Cli.. IIE . Ii:mroI I 'I 0, .l''i .' aro ai' 1.. l'- .i ' r t.-' ;;ri t~ cl. Vni1 t b r ' i. n~ for ther pt opl wh l. e. c l': .9 Ii mr ti o n: rm: - v - b r ctn '' . n. h a ser. n - I *. r n '' r. Cr * . -' 'r - r -9. ttf~ \ : V i\ .'' Do a k9 e ttb ih - ' f ou Ia tes r h o g - i' ate lo ig ey ag feet I.whtevrV .Mr. V r.. . T yorvite Mr. alor's fa il as,wek Ou muiywilb we.rpe 1oe . p ri-'* ls w l b o ambia - 99in. Mr. . i M llsopeed is chol a Mt. ile las Mon ay w th a larg M.Z .1 mc letti-onn raiosrre on his ar tore veaa ca eer. . . - ieaion Anserd es A.uus .owe.nrk si ha the niar. world You mht and grandm (oth Jer neve.r ihough f usLoingai. anyhin Li'art failue,rtc fahey uas e Agus i'wrt cenuit thel sysem andl stopfer me2ntat i ofndgted food,l i eula tn he uono the plstve,smlae. h nerou an orgnic acItion of then tys toand that s atl the took fwhue fe ig dul and bad0.- wil heces a: tr. achs. Youll only needcoo at at lendf Gron' Aiuguis. lwr,i 'deor,formake you saisiead toere is,Ahigseus th9e mt-r ith youg. 9o sale ofay W.m elham. nthecvl 'e On acc. ount ofthes tdgrand Carniva fo-rth 1900 iethen oSI.ourncs Iailwa Coi.~ willc Sllrou,nd tripe ldkem ahe rieati of onurnd-igeste fooplu reguents thdmission tof the Cariva, sTicklat toe be s lull -9 and 14 wth hadac6h, wt fna Greeun AugutNo. 1lw8, 9011. Ionsae y .. A.eBhaTogt i m i t fa l t r i tia S b ha in tIi .*ill:lI m a k I. rac le t tt e e iti ore oth r n . ly r.ha Crot ell 1011 un le din ifro the' 'a plac ofi reo frpesn h drin whike.5 obeene lang age in decet eyPosm of erso am rioou behaior ave ade t.hi ally a ui putn a t at th entranc on. thei sireett uni pro blea laa for thi gat. We 'l t' e rdi theii~ count I a cond ijiitionan some sec'tis i th over seeI tO hav notlorke itlt hratthi Iye'a.t Wet recotne -,,i the oty roads putL inot aood conditn fand wher e the a d i hae nort br et'worked wt recommend ii s that (thae ovrsre r a e i tit. nt e:hertii of daysrequ ied riotus hhw,tis~ workV to bte thns alloe .i Wei l that thit oiagisrtis have eot hae monurthlyo res toi ti Aud itor,tiIl a ~th lw reqires andl'lhL wol re ommrenad that thue at ttion fof the MagtC istt beu calld othis,an tha!itI they bO' rc qite to make1 0(1 ieteized mh0otl reports itoV tet AuIditor. oas WetI' t.L recomend ti'htI~L the Cot su peri LVsr' a he instutettd to have th theI couit hi os ligted with eltr ic I o f(indI hthe jury riooms (lftd after eachOi) t sesion ofi L t cot inL ant unclean-1 ly conion ridt o ledeing Pt.h emt vrvofi oughl leaned~i j1st beforite and atlthe. cloe ofi eac ter o cout.ti i ii tPtt(thny Won recomm ht le at our clerk1th be pid t'tshe usalle fee. ts ndtht e P0~JNO. Lto PP1, Fuditor. The f''ollwing'tt members tof Cte grnd puryiwere hrw o s IItterv ton ai the r nex year: huE liged . eooer, Jno-S Thei'o W Comm oea Court will ron oughl cle nandjts bna-i'woanur h ( *Itlkl Viol ny cad emylrp a o I i \,ad n II, .ered n I, I w b m 1m , h(I.I(iit'. No *l 1 1 1 h :4-l4'') h the N Iwar\v CItton hLs fIe a n4' 1. - Olli : t 1 ' : r V i h. h a 1 ba ela Iv - rni the P u :- y; . w ps \ "Iw m re . If tabe Leaihe o 4 than that oil 1a s t o n n .vcvnlr Iy the high -..wn ~ ~~ yIm veto -- d t 3.4 0' !, I4 I I.4 k4 11 y bac N amp .: al h :, tb. and t i . 1.,n %; ih: I 1 t I.yu hav 14 ~ wt :.t, an~t. e .t ao r 1 hI . a hurr' v. ''' t1 1, lowar. sup :,:kt. Z- or 0, 1-.1 1 op. ut F 4. the0' hihi.P ti hr yn. c to llo - t a l t ind o 1o can harulk y u r th - th h - -t n n h at it tj 1 , t1,1n H -. n: -tv:1 E tnorI j4. r Inn :. mm (ay . nd Mr. Jamb4.' t. Gi r P14- . nunty are.. t: 0 -1 . V.wa. . Mi 11d ,11 -- .% N Pr! n ya -w . the - r) v.