Knights of Pythias, Newberry Lodge No. 75. S TATED CON VENTIONS OF this Lodge will be held tho 2ud aud 4th Tuesday nights of each month at 7.30. Visiting Knights cordially welcomed. THOS. E. EPTIN, K. of It. and S. Crotwell Hotol Buidinh. NEWIElltY MAIKICT. Corrected every Tuesday and Friday by Summer Bros. M oat... .................. . . ......... 7( 8c Shoulders ........................... 7c Hams............................ 12@13e Best Lard ............. ..... 9(a)100 Best Molasses, new crop...... '60c Good Molasses..................... 25@50c Corn ........................ ......... 65c. M eal .......... . . ..................... 6. 5c. Hay................... 90c W heat Bran........................ $1.15 1st Patent Flour...--............ .4.75 2nd Bost Flour.................... $4.25. Strait Flour........................ $4.00. Good Ordinary Flour...........$3.00(73.76 Sugar ....................... .,....... 6a c. Rice............................. 5 8tc. Coffee.......................... 1 15, Cotton seed meal, per sack... $1.25, Louse Hulls, per owt.............. 30c. Country Produce, Bntter, per lb ..................... 15@ 20c. Eggs, per dozen ................. 22c. Ch ckens, each................... 15@25c. Peas, per bushel................. 75c. Corn, per bushel.................. 60c. Oats, per bushel.................. 35 40c. Sweet potatoes ............ 60C75c. Turkeys, per lb ................ 8c. Fodder, per cwt ................. 75(a90c. NEWBERitY UOrTON MAlKET. (Corrected twice a week by J. W. Gary & Co;) January 1, 1901. Best...... ........................ O i - -..... 9 0 . .....----- ----------- Lost. A pair of gold rimmed spectacles be tween Calhoun Street and the Lutheran church on Stknday Dvc. 23. Finder please leave at this offle. it. Key Found. Sit Cannon has a key found on the streets-seenus to be store or office key. Owner can get it by paying for this notice For tiale. One lIne young ox well broke. Apply to Tios. F. H ARMON. 8t Stray Mule. I have in my possession one bay mare mule right eye out owner can have same by proving idenity and by paying for keeping and this advertisement. T. L. HARGtOVE, 1t. Cromers, f. 0 Mr. L,ee A. Singley, of Newberry, S. C., and Miss Martha U. Hughes, of the Fork, were happily married on December 16th, 1900, by John R. Hebrard, IEsq., N. P. OrangbAurg Patriot, Dec 26. Quality and not quantity makes De Witt's Little Early Risers such valuable little liver pills. Gilder's Corner Drug Store. An At Untue. On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Pool and their daugi .s, Misses Na nie and Az ile, were M~ homo" to a quit,e a number of their friends. The spacious mansion was tast,Ily decorated, dainty refreshments were served, and the evening was made a most pleasant one for their guest. Such lit,tle pills as DeWitt's Little Early Risers are ver y easily takeai, and they are wonderfully effective in cleans ing the liver and bowels. Gilder's Cor' ner Drug Store. A NJa Mutket.' Mr. J. W. Davis and Sons will today open a beef market at the old market place under the opera house. They will be glad to serve their friends when they are itn need of anything in the fresh meat line. 1t. The merited reputation for curing plies, sores and skin disenses acquired by DeWitt's Witch Ilazel Salve, has led to the making of worthless counter felts. Be sure to get only DeWitt's Salve. Gitiler's Corner Drug Store. Land For Sate, Valuable Lands for stale located partly wIthin the corporate limit,s of the town of Newberry. WVill be soldJ as a whole or in lots or parcels to suit purchaeers. For further info'rmation apply to J. C. Wilson. St.t. Strayed or stolen. One Chestnut Sor"rel Mare, about flye years old, about 15 hands high, weight about 000 pounds was stolen Saturday night with harness and blanket on her Any one furnishing any information as to her whereabouts will be appreciated and suitably rewarded by leaving in formation at A. T. Brown's stables. t&f 2t E. LiEu HAYES. Our New Woerk of (JaurL. Mr. John C. Goggans who has so ac ceptably filled the position as City Clerk for the past year and who was elected Clerk of Court at the primary in August, receiving a very flattering vote, takes poussession of his new ofieo today. Tomorrow evenit g the new town