The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, August 02, 1901, Image 2

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1 CCA' 1i. E ... I AIL r(Cent address at Hie U niversity of 0hin:t:"t, Mr. I icef'1lclr, one of the wrt:hti !'Ici,'tt m en, .ahl: ") llint'li 1:'ts )e'tl maid of late on tht ft t '.uccess ht I fIt)i1':t- uak in!' t' ua r( sugg) lon. T'he th' antltes f ' '*. ar hcI t.ter l lay ll h evei b.'f lree." i.s atttaine' d by itiul. tr:,. I' ;t - I r: en e a 1 IIl I, cou phic: wi:h :'.ny :I;ut O ifd 'wa ik.and you)1 II n' f x t I t ot b it ve i' in1 aty" o' * w.((L 14Ii (11 f te111 t ilr:n . i"" of . n who h:iltvc plet l of "ii it i ry. pu'1'r-lv w et'l' : nllIti tIn'h, coup] ti w.i I ih a ny a i)l II t of h i::r.i wol .' I ut wh"tIt h I avt; IIever b1 tin iablet to ulna: Iny IIlrge fortuni, ;o. -t of them unot e.ven able to make a e'a.lortsleliving for thcn1 lve a\ indf f:tn,iit'' Thtre arht nitny ()ther h me1nt1 hi side:s 'oft iU r" , j ,r ; : er:il-' rid pf!ei," whib hntr' i t'lli'h ito thlle m e:tkin Lo i,'i ttftl r(' t'ty m il m:1 , forl if . th '--l things: alolno colul d nulk' inen rich, manyV tot'n who are notw poi' would ea e(a lllt and nliuey of til- wvealth cihl! o '11i 1 h.: p -n(ill sear :. lit t o as l i r. i,etfIe r ach'e vl d(i r;Iet e"n-: II1 ) :a piled up hi: inil;ion o, ht ' ant, frl" nothin _ thlt, t ont'yl can; b1 , he u f: r a tlm: L ati Ili.- w rbil o m tl i l itlth iatltl ( it'illrI' : i:t ('i it:; it 1ut ' 'f i 1)1'I 1, )tU t Ii :t, l it' iti l-' vt-l 1'"t: t andl tru:11 t'to :-- - " till' l i'i r fre w it t t ) f i' - tli t t \m:t-t tt to i f l yL,w- n of' u 111,''1 for L1;t (lit :itl ' is it: rI' it e ti ulq ti..ta l, whibn h ' t i' ; le to t.ins plroi -'"t ain thl hli u;ble in (<'.l metl e o the lat, t he mo (' i(al-ter oI uoo r rorn forltine yN- at1i p (nalt, a l' - i (lt t h-nu;ndt "i of t i i t .,e r Il 'a. , ti n h rltoI lt': t l- fian;! of eft'ern tl p:i': i to n fr'omlt 'tl ith ct iedto if his (o:'!I:thait Iio to ht- (th-iv'til fr<o n t i'. a: s;nrant"t Of an hulmotalityv of faml:. I i tbin tiiternt , ir'e .1 '; W vet r ofi a tnt,h I,'ley littiakon into) a(Wlk a n t ell c unt di :)in lt nie s no lt'." ot Ia-ttrfuli ta n tir. Mtb>]ani in t.h nm r oi f hI tter (tl . , btill t.hirl' ve r e of thae doit intc, ;ilc:euc, while the ir t fancict of It.l('.r and \'ii'):i havi' e mlt ' d ILo n 4 hpl ce h 1 1 h trlit t o t i S t't',, re rto bens. Th' i iiit of inatur : hI I' )Cti.'N of illit:t' rule th(_' livjnt' c i t ren. o b hondi en o t he ut the ';rc of the I llto-'ttt hia flallen front In thi tday and t:re'ration, whe n tok h , ie b i s tho hei;ht of mia at i - th', t i!rhto hout d n 0ot he loa of th fact t.;utt t .he rich tu n is not. r lw y: th hapity naan, and tft hapinces, and thw t:on.ce(iousn Iey of halving" dlone' one':; iluty, andt oI llaving :t.riven to make oth1rs hapy and a world heLtor by your iaving lived in it, const.itute the i'elients of true fccell.c+:sT. ''. wm ildt .:ay to the Gireenwtotnd In :''; that the editorial fui htich a 1:'1'ed iln The itralf :nud News Set t1,iu ago about "the caepaign in thl :'ininth" sowhit,o tas exe. Otion 4i~ i"' otb aleasar beeedlaine wtoloe j~ ~couthe oeprry in tohis agat whose dt astrca Oesonallyu oai gsometing humuta hee suspeneo an cotmporary.n .iht Cfothbi bei fare enwo Inetndalothrbrgtlihso tereted n ths in tter wo wil a Witl l iII Frrint'ti ir Tryi, t to ..ilrtte tho Iio lnt -)t'ctiv e itltwliIn (lo(H Ilt'ro. ' 'The State, 1st. C. I. Utter was brought to thil city yesterday at 1 o'clock a. In. )eteet.ive Ialwdtin urned limn over to SheriIT Coleman who consig ned himin to the county jail whero he is still stopping. .;tia ;trate Moorman gave the P1 oner a p relimintry yesterday afternoon and bound hiim over inl $80:, $100 for tach warrant. T'h, two wtarratntts were Sworn oit, by r. .