h eyala and Fr1. South Cirlina's Grmt Development, SWAOr AITAL. INTO ALL hINDS Medi ea, Ag- res r'esated. Cost %n 0II MU% Ilke-iAz% ki"aftetrtng au.-. Aher 6e0 tV n ,rhe State 29 Do-.] Sor*tary of State Cxper's report to the general asembly, the copy of whioh will be placed in the hands of the printer in a few days., will not only be the 1wt ever issued from that office, but will make a remarkable showing for Soutb Carolina's busi. ness activity during the past year. The incorporation of private cklml panics was placed npn the secretary of State's oflice in 1SSS, and during the past 12 years about] 2,300 char ters have been issued. It is a re. markable fact that one third of that number has been issued within less than two years. The remarkable showing of new capital in cotton mills published several days ago, consequently, is not the only evidence of progress and enterprise which it will show. The comparativo statement of char ters granted, by counties, is as fol lows: 1000 Num. Capital Counties her. Stock. Abbeville .......... 3 S,'),001 Aiken ............. . 3617,0 0 Bamberg........... 1 25,000 Barnwell........... 3 .10,000 Beaufort ........... 3 72,500 Berkeley ...........1 10,000 C1 Brleston .........34 2,10,00I C i9rokee...........4 22 5,)1 ,;hester ............ 10 Chesterfield ........5 2 t0( I Clarendon .......... 5 -Sol Darlington .........4 i') )t I Edgefield ..........2 1,1)0o Fairfield .......... Florence ........... Georgetown .........- 7100 Greenville. . . 2 G reen wood ....... 2(0, WN-) Horry .............4 Eersha w ...........2 20211-0 Lataster .......... 3 40.000V1 Laurens............ 5 23,000 Iingt,on ..........22 502,000 Marion............0 20,5' Lrancaster. ........' 3 40,200 Lacrens................r ,00 Luento..........42 20,t'0 Mrion.............10 228,00' Marlboro...........; 234.50 Newberrv ........... 5 2 ,x'1 Spartanbuganted. . c. u . c.1 e,0r,i0. roads, lodges, societies, or eleemrosv nary corporations; nor does it take into consideration thosae pairtiarlly formed. The above array of figures reptres. enting the birth of a number of cor parations that will become import sot factors in the future prosperity of the. State. Included in the Jis are the following manufacturing corporations (ex.lusive of cotton aill.e): MlrCA.TUBJING i1Ob IIOlDUeTS AND' BUI1Lt4ING M.ATE BIA L. Five witb a capital stock of $202,000. The Percival Manufacturing corn. vany' of Charlestn, 816,000). Carolina Portland Cement comn pany, Charleston, $10,000. Carolina Door, Sash and Lumber company, Charleston, $20,000. Interchangeable Window Display Som3pany, Chesterfield, $100,000. Laurens Furniture Manufacturing company, Laurens, $25,000., MoColl Novelty Works, Marlboro, $15,000. Newberry Handle and Shuttle eompany, Newberry $10,000. Union Hardwood Manufacturing company, Union, $0,000). MANUIACTUI7DIo IaoN. Three with capital stock of $13,000, as follows: Charleston Iron Works, $5,000. Cherokee Foundry and Machine Works, $5,000. Conway Iron Works, $3,000, MA1qtThAoTDBING PAPER. Two with capital stock of $240,000, 6S follows: Riverside Paper Box Factory, Oharlestoni, $15,000, Royal Bag and Yarn Manufactur nu eoinpany, Charleston, $225,000. Two, with capital stock of $h),00, as follows: Spartanbury L.oom iar neos coom pany, Spa:rt anburg, S1 ,000. Andrews Loom. Beod and llarncss W orks. Spartanlburg, $1,.0001. Willard