04 vVnm and M, Knights of Pythias, Newberry Lodge No. 75. S TA '1 .D CON VHENT!ONf4 OF thh Lidge will It held the 2nd and 4th Tuesday nightm >f each montih at 7.310. Visitlng E .zlhts cordlally welcomed. T0IIOS. Ill. ElP 'lN, K7C. of R. and S. Clotwoil Hotel Buildilq-. Corrected every Tuesday and Friday by Summer Bros. Meat. ....................... .(o 9o. Shoulders ........................... 7c. H am s.................................. 12i 4e. Best Lard ....... ........... 9c10C. Best Molasses, new crop...... 60c. Good Molasses..................... 25@ 50c. C orn ................................... 700. M eal .......... .. ..................... 65 . Hay....... . . . ................ 0C. W heat Bran........................ $1.15. 1st Patent Flour.................. t-1 75. 2nd Best Flour.................. $4.50. Strait Flour........................ $4.25. Good O-.d inary Flour....$3.60@4.00. Sugar ....................... ......... 6 64c. RicO.................................... 5C 8 c. Coffee................................ 1 15c. Cotton seed meal, per sack. 1.25. Loose Hulls, per cwt.............. 300. Country Produce Butter, per lb .............. 15(20c. Eggs, per dozen ................. 9(q)I0c. Chickens, each................... 15,ar25c. Pons, per bushel....... .......... 75c. Corn, per bushel.. .............. 600. Oats, per bushel.............. 35(A40. Sweet potatoes................. 6675c. Turkeys, per lb .............. 6 8c. Fodder, per cwt ................ 75(90c. NEWn.tity COTTON MARKET. (Corrected twice a week by J. W. Unry & Co;) November Wit, 1900. B st...... ...................... To Cure a Gol in one i)y. TakoLaxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it falls to cure. E W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. D'mn't buy a dollar's worth of Dry Goods or Shoes until you see our line. t It Mimnaugh. Someti,I,g New. Something new and pretty in the line of flower pots is to be seen at the Racket Store. They are beauties and are sure to please the ladies. This is the seasoi when mothers are alaiIed on account of crou0p. T', is quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure, which children like to take. Gilder's Corn-r Drug Store. The cro-vds incre.Ase ciery day at Mim i nangl's. The people know a good thing wh-en they see it. Mimiaugh. It Cmafvrenco Notlce. The fourth Quarterly Conference for Newberry Circuit will be held at New Chapel Church Saturday the 10th and Sunday the 11th of November. Rev. I. A. Child, presiding elder, will preach The public J.i cordially invited. D. P. Boyi), Pastor. The best method of elansing the liver is the use of the famuous little pills known as DsWitt's Litt,le letrly Risers. Easy to take. Never gripe. (jlder's Corner Drug Store. Stops the Cough and Works off tie, C,idic. Laxative. lromno Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure, no pamy. PrIce 25 cents. Mimnnaugh~ does the leading D)ry Goods, Shoe and Millinery business of Newberry. t It IHave your clothes cleaned and pres sed by the Newberry Pressing Club, over Pelham's Ch ina St,ore. 4t-t&f Chas. Pelham, Pro'r. The CElctton. The nattonal and Stte election Is on today. Everything is almost as quiet here as a usual Sunday. The citizens are turning out p)retty wvell to vote. The federal box is in the opera ho.use and the State and county boxes In the court house. Don't fail to vote. Feelings of safety pervade the house hold that uses One Minute Cough Cure, the only harmless remedy that pro duces. immediate result.s. It is infalli ble for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung t.roubles. It, will pre vent consumption. Gilder's Corner Drug Store. The Court. The Common Pleas Court did not con veno until yesterday afternoon owing to the fact that it was saleday and the jury was dismised until .12 o'clock today on account of the election. The court this morning is engaged in hearing equity cases and will resume work with the jury this afternoon. The court will