NEWBERRY COTTON MARKET. (Coricoted twice a week by J. W. Gary & Co;) Dacember 4th, 1900. B3st...... ........................ 91 Eggo wanted at The Newberry Hotel. Go to J. W. White's for Christmas goods. The fluest display in Newberry. China a Specialty. tf. Second P2r1mary. The second primary election for alderman from ward 5 was hold on Tuesday and resulted as follows: It. J. Brown 90 S. K. 1Bouknight 53. When you need a soothing and heal ing antisept,ic applhation for any pur pose. use the original Dewitt's Witch Hazel Salve, a well known cure for piles and skin diseases It heals sores with out leaving a sear,. 13eware of counter feits. Gilder Corner Drug Store. Fancy China at J. W. White's at the lowest prices. The very articles for Christmas presents. tf. H unter--Ualdwell. Cards of invitation have been received announcing the maralage of Mr. Joseph H. Hunter to Miss Addie V. Caldwell, at the home of the bride's mother in the county on next Wednesday, 12th instant. The Herald and News begs to extend congratulations and best wishes in advance of the happy event. Help is needed at once when a per son's life Is in danger. A neglected cough or cold may soon become serious and should be stopped at once. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures coughs and colds and the worst eases of croup, bronchitis, grippe and othe-r throat, and lung troubles. Gilder's Corner Drug Store. The most effective little liver pills made are DeWitt's Little Early Risers. They never gripe. Gilder Corner Drug Store. County Teacher's AsPoetation. The following is the program for the County Teachers' meeting to be held Saturday, December 8th: Subject to be announced-Mr. Monts. How to Interest and Influence Chil dren-Miss Mary L. 13urton. Suggestions-Improvements in the Country Sebools-Supt. Higgins. Meeting at 11 o'clock. Don't use any of the counterfeits of DrWiit's Witch Hazel Salve Most, or them are worthles- or liable to cause inju'ry. The original DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is a certain cure for Plies, eczema, cuts, se 41de, burns, sores and skin diseases. Gilder's Corner Drug Store. Mr. S. Laurence Stein, Jr., and Miss Helen Hawkins were united in mar riage at the home of the bride's mother in Charleston, S. C., on Wednesday evening, November 28th. Miss Haw kine Is a daughter of the late Dr. Jacob Hay-ins, and has many friends in this county who wish her much happiness. The Rebt Planter A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Bailm and hound to the afYected parts is sup3rior to acy p laster. Whien troubled with lame back or pains in the side or chest, give it a trial anid vou are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it. afford. Pain Balm also cures rheumatism Oie application gives relief. For sale by W E. Pelham. Ti) get Christma.i goids suitable for presents go to J. WV. Wisite's. He has beautiful and suit'rble goods that he will sell at rock bottom prices. ti, W hat you need for Christmas is Cake Pans, Pie Pians, Eg~g Bsaters, Cake Beaters &c , all styles at the Racket Store. t&f2t Masouic OmIerue At a meeting of Amity Lodge, No 87, A. F. H.,bold Monday night, the follow ing offlcers were elected for Incoming MasonIc year: W. M.-McR. Hutchinson. S. W.-P. J. Voss. 3. W.-HI. 3. McLean. Tfreas.-L. M. Speere. Secty.-J. HI. M. Kinard. S. D.-J. E. Renwick. Tyler-W. S. Mann. These officers will be publicly install ed on Dec. 27. Does it Pay to hay Cheap. A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but you want something that will relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more regular cli mate? Yes, if possible for you, then In either case take the only reinedy tbat has been introduced in all civilized countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, "B3oschee's German By rup." It not only heals and stuln ul1atos the tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allays inflammation, causes easy expectoration, gives a good night's ~Nest, and cures the patient. Try one . lte. Recommended