If. I1. AITIAI. E.DITO,U. Wo hiti t in' vol a1nt t'r Ii roimien wel collo to Nowlrr)(y. It is not notos Sary 1tha1 wo Shouldl dot this for onl evory . sid-) in every ftw they will soo that thly are aowolvomoit, m11)l oir poo plo will ima1kt1 tililm fool wom(1011o very Soon aftor thloy arrive. W r i divulging io secret wheti wo sav that Nowberry eApoets to mak thi. on of tlt) bost and mosi plasaint toilrlnalieits vor held lby tit 1i tir 11n011 ill this Stato. Wo Wanti thisiilti,mnt fol at h1ome11, and \\0 laranite Lth our tit, laddios will do a1 tho : can to make it p olnt for Ot e c i'itel and1 wvo :io tgn y' : mC :'at I !t* c iti.'nlsn tn ~ZU1il i) V. 'pRt wt th s n MO W tlo ia-Z so.- tht, tilE sh'N.4voliR. (ievornier 3te'weeO\' il S ot t lie 1 gliatiMoWAs of t i1l t %V0 SOltt baAk to thmilt atid asokti 0ho to con1 sitlor (li, uiattor fii-thor. lil niot h r co0umn wo publisl t ho roply of Son ator Tilhnan to th0 (lOv0rnor'S lot tor, in whiell1ho s1l\-, thlat "ini dio clining to ncpt" t' (li overnor Is "t rana'netltd hi Is aut liont y," antd fi rt her thitt ho "catinot compl ia imemillbor of the Unitdt Statos Seinatk to hold his commissioi and exorciso the functions of that olick, if lit' thoomiIH to surronder it." Sonatoi ei1-11)rin k rly has 11ot yOt, bool r,eivOld, but. lit. is alrvady suid thalt lie wouli "witildraw his resig. niatio if (lovoriior. MSwoonvy hIS r1qut.1 Itd it." Of courst if tilt' Soliators inlqist upon their resignitions tho (lovtrior cannot compol tholm "to hold thevir coililissions itl oxorciso the futiC tions of that offico." Nor ean niv onle olso, uand n0 ono will try to iimakO them do wo. Any man has t right to rosign any olico at, any tino lit sos lit, but. in resigning he has no right to dictato that, Ie or any ont olse shliall bo h is succossor. h'llo wholo of (lovernor MSwooney's lot. ter wits nothing but. a request that the genitltein should consider ft coi.nequeneosn of theuir puorilo act adsave t ho people from bit tor anid heated polit icail camipaignl tis year, and ho furt her said thait if the resig ntions wo'ro insisted upon thtey would bie accepted and he would ap point. men to fill out the unexpi rod termus until the next meeting of tho Legislature, when that body coul then take such act ion as it miight deemu proper. There is nothing in Senator Tfill mia's argument in favor of the primary this year. Thle main reasoni lie gives is that at t ho next session of Congress "the patr1 iots will t hen antd there inaugurate a st ruggle for the restoration of the old lanmarks and the preservation of our free in 5tituitionis," and will "need every voie and vote that c'an be hiad.." For thin reason ho thinks that Mc.Laurin should be put out of thle Senate be conso ini that fight he will vote with the republicans, it in true that iln the past, wvheni voting on party is sues wvas clone, that. McLaurin's vote has bocon valuable to thoe Robai-i eans, but the Senate is now moi'e than safely Republican and wvill con tinue to be so for the next eighteen mionths. and McLiaur in's vote on either side would not amount to anythimg. The old time bluff aind cheap bravado and the "ipso dixi" of Tillman may be plainly seen in ev (try line of his letter. And then if Tillman is so anixiouls to enter a campaign with MoLaurin as his opponent lie could resign when the time comes for the election of a man to succeed Mc Laurin and then enter the race, But he knows that if lie can force a primary upon the people this summer it will only do cide the popularity of the two men, and that he will certainly win and that then is dictatorial power would be considered greater than ever. Bat it seems that his wishes are likely to be thwarted. No definite opinion, however, cani be formed' until McLaurin's reply has been received. The matter is now in his hands. The Governor's action seems to inxeet the hearty approval of the. peo. ple throughout the State. Ittl 11(l Nows tos iia,o it t vlaIss P'rIvato stieittal-y to t1,ovolrlimr M\e Swool'wy, but asA at politival teachor atldt pro4;1h1(t, 1141 i- "Ik eol0 11 ' 0118, for tas do." It is ind od lIi ingi,II; to soo smo editors tiy to j11up otn whIat te 1hinlk is the( popularll sidt, lit if thov don't ind1, instoni of hunding o1 It rok, thtirl. feot will strtike' ii l'huti pool, thou r \iiwi! l ti dit wit h stIatrs, ad lth basiN Ito 0 M" Nvth i~ 111 ltl. kwst ii1wz Th'loe 111tahl and N t,w.., usual211 vai cos voV andt :wn:sIblo nm%\"PAPOV, has jolitI tht' pornhar claimlIo. to wi111th" h wVig I tlrs suittt d to lbi ns11 0 slui Ip of.a l" A dI t ; but o ur ft iad. t i,b tltor of the lht, I toftore !