The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, October 09, 1900, Image 1

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.41 AD Al-L_.__ EATAI;.T1 11ED 1865. NEWliRy S. C, TUESDAY, OCTOBER , 11000 T ICE A $r7oo i111 ON,0. mimn, We open the Season Dollarr worth of New ar Millinery, Clothing, ShoE Never before has su< this part of South Carol to none in the State. N( next thing is to sell it. N what we will sell this en will sell any thing, and ti going to give the peop know the crops are shoi have to be sold cheap or A LITTLE TALK . It is not our purpose t petitors can't do, what w Mimnaugh can do. If th a merchant should divid tomers that time has cot a visit to Mimnaugh's Big New Dress Goods. Combine style, beauty and economy, the pick and choice from the world's famous centers in expensive, rich and rare effects styles more handsome than ever i3efore, I can show you more 'Black and Colored Dress Goods than any two stores in Newberry. Don't buy your dress until you see our line. Millinery, Millinery. This is why v.e are doing the business: No more high prices. Mimnaugh is the man who killed the high prices in millinery. Re member this is the first fall with us in the millinery business. We have no old style to show, but all the latest creations in French and Americn Millinery. When you want an up-to-date hat or bonnet come to Mimnaugh's. I willisave you 25 to 50 per cen t on your hats.. Shoe Departinent. In this department we pride ourselves in keeping a stock suit ed to the wants of the people. We positively do not keep any thing trashy in this line. As in all other de partmerits we have marked this lin. lower than ever before. We are the only house in Newberry that carries the Drew Selby & Co.'s ladies fine shoes. This is the strongest line of shoes in the United States. The prices range from $1 .98, $2.50 and $3.00. The most complete stock of shoes in Newberry. Don't fail to see our line before -buying your fall and winter supply. If you are a bargain i buyer come di'rect to n prices are quoted to yot. miles around I will alwas Mimnach's aughs. $O6Ofgl with Thirty-five thousand id desirable Dress Goods, ,s, Hats, Trunks, &c. :h a stock been shown in ina. Our store is second )w that we have the stocl Ve are not afraid that~but crmous stock. The price iis is exactly what we are le right at the start. We -t and that the goods will - not at all. ABOUT BUSINESS. o tell you what our com e want to tell you is what e time has ever come that e the profits with his6-L ne now. Remember that Store will amply pay you. BIG CAPE AND JACKET DEAL. I have just received Twenty five Hundred Dollars worth of Capes and Jackets direct from a manufacturer. The lot was large but they needed money. I can sell you a Cape or Jacket for what the other merchants pay forthem. The man who makes a dollar on a Cape or Jacket this fall is when Mimnaugh is asleep. 200 Plush Capes, the kind other stores ask fl" $1.25 and $2.50, Mimniaugh's price - - C 200 P] tsh Capes, the kind other stores ask $2.00 and $2.50, Minilaugh's prieo - $1. 100 Plush Capes, the kind other stores ask $5.00, Mimnuigh's prico - - - $ All men who run stores are not merchants. Stores do not make merchants, but merchants do make stores. Few would be sat isfied with a small margin of profit that we are, but we are building business for time to come. Clear the Way ! Match Them if You Can. One hundred pieces No Namno Blleachinig, for this sale at O. Ono hundred pieces Androscoggin Bleaching for this salo only~ 7.Ac, others ask 100c. Ten bales Juo.P'.King's celebrated Sen Island 5ic, others ask . Five bales Newherry Mills Drill only ('e, others ask 7.1'. Fifty pieces Cottori Flannel only She, others ask I21. Two hundred and fifty piceos Calicoes (best made) as long as they last at 4.e One hund(rod Large White Bed Sp)reads at $1 23 and $1. 