9ICTId and lm,$ Knights of Pythias, 40mStICe X-imll', Newbarry Lodyri No. 75. S r,' r t'-; u wi \'ENT;s,itN' \O-Fp I I I L 1ite will -,e tietld th 2ell a -1 4t', 'sa milav nigh- ofsth-4 'si e h te,iflt th at 8 0il. Visi 1-tv lk-'iv t- verti.lly Wvlcotued. iu- 10 14.1V 1' N(4, K 40 It. aid S. Crot well title Bilinik. NE sU11111nt " t Kn"n. Corrected ever) Tuesday and Friday by Summer Broi. M eat... ..... ............ . . ......... 7(d8c Shoulders ........................ 7c. H aizi....... ....... .... ....... I 2('3c. Bt ['ard .................... 9 )lot. Best 'Volassos, new Crop 641e Good Molasset................... 2)(a-No - Corn .................................. 05C Meal . ..... ...- 65e uH y............ . . ............... $1410 W heat Bran ..... ..... ........... *1 15 11t Patent. [1lour ............... $4 75 2nd Best 'lour ................... $4 25 Strait Flour ....................... 4 00 Good Ordinary Ftlour. .......3 25 3 7.5 Sugar ............ .... ..... t R ice.................................... S i jc CotTee...... ..... .................... e(5r. Cotton seed meal, per 4ank.. 1 25. Looso R.ulLm, per Owl,.. ........... 30.-. Uintr, Prmotuce Butter, per lb ... ............... 15(672l-. Igggs, per dozen ................ 12e. Chickens, each................... a. ,5 -. Peas, per hushel ...... . ....... 85-. Corn, per bushel ...... ....... i6l. Oats, per bushel... ..... 35(a4te.. Sweet potatoes.............. 50Wma 0 Turkeys, per tb ....... ...... 6(4 -. Fodder, per owt .............. SI (0. O, The Atreets 41f Nowherre, To n D - lars "inder will hev rewariie-d by it-itv ing at 11 raid :-nd News olice. t It wVass .dt A llich C,w hut will gi-e three and a li-.if gallons mulik, at the N-w berry U.o.ei. Rev. CharleA 11. A- mutrong will de liver a 1. eture tnig hti at 8 'clhck it Mayer Miem rits' ent lid-d "Mills an Milla". Tue putwt i6 curdiall) it.vi ei to be predt nt. A R' enom Psi I mis 0 41 VCs.m - sid. "ICO bi lel' U ii111-1-i 'e Coug 1.1R itl edN ite 4e.i I, Litm wOrld I. r twseti tis." a8 Vs Nlr. V11im S svo r , of %A iI ringtitn. ' gland. "it tis saved i,l wif -9 lif , ?he lavi.-g hi-en a ma,-at. r to bronelie4I fori over t-lx ters. oels y moet of tim i-i c. nined Io tier hiv Sao is n t,% q.ji.e welt." su d by W E Pethamn. A zo d seroiO-t.tal ICinil e ind B . er for iI u 2,- H. P 14 giri anto 3 HorS B 'ir, uneap and mi tAn i riov-. t&f 3 T C. POOL. Mr C..b..e. II 4JcIed At . m -eting of he N -wherr% Handl and 8 1uti lu C iI an. he'd S i urda Mr. 14. 4 'aIbinlerisA was 1b ete, S crelar Trasuror and G-- ra t tnage-r -H i tof re he has ti-It io . 111.- of Seer. ta' and Treasurer. At.- iiii n ing thet,Ao olll,es were comein- d ad M i .Ca'ue-. was elected. We are selling the best patent Flour on earth tor $4 40. Purcell & Scott. Agod sec ii hand lCngine an.. B eIs 'r for 'a tIe 25 H-. 