RC. H. AuLi,Y .aitront Twenty thousand shoolp are re ported lost in ono county of Moitana in an October blizzard ad tweinty borders are frozen to (ath. Itici dents of this kind ire reported ever) winter. Yet ;i tho mon it:ais o North and South Carolin thro ire tons of thousands of acres of waste land, well watered, wliieh may bal bought for from 50 cents to $8 an acre and o) which she1) would i brivo This mountain land once well set. in a thrifty grass would yield spl-ndid retirns in shoop-botter than go d mines or even cotton mills Thero are no killing blizzards or witherit-g droughts or spells of burning het. This is an idmal shoop couatry and while the mountain lands tire cheal) is the timo for puirchsors to imoake fortunes by buying ti , using thbom The experimonts the socrottary of F%griculturo is conducting wt h graes at Bolton should be of voist nuo in this connection. The land itn the mountains, especially inl the coves, brings fito yields of tintivo grFRt which are never entirely kilb.d in winter, but the Bvlton experimintol are likely to show which grasses will do best in our soil and elimiato,-Ex Wo think the extrict ithove wa% taken from the reenville N- w- of possibly a year or more ago, hut it is good yet, and is not hurt by ago. Wo believe that shep rasin;itg cou'd be mado profitable in onr mountaii section, and that evon here in New. berry the industry might and could be made to pay. Our peoplo shoild get out of tho notion, for it. is only a notion, that thero ms no money in anything except cotton. A good cattle and shoop farm could be con ducted on many hillsides andl(] along the canobrakes of our rivers and made more profitable thal many of our cotton farms. Why not try it Y We know it, would payN in the tmitnn tain section of the Stoat. Diversi fied industrios are the I hings we need. Not all cotton, nor till corn or whiat or oats, and neilter do we want all stock and cattle farms. COLUMlIA L.IIIlt. Columbia, March 21.- Col Avo,riell, who was here yesterday, told iet that everything at the Charl.ston Expo sition is moving on tticely, and thlt the buildings would till he C"ompleted by the time the exposition is sclled uled to open. I was talkinig to a gentleman from Cliirb ston 0s1m. time ago and ho said ho believed it was a blessing inl disguiso that. Coll gress had failed to ake the tppro priation because it hiuad a u k. ned new interest in Chsarle-tan anud throughout the State inl the success of the enterprise, and1( the mloney fro m Congress, if it had hooni giveun, con11tal only have been us'ed for thae goaver - ment building an(d the government exhibit. ** * I seo thoe Abbevitle Press an.1 Ban nor says the expoitiona will be a good p)lace to shtow ho0w poor wi sire', tand whlat little wve have, tad h. w far wa are behind tile rest of the wvorld. That may be one way to louok at it, but I am glad to bolieve that the e are very few pe'oplo itn the Stute i o see as does our friend at Abibeville. *** I am sorry to learn of I he dea,th of Hion. WV. II. Thomams of Chairleston He was in the prime of yotng mat. hood. * * The building boom COtnitine' in Columbia. In The Stai'e for the pa t several days has been ai long list oif new residlences in