many years by al djgists in the world. Eor sale by W. E. 1~am. Freeh Turnip Seed at Gilder'S Corner Drug Store. f&t tf. 4 good Talcum Powder for 5c. and 10c. a box at Gilder'a Corner 'Drug Store. f&t tf For good Cigars and Tobacco go t o Gilder's Corner Drug Store. f&t tf Fruit Jars and Rubbers at lowest cash prices at Gilder's Corner Drug Store. tf Mason's Fruit Jars and Rubbers, low est cash prices, at Gilder's Corner Drug Store. .t&fts Buist's Turnip Seed at Gilder's Cor ner Drug Store. fat,3f. New lot of New England Watches uat in. Come in and see us. I If Daniels & Co. Turnip Seed!I Turnip Seedil Fresh and the best at Gilder's Corner Drug Btoro. fAt ti VARIOUS AND ALL ABOUT. The State Baptist Convention is in session this week at Greenwood. Don't forget the concert to-night at the opera house. See Auditor Cromer's announcemont in another column of this paper. There remains only about three weeks in which to pay taxes. Several marrigos are reported to take place in Newberry in the near future. Mr. J. L. Oxner, of Johnston, was in town on, Wednesday and paid us a pleasant call. Mr. R. 8 B,)azman, of Chappells, was in the city yesterday and remembered us pleasantly. Miss Lula Moseley, of Prosperity, was in the city this week visiting Misses Neville Pope and Mary Nance Fair. Mr. A 0. B)wers, of Saluda county, one of the Clem9on Co'lege cadets was this week visiting relatives and friend, here. Rev. W. M. Pinson left yesterday for Greenwood to attend the State Baptist Convention which is in session there this wed.. The hens have joined the "High Tariff League" and put the price ftir laying eggs up to 20c per dozen and the supply is not sufficient, for the demand. The Grand Lodge A. F. M. of South Carolina, will meet in Charleston Tues day 11th in the MasonioTemple. Mr. P. J. Voss, will represent Amity Lodge No 87 of, Newberry. The third semi-annual session of the Southern Industrial Convention met in New Orleans this week. The motto adopted was, "Business-no politics, no sectionalism." Those who miss the opportunity of hearing the concert in the Opera Rouse to night, under the ansplieces of the Young People's Society of Thomp son Street church will afterwards regret it. The United States Senate has passed a bill to encourage the Interstate and West Indian Expomition which is to be held_In 1901 at Charleston. The appro priation made by this bill is $250,000 and all exhibits will be admited free of duty. Mrs Laura Minnick returned home from Newberry Saturday.- Carolina New&. Rev. Y. von A. Riser is the guest of Mr. E. W. A. Bultman, and will remain in the city until Thursday.-Sumter ierm. Miss Varina Brown went to Kinard'A, Newberry count.y, Monday to visit Mrs. J. C. G.j7 and attend the marriage of Mr. Gary'le sister, Miss Ella MI. Browi to Mr. S. F. Webb of Eden, Fla. Miss Ella Brown lived in Anderson until a few years ago when she went to Pea body Normal College Nashville, Tenn., where she was graduated last year. Peoples Advocate. M'es Janie Vance, of Clinton, a great favorite in social ctroles here, has gone North to i-tady to become a trained nurse.- Laurens Advertiser. Dr. Chas. H Armstrong, pastor of the Maver Memorial (Luthel an ) Church of Newberry passed through Greenville yesterday returning from Indiana, where he went to att,end the funeral of his father.-G.eenville News. Mr. Thos C. Matthews of Pit.tsburg, Penn., is in the city making a map of all the buildings for use by all fire In surance companies. He represents The Sanborn-Perris Map Co., of New York. The Board of Healt.h at a recent meeting condemned the well in Smith alley as being detrimental to the health of the citizens living in that vicinity, and the town council has ordered that it be filled up. This is a good move on the part of the Board of Health. 