council will elect a clerk for t,he ensuIng year. While all the necessary arrangemenmts are being made for the change the omo will be In charge of Messrs James F. Glenn and Amos 'Wells. ,Sloo Iteward sloo. The readers of this paper will be pleased to 'learn that, there Is at Ileast one dreaded dls. .ease that science has been a ble to cnre In all its stages, and that is Catarrnt. Hall's Catarrh 'Or is the onlv positive cure known to the ,maedical fraternity. .Catarrh being a consti tutional disease. requires a constitutional treatment. HialPe Catarrh Cure Is t akenm In. tornally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot the systetn, thereby do0. :stroyn gthe foundation of the disease. and giving th patient strength by building up the .constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith 1:1 Its curative powers, that they ofrer One Hun -dred Dollars for any case teat It, fais to cure -Mondc for list of testimonials. Address' F. J. CH ENEY & 00., Toledo, O. 8old byudrugiste, price 750. hallPs Famil PIlls are the best.. VARIOUS AND ALL AHOUT. A happy new year to one and all. Clemson College will resume regular work on January 3rd. See notice of assigment of I-J. L. Pol green In another column. The talk of erecting another cotton mill in Newberry continues. I,,3L'H have it. The town council will hold its an nual election on Friday night of this week. When you make your new year res olutions make good ones and stick to them. The Mayer Memorial Sunday School enjoyed a Christmas tree on Christmas evening. Mr. I. D. Shockley has moved from the Ialfacre house to the house which he formerly occupied. Mr. Taz Senn, of the Bush River sec tion, has moved to Helena and will clerk for E. M. Evans and Co. Eduard Scholtz and the Riser Milli nery Company are exchanging stands with Pelham's China Hall today. Watch night services were held in the Central Methodist and Lutheran church of the Redeemer last night. The Newberry Savings Bank will pay a semi-annual dividend of 3 per cent. on and after the first of January. Mr. 11. 11. Rikard, of Prosperity, has purchased the Halfacre cottage in Helena and will take possession on the first o January. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Davidson on Thursday evening last gave an "Auld Tyme Dinner" complimentary to their daughters, Misses Blanche and Anita. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Newberry National B-!k Mr. F. N. Martin was elected a director to fill the vacancy caused by the dtath of Mr. Williai Langford. On Wednesday evening the young people of the town enjoyed the usual Christmas Germnarr4iven by the young men complinentary to the visiting young ladies. The salts i t the dispensary for the month ending Decembcr 31, 1900, were $7,198.48 for the same month last year they were 6.602.'U8, showing an in crease of *585 90. The oath of offlee was adminlbtered to the new city council on Wednesday. The same evening the new council en tertained the retiring council at an oyster supper at T. Q. Boozer's restau rant. Mr. E. Lee Hayes had the misfortune to have stolen from him a fine mare on Saturday night last. Any Information that anyone can give him will be ap preciated. See ad. in another column of this paper. The 19th century is a thing of the past and the 20th has dawned. Greater achievements were made during the nineteenth than in any previous centu ry. There was greater growth In civ ilization, invention and In religion. What is'to be the development in this century? We pblish in this Issue three odi nances, one reducing the license for selling fresh meats fifty dollars to ten dollars; the second reducing street duty from four dollars to three dollars, provided it be paid between January 1st and March 1st, and the third relat ing to telephones. Rend them. Among the names of those who at tended the Christmas German we find the following in the Augusta Chroni.. cle or Dec. 30: Miss Schumpert, of Newberry, S. C., exquisite gown of white liberty silk over tiffeta, elab'orately trimmed with lace insertion and p)ink satin ribons. The most soothing, healing and an tiseptic application s"er devised is De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It relieves at once and cures piles, sorer, eczema and skin