The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, January 01, 1901, Image 2

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and hen tt.e. r: 4. N b)~e -em y'tac a: a.. .' maei a e a tp:- :: : - 'he suni : " s a - . r and there shu I I t Voice in the L.. -at::r . ay a let the State :-h1Ow 1at :.Ata n %vhat the IeOle' (f (naa ten i.!u : dertakcn by 'i i; hea asked. The death of Na. 'W. !I. .a n State Senlat"r from l'tila Pton) iJu tyi. which ccur-red at. hii- h.11me in 11 oiup ton last week. is a di.inet le- to th S(ate. WVe had known him oily for about thirce years, but there wa Il man in public lift in this State o f vu r acqtuaintajne for whomi we had C at ' respect 0' It hihr ritar. \\-e had the pleasure of a Very intinltte ae (junintance with himl), and in hi, death we feel tile l(:, of a per'onal friend. He was a good ain and a true ind faithful friend. Ve shal! mis bim -ery much101 diu ing tihe a pproeL lin u:s ion (if the Le"gislature. To the failily v.L ex(end our tedelcrest .ymthy. There should be as little dclaty i- po. sible in iniaugurating a spteml of crage for Newberry. It. should be started while the year and (lhe centuriy are young. The mattvir haus, brenl iC o of tel presented in these columns that wo feel all that is necessary is to call it io the attention of our city fatliers. ve know they are all live and progressive business mnleIl and will (ake hold of the aubject and all we car t.o do now is to urge upon them the importance of av tion. We know they cannot, build tht. system iwithout first subiitting thi question to the peoplo. All ihat, is lveded is somec one to tikw t.hec lead Tie people are rez-ly. Naturally we all look to the city fathers to lake Ole lead( in matter's of t his k ind(. Then, too. it would be a crediit. to aniy adin iistra. tion to bnild a thorough Simverage sy's. temn for- the town. Now is the time te oct. .1Delays tare al1ways daniger out'. TIllE OiLl)ANt) 'Till N 1111, It is with a degree of siadness that, we part with tihe old yecar and (lie old( een. t,ury. It remintids us I hat, we- are grow ing old too, and yet, tha, should niot bie a source of sadness for it Is a imat.tet over which we have no1 cotro-l. Ouri duty Is in the present, Weo have to control over the futture and we (calnnot, if wve would, r-ecall the past. '[he te tury now closed has beet) a remariikah!c 0one and1 grPettr aid vanceps itn (lie ats and sciences anid In mnater-iildevehlop mett hav-e beet)nimade duinlg (lie Past hundr-ed years than ever- befor-e in thie history of the world. Whetber the samne adv'anco has been imade in the moral dlevelopmnent of tihe people is it question of very grazve doubt and yet we believe tihe world Is gr-owing better. The call for id 1and( helpI from those who are In dlistress always meets wIth a hearty response and yet there are al ways those who arc in neced of manterial help whose crIes go up in vaini. IEvery. thing Is on a strong tenlsion and every body Is always Inl a gr-eat rush and we become too absorbed In tihe thIngs of t.his world to take time even to stop long enough to speak a kindly and helpful word which If spoken might, hleal and soothe a broken heart anid In spire to a bctter and hIgher life. int fact we are too prone to laty thle wreath and tbe flowers 0n the new mnade gr-ave *which If strewn itn t.he path of life would have been a help and a coimfot, *to a weary and worn soul. This Is a good time to think on these things and *while we felicitate ourselves on the wonderful achievements which we have made in material things we should not forget the other- side of life. It is