The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, February 26, 1901, Image 3

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SMud Ani t Knights of Pythias, Newberry Lodge No. 75. S TATED CONVENTIONS OF this Lodge will be held the 2nd and ith Tuesday nlights of each tlolith at 7.30. Visiling Knights c)rdially welcomed. THOS. E. EPTING K. of R. and S. Crotwell Hotel Buildin,. NEWOEitY MARKET. Corrected every Tuesday and Friday by Summer l3ros. M eat... ............................ 7( 8c. Shoulders .......................... 7c. H ams................................. 12( 13c. Best Lard ....... ........... 9@100. Best Molasses, new crop...... 60c. Good Molasses..................... 25@50c. Corn ................................. . 65C. Meal ....... . . .................... 05c. H ay................................. $1.00. W heat Bran........................ $1.15. 1st Patent Flour.................. $4.75. 2nd Best Plour.................... $4.25. Strait Plour........................ $4.00. Good Ordinary Flour...........$3.00(a 375. Sugar ...................... ......... .( 6*c. R ico.................................. 5 i8Ic. Colyee................................ I 15c. Cotton seed meal, per sack... .25. Looso [lulls, per cwt.............. 30c. Country Produce! Butter, per lb .................... I5)20c. Eggs, per dozen ........... 12k()15o. Chickens, each............... 15.25c. Peas, per bushel............ .85c. Corn, per bushel.................. 60c. Oats, per bushel................. 35(40c. Sweet potatoes .................... 60@60c. Turkeys, per lb ................. 8C. Fodder, per cwt ............. .00. NIWBEmRRY U0C7ON MARKI. (Corrected twice a week by J. W. Gary & Co;) February 26, 1901. B est...... ........................... 9 c Just received 100 tons High Grade Fertilizers, get our prices, we will make it to your interest. t&ftf E. M. I-VANS & CO. For ititt. The Fred Werber house on Collegf Street. For terms apply to Miss Mari, Werber. t& No,ice. I have removed my office to the rooms formerly occupied by Cole L Blease over JamicsoWns Store. DIZ. J 1t. Mc. ULL,OUG11. Lost! On str-ects of Newbi-rry one bunie keys containing 7 or 8 small keys and two shoo hooks. Finder will be re warded by leaving at this ofloo. tlit x.Y. z. U. S. Jurorn. The United States Circuit Court will convene in Charleston on the first. Tuesday in April. The following jurors have have been drawn from New berry: Grand Jurors-Geo. T Reid, Chapp.3lls; Ben Dember Newberry. Steeped luto Live Coals. "When a chilI I burn-d my fool frightf-lly," writes W. H. Eads, of Jouesville, Va., "which caused horrible leg sores for 30 years, but Bucklen's Arnica S.dive wholly cured me after everything else failed. Infallab,le for Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Sores Bruises and Piles. Sold by all druggists. 25a. A Quiet Marriage. A quiet marriage took place at the home of Mr. Clarence Hentz, February 14, 1001. Those particularly concerned were Mr. B. LI. McGraw of Lebanon community, and Miss Kate Hentz of Walton, Newberry County The cere mony was performed by the bride's pastor, Rev. J. J. Ltng. May heaven's supremest blessings ever be theirs to enjoy. J. J. LONG. Hlayne, S. C., Feb. 22, 1901. Recent experiments show t.hat all classes of foods may be completely di gested by a p)repartion calle.d1 Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which absolutely di gests what you eat. As it is the only combination of all the natural digest ants ever devised the demnand forit has become enormous. It has never failed to cure the very worst cases o,f indiges tion andl it always gives instant relief. Gilder's Corner Driug Siore. We are entitled to your tradci. We are the boyst1hat have, put the knife in high prices. Purcell&Scott. Knights of P'ythlas. There will be no meet ihg of Newber i'y Lodge No. 75, Knights of Pythim's, tonight, and all the members