The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, January 25, 1901, Image 3

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Knights of Pythias Newberry Lodge No. 75. S A T EriD CONVECNTION8 0 this L)OtVe will t,e held the 2,. ,pud 4t1 Tuesday nighis of each moitj at 7.30. ViS'11g K1HUht4 c"rdiall welcomed. TH14. EI EP I'[ NG, K. of R. aid S Crotwell Hotel Buildinh. NEWBICURlY MARIKET Corrected every Tu.sday and Prida by Summer Bros. Meat... .................. ........ .7,48 Shouldilro ............. ..... H am s.......................... ....... I2(< 13 Best Lard ....................... 9 l0, Best Molasses, now crop...... O(k Good Molasses..................... 25(a)50< Corn ................................... 65C M eal .......... .. ..................... 65C Hay............................ 904 W heat Bran........................ $1.1 lot Patent Flour................ $4 7 2nd Best Flour.................... $4.26 Strait Flour........................ $4.00 -Good Ordinary Flour...........$3.0%3.7 Sugar .................... . 6c R ice.................................... 5 8ic Coffee................................ I 16 Cotton seed meal, per sack... 1.25 Loose Hulls, per cwt.............. 30c Country Produce, Bntter, per lb .................... 15(20e. Eggs, per dozen................. 22c. Chickens, each................... 15@25c. Peas, per bushel....... ........ 75e. Corn, per bushel.................. 60C. Oats, per bushel................. 3540c. Sweet potatoes .................. 60(75e. Turkeys, per lb ......,........ 8c. Fodder, per owt ................. ?5(490c. NEW1EtitY co-rON MARKEi (Corrceted twice a week by J. W. Gary & Co; January 25, 1901. Best .. . ....................... 9to Wando Fertli'zw. Just received, large shipment Wand< Fertilizer. I can make it to your inter est to see me before tu5ing. Can tav you money. I am the sole agent foi Newberry. I am your friend, farmers and want to sav. you money. Call an one me before buying. f 3m. J J. LANE. As an inducement to give The HI) lyer Wonders such business aL they de serve, the management will give. t< lucky person holding a correspondinj inumber a complimentary first-clasi -.ticket for all shows of this season. VOss & SCHOLTZ. Welcome to 4...o1.1 Hunt. Col W H. Ifunt tind family. of New liberry.. bave come to the city to live an( .will make tht hom- ii Dr. Calvert' house on Deis street They are mos heartily welcomed here. Colonel Iun is associated wi,h S. I' Mc('ravy in ih. practice of I . Tht- firm has coin c tions at T "ry, E iluda and Usion Colonel .A -mander of tht Sons of " Vetlerani of thi, state.-E, u u Journal, Jan. 21 You Kaow wtat You'%ru 'nklsag When you tak. Grove's Tasteless Chil Tonic because the fomu ar is plaini printed on every b .i i le. 8howion that I is simply Iron and quinine in a taste less form. No Cure, No Pa. 50o Ulve U.. ..- We are trying to imparove our pa. per in many wa*ys, andi need you1 help. Several new corrspoandentls havy been added to our numier since thb new year, and we want some one lI every section of the conunty who wil give us the news regularly. ThIs I the only way to get the news while I is fresh, and people In one part of th< county like to know what is going os in other parts. It, will be our especla aim to always have room for article which you contribute. hlave we a cor irespondent in your section? If not 'won't you give us the news? Let ui ihear f rom you. The Boat Prescriptlion for Malaria Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove' Tratteless Chill Tonic. It Is simply iroe and quinine in a tasteless form. N< cure, no pay. Price 50c. Another Newberrlan Goes to Columbiba. Again we are called on to part with family who has been among ,he citi zoens of Newberry for many years. M: W. T. Jackson has gone to Columbia where he has accepted a position witi contractor Boland. Mrs. Jackson wil joIn him in a few days. Mr. Jacksoi was street