiail hamd ;;raI pO of thoso whio know)% m11 atti Master's S(tes. 0i' . ' OF' SOUTiH CAl I1,INA COUN l'Y Ol'' NIVHI'.l,S -IN COMMON V'LEAS. A tilmln n, Millcr t 'o., I'ltintitTs. A\llta 1" l''.Tylor, et ad, I)efel at:'s. B ' O ltI )1' A t O F T il"i C o : h;l Rl E e: inl, I will sell to the hlighe"s ttidder-1 before the Court House lit Newberry, S. C., oil saletlaty ill Novemb er ns'. alil that, lot or parcel of kand situtte in .h, town of Newberry, inl the county an(/ St t foresttid, ("ont.ining h('urteeu hundlretl3ha (I14-1001) of anl :\11r", emtr'e or ie,s, knowo 1s lot No 4 of the "''P. II. Douninick 1lill L,ot," frolt.inf. on .lllin or lI'rttL 1 stree. indu (othel'Vit'e. tmnttcedl ty lots No';. :3 andI C of the "le. It. Dominick Mill Lot" anld boy lot of M. A. Carlisle. Also aLi that (ract or platutatio of laudt mit,uate, lying; andl b-ing in (t: County of New l< ry, a;nt l .ih State of South C-art lin,, coottininig )nr, llun l Iu red l 'ritI t (1'8 8 10 () A eri s, .r.') o r Ies'., knowin ats Il, .o'111 p laece, a11(1 boundertl by\ Inml' t,f eta,t." of W\m. I.ngfortd, tleenede'l, t riu(t' 1 ''eheeru S. A,r:u ls aind ()ih r":. hv Iitl. ! roa(1 anit by litish ltiver. I'ermls of Sale.-- I'h t !own lot knownu a1s lot No. 4 of the "I'. Il. I),amilliek .till I,ot" will be sohl It,o. onec-half cash. Ilalance limyable ill onl. yoar from (ay of ale, slecu!redI by a1 0'l of the lur a ndI mnor"t.gagt if re1 li4e+ sold1. Tlhe t.raet colIt.lilirg I - - t 1(1( atres will be sold for ( nt' !inhll ret--, batlanco ill twelve mlotlith' (-t m d1 'iNy of Satle, se urled by i hon<l oI :hi11o pur1-c,:ser. and muortga:ge of the I'remils.'s sold. I)e ferr'etl patymn tt' inl oth :ales at " 1 4:r ('tnt. intere,l.. 1,.reha-r to lot. for Al ast er's OIllh-e, (t w1 IiIW)I. STA''E OF SOl'I'II ('.\liOtNA, COUN ''Y )l' N IW\\' i>I :I iY- IN C\OMMdON PIA"AS. Dav"idt lipp, I'laintilT, atrgaintut I). U. IiohtllIl aultt W . A. \ii4y l('V W i 11.1'. .lu-l. ii',l'ar tne a (In tradt,le,tfi ng buts8i tle~s unith-r thet :irml 10an.-4 amt st.yl(e of 1lo. l e) Ih If... ilt' S Y ) I l 1 t U '"11 11 )' i I,-: COl't'1 .Aher'ein, I will -ell to the ;tal_'- "t IhItn1er before the ('ourt Iloa.rS aIt. New h erry, S. (i., onI sulalsty htt I,i:e' ne.Nt. the following pilet'' tr tr:itut of hand, .it utto and being inl Ne",berry Ionty, Siouth ('atoli, cont,tining l)me-llt Acre mnore or le-s, at(I boulnd el by Nld of A. N. Ihot( andl Thos. Si'midI"umy er. 'Ierl"I of Sa;tlt(. ( m hall rash, ndl tit'. hltne On ai credia, Of one t'ar" frOmn tinte of s'le, the :r-dit pr'tiot, to be cecuretl by hitnut of t.he 1)urclmtse1" alllt 1ort !;l',e of t11h! premcilliseS S111,l or aill (ah, at, t. optionl f the pucha-1s1, ir. 'iirhaerl lo to Ialy for ae a sa ps. I1. f. R(I K A t:se.11, Mase lat,tr's Ofe1 , Oct. 6, 190I. tilAT1 I2 OF S0U'l'. CAROLINA, CO)UIN'1TY Oh' IN I: mI ; 3.;ItiY I,N COMMON P'IAIAS. l,ucy 1'. I) (oozer' et atl, I'laint.ills vs. l I -) I'.aiu! \\'I'1 t, ,I at, I).*ff ln a1tlts. >(!11 1 U I) r ' M , '' 112 1(2l': .'(.)IJI1'! 21t }V4l'111e (f14 llt O' ll I' Ul2, (2T1 ho relnt , I w lli wtl ii.- 1 b1 1 e o It c-y e'fore lht ('t tt lit:els af New burry, (f'ttwetn L h-t ; le ' I urS ' S l(, ol tiltt' fir'st, .\Iinthly ill N,-"tInrie', lt90), ll that t.ract Jr piaInlat,itn .f lan , sit untr lying 1(1 ' ig in l, ..1111,y of Newtt'herr)y, SIIte of Smith .oil-Jim, containing t ne bhnntlredt anil ItVolt,y cight (121) aere,, nur o r Iles, hutlet by laintds of Joh n W. D)o inrk, A. L . ooz1', I0lnanceNs I), nainick ;atit Ir'r t rI'o02z(eil h e.,d. Th b,o N.,lt ra ge n wil, tbe dil idedino tho t,aud,:Ifnth doN aulifollows,f( (If NIit: Th. oney coioig diI'(ti 1 (l('( 'I-l) t l ife('v io or(Ill befos, wi'rane-halfiie and t811 rin thento baidc b)a) is,2 it. forn 011he oer on phichathe olaoei r1locat.ed(i h, n)11'-(oliinB ri ato No. 2cotiing1 for.-on aI)d ntit,y A.ustlooer, O''rce O ominick, Joh Ceri;'k' 200 rvih.o way 1.bougol- saido Torm oftz l. Wonte htrd(;enh