process of const rue tion, and it is not merelv leawpaper talk or prosp)ectivo builings, bait t he houses are actually going up. There is an air of business prosperity all about the city. * * My young friend, Mr~ J C. Wiison, Jr., is with G.irardsa & WI .rshall, the clothiers, and seems to he doing wveIl and well pleased. I hope he will find happiness and( prosperity ini Co lumbia. E. H. A. UVERtYTHILO NEW. The Famoiuisaetry show. Prof. Gentry's Famous D) .g and Pony Show, enlarged to exactly t wice. its for mer size, will xhlblt under canvas In the Please lot, March, 27. Proef. Gain try's show is the most entertalng ext bition that exhIbits under' canvas and the recent add ition of nearly a hundred new acts and animals m'akes it moure en joyable than ever. The t,iny baby ele phants and the novel acts bv the ma. keys, together wit,h a'I of the old favor. ites, maike the perforancae vastly sup. erlor to anyt,hing e' 0 ' seen in I,his citiy. Valuabla Stock Farmn foe Sal. Seven hundred acres for sale, well watered, clover grows finely Near Newberry, 8. 0. A ddress Hersald as.d Afama. Newhberyv. C(1 The rrayerof 'the Nation. 0, Thou, Almighty Dollar, Thou art the supreme ruler of this world; and ts such we bow to l'hee this day 't Thee do we pay the homage due Thee for all that Thou hast done for ut in the past. for what, Thou art doing for Its now, and for wh it we believe Tbot will do 'or u4 in ' he fu uro The bless li'g0 Tnou has' broueht, us in the pat ar itinum.- ah e, and the f Yore Thot it st, ol ained for us are past. beitg told for the multitude thereof Without V' ca we ca.! do ioothing that, we ma.v 11ndertake, but if ri-ou art with us all of our undertakings are mads- possible. rht vilest liberti-le whoses (eeds of vico are as black as hell itself, may, with Thee In abundance, he society's ticroand pet, while Truth and Virtue, clothed i rags. iad minus Thy decima poits, will be kickt-d , ut, and treated ,orse than a dog; Vices in the poor Ar-.- inloler>nble, hur,in them who possess lhee il abutidance they are virtues i'hou buildest, stono prison houses for t,e poor who, hevaue of bunger and wan', illicitly taketh it loaf of tIread 4ir :;iece of i-acon, a-id confinest thei to har.I labor for a ittne period of years, m.i calest I t Im thieVes, anld r.-b ,jers, while for tho riHel who do t,hese i,iings l'hou buildest, fine pa'aces, and compouniest palatable p otions, and calleth themn kleptomanlacs. Thou goest with the red-halided crin-inal and ttandest, wit b him neforo an mpas tial? jidge an impart Ia ? j-iry, and lie goeth sco free, w il for ilht poor of obe same class thou art b:,ldiig scaffolds and growing hemp, Thou goest into pei'en liarles and jails, and makest it, known 9-a' Thou art in the p ssessi-n of the vilest crinilta' therein, and immediate ty ithe heretofore ptor,frien,tless wretch will have all th Imadiig preac-iers and politiolans clamoring for his pardon w hich is a .once gran Ied in deference to They power and influence. 0, Almighty Vollar, Though art superlative; They power is incompre hen-lble. When Th.