1' 1 .gaiee ano 30 Li -rs B aile , dien. 1,nd oni 4)1nt)t Les tus. C l'OOt, &f 31, list. ii ..: ii y The Btad of 11 ipe will meet todas anud ni-xs Tuend.t at .he T'tompso. .j S.,reet~ cuuren inst,ead of he Mle' bodi. church. "Ihave oenm Less.sted wit indigesst Clonfo tent years have Li led mlan3 t.laing.e relIef fromn them 5 hats all u her med' Cinies tak -n i I el mrn'e I kce t I) .y Iha, Ihave f,lri I.r LwentiL a catse." A dertoa. R-ggs of S inny L=ne TP-x I IwsI'ianls hiave i,esi.ill -d a1s d1 (1 M Riggs. Glidsr', Corner Druag Store T C. Pe-nt h .i h i Kss.gCUntoa 8Seed fear sale Pr e~ a J per btu1uel, fur L,se F Casth only. S-ed p)ure, and ihe h,,.t _-cott.sngr .wn t&f 3-. _-Mrs. L. M. N. Stevens, the president of the Nati.nalt WVomasn's Christli Temperance unioni, and Mlss8 Ann, Glsrdon, its vice preid-it, will I. eturi Mondaey night, Apri 15, ie the Thomp son S reet chureb. MNlis s"tevens s ow t,ake-s Mlss Frances 10s. Wall ard's placi and ias Gordon was b1lls Willad'. c-rkrand c'srn panlon. This ts an! T rt,anty which no one should miss Al ors'~ t,_cordial' v Invited to att,eid '-ose "lrn 1- ,ie pills, Dr'WIt,'. Lit ee eary H,-let .t-melease you3 p urlt,'es fronm your~ ahuar. Gilder' bowels. mn ke th-m re5 y Corner D.ug S tire Iuae ..r an eI,.h ..t) ed El iKen. *Yes'erday morning n' 0 s,'clock Burr R~ tines, onet of1 ouri oldlest and egst re8 spe -ted colored cIiz ins, d ied at h's hIome in Gravel T'swn. B -rr w s 7~6 years old(. Hej was a natIve of Willns bore, but came to Ne'whaerry In 1850, wiere he lived the remintel r' ft hh.I days, saves one year e-pent, in Afr'ica after he was emnancip sted, h.a. ing be longed to Mr'. E A. Scoti up t', that t,ime. , 'I 'i e lkls soo i3 I I e ill.1 il on iies n"r tield a e'ue unt,it I trie'd DesWe.' Witcn I-liz 'i Slasv-. Aft.'r uingl. It oncef, 1 1 aegut. I -ver' nail a',.s thlog ik-- Piles." Ei 4). B -ice. S imsr't Pint, N Y. Look out, for imi-tions~ I stire yiu asktI tor' DsWmtt,'s. Glder's (orn-r D.-ug S oro T C. Piol ha" i.. K-nit I ~tlOfl S 'i'd for sa'o. Pie 4.h. pe' ssunes, who has been visit. ing in August,a, Ga , returned home yesterday Mrs. R. L Gnggans, who has been viaslitne in G-eenwood returned hi me yesterday. Mr. J D Campbell, of 4partan'eurr, wa4 Its the city a few da% a the ps4t week wih friends Mr W W Fu'mr went torolumbia Ye sterda% where he will engage In the cn1 Pc in1 tilhine's. M . F. L. Hollatid went to G, ce i ville [Lri,ja. to -peid lt,etr witn re.U lit eA and retur ied Sui.d t nlxht. J Y. Cibreath anid I IH 11it iq . re mrned SAtt3rdav from a busines t' ip to , mno.stor and C harlotte. , N C. Mi ses Gertie Piester and Luny Aull. cf G.ilelville, were in town for a few das the pa.,t week violting relatives. L-ttle Mi-o Cornelia Mayes returned yf'ht rday from an extended visit to her grand parents Mr. and Mrs. Janes of Laurens. Mi*t 1) .11 Land, of Augus'a, Ga.. ar rived I.e the city yesterday and is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John M. Kit: Krd. Mr Jnn B Sloan, of Charlotte, N C. who has charge of the fLild work for the II ptus phs in this dLate is iu the city. M '.'nd Mr .-Wa4hin'on WAtts Davis, M iss Aga haan- Mr Jack Davls,of C-it to-i -pei-t Eas er Saisday with Mrs. Mtat to Glens. Mis Nellie Chtpnian, of the Fem4ah COlege of C-lumbia, came lp and spen tcstr with her father, Mr. J io. A Unatinsimn. Mr P. J Vsp. who is travelling foi lie N-w Yo k Mater Compal,y. q) nit .