right and p)rop)er that we should keep pace with the progress that is be inlg made and to (do so It 1s neceEsary to press forward. Weo should not pine over the past, but we should make use -of the experiences we have had to help us In the present and to avoid mistakes in the future. In Newberry the past year has1 *brought sadness to many homes, but in) this we are no exception to other * plaoes. The vacant chair is to be found in nearly every home. As we start upon the new year today there wIll be those who will miss the loved ones who were with them on last new year's day. It has be.An - o sInce the worlId began and C40t)h enteted It. These saliietions are for ourgood and while we may not 6o0' 'th Our limited visioni see the ;A N ~t n 1 uled b1: W I' i-lhy ('rc k. 1 VC\*'r ca.t.ibles that 1-. Vw; 100 iceth gi.iul u eceiv hW NI sink ehinl the wes ,c:n h: on with the re.alitation that for us antether Chiistinas sun mnight ncver mt. heiAul we scc I L)I let us resolve 01.1t u.e -I%ill IMwre e,Mnest y elinploy thle tinliv. \\ithl .1 exp.cta1timn of ,ln vterual h,ippie--a 0-f ind 1a1l1 thc1l wvilell rea"i /mion s.h ill have swal1owtd u expecta tit'nl wc tInI heair Iroiln tle lips of our Nlaster, well d'nt. The highly Xst'eeied you tuierchant forii comunnity-, \it. :\rthur Nichols, gave for tihe pleasure of all his friends, anl enetetaininvit of tire works Monida even il:., after tLIe tire woIks., which were over by e o'clock, some returneul homne while o:hers retired to the parlor for a pleasant Htint.. l.- lii I )onlii A-L !peit Ciristiias ul11ter tit paiental roof. lis I .ula Ci oiner is at NewLerrV spend ing Christnmas with her aunt, Mis. Reigh. ley. lr. Clareiice I)oiinick and Aliss Alin. nie Nichols were muarried yesterlay evon ing. We wish thei happiness and pros perity. Mir. ,ee George while out liiting last week shot at. a rabbit and accidentally killed his bird log. Mr. Jim Boozer, tle h1olorable aml well knowni carpenter, is at Newherry building lr. Luke Griliin and AlissJitlia Rankin were happily Imlarried last Sunday fter niooni at ihe parisoitage, Rev. 'Z Wt. Bedene bantgh, illiciating. %l iss ll ent Rthlerfortd and Aliss W\ill ie Cronier are the hiappy guests of A'[ir. John Consiins, Jr. Thle writer had (lie p)leasuire tof etetrtainting themt a short while. Wec are sorry to see thienu leave our idust. Ar. l'eter I lawk ins, an enterprising faritner wvho recenitly tiovedi ini our settle inent near Julia l'. 0., has hand t.he misfor tunte of losing a tine tuule IIe has since putrchtasedl two younlg tules Mir. Ihtfordi Iluzhiardt antd famiily, Air. WVillie lloozer autd wife, MIr. llampl Cousins and1( wife were thie happy ttourists who left our inidst lounday for Greenwood to spendl Chlristmnas with relatives. The write: was not privileged to attend thie Chriistma:s tree at Zion, but ati to1(1 it wais a splenidit ocasioni. MIr. Pink Cro iiier's talk waus hiighily cotumiendedt. I also learn music was furnished frotu (lie organ, an accoirdleon andt violin HaIs (lie day conie when j ust because a tuan has good staniding in (lie church as a member and Christian lie can carry anything along with his religion into (lie chuirch? Is thie fiddlle going to convert its? or are we going to coinvert the iidtdle? is the qhuestioni which confronts mec as I write. If any one cati convince me (liat it is not wrong to play th(le violini in the church, I too will sit uder (lie sounid of the fiddle anid let its sweet strainis waft mte oit to bliss In-. deed (lie church should be calledl a house of prayer, andI what are we niaking it? To ime (lie fitddle is a stuinbling