- Ii :rrick, of! the I , 1 v inaton, t RA w -, n hborii nd Wonm t10mi:h .reI . I14 tach the 1ni school -- 11. . . y.: -. We- gladl web tnme thi- 'ou) couple to our midst. I:2 had te pler-ire of att ofiin le m munion444 ,-ervice at CannIon's (Ceek e'hulrth Ia,'. Sunday,1t andli hearid an in W.* WA. Mi'Morries. Tlhe court, I l)4ther Synod and the bI; ig )hw all1 ':41me ().i 11ast, week, and this weejk thei State 1-'i. \V'hile poor (oh4 ( 'hip h4 4as not been L able( to aIttend eithevr of1 them4*. it. is not, becauseis he( is too4 good41, but, fro a01 bu lisineICss sLtanil poin1t. What,4.'S 114he 44.. matte wi. our 4..'corre 81pondents? la' I 'em Ily, boys; j i d)on't matter' whether they aire so spiicey or Ut,it1irillg. ()h, 4(o! 'l'ell ju.t. w~hat you hno1w in 3'011e own waty of thinking. I)4en it P,ay to iluy Cheap. A cheap remehidy for coughs and.( colds .1 a11l' right1, buit youi want sometingt, that,.1 will relieve and cure4' t,ho3 more1 se vere an.d (dan0gerous results of thr loat and14 Inglt troubles)1. Wha)1t shall yout do? Go4 to a4 warmer147 andi 14 mor r ua cli mati? Ye i, if piossihle for you, then in ithery4 tatke ther only remnedy that hast b* ('en inltrodu.ced in all civlizead counIt.riies4 11 with dCtee4 in)40V'i sever throat and41hi 1, lun .tubles, "lIoshe' German .3rmtp."' It 41ot only hel. .5 and1( stim 44h1te4 thei t i'ssues to dest.roy the germ di isC1es, but41 al.1lays lin dam.nma4t,ion, causes5C ealsy e.X I4ectorat ionl, gives 1a goodl fighth rest,4an icur1es the patient. T1ry one bo4ttle. 1'iommniidedl manly years)4 by ail dlruggis4ts ini the world. Eor salo by \V. I-'. l'elham. Bagging and Ties 50 cts. a bale at E. M. Evans & Co. Dr,. WV. U. Lewis, Ilawren4cevlle, Va4.7 Cure' in my praictc am14ong sever'c cssof indi ges4t.0on anId IIflnd it an1 aidmni rablo remifedy ." Many4t) hu r,dreds o1 h1yicians14 depend up1~on) the use of Koe (101 Dyspep1sia Curio in stolmach trou bles. It digests wvhat you1 eat, and al-. lows you1 to eat al11 the good1 food y'ou need, pirovidinug you do not1 oveorload your' stomatch. Gives instant relief and a permaUinen1t Cu)re. Gilder's C'ornet D)rug Sior o. On account of the State Convnton, Daughtoe of the Confederacy, Rock Hill, 'T. 0., Dec. (lth-7t,h, 1900, the So, By. Co. will sell roundi trip tIcket,s to Rock 11111 and1 return tot' $4.70. TIck ets to be sold Dec. 6th and 0th, with final limit Dec. 8th. Bagging and Ties 50 cts. a bale at E. M. Evans & Co. f&t tI scoi's liUIsion of Codl I i\er Oil is tile means of life, ald 'novmenti of life to tlosands: 111en wole1en and clildrI'ell. When ap;etite fails, it re stores it. \\lien food is a btrdeni . it lifts tile burden. \\ hen von lose tiesh.i brings the 11lumplcss of health. When work is harId and duty is heavy, it makes life lbigllt. It is the thin edge of the wVedge: the thick end is food. Bumt \\-Ilt is tile 1se Of f00d. W'ilel v lOl hate it. an11d Canl't di gelz-t it. Scot t's I s111111sion of Cod .iver Oil is theo l that makes yoll froel \'kour' stomach. If you have not tried it. send for fro sample. its agreeable taste will surprise vou.. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists. 400 Pearl Street. New York. 50c. and $1.00; all druggists. Trustees' Meeting. F: 11 1XTIt'STEE.S 01- . lh-.S ant S ..hool Di-;tricm No. 21., wvill hold ai meeting on Saturday, the l7th of November. for the pulrpose of coil sdet inig bids forl the ereetion of a school hi nI- e. Iio et ~ b ' 20by :') feet suaire iii'l 12 fe t ini try. (Ceiled and delivereld ri ad y for iniued iite i ;e. 'lain and Spvvilieatntions vanl Ie found in tihe. olwe of County suplerintendent of lduntion. liids to he 'orward to .N .\ . W I C K -:1, lmphrville0, S. C. IffNINESS LOCILS, ire-b. "Turip seed lit Gilder's Corner 11rue Nere-. f&t tif. .