Knights of Pythias, casLtl? XEIa111, Newberry Lodge No. 75. ST A T 1, D C()NVENTIONM OF this Lodge will ho held tho 2nd and 4ti Tuesday nights of each m11on1th at 8.00. Visiting Knights cordially welcomied. THIOM. E. EPTING, K. of I. and S. Crotwell Hotel Building. NEWIERitY MARKET. Corrected every Tuesday and Friday by Summer ilros. M eat. ... ....................... 8( 9c. Shoulders .......................... He. Hains. ..... ................... . . 1-. Best Lard .............. ........... 10(a01lc. Best Molasses, new crop...... 60c. Good Molasses..................... 26@50c. Corn ................................ .. 75c. Meal ...... .................... 70c. Hay .......--- .... .............. $1.10. W heat Bran........................ $1.25. 1st Patent Flour............. $4.75. 2nd Best I"lour.................... $4.25. Strait Flotu ........................ $4.00. Good Ordinary llour...........$3.25@3.75. Sugai........ ............. 6( 1c. Rico.................................... 618ic. Colfe........................ 10 a15c. Cotton seed meal, per sack... 1.25. tBale Hulls, per ewt........... .35 . Country Produce, Butter, per lb ..................... 15(a)20c. Eggs, per dozen ...............2a)13c. Chickens, each................... 15a25c. Peas, per bushel.................. t.0. Corn, per bushel.................. 70c. Sweet potatoes .................... 50(a60c. Turkeys, per lb .................. 6( 8c. Fodder, per cwt .................. $1.00. Notice to Advertisere. Change of advertisements not receiv cd the day previous to issue of paper will not be changed until the next issue. Only 50c. For ice tickets good for 100 pounds in pieces of not less than 5 pounds, at Ice House. f&t 3t S. B. Jones. M1ch Cow Wauted. That will give three gallons per day. it B. C. Matthews. Meeting of Ladie Commuilttoo of Charleston Expositlon. The next meeting of the Ladies Coin nitee of the Charleston Exposition will be held at the residence of Mlrs. James McIntosh at 5 o'clock Monday after noon. The members are urged to meet promptly at this hour. MRis. JAIMES MCINTOSII, Chairman. A Surpriso. The friends of Miss liertha Blease and Mr. Julius Elison were surprised to learn of their marriage at Smyrna Wednes day evening. They drove out to Smyrna and were married by Rev. 1). J. Black well. After the ceremony had been performed they went to' Helena and boarded the 10:15 train for Columbia, and from there to Union the next day, which is Mr. Elson's present home. Monoy to Loan. On long time and easy terms, secured by first mortgage on implfrovod real estate. Apply to Hunt, Hunt & Hun ter, Attorneys at Law. ft&f The Beat Prescrliptioni for Malaria L Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No euro, no pay. Price 500. D)rug Store Changes Han's. Mr. Win. G. Mayes, one of our most enterprising busIness men, has bought Mr. Reeder's stock of drugs, and will taka3charge of the store in a few days. Mr. Mayes has been. connected with D)r. Gilder's drug store for several years and1( understands the business. Dr. E. M. Stevens, of Elberton, Ga., V will have charge of the prescrip)tion department. Dr'. Stevens is an honor graduate from the Maryland College of Pharmacy. Spring time is a good time to cl oanso your liver. Try Palmetto Liver Medi cine. 10c. at Dr. Van Smith's Drug Store. ly Peace Bond Not Requir'ed, On Saturday last the sixteen citizens of Nos. 6 and 7 townships, against wvhom a warrant was sworn out some -time ago, because they had attempted to remove some objectionable charac ters from the community, appeared be fore Magistrate Williams at Harmon, S. C., and after speeches were made by Fred 11. Dominick for prlosecution and Cole L. fllease for defense, the magis trate discharged the defendants with out rcquiring a peace bond. Stops the Uongh and Works off tihe Vold Laxative Br'omo Quinine Tablets cure a cold In one day. No cure, no pay. Price 25 cents. Frequent headaches are often caused by a disordered liver. Try Palmetto Liver Medicine. 