With the< Dry Goods c trade the gn 4rain is bringing Sion from the pt close prices, anc rule to divide pr great cash expe chasing public. That is right, ifa broideries wortl 25 dozen Ladie; ever brought to to my store. O/ stl1 'Ea11 e e4 Newberry Lodge No. 75. T A I' E CONVENTIONS OF t Wi Lidge will be held the 2nd and rth llay nights of each month at 8.30. Visi'ing Knights cordially wrlcomiedl. Tl'iUS. I'. F PTING, K. of . and S. Crotwell lotel Building f urehanto to ays e pore OThaon tiadsy rigms, secre birot,cmri,es impodreal etato m y to ren,Hut. lu Kighs c adfo Phis Ne abmy ogeN.75 l irnt are uged wito ed the 2hil Id nit t e oipen igit '.l'rus tees ut&8.30. \iiIjg K ihscril li bagais i Kn . an si h adrSs good YOnst, eve money on --ouar faito re. s: ot "yn' usisoe bta i, s., on hi)'ge thil -wpoed ra mete, Applmmoint, - o, in ber 6-h.I'Ie wily be - -ll ih po shonl aterav Aaem If yur et hnokr Urja'd 1 sis i otc .:edhg I Ir.. . W. hieeg ha ovdintos new qu tarters,i t,be or alt sty Ijccuiteds by Mr T . Q V *oze . 4. i n h sameh linen will he ldt; ev i iustofesiCall n see him, . -'Iis themdi. An y n a ltO scho)olk E cin,-' i Td The annuall' elect,donsupon the ques tin of. t,he asse st and levytof the ticwo-il ax fo the puoe oref~ c l,e Nh erry ' Grad e . schools r theen sautine yand will e helad ato te court Ct?t) F ooI i Cangett t P ion. ii Putreyigfood in ltheittes r r - the ltisnocloged i bowels, goo(18l, atil"iy nelss, doe IInothe,y Fevers,youal tOnely 5 t l.rugs Five andi T4eini, Cenit Stor,. Wl'e adirect,atetion It.o ti ( tnnCne tilt of the iveSIlOl an d e y ofn tore twi ti eao o the p y'e thear ailwn mea y ah, wilbped atiecurty a on chidry tien,'from summerfcom 10 rbusn, toramp , ec., n vr n ough tokno ht a to andispOedy c,uranealy be fobintaeinet byte takin ene t eevey h a .sor l f ouri . C ott never lt falvs-'Avid su1111bottuel thrr la but. Onlye at-aller Prr ya is'.Prc f . und3' 003'uiyt iy~ od -ash in one h :enter of the indest aggre us new goods. ;ople: "Just look I you know adva 'ofits with our trc riences, we prop Take your fingE 3r man can't be a 8, 10, and 12 1-2< ' Street Hats 25 Newberry. Don ugh's V'tRIOUM AND ALL AIt;ur. Mr. U. C. Flynn is now out agai aftert a protracted sickness. Mr. J. Claude Dominick has it pos tion with the Newberry branch of lh Southcrn Oil Mill Comlaniy. 8. 1, Jones has an important, notie in this issue for housekeepers. Refe to th advert.ising columns. Rev. R. A Child, presiding elder o the Cokesbury Di)strict, preached in thi Central Methodist church Sundai mnorning. The second primary to elect a con gressnan from the Sevunth District t( succeed the late Dr'. Stokes is being held today. In the list of teachers andi assignment of grades in our last issue the fifth grade, taught by MIiss Nannie Pool, was ini some1 way omitted. The C. &. G. S. Mower Company will hiave their anniual fall opecning of miilli niery on Fr'iday of this week. The lad1 ies should not, forget thiIs date. The friends of IPresidet t Cromeri will be glad to know that he2 conti nues to imipr'ove and that the c'ollegec will open next Tedywit.' Jut, inter rullption. I lhe ,truct,,re of I-lhe Stand ard (il (o, n-ar 'br: S mtihierni raiilroad behind t he o ar tan. TlI ' Ih uibig forn ry v herec n- recently buiirnedl. A r a eusion via the (I., N. & L .an S A. L~ to Atlanta will he inn on next Mfonday. the 30th. The fare for the round. trip is onily3 $2.00. Tr'iain will leave New her ry at 9.30 ia. m. Mr. H. ( . Lor'iek who has beeni at tending a hbuiine,s college at