The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, May 10, 1901, Image 2

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T , '.L I t-. r. I v~ lit n t V, I .i ndI1u b tsint:,. I Cn 'C',~ ~ ~ I;i 1 N',1iI th r . u u !i :i 1 - r1 u o r r!n e oI r ~~ pPt..o V I. ,Ih O; I . - I to tr AMYde ioN tIi t-~ I t r Mc- it t 1 NV I I A: 1 y - 19il I u r 9 "h b fr t:: .l I at I (9 r -1 rty H~ ''9: r u99 r' . h:l:(:v. ic he a~ * h (' t .1, i ut ve*t a:1 ll Jo lr .i : 'elf wit theM 'her i :ty. Itj 1 true " th t 9 i'- t b, re wer ai g,. , : u r LI 11 j: i ofu the th r Ir Il t', w ie o v .1"th re, '.Vom Uf co : 'l(a <.1ea rh u p r r-, art C o J f thi ty e1 cL u i 1ev :.evr *Main bt pu n el th lIp1 e of I sier:r, a:tl ' e uLo - t even2 Itti 7 a po,l9i:aL; p :.E(l 22 . 1 Wr.5 Mfs re. to i seri..- ly iL .liT oEi try 2 ctLiJ wogh. Sre afrof tht hi LoneCn 1 nee ed realizeli1l It is (a lto tle h.::. ig ut v t on Le e Ld r.:o the fic~ D:r toe: rhi inkg Cen. lA fw iu:re touldep: suc a Hispten woLard th. "tLe peoplte wholeut Catrof oi t u :w by d thius tim tha e lI. canoWe boug~that." h Som of1ir thf hae Seven wealkuned in lthe Iir fith t.: dtteem toe bemouead toet ton the lothersie o the fe i nce et f xte gothood io on A few b-:,r bloers sue an etcelnt McL a' art.gv fiore the whle. Ter of thato ninehl discused niew epubli ciatn arty. nstoiciae t Wer hopd that thenewsmes tof joie State come hre theirtr tem .>aten thefireman' teouraent teheld meber the ta t Asof net on ot. Tooy pilze haeoedn arange for the res.o ThewSouth numbers whod honor the teamsnto jin.dcm ee n ne h ciatinrot h y aill be welcomed warml thi tme peopl of redberry, gatherof wof o the ofunrteer has exceeded all expectations, and they are having a good time and be. inig handsomely entertained by the city. Hampton and Gordon and Walker are all there, and when they I resl e r ths I I -IFer. n W eInes. r I Iiht the nt hul i:'SII of t ho cro. lw 110 bounds. E. pecialIy wastis tellave'wbo-n 111am1plon ap eos: lhfole thmll nd satil that I1o :I .:A !'-t a sic I ("I to svo thel"I 3:i t:: t tLeml (Ace Dnoro. IL is still S 1u1h (h(.oliI."s Fwro both in war p:-lIct. andl will Ilways.,: 1 : I h i' [h. a ut Me 1.":nc n.l-w .1 1lk- to 5i' M e . ' 8 n f ls:m. Th nie e r: ' cuI iw, do -uih theyv were C N ." n7V 1:1II I-n' rapport.- Now. : , -I f,.r ip%rt to: i Ib II the A . f 'rya I, n ot In t % -: ;at e lM n b J:,1.n iil McIaurin rIe ),r ei ty N. r C.t o 1. ( 2r'. p rOy 'it it r a tuv.n T.--v I~~ v I~ -I . I I . a:'I i M z .I 2IVc I ~ ~ ~ U e I,Itt.8.1 1 r qtrc(t 1)(01 . The aiewp I- ver prm-i* ander rn.o lat :.da at M *. t :n to a rb -rai-Un el-ar h InE - i V-.o m: ttn are ini .. e. J Li.l - 'r - *bo : ' w w e n .art ita coAd C.nal. the ..\V eo; t: diers~ frc tis to i- thmtme nd tola We hertilyagre with the 8 bar.: cJitor viror theigo a' r :: o'.dU odiers who ar nthi to :: t:r themse lves. Oneo thes t;ta.e ight I" have gver aseenis iPieteso hii way to thei' poor houe. T .-rew!: b a tlg eropf1 prng eb.: \n.