will take notice. This meeting is called off in order to let the members attend the Sunday Sehool convention now In ses slon at the Lutheran church. There will be no meeting of the lodge until 'the next regular meeting two weeks hence. A Convincing Answer. "I hobbled into Blackruon's drug store one .evening." says Wesley Nel sbn, of Hamilton, Ga., "and he asked me to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism with which I had suffered for a long time. I told him I bad no faith in any medicine as they all failed. He said: 'Well if Chamberlnin's Pain Balm (lees not help you, 'ou need. not pay for it.' I to'.k a bottle of It home and used it acording to the directIons and in one week I was cured, and have not since been treoubfed with rheuma tism." Sold by W. 10. Peiham, How's This? We ofrer One llundred Dollars Roward for -any case of Ontarrh that can not be cured by lil's Cntalrh 0ute. F. J. CHIEKNIY & 00., Props,Toledo, 0. We thme undersigued have known 5. ..Ch" noy for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transac tions and financially able orryot n obligations madel by their firin,.cryouan SBT& TRUA X WholesaleDrugglets Toledo 0. WALDINO, KINNAN & MARvIN Wholesale DruRg lsta Toledo, Ohio. llal l's Catarrhm Cure Is taken int ernally, act -ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Price 150. per bottle. S old by alhldrugglste. 'Testimonials fre.. Halhl's Family Pills are the best. VARIOUd AND ALL AnOUT. The beautiful snow has come and gone. Rev. W. . B. Ford, of Gaffnoy, is in the city. Mr. B. C. Matthews made a business trip to Columbia on Friday. Mrs. W. I. Herbert returned on Fat urday from a visit to Columbia. Mr. Aumerle Schumport was in the city this week visiting relatives. Prof. W. K. Sligh went, to Columbia Friday of last week on business Mr. John Daniels, of Union, visited his brother Mr. Guy Daniels Sunday. Mr. James N. McC tuglrin, visited relatives in Spartanburg tile latter part of last week. Mr. H1. C. Soloman, left today for Washington where he will make his future homne. Mr. P. J. Voss, representing the Na tional Metro Company of New York was at home for a few days. Mrs. J. E. Norwood and Master J. E. Norwood, Jr., are on a visit to relatives in Wilmington, N. C. Mr. V. C. Cromer and Mr. John L iEpps have received their appointments as Auditor and Treasurer respectively We notice in the News and Courier of recent, date that "Mrs. Nation may visit Charleston with Main's big circus". S. (. White, traveling representa tive of tile Antietam Paper Co., Hagers town, Md., gave us a pleasant call yesterday. t Mr. John C. lipp who has been suf- I fering for some time, with his eyes, I left on Friday for New York to consult i specialists. Capt Silas J. McCaughrin after spending some time with relatives in the city has returned to his work in t Montgomery, Ala. This has been a most remarkable winter. The weather has been so mild until last week that many early gardens were caught, by the snow. t The court of commnuon Pleas opened vesterday at 3 o'clook. The first case taken up wai that of Mitthews and Hipp, which is now in progress. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Com pany purcha4ed 27000 acres of rich phos phate land from the Charleston Mining C ampany last, week. The deal involved $1,500,000. Mrs Paul Johnstone left on Friday or New York and other points north, ,vhcre she goes to make a personal se -ectiono of spring millinery for the Riser Millinery Company. The time for paying State and county taxes and also city taxes without the penalty expires on the first of March [f you will examine your calendar you will see that tile end is very near. The Criminal Court adjourned last Firiday night. In thecaseof the State vs. Alonzo J. Cook and James A. Brad ley-Assault and battery with intent to kill and an affray, a mistrial was entered. Mr. J. Guy Dailels has purchased the C interest