\'er-.and .11r. Sligh, of Newberry, I w0hm t'tter tli'ed lli strengtlh inl ht_ no). r:.r:>rio u "Sylvan; }latc ghass it! ilay ii1 :'lj ali'y. Ii warrants charged "Riot, and Lta'ilt aid battery with intent, to h'ilc l!'i)ner was captured at (Chiill cothe, Ohin, where lie clains to have :on tolIi alciept I. position in the mia r: sho ps of the I;altilntorc and Ohio .ail'-v-, at tlat place. i'rteviou, to hti d: lieu;lty\ here U:tter hal ;eld a pu-ititn with the UlSout hern railiwa', inl t::e .h(lc- at Spe:'eir, North -arotlina. \\'hln th c striko wva- te la:reti he strutck-, with th( otel' union men and tlhen caime to this city. So whlie not, a Columbia striker he was a 'trilketr neve rthlbc- and from the "outthc rn1 ratilway rhor:. The Sottheni ottieals haver. :,a;ired io l:tin: to lotate and ea;'tore I'tier, nn iihs c:ee will be pi'o-entel at the next I :':o of court tlo,g with the other ir11tr:: w,i.o :t .Un<ltrI hond. I ';e'ttivc Ir'titwin N who is a typical \ r:'iniatn a;nd at man of mno"t 1,leatintt :1-rI, , ?-Iettli d:ty inl tihe city Inl < 'tmtl:m y\ w' ith hr:1an :n. t> .ho wryv dowrn it wa' .:.':ir, d that het jtito thi Ih'1trnan car with Lis man to l iet'iut a rt-eun by strikers. I lIe hl'clin'i all thle-e warnings. lie hal b roiiught hlis brother atlonll-, a- a zpecial :iuirl :tid tiey cane ini the da:y toarh v.ih t'ttcm-. No (llne g:tve thii any \\'hie ht-re .\Mr. Ialdwin :lled 1pion the tov"erntor. AlIthoug,h tho governor h:d i-sutd no rti'cli-ition for I tter, loking at, the intter from : pturely" blu.imii -. stand'oint, and ii (he light, f thr' anioniut it w:iilhl hav'' cost the Shle hail he done :,o, he ord'red that the itual per diem and mileaie paid alrents of the State in such (as(s he laid l )cteetive Iltlwin. The detective declinei to take toilenge coveriig the roads o'er which lie used pt'rsotl '['The Statl did not. pay tle iasistillit brourght by the detective, however, as thiL i not douo evel ini cases of reqlui sitions. I:tectivo Ihtidw in returned lait, eveiiing to 'iirg ia. Ut.ter seems to have difficulty inl se euring boud. UJp to last evening lie hai not, been able to do so. 'llhin is probably du to the fact, that he is a st,ranger in Cohihil)ia, and due to thn fitrther fact, that he wenit away fron the Stt iiinecdiately tfter theoffenses with which lie is charged were com mli,tedi, thlough as before stated lhe wished toi stay hero and answer to any chiarges tha:t miiighit ie preferred. F"airview', iotir. ('rop)s arie nr.euinug rain veCry badly3. ir. 31. ( . NIorris and fami13 ly isited at NI r. J1. t . NI oore's last Sunday. ilias1 Juclia MIat-hews, of Niniety-Hix, is visiting at NI r. N at.han WVheeler's. Miss OIra DIickert.., of Orangebuirg, has been vkit ing relatives and fr'iends in this connmunity. \Ilisses Noira and Mattie (oninelly3 spent Satunrday night ini Newberry. II. H . I.eng & Ilros. hlavec moved their saw nill Ion AIir. J1. A. Ihaker''s place and have commienced sawIng. TJheire ill lie commiuiiioii services it I'imey W'\oods Chlurch t.he thirdl Sunday. Our school is prtogressing nicely un der' the mnanagemient of Miss I,illian Luther. NIr's. .1. A. flaker' Is very ill. 11(p1) to see her out soon1 again. WVe have beeon lnfor'med tbat Mrlt. W. 1'. Urmunmpton Is going to movo near' l''air'view and( put uip a blacksmith shop. We hadiu thio pleasuro of hearing an exceclent~ sermon delIvered by altev. Nease at, Macedonia en last, Sunday. [ remaini--wishiing~ tho editor andi readerlsi' of ti his paiper' a me'irry time. July 2i8, 19101. J1. M. NI. TIhie i'&cent rains have greatly im priov'ed the crops. Most of the farmenrs arc through with 'heir work. They can nowi hav'o a good tltmo fishIng, etc. Wa.ttermielonis are simall and not verj y plentiful. 