-t'I l 1 0 \ :-I\N ip o1 Is I IN g Ill11 Ck, Init , . -i. t1ral hit l i t sait o air NVit I th, e .r of V!h Stat. and1 pas ,1 h n a hai ,:tm A ti0aof 11 Aiv o . nnIp te . 1 0 1 N IF.. tis :actount2 e s iu toe t ioit' o il l t hof ilt f t hocroatie paty, itth hopef otinu 1,alit", w*01 ill s aM iek Ir if NYi 1111stak it killt, wt AI I 131 l t 1YtII* lItIt.1 A L at 1111 Slo 'Ipp'jol-t or. It ' posil, ht w t hei m-coliit ho ip oiial sh to o Ck Ili1*1t7t friItII( oi -t,u ill hI o f atppoilkth'd ro01 Of 111011ito 0 o- f0 l ilt' I 11iotI-it tit, pal-tv, wvith Iiii hollo Ita is nlilod to order Ivxt Mity. .1tut ( tloizilis 1111ltifn ng hot I1 1ta i tls litl (olu11i11bill, Alltl Aull try). iIg; to swapi) thom o lT for 'WIiN wNIrIt"t ill the ) ilth Plirk, vilI in ()ll opinion provo prolitivs!; to tit4 I thrift y .1aatimwr. Antill wvIll ronalizo that N1txieca". c"Opiie illos, adt ( Itnln11ISSIMlIS Oil Villan't'd photo f alill" tit 11 ill ilmro divitboils to 1 atimot tI tail placing his hopl for Senatorial itllors In the linis of two olitori who uidortak to stop ITHsol alid allkrgilmlenOlit by tII0 satuI0 0Iloto s that at sti-vailli (f wattor mayI) be stoppold by ill daming it, but. it tiakts somIlethiig klso besides datktk - ing to stop the flow of arguent and It is indeti pailfill, alid as wo wri to our eos alro buitni Ig wvith1 Itars, to two and raoI i zO t hat our. fritid Auill hts btt'nl (nticid aI 1str1av by t hat cunning tlonzalos of tho C1ol1mbill State; it is m1ortifying to have~ outr hiopes so ignomniniously erushiod by thoso we love. But we had fears of this, and for t hat roa. sonl we0 bOgged antd pleaded, exhort ed aind prayed wvithI t ho Newborry had, not to falil into haid company when ho renehohld the meotropolis. I lowever, not wit hstanding our warn ings, boeocings, enitreaties and pratyers, t ho glittoring onticemeniotts of city life wore touo tempting for our* uinsophiist iented coutry friend, he' has1 booni lured away from uIio paths of ret''tituido m wh'lichW w 0 so1 arefutlly lacehimt wuu ~ithI our ltssintg. It is ou r only consol at ion t hat as$ ion g as theore is lift' there is hiopo, andhi we will t hereforo koop onl snuilinig our canidle that our light may hold out to burn to guidlo his roturn. Wo are tol "while t hO 11am1P hols out to burn t ho vilost sinnr may r'o turn'u." We' enn1 not without a dos. porato st rugglo give him up, our boaurt blletds when wo think that ploor' Auill pious5 iln his inclinations and rearing, should leavo a happy country 110111 where more cranks hatve boon smitten by political fr'ost than1 any spot oni earth, to go to a city, '"the head centre of devil moncut,"' whoe sin is as thick as leave's on th1e trees, and fall inito t he hands of bunco-st'erors, and: alt houghi they have tticed him, through tho wick ed machliiitions of that imupious Gouzales, into the 81am11 paths thait lod poor Tray on to his~ isfortuneis we will continue throwing out our ''life line'' to him aud pray the tmoro earnostly to resceo him from that' grave yaurd [now marked by t he totmb stones of Moon, Pope, Jones, antd other Newberrians wvho woro war'ned and they heeldedl not..Man nmtg Timoi. The editor of The Herald and News haus beeni so mhuch away from home for the past two woeoks antd so ongressed ini other malitters that ho has had no opportunity to matke ito knowledgmonit to the editor of tho Manning Timues for the many niico things said in the above editorial. We (10 not care at this time to say more thtan that we appreciate the effort of our good1 frior.d itt throwing out his "life line" to save the poor country lad from te wiles of the politician aind the allurements of the city, and we hope thatt our dear good and wise Appot~ will not himself be lost in this effort. We have heard that there is such a man in the city of clumbia as the Time. names who ,. mmi.. of o- of l niv1:'-ipr'1 pb111bshod 0t0horo, but r olly w1 must allimit, that we have not tho plsulreo of his aicqula1111 lit anoe, fild titroforo it, is iticoliprollumibti lo to lit 11Iow lt volt'l' i v limiVay lot us a - t ra N-. I it faet wvo tiltmy t(, soft. im, . P'''hinIIIIt'It for wYeti linvoi IeithIer toll 'il'd list I'' lior 11ave wo walidt'r el (oi tho