--w d13s in the cty the past wtek witt tiI- f 'Glily. The county Teachers Association whi1 in -et. ov A -il 13 n (saturdav of thi Vet'-k) I this paper ou iwill Hla rtill program Mt -s -P Lu icy M.-Cau. hrin and M .r: - net Fair, after an extended visit, , rea' ives ill Spartanu-g and Coluii i e-urned bome Friday. Messrs G. V. B ii-zer and J B Ouzi.. . ft. yes ertday toatwend the C eat Cou.. -1l tf ithe imip-o,ed Order - f R d Mei of the State to be held in 8partanbur, Mbis week. Tlure who attended she Miu.trel ot i a urday night were d.s ppointeo. -iow- of the specialties %ere good bu z n-ially speaking the st.ow was iorr.% one. Evatgelis' Kinard wili be here abou [te li si cf Msy witb his Len, whieh - pronabit will b- pitch d ois tbe veaian lot tbl- sit eo Mr. Pres Dumicluk'.* I e .ween helena amid Nowtierry. Mi-e Myr.e M. iwer sp-nt. Easter at name iii b her parent, Mr and Mr. Lie... S Ma,n er and returmied yesterda) o ('o5lmia to resunie her studies a' the Woema..'s t'oilege. Mr. aund M ra L. Ru3 Lee, ofKinsgstre. 3ames t,e N wiry on tSaturday. Mr Lee returoed I ome 3e?st.erdacy. Me.. L.ce mii. r main in thbe citym wit.a bh r mnothe r, Mres.8 A R.,er un iilnaturda.s T'here wili be special e-rvices at Ce'. .sral Mlethodi.t, enureb, R-v. W I. Her. it-rt p a or, everj at i-rnoon a 4 u'clui ki iid e'venineg at 8 o'clock this w.-e. L'he pubilie is cordially invited to be present at, each ser vice. Tne County l'otion Growe-ra Associ sti -n met bere on 8 ,turday and elected ihon. it T. C Hunter, o.f St Luke-t Prt sidentauc Mr WV. C.851gxb, of Jalaspa, kotretary. Very few atten.e the mes- ing atid no bus,ine as of importanee was tranated. DJwenita.K Iurned. Mr. John Livinssone. of the 0a'd well section, No 2 10o u shi p, had his house amid contena dest,r.'3ed by the yeaterday morning about 9.31) o'csock lie estim4tes bis oss a about $200 Phe ha'u'e which hee had remated is e..tt mna.ed at $100 No insurance. Origin u lire unknown Fi.n faor th. a-ittte Sc) kn. The lit,tle folks say that the nicesi &0aeIer egg taunt they ever atteneded was the one given by tue Wide A wake societ,y of the Church of tbe it.-deeneer at. thle residence of Mrs Geo. Summe r 3e.terday aft,ernoon. Trhis is a ime t,bat, she children look forward to wit,h much pie ateure and t,heir expe'ctat,i- na were rea a-d for seventy-ti e dozen beau ifully colored e-ggs bad been hid de ian the shrubbery and grasses and thereemas lots of fun for, all in ti e onfor theaan. N ., a c-bud anent hout, at, least onse egg. The a 29 realized the ceat little un or $ 5 utsi, ne aesnes i h heumti mi. QUICK RELIEF ,'RO PAIN. All am ho use Uliamber, Se's Iaiee Balm or rheumat sin are delig ted wit h s be jeick re 1. 