block, andt I beg leave to say, keep it out of thie church. We are so glad to have ai correspondent from St. Philips. Let us hear fromt youi oftent, "'Feather To1)," we caninot get (lie news too frequnently fromt our friends over there. With those new took stoves and those good cooke- over there, we kniow y'ou miust have had a fine Christmaus dinner. We hiave lots tiiore we could say abott big dinnuers, etc , but tiime and space for D1oes It Paiy to luty Cheap. A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but you want suomethilng that will relieve andi cuie the more sever aundt danugerous restults of throat an ugtoubles. What shall yoi (do? Go to a warmer and tnoro regular li- a mate? Yes, If possi1ble for yotu, then in a either caso take the only reined ythat has h eon introdttced in all clviized couintries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, "ilosoco's German Syrup)." It not only h.eals and etim ultes the tIissues to dest.roy the germ i disease, but allays InflammatIon, causes t easy ex pectorat ion, gives a good night'st rest, and cures the pat,Ient. Try one bottle. Rlecommndced many yearsb b Clark's 200-ydo. Spool Cotton, 2 spools f for 50., at S. .1. Wooneans. .t, f I. so1 00': ~ 1 t0f 1jg hul in I tl n tck. his father havi itle i1d I!, a of Grvvk in Frskine t'W)ege q!mn. . carm li:s KmAit-n Wil give L nth o the ah1,!tiy strong facTy - k ine aid is a high tri"ute to \\e tIke the al,ove from the News And ('0A'r of l ,eaV. ' he iispat oh fom NMi.s lieuphil. the l-ier. who a Imlber otf 1!e liard. We apprc '4uv the eompmliziet thus pald by the B ard to Miss \leClintcek of our towi. ': wan t:ot an applicant for the po&i on *in any s nse of the word and these estimoniab to h'r worth wero etirey Ansoliited . 1-:zkine is now it co-edl. :ational institution. and (if our own novltdle ne e%tan say that she is con potent to the studies of tQe above pro. [-ss'rship and that her intiuence would have been very helpful to a1l the tu lents nd the Iolege. Mirs Mec'lintock now ocecupies the hoinorable posit Ot0 Of Vice-'rincipa111l Of the 'reshvterian ollege for women ,I!nd the 1ioard of Trustees of that col t:e appreciate her valuaba work as i member of their faculty. Not.'We--Efective l.miury 1t 19)1. All package fteight not removed lbv )wners from the custody of the Railway 'oimpany wititl forty-eight hours, not tiehuding Sunday >r legail holidays, coinl muted front it o'clock a im , of the day Followitng date of notice of arrival, shall lereafRer be stibject to a charge for stor ige each day or fraction of a ulay that uch Colsig nttmen ts tmay remai in custo IN of tle Railway Company, of one cent per huidred poun(Is per day, with tmfini mlui charge of 5 cents for atn one pack ige or lot for one consignee, but tnot itnore than $t per day flor ainy one consignient tot itn excess of it car loal. Ii. CA\1-NAtG,l, Agt C., N. & 1,. R. R,. J. A. BUroN, Agt. Southern R R. 111. I-Ont 1Htlita utcho mid I110r. )n Christtmas eve night while the chit drei at Mr. Will Speartnan's were enjo ing a Christtmas tree, there camte very nc ir being a serious .accident Mr. ltnge.e L,ottgslore was acting Satta Claus and while dlisttribut ing the gifts the cotton with which his clothes were co)veredl andl p:u1dded became ignited from onec of the cantdles on the tree atnd butt for the timtely assistance of Messrs Wvili and Walter Speartmatn andt thc false-face which lie wore, miiight have resnlted d isastrouisly. As it was, Mr. Longshore is mtinus a tmus tachte atid p)art of the hair on the back of his head. A CharIst manR Tree. A Chiristmtas tree wats givetn