- h thereitor andre act hes May The lera: and tew edecigof e hi:- o tare.swh Puck.o ...o.. ld t s In Naews.r ce Mr. Edi itor:iCi W'iyallow uis act to repres ent hour to ihe yoorhcount. Th cityC wsbn a boom row. The prnen cotto mil ha starte upin and we wist Mr.; T.'L R. e aookk~,epertor gel G.eldvil Mtg.ll you Lallow sige s Mor.p J. nt orown in. har acepted poition is bonk-keeper for. the Gold ienP it har:sfatrg Cop andy. i if youie wat o no aytin5aou God'. con:ry ask.b Mr.e N.c; r: forlock, poei ian tell youe .i th atew slone Mr. J1. S. Hl'wk has bee sic adayc osio His manyfriendsr wih thim Col R'!emembe~ifr ehav prebnahngnh let and vii 4th t S nays Boys,hin bon'tg Mr J Shing, hi but nosicko chureb Mir. Jim Milama, of South street, wasi seen up in the business part of towna yesterday. Mr. D). F. Copeland was in town this weekI. Mr. Fr-ank 'Webb returned to his post of duty last Monday. We wish to see him back. If you want to have some fun just go enipo hunting with the boys, but they all want to drivo3 now. Mr. J. N. $high will bring ln lisa good lady this week. We wish the young couple a long and happy lIfe. * * JReautiful ready-made linen skirts 50c 75e., *1.00 anid better at WVooten'M I f Till: M:N Wo WI L GET TilE CicoSS ES OF HiONOR. The Meinbers (of atmp linitiliton niva thie sols Who itccIcve Thuemll. (TIhe State, tth.) aw i givel tie roll of the mnem h. f Camp Ilauton and the eldest of dr VOL-.er1n6 who will re - Sh lthcrn Croo-s of honor to cor.fcrr-l by the Dau-hters of the C J at 'in wood this after Moore, A. G. i Jen . c'. Manning, Wade 11 . G Ie . 'Mooitn Tho-, S. ia n. \\'m. '. dourv, I . I I'rM01-L. D'rtvh Brown. A ignis Ma'. rtin Robert F. Mr . .A. MAiis, John br.nter, iN. \\. Nunamaker . C. >ryan, I.. 11. Netle . Ciarke-,. 1 l'. Riee .rd )fl WAL ,O*i. pbell. .1. S. Ra l,B A ('a,tweli. Patrick lv dcligc ". J. ('at be-art. W in. .1. Stork X t ' a: -. I i-o n !to1. 1(1oh J. CIA 1 1Wte" , Da Vid %aI ,o,W. a,Chan. M1. Starln- 'X. D. I %xV. II s..ier W H. IDatlap. W. 11. t-inith, C. MI. luv a n A. C. Stratton S. r inniken, 1). 11 Shand, Iobert W. -'.1U, John Wi . Stanly J C. Graham, J. G. Taylor John. Go] %vyn ('. T. Titylor I W. Glbbs, W . 11. Nv -. II. Gr. i fi, J1. .. allac W[n. G inar d J. . lliails. V. I!-. (, . Wzdkei C. Jivin listi . W . IE. N atL 1 T . !le'nb -, lenry J. N a'- J It I1 f, r, ( ). P. I . J ). v o 1 P . 11nnin %-, It. II. DOB s-, Thcoclore 1K 4 . .1). Al --in. Win. l t ts. S. nv, S. i id L, _arc, T. 1irwick X az.11, E. . I.wrr..W,X. BA. >.'ltr,John 1.-~~ -.n -:. s Dots froin St. llips. I 11Y:,rc take peasure in writiug t:i tlu lerald aq I have L,ard the .''ein.-juiring about old Feather t, We arc Vlad to report that there I.-,- ti((n aitncw -torc opened up i n our *,wn. Tlie opcniDg was it grand sight. !,oodN arrived about fve k. in.. it L-,:tii ahcut th,ree a. in. to gret rt, ftor the next rv)rninj . The the doors were throw ipr to the .i. I .o Nveathcr Ei'ns ver strange this mii'I h ave heardi old people say never saw uh weather be. !,,* i ahmozt like winter tim. , r;-. . v peopQ:c had to plaut their cotton (i of the vouug gmirth of our town 1:;-t be verN pol-uWar, having four itto WalC tear SisChMe to us on the t%w.enty tiatant that Mr. nV. J. Sheal. had i ar',c froin in.-Arv fricnit"a. lie Is to be 1:. 1t:. We ncgruTaed vury inch to Lar (if hin death, hie wa a e ood man iu,( Lave i.'ca- urc, and e,,,rfort to his aIly ani~~'d anything that was~ In power t)11ketheil happy he did It, lie wat3 mar thouWht well of aly everybody, ad trever We went he iade friend., be was kino,n all over 'Newberry county, lie wsa man that p)rovided for his tw.