\ 'LOO'd TAlum1 1'owder' for 5i. and IW,. a h.x at tlldel' Cotner Drug .teibe for the 1)elineator through 11 S. .1. WoOTEN'. Vol' 'ood Cigar- at'i Tobacco go t o Giler' Crne Drug Ntzr fI tf i-t .l a- andl nt Uubblers at Iowest cazh pri'(H a Gilder's Corner Iru1g Store. tf MFsn Fruit Jar- and iubbIrs. low e-t eai-h piii'', at G.iik r's ( 'rn. r I)rug Stire. t:fts I T'.' Iii ) r ip SOcIt lit Gilder' S Cor ner i u' S"orw . fzt tf. N.w lot of New Enualand Watches 1t in. Come in and see us. t tf Daniels & Co. 'Th col]nfed erate Veterans of Georg-ia mid"S th (arolina will unite in a zrta ",t celebration in Aot-utt. G1., Ni.vk ie'r i lIh, LI1th and Ilti. Cheap rat, - - ia Seaboard Air Line Railway. GIod iiiteonld Bog-y for Sale by tf S J. Wooi. Ticket- on sale Nov'enber 12th, 13th Ond I 1h. 11)od until Novene.. I.sth in lv.., for the n federa n 1eterans I kuninon at A ugusta, Ga., via Seaiboard Air Line Kijlway. Tliuini p Seed! Tur-ni p Seed!! Fresh tnn] the betst at Gilder's Corner Drug St ore. f&t tt ''Te Elks will putt on a Street Fair, rOnsisting of p)araides. exhibitions, etIc., at the Confederate V'eteranifs lReunion at Auigustai, GIa., NOVember 1-th, 15th aned 16th. 4It. WVo aire Atill paying 2 cts. per' pound for* old rubber boots andi( shocs. 1H. S. Riig h tmire at Steam Laundry. Go~ to the Confederate Veterans Rce utnion Lit. A ugusta, G;a , viai the Hea board A ir Line Iinilwa WIy, November 14th, 15th and 16th. PlOt0. 4It Sons of Veterains and Daiughters of the Con federacy wvill be present, ait the Confederate V'eterans Rteunion in Au inta, Ga., November- 14th, 15th and Ilit,h. Tauke Seaboard Air Lino Rail way. . '4t. One e.nt, per mile by Seaboard Air L4ine It:ilwvay to It.he Confederate Vete rans Reunion at Augusta, Ga , Novem berC 14t, 15th and 16th. 4t JEWELRY STORE. I"ine Watches, Rings, B3roacehes, Studs Sleeve and Link Bluttons, Silver Novel ties, Silver 'rable Ware, Cut Glass, Gold and S11 .vex Spectacles andl Ey3'eglasses. TOY SA DOLLS Which we will close out, as we will discontinue keeping themn. EDJUAI SOIIOLTZ. JEWELER AND OPTICIAN -THE Natiolll Badl Df Newb6ri', S C (EsTABLIsilED IN 1371.) Capital---- -- --$150,000.00 Surplus and Profits - 96,865.88 General banking business transacted with prour ptness. Special attention to collections. Correspondence EoliIed. Savings Department. D)eposits allowed Interest at the rate of 4I per cent per annum from date of deposIt. Interest, payable January 1st and1 July let of each year. M. A. CA1RL1L, Prest. T. S. DUNCAN, CashIer. J.. W. Ii SIMMONSt Asat C'r. Get your11 School Books and Avoid the RuISh-! WVe havo at large lino of Tablet"', P'encils, Penell Bioxes, Boo0k Satchels an,1d all 00ther SupplieS ne0eded inl thO sIChoo0 room11. We0 hatVe at Supply Of rutles to bo given away to those buying supplies' from us!. Terms onl all School 13)ook.s z4trictly eiash. (1Phonle 35.) W. G. M AYES' Book Store. We excbanae New Books for old ones . A Prize Offered At lleeder's Pharmany, Everybody Invited to Join the Fascinaling Contest. Reeder's Pharmacy Offers a Prize Valued ait Five Dollars to the Lady Receiving the Highest Number of Votes. READ THE PARTICULARS. llegirhninur Mondaiy, July 2nd, every bouiy will be allowed to vote with eaich glass of S, da WVater or other delicious stimmner drink4 dispensed at our foun tain. Th'ij-. is, a free open contest, and ev crybodly will be permitted to vote early and often--the oftener the het er-for any fair friend whom they wish to wie. All votes must 1 east ford some lady in -Newberry county. and the lady winning the prive will be allowed to selvet som aro Cle of her own fancy, atny' whiere in the United States, valued at Five