0. L. Schumpert, Eeq., went to A iken Wednesday on professional businese. Dr. S. T. Hallman, who for some time has been in North Carolina, has returned home. Mrs Rosannah Havird has returned home from an extended visit to her daughter, Mrs. J. B. Haigler, of Spring City, Pa. The friends of Sheriff Buford will bie glad to learn that he had so far recov ered as to be able to be in his office on' Wednesday. Dr. Jas. McIntosh will go to Green wood today as delegate from the Reedy River Association to the Baptist Con vention. On last Saturday night several coats and an overcoat which helonged to a drummer were stolen from the sample room of the Newberry Hotel. Pol ice mani Carter caught the thief, Joe Green, trying to sell one of the coats and immediately arrested him. John Coleman, a negro, was seen try ing to soil a pair of pants this week and suspicion was aroused and he was ar rested. Chief Hunter looked into the matter and found the pants were the pro.perty of Mr. Geo. T. Ried, of Chap polls, Mrs. 3. B. Thomasson and Mrs. Theodore Danielson have gone to Greerlwood as delegates from West End Baptist eh.uroh to the State Con vention. Htow to cunro Group., Mr. R. Gary, who lives near Amen ia, Duchess county, N. Y., says: "Cham berlain's Cough Remedy is the best medicine T have ever used. It is a fine children's remedy for oroup and never fails to cure " When given as soon as the child ber.omes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough has developed, it will .pevent the attack. Tbis should be bon nmind and a bottle of the (Cough Remedy kept at band ready for in stant use as soon as these symptoms ap. pear. For sale by W. El. Peihafn, Christmas goods at 3. WV. White'e. oodw quality at inw prices. tf FUNEAK4 OF "FICo IXVHEL." The Old Anad Lovetl Name Itimen, I,lto a Plho nix Fron its Antes, After n Hip Vai Winkle Slewep of Over '40 Years. "Where are we at?" is the question III lrog Level vs. Prosperity today, and it is unlikely that anybody Is ab!e to answer the question. The light that, is on against the establishment of a dis petisary here has developed the fact, virtually, that no such incorporation as "Parosperity" or "'r10tog Level" exists. Our town was known and recognizod under the laws of the Slate as Lrog Level In ant iquated days more t han two decades ago, about which time it. was thought that the Leginlature changed the name to Prosperity, but, Mr. lilase, one o( the attorneys represinting the State iI tile present il ght agalnit I the dispensary, so the Columbia Si tI says, is unable to find any ro.!oi d of such change of name in the 'at,e -lou-e in Columb111ia. l'he citizens and voters here, believ Ing the town to legally possess the name of Prosperity, have, for almost a quarter of a century, elected ollicers for the town of Prosperity, and no ollicors have been elected for the town of "lFrog L vel" during that period of time I'li'e q uestion now arises: If the State House holds no record of the change of name, then there is no such town as Prosperity in the State, and the town of "11rog Level" forfeited her charter by falling to elect. Intendant and Wardens annually, hence we are, legally, only an unincor porated berg, borough or hamlet! Then, too, if these things be so, the ninety-nine year prohibitory statute passed by the L-gislature some twelvo years ago is of force only in the town of "Prosperity," and if thi8boro' is neither Prosperity nor "Frog Level" the Board of Control can procced "hinstai tor" to open a dispensary here. We are going to hav a who reads here, towt. or no town, and dispensary may remember the predication. if the election on thequestion were held to- A day, I believe- "dispensary" woult win by at least two to one. Several who C vote'd agalist, the dispOis-a1ry in ' he recent election, aid others who did not vote at all, declare to i. that they will vote for the dispen-ary If aliother 1, le- r tion is held M1j'rities Imist and will rule this Democratic place The veneral verdict now is, that we are "illegauly dry." Mr. H. P. Wicker, of the firm of Morris and Wicker of this place, and Mrs. Ella Willis of Saluda Couity, were united in mat rinony on the 21st in stant, by Rev. W. H. Hillcr. Their many friends extend congratulations. The Voice of the People has ius