of h is sister Mrs E. E. William- E son of Union in the firm of Daniels & E Co and the business will be conducted in, s the future under the firm name of J. G. I Daniels. Mrs. Clark Waring, of South Caro lina, was eleeted one of the Vice presi dents general of the National Society of C the Daughters of the Revolution at their meeting which has been in ~ session in Washington during the past week. Saturday of last week an engine on the Southern ran into the cab of a freight drain on the C., N. & L. at the junction in "Gravel Town". No one was hurt. The only damage we under stand being the destruction of cab of the C., N. & L. The lecture of Gen. E. W. Moise scheduled to come off at the court house Saturday got snow bound and wab postponed until March the second This lecture wvill be inter-esting and in str-uctive and therec should be a large cr-owd out to hear it. Rieports show a greatly increased death rate from throat and lung trou bles, due to the prevalence of croup, pneumonia and grippe. We advise the use of One Minute Cough Cnre in all of these difficulties. It is the ouly harmless remedy that gives lmmediate ~ results. Children like it. Gilder's r Corner Drug Store. To the good farmers< of Newberry we arei your friends. Don't buyunilyou see us. Purcell&Scott. Car load Trunks, Bars and Suit cases just received at Wooten's. .tf Leeture Postpned. The lecture by Gen. E.. WV. Moise which was to have been delivered on Saturday last at the court house in the interest of the South Carolina Inter state and West Indian Exposition was postponed until Saturday of this week at the esme hour and same place. If you are interested in building up your town and county you should attend this lecture. It is free and will be of inter est. Newberry county should have a fine exhibit at the exposition this year and the only way to have it ls for the people to get together and make it. A Poor MIllionairO. Lately starved in London because lie could not digest his food. Early use of Dr. King's New Life Pillswould have1 saved him. They strengthen the stomacth, aid digestion, promote assi ml latlon, improve appetite. Price 25o. Money back if not satisfied. Sold by all druggists. Mackintosh Cape Coats, Men's 98c., Boys' 88n.. at Wooen's u tf MBE STATE SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. rlRST 4II?N 1l)I LAMr NIGIT IN TIIE I.UTEIAN OhURChi OF TIlE ItIEEM 1:Ci. tidremseN of Wo-hcome astid tesponese-In terestIng Talki by lenbro of the Intermsith,nal Piarty -A Com ploto Progran. PROF1 EO. 13 CROMEua, ?resident of the Stato Sunday School 3onvontion. The 24th annual Convention of the 5nuth Carolina Sunday School Assocla ion held itz opening session In the .,utheran church of this city last even ng beginning at 7.30 p. in. A larre mnd attract,ive audieneo comfortably illed the beautiful edifice to greet and velcome the party of International ourists who are making 1he trans-con inental tour from ocean to ocean In he interest of the Sunday School work ,ud in the cause of child evangeliza Ion. The workers, five in number, ave been b3lected by the International Lssociation from various denomina lons because of their especial fitness as eaders and experts in the whole field of Sunday School work; and their mis Ion is to stimulate and encourage the vorkers in the different, States in which hey hold conventions and special neetings. PROP. H1. M 11AMILL, D). D., If Jacksonvill,. , In- erantiol FIMl Porfo sevra yeJarsL, ad. pior. t ith ackinoi Assoc iItationaHl vie ecrary,s heas the bntrnton seaet,i, aho adedesator,e Vods Cttonentiorln Londeo has88 eenr conncedwt the International neto inee fuy 9 or tn years prior o hat timeh was oralnernSenet 'f the Illioi SsodatSconie vsocea son aHay hard ien Superinternaetof Doneo hi, and thie adswent-fou >foCicag (onhsnatiI don ptIn 180 hic add so muht-etne fti MRS MAI. M. IIANLL, oif ofa tihe wasGelda Secretary apia 'y threr