diseases, Beware of imitations. Gilder's Corner Drug Store. The MIslonary Suolety Entertatned by Mr's. W. ES. Slant. On Saturday afternoon from 3 to 5 p. m. Mrs. W. H. Hunt ente'rtained the Woman's Missionary Society of the First Baptist church at a most delightful din ner. The dining room was tastily decorat ed in smiilax, roses and lilies and elegant refreshments were daintily served. Music, which was furnished by Misses Hattie Leavell and Nannie Pool was a pleasing feature of the afternoons enjoyment. PepsIn p reparations often fall to re lieve indigestion because they can digest only albuminous foods. The're Is one preparation that dligests all clas ses of food, and that is Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It cures the worst eases of in digestion and gives instant relief, for it digests what you eat. Gildor's Cor ner' Drug Store. A Darn EHornedi. Wednesday night about hair past six o'clock the barn of Mr. J. M. Foster, three miles from this city, was destroy ed by fire. The fire started on top of the barn and is thonght to have been incendiary. Mr. leaster succeeded in saving his mules and wagon, but three thousand bundles of fodder, one hun dred and fifty bushels of corn and three bales of cotton were totally destoryed. The loss is about *600 and there is no insurance. Married. On the 23rd of Decertrber at the re sidence of Mr. Pinson Mr. Walter Whitman and Miss Belle Robinson. On December the 23rd at the resi dence of Mr. J. M. Foster, Mr. A. M. Eargle and Miss Belle Foster. .When threatened by pneumonia or any other lung trouble, prompt relief is necessary, as it is dangerous to de lay. We would suggest that One Min ute Cough Cure be taken as soon as in dications of having taken cold are no ticed. It cures quickly and its early use prevents consumption. Gilder's Corner Drug Sooro. Personalti. Mr. E. 11. Martin is moving out near Loungshore. M1iss Thyra Schumpert is visiting in Jackson, Ga. NIrs. Dr. E. C. Connor spent last week in Newberry. tev. W. I. Herbert leaves today for Leesville to visit relatives. M ies Kate Ashley, of Trenton, is vis iting Miss Lizzie Glenn. NI 3s Ella Sproles, of Greenwood, is visiting Mrs. J. W. White. )r. 3aiies 11. MIntitosh, of Columbia, viited relatives here last week. Itev. and Mrs. T. W. Sloan, of Abbe ville, visited relatives here last week. Mrs. Mary E. Gil111, of Spartan burg, is visiting Nrs. Mary F. Wright. M. 0. H1. Duncan Spent tihe holidays in tIMe city with relatives and friends. Mrs. Pearce, of Columbia, was visit ing relatives at lelena during the holi days. Mr. G. E. Coats, (if Cross lill, vim - ited relatives in lielena latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Watts Davis. of Clin ton, are visiting her mother Mrs. AMat lie Glenn. Col. O L. Sehumpert, of Newberry, is in the city. -Spartanburg Herald, Dec. 29. Mrs. J. It. O'Neall Hollowny And chil Iren are visiting friends in Newberry ind Poiarila. Mr. J. Guy Daniels has returned rrom a visit to his sister, Mrs. William ion, in Union. Col. George .Johnstone, of Newberry, 5pedt yesterday in the city.-The itate, 28 Dec. Miss Daisy O'Neale has been spend ng a short time ii Newberry.-The state, Dec 30. Mr. Herbert Cook who was at home or the holidays has ret 'ned to his York in Colutmbin. Mr. and Mrs C. T. Boyd are spend ng this week in Newberry.-Union Irogress, 1) c. 26. Col. George Johnstone, of Newberry, 8 In the city on business.-Union Progress, Dec. 26. Mr. Dudlay W. Cosby, of Mt. Pleas int, S. C., was visiting friends here luring the past week. Miss Mattic Sloan, of Due West ee nale College, spent the holidays with -elatives in Newberry. Bernard Carlisle, of Erski!ne Collevie, ipent the holidays with hi5 parents ID. Lnd Mrs. R1. C. Carlisle. Misses Lucile Wilson and Eldora Nlliamson, of Converse College, were 6t home for the holidays. WN. H. Itunt, a prominent resident of .'ewberry, was in the city Wednesday. -GafTay Ledger, Dec. 2A. Mrs. L. N. Rogers and children, of Jnion, spent Christmas week with her dister Mrs. J. W. Chappell. Misses B.-all and Stella Martin, of 3taunton, Va., were with At isa Helen Mower during.the holidays. Miss Kate Loo Neal, a member of the 'aculty of Winthrop College, was at omne for a few (lays last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Dominick, of Easley, spent last week in the city with1 er mother, Mr's. Mary Fuimner. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Grcneker, >f Tenille, Ga , spent the holidays with ils mother, Mrs. Qorroie Gren eker. 1 Dr Ralph Edwards came down from WJewberry Sunday to spend Christmas ,vith his parents.-Orangeburmg Patriot, Dec. 26. M iss Iula Jones spent last week wvit h ier brother Mr. A. C. JTones and re urned Sunday to Easley, stopping over n Greenville. Mrs. E. S. McNeill and children and Vir. Julian Kinard, of Augusta, Ga , bre visiting their parents Mr. and Mfrs. F. H. M. Kinard. J. N. Nance, of Nowberry, is spending mahort time in the city. He is stop ing at the Mansion House.-Greenville News, Dec. 27. Mrs. Helen 0 Rsy left yesterday aftr pending the holidays wii h frientis and elativcs here to resume her' work in tasley School. Miss Kate McNeil after a pleasant risit to Miss Thyra Sebumpert ha' re urned to her studies at the College for Women in Columbia. Mr. E. Cavenaugh, agent for the C., i. & L. R. R. at this place, has gone on pleasure trip to Havana, Cuba and >ther points of interest. We see from the State that Rey. W. I. hillIer, of Prosperity, occupIed the ulpit of St. Paul's Lutheran church in loilmbia last Siuday. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Disoway, of At anta, Are visiting at the residlence of 'ir. 0 'IcR. Holmes. Mrs. Disoway is sister of Mrs. Holmes. Prof. and Mrs. N. E. Aull after pending several days with his brother, 'air. Ei. HI. Aull, have returned to their ome at M t. Pleasant, N. C. Miss Bessie Simmons, accompanied y her friend Miss Zoo Sykes, came lown from Converse College and spent the holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Auli went to At lanta last Wednesday and returned on Phursday, stopping over a day at the bomne of his parents at D)ysons Miss Helen Mower gave a delightful it home on Sat,urday evening, compli amentary to her visitors, 1-Misses Beall and Stella Martin, of Stauntor., Va. Dr. W. T. Dickert., of Pomatria, has been chosen by the County Commis aloners as rhysician to the County Home and jail at a salary of $125 for the year. His was the lovest bid re Miss Sena Itr is Spendingir awii with her sister "MIrs. LeRtoy Lee, of Kingstree, S. C. Sho will also visit Charleston before Pefurning home. 'rof It. L. .Jones, :u41permilteident. of the Yorkville Grtaded SChoolA and MIiss l'awnee Jones, of LimlIeStOne, spent Christmas in the city with relatives. Messrs. Ilerman Wright, Hugh Sum-- e mer, ( 'harli Speck, I lerbert Workman i and J. R. Pair left yesterdry to resum t thelr studies in the Citadel, Charleiton. t Mr. W. It. Aull on his retiurn to his studies at the Iulltheran Th Cological Seminluary at NI t, 1'peasant., S. C , spent , last night with his brother, Mr. E. 11. AullI. Alex AlakeptIace, superintendent of t the Nowberry cotton mllle, passed through tbe city yesterday returning e from a visit north.-Geonvill News, I Dec. 29. 1 N1r It. E Leavell I has resignud Ihis Ii posillon as travvling salesman for the i GafTney Carpet Ilous a'd will engage ' Si bisiness with his father, Mr. IR. Y. Leavell. Mrs. M. It. Coliehl, of the 're-shy- t Lerlaii Collego for Wommn, after a pleasant. visit to her friend Mrs S. I 1 Tones, is again at her pot of duty in C olumlbia. Nir. Ed. Wideman, of Newherry, amd MisH RebecR Widilemlan, of DuC Ws1t, Ipient several days I his weel( with Nil r. and Mrs. W. T. lradley.-Abbeville \ledium, Dec. 27. t ci Mr. and MIi-s. James A. lowers, of tianta, were with relatives dur'ing the iolidays. Nitr. Bower., returned homi Fviday. Ir s. Bowers will vemain a ft, w lays longer in the city. Miss Euphemia 'NIeClintock , 1. no-I - >er of the facult.y of the Presbyti- 'in ! Jollege for Women in Columbia, aft ipending a few days with her paren', n this city, has gone to join her sister, Vliss Mary I,tw, on anl extended trip ,hrough Florida. Rev Geo A. Wright,' the pastor of he First llapt,isl chtu-eh of this eity, ins so far reuovere I from his ver-y evere illness as to b. I ble to go to his V >!d home at, Johnston to recuperate. n Or. Wright's congregation has given .iim a vacation. Mr. It H-1. Greneker, an ex (dior, and C' vho still pushes the peticil as the New- gi )erry