last all this week. It is well to know that DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will heala burn and Atop the paini at once. It will cure ec zema and skin diseases and ugly wounds and sorecs. it is a certain cure for piles. Counterfeits may be offered you. See that you get the original DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve. Gilder's Corner Drug Store. You Know What, You Are Taktng When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the fomular is plainly printed on every bottle showing that It is simply Iron and quinine in a taste less form. No Cure, No Pay. 50c. D)EATIIS. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Jo. C. Ilipp, died at their surburban home on Sunday evening with pneumonia, and its romaine were buried yesterday afternoon at Rosemont. No other p Ills can equal DeWitt?s Little EarlyR Rleers for promptness, cer tainty and ellielency. Gilder's Corner Drug Store. Big line of Ladles' Kid Gtoves just opened. The price is 980. Every pair guaranteed. Mimnaugrh. t It VARIOUS AND ALL ABOUT. See sale of personal property. see advertisement of farit land for sale. Mr. Jacob Eihrhardt, of larnwell, is is Newberry. lion. W. 1). Maylield, o! Colunia, is in tie city. This is election day andl(] we hope for C Bryanl's election. C Tie Rteeder P'harmacy has a new ad. - this morning-read it. After the rain Sunday it turned oil considerably cooler. t (. C. Peatherstone. of Laurens, was in the city yesterday. .1. F'. .1. Caldwell, nq , of Green~ v wood, is attendig court. t Tlle town election is only a few weeks oil. I ave you registered? Miss )ella Riser, of Greenville, Is visiting at Mrs. S. A. Riser's. Miss Eldna Whitmire, of Greenville, is visiting at Mr. .J. W. Reeder's. Newberry Ilardware Co. has some thing new to tell you in this paper. Superintendent Vo,;ss has fitted up the court house and ollices with electric lights. c Court did not convene yesterday un- e til In the afternoon on account of the 3 legal sales. Mr. W. It Aull is down from Pen- c dleton and will move his family to that S place today. The attention of road overseers Is called to the notice of Supervisor 11111 In arother column. As we have said before, today will iettle the quest ion: and the next Pres ident's name will be "William." Miss Thyra 8 1humprt, of New berry, Will arrive this evening to visit Mrs. A. M. Aiken.-Cheter Lantern. t Considering the fact that it was No. vember saleday and that court was also in session, there was a small crowd In town. The innmmon Plea doeket is a full one ard if the court L nishes this week considerable business will have to be carried over. Mr. Clint Smmer stopped over on his way from the Fair and spent Friday b and Saturday In Newherry with friends. 6 He returned to PendLton Sunday. The election returns will be received tonight and by the use of a magic lan- h lon thrown on a large sheet ex!ending from the wires in front of 0. M. Jamie- E son's store. Come out and get the news. I)on't fail to read Minnaugh's ad. a He is In the race to the finish and he Is 84 a hard one to beat when it comes to selling the best goods for the least c money. Don't end your shopping tour until ,after visiting Mimnaugh's. le sl has bargains to offer you. Ti'ire rois mo-ire Cat airrh In this sectiou of the coninlry than all other liseases put togotIer and until thu last Lfw yearns was sIpposetI to a be ihicurablo. For a great many years (octors Pronuned it a local disease, anid prescrtbed local reimiles, and by constantly railing to euro wltl local treat men01t, prononce(I It In c.irable. Science has proven cattarrh to be a constitutional di%se e, aid therefore rq-uItires conlstiltutional treatmnlt. Uall's Catarrh f 1um minutifactured by F. J. Cheniey & (.O $ Toledio, Ohio, is the o* ty constitutional enrel on the snarket.. It is takent internally iun doses from 1it drobsn to a teaspoonifulI. It aicts direc ly on the blood anid mutc-ous surfaces of the system. They on'er- one hundlred dloluiru t'o any case it fails to euro. He ndl for circular and( testitnioias. Add ress. i'. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. J Sold by drnggits. price 75c. Halt's Faitly ['ills are the best. Opera [House Attractions.t Managers Voss and Seboltz have t booked seime star at,tractIons for this F season and tbe theater going public may expect to see some extraordinaryt performances during the next few E mont,bs. The following is some of the attractions booked and of course there will be,*mauy others: November 12-three nights-Palmer I Stock Co. November 20-Schuman Concert Co. November 23-Johnny on the Spot. November 21-Hiarr'y Ward's Mmn strals. November 28-Too Rich to Marry. December 4--Thc Spider and Fly. December 17-Helrald Square Opera Co. 'December 20-Quo Vadis. - December 31-A Terrible Time. Do not got seared If your heartt troubles you. Most likely you suffer from indigest,ion. Kodol Dispepsla Cure digests what you eat and gives the woirn out stomach perfect rest. It, is the only preparation known that compiletely digests all classes of food; I this is why it, cures the worst eases of < indigestion and s'tomach trouble a!ner 1 everything else has failed. It may be f taken in all conditions and cannot help I but do you g ood. Gilder's Corner Drug1 Store.( Chryanthuemum Show. The Chrysanthemum Show will be given Friday night, November 9tb, at the vacant store uinder Crotwelf Hotel, beginning at 7 o'clock. Prizes will be given as follows: - 1st. Finest specimen. 2ad. Best collection. '80. Finest pot plant.t 4th. Prettiest design. The ladies ask that the ilowers he sent by 4 o'clock. Public cord-sally in vited. Ad miselon 10 cents. .Quettons Answered. Yes, August Wlower still has the larg- I est, sale of an. AIcine in the civilized world. Your -iers and grandmoth- 1 ers never thought of using anything else for indigestion or biliousness. Doe- I tors were scarce, and they seldom heard of appendicitis, nervous prostration or! heart failure, c-tc. They used August Frlower to clean the system and stop fer mentation of undigested food, regulate the action of tile liver, stimulate the nervous and organ t action of the sys tem, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need as few doseq of Green's August Flower, in ii quid formn, to make you satisfied there Is nothing serious t,he mr.tter with you. For sale by W. 10. Pelham. t)r. .J. A . Oi ft,s Telegraphs lite this morniig thrit he Vill Prfahell for u1s at 7.10 Welrinesdaiy VOninig. \l invitcd. ('4-itral 31ethoillott Church. We eii Clittentio ntigain to th ler 'ice to I e held at Central Methodist, hir1ch11 next T '. rsday af n al-11o l t.1 'eloek. A-4 annoteed last, week, the orn1er stoneO of the new churc will be tid al, that hour, and Dr. .J. A. Clifton rill duliver the athdr +S. The pastor. of h(' chmr-h I,( qu-'ss tit an 1invitiltion , extenldtld to) :01 WhO are0 WillinIg to ej-)ice wit,h the Metlhodists to collme til -iljoy tie vxorcisvs Sihoult ho reather Ile im-1el-i t thi addkre'ss will e delive'Ired in tle old churelh. E,ICOTION NE:Ws. e%wV1 to be I(cEiV(El it4l 'o omsialat uti 1ull-tIn4 Ini pl%yodl o1 tho 'ubnUe EIF(lit"41 With a Sereop lIon. The election news wi . be received in eOwberry this Veeing,". Tho bullet,in board wil' be placed at convenlent Spot near the court houtse, nd news bulletins will be thrown oat a ativas, by the aid of ia stereopticon), xtended from the wires in front of 0 . Jamieson's store. The citizenms who contributed to re cive the election tews have be!en as 'Ared that they will receive tie tiest, BIVice at the hands of the Western rnion Company tonight and tomorrow. So come out, tonight and get the news. EIfior's Awful P'light, P. M. Illg'u-ings, I'ditor seneei, ( I Is ews, wits lillicted fotr years with Piles til no doctor or relt,dy it-1p)d ntiml c tried llucklen's A rnii'a 8-ilve. lie 'rites two box s w olly cured him ,'s ei surest Pile (ire on earth atid le best salvO it) the world Cure naranteed. Only 25 cents. Sold by 11 druggist. NOvaar.t 8At.. he Propeity Miold 11routght it (v G od l'rief - A Quiet. Cr4-w4. Yesterday was sleday - November ieday. The crowd was not as large ias we ave seen in the city on similar 4icea ons, but the streets by no meais pire mited a deserted appearatce. The Master made several tacs as foi Hawkins vs. Hawkinis, i acies to A. [. 