1'(r a gtod tmt:ny ye:it tu 'I ''! L 1 T e taid and N':w_ lths st ivetn to gi;e the peop,le of Newbu ry i 1 Ow ci. tn s w ile it wtas freh, atal (t y otur 1re;t" ubscri)iot ion it i proof j ,t itt"e that tile ,wopi t N \ eu he:rv \, bo(tht totwn and4 coutyt, ba;1e trCcicer1 m1i:1st. W e ae !Iv ha:tve one of ite ligest totton 1:i1'r, in the State, andi( cven one of the l;Jr,.;t di I tte fouth, w.ork w iil ::oon .e roinm:n. I ed ,n anlothet, and thte i.; talk oftit' ra % aiS t . ull whi i s o e1 iil bev cler;edl. The bus>iness mnen of the town' lt.ti it' togetllet a1.(i sinte are ltlll ltn and s(,n;e are pus1!hins, b ut all (re ,'oing, inl the s.Oite direction. The Heral ad New hatt always bseen in 1 the forefont, t tic n ti )y :t ltl tutee:i iint kin the lt ulpbl,ildin i' lof the tou n. A\ f"wt yetan. ;tgo it wav; t il a teekly", t il te soon s;att ii.lt in a liv"e and pr:tressive town the s t of Newhei i y the Ih is too great i llt e i tlied ly wtteekii newspapaer :11li Tite Iletahtl anti News wt t as 00 un tl a:eit-weeMyl.. i our tottt and c(intl toda ily t it t,)::ndt f((r the newts wthile it is freshl hasi grount Imtil it is tu great to be suIpplietd even by a semli-we . The peoplC lf Newh ierrt vdemland1 a da;ilt". Tlherefore to supply t il e dematn dtlt, (O S;-p t ilt'r 1irt' wt,ill tti b'e in the 1u b'ir tion tf :' p:ipelrt. As wilel y that s:ale dt'sum t't1 quarte s hl,optp t t the post l <>li t the cttterf, lFr il :o1k i n t ll veti , ton:' (.f..,.r a(lgl tai t f(,, 1tkl by01 the ii, atitn plt. hlaje l't'iii e er ..-than t it' d it tha e eat to':t u< cheapl' y : 'ii 1t a : i :te a the se:ti-w tilyt, bu;t tiht t h t t. , man a.. emenit mt''id. L. > i. if we iss froape gngw the new oft.~ th OStte couty Jand Stownll' the1 thme day it happent. ndi talso th present1 gemi-weekly wth thieti clst of ne trichI it:o arlit1'LiIltk t it it 3..te' i b e:t hecoopraio and the hed iiistiIIiIlpt andtit etiuraeet ol the e opletr in' the ltown Youn td ofe Newher ihi keynt ptposef shal eeat oo ive th ew just of it happns,y onithobutilrg bat ti!on ich r.es andtai the trpst i both luue,v w shlYork forh theupiI-~a interoon.h Tw he country aln the R':presenautives q' for rr:uii g (r.- tnli want to ('nake t:(ir" -taty lai-tt a m. T 'i a)itII Uih11 n ' i h111e h:itnl : n L in t ' n i it 11. titIc . att co:-t w t'e b lk tv Il :mt .:I.,t0I0 ,( 3. TheIiI' larty t hU th b tlild ing ain l w'ill .Nwn ctVt'r it'. Tlh ;'-Iovernor fiml bi i - Ir . "''1 't+pt't tcd 'i 'ttek- ' i ll it til , 1<1,at1.2 l 1t ',"illt 1(11il i a i i', ti ( I f L i"i i t l : Il ( 1 :'i 1'ti :"' ' l "' t111 t 111, l l t ;ji P'i ti l t '1t a:'y well . r t ill ! V.il o f tlt ' sA'1_ it thi:" w ork. Jlu e"t .loyeet \t h,o i - }aIit, n tu It (' Ilk l i l t -r , , . g 1g ; ;1 " ' [t i ttl"w i"t: atd tlrl (in ) t wt i.i t trwu ilh tl I,lii'it,; fN"iit, l '. Il tXt th bIluilig ith fon. Itl bj ANflo r -'l eminti: tnr night, at. A\li)ny wct' I f: t r' (i l via t'ew York Centrall ,it' l -o0ll R IV r I ailrtoat fllr 'haii!atl. SI'. :.C : trde (f abou) t ( s ht' vidi! t.hrIoMi'. fir thanit\ f h e pu bli%at, but :Iny a.f Ihom tna have c 1 tryct. l lik our t'aty wshu-(' tilui .at:inlit t at ri uho 10 dttirr.l Ito ..