correspondent, of the News and .ourier, paid the Lierald a pleasant call t[oinday last. IlI, is Visitilng hIs sister, tltrs. Will Wright, of Tyl'rsville - tc ,aurentville Herald, Dee. 2. Mr. t 'reneker re.turned home 8at,urday. This season there is a large death 'atw anong children from croup and ' untg troubi s. I'rmpt act,ion Will save ,he little ones from zlese terrible dis- a ases. We know of notliing so certain o give inistint. relief as Oue MInute Jough Cure. It can also be e'liel upon it grippe and all throat and ing t.rouh- al esof adi's, Pleasat to take. Gilder's N ,ornier Diug Storo. Johusto it --Farmisr. Mr 13. H Johnstone accompanied by 2r. Theo. and Miss Sallie Johnstonf- and hir S. J. \Vooten went (downi to Allendale mi Monday, 2-4th, where on Christinast vening he was hailiy inairried to MissL xiollie Farmer, of that place. The cere- mu nony took place at the home of the " >ride's brother, andc was p)erformled by (cy. S. E. Prentiss of the Episcopaxl I) :hurch. Th'le bridal p)arty arriv'ed in the :ity Wecdnesday niorning. We welcome hemn to New berry and wish for thetn nany years of happiness aind usefulness. io se Many persons have had the e1xpe 'ience~ of Mr' Il'' Sherman, of Not h stratford, N. I , who says, "For yeax's ml suffered torture fx'om chronie indij. s ion, but Kodol Dy spe-psia Cur'o matie a ei yell man ot me."' It digests what youS n't and is a certain eur'e for' dyspep.sia mxd every for'nx of .stomnach t ronudl. It, gives relief at once even in the worst J :awes, and can't help but (10 you good. aildler's Cornecr Drxug Store.F Ani Old Negro WVomaun tilen, in J,mtt An 01(1 colored woman by the nxame of C Rellie Coleman who has beeni trampin)gf) iround Saluda and vicinity for the past veek and said she wats fromx Newvherry 'ounxty, died in thxe jail last Friday nuight vhither she had been placed till the roper papers wvete takenx out to havec her ent to the asylum for the insane. She vas a pitiable object amnd no0 doubt (died romx the effects of exposure. Strange C hat the negr'oes would have noiting to lo with her and refused to evenx bury her, sheriff Whittle had her bin ied in the xegro cemetery after the inquj est wa's held. t'he jiury's verdict was that shxe diedi from auises unknown to thiem.-Saluxda Sexnti iel, December 26th. The nremibers of Amity Lodge, No. 87, hi L. F. M., with their invited guests en- lii oyed their usual banquet celebrating the N estival of St. John the Etvangelist, on MI l'hursday evening at Masoic IHall. This l neetinig wvas made very interesting, es- ki ecially to the visitors, by the installation, ac >f the ofl'xcers for the next Masonic year. 14 yhxo are as follows: McK. Hlutchinsonx, at HV. M.; P. J. Voss, S. WV ; S H. McLean, b . W.; J 1E. Reniwick, S I) ;.. II. Ilunt, m" .D.; J. WV. Earhardt axnd T1 O. Stewart, to tewards; J. H M. Kintard, Secretary; cl F4. M. Speers, Treasurer; WV. S. ~Iimn, 0' l'yler. Bravn, Meln Fal' VictIms to stomach, lIver anud kidney Ii, rouibles as welIl as women, and all w reel the resutat lin lossa of appetite, ponis . mx mal lin the blood, backache, nervous-|01 iless, headuehie and tired, lIstless, run a downi feelIng. But I here's no0 need to gi teel like that. Listenx to J. (Jurdiner,l [davillo, IndI. He sayes: "ElectrIc Bit- tI [ers are just the thing for a man when s< be Is alI run douwn, andl don't care ca whxether he lIves our dies. It dId more - n to gIve mnP Uew strength and good an. C petIte than anylthltig I could lake. I It can eat anything anxd have a new hi-nan b on life." Only 50 cents at all [Drug J Rtnro. Every bontile gnrantee, . Happy New Year TO All mU friends AND Custoniers! The New Year and the New Century find Jamieson at the same corner with the best and latest in his line. May Prosperity And Happiness Attend You All. Nothing will contrib ute more to your hap piness and success than to continue busi ness with, Yours, 0. M4 JAIiSOND -THE Nalinial TInk of NowbuIgry, S C IN 187 1.) Capital - - - - - $150,000.00 Surplus and Profits - 96,866.88 General bankillg busiess Iransacted Wit.h Iomptll-SH Special ittention to Collections. Cwrespondenco Solicfted Savings Dopartment. D)eposits aLllowed intorest at, the rate of -1 per' cenIt, per annumtt .11m dlate of (1eposi1t. Inii ~tret p)aable *Januar(iLy 1st antd J1ulIy I st of each yeaLr. M. A. (CA a,isrble, l'rest. TI. S I)V'NCAN, taler. .1. W.' Il. SIMMO1NS, Ast. C 'r TRESPASS NOTICE. ~A. bid hleni to I reps jiL ionlI te foli ngI'W lakIn by iinig. hunt,ing, fishiing, wa'i gOnIingL or ini any oheriS way. Chass. S. 8uher', S. 