111)11 thie later ones ill bet mucith better. TheIc bui'ial of young M!r. Waters, of Jalapa, here wvas largely attended yes Mr. J. 10. (lotlld, of Goshuen Hlill, vIsIted hIs children, M%rs. L. A. Jleter and WV. T. Colleid last week. Mi'. J. Webb White, after' a visIt, bero', has gone to Choster and Lanicatetr. Mr. Isaac Kennedy left for his home lin To'nnesseo last Monday. Mr'. L.* A. Hawkins spent part of last weok In the P1omarla sctIon. Mr, Henriiy Cannlon hias bean elected beachor for the next behool term here. Mr. Frank Sligh is home from Co. lumbla. Top. August 1, 1901. "My baby was torr'Ibly sick wIth (lie liIarrhoa,' says J. H. D)oak, of WVIl hlams, Oregon. "We werec unable to euro himt with the doctor's assistance, and as a last resort we tried Chathber u.ain'i Collo, Cholera and Diarrhaa ltemedy. I am happy to say It gave nmed iate relief andi a complleto cure." [For sal e yW_ 1. Plam Tl - MCIll.l'l' COUlJJT OF INQUIiY. ICe'ell,t Hf Helley'H Letter to R,eretary Lung Aekstowledgedt t- -ait by the Naivy I)opa rl uaaett--No Explattiatloin of the )elay Vouchsafedt. Washington. .July 31.-t was an nollneed at the navy departmient today 1 that the lettoe froin Rear Admiral l iey, neknowled ging the recelpt of the Ircct'pt to the Court of Inquiry, 1 uni itaking certain su ggestions wit i referenee thereto, had at last been re- I -trivt'l. No explanation of tl delay in its arrival and no Statemnent of it4 I mntnt wee tvv n iih:ted. Judigo Ad-i vocate i.tnlly simllply annoinet'd that lie h'tter hatd arrived an1 would re iye consideration. lie delined to tontwer all interrog:itories, basing iii: t rtfusal upon the order of the secretary prohlibitinlg oIliecers froln diiseus:ing thre r ase. ('apt. Lemly departs on his an- t inal leave on Saturday, and the suppo- c iition is that Rear Admiral Si hle-y's I fetter will be consideted before that i l1 , a t l that w ha tevel "r atttion is to he ak len on thle AdImh .1's represenOItationls vill be taken att once. (apt. .hames i'ar'ker. the ex-nalv.l >tlieer. who is acting a, Admirai chley'' at'sistanlt coun-tel, coltinulued s ls examinlllatenin totdayt of the lo's of p the ship. engatred in the Santiago I :a (up ai'ign, (ili ot}her ollicial.' rrecordls t pielaining thereto. IlIe oceup,ied Se' eay I.cnrt's ntliet! adjo1iing the bnl- i cute of Iav-igation. and by dirretion of t Xdmniral ('rowliihield, chief of that t nlt'au, w ho is nwt actin secretary of t Alh! navy', neLwsp)aper1 toen andt others r were', n1ot ImiN"nlitti to ConI1luii1tate wcithl him. One of tht' ollicers of the bIutretu r uained con)stantly in the rot to St-e that the ollicial records wire no' 1am,pered with. Admiral S 1ey's letter to the de p.irt:nent, togetcher with the reply thereto, as :oo1 a- the letter is ppar ctd, sill be made public. 1)iti frorn St. I'lillipm, 1once more tite pl'asure in writing to'1The ilerald and Ne'.. I he erops are looking line in this section. St. i'iiilip's t-;oelal Literary Society niet on July 27th. Our subject was: "I'-solved. That, money has greater in lnl ece otver man thani womi1.'' Th? negative won. There was ta large au iieneo iresent. Josh Trump was also I,reseIlt- that night. He did not shoot it- gun, but, 1e gave us somne good ad vico. Our next meeting will bo the fourth Satutrday ill August. Oui' sub jeet will he: "Resolved, That the prilnt. ing press is more beneticial than