overseer here for almos thirty years, and during that time dii hIs work well and .faithbfully. It is with regret that their man friends here see them take their de parture. We wish for them that the, may find a pleasant home among Cc lumbians. Btops the Vough aud Works off the Volk Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cur a cold in one day. No cure, no pay .Price 25 cents. Our New superintendent, IMr. F. Mi. Boyd has resigned bl effice as manager of the telephone e, change. to accept the position of cit electritian for the cit,y of Newberry This position is much more remunmeri Wive, and one in which his education I electricity can be more fully utilizecl The.romoval of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd wi be a very decided loss to Chester, aln we take pleatsuro in commending ther to the confidence of the people of Nev berry. Mr. Boyd is a natural mechank. ~he took a course in the Bliss t1lchool < ElCeotricity, and has had considerabi 1practidal experience.-Ohester Lar Jtern, Jan. 22. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Boyd I Newberry, and feel sure that they wi )find a pleasant home here as does ever .one whose lot is east ameocg ..ur peop Clark's 200-yd. Spool (Cat.'on, 2 spoa ifor 5o. at S. J. Woote'i. t f. Va,ttO1 ANI ALL asiour. See ad. of fertilizers of the oil MU in another column. Mra. G. B. Dominick and family at' occupying the house recently vacate( ty Col. Hunt. We want a cOrrespondent for Th Herald and News In'yout' locality if we haven't one. The city council of Charleston t appropriattd $50 000 to the Inter Statt and West 1li ian Expohi imn. The first i,.suo of The Comnloner, thi Mwekly paper published h. W. J. Bryati made its appearance on January 23. Mee ad. inl another column of this pa per of !he S'eger Manufncturing Co t. -d it if oul v. ant a good position. Th St.'4 Agricultural and Mechani ca! Socte:y will ho;d its annual spring 'neel ing ii 'olumbia tin February 6th, We are requested to announce thai Rev Mir. McUlintock will preach ai B6ush River church next Sunda% morn Ing. Sherlif Buford has had all the priso. nors in the jail vaccinated. It, would also be well to vaccinate the county chaingang. Court convenes here Monday with Judge James F. Jzler presiding We will he glad to have our friends give ue a call while in the city. Any one finding a bunch of keys con taining two house keys and two smaller keys and one postoflice key will confer r favor by leaving at, this oflice. The Newberry Roller Mill will be closed down after February 9th until June. Any one having wheat to be ground will govern themselves accord ingly. Drs. P. G. Ellisor and J M. Kibler were called to Helena on Wednesday afternoon to attend Luther Wilson, a little negro boy whose leg had been smashed by the % est bound freight on the Southern. Amputation wtas -cces sary. Mrs, Mary P. Scrine- "ho for several years has edited the woman's page of the State has begun the publication ot the Day Spring, a weekly journal. We have no doubt Mrs. Scriner's pa per le well worth th,: price asked and we wish her success. Newberry Is to have a fir-st class up to-date bakery. Mr. E U. Snnenberg, of Camden, is having the bakery for. merly occupied i-y Mrs Spehl thor oughly cleant d and neatl3 fixed up and will be prepared to give 3 ou bread in a f,-w days. Marvin Wharton, the Wufford Fit ting School student who had such a narrow eseape fr4'm death by a faillg chimney in the burned building last lFrid-y, was able to go hom- yent rday. He is still very sore and weak Hii father, Rev W. B W'-art n. o' Pros perit.%, came for t1im.--S,)c'.atiburg .lourn'l, Jao. 23 Tuesday afr r- oon fiv '-mer South Carolina coilege sLudents met In froni of the -itate h,iuse a'id agreed lo me, I a I nat same spit a qu-irter of a cent,ury hencte. The live were W 1) Simpson, Jr.. ('ofombia; J. l. Klnard and B3 . Johnstou.