'T I11 Brown, A\. ( ' Caldwell, M. (5 CabIwell, S S Cun niigiinam and A. ,1. GihMon. 8t. 1. AN ORDINANCE Rolatlig to Stroet D)1ty ill the Towi of fllihen, 80111 C'aroliua, .3 IC IT' ORDA INED) HY TillE -...3lMaor. and1 AlIdermien of the Town ot N ewberry, Southi CJarolina, Ins (ouin cil assemb tled, anld by authority oIf t ho same. r.Il,ioN I. That from andit after tho 1st, day of .ian., A. 1). 1901, all mnalo per sns het ween the uges of cightee'n andI fifty v'eurs of age in the T[own of New tiurry, South Carolina, are bereby re (jl((lue 1o performtI six (days labor du inrig each year upon01 the streets of saidl TIown, underic the dlirect,lon of thie Overseer oif Mnt,e,s, or to pay three dollars to the (Cierk and 'Treasurer of the 'Town CSoun cii of Newberry, each year in lieu thereof, said amoun1151t to b) palid bet ween lie first (lay oif Janu-lhlry and14 t,he first, dayiL of MIarch of each year. I 'rovided, however, thiat' notihi ng heerin contained shall haCO cni isues to exemiipt any person w ho' ~I hall beome aL resid ent of thle 'Pawn of Newberry aft er t.he firnt dayi: sf Matrch of any year, fromi peCr fim minlg the lab)sr or piaying the comn mutiiiaLtion tax hee in requtired. SAee 2 All pernoun violatlng the pro visioins of I his dinanciiie by3 falling to per-orm11 i-nid I:tbor or piay Haidl comnmu tat ion tax in l ieu thereof, after riot ice from the (Clerk and Tlrseasurer' of said( 'Town, shlil, upon11 coniviction, be fined] not, more thani teni dlotlaS oir lhe inmpris onied ors sSuntenIced to hard labior on the piub'io works of the town for not, mfore than twenty daysv. I 'r'ivided, that the proisinons of thIs ord i aance nihall niot aplyto'1( persons hold ing a certificate of phiiysicaLl dIsalthhity from a reptitale Sicensed physician, said cortIilate not to be over t.wo years old1. A nd1 also all ordained M1inister o1S(f t ho Gospel and nmlmbers oif the Fire D)epartment of the 'TownVI of New erry: provided, however, that only twenty membtnlers of each coin pany of satid D)epartmeti sh all be ex (emfpLti nder the provisions of this Sec tion, aind it shall b)0 the dlut-y of the Secretary of each company to file with the Clcrk and Tlreasurer of saId T1own (Sonocell a list, of the niami-s of all imcm hers of his comnpany on oir beforoe the first day of .January of each year. Hec 3 'That all ordInances, and parts of ordinances Inconsistent wIt,h thIs ordinanice be, and the same a's hereby repealedl D)one and ratified undler the Corporate Real of the T1own of Nowberry, South Carollina, this 26th dhay [ScAL) of December, one thousand Dn( OTTO IinlT'TNERt, A t,test: Mayor'. yJNO. C. CO(raANM4, Clenr n nTare, IAN ORDINANCE To Allild Setion 15 of Clopler 2, "Re latiig to Licliso," Of the Revised Codl licatioll of Laws of tlle TOWil of New IllLSO11th U8C0aroi "(I ) I ),A INI C4) iY T[]I,' MAXY . V ItIr d A Idetrmilen of the Town of Newberry i '[n noIi assemb!cd and by auithori(y of the saime. ectTion I. That Sction15 of (hapter 2 of the I(,.vi odificatlon of tho laws of the Towi of Newberry, South ( ali na, as ratili-d on the 22nd day of December, A. 1) 1900, be, and the vame i,. hereby almthnd by'strikingr out the Word "irty" wherk,ver the same ap p ears In 414id scction, and)( inserting ill lieu thereoi the word "ten," and also by inserting aft he words "is issued" the \wott! "'amll 6hall1,1 be non-transfera l,' o t hat, saLid Svetion asso amended shall read as follows: St etion 1.5 A nly person, firm or cor p,oration -illing fresh meats in the Town of Newberry. Sonth Carolina, sIhatll pay ia IievIne of Ten Dollars; w hiel said livenlse shall expire on the 31st, dAy of 1)t'eevnber of tho year in which aid licens is ssued and shall he ion-transferrable. Ati any license istilled under this Section shall Iappy to only ote establishlent or place of busi and(l any perjon, firm or corpora lion having more, than one establish lilt-nlt .or place of husiess at which fresh "lleal is .xisedl o otTered for sale shall imy a iteense of Ten Dollars for each Ilace. Sction 2. That said Section as here it liliended shall be of force anld effeet from and after the Wirst D)ay of Ja1nu atry, A. 1). 