The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, May 07, 1901, Image 3

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NEWBERRY MARKET. Corrected every Tuesday and Friday by Summer Bros. Meat....................... 81C49o. Shoulders ......................... 80,. Hams................................. 14c. Best Lard ............... .......... 1O tto. Best Molasses, new Crop...... 600. Good Molasses..................... 25@500. Corn ..... ....................... 75o. M oal .......... . . ..................... 70c. Hay........ ................ $1.00. W heat Bran........................ $1.25. 1st Patent Flour.................. $4.75. '4nd Best Flour.................... $4.25. Strait Flour........................ 84.00. Good Ordinary Flour...........$3.251,3.75. Sugar ............. ........ 64. R icO................................... 5 8 c. Coyce .......................... .. 1 Cotton seed meal, per sack... 1.25, Balo Hulls, por cwt............. 350. Country Produce, Butter, per lb ................. 15@20c. Eggs, per dozen ............. 12ic. Chickens, each.................... 15@s25c. Peas, per bushel............... 85c. Corn, per bushel.................. 70o. Oats, per bushel.................. 40c. Sweet potatoes .................... 50 60c. Turkeys, per lb ......... 0 8e. Fodder, per cwt ............. 1.00. Beautiful ready-inade linen skirts 50c 75(., $1.00 and better at Wooten's tf .If you want your dollar to do the work of $1.50, bring it to Flynn's Cash Store. it Monty to Lend. Money to lend. to farmers at the First National Bank, of Batesburg, S. C. W. II. Timmerman, Pres. 8t f&t. MarrIed Mr. J. Noland Sligh and Miss Blanche Johnson were happily married at the resid,;nce of the brides father Dr. J. P. Johnson near Jalapa, Rev. Gibson offlciating. The Ilerald and News wish for the yoing couple a long, prosper. ous and happy life. Hurry up and get your ice tickets from A. M. Teague at 50 cents per hun dred. No delivery. traf Money to Lonn. On long time and easy terms, secured by first mortgage on improved real estate. Apply to Hunt, Hunt & IIun ter, Attorney at Law. ft&f Best Straight Flour on earth $3.50 at Pur cell & Scott's. Wanted 12 sales girls to sell goods in 5c. and 10c. store. No experience. necessary. Apply Thursday or Friday morning at store room in Summer Bros. block low er end of Main street. Store will be open Saturday, May 11th. ' t it be. and 10. Store Will Come to NeWberry. It was stated yesterday evening that the Columbia, No. 3, and Independent, No. 1, companies had determined to send hand reel and hose wagon teams to the State firemen's tournament soon to be held at Newberry. If these com panics enter teams they will no doubt walk away with some of the most de sireable priztes.-The State, 4th. Every piece of Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes must go if cutting the price will sell them. Do not be deceived by what interested people0 in other stores. Come see for yourself at Flynn's. It Best Patent Flour on earth $4.25 at Purcell & Scott's. Attention Excelalors. Every member of the Excelsior Fire Company is requested to meet at the company's parlors this evening at 8.30 o'clock. Business of importance to be transacted. J. WV. EARHARDT1, L. C. PITTS, President. * Secretary. Best 2nd. Patent Flour on earth $3.90 at PurcellI & Scott's. Cost is considere'I a good fair price for any goods these hard times. We will therefore sell anything in stock at actual cost from th)is date at it . Flynn's Cash Store. Chuldren'. Day. Children's Day will be observed in the O'Neall Street Methodist church on the third Sunday in May. An interest ing program has been arranged and an address will be delivered by Prof. Geo. The crov ds that throng our store daily is an evider.ce of the superior quality arEd style, as well as the low prices asked at Fiynn's Cash Store. it Decorito fear Touramment. M. Mitteldorfer .the decorator from Richmond, Va., was in the city