( all tha 01oul he( h r Ios othing in th" w%ayo oi lithl ralt :- .-il(lry I' t\ :e lN iagar:"t. I t i11 dn1artnrt an 1-a-rill! ion Of io u 'thrnr cannot - se r i it. 'th th1" fail, :tl-t wt ar'in;f aiV:ay HAm' t h ttwIil 1' i.-apea. :'IlilIt_'11. ^( i oti t t" l .. a :I i ti, ttae.n I , a :In th t r:.,:i r h:. IunI : therl inb( ' f: hieb01 .:n b : t 1; tl.t' s t : , : Iv frm a1. th-,( . , -I, tof rentt: OCi"r tht' fa11s. T h:_'n t " c i, O:1 th.- ;:or'i;1 rot .t 1'r la :n tinl ,t a t , i (k fa ial li'a i-:-:I)eIit( ne , hI.ni t lit 1In:ol.l: trtl tati-tittd with onec trip). Thell It,lht'y uar runs along the banrk ('f thet Ireat J)r"''ili("t (In te (;antiht *il( :o (;ui"t'n:.!On, at distanceW Of abt,ln:"'veln or" (i;rht 11nile'- alncl t hel I'ro>- thet rivetr to f.(wh,tttn, onl thet New', York -iith' andl back atlongl thel wa; in the city whilo we were thero It li we h)ad at p1 ei1l invitation to meet i-n'" on \\'dri:htya\" evenir; but. Ourt" p irty decided to .-:u-t horne t hat nig;ht :ti we( tu ldl not muelt h iil. !! , ' nedl to lll, t'w:. the (:i trlieston i tp' u, r!i..' 1; in:.iln at r1 I; oppor t iI t do .sor' I i ( til e oi'lvetir1,s w: I th)(:r owIIexl o Iin.'IThelti' i - Sl' h xit:i (IWII ion~42 ha he:Ibplar" t, ' 1U I -.,ir' i Ot' tt iv,; t llere: h %11 :u in theiirlhow and it d(oe- nIot take pilacr f ," ":ot : 1 linr. y't, nld not, at so,l there t il!:in,; a1(1 averti.-sin~ t,.b" (harlc-ton 1;.. \\'. w'an1t to gt pcoile frl o1 this c "tion to f'hlalt',on - - peo)ple %h'to have lone y andlt1 Vho are williIg to 11t:n1 it. .)111n. juillicious, adtvertis;ing; eo:1b1 be e'"1t ,"ivt-lv done th're fl-:n now Ititil L to I'an-Amnerican crl.i for Lho (thar l-:ston Ix position ::n(l at -:mlall co't. T'h-: tr'ip alto)"ethwer wa at ph!ta,at (,i." and I Iru:,t profitable aI v2:il. I t: nlhl adivi-l it) who can to t ak, ini 1,llis - w,, no! otnly for the I-xiosit im, hn:t f.)r the li:tant phtctrs of initer t,L along tl-, ro it.. I-: II A . A N 1;. .s:\1I1.wt(lOitV 1(v '.v. Mr. -: II. .\nll, ,"diitor of ''he New h"rli; Ilerhi(t all New:, at1lIi!s that I. the tut.hor of statm.eent:l mnade in '.!'no 1crtald aInd , News of duiy 2'5h, wvhill we havet alrtady eiaracterilzd a t1tali ba'ele:s an1 itnfoun,eded, anti he ftili to "rct,ract, Ihe unl-eruul I u:, andtl t r:(r.11i1' i s assertiOn) ," fo. :hi':h he( now at,,umeIISrepnilty V.12 e,an 0nly replat otl' denur unciatiOn of his cour." i as r'l+kl(ie:. s a11t unllj+-t, em 1has;izing," t,h3. staitellcllt that hi:, a'scer on with r')12pet, ,o our lnakit'tg; any omblhin:ttion in the Vamp'aigli l1st y("atr 'ab;olutel y' andl m1 I,naliIi(illy fa1s0." Mr. .