U. if AUI,L. KneT011 LKAVR TIMiMI AL.ONEc. It ill tho Oxcaptioll il l ilo Somi b," mayn tho Charlotio ()bmtrvor, "whon o)tton rmill owir" do not. 11v11 Itill coroly at honrt hu int alirnVt. 1 ami n firo of thoir onp-." 11, ii : "Our rominboro corrtHpodoiot . torday ni.ato< that. Ihm Pi'rxli innutacturing vo pm.y li sh-ei. 1I to olihiblmlh anf i( 1111 111 at o.hild mchool for thm Imfi. of ihm chihdi of tho I ill olllploywi nkil hil-411 alnla iwnrdod thm contriti- filr at uimijimmi A01hoo0 bulildinig (!(Ilni i ltg fim 111 ntrated. WIhy iii ilY \\'i enn nily explain it on tih gromid Ilhat iho peoplo liko it) im g1l40. hilf 4( thfj moo pmophl who pay hibi-roill\ for thin nort, of 'ivr 6-ing, nl -PI th l oc1 nlowl apillh rii.s I g fi Ie, vortiniig, and when t hy io w - I , cha31rgo( thmn11 eyven less1 t1i311 a living~ pr1i00. It. 11nny b1( tha'. Ihn 11( no 4141 w1ithi theoir i1chom1on4l nriii plan1s1 ofI wil. ve,rtiing loow01(',, 134heir bu1ine(2 Inslo-( ~r am11( know bult.t,(r hosvI to) presentl the4 ad(valht13(Ige of ad(1v44rInf u II hthai' country (1d1itor. We o v 131 V n (((1414 muchOl of thin1 that11 woY1 enn 't help1 33 .il tionling it thiough~ it in js not14on o1 nervo order haiinI 414 13,1n iliinof Ihi waillan the(31 galltery of' tIe op3rn to ben obnorved by 13h( IiropIer 0(1 thlorit1in at th s.o Uci(4.y 444 cob.ra1 lul innt Fraiay night. W..o relgrittd(4 to takoen editorial cha1lrgo It 4(ur l(4c..l cotemnporary, tho O)hnerve'r. We e omno him back to Ne'wba r nod try editor anthe13( open1 liri w Ha ntoro himii to ihi lIC'(i neu t iia h ' andu vigor. The1( evidonoo4 4'(131 nem t' ll;anIo Senator McoLa:in ud 111 wblib, h. mul not have o)rdolred his un1nm4'H I' eu from the Deocrat io onueunll1 mt, hI dlines1f to attond the'(lll'I nnen, In.,lo name11 is not onl the roi ll mI 3 i H lIto ounited as a D)tmocratie St'iuti'r bi, his follow membnlersI of thel Set'ittt. Wel, should liko to s1ot some1step being taken towards thle bunildinig of a sewerage system in Newborry, it is neseded and wel hope another suti mer will not be permittedi to pass4 withont something being done'. Woe should begin. We have alre'ady de layed too long. WVill not thle city fathers start the ball miovng? The Oolumbia Record 11ha bee and is an ardent and earniest sup' porter of Senator McLaunrini and w commend it for standing to its fr i'nd, I6 is a long time yet until thet nlext campaign and there may be many changes. It is too soon yet to make predictions for next year. Even thbe State newspaper may be an advocate of MoLaurin by that time. il Illam1141nt bflroro tho pmoplo anlotwomed ai4 yet. B-st wishes to the Herald and New", 6nd I-a readers. 'INE nURR. Headache often results fron a dismr ered condition of the stomach ano ons' iyation of t lie how IH. A dosie (it Wo of 'hiambtlaill's St,oniuch anUd ,Iver rahitts will correct these disor leri and ctirt- tho headache Sold t3 N. E. Pelham. Again death has invaded our churce 6t rrinity and removed another land nark-B o AIij.h Martii, who (ied a its home near Longshore's in this coun ,y on the 10 h, march, I a in. in tie - 4'ightieth (80) year of his age. lit caves a widow and several child ren ano Crand children and a host of frientla iho loved and respected him greati . Its end was Peace May the God of nercy comfort, the bereaved. D. P. Boyd. March 18, 1901. Itaiumek ble Curk. tif Ithaunttsan. Perom the Vindicator, Rutherfordiot, SC) The editor of ths- Vindicator bas hit >ccasion to telt the eillcacy of 'hamte alln's Pain B m twice with the m. t 'imairk.t'doh resul ts ini each case. ie Nitti rh- uminatism in t,io thoulde fron vhich lie stftfred excruciating pa, fir ton dais, which was relieved wit wo appllen. -no oj Pal m thn, rubteli he par's 1flillets d and re"lizing instr. ietn II' a- d entire relief in it very tho Ime e-cooid, in rheutmiatem iII 'ti 11.