canvas sing for the decoration of the firemen's tournament. Among the orders that have been placed with Mr. Mitteldorf.. er are: The Excelsior Reading Room, 0. M. Jamieson's store, Summer Bros. store, The Newberry Hardware Co. Pelhams Pharmacy, The Newberry Hotel, and the Herald and News omce. Mr. Mv'itteldorfer left yesterday for Charlotte to decorate that city for the Elks, but will return in plenty of time to decorate this city for the fireman. It Dazzets il.e World. No discovery in medicine has ever created one quarter of the excitement that has been caused by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It's severest tests have been on hopeless Svictims of Consumption, Pneumonia, * Hemorrage, Pleurisy and Bronchlitis, * thousands of whom it has restored to perfect bealth. For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hay Fever, Hoarseness and Whooping Cough the quick est, surest cure in the world. It is sold by all druggists who guarantee satisfac tin or refund money. Large bottles 50o, and $1.00. Trial bottles free. VAItIOUS AND ALL ABOUT. Mr. E. B. Wilbur of Gaffnoy is in the city on business. Mr. A. M. Teague will open his 1ce house Friday of this week. The children of the Central Metho dist Sun-day School arc preparing for obildrens day. Hon. J. B. O'N Holloway, of Belwood, is in the city visiting relatives and friends. State Superintendent of Education John J. McMahan was in the city Saturday. The young i)eol)lo of I[elena are pic nicing to day at Langfords Mill on Bush River. Mr. 1. 11. Hunt leaves today for Spar tanburg to be present at the sessions court this week. Rev. A. J. Bowers preached an ex cellent sermon at the Union church in Helena Sunday. Mr. W. B. Werts of the Greenville News was In the city for a few days the latter part of the past week. Mrs. Bernice Martin was called to Arkansas Saturday morning on account of the serious illness of her sister. Dr. J. R. Thompson and his daughter Miss Mary returned home Sunday from the Spartanburg musical festival. Miss LeoJohnson, of Ashville, N. 0., arrived in the city Sunday and is the guest of her former classmate Miss Mary Thompson. Mimunaugh sounds the bugle blast in this issue that proclaims the fact to the buyers of Newberry that he is the underseller of all. The committees from the James D. Nance Camp and tha John M. Kinard Camp have fixed next Tuesday as the date for memorial day. Those who attended the picnic of the Helena school at Spearman's spring on I Friday of last week report an excellent I time. This a deligh.ful place for such I entertainments. Messrm. R. II. Greneker and 0. McR. Holmes are delegates from St. Luke's Episcopal church to the Diocesan which I meets in Greenville today. They left yesterday to be present at the opening 8 sessions. r Rev. Walter I. Herbert will preach a special sermon next Sunday morning I at Il o'clock in Central Methodist i Church taking for his subject what he t saw and heard at the Missionary Con- F ference in New Orleans. Jamieson speaks out in no uncertain tones that his goods are the best qual ity at the very lowest prices. Read the prices that he quotes today and when you are in need of anything in his live go in and inspect his goods. His cour teout and accomodating corpse of clerks will take pleasure in showing you the bargains. NEWIIERRY COITON MILL. Stockholders Annual Meeting-Election of I Hoard of Directors and Officers. r The stockholders the Newberry 1 Cotton Mill at their annual meeting ( elected a board of directors as fol. a lows: James McIntosh, Geo. S. Mower, D.r TH. Wheeler, Mi. A. Rlenwick, W. F. e Tarrant, T1. J. McCrary, 0. B. Maye, ] R. 0. Carlisle, F. Z. Wilson, Z. F. Wright, Jno M. Kinard. The following offeers were re-elected I by the board of directors: T. J. McCra1'y president and treas urer; Geo. S. Mower, Secretary; Mr. MIcGrary's report for the year ending 191 rch 31st showed that Newberry Cot toA Mill stock is a profitable invest mel\t for