-, Newberry; E. M. Rucker, Aiidertson, arld MlcD)onald Fnrmnan, rSumter (ountA .-The St,ate, Jan 24. At, last the old well on the public square has been filled up, itopro'vini considerably the looks of things ini thai Ipart of town, anid while it, is true th~ai that well bas stood there since New ber ry has been a town, and t,houands o thirsty pedestrians have imbib d fleelb fro.m its never ceasing flow-its days o Iusefulnesst are over and it must givi place to more modern improvements. Just received 100 tons HIgh Grad Fertilizers, get our prices, we wtll mak ft to your interest. t& M. EVANS & Co. Wanted I Three (3) Good Sales men and Collectors To work Newberry and Lau reni Counties. Will pay salary and corn mission and give steady employment Address THE SINGER MFG. Co., Spartanburg, S. 0., fat 8L 1R. L. ENGLAND, Mgr. A Splendid Fe.'rftrmance at the Opera LiHouse Last Night,. Hillye "Wonder-s" Co. appeared be fore a splendid house last night, in spit< Iof the in clemency of the weather, ant those who attenided were not disap pointed in the least, the programme wa laughable, amusing and interesting, th Hlillyers gave one of the belt perfortm ances in their line Newbi3rry has eve seen, the mind reading and cabine Iwork being uaisurpassed, the entir show was most creditable. Mine. Hi] lyer worked with such ease and grac that she won the Admiration of all whb saw her. She is cert,a-inly an artist ou of the ordinary, Nothing but p)rais: Ycould be beard from everyone who at tended. The ifis distribut ted were al Shandsome and costly. The lly 13 certainly gave the people their money' worth last night, the house should bi Icrowded tonight. A change of pro dgramme wvas announced. The leadlini prize tonight will be a handsome gol watch, and everybody attending wil ~receIve a present free of charge. Tb 'performance is.strict'y moral in ev,er 0det all. Price of admissiont Is 15c, 25 and 35c. o WYhat's Your Face Worth?7 IfSonwetimies a fortune, but never, yoy.u han' a .'alit w u"empl.xfon, a jou, cii' id ler k nith pisilcs atnd t,lotc-hi ot lhe s it.-all tIinsof' Liver Tlrout,li B., Dr Ki' u's No-w L,fe PIlls gI' Is 0i "r 8k' R-taes Clot-ks, Rich ('or plexion. Only 25ents at al druggIst Porsonia. I Hon. and Mrs. C. L. Blease have re turned frot Columbia. 3 Mrs. Burt' Johustone is at ler, old I hoino in All,,n(dale this week. Col. Goo Johnstoe spoit ia few (ay%s in Columni., tis week on businesi. NI.. Efgee Speariliran, of P:orida, was in III ' city We'loslltv "n it.01i-4 NIss Dtisy Cannon ks vi-;iitjn .., brother, M'. C II. (.!atntnon 11ndh f,-m, in thecity NI r. E b11i Bt'-a ll) nt Snday with his alier It -v. \1 NJ. 111abham111tIl at Ninety-Six. Mrs. 0. 11. latyer and children are ItL homle aailn after a st'sy .,f some mon id in Laurens. NI r. I IL 1111 it, we t t.o Coilumhia 1uesday! o atynd a etnt(tingy of the Alimii AAsoclation of Sout h Carolina College. 'liss Nannit- \leGauhrin, of New berry, is visitig nt C.L W. 11. Ilit's North D-a st,ruct.-Spartanburg lI,r aid, Jan. 22 . Mr. I 1. P.Turner went to Newherry last week, also Mr. R W. Brown. Mir. Brown has purcbased two fite mules - Laurens News, January 24. Mr. Juo. M Kited and Dr. W. E. Pelham were in at teoldanep at tbe meet, ing of the Alumni of South Carolina College Tuesday and Wednesday. Miss Lucy Speers and her friend Miss Eunice Beach, of Rome, Ga., left yesuerday for a visit, to Miss Mabel Means at Concord N. C. Prof. B. 11. Johnstone was among the Newoerrilaus who at,tended the meet ing of the Alumni Association of Smonth Carolina College in Columbia thi week.. Mrs. It. H. Welch of Newberiy is visiting at the home of Mr. J. E. Col. ton. Mrs. Welch is very pleasantly re membered as Mies Day who vit-ited here some time ago.