1 from pat. whk ilt uitYaffrds, Wnen sp)e-aktngt o1 this Mr-. N Sinks, ed i'1o3, Ohio, 55a1.: 'Seomu 'me as I had a a' vere attack of s heum tim in m.s atm aid shoulIder. I rie d erveous reme'dies tout ga-t, n . seiief unt,il I was reuconiomended bey M~esara Geo.' Par Ions & Co., druaggists of t,b i. p cc, to ery bamberlin's Paso Baim t'hey r comsmeiaued it,so highly that I sht, a bottle I was soons relIeved o pain I have stnce recommsmdeid t,hIs1 sinimnent so mane of my frie.nde', who) agree wthb m - i hat it,is tsae s.t rely for mutseulaer chb-umsasm in the mar ket." IFor sate 1.y W. E. Peibam. ItIC)II- Thiff 9e mpti,ed, Chiuf H. C. Hunter went, ti Colum bla Sinday nitt end returned ester d,y m .rting with the thief, Iv% B xtet. who stole Riv. G. A. Wrig ht's b1c) ce onl Thu'8dav evening of ist, w#, k off of Mr. Wright's front porch. B xt-i has been bound ovor to await his trial at the next term of the sestlous court Nowb"er'a ., off Oil toi ,t... Mr. .1 Y. Culbreath, an nttorne% frot Newberry, S. C . wa-1 io tho city vester day with V,Ir. I H-. Hunt, also of S euth Carolina, retes-t-ig 'lt. helrs at. law of the late J.Phn W. McWhir-er, for merly of Charlot'e. Thity we re he'o t r the purpose of institutliog legal p - cceding- foir the Palh of inn undivideii One-hair intere-t or he deceasd in two sturea Mr. Wittkowsky owns t he oher no-half intrest in ho-h stores. It is desired to sell the Int- ro at in O.c properties this spring.- Charlotte 0. server, 6 inst.. IA ant.,r t . N wV p.a. Mr T. N. Wi son, state S nalor .f A'kans as, recetntly got throuizi th. Arkao.sas Legislature an anti &!at Iliog bil e4nce th tina, go everv vai hling houre in the S.te has beet, clo.s (, a Ii ho has ga int d considerable reputa t on as the auth-r of the hill. Mir Wils son i a nutivi of N wh-rr% Coutio tn.i a ti-phftw of Mr J. C. Wilson, of tbe town. ie was raised in the Lonk! slore sect lon of the cou't.y, alnd 0. te ten 3ears auo moved t.- A- kansas, wh rie he has mude a namn f r himself. We wish him continued su- cees Church f if' . Tb- E ts'er el ct.ioms at. a meetine of the S Luket's E, piscopal Church re -ultt-d as folloAs: Wardt.s-N. 13 Mazvok. 0 MeR Hili'~s. V trymen R J Miler, C D W i-k.. It 11. Greneko-r S cet ary and Treasur- r-O Melt H i mtes D lega'- s to Dn -stanI ''onvo-nt ion - 14 B Vlsz% ek.O M0A -I [ I oi-s Alter a !es-R J. tt il a. IR 11 Gren. ktr. cno st. reacts--ra' A4Ie)Cli tn. l'he next, meeting of the Assolation vill be he d at the N-wberry Grade d S -hio bu-lding, B -iundry st.e-o, Apt i 3 1901 i-of. Pat- rsen W .rllaw of n S C Colb mi-, will eondiu. t he cla ,i the stud% i f the H is'ory of li,ine6 aim. Oriental Eluca ion is the at- j et tes-igued for study It is discussmi in ["aint- r's Histoey of Eduea ion, from ,sage 8 to pag. 30 and in L uries P,e. Oh-iet-ai Edioeatln, lip 11i9 111 a- d 9(6 -105 and 13 52 Chirees-- Fdicat-lo. <,ould he s udei as -lie type of Orlen ,a' Educailon. More i.f. rmation upon the su'3 e ay he obtainen fr,,tlj Ll-e U S. Hurtals af E :ucation by writing t.a l>r. W T. 11 rri-i. U. S. Commis-,aIner of E,lue I it, WathinLton, D C. How li n 'Uch spelling will 1w dit4 4us-d by -v - sJoh- stone, McMas'- r. 0 niel a d McFal. The I fi jnt es which rend t. Im prove the Moral Toue of Pp"4 will I.w r1Iascued by M.'es-s. B ila- d, Sligh, LGennon and others Those who desire Painter's Hhs'oay -f E.lneation, athe t. x, book for the elass, may get, thema from Me. WF.e, h. O unty Superinteiet,a of Esluaca.. ion An