-u btandest, by a tuan s-caey will dine him and banquet 1m111, and iet, him and fotidle him, and vail him trietd, but when l'hou forsak st him -t of lis friends v.unish lika a itoi ni.g v per ; -tnd the dinners and "a'1n u114 and eletAiig- and fiondlings, Ah where arte the.? Wn-n I'hy wards or- sick, doctor4 and druggist and nurs.s vie with each otner lu giving ret lef and q det and h. alth, hut to the p or who buffor, these all say "(0 to the dogs". Tby people teal banke, railroads, vottin miles and other great busiine-ses and Thou a illest that they 11 respocted, and it, Is s.; for i man d-r. h1 to to ofpt(n[ his mouth In an way b t to oraise thoso who serve Thee. 'to.1 go.-t i to politics, and woe unto 1''1i whio op,pofe h 'hee, for verily he t etOh eft in spit,e of all his friewis mig ht do for him. thou canst, and dothI pass laws to hentf1 t.hie and only those who S , v l'he; and 10 law can be (d witio u - hey s-onsetit. Thou goes' into the c -urts and Interprete'h law I'hine 1wis a% . and lo, Thine in terir. t -tion islandet,h wit' out regard to whtat, ut.her'a m83 say or htink, or are aff cted tbereb). T'hou go at into .hi P sipia. and pointest out Phy servaits whom TIhou woulde-st, cave pleased, .nd we unto that prev her who hem'dern lhe tno', for ve:i i e imatl at. Onico I) out, of a job, O) Almigh y Dollar, in alli the history of the world, i'h u hast. h.e n tbe most poiweraful of gode. For t'hee me.n nave iplunder--d men, aand nia' in have pull, d dlown nat.Ions and no tother und has dar. d to ask ''What dia Tiu'u 0 i mi'gn. Diillar, men its- b -tier Li)rt .i'tr own) soni nid will servte l'hees wi' htu. regird to tconte qu'-nces t hereto For I hee tuen havn been despteraaely mean to one enothet ; f-t.her,. have muadered oh Il dren, husbuandls have stain wives, antd childr'en have d.ed :heir handse red in th lood of par uts. For T1he Judas ~o a his Loro, and t nanlas atid his wIfe i d unto dn a'h, IA.r t'hy sake a ( haqis tat ? n'tion for ii.. Opilum Up-. unwil ii -g t'hina, and widky and rum on A trica and Inadia. For Thee Christ,ain? E'ghand is to u'ay butchering the hits, and Christan ? America is mur derin~g the Piuiippinoes, Almight3 D.ll;, t'hau an a j-a u- god, for A Ia n men *. r ieu tuie3 hiav'e n,' time 0 vm ry otnter godis but. must, serve day and tn~ih' or else Thou wilt forsake themu 0 . C- tun r) is at Thy tisercy, forn i dareg h to :tft his voIce aat.'' T-;'ver, j ngme or g-id(en ring, I' : -e ce gumtisein for Theec wu i ed , .. d it. stocks and b nds, an t i.hs A a o > be on he v. rg of no -u 'm. uareth 0 a.n titui, 'or h - i T . -vant,. antd P'aou ar. his. 0.a go u 'p i.d our 'amp go ot; hr. tad ant unt'at are- o wn red a nd iitionger giawetils I hie p-a,r, ''it I a ou at,t it itmbem. tiovt~eeas to those a hi 0 these th ings, and seeu-.. tof .,' all must, k.me p ent and irt ? hee go ly wany. When Thuou opipo-etha a mea,ure, be It political or' religiouit, it goeth down, and when Tnou upholdejst tne veril) it standeth, Thou didat oppose Prohtibit lon in t,he last S'ate campaign, and lo, it came to naught, F'oul-m- unbhed poiticans did slander the fatbera of this movtmen,t and none dared to gains .y the, slanderers for they wore Th3 servant,a and Tttou wert h fra l'naou I., auadled a gleat pdltial cancer upon - he S.ate a polit ical donkey upon whose backa many men have rid