-Union Parogress, Jan. 23. NJr. John McLean, who has been in charge of the Western Union Telegraph ofice at Pize.r, stopped ovter with his brother, Mr S 1 Mel an, on hi wiy to take eharLre of the oflice at Rock Hill. We coiigratulate hii on his prom'v tion. FERTILIZERS. Can save the farm ers $1.00 to $2.00 per ton on their purchase of Fertilizers. To those of our for mer customers who expect to buy of us I would appreciate their informing me of their needs, I can then re serve for them their requirements. B u t don't wait, you need not haul until it suits you. There is quite a 'large demand and we are taking orders rap idly, and if you delay we may not have what you want later. Newberry Oil Mill, By L. W. Floyd, 6t Pres't, &c. Mi'. A. G. Wise has gone weost to pur chase another drove of mules. We are very soe ry to hear of the ill ness of Miss Blanche Kibler. Miss Marie Bobb, who has been in the millinery business in Mississippi, returned homo last Sunday. Miss Gertrude Bobb, accompanied by Miss Ida Neal, spent, Tuesday night under the parental roof. The board of health of Prosperit,y has made vaccination compulsory. Mrs. Rosa Cannon, who has been quit,e sick at Newb-rry, has been brought, home. We are glad to say she is somewhat, better, but, Is st.ill quite sick. Mr. W. R. Capers died at his home in Prosperity January 18, 1901. The - funeral services wer'e conducted by Rev. 3 D. P. Boyd, assisted by R1ev. W. 11, Hiller, in the Metbodist church, Satur. day morning, Jaiiuary 19, 1901. The s retnains were carried to Columbia or 3 t,he 2.14 o'clock t rain for ontermenit ir the Elmwoid Cemetery. Mr. Caper' r has lived in our' t,own about, two y'ears, t, and dur'ing that time he made a greal 3 many true friends, who now mouri - their lobs He was a member of the 3 M, thodist, church, and up to his deati: , was ever a fall hful member to hit t, church and Sunday-school. le was kind and gentle, and all who knew hin: Swere imprecssed b'y his deep p)iety, W( 1 wtll miss him, but God hud need foi a him and calk-.d him up higheir. We cX tend our heartfelt, sympatny to tbe he reaved rel"tives, es1 osially to the wife son and sister. -"Blessed are they that die in the SLord " S. Saves Two Fromn I)..ttti. Our' lit tle daughter had it itn om fa e tal. at rack of w hoopi ne e'nmeh tml bero. y chltis" writesMrs W K HIavilaftd o e A.rm',nk N. Y. 'ue .wihen aill o he rem-*diesa fliled. L4f sived her life will D)r Kmu.g's New D)mteeevery Our ice who had con umipion in an advanicee stage, also used this wonderful medl It eine and toa day she Is perfectly well -Desperate .throat and lung diseasec as yeld to) Dr. K(ing's Newv Dlsco,very ai ~. to no ot her medcl ie oni earlth. In'fatI I e ble for cough< anid coids. 50ii aned $1 0 *- guaranteed by all drvggiste Trial <.oi SMAIt'OX. Metirem Tmkek hi Stop lite Sprenlt of ti Oreaut itlatly isn 7gii,ttry &n t T,w-. lport,s from) different Counties t th -ite I-, ilrd of IHelt h indivtnte th k4lpre-k-ad of smallp x inl all parts of th Hite. The autltthor-it ics :iro walkIing up 1 to thI fact, 'ha som't i lmust be dolle inl SN St,emalllL'iC way to mitamp out this drea disease which, although in a very mil f 'n, is nlone the less loat,hsome. The followit-r televram was rveeivv4 yest,l-rdav by Dr .1.1mi vs . K ihle presiCdent of I ho city Board of 1ole 11: Columbia. S. C , .ian 23. Dr -1 INI. Kihlor, Ne wherry, S, C. S'nd mile na1mes of persons inl cael townlip in count11 y who will tak charge of smalpox in their collimulni ties. Authoriz., ihell to act aLt one Consult Conty Supervisor about Ilh m1atte. .IAM:s I"'ANS, Ml D., Secretary Sistv Hoti d of I lilth Dr Kibler went to work at, once 1Ie hats colisulted C.