11-awkiis for $1,750. Iluntington vs. Huntiigtonl, I i t ,-res ill town of Helena, *to 1. A )ick. n for $280. Maffett, vs. Norris, house and lot in ty of Newberry-lot, No. I to 11. . lillians for $1,:7O Lot No. 2, to the ttle for $1,620. Hardy, Alastcr, vs. lmgshore-with Vawn. 1i-irdy, Master, vs. Forest Riser, 57 cres to Johnstono and Welch for 60. PROISATE SALE'S. In the case of Clarlton Cromer, ad tinistrator estate of I. N. Gary, tract lo. 1, 235 arres, to P C. Smith for 1,225: tract No. 2, 275 acres, to 'T. C. Jool for $70,'. Robbedi the Gravo. A startling Incident, of which Mr. ohna Oliver of Philadelphla, waLt the object, Is narrated by himt as follows: I was int a most dr' dIful coindition. ly skin was altmosty3ellowv,eyes su nken, LIngue coated, pain contintually In ack and sides, no appeite-gradually rowing weaker dtay by (lay. Three hysicmins had given me up. F'ortu ately, a frier'd advis itrying Elee rie Bitters; and to n :-great joy and urprise, the (iret bott,le made(1 a decided mprovemuent. I continued their use or three weeks, and ni -ow a well ntan. I know they saved may life, tand (tbbedl the grave of another vict im.t" To) one shoulid fail to try thtem. Only 0 eta., gLuaranteedl at all D)rug Stores. Prosiperity Circuit. On accout,t of inclement weather the ourt,h Quarterly C'onfer'ence of Ptros ierity Circeult was not held at New lope on Jast Saturday. The Presidling Cldcr, Rev. Rt. A. Child, will hold salid teeting at Wight,man Chapel, Pros erity, next F'ridauy at II o'clock. The >lal members are earnestly requested o attend as business of tamportanece is o como befor'e tihe meetihg. That. Throbbing Hleaudache. Would gjulekly leave youl, if you usedi )r. King's New Life Pills. Thousantds if sufferers have proved their match. ess merit for Sick sand Nervous Head ches. T1hey imake putre blood atnd trong nerves and build up your health' Basy to take. Try thtem. Only 2.5 enits. Money back If not cured. Sold y all IDrugglsts. Thte Citizens' Mee ting. The call for the citizens' meeting to eterminte the manner of nominating andidates for Mayor and Alderment foir he ensuing year', by the D)emocratic >araty of tite city, appiears in another :olutmn. The neetilng will be held In he opera houtse next Tuescday after 10oon at 4 o'clock. Dr. Wi. 13. LewIs, Lawrenneevile, Va., vrit,es, "I am using Kodol Dyspepsia lure in my practice among severe aese of lndigestion~ and find it an ad ml able remedy." Many hundreds of >hysicians depend upon t,he use of Ko lol Dyspepsia Cure int stomach trou les. It digests what, you cat, and aul ows you to cat aili the good food you teed, providing you do not overloadl tour stomach. Gives instant relief andl permaneitt cure. Gilder's Cornetr [)rug Store. Bears. th, h Kind Youl Have Aiwa s Boughi Bignatur. -'? of emah nd tnestfree, g, eBENS .Sea AUaaa.6a. Aqd Sve ILuSpend Now is tw Time6 and Ji The honest values which hav( have always found quick buyers a gr sat satisfactory selling of our bij money. Don't pay more for whe we can sve money for you, becat goods which are well bought by u GREAT CLOTHING AND SHOE SE GREAT SELl GREAT SELLING IN H ATS. GREAT SE We intend to make our store the Leader for I save all our customers from 10 to 20 per cent o LOOK A T OUR $20,000 We are selling men's good wool at $5.00 to $8.00 that would be g Our $10.00 line of suits going rapi and worth $12.50. We have ti Cheviots. Htigh grade suits in spi wear well, in all colors from $12. shown such values. Gui" big line < any thing we have ever shown things in selling clothing for childr Children's cheap suits 50 cts., 7 $L50, $2.00 and $2.50. Some s and $4.00 that would be cheap a The Sh.0 ieoe Hut ous rp .Everything in good Shoes you want. We have an easy job m soiling thorn, and to get more at the samo low price, for our. Shoe trad1o. i Women's Shoes 78 t s., bettor than grades s8 t to $1.00. a rbig lot of w omen's kid, button and lace, o.0s worth $1.25, to be sold at $1.00. Ask for the Harrisburg black bottom Shou at 1.50-the best goods over sold for the price. 