den into good P*in3izg uiicee-which d--moralie mm n, endang srs the safety of our women, makes, drunkards of our boys and murders of' *ur citlses, fill 0o ' jott atnd penutentiaries with crimi nale, makes t,he poor poorer, the pub lic bigh.way unsafe and demoralizes society In general; and because Tontu a'-t in this S'ate-barroom busiineits, and because l'hy, servants are the fa-hers theroof. all cretdsa mi rcl'l... ke. silent, and m: ko obeisance to Thy ser vants, atid will advocate no measurc that will in au. intet fere therewitb. o Almighty Dollar, we pray Thee to over remain with ut-; for without Thee we can do nothing. When we are hungry it is to Thee we loolc for bread. Wnen wo are thirsty, to Thee we look for drink. When we are naked, it is Thou ailoae that will clothe us it sickniess, Thou alone cao, nurse us anal administer to our wan-a; tand in death Thou must dip our graves, furnish our cofilns, and see- th- t we got a first clates funeral. o Almighty Dollars, we worship Thee above al! other gods come, Thou and dwell with us that we may have no cares upon our minds; that we tmay he uay and light-hearted all the while; that, we may he tle best dressed, best fed, and mnost popular people up)' thio lorrestrial tal. Oh come Thou and pturchuse immunit I, s for us from all our immoralities and vicus, for Thou haset done this for ages past anid Thou can8t do it for us Sit Thou upon the toulogues of our judges and jurors and give judge menti atnd virdica in favor of I'hy ser uants. Let Thy love abide in the hearts (of our preachers that they, wi, h honied words and sugared phrases, may hide from us the terrors of uileeded and oft, broken laws of the Divine creattir, asid aid th. i to cover up from our vision the sulphurie flame of the infuriio, which is said to be reserved for all those wh a keep not the D vine law. Oh put Th. decimal points far to the right of the numerals to the left. that we may ever haave Thee in abutnd ance, and tiever fear poverty and want, and we will ever love atnd serve Tuee to the b'est tf our ability, Atnen. W M. PINSON. Kxc. asor Item. Some few of our people are tek with grip We had a full attendance at th ser vice last utnda. aft--rtomn. Mrs J .e Lovi-ince Is visiting her slaughler, irs iEios C-unts. Glad to hear from our friend Push again from his old qua.',ers and wish him and his kind family success at home again. We had a 1lco rain on Sunday after a few weeks of dry weather. The raln was eralaily helpful to the gtain G ain in this section looks vory prom s lig. Mrs. Setzler, (of near Peak, has re cently boon 'n a visit to Mr. B L MI lors famiiy here Prof. J 8 Wheeler and lit tle son, tof Utopia section, came down on -at,ursla.. Prof Wheeler informed us that hi sohool at Utpia was full and mov i on nicely. Our teacher. Praf. U M. Henry ape last SAturday and Sunday at his ham, in Garm any community. Prof I C Counts and wife spent Sinda3 with his fathers family her . Oar fUrmors have been tu-y plowin. during he dry weat her and will soon * aly to comiabctue plaitinv corn. I visited in Ba -1 man Chapel sect.Ion a few das s ago Tiat farm inI that communi y at e ahaead of tita, with work owing to the prett,y weal hae -. Trhe small grain was lootking nica-l. . Glad 'o set- N.