the stockholders. WVho Will Entertain? The committee on hotels and board ing houses desire all who can enter- I tain the firemen and guests at the pri vate residences or p)rivate board'ng houses to please notify Dr. E. C. Jones, of'the committee, how many they can entertain and on what terms, they will take them. This information is desired at once, so that information can be fur nished those who make inquiry for I boarding places.1 Extra Train for Coinmbia. The Southern Railway company ever watchful for the accommodation and convenience of the public in general t and their patrons in particular, has put on a special train for Columbia tomor- t row and next day, in order to give every one a chance to go down and be with the heroes who wore the grey. The special will leave the depot at this ' place tomorow and Thursday mornings I at 8:15 to'clock, and land you in the "CIty on the Congaree" before 10 t o'clock. Many Newberrians are going. C Advertised Letters Remaining in the postohieo at New berry, S. C., fo.r week ending Apt'. 13, 190I. A--Mary Andrus, Mrs D G Auld, I Poke Abney. B-Henry Birten. D-Z Ditar.C G-Jennie Gray. HI-Minor P Harrington, Margie I Harris. 3-Miss Mary Johnson. L-M P Lindley, Mrs LeRoy Lee, Maggie Lyle. M-Sallie Miller, J A Montgomery. P-Miss Mattie Bell Perry, Mrs. Quinoy Proctor, John Powell. R-Mrs. Caroline Russell, T. M. Roe- I buck. S-Mamie Seaw, Mrs. Claudia Suber, Mrs. Jane Suber, RI. 0. Sligb, (2) T-Joe Turboville, (2) V-Mrs. VanWyck. W-Miss Low Williams. WM. Y. FAIR, P. M. April 20, 1001, NEwIEICIty FILICS CLAIM For S1,500 r xpendedl In Stamplg Out Smallpox. Florence, May 3.-A very interesting -jucstion was raised before Dr. James Kevans, secretary of the State board of acalth, last night, as to whether or not ,ho State board is responsible for ex C>eSes incurred inl staMIpiL I out small [)ox in cities, as well as rural dietricts. kttorney General Bellinger is said to bave decided that towns are as much ntitled to the use of $15,000 appropria pon for such purroses as are the coun ry districts. A delegation from Newberry, consist ,ng of Mr. E. UI. Aull, privato secre ,ary to Gov. MSweency; Dr. E. C. Fones and Mayor 0. Klottner were loseted with D)r. James Evans for scv ral hours. They presented claims for 1,500, which was used in stamping out imallpox in the city of Newberry. While he recognized the equity of the ,laim, Dr. Evans told the delegation hat he could not refund the money, as he Stato board did not have the money ,o pay, and as I hey interpreted the law, vere not res)onsible. It is likely that he matter will be brought before the vholu board. Dr.. Evans says the rural districts vill use the $15,000 appropriation. Co umbia his (xpended about $7,000 on mallpox troubles; Sumter $3.500; Flor mce about the same amount, and other -ities in proportion. If Newberry's :laims are valid,, why not possible ,lains from other towns.-The State. ANNUAL MEETINU Itockholdors The Carolina Manufacturing Comipany-Directors and Officers Elected. At the annual meeting of the Stock iolders of the Carolina Manufacturing Jompany M. A. Carlisle, Geo. S. Mower, 1. H. Folk, J. J. Lane, R. C. Carlisle, xeo. W. Summer and ). It. Wheeler Yere elected directors. The ofilcers were re-elected as fol ows: M. A. Carlisle, president; D. H. Vheeler, vice president; E. A. Carlisle, ecretary and treasurer and general nanager. The Carolina Manufacturing Coi any has been turning out soen very [no work during the past year, in fact he work done by this company sur 'asses any turned out by similar con erns in the South. JAMES D. NANCE CAMP let Yesterday at Court House and Tram acted Business of Importance-south ern Railway Adopted as Official Itoute for Reunion at Coluubla. At the regular meeting of the James . Nance Camp held yesterday at the ,ourt House, Lt.