steamt." A cerltaini young man went to see his host girl and got so excited that he lost his tie. Our little town, Kalula, is in a pros perous condItion. There is some talk of city lights being erected, and if so, there will be no danger of a collision w It,h tho'e out riding. There have been two drtunmers to visit our- (own, on dry goods and shoes. They both eold a nico lot of dry goods atnd1 shoes to our monchants. If you want a nico0 lit, go to Rluff & Kibler's onl tile corner0. Thiiree chleers for ourP towEn, it is growiIg mlore p)rosperous cvery i\liae 0(35ettiiiand Zoric Neal arc tile gnests of Mr'. Poery Hlalfaere. MIitss'l'eddy Mi;bin is v'isitinlg ill our communliilit-v. Feather Tlop. August 1st, 1901. Fish Lines. A lish sat him1 (downl with a bliink to thin1k, Andii dipped his lin thioughltfully into the inik; Thleni iilned( this shiort llote; 'I ear 'I011aiy," 'hle wIrote, "'In respionse to your line0 of the othler dlay I hafstenl to thanlk 3you w.ithlout (1elay). ilit, hiad not tiiat squiring, (delicious younig wvorm~ Showni a set in his cuirves too sspiciouls I mlighit not lie he To write you, Illy dlear (WVhat y'ou mayt) not hlelieve, 't is so mon01 strouisly quee0r), That the wriggler you senlt With (1uost kindly intent IInd( swalllowed a1 pin1 thait was frighitflliy ben'It 1 "Yolu see-if I'd greedily takenl a bite, Th'le pain1 anId the shoek woul haveI fin iihed 111 qulite; S~o, the niext timle y'ou sendl(, My julvenlile frienld, Jnst inark if the wormh has ai naiturai 1bend( l're you dangle hi1tn temiptingly down here to be yihie death11 of somei innIoccOt 'ounlg ting like mn ."' And lie grilimed as lie used somle dlry sand for a blotter In1k dIries rather slowly, youl know, unl dler water), Thien signed It ini haste Aund sealed it with paste. It was growing quite dlark and heC'd 110o tinic to waste, Bo lie p)osted it slyly, withtout wasting Dni the crest of a rip'ple that rau toward tile shore; ?1hen, shaking his scales ini a satisfied glow, below, Where lie soon1 fell asleep In anl oyster-bed deep, With the green sheets of water lis alumu ber Ip keep. -Jessica II. Lowell, In Junle St. Nicholas. WVhat most people wvant is someithing nlid anId genitlo, when In need of a >hysic. Olramberlain's Stomach arid [Aiver Tablets fill the bill to a dot. rhley are easy to Lake and plcasant in fIeot. For sala e yW ia Plam., l'1i{CS AiSOJ1ATiON SIES NIA(iACRA. 'They iov.klt {vhoru th tittely rnIetiicur t f ant Oc(ann-l.lkt Flow, lltlt Ittlilt' TihNt ca11 Only Here bo 11car11i." 'ie triI) to Niagara was the Ito. >l1easanlt. of aill. ;Iume mnay th in k ot her vise, hut Sunday is int it bad dlay to isit tiiese su)rb and wtilerful erea ions that even old nature has ncver at t mplted to duplicate. The blue ('.as. cill giants, shouletrinII ceh othetr In ilent grandeur on the banks of the ludson, are magniieent, tut NIagarlt Inde-ct'ribable. One enl sit and look md feel, but mre words do not iere va:il. The old Irotluois namue, "Ni-alh a-a"signifyin;; "tho 'hutnders of he wIatel's," a titmlt' giventl by the sois if nature to LItis ceseless, roarit', olling vt)lnme of inadly rushing wit trra, colies near being a description in 1)itoilo. Wit h lt h nderous 1 tar, elotud ike vptl)r, superb in voltllnle and; trt'ngtl the wonderful fitls tilt the nind and ('ntIhiral I ones etit ire being and tehl luoient adds to imlr)tess;ions that o deep and sceni to touch the inner life, Ven as with it human touch. The l'tty aw everything here that was to be eei. 