\ i .1.11ies that. his St.ateent -'crt' I':'1 I1:c)In "circum111stanttial cvi tnie," and We pI)rc:;tu10. that the c 'umtain necs a re in l u dedtl inI th2 follow ', qus1t6(ions: "\\'ill Col. I deni (lemS '.iaL hie wat; inl fl"cquent, con,ulit'ttio)n witi the ed itor" of Th1c Statc during Ihi u.trItaigii? Aind that hiea r1eide The Staitc 11e: ha'(p14iter''L1'.; who hi le eae111 .I t;olunll)hi?'" Th i, Is i11nothc I" cias ,fdraw ing upon the imtltiin:ttion for hb ( ecause tllei e is not, the sli ht t foil nd1ation fi' til' inft-relnel so "rtitt is:ly (Irawnf. W\e d1"nyp mosi. -Iph10at ie:tily tt i,ber-t wv, cve r a t'n-ltitation" held, or that th;ere wa. y 21 inltert'ornl.e or comun1 a10 1'.tl ioll w1'Itl" ho 11dior tf '.1'he Sttt,e (t ) ing Lit "u' 22aign Ue1)pt i' Ilt ' so,"ial itl frien2 - y waViy, Such'l is we have be,t n1 es. m'i1le' 14) ex -rke for \ eat s. Wa (1 it no nlt1et thie editor of 'hl St.ate a Ia1f (t'1e1 timlles fromt the t)'egi1nting to he e111 of t he (:1nlui, e: and not a iin' if wriitt'in con11 inlienti' m ever patit+e1 .I'.t ween) Us. I )ois I1hat, lot11k Ii ku "CO1 )iitmOt:" ori' "e(n1-uliltation?'' Mr. A till says '"it is useless to thresh (v'cr Ol siraiwd ,'' Itn yet, he is (!illty of ut 'ing in fals:' ebarre.s abo)ut, L,h: "'lInp}aign of 11100, using Our1" namtne ver'.' rIy, and nah int; a 1ssertions for whi 1: hit:; not and c(annot produce.' at par - i'l t of evidence. If that is h:oo'ra')I ilurnatli.m or even decent, r,.;:lect;tbl onduc4t, t.hen we a1re utterly i'.,ora1nt 1:; to what, is d1ue from ne man to an ")the4r. No wonder he wate to dre.) the sub1'''t, we'nt he is pIllorie'd bn - fore tho pb)lic ats ma1king falso ard I!, ill, i.itiltble aL'ser"tiolns, w it hout tiht =h:mdlowr of foundation for theln. We 11) not take eiaiist:re' in expo:'in"r Mr. Auill':; )'u(ddessnes andt4 ieediles. (lt'ni, as h411own by his utter (1iregarl for the f.tts in the case:n, b,t. 1he, h,n. cha'rges whicho he oug~ht. to have k now 1 were untruel 4.i34, andi when h 1ils at.tenti 1( wals 14323ily1 direeled to thlir3 falsity hIe 1'eeks to) (over 11is retreat:, by "'eircum31 .412antial ', 11vidence,"' e:qually' I fIlmsy 3and ri2dieu1ous. It i4 3a ma123ter of in2dli4fee 12210 to~ 21s whe1the or' not' 1 A1lr. Aull facts', for 1he has1 shiown 2a dispositio20 . 14) con1jur hi-' statement('1201 s from3 po01i1' (ca1 hias12 and1 11iejudice, and12 1not from3 a desire to'4 dea21 faily and233 jutl*y w hUt one)4 who2 at1 least4 1has1 nOeer injure.d him 3.-- (2r'eenville' 4. 0Mountaineer01. 21re 4 diSplyed~ by (our3 good frie'nd oIf the2 Moun4t22 iterI. 112 gro0ws warml1 and2 seems.12 11. to have eiely lost3 104 hiis 11432( and2( 1his Item3114r. inl the4 fi rst, instatn3 we2 onlly said: "'('411. 