- Commander R. C. ,arlisle presided in the absence of Com aander J. W. Gary. The minutes of last toceting were ead and sustained. Four new mem oers were enrolled as follows: J. H. P. 3romer, W. E. . Ruthorford, Alex C. Velch and J. W. L. Arthur. There was no member of the comn nittee which was appointed to draft ultable resolutions on the death of Col. munt present. They were requested to eport at the next meeting. A committee consisting of the follow ng gentlemen was ap)pointed to ascer aln how many members of the camp ad died and not been reported, and to Iraft suitable resolutions on the same. Col. Schumpert, chairman of the nemorial committee, stated that all ,rrangements had been made and the irogram for Memoria Day, which was lxed for May 14th instead of the 10th, ruany of the 01(d soldiers being absent na that day attending the tste reunion n Columbia. It was moved and carried that the southern Railway be the ofieial route o convey the veterans to Columbia. L. special train will leave Newberry at .15 Wednesday morning. The vet rans will go on this train. The commander was requested to ap >oint a sponsor and two maids of honor o represent the camp at the Mengphis 'eunion. He was given f, few days in vhich to make his appointments. The Adjutant was given the power o appoint four delegates and four al ernates to the Memphis reunion. As there was no further business to ransact the camp adjourned. Blown to Atoms. The old -idea that the body sometimes ceds a powerful, drastic, purgative ill has been exploded; for Dr. King's oew Life Pills, which are p)erfectly armless, gently stimulate liiver andl owels to expel poisonous matter, leanse the system and absolutely euro ionstipation and Sick Headache. Only 2c. at all druggists. Summer Sale. Mimnaugh on the fourth page of this aper quotes some very interesting gures. In millinery, dress goods and ilks, embroideries, shoes, oxfords and lothing. He says that there has never eon such a slashing and eut,ting of 'rices, and when you are in need of nything in his line it will pay you to nspect his goods. Strikes ai Rloh Find. "I was troubled for several years with bronic ind igestion and nervous debill y," writes .1'. J. Green, of Lancaster, I. H., "No remedy helped fle until I egan using Electric Bitters, which .1d me more good than all the medi ines I ever used. They have also kept ny wife in excellent health for years. ihe says Electric Bitters are just plendid for female troubles; that they ,rc a grand tonic and ir.vigorator for reak, run down women. No other mod eino can take its place in our family." Dry them. Only 50c. Satisfaction guar tenedr by all dreugints. MErMORIAL DAY. Will Ilo Obnervedl TiteNday, 14th MAy 'Th, Year With Fitisig Exereoies-In. tervstineg Prograim-Commitoa Appolnted. Memorial day this year has been post,poned from the 10th of May until next Tuesday, the 1It,h, as the fornier dato conflieted with the State reunion of Confederate veterans in Columbia and the desire to have as many of the old soldiers present as possible caused the change. There is an act of the legislature set ting a day npart on which to honor the Confederate dead, but this is not neces sary as the nemory of those who fought so bravely for a cause jIust, though lost, will ever be sacredly lion ored by every true man. The committees appointed from the James 1). Nance Camp, U. C. V., and the John M. Kinard Camp, Sons of Veterans to select a speaker and ap point committees to decorate opera house, monument and cemeteries for memorial day have completed their work. Judge Y. J. Pope was invited to de liver the address and has accepted I nv I tation.' The following is the program as ar ranged by the committees: Chief marshal of the day-0. L. Schumpert. Assistant marshals-C. 1:. loyd, A. T. .11o n and M. L. Spearman. Tie formation of line of march will be at the corner of Caldwell and Boundary streets. Til line will move promptly at 4:301) p. m. in the following order: 1. West End Brass Band. 2. James D. Nance Camp, U. C. V. 3. Other Confederate Veterans. -1 Drayton Rutherford Chapter Daugh tees of Confederacy. 