'T'hey looked at the falls, then vitinderetl to (oat Island, returnt id and ooke_d again itt the falls. Theyv went o the briti ge and looked u1p at the rap d. btt caine ba to the deep, hooa tig roar of falling waters. They went o the Cave of the Winis, went under he falls, out oil the rocks and brid;ez, ll to the highest point where thi' it 'ush tas wildest and again the deep uu!,te of the fatil- calbd thmi. bactk. I'hey boarued .t e Maid of the M ist tind ainid the spray and smoky vapors hey vent out on the waters: thetee on he Goree ltaiway, down to the whiiil n, stillen w%hirIlmol Ar.d whirlpool pil)ids and back ngainl to see the iking mlists and the silent wondering crowds it, the falls. Over on (he Canadian side, tilp. wiy ulp. on the elilf' and heights of the Q;ucenstont ateross the lofty sulpension hrtlges;up on the iowter banks of the river where the h1issing, plunging, mad waves are 25t) feet iet p; nl) and up and ip, until igain the steady roar was heard and the grandetur made silence everywhere also. A nd when the time came for it farewell htok, reluctantly and reverently, silently and sorrowfully, they looked where the st ately gi'antleur of an ocean-like flow inade the iinsic that can only here be heard. .1. '. Norincit. Growing Old. Softly, oh, softly ! the years have swept by thee, Touching tlice lightly with tenderest care; Sorrowantid death they have often hrtight nigh thee, Yet they have left thee but beauity to inar. Growing old gracefully, Gracefully fair. Par froni the stormis that are lashing the ocean, Nearer each day to the pleclaant home light, F~ar fron the wa1ves that big with Uiider full sil, andl the hlarb)or ini sight. Growing old gracefully, Cheerful and brightl.. Past all the winds that were adverse and chilling, Past all the islands that lured thee to rest, Past all thte eurrcents that lured thee unl willing Far fromi thy course to the land of the blest. Growinig 0old gracefully, Peatceftil aind blest. NJever it feeling of envy~ or sorrow When the bright faces of children are N-ever a year front the yotung wouhdst thotu borrow Thott dost remlciebe what lieth be tween. Growing old willingly, Thtnkfutl, serenie. Richt in expericnce that inegels might covet, Rich in a faith that hiath grown with the years, Rich in a love that grew firom and about it, Soothing thy sorrows and htishing thy fears. Ordiving old1 wealthily, Loving and (lear. hecarts at the souind of thy coining are lightened, R.eady and wvillinig thy hand to relieve, \Iany a face att thy kind word has bright ened, "'It is more blessed to give thtan re ceive." Growving old happily, Ceasing to grieve. cyes that growv dinm to earth and its glory, Have a sweet recompense yottth can not know, dars that grow (dn11 to earth and its story, D)rink in the songs that from Paradise flow. Glowing 01(d graciotisly, Purer than snow. -Selected SOnly 50 Cents to make your baby strong and welil. A fifty cent bottle of Scot/s Emulsion wvill changc a sickly baby to a plump, romping child. Only ono cent a day, think )of it. Its as nice as tre'en. bend for a f ece samnte, and try, it. .,CoTTi & niOWNi , Chemnis s, 400-4i5 Pearl Street, New York. Soc. antd $i.00; all druigIsis. SEED! SEED! BUIST TURNIP SEED New Crop at Mayes' Drug Store, Corner Nance & Pratt Streote. ICE CREAM! Pelhan's r) Fountin 16" T F1 T-L S RA1 IEX-will be given by Allr. \V. WV. Iiisor anl AIr. John ron at Stomnpsto Sprin. on Au:ust ;d. This aring; is ..Ituats 1 on the Newberry and LIaur" cn, line two miles from the Cahlnes briFk hou and iS the ainest minertl matcr ii. the Sa'.". Tbtis will be th grandest 'eue of th soanont. t.eiember tbc date, Saturday. August 31. (Given by IZ iser and Johnson. An excellent, dinner may bo e'p.ected. naer,i;te~fL ii will n e any. The test w~ hz Oich~ witflCle bthat ofuray acuaust31.