alnufactulring comIpany\, YZiC.11hand. $1tl,t0N. MANtrAe'rnuN,, hr Soutern alrrow com,,pany. Yo-rk. Thre notelie companies created are the eorgin Carolina 'Manufac tur:ng. Andlers'n: he Twin City I'ower comuimy. Fldge-tield: and the Catawba l'uwer comopay. Y hrk. with an ag-greg!te capital sto(k o f A I .' ? I . ShINV010t creat., ats follow-: St andard aolin compay Aiker, $1 5.01. New Cut Mining company, Chero Palmetto Gold M ining company. SpartI annrg, $1 0I.iNitR. % )TToN Sti 011 The ec.tton seed oil and fertilizer companie, chartered are a follows MIcCormick C'otton 0i company, Ab. bev ille, $1 ,0.e;. Pendleton Oil and Fertilizer com pany. Anderson, F20.1 it 11. Ander.;i Fertiliz.r company, An. 1'armer-' Oil Mill ccnp n,y. An derson, -2-'..4.00 Cotton l Oil compainy. ainberg, Etiwan Fertilizer con.v,pay. Char Jeston. S12.7., 10, 1. M!anniing t )'l .1il anl I luminat ing comp.any, C'larendet.. $:2. 4* Farner' Cot ton (l ec.ipauny. Clarendon, 2 4:.00t 4. Pee De. oil and Ice c(_.m)paIy, Darl ingtoit. 8000 Farmer ' Cut tn Seed t l 31\iil and Ginnerv. G reerivifle, 5 d. T LE iHCNE A-N!' TLTY TLI '.L NC):N. The new telephoine and el&ctrictl ccompanies hre ten in Luiber and bare an aggregate cp;tail stock of ~, i(. T *e are a lfllows: Sea Islarid Telephone compari and Is]land Te)ephonie compianV. Charleston. $111.0-19 d $i.0* re spect ively. A'shworth Electrical company, Chesterfield, 4~ 414,0014. Georg'.town and3 Nortb Island Tel. ephonecomupany, Georgetorwn, . 1.(4. Nonety .Sis Telephone company. G;reenwoodc,, ] ,44440. BIl-.ibeimn and B3rownvi,lle Tele. p'hone cmpany. ul 3Iarlboro, $3("4. Consolidated Telephoner CompJanAy of Sout Li Carolina,1 Riebland, SIl -~ South Ca(trolina Long Di'.tance Gilenn Springs Tel'.phone corn panyv. Sp art anbIurg, 57(4 44. C:itizns Tele-phone an.d Telegraph companylir, Spartanbu rg, $50J,000~. BVGLi']NG ANM. LOA~ AFO:IATIoNS. Jent bnuIlding and loan a%iociat ons A Wife Says: "~ We have four children. With the first thrue I suffered a1mnost unbearable pains from 12 to 14 hours, and had to be placed under the influence of chloroform. I used three bottles of Mother's Friend before our last child came, which is a strong, fat and healthy boy, doing a my housework up - to within t wo hours of birth, and suf- 4 fered but afew hard1 pains. This lini ment is the grand(7 , est remedy ever \,/ / Mother's Friend will do for every woman what it did for the Minaota mother who writes the above let ter. Not to use it A ng pregnancy Is a mislake to bepaid fos, hn and suffering. Mother's, Friend equip., the patient with a strong body and clear intellect, which in turn are imparted to the chjid. It relaxes the muscles and allows them to expand, it relieves morning sickness and niervoasness, ft puts all the organs concernoi In perfect condition for the final hour, u. that the actual labor Iko hort and practicafly paoinles. Dan. ger of riiang or hard breasts is altogethee avoidedr, and recovery Is merely a matter of a few days. Druggists sell Mother's riend for O8 o bottle, The Braditld Regulator Cfo,, Atlanta, Ga, with nt agg.egate capitall stock 81,%7%0ON10ve banks wvith anl al grogato capitil stook of $jG,0oo :nd fiftevn roal ostatte, sa ls an mCV(A.tmelnt oompanios, w%Ithl anl li gregate capitil stock of $S , t I O4o ar inlO ti the ier 's 1 cl O. n St't.6.ET IONs FRlOMtsc~R:U%~ S T rT . Ti h% lZc.oret Shotil.