1 loy I represent4 31ing~ t.he pr3ohlibjitioist and4 The1'Iil State no0w 2 1)aper1 represent2in31 g the 12 hghl licenso31 14mphi' 04' pr'etenlding to r'epresenit highl Iliceu12;2, conibined1121 for'ces and1 d id ever' ting th1ey could bothl fair' and( unifai.i to1 defeat2, ?'1 1Sweeney24."' Th'is13 sttemenl13 t was12 3)md4 in2 rep4lyVing to an3 0ditoial2 in 1114. Darliingtonl News char'gintg a1 de: i w ith M o8weeniey and21 the blid ( igers~ 2 21harleston03 and3( wVithi no0 purposeI)5 of stirrin3 up 221 r fr43 hiend( of the ( Mou2331 taineer(21. Thel 2 Muntaineer314 waxedNut war.n o)ver i and 21d11n1i3e.1 th is inno(12Cnt lit.tde staltment 1in ver'y vigorou)2s l:1'guage. oIf 1ast year1 we saidt in re ply: "'If 11he Mo1)1nitaineer0 in1sists t ha . ,he circam.1(23 .tance(s22 metionei3d do( not11 ju2sfi fy t he .43hjct drop0, for 13. is not, 1 live sub)jec:t no0w." Thi1. wo t,houg~ht. shouhI satisfy' 3no contro'ver2sy'V wi the Mounta13ineer we did( not1 12,ro' toi pu2r1sa0 t1h suibject f1erther4 l. 111u1 the Moun taineer00 comes1( black with lho abovo unfgentlem'zauly art,1i4.l4 and1( doesC not1 se43em sat.it]1ied. WeV havec 11 publishe.d 3211 th11 Moun3taIn1cor haIs said113 bireply to us3, bul thei ed(11tor oIf that1 IIpper Is ver'y careful not, to pubt lishi anyting We hatve said(, i!arry3inlg 0231 the sam411 un1fa2ir mIethlod1s use'd last. year in 3 11h0 campai)21gn 423nd liCIng 1his readers' 1,0 judIgo (of the meitsI1 of t,ho casoC from1113 h i unfair 1and( preluicedo~ statemen103t. If ho0 had pu2bllished what we said( the4 readors of h is papor.2 could 11101 havo judged for themselves whether 0or not1 hi 1had1 1us pi1loried. WVo repea2t;WhaIt wO said( aIt the begin ning that1 1110 editor of TheI Stato 21nd( C.ol. lloyt, candidato for governor in 1900 wereo together' in their op)positionl to McSweeney though claiming to) rep)reenrt an tagoniotic voiew. They woreo both~ wor'king for the electi of CJol. Hoyt 31nd1 tihe deOfeatOf McSweenoy whether or not there wvas any written commluictationl betweoen them 01' anyl written an i gn ted agree meit. C.O. lloyt we (to Iot snppo-ce will deny this. 'I'his ein h' proved by tef!eIrce to the tilc. of The States lewsp)aper and tle spet -Ie5 . of Co lloyt. 'i'r (ol Hoyt L) !t 1 tiat therte wa i wt'lteni comttuni ;:4titon o) lrfig edl algr'ellment I-; simly\ l tilu;bh!r' il dIoe- not j)'-tify illhi j;ilt v r !ln a:zla;e he rt's')rt: to. \ e only hea'rtdt of of h' is c;amlpaign spe'eelt's uJ nti ,.t::t v:.; th1" mtw lieliveret at, New heriry, andi we t'c n:;llir th;t lie di,4. It'tsLd utaany of 11:, frie;nda Ilrre! ILt he t,ikly prals, he be'Stovedl 1)n IBn.! 'Tili mnan. andi h i:4 ad vic't to vote for Till notn. We (!o kIt n'w that he and the Ltte Itewsp:ap:-' werI ligLti'' t:gether for hi:; election ani wo subt it it an unplr4judie'tl public. that this is the lirst erhiirnce that, can b)e proluced that Ltere was a (.)tmbinatliot for Ils elce tion and thett deft;at of McSweeney v:hether or iiot it re was any writen titcM itienticn betwceln hitm ahe the editor of SI'il" tate or signed articles of agi-ecne t for ming the e no i11bi ntIion. 