-unty Supelrviso 3ciunpert its advi-ed, and a list o names will be sent to tihe State Boa' without delay. It Is necessary that the people in th ditferent sections of Newberry Count give their hearty co-ollerAtioln in thi uindertak ling. Vecination hats alread; been made compulsory in almost aill o tho town-, ia d it would be a good ide for our fait mers to take matters int< their owa hanads and order it generna vaccilation, of not only their ilimedi ate families, but also of the families o their tealints and in fact aill iheli lia borers. Do not wait, unil i a ease o smallpox is reported in Your com1111tu1 lity, or it illight he develop( d amol Your owln hou.sehold. .ut tale t4 hzurrl way of avoiding the disease. Vaeciml11. Act it once in the matter for the saft t. of yourslf antid t.he protection of *0out neiglhbor. A a,ilin WVoildtig. Over in Lexinlgtol] county yesterdait Mr. and Mrs. Thiomat- Mtrr cel-..bratal d the semi-centennial of their weditian NIr. Mira, who is a f -rm r, had invited m:any of his friends to lis io-plimaib home and the golden wed .ing fustivi ties were claborate. All of the childreu were present There was it note wort h3 wedding dinner, an(d l)Ien1ty of goot musie. Several who were grooisim.-r a:all bildkSlaIds at the oiligilnal wCdd iit1 wt1re present,. \Ir. .1 io. It It -denb ingh of Newber r. . Who atit. d4 t , wats inl the city lai,: niu ' e Statt Jan. 21 h. Liawt r P1r..opi-raly N.wm. To.y is dark at d rain %, stire. Me aid \trs. S 1' Taylior, of thi e.wiamun it. , v idi ci he iI soia, I r .1. It To ; rof Li-xineton 'Coity, last week 1r. .. II. Kiiarl I. is movtd frIo this s. et'n1 to lea Pomlt-aria. M s- .1. 1). Taylor and Mis, 14la made ail . nu visit, to M\ . J. H. D jwt last week. ''le 'Imalil gratin of this community i looak nie very' liae. MI . D). P. Adams, of this community vast:ed her,autnt 'AtNeiwberray last wer i' MI .lifton taaylor1 aind siter, MIis Be.'sie have r'emurned to th(eir home 11 Auguasta, G i , aif i'i a shoart visit t f tlnds anld relatives,. Mlises. D L K(iard anod 10 W D.amlinick made a I3 inag tip lo P'oma ria I. st week. Mr. J. W. Mel.z, of Gary's, wvas I town last wue.k shaking hands with hi many friends. Mr. C. S. Ni hols and fatmily, of Si Luke's sectiona, visited Mar. H-. D. T1a3 jor's family, oaf Rlightwell sect,ion Itui Saturday night, and sunday. Mr. G. W. Caroamer vIihed Mr. Wi] Geor'ge last Sunday night. Mrs. Lizzie Campbell is visiting hie daughter, Mr is. Noah IDahart. Mrs. Ir'a G. Doaminick a'ides a whec nowa. M rs. Bachmnan Caromer' and her chatrn ing daughter, Miss Carriel, visited Mri' John Fellers last Saturday evening. Mr. 0. W. Amick has rtutirned homx after a short visit to the cit,y of Colutna bia, S. C. I close by wishing much success all. Tr. D. A. Prosperity, S. C., Jan. 2.1, 191)1. EXCELSIORC ITEMS. We had q1uite a cold wave last wee but no snlow. Mr. J. C. Singley went down ,to (< lumbla last week on a business trip. Messrs. Singley Braos. have cont menced sawIng lumber ag~ain and who you want, lumber call on t,hem and the will treat you right. Our school ia moving on nicely wit a good at,tendance of pls)l. Now Is a good t,Ime to re aa ,h Herald and News when y'ou ean gi the Liegislatturo nous fresh twice we k. Rt -v. .Jas. D. Kinard, i Lo'esvll -pent a few dayse wit,a h is mnother's faan Ily .i:, ,ist. week. Qac e a nuanfber' of th) youtng f'ud en1jo ed a muaesic'aI at, Mr . J A ( K( aa i'.i hom.l on Sal urday afternool 'Vo cairn the at ternoona was p)leasantl ape4nt lisa eiIng to uico sweet music. W are st,ill looking forward to an hoping for a daily maail through thi neighio>rhood at an early dlay. Such n,ail servie' is much needed. .Our faramers are cutting wood an (clamng up lanids for the new year'. As usual I see iaix-paying t,Ime 'hi hee'tn e'xtender d to the fIrst oft March. rthink thIs is a mIstake as It ene'otrag( rabe peaplei to be more careless in pa;, ing a heir tax VTe peolo expect tA tie to b' extended and of course ho back in paying their tax. Ta'x p)aylr shoii'd be ciosud at, the set time and ii exee n'ion allowed. I Rev M. Mi Klnard Ph.D., pastor I Ebene'zor Luthereani church, Columib 8. C., hats our thanks for rememberb' us a ith a niero c'.ralair for 1901 whit cont.tlus a picture' of t,ho new tchurc SOme . 