% Ue tlit -osit of th1 hIAgS.Cop of ti l'et, 'llnet systot v.-ry 1'141111Y 11'11nt1114 0h0-The, Fortheounin'g ut' tort.I [ The State, eo. 2*,] lt' StlecrOtarv of stito is endeavor 11t InI Ills forl-10 11ilil". n al re e to give information of i clalreIte that will I,e of solte real servict , the state. and to present it inl sneh0; Nay that it will Illwavs be readv fo rOfert"n10. Cnmef Clorki Oiatt is do0 ng tie excllent work; along thi un1'e as thle statteinp*nt int regaid tr the eotton mill industrv shows. 1 is th first time that atv such state tot halls -ee ottn ip in the ollie< 11nd such work ri-quires tiue ai t rolublo. Secretarv Ccoper proposes also t< imako some timelv suggestiolts its t< public ololes, their )Onds and comi missions. He 1cpcinits out defects it the r'.esent 11aw, as follows: "I subimlit herewith to your honor able body a record of the election 1ppoilitinenitand 111)I tission of Ill olicers of the state occIsioned b' this Iflice, n1ot only for the informa tion of your body, but that a permit lient accessible record may be pre served thereof. It will be noted tha in :pito of tihie constitutional man date that "fill officers of the Stat shall be commisioned by the gover nor." there does not lippear inl thi rtcord. nor have there tpplited to thi o:!ice f,r 'omiss,-ions, varis oflicer eleCted by your lionorable body, an, apiited through other channelf Parti-s have n-umei antd been a] lowev,d to exrcoffiicial function' wthout proper authority so to d( in other cases county officers wh have been reelected have neglecte to give nOw b(nds and receive n1e co mi ssins f-r the second teri hIding their 1flices under the term of their fermer coumni-sions, provic ing for vocupanrcy of the office unti tO;er snccessor (11alifie; I have al tedjltt:'. to correct these perniciou p-ractices as far as possible, reportin to Lhis excellency the gov~ernor va rius of his appointees to count oflice's who neglected or refusedt qunalify within a reasonable timi However, the law should be miad rnore :-tringent. "An (examiinationi of tbis recor will recommend to you, as I mnot earntotly' do, the enactment of o hu bieh oflicers o.f the various clani es shall as- ume their duties, whe: eI'et "Id. a a;-pointeCd. In the past ha- I --. t tio the convenJienCe c he ()li:il, to the det rimeont of ell eient public 'rvice. ''I wouldI (':dl to th a tttntion c your bodly the f'.t t hat the b)onds c State eflicers are not. reqiuired to bi re:.r * hEn are simuply filedl in th t r.e. . :r' ( lce. By' a rediculhou an oaoly, the State treasurer is ri (inir- I to) give a batnd for 200,000 bu t th.- l.cnd. is not reqiuired to bi rc e'r<1.-d, r r is it done, and isi d. 191n.-1 in the kl:+ping of the Stat 'Iwoblfrther rtecommerJnd( th aihnh t i ,nof adi fut's for comnmission of iD'?> ie ofli'- re. The retiirmrj tK1 t -2l toI p:.i i.s an irnheritanc from ou.r colonial iaincetors - befor t he $1'>pJtion, of decimal currency ir, to wihb it wac tranlated-arnd c (:o? - hrai brg outgrownr it.8 origi iiel pJeri'jo,e, which,was the pirovistio oif iikri for the ()f5ee~ of the secrete ry - s eti ffices have boie ez -~ '.pt ed frorn its panymuent, until is . s kt;. r nslfonrm; even here iti SI), & I .':- 1 no rUgsonI why t he Stat sh',i>M ~ ev'. r, 'Alie"r as fixed isalar f or hi i arvico, andf th'n retquire bir to) giv bac)10k a [portion of it for lb Ievidence o,;fJhinielectin (Jr upp acre, and the aver 9ago . iold per acre .12 29 busieir. PThe'(1rodietiot of witer wheat is esti'iinated at :3,)t),02,.19 lushels antd that of spr-ing wheat at 1 72,2(),. 