pended. No paper last week, and no hope that the "rag" will ever float again. Mr Killebrew and his good pouse l'. our - berg" somewhat unevemotiji0u.,y.v on the 17th. TheVoleo outfit is '-nlI!ed ip" and for sale', a natural finale for 101V business begun and continued solely on credit. With no "'Prosperit.y,"' no "Frew Level," no incorporation, io Voice, no Killebrew, no dispensary, and no ftiol. we may expect no funi and a "dry" time during the comintr holl,lavs, though I guess "A. R " and "D. C." will remind us that there s "life in the old land yet." PALIMTTO. Prosperity, Nov. 30tb. DeWli't's Little Early Risers are dainty little pills, but they never- fail to cleanse the liver, remove ohatructions and invigorate the system. Gilder Cor ner Drug Store. -Fiancy China One of the largest and most comp)lete lilnes of China and Tin ware ever p)ut on c the Newherry market, is to be found at - J W WVhiites. Fancy China, Cups, Saucers, Dinner Sets and Tea Me's oN every description from the very bestI Frenich ChIna to the ordinaury p)lat. ware, is to b,e found here. [a fact, thih, is the place for Christmais shoplpers to suppil.y t heir wants. f'hr'istmse14 goodis e a-c to lie had here, and they are boundi . to please in quality andl price. Remnem- I ber J. W. Wh ite's for Christ mas goods. tf At the Operis IlouiseTo-,lghit. ( Under the auspices of the Young People's Society of the Thompson Street church wihll be given a concert of superior excellence and variety by the members of the faculty of the Pres byterian College for Women, Columbia S. C. The following members of the faculty will take parts: Mr. Kittredge, Piano. Mr. Meyer, Violin. M iss Klebs, Voice. Miss Phillips, Reader. Tickets are on sale at Scholtz's jewelry store and Mayes Book Store. Reserved seats 50 cents. General ad mission 23 cents. Now is the time when croup and lung trouh!cs prove rapidly fatal. 'rho oe only harmles remedy that piroiducces T Immediate results Is One Minute Cough h< Cure It is very pleasant to take and oi ran be irelied upon to quickly cure coughs, colds and all lung diseases It * will prevent consumption Gilder's in To-Night's ECntertainment. The eutertainmamli, in the opera house tonight pi'nmises to be one of the best, nf the season. Thie- position occupfed $ by the professors is a guarantee of skill I tis musicians arid their competenc.y 60 ti entertain a cultivated audience. The "' same artists gave ati entertainment in at Columbia last 'light and the papers of gi the city speak of it in the most compli- cii mentary terms. The young people of G Thompson Street church, under whose auspices this entertainment Is given, have been very much gratified in the sale of tIckets. A good house is already o seoured. Tlcke 's are on sale at Scholt z' and at- the Book Store. Among the tens of thousands who pt havy- used Chamberlain's Cough Roem- K edy for colds and Ia grIppe during the ci past few years, to our knowledge, not, a singla ease has resulted in pneumonia. Thos. Whittleid & Co., 240 Wabash avenuite, Chicago, otne of the most p)rom- I' inent retail dtruggists in that city, in si speaking of this, says: ''We recoin mend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for la grippe itn many cages, as It not only gIves prompt and complete re dovery, but also counteracts any ten denty of ha gripe to result in pneu- k monla." IFnr sal by W. E. Peihnm. , to JAIRIES1 N I We signalize the Aventful times )rices on our goods that will make i 'HANDISE. clothing 1 a9 t U Good Suits Marke We have cut the price almost half ine of CLOTHING has always been a ts our customers well know, and it is t is in this mammoth stock, then,thc nade. Now is the opportunity to get iave ever been sold before. Come and See __ _ _ _ _ a We want, also, to tell you about a full line in In this Century Sale we place also )f the celebrated Ziegler Bros'. Fine )f prices. Every pair a good value. '?egular Price $3.50, I ome of the finest productions of th tre all right except the style of the t< Come to see us in this Century