500 pairs m n's highIut brogans $1.00 Thee -ro worth $1.25. Mon's lace or congress Shoes, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. G rent valuesM. A full line of Zeigler Bros. fine Shoes for ladlies and Lilly Brackett for men. The best goods that money can buy. Call for the Messenger Shoes for boys, the host on the muarket. All must go for the price we put on thema makes them mnove oil'. The right kind of foot wear at the right p)lace (1oes the business.T Jamieson's is the Place to Buy Footwear. YOURS TO SATISFY ANI To All Whom It Mamy Concern. I have an ollico upstairs over thne store of Alessrs. E. AM. Evans & Ce, Al,h otn S e ~front, entraince sanme as to the olliceo oufa efo ae I have my books and aun, there Hgetmre rc andl will kindly ask all who owe mec to id please call and sec me. C iax~~.S e r a o Newberry, 8. 0., Oct. 9, 1000. f&tot, tro. Wie wAant to buy rourAl 'rosnltledtthodfis Cotton Seed. '/'ii pay o ~le''i C ltwl ~tl you the top of the mar- al ;iIWifcE ohnd ket for them~i, andc sell o a'ti1d o ~l~hrio' you anything in our ~v ,~~ line at the very lowest m-narket price. ~ orlntw ae lts a eml Call on us before sell-t oklk e eoh~a l' in g or buying. hms 4e'. ha.Ichii, M. L. Spearman & Co. -.P"'cw. ChIlls and ever' 19 a bottle of Gr'ove's Tasteless Chlil Tonic. It, Is simply i ron Tiqngitaoi neoyio rtegonn and quinino in a tasteless form. No Lxtv rmunnn alt eur, o ay 1rIe 5c.th Allcd thatems uCoto n See d ESECRET, Lm 1Y SAINIT9 ItRight - hI R ight Plce! imiesori's is THE PLACE! been offered in other seasons tnd this fall is no exception to the . stock. Don't throw away your Lt you want and must have when ise we give you the profits on the LLLING. ING IN GENTS' FURNISHINGS. LLING IN STAPLE DRY GOODS. >ig events every day from now on and will ri all that they buy. STOCK OF CLOTHING. suits at $4.98 and splendid suits reatest values at $6.5C to $10.00. dly because they are good values iem in Colored Cassimeres and endid assortments made well to 50 to $20.00. We have never )f boys' and children's suits beats and we have done some great en and youth. 5 cts., and $1.00. Better ones at pecial bargains at $3.00, $3.50 a dollar more on the suit. 3 of Newberry. IX1MItYTil[ING IN GENTS' FUl IING N GOODS. TheIi latest. nt y'le4s in hats1 of all g rados lare here ini sp)lenldi< variety. (Good prints going at 3.i els. I Latest novelty pririts going at 0 ets. hest -1I -1 shooting going at 0>. ets. (Good wool joatns go ing att 1 5, 1 74 and 20 ets. Heawviest. wool jeans going at 25 EYvyody going to .Jamtiesoni's to get tho great values in goods going chieapI at Jamuiosoni's. C~omo iln arnd see' usl. WeO are atlwatys readty to meko1 nolw ac. llowaird Mt., bnr nteOtil f te pol Phlih m eipia11, Pai. , wvhen, she (onrd that,wo~vr tni i nte or, i D)r. King's New DI)scovery for (3on-)lC aibacking coinghi tiat for manny yearsteacof.inngronapasn remedIes ned( dioctorsi cold give her noe,hsbdyarc n o h rl help1, but she says of t his ILoyal Cureicpoeanle ISbdytun. -"'It soon1 removed the pan ~in miy M "i chiest and( 1 cani no0w sleepl .soundly, rwstaku ocm somnethbing I can sonicehy rememberotaleanh viiI)oufr doing beflord. I feel lIke soundIng Its prises throughout, t.he Universe."' So u broeinteftr. r lte will every one who tries D)r. KIing'e s a vr oly-oaeod New D)iicovery for any trouble of thme TIh roa, Chest, or Lrings. Price T0c. anid $1 001. Thriahl bottles free at all D)rug , vu Stires; every bottle, guiaranrteed. BauteYuHv iaSBtg Choice Straiwber'ry hllnts for saleo by IDtO Conductor Fli..Yor,nof thf stre0!