51jiil-po1 or Elephanihals, Which, Is Almost every ynr, f'or thI Iast sC vera 1)a:.t IItIe I it s beln w t I I, is t eirmi d Snall-pox Scare" in ulinot. the entir 0S uth1 Tha, 11h4-disvilst-ofwl-ich man11 kind h 's so re"th a d so often Imi su' jecttd i4 Sinill po\ is a1 Imlootet <ItuIstI ionII, I-vein aIIo)g cte learn-letdI .Ildi Ca. 'raternity. w 1 iHe tei laily hits bec[ a Is hadly divided. Anld, that it i, small pox, the laiy is growiig 10141 aR m111r11 iIIir4duiolls I vel'ly ya.31r. Theil rt aron for duig wo is veiy Iin, ut have bevn Mild timv and againi, Chat thht Way to stalp out !his disease Is bly gen. vral va'vcinatioll. To U.his pvople Ilav submitted in alimlost every case without compiflaint. thoug"h mnanly have had, and ex pireys g -ave douhis as to t he dispast. being snall-ip x Bit ins'eald of stamplll) lig out, tho dlisease it seems ralher. tu grow worse every year. The Conl tapion, every ye ar, bWuies farthler reaching and Imlore geienral: and tloug h p-ople have been v,tecinitt d, sti'l they have it all I he sme, Iloards of I lelti adopt vigelolus IIles and regulations in almo't every town and city, yet all to no purpose When the iperiod of tho so-called Smiall-pox Setale comes, thea along comnes, the di-aiv ready to accomlodate every (liciple of Jtinecr, or- rat.her the millk-mi11i, (if t.he sevei tetnith century, and deplet the town and city treasui i s. All of this has Cauls' d mnally to scriously question the ats'ert ionl that, the discast, is Smnall-pox: ald the lol)ger Lhis sort, of thing goes onl, tho more wil it be questioned. If (ur 114,al(h and cit'y phy ieianls were at little Imore 1e11-1lar) lit), in l. u10 Of "IeI:ivC.4" and" less in tt us of eurvs, we woulId have less of ,11 I-alib d sfllall-pox it tl, country, If at layliuanl bo allowed to express his viows in he mlatler, I.hley are 4imliply bilt S 1 : That to prevent tite contract ing ltil Sprind of this dist-aso, we mllust. he m .74 , 41rfu in allowil cilUS08 0' a1Y (11 * r irfvtVlin,g mn110eger1ie to pMI11aa1hP lIr' -t-re' . 1I a'ny oie who Is interet ed engh1i0 ill Ilhe iatter will take tih trouble t'o investigate, he will find thel foill lowin- to Ier ruc: You will niv(i ii I :in -h 1 hut thit It w w ikll b1 4v., pu u.' at a li t.-I or l!SS extetill i ever 13 Sti 3 n 'lepi nt, in Ily life [,lt Wam eil if'elY free from temit. NOw, SPe that your ImIld is perfectly Cleanl-use a a stronlt m11anilifying gIams withl) whitll b,s -terine--Ithien draw or h1and h11itly HI I, ant Clepha,t 's skin3, then u'' a irong rvlass and inspi. ct your hand, an.1 ()nt will he UJtrly' V IAtoli-hed(l at w1iui. yVl will sIl'. Y01u% will think that y'Ou hand is a 1wrfect d.3In of Serpents of every discripltiol. If t1,hsevare allowed to reml-,inl, andl Your bloo0d is then It-11 imnll'e, oil will have thil Saml3' disel' ll t is nlow b-1iIg Calledti smalll p)X. 3ut if .olur hJood is pull., . oil will sullyf-er n) in.vIfnv''nienve. No *-, it k it idiput ein fbel, that all c3reses that varry mnvnageries have one or more mWIn alff0eWd with this diseas11 alIOSt all tll 3.ime. Such was , c case when the last C1ruell- \ isitud Now 03lberry. 0Ono man wou ld, if the doCto' h ad seen It i t), bon S -t. from here al, once. Bhit tlt- doe blors didl n)ot se'e himn, t,hough several l ot's did(, and)1 he1 was1 allowe1d to sItay b ill hi' 13311d inoeu'tlated! some1 leople withb whoim lie camite inl con3tac0t, andl t,bey in 3.11r'l ino0 1) -uLted o hi r it; and)3 it itas beeni 331Ild or3 51evereCc, accor13d in)g to the 0condi-11 A'ai: Te etreus mfanauger's were a- ii 1wed 30 (dump31 t.he stra1w (out of 33n 'lephantLf.'sca Cot on1 ) t,he side (If the rail1 r oad, w herec it, may ye1, he seen33, 10tonculate as5 imany whIose blood3( was imnptur' enotughi to be ino1culated0(. Now it is my humtxble 01)piion that, if we had1( not alilowed these to haIve (occured we wou)ld have1' had no0 smalLl-plox scare' no0w And t.ill we (10 lprevent tese tings3~ fr'oml a1kin pla~IIICe, we wvill n3~eer stamitp out, this disease. Some)3 may