~t.r~ n ne roterto, and aHo May s Cc)In th arsof Teodore Weatentp. J A~Taley. T. T. Fhuee moretak faur oe tiees writtle to ther.Heral aigs Iae Lier thels f!illin air alwayo hd ceuth Wer iw The oe eeinsi arand eh. ahe, drivs arvbout lrie p. m..rit to:: :eatin aball, three a. m. to ge rvuaey for them.ext morning. The ighweathearksetm ery sangethi on.ateff th u e Ua uchrji weathrb peol haComplant hi. cto ('eof0 thungpgrls of ouwrrw :s i be veryi pbli'ar, coany, inu wh nwic am tleao uofo the miteen d.ted fremk mhparred, before th e Steab ofdah edcatio ia goodemn atd tae booleasreandomforth orhis famil,aind anthits thatories in oerll woer e thierehappyte di ith the wera lir touboht siell aof gaverybody, ad thatever ohe wto be weleaein he wskown ale kower Itewberrye cuthat ne waf th manotha pofvied publhing f!!yU ande adaypthd plenty.un of the aloge miordepreasentation. The leave:behirg oa0.L wiehu, Glnciden,V tw. Jaer andlonae broher Manndng-he of frd Ageh isa yar,3tonh Woul y.o.ue ike togormridfofethat chrnicrhematsm r Ffenthetop. Trhee fo 'ret f tase aels bottle o illicn Bare Blalmn, whchriag curd tpid Liver,o hopeles,sBlhouses, Feverha andAgre. doTrs ans pate ed treakeni. Smtanic Blotd Bial. w(rk B.ndBrs crythgh th me bloo by de stoigtepio.wihcue h aHflghesi thre brie, point. '-uw - I(Cl. 'h.e and back,er swllen glMends,a hawin, siting, bomanry., mai Coli. e., Schusmakit, af erfecty cree.e Boani meolo behlo thoruel Botnieryubs.hingfctpany, toink which teia aice givten commitedo tetoswhich aheboprean bfrithe Sate boad uf teucallo rn refernce toe boy. B.asB endors The blood wre giinresind that rihe glwere Noirngot sides for live both ide; a o oeto ie weedcine Pie his. shold Vbe known.s Drt istated tha non oftebosotepbihn wv. o,. n A Catmpl (of This OrIer No 114i 11 1 ' Nt " W'rry- A 1'rt e ..1tiro oltu ctaft it Masponlic 11h111 N, O t day Night. 171h. A. Iaoov.h l>eputy Sover, i-n C inalUd r. Woodi me ( f tie \Vth . t tanhurg, S. C., ha1i heell ill NewI rry for the past few day-, talking .\ W craft. Mr. Madole Is an varnest workor ai;d a strorg believer in t1hi4 order, it.d gong to succeed in irstituting a camp of Woodmen here. He left yesterday for Saludit, whuro be has suceeed in instituting a carnp, of whicb af] exept oie county ollico, are mim 1cinbers. lie has consented however to return here next, week and give a free lecture on "Wooderaft." The lecture will be delivered in Masonic Hall, Crotwell Ilotel building, next Friday night, and we hope a large crowd will be present. N'arly every city and town in the State has one or more cami.s of this order Spartanburg has three, Columbia three Rock H ill one, and there Is one or more already in this county. It is one of the best, if not tihe bes,t fraternal insurance order on earth. The order is eleven years old, and during the month of Miarch, this year, over DDW members were added. The asessments are low and never change: you pay according to age: you cannot be suspended during sickness: your certificate cannot be awsigned for debt: and no Woodman rests in an un marked grave. (ume out next Friday night and hear the lecture. and in the mean time ca:i at The New1berry Hotel and Mr. Ma dole will furnizh you with literature and information concerning the order. AMITY LODGE GROWING. Monday Evening Next to be a Or-at Timne With the Ma4onm of This City. Amity Lodge, No. S7, A. F. M., will hold an extra communication on next Monday evening at 8 o'clock for the purpose of conferring the M. M. degree upon live candidates. This will be a great time with the members of this fraternity, and many visiting brethren will be pres ent from neighboring lodges. The River of Life. The more we live, more briefappear Our life's succeeding stages; A day to childhood seenms a year, And years like passing ages. The gladsome current of our vouth Ere passion yet disorders, Steals lingering like a river smooth Along itsgrassy borders. Buat as the careworn cheek grows wanl, A::t sorrow's shafts fly thicker, Ye tars, that measure life of nman, Why seem your courses quicker? 