w or Christmas by helping you to p saving you money, because the price ixed with the end in view that nl< :heaper prices can be found elsewhE Clothing for Men and Youth, Clothi Shoes for Everybody, Furnis Hats for Men, Boys and Children, Dry C Come One and All a.nd get some of the B3 An Entertainment at Little Mou,ntain. A (irea,t Opporltinity. The Laidies Aid Society will give an ntIifii if3O1 iii1flowte )r tertainiment at Little Mountain etliTbl 10 .M.Jlfi( i'8 iov I iurBday3, December 27, in the schoolwhr o einby veytitc f C il use at 7:30 o'clock, in wh ich will play waiig a ai it twl e.e ith dIy Jeromiah " "'Come, lauigh to your a cd it.isti slngylw rie ra l aith "' It will cost not hing to como ldi, twllpy ouoisetlt- hs'i After the entertainment 18 overmion'stlh, ptdte ho c-Sil*I ere will he an old1 fashion hot supjper.foe)rhliW.ilT Geybdyi nvtd n t lem, if you w ould a oowthin inr.i .]wi -. -- - S 'wh e tr y o u Sal uy v trticm lie aj Manyneersons,have.hadshhngly pow pri edac ~nceof M Petr ~hrmai, ofNu ridies,k itI( Xill hu stopck, Ja-hso rafod,N I ,wh itsmio e s ons tlih up -t-t shesLe fuT*e otr rmcrii I j8 o reur vhaig.rubesm cr r n -yt 11Maiy pon ae ''I iet hadt expe- li a r osfeni hn Uii t and is a cosrtaini cure for dyspepsia dw scoeyaipsil i iu.mdii id every form of stomaie. Iroubile. I1 t, wn lo n pl hmelii ~v* ves relief at once even~ in the worstPaniam teediyrbin vio- ndII ses, and can't help but do 30on good.oily or ie lnte at uofj)li ildecr's Corner Drug Store. ai,i Acr l)itlPhodbew n lledi Election of Oflloir. iH. of IhI.sagnea nn ntfrswlus i ii Newberry Lodge, No. 355. Knights a'uiun uld. orslbyW F. H h lineor, wave entertsd tuetforeadwJamle-lleom. in rthorthsinopiapera: * and- examine--. hfsstok, d-Ob lTiremoe Wo an t.rbesocn o Mh bunA~st t icao;J.I.M idn: hist ak t,hoe on bunlton mar1, Reorte; S P. enz r, in wlay ni tr tof c o ftn i t t hen are as a U (lay dlRpre;I.M.Ser, oni an clos yely as old,ibne wisthut,lmede Chalan;Oc hdrawn bood andr hi p lCamean ' ha ve ralI [PaKnnBalmGuiw;iJosehaiay; rubbin v igr and t isd urin i..ono, Ou- n forfie iuteC s ati o unce app in dSeinlGe .Moe,( e ato. mu A ha rn a cstr hu d e orn pli e d hie Cromc, andM. A.Csrliloor wiha few d.y todpoll)epti rte arne RI henbgoes wa tes and1 rit 5heu atyom an tie in Honor, have etcted ohe fooowyoguPelham wis ham isersforth tnomngiea:g th --- oti- orand to W.ism W. Toygs. canNoetior; all Cl. urenc Wote on prepsraon ofMrha ve '1 ne,t Athistact DiStor . H. Do' -fi diedt al is off iler's Cor.n ede- lielth nard Rpor te.P.2Boz .r F n c day u nig toe oumprn I asad y. uruf !S let Ly mae N'S OGOODS OF CHHISTMAS' by offering the people such t a month of MOVING MER ocri Ice! d Away Down! in a lot of Good Suits. Our well se ected and Up-to-Date, better today than ever before. it a Big Cut in Clothing is now . good Suits cheaper than they [hem on the ounter. EDOTWEAR! on the Bargain Counter a lot Shoes for Ladies at unheard 3educed to $1.19. is well known make, and they >es are a little out of date. hen we offer you Good Cheer ut money in your pockets by s on all our goods have been 3better merchandise at any re. ng for Boys and Children, ~hing Goods for Gentlemen, oods for all the People. enefits of this Great Gash Sale. loling to Florid,,. Avrie etr .W. Nance and family will re- O itdfo h it o eked 0 lfaklt y, V PIla , aiot, t he lt.-lgNoc hr:1 9 4 of tis m~nont.h; I )r. Nanice wYill r-n-t, r (. Julian, in the (,tbs m of his pro'fes~sionm. D)r. Nance I- is M ila ii,J. .Hod y been ai resident of Nerwberry Mr. .1. oelAdmHn rs , er comiiple*ted his med~ical course ni hs ago, and1( in leainig New- Mr.Eit ar' ) V lye,Ms o seek surcess elsewhere he willJon ae,M. . .lrrtArn Ithe tbest wishe~s of iaany of our Ill,W hlebit fde otn who haive ob5 -rvedl antd ad mlired .-oh ao,M e aahJhsn 'nest manno1tie in whmichi he hats deC iuswelf to his chosen profession. MisM yJo s,hmsJoe, r. fwhicb The iIerld and News ng()A adKi,.J13Knr, Lat-iIy endorses. Dr. Nance, inlgh Kepo,Oo1.Kiad rilices5 he madtte to at,t