to the Sun day-school oti the 25th oIf D)ecember at Trinity Methodist church, on which were a great tmatny beautifutl presetnts for the chtibbten and( grownt folks A large crowdi w~as int attenidatnce, anid all seetted to ettjoy the occasioti TEhe pastor was presenit and kitndly retmetmbered by somte frienids. The gifts bestowed uipotn himt were neither few nor sttall, all of thettm beitng uiseful as well as ornamtienttal, for which he againi extends his he(art y tii. nks. Hie was also remtetm bIered biy somett kind friends of the New Chapel anid Iteezer and sotte of Leba non commuttnities with tokents of their aippreciatiotn of hitt and his. These gifts were niot given altogether by his own tmtettbers, but somte of other churches who ire very kind htimi. May the year 190t be crowind wvitht goodness to themi, anid till of us. 1). P. ltOVD. l)ecembehr 27, 1900O. tis signature Is on cycry box of tho geniuino Laxative Bromo-Quiinine Tablet. tho rotmody that eures a cold ian one day tSr. I'. .J. Vons, s'uper1inteundent of the E1ee trij l.tgt and Waiter WVotks--Itgr. Last week Mtr, P. J. Vos who has 'or the ptast threo yoars very ably filled he ia~ poit(iof superinitendent of tho dloctrilc lights and water works of t,he iity tentdered h118 resigtnatlti to t ho jomissioners of Public Wor'ks. Mr. loss has tnecopted a position with tho 7attiona Motor Company of New York lis territory embraces the states of outh Carollia, Georgia, Fllorida, Mis hIsippi and L4ouisina with headquar' er-s at. Atlanta. While ini outr mIdst v[r. Voslihas made many friends who v'ilt ho glad to learn that hIs family will till russde in our11 city. The fieraldi nd News wishes him much success In is now field of labor. Persons who suffYer from indigestion an not expect to live long, becautse bey cantlot eat the food required to ourlsh the body and the products of so aud1igested foods they do oat poison be blood. It is Inportant to cure in Igestion as soon as possible, and the ost method of doInrn this is to use the reparation known as Kecdol Dyspepsia utre. It digests wht you eat, and re ores all the digestivo organs to ner tot health. Gilder's Corner Drug.a tore kcq'. 'A~ N,e A "I 'rf:ue1 d h.v liev .1 S. ,don, A h I ~ime.ii"tely after the ete tn m. '" aIti at S t-ri it, A on the s. \ l. VVs iul' at t e altei ti E: t10 tour. They will Ie at he ta their tranyv friends after l'ebruary the ti-'t. At ny haiome gifts as toker s the Aigh' esteem i in which both the .voul people are hlds. n e'e displayed. ve 1' Z I :u !I'~ 2 . aitk S Kf (kgiit of tyttmta At a meet Ig of the Newherry0 1 , ,i No. k. ' n ig hIs of I 'y th ias held last T1ue hy night the follow ing tlicers were elected for the ensuing year: . A. Hown an-Chaneeor Com - miande. .1 A. Black webler-Vice-Chancellor C'omman:1nder. E. (a venaugh-l'relate. T. I'. 1pting- Keeper Records and Seal. v. i. Ewart--aater, of l'inance. 1'. Vt. Il ipp- l'aster' of Exchequer. I''. A. Set Iltpert --laster at Work. t i eavell Ister at .Arms. 4. F Wearn-lnitter Guard. AX. o. S. Lat egford-Outer Guard. O. L. I1ise, Aof rosperilty, elected trust nI for three years. A committee consisting of P. J. Voss, Chairuan: J. A. Blacknwelder and M. . Spearm-an was ppointed to arange a bamiauet to he held one week from t - -i" nKepe Pcods.n 1''ifty girls, aigrs from twelve years and upward. to work in The Newherr it t1.,lMill. Applications will e reeved fr' mi this dhite, to Janiuary 1st, 1. . WoCrk light and easy to learn. 