-wberr-y has Invit,ed t.'m S aLre Volunte' r Firemeta's A-a-oa-a" to hold their annual tournament a her city this year. i'his speaks wel. for Ntiwherry. Miss [Lola Kibler has been spendinL a few days with Miss Janie Kinard. Mome' of the- New berry girls have b"en duwn oat a few days visit to the M setis Nates of th is s ction W-- had bIg fros't Sunadas morning. *Sos e few of our farmers have plant corn the past week. Th'se i-ems were intend-d faar F days paper hut missed your oflice. Quite a chance of guano is bel,g hauled in this community again. ~A supapose this tm atas to plan' a jar; a auverage oaf cotton t his spring. So fart we have had a dry cool ma a-. ill1 Runf, a catlored man who - working with Mr G. A Sitagley of 'hbt commuhlnity caugh' on fire a few da ea ago while burning some trash in thea flid and was so seriouse4 burned t,b. I lt di-d on Sat urd.as night. We ta e to d t,bat t,ha negro was in the II o al-nae and that be c:alled fair help hut tat on cam.- to bhat re-sue util his cloti.e, wa re vary na at' all buaene.l from h is toata'. It. was a tadta tim" for the poor negro. 8aa fatr Mareh b a been windy and rough. StateA. And it's still windy. Parmer, haive tierun to drill their f tilizers. Grain is naot as go d ais last year. (;rit.p- I t.hat talk a f he d y -n-tead o ramalt-p x Mr .J. U HlIpp, who has just ean/a b aek fromn B altimore, where he had his eyes t reated watt up a fe w days ago Glad to see M r Hi ipp up and out again. IMiss Minnile, King the Old Town to reber spent last, Sunaday at her home a Ninety $ix. Mr. Tom Werts went up toM auniville on a hunt, last week. Tam reaports a nice t Ime and wroodl luck. Brought tack a pet g--ound t'quirrel skin Miss Ju'la Matthews of Ninetv8ix has ret arautd home from a visit tao hr' slster Mr's. Ja 8 Wert,s Mr. .T. I-. Clary of qaluda, was over on t visit to friends anid relatives las Stin.'ay. Miss BIessio and Nora Blair of Deatd Fall, '-Jaited Miss Minnie K nar the other day, March 18. ** * The Dest Preseuptton for Malaria r'hilIs and F'ever fte a bottle of Urove'sa T .steless Chill Tonic it Is simply tro tand quinine in 'a tateless form. Nat nure, na na1' P..i.. Wa. 1'r Imperoy 0 -we S,voral of 4our young people atten(It'd the Joint D bate at Newnerry last Fri-. day night. Miss Lizzie Drehur Is visiting N6s Della Bowers Mrs W A M ie'ey ha-t gone to 1a3ti. m- r- t 1 ; urch.se millinery goods for Mohel. 3 W-0. store. Mr J. 11 Hu ter and Mr T L. Schumpert are confined to their r.om with gripl. But we are glad to note that Mr. G A. Maffett who has bIeti to hi. room with grip Is out and at his placF, of burinee '"gaill. Tne Lu heran Sunday o- h . -1 I, p a paring avery iu.esesting Easter bervIce, wh ch will te given in the Lutheran e---rch Easter Sunday night. Tne memnbers of the Baptist, church h v- just il lohed puteing dowti a ro- .1 handsom- carpet in the church, % bich adds to the looks of t he church very much. We have heen having s-me v, ry hard win s durtni March, the cotton houme of MrsG. G D WAlt, was bl-own do-An last we-ek Mr- J. A Simpson aid ion Lililu vlsi i d :n N- wherry 1,-st wet k. Dr .1 13 S inp-on has rtturned frotw Laurens who-re he w -s ca led on accouot of tri illness and d -ath of his brot.her Mr J .mes Simp.on. S. Coluny Ntwe We were so f >riunate last Sunday at to have oui pastor with us again. W we r delight. d, both for the bene Il' wtI-ch we, ourselv,-, deriveil from his pret,ence, and tlio t.