fohl, inid t ar iot fol lowing thwo who hanvo forgottonl tho ttlit'llinigs ,f thll- fathers4 amll Wall dtIr'd inito for-biiddI path s. \V( \V 1\ mui'lit'0 tem, lowe'volr, t hat our gool friot' Appolt has wanitred into thoe land of the I'laronhs, and' lSs Su011141 good Mosos arison to lel him. safly- css tho stroam -111l olut of tlt, dtsoi lite will perish in thit laud of the Egy-ptians. We hav not abus-d Mir. Mel an i,111 1101, 11IN-i N\tk littolvA 11.1 1111id 'I.1 about hi I iaI \' do not in. ttn, t A m.an ha1s a right to change his 1ind, and only a fool would Oon. t tN:1\ teslay t ho saime t ht ho lhiugh1t lnst wook or V. a, he wk er. cInll iin ed ho "en' uor.;:.sm toin' e o niet I( INi w,s urn he lit,s not : Ot,' chang hisf mind. utN nor slo w l'elie.i it is right to it people who neted him until th chal o their policy aId their plait foini. r. AlLau rini talks about a broaI statesmiuanshiip and l iberal views, in which w" believe, for no man wvho is narrow and illiberal is lit to repro hont a grat, peoplo in the groatest deliberativo body i th wiorld. But. wi would like to know in what way this bra10d litat1smsHIMhij) and the particular liberality ho is proclaim. ing aro going to help tho poplo of tlhiis Stato. Wo would liko to soo imt specify and not generalizo so much. To judge by the actions of the junior Senator it appears to us that his efforts aro mainly to build up a Hopu.blican party iln South Carolina, and that is a thing which under our prosent conditions would bo a calamity to the State. We are sorry to have given our friend so much troublo and to have caused him to shed so mnany tears, but wo stand in fear and trembling for his own safety and hope lie will not have to shed the tears of peni honce, but we do assure him when lie gets ready to return to his fath e'r's house9 and home we wvill place the ring upon hus linger and kill the fatted calf, andlt we trust lie will see the error of his way ore it be too late. Now, as to candidates we have none. We are not yet advocating any man and have no idea for whom we shall vote. 11.1, Wan4*teil for Ol,arleston ECxposittonl. Newblkerriana) CaneIitI Uponi to Assist. I wish to avail myself of this kind meidiumi to say3 a few words to the ladles of Newberry: Soei ii me sinrce, Newberry, as well as ether counties in the Stat.e, was in v.ited t.o take part in the Charleston iCx POsit ion. The women were aed to get up a special exhibit for the woman's dlepartmnlt-showing the people of our State anti sister' States-what our womenQI (can do in the way of beautiful handiwork. So far, there has been much interecst shownu by those who kindly took Part ini the noble effort to have ourk town and county represented at the IExposition. llut dear friends, our earnest, tiesire is, to get every one initerested in helping to make the cx hibtit worthy of our home11 anti that weo wvill take prido ini showing. lie not feel that it is the enterp)rise of a few, but that it, is a quest,ion of State iprido, andt the wo.'rk of each wvoman in the tow..n and county. Will you begin to day in some icco of work for the ox hilbit, and give the commit,tees (definite information as to w.hat you will make, 0or sond?-as we shall have to app)ly for spaZco and iless we know what wve are to have, can form no idea of space needed. You may not feel that you canl do much, but, give your best, how ever', small it, may seenm. Respond as liberally as you can, when called on for asslistaneo, and feol that you are doing youri part niobly in giving your cokrdial in'tecrest ,activye help and earniest co-opor ation. F'eeling sure that I have not ap pealed ln vain to your kindly and( gen erous ho 11. I aml, very truly, frs. James M. MeIntosh, Chialirman. A lleep Mystery. It is a mystery why women endure Backache, J]leadachie Nervonsness, Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fahtiting and Dizzy Bpells when thousands have proved that Electrie Bitters will (lulokly cure such troubles. "I suffered for years with kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Phebe (Jherley, of Peterson, Ia., "and a lame back pained me so could not dress myself, but Electrie Ditters wholly cured me, andl, althoughm 78 years old, I now am able to do all my huousework." It overcomes Conistlpa tion, imiproves Appetite, gives perfect health. Only nna at all drnelt.. Siiator Tillmani Stands Pat, IE l,ICCLINK T0 WITvIRlttai 1118 ItEH%UNATI0N AT 'itENT. Tih 141at, Mvtintor Iloplion to (lovernor Mc. swoottey'a L.etter Advistinig Viurt1wtr 'onpilet' t lon a211 D04,11e1nim to Accept thal 11(volgnvationm, [Speelal News and (ourlier.] 