try to (1is pu1)e thIs by 51ayinig t,halt other. towns8 and)1 cities have t,hiis same disease15. (irated0(; lt.0 other townts and3( clite haitve (1on1e just liko we-allo0wed them-n selves 10 be inneula13te'd by the same0 Now gentlemnen (of Medical pr'ofessoon, dlon't, throw this alsidle ani'h Ltt this 3ma13ter' dro simp 13lly becau,1se lb is a3la manr's iews on 'he mat,t,ber3. Th7ere areC some) 3i igs metClbionred in tihe aboive, tc prove'( w1hiichi wi't,n1ssets are' no0! walntin3g. hei M.t dient bri'hI r'en of thet OV'3 se etth c3en.tury Ilaugt.hed Dr',..Ienner's M ilk-maid1( thor to3'' ( scorn', bt the~ M edil1 frater-' nitly (If the twentrioth century are' matk Sing~ money 13t (If it if it was1 that, (If a mnilk-maid. Ir't us look 1into Ihese ma)31 ter's antd see If we 333 ca't preven V our1 31 stre'i' t5 fr4on bielig th e dumin Ing ground l( of every fLiIthy circus andi ma)(nager it that1, comes0 a1longi. and, when we do thal we will have 1less or thle SO-CLled small11 0 .Ji3,h conla'I lEave Stood it S If he. 'dl Ii (hi1ng 1'bles. Mlhey3're I' r ri, ly ann io.v ing; but3 ih'-klen's Arniici H I.l ' will cur o ih' Ile w1ors't eas3 of l.ili on oi h'3 Ii 1 has en redl thoutandsh. 1"oi I Jori. s, Pains at 11 d(ily E'ruputio-iit II it he bst sal vel i33 the1 worblI IPrico 25: -box Cure gt1uaratlvpd, S 'Ad b~y al '' ruggisits.' y ii Today at noon the Slate railro'atd COmJ 11 mission Is to 1)3(ar several r'epresent., ativesi o)f the smtaller cot Ion oil mills Ii d 1,hi8 Statin re )lgard( to the l'rl13est,( the railrioads3 for an3 increaso~; In thb .rat,es onl cott,on seed. Among thosi , who reacehed here ye'sterda1y aftet'nooi - to appeari todaiy aIre Messrs. .J. N. L Ip e comb~ of Gatiney, andi L. W. ["loyd c d Newvberriy-TIhe Stale, Jan11. 25th. g Ib This signtutlro ia on every box of tho genuin Laxative Bromo-Qninine 'rametva the ramn1y that cnme a ano,4 1m ne am, "Gotf's inger eit'ld hin1i ti and hI slept.." )n th' lI ith of Oi llh , 1 M0, Sitml liel N. E s- : ii :' .e r of il,, asSi I - froill I.--ath unto11 li*t-A M - E.:A - , wa'I hil)il lil t' i it) - f 'harli,i.o l d ""o I at desv ntla t o) f 'ai inutli Iid l:an nl w% i fhe, biho St t lt, s ( eil in I t C rohI o11 uncler the1 yo l ti;o, am n'i ot i li.'g L'rom tcest. stat y N w !irs h ;vnt!1i I I ietedt t ha it it rt voe nCe for uOilt , Sob ie i Of lIIft., and lo(1 1 e% o f libh tL.y whIIi I elhallicleriz d1 his youth anl 1ti lm h od When but at boy hel serlved inl the ('ni1te. Stutt s Navy On thet. Piwilk,. co:ast duvrg the M Nex il war11, atl it3 asamonig t.he lir-St 1 v0%OlunIt eCer fOr Coast4 (IeCfenc ICCWhenCI his native city sounde1ii th toesin of war. l'ut hits knowledge Itil skill in nlev,hallivs Soonl hut-atil known ati (the giet ntlcd of lOhiw gover i, ent for milenl who could aisikt in 1ih' tr'a1nspit'Lation of men atiniIi iaterial to the seat of watr cat--eit i. l',vtiv n to ho detaileL to 11 ele0..., tIlipe' Car-Oliita. wherl'e lie (tII fitilt.hifti duty during tilc trying times. ill. wits i uni Of fixid pritciple andt WilIn tol if he woul ti ke the i-OnlCIid oath Ithe would be given back his home, replied: "I will work my arl'ms off, but n1 ve %('I' I t em I ll) to SW(Ila' It ft!sthooti." As it Christian Chu Lire ha iltn lie was liberal, )-ovinga all who tet-pteil Christ is the hea of the ClIt'uieb M ilitait; as a husbantd triue anI devotld: s it father tendler Ittid indigi'nt, telching his sois bly pre-cept anId exati.10 the (11uties of the Christian and ti e l izeit. Mr 1"'Va11H tteavs it widow and five sons, Dr. 0. 