0ti m hshels, tih trel actually har. vist, heoing 2t ,5;M,,897 acres in the (01-aItr clas' and 16,250,-ISS nere' in the latter. Winter wheat avrongo totally abanldot'd Ohio, Michigan, llidill,u1 Anld Illinois Is finally p!a,k'd at :1,22,787 acres and the spring whe'at aercago totally abandoned in North Dakota aInd South Dakota at 1.7t3,1i7 acres. The extraorlinarily rapid rate at wiich tihe winter wheat averago of Nebraska is gaining upon thit% spring wheat ave ago of that. Stato nece-si. r tated a special investigation of tho retlative extent. to which the two vari eties wort, grown during the past year. The resilit of the investiga. t ion is that while no chiaige is called for in the total Wheat figures of the State "190,7) acres have been added to the winter wheat column at. the 0XI)t'sk of the spring variety. The nowly seede.d area of winter what, ustimated at 30,282,56-1 aeris. Whilo this aervag,o is slightly greater than that sown in the fall of 1899, a-; est ilmated it t hot iue, it is (00,04 acres liss than the area that was actually sown, tno discrepancy bo in, iln Nebraska with remarkabil rapid developitient of winter wheat growing in Nebraska with which, as above stated, the department, repoi ts had failed to keep pace A compari son of the newly seeded acreage with that of the fall of 1899 shows that of the eleyen States and terri tories that sowed one million acres or upward with winter wheat one year ango, Pennsylvania, Missonri, Kansasits, California and Oklahoma re port an increase amounting to 171,704 acres, and Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Texas and Tennesseo a do crease of 1,7s0,191 acres. The aver age condition of the growing crop on December, was 97. 1 per cent. of the normal. There are many complaints of the hessian fly, but the low con dition figures reported from Ohio, LMichigan, Kentucky and Tennessee, 6a. 1, S7 an 3 84 respectively are fully offset by the expectionally high condition reported from Ka. sas, Missouri, California, Oklaho ma, at! d other States, in all of which it "i.Ove nornal. S OTHER CEREALS. The production of corn in 1900 is .estinnited at 2,105,102,516 bushels; oats 809,l25,000 busbels; barley 58, - 925,:3:3; rye 2:3,995,926 bushels; acekwhat 9,560 bushels; potatoes 210,926,897 bushels, and hay 50,110, 900 tons. The area from which tthese crops were gathered was as follows: In acreas, corn 83,320,782; oats 27,364i190; barley 2,894,282; rye 1,91)1,325; buckwheat 637,930; potatoes 2,611,054; andl hay 39,182, S The corn crop) of 1900 was one of -the largest ever gathered, while the oat crop has only once been exceeded. SOn the other hand, the barley and frye crops are the smallest, with one e exception in each case since 1887, the back wheat crop is the largest since s 1888, and the hay crop the sm al lest with one excep)tionl, since I888. IRhecumiatic pisaethe Ca jes of protest e and' dIistress fromn tortured muscles, aching 1oimts andeitd nerves. The blood h,as >en oisonied by teacruaino twaste snatter in tesystem, e.dcan n I onge-r sup;ply the pure and health sustain jag l ood tihey