10 those not having homes in the tty. or it suburbs, houses will be rio vided. A ppy in person to President. of LTe Newberry Knitting yill, New berry, 8. C. NOTICE. tielWsrk for theTyncoa Nwbery S. A , wvil elect a Superintendent of the Ih-etrical Light, and Watcr Works sys t.em on or about the 15th of January 1901 IAll t pplications m wst he sent to C'omnuissioners of Publ ie Works. JOH N C. GOGGANS. ee'y. ci e. 31, 19 . illb Stockholders' Annual Meeting. TilE ANNUJAL IE.TINGOF TIIE - Stoc kholdeis of the National Bank of Newbe't ry, S. C., wIll be hold at the lhee of t he President at Newberry, S. C., at il o'clock a. m., 'ituesday', the 8t, h day of January, 1901, for the pur l)ose of elect,ing directors, and for the transacllio of such other business as may come before the meeting. Stock holders will please attend, or ho repro senItedl by proxy. TOHN . DUNCAN, Cashier. December 27th, 3919. STATVE OF SOUTH CARtOL1NA, C'OUJNTY OF NE WBERRY. By W. W. Hodges, Esq., Probate Judge. WHIElIEAS JOSEPHi BOLANP tmado suit to mue to grant him let ters of admulistration of the estate of and effets of J. 8 j'oland, dleceased: T hese are therefore to cito and ad tmonish all ad singular the kindred anId creditors of the 1aid1 J. S. Ro land, dleceasedl, that they be and ap peair be.fore me, in the Court of Probate, to be hold at Newvberry Court House, on thie 10th day of January next, after itmbliention thereof, atL 11 o'clock in the torenoo,n, to asow cause, If any they have, why the saId Administration shonid( not4 be granted. Gii vn tunder my hand this the 24t h (lay of D)ecembher. An no D)omnn 1900 W W. HODGES, J. P. N. C. Notice To Ureditors. A N ASIGNENT FOR THlE bnitof Creditors havfDw this (lay becen made to me1 by* Ed ward L,. Poigreen, of Newberry, S.CO, all Credli t,trs of t,he said Edward L. Polgreen are herehv notIfied to meet in the law olilee of Ihunt, Ilunt, and HuLnter, in the Town of Newborry. S. C.. at 11 A. M. on the 14th day of January, A. D 1901, for the purpose of elect,ing an Agent of Creditors. LAMBER W. JONES, Assignee. D)-c. 31, 1900- 2?.t. THE RISER MILLI-. .NERY CO. has moved into the store recently occupied by Peihams China Hall. The" in vite all their-friends to visit them at their new stand. Watch this space next week for the bargains they will be offering. THE NEWBERRY L.and alid $6e,urity Co. WILL BUY AND SELL Notes, Bonds and Mortgages. Stocks of all kinds and Real Estate. 0. B. MAYER, President. JNo. M. KINARD. Sea. aned Treso ENvry Cotton planter shoil patu11phlet, '- Cot ton Culture." It is sent frec. Sen1,1 name01 anlltre to GURM.\N K.\1.1 WVORKs. et1 Nassau St,, N. V. KOTICE OF ELECTION 'ICE 18 i l-'RE11Y GIVEN that t he Town Council will hold mn election on P"riday, January 4th. 191).at7'j.30 o'clock p. m., for t.he fol lowing olliers: lerk an Treasurer at a salary of $50per111 il bChie of Polico at a salary of $0 por ehree Policemen at $35 per mouth One Street Overseor at a salary of $35 per nionth. LofI-iRMer and Janitor at a salary of $20 per month. Application must be In handwriting of applicant, except that the Lamp lialhter and Janitor, and handed to tbe Clerk of the Town Council heforo the hour of meetinKr. Application will be considered from each applicant for one position only. For any further infor mttion apply to the Clerk and Treas Urler. JNO. C GOGGANS, C. & T. T. C. N. December 26, 1900. COME And See the Line of Dressloods We are displaying now. SKIRTINGS, WAIST GOODS, FLANNELS, WOOLENS, SILKS, etc., etc. We are right Up-to Date. We can please the most fastidious in style and the most economi cal in price. We have, as always, the best linings on the market, CORSETS, GLOVE, and NOTIONS of all kinds. OUR Millinery Department Is Complete and we can build