interesting meeting is ex p cted. Look out for Purcell & acott's Prices. No matter what price you are quoted you will always find us lower. Purcell& Scot t 6 he aeP Keste.eai na Hut hrn. On account of the meeting of ti e. Grand Lodge Ko gt.tsn .4 onor oef Sout h i'arolina ColumbIa S C., the Soui h rn R .1llway will se'lI r uand trip te.k,-te *2 25 Tlcke's on saile April 10 17 18 -vitj final limit, A pril 22 On account of tne A nual S ass Ii Presb3 tery of A lantie, Ora.ngehur-t., S U., the Southern R tilw ey willl i,e-i reduced rates. ' iekees on aals Api 0 10, with final I'm t pi 15 h O'a account of t he hi-s W ..el in- d oe e~asi ns, t,he S acthern Rataw.y w ell ee,l rounad trip 'li-kett.: Annual Mee.ig Sout,h Carolina ~tedical Associatioan, F1 'ence, 8. 1', A pr-i 17-18, 1901, f om NOue.berr.3 6030 l'iekets on sace 15-17. 6 al limit A pi iI 20. . M'-..ting of Routn Caero'ana Fe'daration of Woman's Clubst, Greenville, 8 C.. April 23-27. 1901, from Ne wlierry $3 715. LkuSth on Bale A pril 22-24, final limit 29th. A nnual Meeting Junior OrdIer United A merican Mechanicsa. 8 ate C)ounc,, 8:amier. S C, April 10-18, from New. berr3 84 45. Ticketsa on salt, 15 -16, fi. nal 'tmit 20 h. Gaad Ladae \eieig 1.0 0 O . of Mout,h ('arol ina. Green villi-, . (0., A pril 24 -26, 1901, fr'-mt N--w bh rr.. $3 75. I Ick - i-tto (a B,le Ais; il 23- 24 fihiai limi, Ajpri 27th. Ue,ited Uon'ederate Vi.terans IR-uin 1...- MemphIs, TenYn , Ma' 28 30, 1901, tate one-cent miile. Tickets on sale May 25 27, limit Jon 4. with ..x ensi n tinal linutaJuane 19 ey deposit,Ina tlickets wit,h Joint A.ieat, and paying fee- of finy cent,s at, timec of deposit. TIhey. ta ili als-' airange as tot permit a stop over et-her til the g -lng or t eturni trip o)f n-e dlay tat Chatt-anooga, to en tb'e the S iu h Carolina Vet,rans to visit, Chickamau ga Park. J. A. BURTON, Agn'. M SKnEtUI,a Oji Munday ati the O'N?ealI Ste-et M -t,bcblbst, church, RI 'v B I). Lucas of fioiatA , M ss Mae,tie it ciatoson aL.d Mr. Pre Case. JAMIES ...CHRISTIALIZE OUR STOC' +{4This Al W E have eclipsed at wear, at prices b many good ideas about us do better and larger Figures are t $10 Suits - Going fast. It is qi people recond clot saw a suit a few day its owner $18, that \ duplicate for $10 a profit. The other $ because the suit was and well made. It \N style. We find it ji. buy well made, styli. made and old style p selling we do not chz These a.e busy tim going to bore you wi but endeavor to keer riveted upon our m prices on satisfactio The Sho Dressy Ladies' Shoeq, d cheap at $I.' Harrisburg Ladies' Shoe sold many places for $ MEN'S HOSIERY NECKWEAR! La Shirts : Perf3ct in finish f The higher the bi _ OF Best heavy HATS! HATS Sresolved I4(4()()()j)4)b pr ices ri '9#$I'I 991'99 and othe Horraw, iko the aIg. of a womla II, y,ruows lets eve i me Il it, is told. The bhi od ia' conU'anltI beInj( putafl .-d by tr>ulg, liv. r ai a kitoria .. Kiep ..je oran. in a h'althy con,,di .0'o1,11 and it hwi lb regula.r and ' (1u ii.. ve- not nee d of a b:ood ptiler. For 'nlaili set-VitI'a 8 -flM4th a tid L.,ver 'iney-preserving i' i-giving goods. ie Store A SHORT TALI e,d 97 -. !5, at at$1.49 2, at$14 10 to 50 CENTS Atest creations in buying ties of uq -to-dat e s tyie s.