require. Thue whole system a feels the ftfect of this acid poison ; and noAtuitil the b)lood hasl beeni purified and brought back to a healthy condition will f the aches and pains cease. Mrs. James )(.:li, oaf 707 Ninth street, N. 3C., -Wasinngton. JA. C.. write, ats follows. "A fevr mfontt., ago I hadu run attack of aiatic Rheuana aItasm, in it', wo;r't fo.rmn. The fam was , inltense that I breameC comptliy piros t rated The attsek was an I unjual severe one, and miy cond4tiiu ITon wass grd t ed asr bieinig vecry datagcr o'1s. I wa's auttened by ' 5 oneJ uof I be sn't able doc ('nin wn ''shin,gina, who' is e4 alv>)a miembuier 'f the fac nit y of at ieadjing ,uedic at/ y contege here, Jie told mte ri tiuons a d lwonuld get well, A fter having I' filted twelve times wIh'tu.L receivin the slightest e beunefit, I dec-l-ined, to continue It treatment an~ Ronuger. iluaving heurdiof a4, 14.1. ( wift'sspeciflc reconulur-iede I if orher chill tonics uperior to all others in not experimenting whe: muperiority aind excelle established. Grove's is; 1 throughout the entire United States. No Cur In Effect Nov. -5th, 1900. (Enstern ltan(ard Time. outhbound. ~ Northbound STATIONS. A M. A 31. I'M. P.M. 7 -IN' Lv At lautn (. AL) Ar. 8 10 10 i11 A the us 5 23 11 161 Elborton 4 18 12 24p Abbevil e 3 15 .2 4%p Greenwool 2 48 I 351 Ar Ulinton LV. 2 09 (C &W C ) 10 0)a Lv GIonn --A vriugs Ar 4 0) II 4in Spar anhurg 8 10 12 (1p (iroen i le 301 (Iarris Springs) 12 52p W 4terloo 2 00 I Mp Ar Laures(Din'r) Lv 1 *4 22 53 52 21 Daily Frt lIy Ft Ex sun. Ex Sun. A - A M. PM. A.M 7 30 1 35 Lv Laurens Ar 185 530 7 4) 141 " Parks Ar 127 52) 900 165 ..Clinton. 116 500 92-1 2 05 Goldville 1 8C3 M 9 40 2 12 ..Kinard.. 12 (.2 8 30 9 5W 2 17 ..Gary... 1248 BIS 10 (0 222 ..Jalapa.. 1243 30i 10 0 237 14owborry 1230 237 11 20 2 52 Prosperity 12 17 1 10 1138 3 S(2 ....811iihs.... 1207 1235 1225 306 LE-Mountain 12 03 12 25 100 32) ...Chapin... 11 49 1149 1 15 . 3 25 Hilton ii 43 1111i 1 3) 3 9 W hIte Rldek 11 40 10 i8 20) 334 Iiailontlne 1l135104W 2 45 3 43 .....rm... 1127 1u 15 310 3 40 ..Leaphart 13 20 9 10 .3 25 4 05 ArOolusibaLv 11 (8 9 20) -T 4~Ly,veou, bi.I(A C L. )A r 11140 h 25 2-umter ii I, b> to A(riChrleston Lv 7 0) F1-t li . T 'injoTal>li s,or fur tier informa ties e all im ay Agent, or write I,) W G CIiI1LD', T. M1 IEERON, Pre'alaI ent. ."a1lc Mi.anager. L onum bI a, S.CG . WVimrington, N. C. Ulharlostoli Bll~ Wcsten Carolina RU' Co Augusta and Asheville Short Line. Schediuv in EfTect Nov. 25th. 1000. LeaveA ugusta...........9 40 am 8 35pm Ar riv e G reen wooc ...12 15 p rn ....... An deon...................... 8 00 pi Laurons............ 120 pm 6385a m Waterloo (1 .8.).12 62 p m ....... G reen ville.8... 00 p mn 10. 16 amr (4len n 8pr ings..4 00 p m ....... Spa tanburg.....810 pm 9 006am (Ialuda............. 5 83 p mi ....... Hend (erIonviie.6 03 p m ....... Asheyllio.........7 16 p in ....... Leave Ash'-viiie.......... 8I0i a ....... 8 partan burg ....11 456aam 4 10p m ()leaan Spri a...10 00 a m .,..... G reenviloe......12 01pm 4 00p m ILurens........... 87 p mn 7 80 pm Arrive Waterloo (1i. 8.)... 2 00 p mn ........ Oreen Wood....265p m 9 00 pm A nde raon ....~....... .7 25a Au guis a........... 10 pm i 40a m Leave Auta.,..,,,,..........., 240p Farfax.........,............... 