Ohof greadty Sichncy AShea Ion. e s nnn.hi Superinteindt of1. iumber of conventions, and occupies the position at present, also of Normal ceretary in the Illinois Sunday School k4sociation. Primary workers8 will be reatly helpd by her addresses, Con crences and children's meetin)gs. tEW. 1. W. SPILMIAN, Sa I'Sunday School specialist. H is Ield Secretary of t.he Bapt,ist State 'onvention of North Carolina, which )osition hec hats held since A pril 1, 18P6. He Is an energetic, carnest, practical 3unday School worker, very efficient as i Bible teacher, eloquent In his ad resses. The opening service at 7.30 p. m., last night, began wit,h at song service [ed by Prof E4xcecll and( the audience ibly assisted the Professor in render [ng Bome beautiful selections. At 8 ). i. Dr. W. E,. Pelham mati the ad Iress of welcome which wats responded to by Dr. T. H. Law, of Spartaniburg. Aft,e this the "I, ernat,ional work" as nost, ably presented by 1V. ie. W. 3pilmanl, at member. ofrih.- Intern1at ionail arty. Prof. . . Hamil l ien hgave xmot excllenl address upon "The Modern S8und,ty-scl ool." Dr Hammll s an able si keri at neer disap oInt,s is hearrsa Ills address was lle-d wit,h good things and they wero lpprecated by Ills audiene. The program for thie entire conven ion N made up of interesting topics .nd will be found of much value to the lelegates and other workers who are p)rivtieged to attend the metings. For ,be benelit, of our readers wo print toe ba:t0.Song service,M.l[ 3:00 ddress ofnl4-c welc1me, William [)in . i hroer,. Presdeo New bpperr. e y hslaege. ce ':0Ihe Inrnafrtheonatiwrk, con W.n i Sislman. fineetngtpc :00 'I3 henmdernhe Sunday-soo areM Hrogram, which Is as follows: FIRST SESSION. Monday evening, February 25. 0:00 Song service, led by Prof. Ex e0l. Re00pddrts of wlcoe, ThelSiati tcal)Screty The sieasureo; SuperontnPsdentiay ofe 30The Externtiona Commtte, Chair 2:0pddes:Th rot,aieinStt Sun Ihemdyrnoo Sunayrko,rf H. M. H1am ill. :30 AnRounetsof-CobjecteeModan Annone.Aejurnen. THOID SESSION. Tuesday motrnon, February 2.-h Premary Dearoment.rac .:00 Song service, led by Prof. Excell. :30 Progrests vn-promarye ospelMrs Mariyon Whide. Reotso0oces The prtmrytuion I:0chile' Seet g, ledb Trasrs.; Suerinendent monf peia, hodb Proe Excutive Comttee,nday'sre man,.2 Discus,no RepoIs. pl 2:00 TwAhotddress: h rni es, Stat Sindayescolby k Prof. 11.mM. 12:0 Arjunmaet. ujc odr A rmarundho thos, romv1 to. 'cloc pman.rprmr nditr potAfcmitte n nnounce-nns me ndicion FOURDi SESSION. Teday afevnon, February 2.h 3:00 Song service, led by Prof. Excell. 1:00 The pbook wr taion. in aw 1:45 TChirngs andetaing, lehildren, mimt yProf. Hamill. 9:80 Anouncmnmdornment. 'ednck da m fornpimaFrad iner port0 Workr coiteenc annhonce 'IhNm.m1ntna.s..aa Visitation, and Hlome Depart monelits," led by 'rof. Ilamill. Con vention ils8emlbles: 10:110 Son g service, led by P'of. Exce ll. 10:30 Next Sunday's lc_son taught, Rlov. B W. SpAinan. 11:00 Round table. Subject: Sunday vehool tnanagement, led by Ma ioIu LAWVnce. 11:45 Plans for the cominig yeat-The outlook. Theoffeiinig. Conduct ed by the international seere tarivs. 12:15 I'let ion of oll!vors. Iusinevss all noune1em1111011.1. A dj our1- nmenlt. SIXTil SESSION. Wednestday aftrn 'on, February 27. 3:(n 0 o -,1 rvice., ed h. 'rof. ixcell. 3:30 Th( big boy prOlem1, lIeCv. B. V. -1:00 The t eacler's Spirintal prepara tion, by lev. S. M. Smith, 1). D., Co l u ih ia , S . c.I -1:30 Suniday-school teaching, Marion 'a wl'allev. 5:00 Pound table. Subject: Tho Sin (aiy-shloi teacher, led by i'rof. lamill. 5:45 4Reports of commit-tees. Itusiness SI'VENTIl SI-SSION. Wcdnesday evening, F-'hiary 27. 7:30 H-ng service led by 'rof. 'xcell. 8.00 The unreached and the usaved masses, Prof. IIamill. 8:-15 The Sunday-school its a soul win ner, 1Rev. 13. WN. Silpilmin. 