5. Jno M. Kinard 'amp, Sons of Veterans. 6. Newberry College students. 7. Boundary Street, Graded Behool. 8 West End Graded School. 0. Ilelena High School. 10. Excelsior Fire Company No. 1, Jno. W. Earhardt Captain. 11. Excelsior Fire Company No. 2, C. M. West Captain. 16. Carriage occupied by Judge V. J. Pope, J. W. Gary commander James D. Nance Camp U. C. V., J1o. M. Kinard commander Jno. M. Kinard Camp sons of Veterans. Mrs. R, ). Wright President Drayton Ruther ford Chapter Daughters of the Confed cracy. 14. Carriage occupied by Rev. E. 11. McClintock Chaplain James D. Nance Camp, Rev. George A. Wright Chap lain Jno, M. Kinard Camp, Hon. Otto Klettner Mayor, Dr. James McIntosh chairman CommissionersPublic Works. T'ie exercise will begin promptly at five o'clock at the opera house. PROGRAM AT OPERA HOUSE. 1. Music by band. 2. Prayer by Rev. E. P. McClintock, chaplain of James 1). Nance Camp. 3. Music. 4. Recitation. 5. Address by Judge Y. J. Pope. 6. Music by band. 7. Recitation. 8. Music. 0. Benediction by Rev. Geo.A. Wright chaplain Jno. M. Kinard Camp. The following committees have been ap)pointed: MONUMENT AND OPERA ItOUSE: COM MITTE'Jl. Mesdames S Pope, 0 L Schumnpert, Gee Johnstone, J W M Simmons, RID Smith, 0 B Mayer, WY G Houseal, L BI Aull, S B Jones, Edw R Hlipp, N B Mazyck, L M Spcers, J C Wilson, J Y Culbreath, M A Carlisle, D) B Wheeler, J N Martin, R D Wright, W E Peclham, and W G Mayes, D C Flynn, M. L. By Misses Kittic Mazyck, Ola Wilson, Sarah Pope, Lucy Speers, Th yra Sch um poert, Nina Carlisle, Lizzie Glenn, Ma mie Renwick, Neville Pope, lBessie Gil der, Fannie McCaughrin, Maggie John stone, Gordon Weeks, Helen Mower, Edith Henderson, Margarette Cromer, Mary N Fair, Morlat Martin, Maud Langford, Anita Davidson. Messrs I HI hunt, .J N McCaughrin, J Y McFall, M L Spoar'man, John B Mayes, F H Dominick, F L Bynum, E A Carlisle, Tom Pope,Irvin Renwick, If C HIollowa3, Frank Wearn, Fair Pifer, Hugh Boyd, Clarence Summer, Z 1" Wright, Dr D L Boozer, W S Lang ford Wistar Gary, John Eddy, Leighion Cozby, I H Hunt, P G Ellisor. ROSEMONTr CEMETERY COM M T.TTEI. Mesdames James McIntosh, S P Boozer, C F Boyd, T C Pool, G S Mow er, Alien Johnstone, Y J Pope, Geo W Summer, J W Chapman,J A Burt,on, R P Hollra.d, John HI Wicker, F" A Schumpea, E M Evans, A T Brown, J K Gilder, R Y Leavell, J Dlfornsby, Wmn. Johnson, W A Kinard, C J Pur' cell, L W Floyd, 0 Mc R H[olmues, W HI Wallace, J W Earhardt, W C Mag geit. Misses Nina Latke, Helen Jones Margarette Schumnpert,, Lizzie Domi nick, Nellie McFall, Fanny M Carwile, Marie Werber, Laura Blease, Lucy Mc Caughrin, Ethel Boozer, Lula Bradley, Linda Welch. VILLAGE GRAVEYARD COMMITTEE. Mesdamnes A P Pifer, M IB Wright, W T Tarrant, E P McClintock, T J Me Crary, L P Ewart, Geo McWhirter, E H Aull, C A Bowman, W Y Fair, A C Jones, J L WillIamson, M G G Sehorer W H Carwile, W A Jamioson, T.T .'lay es, Walter Herbert. Misses Fannie Ramage, Blanch Da vidson, Eugenia Summer, M ary Burton Lizzie Orila, A mmie Tarrant, Hattie Leaveli, Ida Langford, Jessie ,Summer, Alice Mazyck. Musical D)iretress: Mrs. 8 B Jonnes. Wit,hout further notice the respec tive committee will please assume the dischna of li enpetve dunie. ELEGANT New Millinery Mso M,0810y Has returned from the North with full line of MILLINERY, selected in person, also spending some time in the trimming depart ment. XK Come and seethe New Styles. IVIOSHE_y_ BRO6S. Good Time. Every man, lady and boy should have a good time piece. Come and buy it of us as we have a large selection. If your watch, clock or jewelry needs repair bring it to us and we will put it in good or der. We also have a nice line of Jewelry, Silver Wear and Glass. Edl11ir SClioltz, The Jeweler. A Dandu Line of NOW Mattlua1SI The prettiest you ever saw! Prices Just Right! also A New Assortment of Wall Papor. -T HE (IEs'rAmn.Isrn IN 187 i.) Capital -- -- ---$150,000.00 Surplus and Profits - 96,865.88 General banki ng businless transaeted with promptness. Special attention to colgctions. Corresponidene .solicited. Savings Department. Deposits allowedl interest at the rateo of 4 per cent per an)um from date of adoit. Inotors aya le .J anuary 1st M. A. (CAnt is'C1>os. 