1It wat oily two yittrg hfore tha the eililort of h o statf ridio u.i t. the idea of tri'ln to ent.re!nsh prohtbit.ion in the eeotivhe chair, V then tte ,oiht the dispeniary could h; overthlltown by el,ectin t a d st entry adidate. i.dst y tt' rlhe Logtit ut ght icld best b)e! ace:rit ai.he'l by com'lbining forces with tho pohibit ion can'idate and he joined h1 forei,s wilth,o.se of Coh. Iloyt whethere or lot, there tt'aS anly WI itt en col ini cation or" signed agr"et;net; and We appeal to the iles of t,he State news paper itself to prove this asse tiotn ami wtle a' scoe (ol.it iloyt, will not prto nouinc) this statnment false. We did hot say thee wte ani writen coimu-e, n ieatitn (Sr i y written l Id sig}ntd 1eieent, a )b a id isiaoert there w att s ta tobinat.ion of forveis to lac,:olIplishl the defiat of tIcSweeney and the lil:s of the State dW:-paer ae off-red to evidence to prove this statctut. As to consult,ing with the editor of The State newspaper we made it hat,of our business to keep u whe it it v tte mtent:+ of Col. I Ioyt last year, and very time e come totC.oluti wNe heard that het wea t hp State neWspape' i1115e, a:11 it iesi iut natuttal that h e s oe ld 1Io there and that he sotld he in con sulttaton there, for his ton twas; it-:oi ate cditor of tnis l'ater, den the paper w ttas his strong advocate. Wte had no id'ea thtat he woutlid deny the statement made for the facts were so potent that we (sould not see how he couid deny tl e or would desire to do fo. Wtec, had no idea of this coit: tvtersy when we replied t t the turiington News and are stlrprisdl that Col. Iit ,hould be So indignant at the statament of the fact that he ndl the editr of The S tot wire working togtbet' for h,it cw -etionl and for the defeat of ie-. Sweeney. e rathlr thought he ats prouel of the comnptnly he was ke'eping inl the c amnpaigl, though it i:: a fact tha tt hs friend and colaboret. couhd ntt arry the county of iblauid for him. Wt ecgtutt the drdon of our readers for tak ; tip So much space wiith a matter that itt plain and tt imple to eve w\ho kt'pt up with t,hie campailgn1 1-t, :art and is now oni a unitter of whi the say t.eetiof au tlinlael thetey tbody knowt antd thec se ated ofnlyoi Co.oyt ad thidn whateser too but we desire you set wuref riiigt andpl to ktep the ec( r st ratit it,. h oTte tat newsphapger prettedinto tilpre-'u wsntthig itse and Col.tt t, thwe cavediaeofu ohiition, werhoe ihting Itogt.er n d by sxte'ilc idt e fotCol iloyntecCt's elcttiensan buthe def tt fue leeny< to ttIV the W t puLite it waolsa combi. nat,li'o i wh eoby rthen ciom huiscstat,ontor oine agreiemcenthn Ite ('fet,t andresutlt,o wer Sithe sine.li l'at is hat c ahl~tt ad that' wht eIlt, are?ale ttb ovitdenec nowesat, to substantiat,f thte statemtent, ivi u wintin antli d saytat ofhent the on tinir cargesf thaitie made "unscru ttutlou s ad grfotnde faol assets"ayt wsjt chtrgin 'whoatu is tine, butiwe havo grown holderand we S hipo have fered. onlyexperinc ithat t,hi beopule ito notear 'hor eadets, th pra,hcrtfo facs. W)eshv o Hownpc bte pub ieyto bslyev hat ith thte uvig ou aghts m:ht wor hisa let,iongby thn editor ofiThe Stabtidri the campa ign1)0, and tha th reatain was nevehorai besgl?teat happen tuolkow. fhar Lit least one ofh i,hngtaemet ie u wat tb the seditor or The tnateor toubmnite to hmafor aproa buatitnt etcanco ote wl'oftn pursuin to subjet, and ths worsid bfore, thf ro.otsy thiws rnpl obntion wxeutive loith tken whenbhor sayswoused bris nam freely.iWetonlydusd ti'caht over forus the wast ethe yeadr ofvte prio hiitin hasoyt, iay pwhatis not hrue wente pohscharges, thr campaeg the deadp0,t and ,t we asretath. nhooa ble entemanwil aplo4 e o 11 iNNYRVYAL PILLS y.r W.'