Dollars. V l oolc ictl y for air clBtur o Mc you rieds in this fascinating contest. At Reeder's Pharmacy. Contest will close October tSt. GOOD EATING. If yo lecivikte ighest RcaD TEt PICLAtS. B Joihi~ ot.Jl nes,restau bThvi ise aloup-toate whestrnh It is orelld k e r oth adelios Slmere ad youk d gseset ou q un-ly Youti go watfe yopu oes and yonl tcfor an farin whom yotget Gle 0~i it ou eas lay sePSOaricle of h Elerfac, At aeDllis esre. At iRTO ANliORDER OF~ld th rbti JudInge ntesryCty, reIdec you Elih L ityoecasd cn rda,tethdatof NoeB.r Jesd onsstn mostaFie a ofMle ndHrant.oCos n Calvs Two neu.t-Iore Wagonu,ann. ,vor, Corn wand yododer arndgym-l pfomwht, yoet. GTm oure Mealsh. Jons eAuA.ntFF Axcto all Dh illpofsaiese., Oicti 22nd. 1900, ola ~'Iefy The Clothing Store, The Hat Store, The Shoe Store, The Furnishing Store, Ewart-Pifer Co. "Little" Store, Under tb,i Nowborry Hwotel, where you will always ind Siappy, High Ait Styles im Men'o, Boys' an11d Childron's lothin, at prios that defy compe tition. @ SHOES1! SHOES!! We carry a good line of Monf';, Ladies', Boys and Children's Shoes, Shoes that We guaranteo to givo atisfaction. Underwear, Nockwear, Handkorchiefs, Stispendors, Hosiery, G loves, Umbrellas, &c. Wo respectfully ask for a sharo of your patronage. Satisfaetion guaranteed. he DWrt-Pifer co. W. F. EWART, 0. F. PIFER, Pres. and Treas. Sec'y. liaise Your Own Bread Compete for a Valuable Prize O>:fq0o1.% ':-:w tlao VIRl!INIA-CAR1OLINA CEMlICAL OMlPANY FOl TIlE BEST WIlIAT CIOP MAlE IN TIlM STATfIt For particulars apply to the Company at Charleston, or any of its authorized agents in the State. Competitors must register their names not later than December 1 st, 1900. Three prizes offered: A Reaper and Binder, A Wheat Drill, Two Tons Standard Ammoni ated Fertilizer. COME Theo Newberry Hardware Company of %ould call attention of the public And See the Line o o the fact that they have bought out F. A. Schumpert, Agt., aind Ore ss~ uufl that the) will condluct the businc-aa St the old stand, and wvill always Dressave on hand at the lowet prices, Agricultural Implements of all We are displaying now. kinds, SKI RTINGS, Plon Plow Stoolsi! Trac 0hains, Hams W AIST GOODS, iko'loq lj culfivatos) FLAN N ELS, WOOL E NS,fls,hols8l pd Si LKS, etc., etc.Aneertigeedonhefm We are right Up-to-- ans ad oOdr Date.Reargnetyadpopldo. We can please the Weaocaralrglief most fastidious in style ~ adHRES and the most economi-PDSaninfc,eryhg cal in p rice,.on nawl sotdSok We have, as always, the best linings on thel .A cunr market, CORSETS, GLOVES, Mngr and NOTIONS of all___ ____ kinds. OUR Millinery Department and we can build alove of a hat to match any suit. t Our New York Mili thoroughly posted in all the latest ideas. 'ELAS'AL Do not forget our suessalanoocotig bf S hoe Department. ~~i~fJAL;Oahn The largest line of hio au sgetsyecret SH OES in the city. See SJ11' our Bargain Counter adOecasw te aeta d. sure. Comre and see vdaiy11( rs,ns he,i o us. Yours truly, ineaaifomusmiad aTthe Nierry Hde ompn wdoud callat tenon o the public~ uto the facthing theyn.haveboughat C. ~ 0. thae tonia wicnd the euo'sne ant drithe o sgand, and wilowys. hae gont haond ric the oes pries, anl Mss ilo Seeliod Tr e th rn.Sio ,hII~REBY T n d everthigi nede g oon th e fa r mel tbo Boks f flg isratairing ales and rn, ptyonhu e . for he own f Nwbery, . 0, e ocb also goory a largf wine o now open,SADLER and thHARsgeda .Statdwti ou ie fNESS, will keep said booksand nofact everyda aot10crsndith betwthing Sundas exepted, frm a mfound~ in n of well aort Stown . of eceber io. akein oodr anager uperisorof fegieratntL fronim naor.w thee hnt Septemer 3fromt. u t JNuy .hsar 'AYOR