-see hem well a. a. M1r. and Mrs. Preston Lvio,gston, of Deadfall, visied Mrl L. Q F l'ers ann family la-t Monda.y night Mrs Rev. Porter of S. C has for the past few days been visiting het sister, Mrs. L Q Felle 9 Miss Ade Ia Long ace-mpanied h her brot.her, ament nast Sv urday nighVt at tr. L M Fellers. Mrs Bettle Perkins was hrought back to her o'd ho.ne tind laid ti, r bt in tie 4 'olony cemeterv last SAturma.. R v. W. It. Hiller of Prosp-rit co. (11ting the services. Her age wast s xt.-nine years and fourteen dKa . S, h;LH 'one with t, t--nobles ind trialk . thi4 world arnd e. tered i n to tiat. is . - rest, which has be n prep ,red fr h.e who lov God. Good wlunes to all. March, 20, 1001 Rheumatism. Nobody knows all about it, and nothing, now known, will always cure it. Doctors try Scott's Emul sion of Cod Liver Oil, when they think it is caused by im perfect digestioni of food. You can do the same. It may or may not be caused by the failure of stomach and bowvels to do their work. If it is, you wvill cure it; if not, you wvill do no harm. The way, to cure a disease is to stop its cause, and help the body get back to its habit of health. When Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil does that, it cures; when it don't, it don't cure. It never does harm. The genuine has this picture on it, take no other. If you hd.ve not tried it, send for free samuple, its agreeable. taste will surprise you. SCOTT & BOWNE, / Cheinists, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. Soc, anad $1.oo0; all druggists. SrATE OF SOUTH CAitOLINA, COUNTY OF NEu~ BElRRY-IN COMMON PLEIAS. Andrew J 8 Langf.rd in hisown Cligh, as x cutor and Miltam A. Curlise as exeurcof the last will and te'o' m.ont oif Wil.iam Langford, deo-aed, A'ainst M ia Hilis et., al I N 0310DIE~NCE TO ANJ ORDERI OP tee' court bere a, I r'-ceive bidi for .*wn lot.., ien town of Newherry, 8. ('. hI"'.nati1 to the estate of Wisliain L ng ford de ceased, to be sold under th. '*n'o the v.nurt at. ;r 'v ete sale, forty. three of said lo6., are situated near the 5 OtenO Opoc wnstn th'- de0-.sed re I ou a the time of his dsath and hav. ne,o t i I -. upon them The o h r thirteen in e,utber -nd no builditigsa upon them, are subdividod lots o' the 'rawford lot of land ntear the town of Hel-na. Alan twoe houses aied iots - a the toatn of Helena. Plate oef the San.e1 are riow on fle9.- me' offlee' II H. RIKARD, Mswter Ma,-at 21,t. 4 C>fI I-,ASII,%' q'IcKI,V AND) PEICMANENTL.Y VE111.rI t 1E). Matnetic Nervine 1 (1"4011 a itlt VusIZ. Z I)- ;.,. Ifyst.vrla, Mrta l tlt' , -' v alta. , S' nat aal L- ws V i;;t l t mo. ---t he I. sult. ,f wool i, ,.ier- , .I. ki.vs-, o rroo- of Mt It h 1.- %-- i di 1 I-'- I ''"t ' $1. to am iv,avr si I reve'pi of- orllc, Sold m \ GI W.'X' r's ol ,t r tl,. s'a' ) lora~t. ,t it' ba i ht 1 ' i t'or*1 al 0 I. () ig' S td DR .P UST'3 Ori_1'naIl a.' G tm a, a wa.