-, Shirts: romn the neckban atter up to $1.52, PERFECTI( heetirng only ~n felt and wool, hat owing to the to force the sale of in ti ht from the jump--no ~rSTRAW HAT BUIL[ .JA ''.rt to hiv. a~ 'bu) at a 4iw Yo u cannot c'sj Iy p.' r(ect. hal h'1 i, r' sy Ahe- k,-U' arat s arain e.\I r ifi4~ yo1ur ive'r D) W V t's~ 1 tile I' a,I rl iisueri c''lean G Iid whl C-e Dru' S-. . rh' e e'gII' It '8 imp)ossibl4 to kill upco bUj,eo ten of! dece'~it,. .' You will w as iin,.- If eot, t,ry to cuiro is(I 4e'm.8 n or)8 is( -psi b.J.Iy star.Iv ingI SOLue if 'lhat 8'n e nz.k --. it, re V . n Ia ou d38 (II a . isi. You8 i'. a'4 l ais943 t-ul' o i a - L' -etu 'u i (lh:t re t (earh fo S meh 111 4118'it.. a 1l wo ld diges- ntr 'nily Andii it. is Iho e ' rer.aedy hiat will do IL, G.;ldeJ r's Corw'er 1)D 1 ' it *'.e. Alii akos tarteIh th e niI Olene in a ml x'ureo hut .L .ie'l b ' e rde m um-y. Gil It is n"ver too lat to mend, but Rothel limes it is4 I imo. wasted. s.f ap5 ui 8', 88, e 48.: ,p8,'s n. 8r aV f w doses'. ofI 3 ie -h mb- iin's S '3machU1 undl F"or Malu by W. 10. k'utham ORNER CHAT! tyle is the Dress of Thought."... )thers, Better Than Others, >er than Others! , County and State&@ ir stock is complete in eve -y branch of Mens' / be bought in the market The pesople have are always glad to be told about them, it helps all concerned it sweep fallacies away! N 1" At $15 a Suit That cannot be dup!icated for any thing like the money AT $ 10 A SUIT, that looks for all the TS world like an $18 outfit ------"q i6 AT $5, a selpcted line--some worth twice tha money--better see these 25 q quick, for they are Poing like hot cakes off the griddle " i 0 W Other suits at other prices, but al ways the LOWEST. $650 BOYS' SUITS, 50c. to Please the children, they are the best W judges, and mothers always conform to their decrees, and with our prices the fathers, who furnish the money, are always sure to be pleased. of Newbrry E IN LEATHER Ladies Dongola Shoes, $1=25 regular $1 .50 Shoe, at Mens' Brogans, jut the thing forthe cotton and corn field,at $. , TANS, BLACKS AND FANCY. style and material, 20 to 62 cts. you are always sure to get the Shirts ::shirts ! d to tail. A fair one for 3'7 cents. where you get the very "ACME" )N IN SHIRTS ! __@_ r Five Ceiits per Yard!i but a regular dreamland of Straw lateness of the season we have le beginning ra'her than wait later-so we cut oId styles, but all this year's block s from Taylor )ERS of national reputation. 25c to $2.75. Head to Foot Clothier. SPECIAL SILK SALE MOWER Co.'s To clean up our Silk stock we be gin today, and continue through this week this splendid sale. We put a great big lot of these Silks on our counters to go at a price. Bargains for our customers. colors and styles are good-some light, some dark. Many of them less than cost. Now for a beautiful waist at a nominal price. All departments are full of good goods at very moderate prices. Come and see us and we will enjoy showing you through. I. A. U.Mor Co.