50, worth double. One hundred dozon Child ren's VTosts for this sale at 10Oe. One hundred dozen Lad(ies' Vests for this sale at 1 9c, wvorth 35c. One hundred dozeni Cotton Tow;~els for this sale at *Io, worth Sc. One hundred dozen Cotton Towels for this sale at Se, wvorth 1 2c. One hundred dozen Cotton Towels for this sale at 1 21e, worth 20c. seeker or an economical y store. No matter what [ in reach of one hundred s be lower. MIR10'U 'NIAI sC lIs i I NA rION, Ca icIdate:a f4r C(mLn;r-s 11'y Moore, hIut 11Rve 81mi----or 'Timne too 'TnOk. To tho lditor -f Tho State: I( the intet .f fair play I asIc you to piubish, n rom r-acts cm)orii ing tho rocent -o callckd cimnpitignt inl tho Thirdl Codre'sio:I distriet: I wils inn:o;-vent InFnah to think that whn % mln pl i )a; O to bo. Como111 It :.1iltdall. fr.r Congress ho Would b) givlen a frair (.1hano to vx press hnis vi.-ws-, ipon N:at ional (ies t ions. Inl f,%u. ) Ilh m1 h0t it wais thlo b)oa1st of ilh 'fr v l ent hat OvOery canldidato was I. <Iired to '11vot Chn people f;-.o to fco .1n1d <diis the issueos of I.he d:6 that vry eOIidato bhnhl bg givVln a fair ai( tlial chlillco b( f-or tho pvoplo. LIt us see how kantifally thI is wii car riel out in thi!; insuoml. Sovoral wme;-i her .4 tho Stato catlpaig:n sitr1 ltic this d iri-t I. paled to smernl c-mil'y (.1b1a6rm1an1 arranIIgo for a. spra con*grcsSie: c!lIlup1ign, Tsl1S hal beoln th vu toml inl prevm*.ampagn8 They prinibw to son what co1 bo done, hat nowthinlg was, done. Tho congreodonatl 1p airamls woro iiually giveln four :1pp-)itmlllnts ill Newberry colty, U Id I Supo that Sil1ilar arringeiS wero ma1{h iLl other counties. Bit in this cam paign w-e Wvere Foleinly orderod by tho Stato Executivo Committeo to appear at tHu 5tat campaign met ings andi adiress I tho woph-. Ivore wo were aosearded tohe glori ons privilog nf Xpuaking tllen ini utes after all the candidates for State oflicors hid.puoken andi Silator Till Manli had bovn given iple time to dis-uss tho I iti.r <i-- ioun. At An derson w wv ra i.ot. all vvd to speak it ill. Is this "equal rights to all anid special privileges to none? " We thoen turn'ledt' t.) tho C.).uit.y m1ecAlrOtogs These meetings vero oig on in all the six counties of the district at the sa11111 t6ime. Of ('oI'S We Could only appear at vcry few (of thom. I lro wo were maJo to como lat-, and it ImlosL of tho pinces w\oro givell tho great privilege of speaking ten or fIfteen minlllUtes iftor the majority of tho peoplo had loft (as ill tho K..o cilipakign) on acout, cf Iho latenoss of tho hour. Abbevillo county fur nished a not able excep ion. At the two or thre mi etitig, w woro eni blod to attend in this v.,tinty wo wero given thirty mvoinuios c were al loWd to choo1e 011 own time to speak. Wijth thie excepion el of two or three plh.ces mn thi' countios of Abbeville, Anidersoni an~d Girecenwoood wVe were ablsolntely fwuzon eut of tae campaign. Under these circumi stanlces at new man dlid riot standic a shiadow of a chance. Ut let us look at the v'ote1 at or' lear those lacon where we were allowed 80 mlinuttes to talkh, and1( comrn )i' it . ithi the v'otoc for' Congress t.wo) years ago: .Johnu- iLti I )nutclc................I ;:? OI Du)e W\est,......:I a:)0 M\cC'ormrik...13 5I S7 Slabtowii........I.)1 12 I I7 I 910, lI,'t- Vecr A ntric'ville.........0 a u-i D)onalds..........1 '1 7.1 DuLc Wet .........1:3 : 75 L.ow nd cille I.. 1 I M cCot mlck.... .. 