-, r-lhibli 1 d satfe I,Itl-! .twaL%q a-k f r Dr ,a'- 1a R I L. d PIIenI t al t. 11I e Polls Th11.) nt'ver tail a- d no,vt*r i1j-'re. iltis d a' addr s )EII 4tt re -vilit, t' $1 '0 --% (,i (.-rI 's Corer 1) Il i3tot Stae Ai.- t-, Nt-wht-rry. JAPA AIBE A new aio colmpelt* ea' t, coil -18"tr of Sa i '(w torits, I apbul8e of [h tI fit ard Io I hI x's of 0anient. A nl-ve! 1ali11 cure for Pth t, of ev. ry nature Ina dIt?rce , ake8 an -pera it 'w--ith the kii(, w%hich it painful, anld of.-t, a e-si it) (id tl. kI-n. c sa. , . lah.v e r It 1is Ieririble diseas, ? We pac'k t %%r titan var-ii.t.ee in each $1 4.-x. No cmro-, I paLL 50e an a $1 a box, 6 1 1- $5. 'ent tit n'ai'l Samnio fr,-u. OINTNIMENT. 250. AND> 50C. I ONSTIPATION vur d. 1'a 4. prevenl 1d, 1) .1upanese Live"'r pel-ts the PrteI [Lv 'aend St.omaeb R- it gIta:or and BIIood Pa1r*1111' zmall M' d aid pleasant, to| 'ak. :-pecib aalmt, d f'or children' a14-'. 51 doses 25c. Gild-r's COrner Drug -;ore Sot- \g- ts. Newherr%. SALE OF HOUSE AND LOT. O N S ,LE0 IN AVRIL, It190, IiIII'long 14-gal I j tl". of -at. I . a. - I at, f ile tu ian to a1 h big Vnide r, lat hou-e anat iot. in the Io ofPo-ei. S C.- Ih ioplert,% .. 'a rr-. .1 N W%'..aa , co1tainingi Onke 1otu1rth0 a f it, A 11e, 1maor* or at b (ron I l4a OIt At .in StrLt, of said town, ano sloundea r,' bt lot of I.,. K. Hede, "au1, aid soulth bY to 8 I D . B 1117mp-o, alouher lot of Mi s. J N. a--- r., aaAW lot of Lian W3 .e. TEMS: 0 -ha f ea ie paurchae aa a- a ta 1p id aash. le balttahca- in Ma v ntmha, with i'#-rest frm d % - wa to-Citred by hi,na (If t,1t, pur h r aid moatgae&tj of the preivis.-p, wI th a at ve to ha' pu'e a-a r to pjay the - hot, hid t 1a-. .1 -ar 'o pav Fll a lo t I 'l hlt- 'F. G. G ' LE -~~~~ - GS& O, . V_ a II57Il/OS '.- ae.LETE Power Plant For Factories and Mills. ENGINES; 'a rliiss, Autatm..tio, ' PlIaia Stade Valvesa. BOl iERS; Heat- rs. tand Pnaps. SAV WMILLS; i"r. m smiall plattioaa maull, to the "'aVta-st mill- 10 the mnarket. A'l tkinds eaf wood wor'kinag machi, er, loaur .and cot'n mtiling~ mrachlnary ''oplete olannng Mi-em-, L.,amt.. ta"aa Wirakh.i at d rT.oetaa. FEn ',' .a la-ra, '-aw a- nG ta a stoc'k faa qau'cI --Vv ryt 18211 M a a St., a .aaauamtla, S t. MIa.ter's Sales. iTATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY 01" NEW BERRUY--Is COMMON PLEAs. M! it- n 'A. a a aitea P ailn if vs. .lO0at Butler Kinrarad D fenat, n.9 I r pt'n,l I wiat aell't.. t, L a bag , s. t r'. tat-f te he I a-t t iou,, a, Xi~a' e a , a at h .t a t a. . 'I 'ttr Flrst Monda. (Stada ) a, Atara, 1901, utl thbat, % et f au in t'.ala c..'uuty comntalnsa g 8 v. att.-en tana (i7* Ola four th At'r. a . mo rt- la'"t. ltinodlet aa land.. a.f It a '.''.a or , ', Nijeb h.Mr-. J X' lit k 1 B r,.aad ' 14 H .z a .na 'h .. ERMS 0O" - Aa E: (O .. 