100. at Dr. Van Smith's Drug Store. ly Swindlers Receive Their Just DeSerts The gold brick men wh,o swindled Mr. D. H-. Wheeler, of our county, out of $7,000 several year's ago, have at last -been caught and tried and justice has been meted out to them. The tr'ial was a long one, lasting four. days. The sentences of the pretended minor and and o of his accomplices--1 years, the full limit of the law, and the other accomplice gets seven years. An ap peal for ball was granted, and bail of $5,000 each for two of the prisoners and $3,000 for the ether has been allowed. Up to the present they have raJt boon able to give bail.. Palmetto Liver Medicine may sa"e you a spoil of sickness. Take it in time. 10o. at Dr. Van Smith's Drug Store. - ly VARIOUS ANI) ALL ABOUT. Mr. A. S. Nunamaker, of Loxington county, is in the city. Miss May .Donnald, of Greenwood, is the guest of Mrs. J. W. White. Miss I ula Jones who has been teach ing at l asly has returned home. Miss Sallie SCott, of near Wlitmires is visititing relatives in the city. Miss Gertrude Harms, of Savannahl, Ga., is the guest of Miss Julia I'aisley. The visitors for Newberry College commencement are beginnuing to come i. A lecture tonight at s.3io o'clock by Rev. Bun Kishi, at Central Methodist churchl. ~ltr. J. li. Ogden, who has been mrposes at tf WooLon's. i.IC lit Ii: TON I(II'T At Uvittri l i ettiI t (tnrehl by liev. 1unn. iUshl. Rev. Bun Kisli, who will deliver a lecture tonight at S.:(0 in tho Central Method jit Cllurch on Custoiis of Japan and Religious Needs, is it native of Jap an and has worked his way through Emory College, and since lie has his education will return to Japan and preach tho Chriatian religion to the Japanese. We publish tuo tcstimotnials from good mten. To Whom it lay Concern: This is t. cert,ify that Mr. Bun Kishi, at native of .i l)1 a, has been a student In Emory College. lie is a Christian man tnd is seekitg tn d-ducation in order to prepare hiiself for missionary work among his l)colel. li has con(lcted himself with great lrolriety while among us, and has shown great dili gence and nplitude in his studies. I cheerfully coinumii'nd him to the confi dence of any coinnlunity which he may visit., lie desires to spend his vacation in talking to the people about his own country and its need of the gospel; whatever nmav le given him will be cheerfully received and faithfully used in the proseention of his studies next year. Very tfrily yours, C. E0. I )W\MAN, President. To Whom it Mlay Concern: The beare hereof, M r. Buni Kishi, is it young gentlc nIan from Japan, who has been a rtctdent in Emory College during the pat two years. Ilo has dis tinguished himself as a student, and de ported himself as a christian. Being entirely dependent upon his own efforts to provide for his collegiate expenses, he proposes to lecture during the sum mler of 1901. 1 commend him Its worthy of conlfidenco 11ud esteem. \V. A. CrANDLRu. Cheap Rates on Sotlihorn Itail Road. Hundreds of most deligtful summer resorts and summer homes on the line of the Southern Railway quickly and comfortably reached. Ashville, Ilot Springs, Tryon, Hon dersonvillo Warm Springs, Lithit Springs, Isle of Palms, Cumberland Island, Old Point Comfort, Virginia leach, Buffalo Lithia Springs, Virginia Jiet Springs, White Sulphur and Look out Mountain, "The Land of the Sky," "The Sapphire Region" and many other nearby and distant mountain re treats. Southern Railway also offers superior service and accoiodations to reach the Great Lake region, the Alleghany and Adirondack Moulitains. Low round trip rates. Summer Tourist rates to Southern coast resorts-the Isle of Palms, S. C., St Simons and Cumberland Island, Ga., Pablo Beach, Fla., Morehead City, N. C., etc. Tickets now on sale. For detailed information apply to any agent of the Southern Railway Com pany. W. 