a love of a hat to match any suit. Our New York Milli ner, Miss McLaurin, is thoroughly posted in all the latest ideas. Do not forget our Shoe Department. The largeet. line of SHO ES in the city. See our Bargain Counter sure. Come and see us. Yours truly, MVlower Co. EVEY ON~E IS INVITED To come and see the Beautiful Christmas Goods, consisting of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware. Novelties of every de scription, and prices are right. Will keep open until Xmas every evening until 9 p. m. 11901 1901 A HA P P Y NEW TE.A TO YOU! Wo iifuritld our baultr tiiteenl yttirs figo, and through all these yearn wO iave rotainud the t ottago a groat-it mm o ur firit customers, al though Man1V 0lforts wer uId to itItoo th"M to trado liwbore. In NmOIO ins3tat1.1l th i alout oloks of (op11it(,ors iraw thMom from us o0V to retur to us to t'trlo anti to remain witi us. Many customors are add0d daily. To eaoh n1alt all wo oxtod oir thailw for tho many favors and patronage that has bton givou us. Our First Consideration is Our Trade, by giving theil valuit, for what thley pay. U'rom thio vory bi,ginning our aim has beein to follow tono, but, to had thoim till, and wo ask nothing more than a CoIparison of "ulr goods anid prio' with thoso of aiy other houso in this town, and we fol couthilent that. to trad with us moans a saving of CENTS, DIMES AND DOLLARS. Wo propose to make it oven more profitable to youi to t rado witi us during ihis year than wo over did boforo, and exporillenco hitis tiaught. you that Our Word is Our Bond. More Goods for Less Money. A Fair and Square Deal to All. That's our promise during the entire year of 1901. Every train brings in now goods. We start the now contur) with a vim, and as always, we intend to win. The Fair and Square Dealer. Price, your door, $12.50 Guaranteed and for sale by R. Y. LEAVELL, T1i L IST1 h 110MNG The handsome an(] excellent. things . . .. . .we have realdy for HOLIDAY PURCHASERS can be counted by the bundreds. 1l.very thing that the FURNITURE TUR E1makers produce ik here waiting for -'1CA Zanta Claus to select what he neleds. R. Y. LEAVELL, The Clothing Store, The Hat Store, lbse Shoe Stor The Furnishing'Store, Ewart-Pifer Co. "Little" Store, StylesinMen's, Bys' nd hilden' Clthigalay cs dthat dep ci e @ SHOES! @ SHOES!! We carry a good line of Men's, Ladies', Boys and Children's Shoes, Shoes thtwe guarantee to give satisfaction. Underwear, Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, Susodr,Hsey lvs Umbrellas, &c. We respectfully ask for a shre yurp tr,Honge. vs Satisfaction guaranteedl.yorptna. The Ehad-ifor Go. W. F. EWAR T, 0. F. PIFER, Pres. and Treas. . Sec'v. Mirrors, Dolls, Art Novelties, 1 ~- -Art Medallions, Bric-a-Brac, Toilet Cases. Albuns, THEi EXPL ANA TION Brush and of our succoas in Shoe selling lies in t he Comb Sets, fact that we please our patrons Our --- Men's Shoes are of the finest and best, th >roughlyrtanned and ss- ""'D'=/" m n they will out wear two ordinary puiya. in-ra aity n fancy p)ackages and The uppeilongwhie soft and pliable, will in bajk, for which we claim superiority The ''Hostonian" Is a wonder in that in delicacy, permanence and flowery it combines styles durability for so lit. fragrance. tie money. You may pay $5.00 but., they will not he any btter than the "Bosta n'" Try them once and be [g Justice -to Yoregg} We have an immense stock of w s htyuvstorsoeadb Ladiles' Misses' and convace thatu vie aue btrprepared 1Children's Shoes to suppl your xmas wants than many that are a way up in quality but qut Other. lnw in price. Try us on shoes $- hi. WQOTEN.