'When joys have lost their bloom and breath, And life itself is vapid, Why, as we reach the Falls of Death, Feel we its tide mocre rapida It may be strange-yet who wvould change Time's course to slower speeding. When one by one our friends have gone And left our bosoms bleeding? Heaven gives our years of fadin:g strength Indeman.fying fleetaess: And :hosee of y:h. a semng len:gth. Propo,rt ajedetofei Ttess.y~tv or- ':. i::b a' bo e t .etipated. a .Lt ti.-4 of food. pains in t'a Don Cizzies,. coated tongue a'. c' tir-ng. E ra of the incigested or par .' ted food and t hen of bile. (.':an'>erlai.'b Mtotacb and Liver Tab set- ahay~ the cisturbances of the Romae and create a healthy appetite. -i t' y 40bt tone up the liver to a healthby action, anud regulate the bowels. Try thetnan yurecrtain to be much leedwith the result. For sale by W. E. Pelhmam. To School Trilstees Of NOWlerrIy CoIIty, various school districts of the county that they elect teachers for the new school year as early ar practicable after the close of the schools in the sl umme12r. 't he board would also urge upon Boards of Trustees the necessity of deflnite and written contracts with teachers, as such a course may savo misunderstandIng amnd unpleasantness, which is always liable to arise where the contract is not in writing and signed by the part ies thereto. EUG EN E S. WVER TS, Chi. County Board of Education. ASTEMNE NTE II W11IA &0. D D iLPuyen W K *R & O . NN S No Fuss No Muss JAPA1EE A new and complete treatment, con sistiug Of Suppositories, Capsules of Oilitment and two boxes of Ointment. A never failing cure for Piles of every nature atd devree. It makes an opera tion with the knife, which is painful, and oft(-n results in death, unnecessary. Why endure this terrible disease? We pack o written in each $1 box. No c-Te. no pay. 50c. and $1 a box, 6 for $>. Sent by mail. Sample free. 0I:TME'iNT, 25C. AND 50C. CONSTIPATioN cured. Piles prevent ed, by Japanese Li. er pellets the great Liveratd tonaeli Regulator and Blood Purifier. Small mild and pleasant to takc: e-l-ecially adapted for children's use. 51 (Iozes 25c. Gilder's Corner Drug Store Sole Agents, Newberry. EASILY. QUICLY AND PERMANENTLY RESTORED. Maenetic Nervine is sold w ith a written guarantee to cure Insomnia. Fit. Dizziness, Hysteria, Nervou Debiliy. Lost Vitality, Semi nal.Losscs, Failing Memory-the result of over work, worry, sickness, errors of youth or over-iudulgence. Price $1; 6 boxes $5. By mail in plain package to any addrcss on receipt of price. Sold only by Gilder's Cort,er Drug Store Sole Agents, Newberry. DR. RUST'S 4tton Root NEnyr oi nill Original and Genuine, always reliable and safe. Ladies' always ask for Dr. Rust's Cotton Root and Pennyroyal Fe male Pills. They never fail and never injure. Nailed to any address on re ceipt of $1.00 by Gilder's Corner Drug Store Sole Agents, Newberry. Good Time. Every man, lady and boy should have agood tirne piece. Come and buy it of us as we have a large selection. If your watch, clock or jewelry needs repair bring it to us and we will put it in good or der. We also have a nice line of Jewelry, Silver Wear and Glass. The Jeweler. Founded 1842. 