11. Tayloe, A. G. P. A. Atlanta, Ga. J. A. BURTON, Agent. Cheap Riates--Chaoice of Routes by soatbo-rd Air Inom Railway. The Seaboard A ir' Line Railway, the short line from all points in South Carolina to Buffalo, N. Y., offers a choice of routes to the Pan-American Exposition of all rail via Washingtoni, or via Norfolk and thle famous steamer lines diverging from that p)oint. .With its magnificienut Pullman car service and through vestibuled trains it insures a comfortable, safe and quick trip. Round trip) tickets from all p)oints in Sout,h Carolina on sale AprIl 30th to September 30th inclusive, good for re turn passage until November 3rd, 1901, $37.10. Tickets on sale AIpril 30th un - til further notice at rate of $33.13 limited to fifteen days from date of sale. For anly further information address Mr. Butler, Jr., ]Division Passenger Agent, Savannah, Ga., G. McP-. Blatto Travelling Pasenger Agenlt, Colum bia, S. (2.; R. E. L. Bunch, General Passenger A gent, Portsmout,b, Va. Yours truly, G. McP. l3attc, T. P. A. Eve Come eatab] Raistons Health Oats are the nicest we know. We rec ommend this creamy cereal. 2 lb. package 15c. Purina H ealth Flour makes brain bred. Milled of preferred whole wheat. 112 lb. anck 50c. Corned Beef H ash just fits the appetite. Ready for the ta ble in a minute. Try it. 1 lb. dnns 20c. Baked Beans always come in handy. Those are particularly good. Our price per can but 15o. N. B. McCartia Newberry, S. C Uhntm i , Cl arlidte, INr+e n Cir tr Eitt er to You on at Uutntaty Exhh,it for Ntw borry Counly. Mr. 11. A. ('arlisle Chairman of the Newberry County Conunissioners for the Charleston exposition published In the Observer of yesterday the follow iig to the farmers of this county: To the Farmers of Newberry County: As chairman of the (halrlestonl exposi tion, I take this means of calling upon you to begin the preparation of fa rmi products for exhibit at Charleston. The exposition opens on December 1. 1901. All farm pro";ucts included in the county exhibits will he shipped free. The wheat and oat crops now being harvested sho''ld receive your atten tion. It is the interest of every pro gressive farmer to make an exhibit of these crops. Nelect now from the best of your wheat and oats inl one or moore bushel lots. Also select a dozen sheaves or bundles of the hest of ench and pre serve them in as good condition as you can. See your townshit) commissioner and have hlim to assist you, and notify me that you will take or have already taken steps to get up the exhibit.. A room will be prepared at. Newberry for the collection of all e.,i bits. The farners are also iirged to make preparations to ltake exhibits of all other crops, especially corn, tobacco, rice and potatoes. Send me your names and also state what you x peet to exhibit. I call upon the township commis sioners to render me assistance in thi matter. ''heir naies and townshiu are: T. C. Pool, O. It. Mayer, No. 1: . WV. Keitt, N). 2; W. 1I Oxner; No. 2 . C. Carlisle, N o. .1: S. i. A ull, N o. : W. C. Peterson, No. (: G. T. Itcid, No. 7: W. 1. 1lerbert, No. S: 11. C. Moseley, No. 9; T. .1. Wilson, No. 10: John A. Cromer, No. II. A full list will be published later of all articles which we wish put on ex hibition. Let us all act and act quickly and vigorously in getting up exhibits. M. A. ('AnIsr:, Ch'n of Con. for Newberry county. Yout Know What You Aro Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the fomular is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply I ron and quini in a taste less form. No Cure, No Pay. SOc. AdvertIKed Letters Roemaining in the postoillee at Now berry, S. C., for week ending May 25, 1901: 1B-Mrs Maria Baxter, John M Bak or, Jr, Miss Jennic Bowers. C-MI iss Cora Carter, Sumter Coalte. 1- James B. Epting, Mlary Edwood. 