'ollbia, .1un1o I.--Sonlator TilhInaIIn waklnts to light. It out with Senator Nit Lriiit and jumpiis oil GovorniorA Mt Sweent'y for Iot. neceptin tle rosigna tions at. onve. lilis letter speakts for it self aid r'ads as follows: Trenton, S. C., Jtno 1, 11M1. Ills Excelleney, M les H1. MeSwoeney, t,lumibia, S. C. --Sir: I hav your let tmr of May 3t, addressod to Senator Nit'. Li,aurin and myself jointly, in which you say: "I respectfully return your resignations that you may have mloro time for serious oontideration of tho effect-s upon the people of the State of this action on your part," and further on. "I respectfully delino to necept, your re-signationsi andl leg to returnt themi hrrewith " Your Excelleney, of course, lia the riglt, and it is cntirely p1roper, to re i m lily resigiation anid advist.. llore serious consklor,atilon. In declininug to aNel'd, I Zi.am sure youl have trainsetiled your ant hority. It will take very little in- estigatioti amid reflection to convince yo of this. Y ou cannot compel a m11em1 ber of the I'nited Atates Senate to hold his commission atd exercise the fiune 1ions of that ofle if he chooses to sur renier it. My at-tiot in tendering iy rosignaltion, while hasty, was not. ill AiVistld, and 1 11111 irmIly convinced of tohe wisdom of ily course 11ponl rellec tion. i'ersoially I had nothing to gainl and 'verything to lose, and I did not feel the neved of further Instructions of vitileation because I had just been re elected by the people with practical unanimity. I offered to resign in order to bring about the resignation of my colleague and thus put us on a level, with equal rights to go before the peo ple and ask an endorsement of our re spective courses. While I would not appear, to pass ttrictures upon the reasoning set forth in your E1xcolency's letter, it seems strange that the Governor of South Carolina, just, returned from unveiling a monument erected by the State in memory of the "heroic soldiers who lost their lives in defence of principle," should be oblivious to the principle in volved in the iontest precipitated by our resignations. It Is also somewhat remarkable that you should ask the Senators who have resigned to take time to consider, when you yourself are reported to be ready to appoint two Senators in "two minutes and a half" after receiving an immediate resigna tion. Your conception of the office of Senator and its powers can be best understood by the case with wlich you think you could fill it. It was not my fault that an immediate resignation was not sent you. You declare that the "people are on titled to one year of peace and freedom f rom political battles and bitterness." I am ready to acknowledge tbhat this is very desirable, but our race has ever thought war preferable to dishonor, and unless I am very much deceived a large majority of the people of South Carolina would be glad of an opportun ity to punish treachery and have those principles and policies which they sup port loya!'y represented in the Congress of the United States. What you "con sider a calamity"' would be hailed by thousands as an opportunity to get rid of a traitor' who now in their opinion disg races the common wealth. I amn aware that there is a strong 01) p)osition in certain quarters to a cam paign in this "off year" to fill two va canies in the Senate. Many unthink ing citizecns do not know its importance. Many would be aspirants are not just yet ready for various reasons to enter the contest brought on so unexpectedly. It is not convenient or suitable, and, therefore, they have, no doubt, impor tuned your Excellency to await their convenience, claiming that it is for the pulbliO welfare. On the other hand, it might be re marked that the session of congress be ginning next December marks an era In the history of our Republic, and the patriots who will then and there In. aumgu rate a struggle for the restoration of tho old landmarks and t.he preserva tion of our free Institutions, will need every voice and every vote that can be had. The fact that the republicans have a good majority does not alter the ease In the least. The recent decision of the Supreme Court, promulgating the dlamnable doctrine that tbis Republic, whose