-t, anio-t prostr-ving him wit evere pain. which uam roileved by wo applications. rubiing With t ho liniment on ro'iring at night, tn retting up fr o from paln. For salt t N E Polhaim. Sunday afternoon at flve o'elock M i'. Oswald Stowart, of this city and ll-p I'uleice Shockley ' lFlet a were quile ly narried tit 'he Afet hod t-t parson- e. h. It v W I 1Ierbertoffilatting. bo oing coupv e with a me of their fri. nd lre'v to Hlelena wl.r.re they spent the veinig most. pleasantly with the .mily of the bride and are now at. homne it, the residence of Mr. E. II. Leslie. W.* wish for the mi a long life ful' f )rosperity and happiniess. S .' that you get, the original D)eWitt' Wi'tch 11 zal $alve when you ask fo it, l'he G"-nuine is a certain cure fo L iles, sores ".nd skini diseases ilIde' 's 'orner Drug 8tore. Stoekhs.idera' Mie..ttngr of ,b.. F. MW. F I. A. sUo9ttu.3n of N..wbe.rry U'n. The Htockholders oh the F. M. F. I. A"sotiistion of Newherrs CI sunty wal meet in aninnu-e session at Newbe'rr, DI. H , on S 'turday. M trch 231 at, li s'clock a. in., for the aelet ion of ot1icer, LO serve t,he ensuing year, and for lb t,ransacetion of other important business All l1ashi0 holde s ar.' ra quested to at tendi. J1. L. KrITTr, Presid'i, S. S (CUNNINouipA M. A g't,. t It w.ua-dc. To sell a geood Piano at, a bargain, or will take in exchasngo a.- part pavmien-, a hirsi tilass tuic k cow Address B ,x 5. 1ary, S. C , Newberry Co. t& 2t Just recol v.-d a lot of Stceson's Spring styles stilY hats at Jamieon'se. Lights Must Keep Burning. A traveller once visiting the light iouse at Canlais said to the keeper, "liut what if one of your lights should go ont at night ?'' ''Never!i lipossibe 1" he cried "Sir, yon. Lder are elhips sailing to all parts of the world. If tonight one of my burners were out, in six months I should hear from America, or In diai, saying that on stuch a night the lights of Calais lighthouse gave ao'warning, and some vessel had boon wrecked." If all Christians relt as deeply the responsibility hat rests upon thorn as lights in the world, what a transformnation night be expected, NIotico of Final Sottlemnt anm ischarge, that I will make a final seI,Iiement 'a t to E,tat.' of Mary Ruff, de ceased, n ihnl Proba'o Court for Newborry eiunty, .s. C., on Thursdaiy the 4 hi day if April A D) 19111 at. li o'el'ck in the Forentooni anid wil' imme'diatl.i there tfter applyv for Lctsereq Duamlaesry as Oiliitaeuir of lute said ICetate. All reous holding claims againt hesi lsate will present tie same tuly attested, and all those Indebted to hn said estate will pay lhe samte on or infore that date.4 Mafah 2nd 101.AinL.'sr To pro(luce the best results n fruit, vegetable or graii, the Irtilizer used must contain -nough Potash. For partic flars see our panplhlets. Wq end them free. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 NNssau St., Iew York. Founded 1842. 5TIEF=F PIANos "Sing their own praise." 'le word hamis been o much B abused hat we of ton hes. Iate to URO it. It so happens though hat thero is no other word that. vill ndtiquately describe the STIE FF )j ano. 000000 It is as near perfection as human kill has been able to reach. O0( )00 It combines the high ~ qualities of he otber instruments and has many Inique additions of its own. 000000 Chas. M. Stieff, Plans Manufaturer, BALTIMORE, MD. 4. and S. Carolina Branch Wareroom, 213 N. Tryon St., CHARLOTTE, N. C. Good Time. Every man, lady and )oy should have agood :ime piece. Come and >uy it of us as we have i large selection. If your watch, clock r jewelry needs repair ring it to us and we Nill put it in good or Jer. We also have a nice ine of Jewelry, Silver Wear and Glass. The Jeweler. ST'ATE OF? SOUTrH CAROLINA, COUNTY 0OF NEWB1ERRY. W W. Ilodge.s. Judget of Probate. muba nmadet suit to Inc to grant, tim ttors of administ,ra ion of the *a of and e4Tects of Precious Ellen Tihes-- are therefore to cito and ad n .nish all and singular the kindred and 3reditors of the said Precious E len t'homas deceased, that they be and ap xear before me in the ('ourt, ofProba'n. [0 b.- held at N. wherry I 'ourt Blouse S ,on th.