11 Eva s, 11. If. Evans, E. \I. -vans, of mis count\; S:tmueiii .iiTer Son) 'ails, of V i gi i lia; Slt-phen 1:lliott EvaIIn'I;. of A thens, Tssee ; hose coifort inl teti. sait hereavemint tire those words of iiliiit' trst, "I fear not dvathl, tho Iatare l,pti, for mC." indigestion dyspepsia biliousness and the hundred and one simi lar ills caused by impure blood or inactive liver, quickly yield to the purifying and cleansing propi-tics contained in xJohnstonf Sarsaparilla QUART DOTTL13. It cures permanently by acting naturally on all organs of the body. As a b] ood-cicanser, flesh builder, and health-restorer, it has no equal. Put us in Quart Bottles, and sold at $1 each. "Tl MICHIAN DRUG COMPANY," Detrolt, Mict. g Tako Livercttes for Liver Ills. a5c. * '. I' l' himti, Newherry, S-C. Sithiji's rI )1ug St oro, Newhcry S C. The Ieeders Pl'itrmaev, Newherry S. Our Woodenware Man has just paid us a call and we are now able to give you the best prices on articles in this line. Anything from a Wooden Spoon to a Wash Tub can be found at our place. See our goods before buy ing. NHEBIlBY II11111 WIR800.Q MVolasses!lVMolasses!! We have just received three cars of New Or' leans Molasses. Hav ing bought in large quantities we are pre pared to make a very low price. Call and,see our goods before 'you purchase. Summer Bros. - fit. BLUE IDGE RAILROAD 14 C. BEA" TE1k, Receiver. Effectivo Iblu. ntiSweten Asnderston anod Walhalla. lAIiTIIOUND W JCtTtOUNDt 't1Hed. Mixed o. 12. Mtattonst. No. S r 1' 00 iam ........Anderson ............Lv 3865 pri A r 90-10 iom..........n ver.......Lv 36 pn A r 10 22 amn............1P'tn dietoni..........Lv 4 i4 pr A r 10 '3 am....Clie.'iCosstg...... Ly4 23 pt Art) 07 "nm......Adamie' Uroin.....Lv 4 29 pmr A r 9419 am }......n....... .....i.} . v 447pr A r 1125 amn......... West U nion ...Lv 5It pr Art921a ......Walaha.....L, 517 pi 0 '. M. Lv. P'.M. A J. Rt. A NDERON, Superintiident. Uonnect,t' nit at, Seneca with So R Rt N.e 11 T AL AnonrHrm with ca u,al.lw ay i . an \VO (1arry) tho best to ho had. No donht about it. "m y SHOES of Mower Co., an d got. good Ones.'"--Goo. E. Koth Co., Walkover, tc., ote., for mon and boys. Storling, legina, tc., etc., for Ladies. Full ilno of Childron's Shoes, al wO have th very bst of t1he cheaper lines iado in tiis country for Women and Children th, cMe brated (loodmnii line. Com and soo usm. C. & G. S. MOWER Co. 20th CENTURY FEEID GOODS!1 We offer Jeans, Cash meres, Clothing, Jack ets, Cloaks, Hats, Fancy Dress Goods, at 25 cents off the $1.00 until January 31, 1901. moseley Bros. AUDITOR'S 1 OTICE, ()H, AN Al'I'MIZI-:1) A0I,NT Vill at, the fII I ll(,, wII p i ce amd( bl,,ow frl te purpose of toing et ',ilA 'if li"ro-mill property for the " St. I, l l " I I. " 'rosperily, " b: 1 1i, . an11i N\vhvy until Pebruairy 201th. after winch l itme the law%V r1<uiresai , peialty of .-A p. cell. tohe <Il ded. Ae txIIIe, and pisii- et wndmon th uigsa of 21 an101 yes(- lt) iLS (I iaLble to poll tonx unles'- e.vempJt by', lawiO. TIhie lawt prov$idesiii. alofr anIinco e tax on vi .roIs incomes 1 f j 2.500 an(~Ird up,'twrds. Liv numb11111 er of School I) istr' w hich A uditor Newherr'y Co., S. ('. Notions! Notions! H osiory, II1and(korchliefs, (Corsets, Gl1oi s, Jintingsl atnd Trimmings. The blet Ilosiery a11n ost of it! Tihe )5 bes Iallandorchiofs and11 most of! thom! The host Corsets and1 m2sL of them! rThe best Gloves and most of thorm! Come and too us. Shoriffs dSae. STIATlIC Oh" S)JhOUII CAlR0LINA COUtNTY' Oh" N hCWHIititY. D)avl HI WVhieer vs. .James CIonnelly. 3Y V Il'TU10' OF AN ICX tCUTIO(N ) to mes dlirected heroin, I will sell biefo~re the Court, House ait, Newherry, 8. U., on Saleday in Fe'bruar*y (4th), 1901i. TVhe following described realI et - tate, levied on ais the pr'ope,rty or Jiames Connelly, to wit: A*'I that TIract of , ld Situaoted in No. 9) T1owunshlp, New b erry County, M. C., con taining Fifty. Aeres, more or hess, Ilecorded in Deed 1i nok No 7, pa~ge :i20, anzd bounded by lands on the west by .John H-farmon, on a t,he tsout.h by lands known as the Tave.' land, on the east by Cailk's Ferry road, a onl the nort.h by 13. F. Mills. a ''Terms -Cash I 'urchaser to pay for rn stamps and :ijpers. r 81 eY M Mt. 1lUF"OlD, hrefNowberry County,S.. g Sherli's Orlico, Jan. t0, 1901,