9.30 Brief parting words. Adjoiurn uent. Throughout this entiro programme, using overy spare moment of its miany Intervals. there will be brief, carnest pwayers by local pastors and workers. This special an nounce ment, has been made: "This convention is inciuded in the itenerary of the famous 'trans continental Sunday-school tour,' which pa-ses from the Atlantic to the Paviie coast, through the Southern and West ern States. The local committ,ees are as follows: Entertainmenit, Wim. El. Pelluhain, chairman. Musie, Mr-s, H. 13. Jones, chairman. Railroads. E. Cavanaugh, chairman. The ol1feirs are as follows: President, Geo. 11. Cromer, Esq., Newberry. Vice president, C. 11. Carlisle, Spar tanburg Treasurer, R1ev. W. I. Ilerbert, New berry. Secretary, J. L. Berg, Columbita, Superintendent normal depart.ti,ent. 1" F Whilden, DarILilngton. Siperinlendem primary work, Mrs. M. S. Whildon, Charleston. , Super-intendent i homo class depart ment, Prof. J. A. Gamnewell, Spartan burg. Statistical secretary, J. J. Gentry, Eq., Spartanburg. Here is the personlel of the executive committee: Wmll. E Pelham, chairmian, Newber ry; Rev. T. 11 Law, ). D , Spartan burg; S. .1. Excell, Sparw,anburg; Geo. 13 Cr(mier, Esq., Newberry; Rev. W. I. Ilerbert, Newberry; T. T. Hyde, Charli-st,'; IR. C Williams, Newberry, C. F. B3oyd, Newtberry'; R1ev. J1 M. Ma gruder, Spat.anhur'g; R1ev. GJeo. A. Wright., Newberry; andI R1ev. J. W. Shell, Riedsville. A p)owerful engine caninot be r'un with a weak btoiler., andl we can't. keep up the strain of an active life with a weak stomnack; neither can we stop the human machinlie to make r'epairs. If the stomach cannot dilgest enough food to keep the body strong, such a prIep)a rationi as Kodol D)yspepsia Cure shoul d be used. It digests what yotu eat and it simply can'' help bt, do you goodI. Gilder's Corn.'. Drug Store. A ppoin.'tmaets Governor MecSwe.eney has appointed Wallace C. Cromner auditor' for New berry and Jno L Epps, trceasurcr for the counaty. Mr'. Cromcr' succeeds himself and NMr Epps will take charge about the first, of March. Mr. lBoyd will be ready to transfer iat that time and the new I r.easurerci can1 make upl the p,-inalty book and collect the delinquent taxes. Mr. (5 F. lBoyd will retire fr'.m '.'leo with t,he well-done of every citi zen of the cotmnty. The best we can wish for Mi'. Epps is that he will Imake as emc~ient and as court,eous an olficial as his p)redIecessor has mado andl we feel sture he will strive to (10 so. Like bad dollars, all of DeWItt's Witch hlazol Salve are worth less. The orIginaul qnt'ickly eures'e plesC, sores'U and1( aull skini diseatses. Gilder's Corn.'er. Dr'.ug S'ore. The Atlamntic Coeant Lin.'e Announcea Cheap On account of the following occasions the Atlantic .Coast Line will sell 'oiu.'d trip tIckets at rate of one fatre: P resIdential lnauguration, Mar'ch 4th, 1901, Washin.'gton, D). C., one fare for round trip. Tickets limited to con tinuous passage in each direction, to be sold Ma'.ch iset, 2nd and 3d, also on March 4th with final lImit, March 9th, 1901 Special rates quoted for M illtary'3 Co'.pan ies a'.nd Brass IBands In u ni form. Fare from Newhmerry $1~>.10. 'Th'.ot'gh Pullman Bu3taTt Sleeping Cars run to Washington on all through trains. General MI iasionar'y Con ference M. E Church, Souith, New O'.'ians, La.'. April 24th and 301,h, i901 For above occasion round trip) tickets to New Or. leans, La., at r'ate of one first-class fai'e round trIp. TIckets sold April 22nd,. 