5TIEr "Sing their own praise." For the benefit of those who wish to purchase a piano11 from the present time to the first of SOlptemnber, we have decidled to offor the StioffPiano on very convenient terms. You will not havo to pa~y very much cash clown. We can arrange that to suit your own con1voo.e Then a payment can be made in the fall to suit, and the balatnco, if any, can be arranged in a satisfactory marnnor. Remember Chias. M'. Stieff manu factures his own pianos and will not b)urdonl you with an unnecessary profit, for wvo are selling to you direct inatead of to a rotail dealer to resell. Our piantos will only have to be comparison with the beat to convinco yon that it wvill be to your mnterest to buy the Stieff, arnd all we ask is that you try our piano, give it a criti,aal oxamIIinaItion, arid if we do not show you (more value for the money than yon 01an possibly got in any other make, then buy from aniy one you may choos, b)ut don't take our onylons5 c1ompotitor's word andl buy fromi him before trying the Stieff. Piano M~anufntuirr, Unltinore, Md. Nort h and1( South Carolina Fao. tory liranrch Waroroomn, 2l13 N. Tryon St.. (iharlotte N. U.r You Uke a KLES We are now showinig, newest and moststylish ma-ket. Dress Goods, Mnslins, Piquse, (Giin, the lowest, considering the valuof tf We call special attention to our W. and always have carried the largest 1 the lead in this as our contemporarieo time aft,Ir time. The famous W. B. We lead all others in our hue of 11 prices-Misses', Children's and Ladi Our Millinerl is full of attractions for the ladies. We cordially invite a thorough ins Every Drop of medicine put up into prescriptions filled in this store must be pure. We are very careful to use only the best. We carry a nice line of Toilet Soaps, Lamps, Wiley's Candies, Vel vet Candy, Tobacco and Cigars, and a full line of Druggists' Sundries. Discount Checks given. Fresh Garden and Field Seeds. If you are in need of a stylish and service able waist look at the beautiful line of silks in all the newest shades at The Riser Millinery Company's. COMPLETE Power Plant For Factories and Mills, ENGINES, CJorlias, Automatic, Plainr Side Valves. BOILERS; IIeaters, and1( Pnmps. SAW MILLS; From small plantation mill, to the heaviest mills in~ the market, Alt kinds of WOod working machainery Flour and( corn mnili' machinery. Van Winkle anr Tb os ngine hollers, Saws, Gins in stock for quiek 1826 MaIn iat. rou..a 13 0. BLUE ~FLAME If your dealer does not) keep thein, wrIto to ni e nfrarest 11'enIcy of STANDARD OIL Co. ,i complete line of the goods to be had in the ;in:.-. "., M., at prices which aro r . e nndoubtedly cnrry Iin lh eitv ( . W\e are always in hv - obli c ~ a to) acknowledge L'rr 11 -t pulair in America. usiery. We ~' i I.: al zs, styles and Department Late' - ia ! fs-:j nab styles. pection. C.u a e u. V1 Iw co. "TO PHJLHAM'so.5 Mostly ev er y b ody nowadays are making quick steps to the fine ONYX Soda Fountain The weather is hot, the drinks are fine, the Ice Creams delicious, the Store comfortable and we are glad to serve you at either of' You will dance with joy at the prices we quote you on Plows, Hoes, Shovels, Rakes, Grain Cradles, etc.,etc., and be surprised at the high grade of work manshi p and finish on all. Call and see. NREGIRRY HARDWATRE00,O NOTIC. B Y VIRTTFi OF AUTIIORITY ford 1 ivI s ell to thi licstbidder th 1tht day oMa,1901 ,at 120oclok ml., one style A.a miLh & ]arres up-) right Pian~o in good condition. CANNON 0. BLEASAM, Agt. TFhis signature is on eoey box of tho genuint Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tabtis, the remedy that ese si .o14 Ion day*