452 pm Ye . assee ...........9 00nm 8 53 pm Beaaufort............10 15 am 6 50pm Por tRoyal ....1080 am 7 L,0 pin A r Sava nna h...................... 7 5pm lAa Charl.ait on..~.......... 6l 28~i Etavama nah,... ...~.~..... .... ... 10 am P'ort H oya!......... OOpas 7 10 am Beau tor t...,.......16 pm 7 20 ame i nee o...~.~...20pm 880 am Fairfax........................ 9 8 am h.lle ndnate ....,................47 am A rrivYeAugutai.--~-~...............50 am 1.40 p>. ma. trai~frii X u~gaft~makeu~ Olose CeimneOdt ion tt Cahu Valls for all pointa on Beaboardi Air Line. Close conbnection at (ireenwood for all points on 8. A. L, and C. and G. Railway, and at $partan,bnrg wtSuheru Railway, Fo n uormnation reatv to tickt r,stee. ached nies, adldress W. J. CRA 10, Gen. Pa. Ag&. T U E M ERSON. Traffle Manager. ATLANITIC COAST LINE I FAST LINE Between Charleston and Columbia9 Upper South Carolina, North Ciaro. lia, Athen;s and Atlanta, iPAi4aENqER I)PAJ&afKNT IMLE,fron, N. U., Nov. 20tih, i189. CO)NDBRsJKD HCOlJBI)"g. 0E5N WE4-: Illfno a ii, i, (4013 B ASIT, 700 am is,..CharlesU,,n, S,0,.,Ar 600 pm' S24 am ,.i,as.e..~..A r 82 pm 9 40 am Lv.,.mter~~~ A r 818pm t m 0ar ,..olm l ,,,,..Lv 00pm SmAr, .~Prosp.rlt ,Lv 24 pm 124 pmA r2~.Nwbr ry.,.Lv. 251m 103 pAr........inton ......,..,m, 1toi Ar.,Laurng.A,,.L 148 i $ 11m Ar.~..Lre v IO......- i am SprAr-~..>rabr......ni aa No 8'PA an',','.',' Idhariot,.'d''m t'1*G :".* vf i"tI* atr1 g)!"''a% Na,L nd 65i1 4t ikbt.en} is UIA, IIND FEVER. ption Is Grovel[ 'dhill Tonic. Printed on Every Bottle, ic May Know Just Are Taking. idvertise their formula ild not buy their medi it cont-aincd. Grove Lninc put ulp mll corrII-ICl Tasteless formi. Th,u ile the Quinine dri system. Any rcliabl that- Grove's is t )ther s.o-cajlled " nitations. An anaysiv show., that Grove's ' evCry respect. You ar I vou take Grov 's- t nCe' having -lonc- beein .hC only Chill Cure sold nalarial sections of the , No .'ay. Price, soc. SOUTHERN RAILWAlt. eud*ueed Schedule Ila ]We June 10th. 1900. BTATIONS. N ky Oharleston........... 1 00 P Pimmorville........ 12 00 n't 7-41 a a ranchiville......... r5 a m 8 5 a a Orangeburg ........ 2 50 a in 9 28 A = Kingvile........... 4 80 a m 10 15 a in . avannah ........... ....... a Barnwell ............ .. ..... 4 13 a sp .*.Blackville........................ 4 28 a th 7. olumbia........... a m -Ti 05 a n " rosperity ......... 8 14 a n 12 10 Wu " wberr:y:..... 8 30 a m 12 26 p m " inet1x...... 9 W0 a m3 20 p m "Greenwood .......... 0 50 a in 55 P lu A.r. Hodges.......... 10 15 a In 2 15 p m liv. Abbeville............ 9 35 a in 1 85 p in Ar. Blton............. 11~15 a in 8 10 p m Lv. Andrson....... 10 46 a m 285 p m Ar. GreonviWlo......... DW p 114 16~3 Ar. Alant.(Ce.Tfine) *41 55 p mi-Yun im STATIONS. _Dn I ________________No 16. %04.1e. v. Greenville...........6 80 p m 1 15n an "iednont ........... 6 00 p m 10 40 a in " ililimton.........0 22 p mn 10 55 a X .Ar. Anderson ......7 15 p m 114am i THelton .............. 645 p m 111F a .Ar. Donnalds............ 7 15 p m 140nr .Ar. Abbevile........... 8 10 p n 12 f pi I vHoge........ .7 55pm 11 a mi .Ar. Greenwood..... .... 7 55 p in 12 25p an " Ninety-Six..a. 83 p mn 125 p mn "Newberry..........9 80 p mn 2 00 p in Prosprwrity..........9 45 P ma 2 14 p ra C olu nbia ..........11380 pm 8 50 pim Ili.tlck ville-....--.... ............ 8 00 a an "Barnwell........... ............ B 15 a mn v.Kngilo...... .....28 a n 4 m3i Orangeburg......... 8 45 a mn 6 88 p m " Branchvlille..... 425 am 815 pmi "umril.... 5 52 a in 7 28 ma .Aw. Charloston ..... 7 00 a mn 8 15 'No1 No.1., BT_A_TION' No. 14 No. 10. 11T 00 p 00 Chrlston..Ar. 8i~ 15t 0 32 00On 7 41 a " Bummierville "7 28p 6 52 a 1 556 8 55 a " .Brannhville. " 8 15p 42 a 250a 928a " Orangeburg " 5 8 4d a 4 80 a10 15a " Kingville "4 p282 a H0~a -.v.. Mavanmnah Ar .... 10 a 4 l8Bs... " ..Barnwell -".... . 15 a 28 ... ....lackville.. " ...... 8 a 8 Oa1140 a " .. (lolumbhia.. " 8 20p0 p 7 07 a12 20p " ....Alston.... " 2 80 850 a 808a 1 28p " . .Santuo... " 1231 7 46p 8 45 a 200p ".Union.." 32 45r 1Qp 9*04 a 2 22p " ..Jonesviile.. " 12 26pso o 19 a 2 O7p " ....Paolet..... " 12 14 p68 0 lal 8 10PArBs artanburg Lv 11 45a 81 a 90l8 40 pLv8partanburgAr 11 22a 600b _[7 15 Ar....shevill ...Lv 8 00 ap "P" p. mn. "A" a. mn. "hi" night. DOUBLES DAILY SEIRVIOE BE1WREIN ' OHARLIISTON AND GREE1NVILL10, and between Oharleston and Ashevill,. Pullman palace slepn ears on TraineflBaud 56. 87 and 11. on A. and~ C. division. D1ning oara en thieso trainas servo nil mea onront'e. Trains leave Sparanburg, A. & 0. division, northbound 7.03 e. mn., 83:1 p. rm., 8:18 ., tVestibulelimited); oulthbound 12:20 .a. :15p inm. 11:84 a. mn., ( Vu.slibulo Limnite Trains leave Cireeniville, A. anid 0.i-ion wothbounmd,0:00 a. mn., 2:84 p. in. and 6:22 . in. (eetibuled Linmited) sout hbou nd 1:.0. gn 410 p. am.. 12:10 p. mn. (Vestibulod ILnmitedy Trains 18 ani 14-E!1'gant Pullman Prlor ears between Oharlestoni andl A shuvillo. Trains 15 and 1.Puilmnan Drawin' 'Rootm Beeping care betwoeen Uhamrleton anl Aehe. Rio ant Pullman Drawing- Room lB 6a Sle1 n cars between anvnnah amnd Ashevil nouato. daily between Jaecsonvillo and ~a 1LN(. GANNON J. M. OULP - lrV-P. & Gen. higr., T1raf. Ma.:ugw Washing ton, D. C. Wasnhington, D. 0 W A. TU1ItK, 8. 11. hIARDWVIOK 4en. Paw. A. cn. a.Age% Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eats It artifici ally digests thle food and aids 19ature in strengthening and recon structing thle exhausted digestive or gains. Itis the Iatestd iscovered digest anb and tonic. No other preparation se rle n ormn el cyures nSour Stomach, lNausea Biot HIod hGastralgia,crap ps an allotherresulteof imperfect digestion. Prepared by E. C. DeWITT & O04 ChIogo. PlU' 'S~VESTlBULED AL yILMITED TRAINS DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE Betwecie New York Tampa, Atlalta. Now Orlealls 811 Poiits SOM1 OlAe Wst, IN IFFEU I JUN1 U11rd, M*. 80UTl[WAlRD. Daily Daily N%3Il No 27 Lv Now York, P. It. ft...... ... Kp 12 la Phillutllplila P. It It ...... 3 p 7 2al Billt in1ole, 1' It. It...... . 6 ropin " W ashington, ' It It ...... O 10 Wam " Itichllond, 8 A L Ity. 104PM 8 8pm ' etersbitg, i I 3im 3 80pi I, v Itig( itv Jet 2 zai iUi i i'v iellitr- a. 610 1 m ialeigh " 1 Ouina 60pm solitherilII le 411 6 W 5an 9 42pni D teaily 10 32piyn No 31 Lv (Volitirbu, 8 840 n 12 2am Ar Sio itiith~, 12 . j0pin 6 Muan Jitelcuouvillo 6 30pmn 910am Tamim3Um 30pm urvelwood .11 . ..-.0.m Athens Pn 17m 9.42pm Ar Atlaita,? " 4 1 0 0 2p p -A ugusta, C' st-W po.l .. . ....... Lv Noiw York, N Y P 4f O-In " 4) I'l I mll 111it. 10 2cu.11 It 201mu 'f'v-.R-ew-- ~ork,- 0. D- H-I3 bof-- W'OpiA- ........ Ta.l . ....a. 8 pl WArot,W K It . rio 403 No 4 Lv Iortstour, . A Lity 020pin 9 80am Weldon 12 5m 12 01pi No 31 Lv Rtigeway Jet 2 25iju 1 2rpm flondurtion, .4 lmn 2 18am Raleigh, is 4 Wilila a 58pm 80o11,101,1 1Pi110 " 6711 5 0ai 12pm No 403 *11fiuIt I li mH 7 3pn No . No 21 Coluribh, 8 Wain .12 ..5a Ar avtanta, " 120pm .....6.0(. Jiteki,Olvil"10 64 b 30plu 9 101111 auu pa, C(& 3011tpm 6.. ll-. No 403 No 4T Lv IV'ortot 8 A y92p 0amn 'r tWilott, . 111am 10 21pm Lv 2fAf 1 06p (Iroowoo1 1in I2m J Olan Athons " 48pin 8 43m Ar ittanta,f " 4 Opm 6 01pm Akoll, 0 ol G4a........... 20pmn 11 1vamn "ll I gouthr, P .nA 4\ m I 1copm Mobile, L & N............... 3 05itil .1APID Now Orles, I & N .7 0.7a 830pm NOR1TI]WYAID. Daily Dall No 41 Now2 LA Avn phs, N C " st 1 .... 12 1.pin 8 45pm " JasovIi o. . 130pm 0 j0am TaOrl'I6s & N . 80a m 4(i 7pi. At oWhie, L. & N ............ 1220it, 12 21am AloultgmOInry, A & WV 11'... 11) 20ap 11 M0ain Au4gusta, , Az %V U....9 40am ...... No 102 No 36 iA I!n n 4i, ? 1- A 1, H3. ... I Oalpti 94 Oapmn r~Al limi. 2 lopell 11 23lpin 1 404-4111WOOd 4 4 . i-Ilmi 2 05ain I.V ~ ~ ~ ~~- .1)O -e 3'I' 6L-oarn L W4Ilmig.ton " ...... . 3'i m Y;T1- No 66 (r ui b il 40pm l l O et., 9O)n 920aii RnItit I 2 3)4 11 t$'-L~~M " Gr4crono, " 12m0 - I 13pam " a gh' "1 8 2 8 43n m Ar tersbu , 4 -lp 4 4Opm Ichilloerl, N .05ami 5 45pmn N, W r lgtn, L I I& ......... 7 am 8 10pm * 11hill.. N & ~ t..~~ 41in 11 35pmi " 'lmidcViit. llOp.a 25 am C%V yor is______ 3 0:11)1 101am No 403N1 Lv tl.1'Away Jet S A L By.....M 140p Welo, N4N...... m 7 v5 '' loble,t, t N............... 0a. Now . rk " 8ISp 1 ail Nob - Pa unNo -. *. i8YO45pm 1)ldng crs btwee NeYor 10amich Nos .1No11.(12 Letiar. m " 6ar Time. h.rot C.BE5Ti 3pRcer. No. 1 litaionsNo. 18 ~ P0 am.ndeson.vB9 0pm SAulun .L 2:Opm Ar 3 22 m.Podletn.Lv4 14 pm 4~r1 IXa.Chery'srossng.L .0a m "Ar9umar ". nec 40pm47p A r i5 a.Weon,t_ "U1250aL- 5 13 pm 4. v.e a JP.' i2a . Ar R Jhmnd ".AD38 504iam 545pmdnt rWashcing to n e R1a......... 1in m .10p BAt An orot. "n 1 lway No. 85pm 1 Floriae Cbt,a" a 0Pninsular 'T- ew rb 10, "eiIn or0p Ceta Tim o.8.No. 27. LNew York . Is 8o -12iS I" Nllew pIla8rk, n 8 3am L.v Wm~hIgtoi.7 10m 3 40pma Lv Iteu.ead1040p 23pp [iV.( eIumha .10 45am 2 0am L Ce tral Tim- atenTie LU DemrIDGE RA2ILROAD No12 JStations.40p 9 Nl.a I A r Liv E OIak...........puun..........vp0m p A r T0llaam........ Po d 8tn.......p 4 4p A r 1Mobilem......hry.. rsig...Lv.3p ArlO0 G a m.....A ami lrss .....L 4 0 m A r 9O49am........no........ ..16a LI 4047p Ar rl25and..........est 2Una io ......LpmIp A rT02am...........alhaa ........Lpm 7p A. M.. 4Lv. . .MA ConnT'npa, 800pm t 800amRN 1 4v Aeerslo with so Railway No11 nd1 Loriale Cnr &Pinsular [ Soukety 62C5pmla im abel EvlJack unl r.82 a 1p Ar NewvYork .....2pm 12 10ar' Lv Phfl~hlpa.12... 8S2pm i885am Lvlalmoo....... 5 1pm 2 1lam Lv Denarkig ....... 7 0pm 20 45am Lv Icn.obad........60 0m 2845pm ,v Rtaleigh .......... 4OCpm I 50pm A,r 1Colbmai........185a U55tn LV Dosiltnmak.........0m 2027pm Arlhhrunswik-.0. 0 m 8 3.40am Ar Jhlacnlie.... 70pm 2 1a LvJckovll..... 7O45pm 0 20ami Ar~ Yoak.- Ciay...,...... ie o il28a Ar 2 Tlaanse .........av 888plmlei A rNowOr ean..,... 7~ 40k m.i s Ar Cedar Ke1y ......... 6w 25 mao gf Ar Olv na s..,.,......io a m ')elcn 40 lm Ar O~rlado,..........d 20pam in 00p A-L No.44aN. d. TvT m a,................. 8 00pm 8 00a LyO A o............. 6 0p ,8 ' LV Lake City . '. . ... 52p