. Al : r"i +hlt"~ si.(11u, tk air*,n:h't fud e e.0 41' ' tlt It .. -, "" tl. 4I%t ~ti 1114 thii' !l '1':l.t .t) I p" IEC. " J.'i . INtn4 1" I(tl Att . I . ". :"t .!o"I 1'" :' 7n( 7t ,(, i'c . '(i: r:.. a "t' wel..adi, sit Grtol.me to Irant i ( e ( 'tris of adm'i i( t,"rati 0u(of the es t ate oif anlld ('lVets of inri. I(:AT. . ialdl well delceaised: n( crelitors of N he id Ih., G. I. C.ad.. Bya b.ef oe, i'h:(.ur, Probatel, to ho1 hiohl at N.w bterry Cotirit, ) Iouse. 8. I , ll thII.thay of August iext, aft r uhe'ientio therof, a l. II O'Clock in the t iren to show a s i ft.t ofIl- . 1 (:1 w(hly li!are hy irth e aI ) Admf t a ona - biu crld not , Ie glianted. live under ly hand f ' t e th 9th hay otf Augustt, A o D1911o imini 1901. WX. \V. 11()l)Ult, J1. It. N. (. Carti s a t lowerll ''reuf. i is taln ever th fore.oon, them ailO :t,t Wl ly the A Short The Most tDelightfui Route to New York and Nkrthen and Eastern Sum . .er i 1esorts , ... \'. 'N'IC. AND RA IL GONNECTIONS Thirable route to ani-Amiu n ex. OIty of) long rail jaarne1y is br'okeni. Va., daily', except Suniday, at. 7 10 p mn., aitd Old l'oint Cominfort nt 8 (30 p. mi.. for New Y Yk irectk, afordin oppoan - tunlit y for thr ouign pssa;i.o from t h othe, outhw est ad West to Sim lIi~chmnond, Old Poi1nt Comifort and Vih - m oa.~ er ii i esrts. ginia BchMO enIrute Itr n ikt a n 1 general infoimat.ioi lo y Ito r Tiloai 1 iket, ageth, or It> o. y. ('lo(OW lL. erncral Aent. No; - fo.k, Va ; J1. IrS . MfAYiRl, aegent, 1212 Main.( St., Iechmond, Va. J. .i OWN. ld Gn. Pas8 A . New Ytoir, N. Y. TE1ACHER~ WA.NTED F 3O TMA ITH E O'NIA LIL Schol. \ilapliani to hand in the pl1icatin;s to either one of the ioundred Otra is on or before t he foonth .1erday inl Augu1.1Mal tavchie' ifered. -eeary to he stated in tr arplictitons. Tierm 0 ion th s or hu;. 1 NO. II. OON, Teachier Wanted. rniItM TR'USTM O'N801 UNiON ACA -. (dlmy will ratt't at theO school he- on the 1thl Auust, [f,0I, for Vht. pirpfoCe of elea'ting a- teachetr. Schiool term51 (I moth- i.. Malar'y $30 Pitt month. AI. aplViants must send in their appl icationts to the ulndercsignled on or J . D). II. KINARD, Nwhe rr, S. Y. The -Riser Millinery Canipany ::: is offering their (entire stock at gronittly roduced prices. EVERIYTIILNG MUST~ GO IN THE.I NE'XT SIX WEEKS. OG Call and see them if you want bargains. Teacher Wanted 0R HL IN A SCIOOL. TIERM Il3seveni mlonths. Salary $30 por' mfonthb. Mal eache p'1111 referrcd. All applicat,ionis must hte in tho hands of onie of theI undeOrSignecd oin or before August 17, whieh day they will