190 1. Dotvn and(] ratified undelr the Corp orate Seal of the Town of New erry, South Carolina, this tbe 26th I.:.1': 1. day of IDecemliber in the year of otir ord, one thousand nine hund11(1red. ()TTO KI,lVTT.NER, \ttv t: ci Iay or. I t (N0o 4 SN, (lerk anld Treis. AN ORDINANCE Gralitili to l. W. Floyd tl1c Privileg of Usilig the Streets al1( Alleys of the Towi of Newbery, Sol1th 1Drolill, fo' a im'iodl Of TWO1t1 Years fO' t10 1p1oo of crclilig alid maitaimng a iTelihono1 systeim ill tile Sid Towi of Newherry. B i I I' lD.A I N ED II Tll E MAY or and Acldermen of tlhe Town of Newherry, South Carolina, in Council aFsemblod and by authority of the same: S E: 'rioN 1. That I,. W. Floyd be and lie is hereby granted the right of way for 'he erection aid maintetiance of polus antId wires, With all necessatry ap piltilallet-s tilieeto, for the pIIiose of transaeling I genieral telephone busi lels 0t.hrough, upoin, over and under 1Ithe s' roets and alleys of the Town of Newberry. Saol , Carolina, for a period of wently (2n) yea-s fron the ratiflea titi hvreof; provided that the privi 14--es hereint granted to the saild L W. Pjoydl shial not in iny way interfere wilth the pljectric Liglit Plant belong. illg to the said Towi of Newherry. Si: 2. 'ihat, the privileges heroin granted to the said I,. W. Floyd are upon c.diltion that his charges or ratt-s for local or town service shall never exceed eighteen (*18) per year for residenco photes and twenty-four (*2-1) dollars pler' year for cOMMeCial Or busilness phoncii per phone; but this sctioi ShaIl not ho constrtued as rg - httinig the chtarge's for long ci stance or tiut Iof-I cwni cociti e ons, charges for which service shall never be more than wIthat Is onarigedi for- like service Yn ttthetr owiis of the sitmeu si-ze as the vni of Newbt rry. Sin cx . Tht, all poles, wires and cr-oss-armlis used on tuity of tihe streets or alloys of tihesaitd Ttwit of Newber-ry by the sidc L. W. Floyd, or Itis assigns, til tll Ibhe sutbject, to acppriovaI, as to length anid size, by th Itoiwnt auithorIt,ies, and sh a!li e locaited atnd plaiced otn said streets under thle supecrvisiotn and di re etiotn cf t.hte towin atthttritics, to lte eandt! hat, th ey mayii be plaeced as not, to obstru mct. public Itvel, su bject the pub lIe t.o any itncor venilence, mti ilato any shade 0 ree. or injutre any puhblic or pri valte ptropety ; and the t- et,ion of said telephonte syst.em shatl b Ie in t he very hot, poatilbile Inin eri; tanid the ptrIgv Iegcjs he-rtini g rattted to the i-aid L. W. Floyd, oir is assigits, shall lbe subl.ject to all rteastinablle iret cit irmni t of 1 lhe mun Ic pal -a*tuthotci e oft thle saidc Town of Newherry~ for t he protect Ion of the puit Si-:c' 4 Tht, the said L. WV. Floyd, or' hl.s tassignts, shatll at, all times when placinug or re-moving tany of the pioles irepatir te street,s, alleys and other placesi Sc) tbat I hey matiy be In ss good e ad itiont us they wetre prior thtereto; andtt thet saitd L. WV. F'oyd' shall be r cotttured tot recmove any of the poles5 when so ordceredl by said (own authorIties at his owni Xepese. Su.:C 5. Tihat, in the construtction of stald t,el-phOtte system niothing but t best meini ofi sitauble size anid efi. oliency, andl( aIpartus of tbe latest im piroved diesignis shadl Ibe used ; plrovided no wlire Inferior- in grade aind slzo to No. I-i 1H. H. shatll be tused In futur'e wot-k; and! in wIring htout-es and build inigs said L. WV. Floyd shall uise all rea Honabhle safe-guards to pride(I agaInst, damantges fromn lightni ng and fir'e. SiEc I PTat saId L. W. Floyd, or his tassigns, shall save htarmiless the said I'Town of N ewberrty agaitnst aill damages, costs, expenPeP andl toes arising in any tact,lon or- stilt. against saId townt caused or ar-ising by reason of any act, negli gence. earelessness, or omissIon of any kInd, In any way, by the saId L. WV. lIoyoking backwait, the latter forwaid. otitl addresses were interesting anid werC stenled to with attention. P.stor Scherer itrodluced the speakeus ill happy words ertiitent to the season. 