'P. S. D)UNCAN, (Cashier. J. WV. M'. SIMMONS, Asst. C'r' Founded 18S42. "Sing their own praise." For the benefit of those who wish to purchase a piano from the present time to the first of September, we have decided to offer the Stieff Piano on very convenient terms. You will not have to pay very much cash down. We can arrange thamt to suit your own convenience. Then a payment can bo0 made in the fall to suit, and the balance, if any, can be arranged in a satisfactory manner. Remember chats. M. Stieff mnanu factures his own pianos and will not burden you with an unnecessary profit, for wvo are selling to you direct instead of to a retail (oaler to resell. Our pianos will only have to be seen in comYparison with the bost to convince you that it will 1b0 to your interest to buy the Stieff, and all we ask is that you try our piano, give it a critical examination, and if we do not show you more value for the money than you can possibly get in any other make, then buy from any one you may choose, b)ut don't take our envious competitor's word and buy from him before trying the Stieft. CHIAS. M. STIEF"F, Piano Manu factuirer, B3altimore, Md. North and South Carolina Fac tory Branch Wareroom, 213 N. Tryon StL Charlnor,. V.a BA1T1i1MORE, Mk +r.---"A company to bo known as the American Straw liat Manu.facturing Comlpany cofprisig all the loading Straw Hat imakors of tho count ry and capitaliztd at $12,0000,0() has boon organizod bore. Tho, now cornpany Nwill control (ho Straw Itat businos of the United States, and Io in it position to dictato prices to tho trado." Wearers of Straw Hats This news item is indeed astraw that plainly shows that the prices of STRAW HATS are bound to advance. But happily we are not at the mnercy of the hat combine this season having bought largely early in the season. Mark Weli These Prices A Good Straw Hat for 50 cts. A better one for $1.00. A still better one for $1.50. And the very best Straw Hat for $2.00. It would be good economy to buy now not alone the hats You need now but some for the future as it will be many a long day before you can buy them at our present prices. O. Jieson, Head to Foot Clothier. &iThis offer stands for 30 days only.eziy . From For' S5even $ 2. 65 I) (~ ~ ~ * ~ to Ep11pedI to ~ r~t~.- ,~ ~Years FAhddicss ____________________________________________________ Prcllid. ON l QT. WV. 11. M ulBRA Y MFt, Guarantcod Strictly I 'ure 1 land-maLdo Sour MI ash ON l' QTi. G1llSON X.XX.X .Y, Il'alatable in t,ho 1Highest D)egree. ON 1M QT. G UJCK LsN II I NI MlM i, Just,ly ( Clecbrat ad for its MI ed icinal Value. ONE QT11. OLD (CItOW WVHISKJEY, The Old Iteliable lFavorite. We shp tffh is assortmnent,, or assorted any way you like them, ian a plai n pack ago for $2.05, ex press p'epaid only to thne limonits of the Southiern I'x press (Co. Writ.e for our now il lustraLtedI price list, just out. Hend ian your orders. / (mGive us a trial on our $1.50 and $.0 ti)I'ure Rye and Corn. .iEl I -:I- N I.: Third Nat,ional lIank. GLENDALIE SPRINGS DiSTILLING CO., IVIITCIKELLa STflIEET; ATLANTA. GA. We SELL 8 & 6 CORSETS. Ever y woman knows what the R& GOCorset is. It is the only Corset that will not, cannot, and does not stretch. If you buy an R & G Corset that does stretch, or proves unsatisfactory in any way, bring, it back to us and we will give you a new one. We have in stock the fain . ous No. 397, moderately straight front, which is pop ~, ~i .ular with most women who do not demand an extreme t~.L'~ ~,straight front. Those who do will find it in the new v straight front shown in our illustration. We sell No. 397 for $; 1.00 Our Corset stock is large and well selected. Full stock Butterick Fashion Books and pat terns. S. J. Wooten.