1"--J M Floyd. G-Mrs dallic Glenn, Robt Grilin. I-Fanny Harris. J-Lizzic Jyles, Menirva Jones, K-Elvia King, Nancy Kinard, Fan uie Kinzie. M-Maycre Maker, Celia Means. N-Metter Nance. P--Dan gerph ill Parker, Fanniec Pe t crson, Etter Peaster. Rt-Jannic Rulf. T-Mr's Lula Thomnas. W-Miss Nannice Willis, Thompson Whitener. Persons calling for these letters will p)lease say they wCirc advertised. W. Y. FAlEn, P.. M. Jun13 3, loo1. enVios Two F"roan D)eath. Our little dlaughter had anl olmost fa tal attack of whooping coughi and bronl chItis," wvrites Mrs. W. K. i faviland, of Arimonk, N. Y., "bhut, when all other reedies failed, we savedl her lifo withI Dr. King's New DI)scovery. Our niece, who had conitUmptioni in anl advainced stage, also used tis wondeIrful modi clne and to-day sho is perfectly well. Desperate thrPoat anld lung l)e. and $1 a box, l for $r:. Sent by m01l. S:nllpt' free. 1IN"I'.\II.NT I' ..t'. .\ND ;>101' ( ()TiI' I'.\TIIiN t ur d, l'tl4,I'it' } reVnt' l ed,. hy 3.1llutnl''- Ii\.'Ive l llrt- the t'r(ent ltverluand;;tomnath l:t'gulatttrand Bilood I'urilie'. Small1I mihl a:1t1 Ileasa t, to take: especialv adlap teld (or child ren's use. 0) doses 2,'. (; i lleli''. CL'urIle' )rug Store Sole Aents, Newherry. Htt ie McIver Leaven cB, M.i1 O lllllllS Collcuc, Richi0ioiid, Vad INSTRU I NTAL MUSIC. Studio over Mower's Store. School opens September Ist, 1901. Terlii- 2.5O ]t 8 I11*Jll 4 jFounded 1842. 4A q ' Sing their own praise." Sold direct from the f q c t ory. Comparison spealks louder than tes timonials. Stieff pi anos "sing their own praises." Order one on trial or for cornpari son and you will buy the Stieff. Old i ns tr um ent s taken in~ exchange. CHAS. M. STIEFF, Piano Manufacturer, Baltimore, Md. Nor. & So. Carolin a B ra n ch Wareroom, 213 N. Tryon St., Charlotte, N.C. C. H. WILMOTH, Manager. if you are in need of a stylish and service able waist look at the beautiful line of silks in all the newest shades at The Riser Millinery Company's. Teacher Wanted. rpIrI' iA TiW)NS A N I) T~i8'':ST1 C . ofthe Vaughnv ill s "ijSchool will mee ct at, the s,chIool hou44e on WridaIy, 2XthJune 14, to)(' eect a tAecher:1. 4alaryT $0 por' mon0th: term) six or seven monl04ths. A\ ppliceants apply to ei ther of uinder '1nd. I. M1. SRlN , J1. WV. MATI'lII'W5, I t-a-w 30t Chira 13 4I4 oard. ( THE NEWBERRY Land alid Security Co. Notes, Bonds and Mortgages. Stocks of all kinds and Real Estate. JNo. M. K(INAIW 800, tind T1ran. Teacher 'Wanted. r['3H[E PA'T1(ONS OF MTi. P'1L I;I M . School District v:.ill meet on June 27th, for the pur pose of clocting ai teach er', for the ensuing scholastic year. T1Imeo of school, six or seven months, Fir1sLt GradeCICj) rqired aIpplicat4,1onsI dl rcted( to G. F'. STOOKC M A N J. W. IIA RTMA N, Proapnrity, . C. Two luldred bushels of po. tatoe, remolcvc eighlty pc>omuls of "actual"Potash from the soil. U ;less this quantity " returcd to the soil, *- the llowing Crop will ti 111iaterially de,,creasc. .KAI,l W'O(KS COMPLETE Power Plant For Factories and Mills. C(rliHS, Autonatuic, I'lhin sido Valives. I Ioatur:., and P'umps). 'SAWV \III,iS; Fromn s1iI'tl I l>tlatonl miill, to tho hieavies t mtills inl t1h iitmrkc't. . Liii ow w ;, :;. C. CALL ON US DURING COMMENCEMENT. O)ur lc C r ( ncm110 P, 1lavorcdci with STI'R.\WV13.:lIlIY, I'.1;ACII ll TUT Il F ''IT1, V'ANIL1,A are Iiico aind d1(licious. 'oiu icn get, tle Inost rofros,ing drinks ti the Now ONYX fountain at PELHAM'S Depai ment nit t he ai ce of 4 per cent. per anlliini frmii iai ' itf depo.sit at CAPITAL - - - $50,000 00 \Ve trans~net o gneral llank ing bus ii ness~ t nd siolici t the nlecoun ts.- of indi. v iduoals, Iirmuse andi orporat ions,. I'. Z. \VvnLSON. \V. II. lIIU' . .1 NC. Al , 1K I NA I I) l'reslident. Vice-l'resident. Cashier. BTA -t~T E (ESTAB LED I I7, coltions. Bl Coresodenco solcitd Dapsitsallowed-- nteres--a150 h00 rat0 ofu4pus cand Po anu from8da5.8o depoitialc Intretcryatbth Jana1t and July hit of cace year. M. A. (1A R LisA., Prest. TI. S. DUNCAN, Clashior. J. W. M. SIMMONS, Aest. O'r