1'rofessor lowe-s took "A hackward ook or Review of the Progi-.ress of Ciis aiity DIIrinilg tle l'as) e itidred Cars," at:d spoke of the marvelous rowth of the ,utheirain Church in this intry and the world. i'resident Cronier spoke of the great ossibilities of the coning centitry-of ie advaieetieit that will be inade along i lines, and especially by the Chulrch. at ainlo:1g all tle changes wlich will ke place. of one tliiig we inav say hm -itainI tle tith its it has ieen handed wn to is will live forever. AT 'ru MVA'rll OIST Ci.eIt. 'I here was also a good attenidance. :-ere wvere sotigs and pr.iyers, and ad eses we u'C inade by Rev. Mr. IHerbert id Rev. 1). 1'. Hoyd. An experience tet ing coitduicted by M r. lloyd was behl. :e nileeting started Rt o-30 ) p. ni and osed a fewN InilIntes alter 12. It was a -ry interesting occasion aiid was very ich en joyed by all who attended. Ci4 i nt , ''ro t t h4le (inni Was ihe bl.l that hit (1. 13. Steadt ani of Newat k. Mihigagi, inl tle Civil !ar. It eau-ed horr-ible ucers that, Sreatment Ielpeil foir 20 years. Then ueIklon'. Aniea S:alve eured him. utes ( Ctts, BIruises, Burns, Bllos, 1t1 t4, COrI8, Skil 1,ruph1t)iOls. 1est Pile il (m v-trith, 2.- ets. ia box. Cu r* laranteed. Sold by all )ruggilts. A Card or Thankt. The uI(ersigicd wishes to express inl is way the thaiks of htiiselfanid fatiily the gotli people of The CIIureib of tite edeelner for the tokens of love and ap eciatioi received on Christmas eve. ie wago totik us by siurprise, but we re not slow to conjectmte that, there tg no SnoW, Santa Claus had colusenl a hiele with wheels this timne. The pack is well filled and running over with rti,!les too iitnterous to 'ention," but I ehosen with a nice discriination of itat is palatable atd wholesome. Respectfuly, M. G G. Sclui.iti. Wovkingu Dity jind Night. T'he busIest. and( itight los' liii to tintg at ever was inaide is Dr. King s Newv fi' pills. l' very I ill is ai sugar coated1(( ohiule of lhlth, thaut chlaiges w~eak 55 it(Iot stength , list hwaniess into en tWy'r e woindertu l it builId Iing til I hie -alIth. Onlyh~ 251k pe box. Sold by till Slig g ists . St tn in pal Coi:n itit e's AMayor Klett ner has anniouniced the fol witg connniittees fronm his coumeil to rve for the year: W\ays andc Means--E. C. Jontes, Chair ant, 1E. A. Carlisle anid R. J. Brown. Supplies and( Accounts-IE. A Carlisle, iaitmani, E. C. Jones and liduard hlol(z. O)pera IIlouse - R. J. Brownt, Chtairmuan, J. L4angford aini E. A. Carlisle M%ark et-E1diuard Schtoltzx, Chiairiiuan, C. Jonets and( R. J. Browni. Fire Decpartiteii.n- -Edutard Scholhtz, rd. lights and Cemtetery -J J. Langford, iairmnan, E C. Jones aind Fduard hlol tz. Streets-B. A. Carlisle, B. C. Jones, Inuird Scholtz, J. J Laiigford and R. J own. Trhe Mayor is a mtember ex-oflicio of chi comm uittee DIIK us. Oii Moiiday, D)eceimber 21l, Miss Anita lenni, abiout 40o years of age, dind of ietunionia, att tih hone of her brother, >sey Glenti, near Ileth Eden. On Wednesday mnorninig at 6 o'clock rs. Adeline Clark, the widow of the late r. R. P. Clark, dlied of pnetmonia at r home at Jalapat. 'lThe death is a p)ecu rlv sad one in that only a few dlays ago rs. Ernest Merchuant, a daughter of rs. Clark, preceded bier to the spirit id. Mrs Clark was loved by all who iew her for her beautiful Christiani char ter She leaves three daughters, Mrs. WV Floyd, of this city, Mrs. 8. 11. Auilb Ad Mrs. WN J Swittentberg, of Jalapa, sides many relatives and( friends to rurin her death. 1Ier remnaiins were laid rest in (lie grave yardl at blush River irch on 'Thuirsday afternoont at 2 elock. Millions Given Away It Is cert aitly gratIfyling to the pub-l i to kniow of onei contcrin in thie land Iho ar. nol aifrid Ito 4 be generous t,o Ihe ~edy aond su Ibtringi. 'Thle propriet.ors D)r. K(1itg's New DI)scovery for Coii impion, Jotughs anid C olsI, hatvo voet aiway over teli milhllon tial hot '14 of this giett u med itnland Ihav e to oat Isfact in of kniow ing it hias alb tiutely (cirefd thottands of hopeleeus rsesq. Ast hmari, Br'onitIth, IHIoarsue. Paa and all dIieaes of t he 'Throat, heat anid 1Luntgs airE' uurely cure'd by CallI oti all D)rui'gist, and get atr. .1tl free'. Ileglular aize 600. and $1. very hiottle guaranteedI, or priao re mided.