23d and 24th, Iron clad signature form, limited to continu'ou.'s passage In each direction, wit,h fInal limit May 2nd, 1901. When you want a physic that is mild and s'en tIe, easy to take and plevsa.t in eIY'.ct use Chamberlain's Stomach and LIver Tablets. Pric.e 25 cents. Samples free. IFvery box guaranteed. Form al e yW E. Pelham. A Mood Porlornunlece. The Unat Clayton Comlpanly appeared at the opera house hIst n iit. in "l)ark est Itisiak" and gavu a pleasinl- per fo-rmaiico to at tmalli auldience. Tho Comlipay carries a bcautiffil lot of special scItey which goes to ilake their. poerfotti11 man,ces In ich iore teal istiv and etTeetive. The special ty work of H- il1 and l'.dmu1ndr14s and -red Cohin are alIn worth iiany t1m11,Iyine.s t(he price of admissi(on. To '-ight a Waif tof New York. )on't, miss it.. P'ersons who eanl #ot. 1,.1k(' ordinlary vills 10 fi it a plva,111-4. to ak )eW ill's lAit lt Da-ly Ris lii' '. o I lit 'est, litle liver vill-4 1'volr 1n1h1(1 : h-1' Co'n1er I )Itot' The fiar-Iers arc now pleItring their lands(k filr anlother vrop, bult. the grOunid beilng frozlel tihey 11111k but, lit,tle Iprc griTss. As cottoni has declined in price, with Iospe)Okts of still lower prices in tle fall, we would advise all forimers to con sider well if it would not he prudent to rieduice tieir. acreage of cotton anti plant their hnd inl other producets. the pr-ico (if vorn iats advinced withl prospects of voil tiullta ve. The farmers acted wisely inl iowig plenty of graill last fall. Ho far it, ithas not. been matteriatIly injured. Somo parlio.s have uded ptltoes: others have Ilegnill plintilg ill their gardetis, thougll we have no hopes of SUCCs4's i i l ich eairly We hope we 11113 be disl,ppointed. We have severali seve'e cases of grip In ourl vicinlity, anid ieverl persons are aullevinl(g with t,heir ii arts from vacci uation. So fat' wo have not had a case of Smallpox inl our vicinity. I1lope we illay escape tih(e dreadful disviase. Ieb. 2.:, 1901. "lichian." For the Weakness and prostration followigir griptm tiere is nothing so promllpt aild effective its one14 Miniue Cj)ulgIl CuIre. This preiaration Is high ly endorsvd its a illu falling remedy for all throat and ing troubles aind its ear ly ulse prevents consumption. I t was made to cure Iulickly. 4ilder's Cor ner Drug Store. Look out for Purcell & Scott's Prices. No matter what price you are quoted You will always find us lower. PUrcell&Scott Si. LUtielt Notes. A musical was given at Mr. J. . MIoore's last Priday 1ilght. iessr-s. Norris IHawkins and lPorrest lBidenbaiughi spent Siatirday and Suin (lily at home. Al.s. George VaIughln has heenl quite sick for the iplist smveral dtys. Mr. J. 0. Moore tm1et with L pallntfUl ieeidlen a few days Tince. The first finger of his left hianmi was masoed oI Ou r school eelebhrated Wainei gion's bi rthld ay with exercis5es applrop)riate to t,he occasion. A large number of v'ii ors were p)resenit. Ye.s wYe muist, congrat.ulate the I.egis lature for not, d.oi ng mnuch, Or ratber not, miaking so muatny chlaniges. TIoo miany and1( frequet, ebanlrges of the laws haive been ai curse to (ourt coontry. It keeps the peleI agit,at.ed, andit distur'bs biusiness. A fter' a lingering illness of several months duiration MIrs. A lice Hoozer, wife of Mr. Willie Iloozer, oni Tunday eenI ng at twenity miinu111tes belfoIre sIx o'cloe,k breatlied her last, atnd her spi ri t entered the silent1 I realmn. She wats 23 yeairS, i mointhIis, and 15 day13s of age. She leave s a hutsband antd two cliildren31. HeIr body was laid to rest, in St, Luke's cemetery Wedlnesday aIftertnooni at 4 o'cloc(k, the fuiocral services beintg con-1 duceted by llev. ZA. W. lI denbatugh. We sym1 pJath izl deell with t he sorrow i ng ones and( trust the great, (Comforter may he very near and dear to them. EUJLA. Tlhie greatest, daniger from colds and Ia gripp is0 u thicir resuilt,ing In pneumo11 n Ia. If reasonable earc Is uised, how ever, and Chambherlaiut's Cough Hoe (dy tatken, all danger wIll be aivoidedl. t t,will curo a (cold or' an aLttck of Ia gripp)1) in less .11me t.han atny other Irneat 11111t.. It is pilensantI and safe to Lake. For' sale by WV. E Pelhiam. TIhere are men who will laugh at a woman for buying a nilekel packago of chewing gum, then proceed t,o blow In a (quarter' for an imp)ort.ed elgar-. Mil llions of peopile are fainiliar wIth ID--WIt ti LI ttle