Nash vi lIe, TPenn.. is in the city for a few datys. He has been elcete1i to teach school at J1enk insvilleI and will leave in a few days for that p)lace. W, C. TU. U!. Will meet this (Tuesday) afternoon att 5 o'clock in the MIethod ist, ehu rch. A p)romipt and ftull attentdance is miost, earnestly requlested1. TIhe ladies of the A. it. P'. chunr'h will serve 1li ubc in the NIowe r (Comn pany3's shoe store Friday, Septemb er' "7, openinig day. Tlhey wtill he glad( to have their friends call on them. Itecipec Books will also be for sale. The Miol lohon M1anu fauoring ('o. le.- the 'on tract 0n Satursday' for the will be commteniced this week. The company already hats a greater partt of the brick on the ground and mouch of t,be gratd ing has heeni done. The bids for the treet ion of the hlh' ing ranged fr'om $50,000tt to $bl1,1 00 anid Mr'. Gr'anidy was awarded the contract at $50,000. lIe hias had harege experi ence In mill building. Mi's. IHeeder widow of the late Ab ner I teeder dIed yetsterday' morntinig at, the advanced age oif SI year's. l)ied on l"riday, Septenmber 20h, in (ant, datughter of M r. and Mr's. Aug,t DanIelson of West lnid , a d licee mont,hs. Inatermient at Wetst Iidd S.tt urday. Fall I--- -- --- and and the1 East and not gation of up t I can show you n at that ! What v .ntageous buying Lde, that's what h ose not only to h rs and count the leader, let h.m bE 3., your choice for and 50c., worth 't buy your fall o i M. A. C. Jones is spending a fe day s at homne. - Mr. 1. P. Johnson has returned froi e a visit to l)onnalds. Mev. Andree left Sitnday for a visit t a relatives at Leesville. V Miss Eflie Sheppard, of Edgetield, i visiting at Mr. 1. P. Griflin's. f Mrs. S. J. McCeaughrin is visitint relatives and friends in the city. )r V. E. .Pelham returned on Sun day from a trip to the nniountaius. Miss Belle Williams, of Columbia, i: visiting herc uncle, Mr. D). B. Wheeler M ir. W. II. Suber and family returnet to Newberry yest,erday.-Spartanburg IIrld 0th. Mr. J1as. N. L"owles, Jr., of Columbia, was in the city the last twvo days visit ing relatives. Mi's. I"ellers, who has bec n on an extended vilsit to Columbia, returned home Sunday. MIr. Robt.. Norris left Satur'day fbejl. Dr. J1. RI. Thompson and daughter, Miss MIairy. have ret urned an fr'omecx tended visit, t,o Glennm Springs. Mr. Prank D., Mlover left. yesterday to hegini his cou rse' of medicine at the University or Pen nsylvanmia. Rev. S. 'T. Ilallman, D). ID, who has b)eeni On an ext.ended tour' of Virginia in the interest of the Lutheran Visitor, returnted to the city Saturday. Miss .Jessie Summer, who wvent to ILexingtoni to at,tend the funeral of her uncle's, Mr. ID. I". Ifird's, little child1(, ret.ur'ned home Saturday. MIr. Mlose D). Hiulet left yesterday to fi nish his course of p)har'macy at the M aryland College of Pharmacy. Miss Lilly Grillin loft yesterday for IElizabeth College at Charlotte. Mr. Eiugenie A. Grmilflini, her brother, went wvith hemr to (Charlotlte. NMr. II I'. Jlohnsonim, who has been at tend inmg the s u mimr school here, left Thrdyfor (Coh' hia,. wVhere lie will ntrteSonuthI Ca .lina College. I\iss J1eatnc l'lhamn, in comipany withi Mhiss Carrie J1onies, MIiss Myra Mower, M iss antie Hill, left, today to aittendl lie l''mesby taerianu C ollege for Women. MIr. Bar tow Copelanod of the lirnm of (Coapelial n' trs. retouined fr'om thme No rth on laast Saturdalay ni ghlt, w here he lhas beeni to buiiy hiis lall 'toek of go ds. MIiss Sara (Ch andlher, of Tlennmess.e, wVhot lhas bn teachinig in the sumnmer sicho ol, leaft Ici Monay for S pat'r tnhurg, sc'hools. NM iss I' na Gibson, one oif the teachem.rs ini thei city sc.hiool,. hast arived( in the ciyfo Newhe~'rry'. She is stoppu ig at r. . 