bedrock principle Is "the con Bent of the governed," can acquire by conquest or purcbase territories and peoples, to be controlled and taxed without representation through "con g ressional absolutism" must be met and exposed, and plans must be laid for a battle to the death by the lovers of de mocracy and liberty against this heresy. An appeal against imperIalism, whichi Is no longer concealed or denied, mus't be made to the people, as it was miiado against the Dred Scott decision. And yet, with such a crisis at hand, a Governor of this grand old State ap peara willing to have the Stats misrep resented and its voice silenced, because Its two Senators stand on opposite sides of the question. One must be right 'and the oth'or wrong. Which Is it? The people alone can answer. I claim to represent the people and to vole their wishes. . The result of the Gaffney meeting had brought Senator McLaurin within roach ef his constituents, and I6 was to obtain this answer at onice that prompted my conduct at Gaffney They For Wedes We will sell ou Men 's, Bos' Wh Our entire st( St A big lot of Me Price 50 cts. Di Rememi THE HE could not get at him to administer a merited rebuke and punishment except in the way which was offered by our resignation. Your Excellency's action gives him a loop-hole of escape, and the censure or blame must rest where it belongs. There is nothing personal in my atti tude towards Senator McLaurin, though my language might indicate such feel ing, but I speak bluntly because I have been alwvays taught to call things by their names. Nothing but a sense of duty forces me to the course I have p)ursued. Material prosperity and pro. gress may be worth more than strict adherence to principle and loyalty to trust, but I cannot see it in that light. Holding this view I decline for the present to withdraw my resignation. It was tendered in order to secure the resignation of Senator McLaurin, and will not bo withdrawn until he shall have shown his unwillingness to let our pecople pass upon his condition this year instead of next. He declares in his latest interview that "liIe will speak on such invitations as he did at Gaffey when possible, and will not consent to any interference by Senator Tillmnan or anybody else." Whether or not Mr. McLaurin will be allowed to do this re mains to be seen. If the people have a right to hear him the same people have a right to hear me and others. He no longer seems to have anxiety about his health, and if allowed to speak by him. self rather enjoys the prospect. I am, sir, your obedilent servant, BENJAMIN RYAN TILLMAN. Notio of Filal Setleoment an DIliarge. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will make a final settic mont upon the estate of James N. Lips comb, deceased, in the Probate Court for Newberry, S. C., on the 81st day of May, 1901, and will immediately there afte apply for a final discharge as ad J. C.. GOGGANS, Clerk, As Administrator. Good Time. Every man, lady and boy should have a good time piece. Come and buy it of us as we have a large selection. If your watch, clock or jewelry needs repair bring it to us and we will put it in good or der. We also have a nice line of Jewelry, Silver Wear and Glass. The Jeweler. rwo Days! tay and Thmmd&y r entire line of md Childreq's Colored Suits at olesale Cost. ck of40mv raw Hats Pwill be sold at just HALF PRIC n's and Boys' Belts just receive,. -ring this sale 35 cts. er This sale e'lasts only WO DAYS. I E S 0 I AD TO FOOT CLOTHIF' BEAUTIF Organdies, Lawns, Swisses, Laces, Embi Commencement Dresses. Bunting for decorations for Firemen's T1ouri.i Elegant line Curtain Swiss by the ydl., andl < by the pair. All these goods at reduced prices. .Our ready-made Waists and Skirts are perfectly in quality and style, while the prices are so much lowv you have any idea of, See them. Great values in ready-made Sheets, Pillow Cases, &c. In the Gents' Furnishing Department you will find the best 50c. Shirt to be had. That $5.00 Suit has been reduced to $4.50 for the spot cash, but you must come soon for they are nearly -out.--The "Bostonian" is as good as the best. Guaranteed. Try them. Money is scarce and our prices have been reduced accord-~ mngly. We want your business.4 Yours truly, S. J. Wooten. HAVE YOU SEEN THE Reloble Eg*-Cormer? On every Cash purchase to amount of $5, the BEEH BA RGAINS offers to s FREE OF Our offer isli More goo That's your