* 19 h day of Mar next, after ublication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the renoon. to show cause, if any they ha8ve, why the sid Administration thnuld not, he granted. iven indo my han1 this the 4th W W*. HIODGES, J. P N. C. Come In out of the Weather And we will make you comfortable, not only while in our store, but on your way home, and after you get there. Just ThImk of II! all these comfortable goods going for a mere song. M--n'e M e'klstosh (Cape (Ioa 98o.; los,s' 88e ; \1-n's $o 00 overcoat,s.03 45, omt finer - nos att a little more than iia f .rie' V.try hos all-wool B'ankets 0-4 at. 32 90, 1 1-4 at 37 Well, as toGCap s and Jackets, if we charged my less we would be SIng them away. Men s Underwear and nany.other goods at :ut prices. Yours for business, S. 1. Wooteg 1901 1901 AH A PPY NEW YEA TO YOU! Wo unfurled our banier isinetteLi p-trs ngo, ncd I1rongh ali ii ell e 1 % irt We have rt-tained the pat-rotnage o- a grout matn. of our first cuiistiineril, Rl though many efforts weti miade to inudicea hem to trado IieMiwhere. In some istances the miraculous offers of compotilors draw thin from us only to return to im to trade and to remainll with i Mlia eistHtotnterm are added daily. To each and all we% extteid our tha, hi f,r tiif mitiy favors and pstronage that has bee, given us. Our First Consideration is Our Trade, by giving t em value for what they pay. Fjoi ile vvr. beo g 1 or im, has been to f-llow none, but, to ieat th.-in ill, ai wv%ask othiig mjoro than a comparison of vur goods and prices with th --o (if all) oti lhr houlhe in this town, and we feel confident that to trade with tim mean- a saving of CENTS, DIMES AND DOLLARS. We propose to make it even lore profitable to you to -rnie with ii us during this year than we-ever did before, and expenriace his taught. )ou that Our Word is Our Bond. More Goods for Less Money. A Fair and Square Deal to All. That's our promise during the entire year of 1901. Every train brings in new goods. We start the new cot,tury with a vim, and aR always, we intend to win. The Fair and Square Dealer. AWThis offer stands for 30 days only. Si&* 4 Fnll QHarts of Pflre Rye Whiskey, From For Seven $265 a to Shipped~ to Nine Ally V n, Years Address Old. Express U 0oTJ 1 SAX Ear0Xai. ONE QT W 11. Mcp RA Y ER. Guarantet d Strict13 Pure H a (I-maikiels. II M sh. ONE Q '. GIBSON XXXX ' P - tlat thien Itl ho 11r.ootit D! gr. ONE QT. GUCK ENi El UN E?, Ju1t1. iuel v itd for It, M dieinal Value. ONE Q ' OLD ( ROW WHISKEl'.Y, 'I he Oto ReiiH.t.h Faj% I Ite. We ship this assis ituveit, or .-+orted tiny % a. you il e 1 t i m. in at pain pack ag-- for $2 05 express prepaid nly to the liniis of a he Sati hero Express 1 o. W it- for our new illustrated price list, just out Sed in 3 our orders. ",Give us a trial ,n out $1.50 and $2 00 Pure R3e at d uorn REFF,RENcE-: Third National Bark. GLENDALE SPRINGS DISTILLING 00s, iWi CIiE.L STREET, ATLANTA. GA. Newberry, Tuesday, March 27. Two Performances, rain or shine, at 2,30 and 8p. m. 150 -~Wonderfully Educated Dogs - 1 50 60 - - Pretty Performing Ponies - -60 25 - - Comical Monkey Comedians - - 25 A Herd of Tiny Baby Elephants. @ This Year Twice Larger than Before. @ Don't miss the Big Street Parade at 10O a. m. "DEXTER MrATTRESS" Price, your door, -$12 50 Guaranteed and for sale by FL Y.LEAVELL, -T HE Natioeal B8k of NQwbemr, S The Riser Millinery (38STABLIGHED 11.) 1 . o pn Capital - --$150,000.00 av eertig ra SuPplus and Profits - 96,865188 aG Veyhn a .........edranged in their new General banking businese rnsce store, so that the ca oleettons.' Correspondence slcedserve their Customers. Savings Department. They are selling their oDlepos.its allowed,interest at the rate entijrg stoc tadb of4 e cent per annum frt date of .aa O de os.L lateresi payable January 1st low COst in order to ana July 1st of each year'. kePOm O h e Mt. A. OARLIsLs, Preat. maero-o h e T. DUNCAN, l'ahe - Spring Goods before & . w. BMN. Aa . th seasonn opns.