iticet. I D). SIIOCKLIEY, R. I. JIU LIA N, Glenn Gler Queen of S( There is but one Gte nent for Stomach, Liver H otel open from Jun Iis up-to--date an SIMP. Water for sale GutSaleSal! For the ntoXI 30 ditys wo will soll you elothing claper thn it has been old inl Nmwhor \ry. r a(r tuu A (,i )r of our p)riros. We don' It ivu to write much about them-- -oulr prict.s do the talking. Thu prices during this sale wvill 1) liko I his: 8 5.75 cut prices i 'I .25 I . cut. prices 8 3.tiO 8.50 cut prices e.S() >r .5>0 cut p rico)1 0.25 .0 u prcs7'> .:>0 enlt, priers ). :. 1(3.50 cut prices 112.50 11.510 eut prices 83.2 ) WVo havomudo tt: lik) this On all colored Spring Suits The balanco of our Children's Suits will 1)o closd(1 out regardless of cost. Suits that iold at 60e., now -1 >. Sold at $1.25, now 85c. Suits t hat, sold at $2.25, now $.1.5>0. All others; in proportion. Our eutiro stock of Dry (;ois to be clo;ed out at cost. Best. 4"-1..10om spun oc. est Prints .Ic. 10!c. (,ottoml)es 12c. Straw Iiats! 5'raw ][Hats ! --All go at aho.it half prico. Sho's ! Shoes !!-Our stock of Shoes botter thu over. All low-Cut are being cloned out at cost. I.adics' Oxfords from 118e. to . 2.22, worth 75C. to $3.00. t'\\Watch our widow for prices on suits. lRespectfully, Tho lload to Foot Clothier. ENCR LI.& GNanM WR Cu. We are now showing a complete line of the newest and most stylish goods to be had in the market. Dross Goods, Muslins, Piques, Gingh:ns, &c., &c., at prices which arc the lowest, considering tho value of the goods. W) call special attention to our V. 11. Corsets. Wo undoubtedly carry and always have carried the llrg:st lino in this city. Wo are always in the lead in this as our contemporaries have been obliged to acknowledge time after time. The fanous W. 13. Corset, the most popular in America. We l0ad all others in our Ino of Hosiery. Wo have all sizes, styles and pricos-Misses', Children's and Ladies'. Our Millinery Dpartmnit is full of attractions for tho ladies. Latest ind most fashionable styles. We cordially invito a thorough inspection. Come and see us. A1 0 TIhoe nets aro mado without folds on the sides or in the IIead-.pioco, giving perfect ventilation to the sleope r. FIVE R1EASONS WHY VOU SHOULD BUY THE DIXIE. 1st. It affords the best ventilation, having a head-piece 5 foot square without folds or cross sticks; tho hot air readily escapes, and the not being free from folds on the sidoes and foot of hod tihe cool air easily rubhes9 in to fill the vacuum '2nd. It handles the not, by3 releasing the cord at the foot of the bed; the sp)ring armas carry the net to a porIpndicuilar position against the head-board. 3d. The hod can be rolled to any part of the row for ventilation or other purposes. '4th. It is the only net in use that is an ornament to a room, draping as beautifully ont the head-hoard as a lace curtain (loes on a window. 4 5th. A child can wvork it. F"or loe by BY T If---...---...... - Dexter Broom and Mattress Co., Sprin mn Spra ' RI. IF