I'Carly lit(iser and1( thot o wVho use them find( themn to ho1 fanious little liver pills. Never grIpe. Gil dcr's Corner Drug St.ore. CER?EOL/TE--Top Dressing The Wonder Worker! F'or oats, wheatI, corn, cotton and Vogitables. Th is F"ort,ilzo~.r has been used( for years andi will inIcronso yeild from Fifty to one Hundred per cent. Apply to Summer Bros., Agents for Newborry County. The Home Fortz.. cIhom work's JBaltimore Md. Notice to Ureditors, IrpHE Cluti'ORS OF JAMES N. .1. Li pscomtb, deceased, ttre hereby requIred to render In and ostabilish thueir demands heforo ma on or befor" the twenty-sevent.h day of NWarch A. D 1901. 11. II. Rikard, Master. A Weather 1'ropliet stumjk)p(,t. ( Jol. . amies I )eat man, the wel wIt known Conl tractor. :aid Weather prophet, i.s stimpl todabe. iIe has ben 1tiunch iever in the "No fov in Aigust, nO stnIow in winte'" theory all his life, and t) hi ve it, thu- r'lidelY -ihaLtered is a sP rI-i m 11 atte 1'. In( clicidating this theory it few days 1go Colonel O)ILrman said that not, only would therve ho no stow the followin in Witer. if there was 110 for in Au'gust, but thin nuber of stIOWS iln any wiit vie exactly correspond e to 1t1v Ih um -r of fo,"s the previous Aug st. |-- :til thaL hie had never known thi r. to fatil, anl W"at-i con till it it woal )nt, fail tlik wilter, and Its thi-r wit no fog in .\u ust, 1900. there would he no snnw this winter. Colonlel ILI'arian is invited to revise his calculations uid try again. ---Spar tanhur Journa! Feb. 2). )oes this alto apply to tha ''Datch Prophlet?" A Dandy Line of New Mattilifsi The prettiest you ever saw! Prices Just Right! also A New Assortment of Wall PaDer. R.Y.Leayell. Founded 1842. PIA4osI iSing their own praise." ior vi fy-nine yCLI-s, the Stielfl'ianos huave given the grieatest stiisfaction in tiousam, of homes in North anlld South Carolina. Year in anld year. out, We make no t,h ing bu ttlielf' Plainos. I 'ractieoi malkes porfe't in everythling, and years of practice, joined to conScientious skill Itald honlesty, ilake the StiCl the satis factory instrument it is. Yoil asstimo io risk whatever in buly in,g at :St1,i1 'innio, Anid tlle SLVIIng of the ealier's big prollts will go a long way' tawards payinog foi'r Anasic lcssons for y'ouri dlaaghteir. he St.iclf is the only wvorld r'enowned 1Piano)1 soldl in) th)is se.ctln( dirctL fr'oim M anufat,urer to custoimer. Wr aite for ia catalo)gue anmd I"actory ('l lAS. Ml. STri:PI', 'iano Manu)11facturi er, H altimtore, Md, Nor th andl S-out.hI (!arolin11a lIrhanch Wareroom011, 211 N. Tryon1 St.,(Char lotte, N. C. Good Time. Every man, lady and boy should have a good time piece. Come and buy it of us as we have a large selection, If your watch, clock or jewelry needs repair bring it to us and we will put it in good or der. We also have a nice line of Jewelry, Silver Wear and Glass. The Jeweler. STATE O1" SOUTI L CARLOI4JNA, COUNTY O1" NEW'.IEttY IN PitOHATEI' COUli'T, A. J. Gibson, Clerk, as Administrator, &c., of Viincy Oalhuaan, deccated, Linti If. aginlst Brooks Clark andit others, Defendantsa inl, I wvill sell at paublic auction, to the highest bidder, at Newberry Cour iilIotis", on saleday In March next, thaItlhouse and lot of which Vinoy Gait mian dih-d, seizead and possessed, lying In the. TIown oif II[elena, in the County and State aforesaid, containing One A cre, mo"re or less, boundedl by lots of 11ev. Nathan Ohiles, Anthony Wright andi others, upon the following terms, to wit: One-half of the purchaso money to be p)aid in cash, balance on a credit of I woIve months, with interest from day of sale, to ho seacured by blond of the punrchaser and mortgage of the premi ses sold, with hetavo to purchaser to pay whole amount of bId in ,cash. Purcha ser to insure the premIses and assign policy to Probate Judge, and also to -ay for stamps andi p)atersl. W.' W. HODGES, Probato Judge N. C. Whrrye 0.,1001.