6Iatt at ah laa'a ' t- rI a a , to a. l n st o ata ( ,h nt u ths' ' ala ianter's -a fr mf d alt Eu -'ali. taoa b e' urI dahs bontd taf tah' lur tat a 4' .anad at mT r'ae a f thet prt '.' aa''l, wi h h' avo 'at thet,it pushta-.r ln tate r ha wh . a' ma-tnt t of hia baId Ia, eaa'h Anad af tiss" *aur"h'aser fail.. to com'lj 'a itha the te-mw f 'alet- hlin ana' w'a'k tafta r ada et of 'ta'e. the Ma a aaer wilt r"eadver Isa o ald sea t the -aid tat-d nn thet na' xl. ensuti' r 8 u e'dayv at Lt,. risak oft h- foram.ar purt-e'n-et'. lPMa laetre' aI.er' to pa. fom weaamua and pa perb- HI H RIK 'I RD Maister's Office, March 0, 1901. NuOTIOC. A TE 'f1I''RS NOW EM. Apitaita ine 'ha Pt'hla 'sehio 1 otNow 'N .t ' ('tt.l.i are he'ren.a r o' He'd that at the closeo of thel' 'e"'n, otive schools he.v flIt, de'liv"r lh it- To'acher's Rot-a R(er to the C Ilat' Stuperiaatendent as a fial re..or-t be-fore Ihea last salary sara ant wiltp afupaved. - I&UG Ad WEliT. .. Co. Supta. Ed. The. Ewart-N rferW, TIlE NEWBIIERY C1,I11llso Shoes, Hats and Gents' Furnish ug G >o(ds OUR SPRINC STOCK in al d iartut- coml P e.. NO 01 D STOCK. Everitth I" v niw, 8t. 1 ish anl up' d te. You will (fod oout mlie' riaht. Some tuen need a chawg. of cloth a thit stirle-. 0 h, r d chitnRvol clothrs. You Oan Get tho Kind of lzth s Ycu Wait If You Come to the Right1 toro, We wou d like to talk It, over with you and shom .(11 o ur .ii o... Single and 1) tble lrsasted. Tue 'Wievv MiL3iary 3EDMTe4ot, wii hI , ds iw( cut to the form. Mvrox-y F-'VUiCoab1e Fabpri.:, it a , right price on everY suit Come and Look Over Our New St -ek, Aldk Q 4i -ns Ab,t It, and Buy 'A h n You Feed iAke' I-. A eaving of 5 to 10 per cent,. on ill C o. hing, Shoes, Ht, Furnhinga aud Domestie Dry Goods purchlased from us. D. N'T FORCET THP P AlV, THE EWART-PIFER Co., UNDER THE NEWBERRY HOTEL. srThis offer stands for 30 days only.-:y 4F11Qulrs of Pllre Bye Wiliskey) Frcm 1r Seven $265 n~1 Nine Al I rAK- Ye r -Old. Epo COTEI. f i MPID P AC E. A.G-lu. ONE Q' W 11 Mc i t\'Y.R \ arane.1 d 11 1 i, ''irl tia '-u.a " u M sh. 0NE Q -'. Gil4SON XXXX W10 t *,ti'lt? i i I Z : - 4' oNV Q'T. GUCK Ill,"Il E1 . J'ot1 1 i '- n - ' ' - Al (14,4 . til. UNt- Q OLIJ R O10W W I IsK I Y I l 1 * R . I .t 1 %4 1 i'.. W\0 t- hip thias Itnte1I, 0 . Id at y a t .\ l i ' , l i it I tin Inuk g (1) $265 vxvriss pre paid nly , iiii. iitt of h. S i t - '.x n- 0 W if. f-,- our 1 ew illu- ial d prict -is . j ii im I ' (' il l Cr-T'GT vf- w a irial on out $1 5t) a $2 00 l't t- a el i n RiF'.ENCE: T-ird Naimml 1 .t k GLENDALE SPRING" DISTIL HUG C., MxTCHELL ST EET. ALANTA. GA. Newberry, Tuesday, March 27. Two Performances, rain or shine, at 2,30 and 8p. m. 150 -Wonderfully Educated Dogs - 150 60 -- Pretty Performing Ponies - - 60 25 - -Comical Monkey Comedians - -25 A Herd of Tiny Baby Elephants. @ This Year Twice Larger than Before. @ Don't miss the Big Street Parade at 10 a. m. Good Time. 4~ Every man, lady and boyMshould have agood time.piece. Comie and eran't, fetecieo d SI~ buy it ofus as we havemDnl a large selection., If your watch, clock k ofilrci or..jewelr y needs repair '\IVlhY..(. bring it to us and we CPTL* *$0000 will put it in good or d er. w r 'n a kn eM . Wle also have a nice ndol.. h('Etit'4ml lin ofv1t..e s fia d oy a oein'.S-ng D pa, m i + rat of 4 FLrOYDt 0 B .AsEle Y, IS.C.IT CAP.ITA. - -. -t $50,0000 The_Jew,Ip~. ~ We rai e e au uetl) nkng si 'I BE ~ EW BmXnRV l n r..onl t-n l.ahe reeci .te of ldi hnOe o d viaeifrnsadc sa os Mortgage---s '. ~ Stekwe lly kiver andE" b ~ea n Gltasst\.eK\AD'oet 0~~~~~ ~ B ~1Y~,PIIsJ buAElgu, Za o e WR I ftogHT, - . .WM.tht G MAS j NW yt r '' -' ~ - . .na'* :e uu,vDe*itr2 1,n- u d fo x ,rhepi rne