0 i:.s n'sSouth ('hurebi sti'eet Spar'ttanbait' lIerad. ' ..m I 'rof. S. I, l 'owe'll, who, with his family, has ben ,enin ig tIhe simnner' in Ge~ttysbuirg, Il'a , has rcturne'd to Ne'wl'-er'y ti r'came his duties' as pro fc''cor in rthe Nc'wh'errty( ollege. Mrts. ['owellI and lit tle son will return later. mowing of oL a stone have o date Merc1 iore goods than vill they do with with us means r as given us such old our own, but merchants who a follower. ThE only Sc. per yar< not less than one utfit until you se IEWBER RY, Uittins' Meit:inmg. v A meetiig of the citiz'ns of N berry will he held on pritlay. SeptI u bet' 270;, at 10 o',clc a. m in opera house, to hear the rpIort, of t board of trustees of the Nrwbei G rade'd schools. F'our trustees will be elected at th 9 muevting. To iJ. Ite at WVi,iilmatrt. Dr. I ". )uckett, of ('I verd a le, Al its decided to locate at Whitmire, A county, for the pr'actice of his prift siou. )r. Duekett is a youn;g ma,, b) has had ]'omiOetn ot twelve yecaa' e p)CrieceiC it his choseni priofe'siot. I is related t,o the D)uckett in th is count Often chilIdtren ar tortur ed w t h itel ing andit burin g eezema attd oft her ski diseases but Rutiken's Arntien Sal heals the raw sores, expels iilat nmtion, le'aves the sk in wit htouit a ie . leant, fraigratt, ceap, there's n o salh on eath as tzood . TPry it. Cur te guatrart teed1. Ounly 25e at all drutggists. Chea:p ExcurAtion. T1he Columbia, Newbertry and La aure. trailtroatd wvill runII One of the chteape atnd the last ex curision of the seasont Atlat-t next Monday, 30th. The fi an ie ieopruiyt iifor' the round tr'ip is wnly two dollai Gate Cit,y of the SouthI. Pot' detani Ii in formatIon itnqire of t he agen it. Thiotiuants sent Intot Iil, Every yn ar a lairge tn tlitber of' po sufl'erers whose ltungs are sort' ani racekedl withI coughs arte ure toLi go I atnother elImtate. I ut I t his is etist 13y a t tnot al ways sure. Don'it bI e an exil whlen D r. Kin g's New D)iscovery fo Conump~ tion will enure you at hiotu It,s the most In faibl mIte ied ieinie fe Coughs, Cioldis, and all 'lThr at ain Lung diseases otn earthi. TIhie first (11* brintgs relief. A tountd ing cuires re(sti frotm persistet, use. Trial bit ile fi at al 1(1rugglst . Ptrice 500 and( $1.00. I The tnets are maitde without folds . perfect vent ilationi to thie sleeper. FIVE REASONS WHY YOU 1st. It taffordls th host vent ilation,t wit houit folds or cross sticks; t he hot froe fromt folds Otn the sidos5 tattl foot till the vacunti. 2ntd. It hiadles the nort, by releasi spri :g artms carry th nt rot t.o a plirpomt :5;. T1heu bed1 ennt be rolled to tan ot her putrp~os. 4th. It is the only not in use t hat bautifuilly OtnIl Ithe had bioard ats ia I 5thI. A cdhibl cant work it. 1t' s.Jjw *~~~ aiJjA JVLJ.)L'j11 G'i. r business in t we left unturn( iandise ever sh any two stores in I\ so many goods!" noney in the pocke a hold on the peop to grow in the ma have adopted my :n some one else wi 1. 100 bolts of Stan dollar. The finest 1 e our line. Just foll 5. C. Two Negru('K (aiigIi w- Iiiirv Wiilliam, charged with v%I( mI- i Iation of contract, for whom warrtr1n he has been out silice j Jin, l'00, was ie callIt, ahout fifteen milts ahi ve N w ry hQrr y on SeLldy cveninrg by Stiheril" li ford. s Sheriff I;aford lS( caIpture