(ie. Ouz~r uassortment of cut -THE- F NF inrlu an ordinary - man86-8 neral onv uine rante onthts Spualt ation all Thleton.Cespod c icited. SavigssDprtment. ct ofe4ypir cope urdte. o al nd Jy1to ac e ar NatioWa l3ai. ofMNS~e, Ast Cr Qupus n ofit - $868 Genere kis buet oi'nacted net ort8s Somiah ateninet Savings Dpaentm. of4 I0 t s fllI fr-o date a f J.W SIMS st ' ne tr Stomah s Le Tin ' n t 1 ;lre m,adl( wit hout fobil: onl 1'1fo1t V(nla til t o'II 1) t It' slo per. FiVE REASONS WHY YOU Q() (?* (C lst. It nt'orts the host ventiltit iu, wit Iott flbit or rrost iclks; t iho hot froo fromn flds on I Ie sitles anI foot till tlt vaenn'I1 . '2itl. It handII!os the not, by releasin sprin IIr I I rry th Ite not to it pe'l')nclj old. I'h hod I n ho roiled to any Ith. It is the only net in use that it beautiflly oNtt tle bead.oard t a l ,it ht. A child enn wvork< it. F'oi sujw in We are now showing newest and moststylisi market. Dress Goods, If[islins, Piquos, Gin the lowest, considoring the valunlof ti Wo call special attention to our V. and always have carried the largest li the load in this as our contemporaries timo after timo. The famons \V. B. I We load all others in our lino of 11 prices-Misses', Children's and Ladie Our Millinery is full of attractions for the ladies. I We cordially invite a thorough insl Good Time. Every man, lady and boy should have a good time piece. Come and buy it of us as we have a large selection. If yotn' watch, clock needs repair bring it to us and we will put it in good or der. .We also have a nice line of Jewelry, Silver Wear and Glass. The Jeweler. Interest paid on deposits in the Savings Department at the rate of 4 per' cent. per anhumn from dato of deposit at OF~ NEWVBERRY, S. C. CAPiTAL - --$50,000 00 We transact a gencral Banking busi.. ness and solicit the accounts of Indi viduals, flims and corporations. D)1IREoTORS. Gro. W. SUMMERt. L. W. L'oy. GE~O. M. Mow uu- l'. C. SMorrnr 1". %. XVWILSON. WV. i. j UN'P. JNO. M, KINARDU, Preident,. 0. B. MAYER, %A. F. WRIJGH T Vice-President. Cashir. Spri m Sr \t - - -- \' lhV sides or ill the IlOad-piccoC, giving SHOULD BU t THE DIXIE. 0 (~~ ) having a ioad piCco 5 feot square iir rvadily v:ieap eN, andc the not being f bod tiho cool air easily rushes in to gt4lio cord at tho foot of the bod; the (ular poitsition against the hoad-board. part. of t ho root, for vc ntilation or I an ornamont to ia room, draping as o curtain d<.0s oni a window. Sa';o by 08( Ae4h. OO WiL a complete line of the igoods to be had in the lans, &c., &c., at prices which are io goods. B. Corsets. Wo undoubtedly carry no in this city. We are always in havo been obliged to acknowledge Jorsot, the most popular in America. usiory. We have all tizes, styles and Department ltest and most fashionable styloe. Pect ion. Como and see us. Take an EASTMAN KODAK with you. Your vacation or trip will be many times as satisfactory if you have a good Koda1k to take pictures of the dlifloent scenery. If you1 wvant a perfect Pen buy W atorman's Ideal Fountain P'on, the standard of perfection-sold at a fair price--absolutely guarantoed.. Ii also sell the Edison Phonograph. There is no amusement of modern times that equals the Phonograph. They wdll record and reproduce hu man, speeches. They wvill record music and reprouce it afterwards. They will repeat what has been played, sung or sp)okon by others to the machine. You can have your frionds sing or sp)eak in the machine and reproduce it many years after wards. H-am mocks and pictures of all kinds and at all prices a specialty. JTRfYES' BOOK STORE. THE NEWBERRY Land and Security Co. WILL, BUY AND SELL Notes, Bonds and Mort Stocks ofa