7 7 0 Slatown.............25 :2 s W\illiamnston......73 I It will be seen thiat whcerover I was ilven anly thling like a reatsonable iimo in which to present my views I imide maite>iad gains when coemparedi with the vote for Congruss two years algo, Yet Mr. Ltimrer was overwhelm inIgly elected. This is niot strangov w~henl we ~csidler thit lhe haus canl vassed th e4oriot sevetral tims oad is well known over thle (1istrict , while I am a stranger Io mrost of the p)oo plo, and furt her, thlat. I wast pratcti cally shut (out, ' thle camlIpaign, ex cept att a few c7outyI mleetings.I believe the pe'ople of thle distr'ict would have endcorsc.d miy viows at the polls if t hecy hadl been given a fair chiance to undebr-t an.d them. Butl I dlid not at,r , ont to comp)lain of this farca of a *annaion. nr to lix who aItre rosponsi,! for this uljiist a11,rang1140menit, but to call itt"ention to tho gros" injuilstico of (ho Inat tor, so that snh iu1ight not occur ng. Supposo tihit two yevars beic.' i (,al ancitldidlites appolar for Illited Statles Solnato.r, aitd 11lta tIey at-(re Ituelod on to Ithe10ail vnd of thIl State ickot al.1 re givill but1 10 Imlimiles to spek, wlat. wi lI bo the Ifesulit Ht wIll re1,nd tho i-Im-cratic party, a.d the( 11rinar11Y will s.,onI bol a 111hing of tho pat. A'i anl i ,lvoct e of lthe primailry I wVIlh to pcint ou( thlt nlo of fair. play inl our cam11pins andilt([ ion'.. To doprivo at eanididato of pr..per Oilo ho vxpres,- Is viows.tupon tho is114i!; of th dINy is ol onl It wring to) the vmut lid'ate, mt it i- 1 frod IA 1imposit u0111pon tlo peoplo. Homv c2tn tho pevopl, dIecido initilli --tly without. mleetnding t of thie dilTerei- tanddtit' Y I Ih,h to illIpros-, utipionII i)lmfcrits it hIorit th lit im Iortanceo of set. I lit. everv citIdidtIt sotI he ;l 11 iL fair In( c4<puilt, clianeo inl the Thm pvoplo of 8ouith Cr.rOlina liko f,lir plity, anld they will not. long tol v..-Ito anlythilog vls.4c Yours trI-ily, '. T.WV ur Prspriy Z%. . SPt 41- Lm. Bears the I lig Kild You Haw Always Bou"I" Signaturo of A wtimimro 0ir.r to wVnwe. We havo reevive word of a most reiarkiablo offl-r whitlh is (o It' Imatde to wonw'i by Ti 1)Deinwator, of New York. TaLkingi the faVt that ne-.! YeaR bM gills Ia nkw 'ctury. T I)ei lineator otors to distributo 17,) amonlg 1001 woioni. The 11phl is cloverly Irr-nged btt it woiian i ving il it simlll town Or v il ltgo, lis jlust as good it chanco to wini of theso 1100 pri's aro givei for t1ho num1i11ber of suibscrip(ions svenrllod in it town inl proportionl to tho puptila tion of that town, iistead f bing given simply to those whio -'d the lirgest list, of suIbseribors -which, of cou1SO, ar) most. eaisily obtinled in big cities. Another clever featurc of tt() phln is, i it a tho cities ind towns of tho United Slinlt,s aind Can adla hav belie n itarritn)god inl soven classes. Tho cities of the greate st population aro grouped inl Class 1, and its Itheso itics atro not very many,53 Ii th pizesC5 olltrted are' I wen ty3 andt the lowest 9o.00. Th'le total1 amiount, of pizes giveni awiay t in his smauller town-is and villages fall into SIX other ch5tsses, iandt ias Ithe numbertCt of t owns I)it a latss 'icroeases, bo cautse, of cou rse, thi're atro miore siall fownsI thant latrgo ton es, t Iii mtitounit, of prfICes given atwiay to ai claiss inicrea;ses, soI tt in (Ch1ss 7, Ihero wvill ho $ 1,0001 distribuftd amionig (itIl winners. I'Fii rtemore, to every on n who fii s Ito wiln one of thlei 190111 pr iztes the(re will IboP pitd an extr comm011 iio on10 1 sub scri pt ions, provided' they eqgnal oneo ont of e'very IwoVt h1undred in ha~bi tantIs of thbe t own from whih IthI e contestant11 soends thei m. 'Thlis is ato tget hor ia very libheralI offer, anid one which Ite famous ol D)elineator is well able1 to maiko' good. F"rom our pint. of view, wo do not neo why suchii an offetr nieeds to be mado by3 th Pub I'tli shitrs of Tihe Do lineiator, for we heliove it alreitdy lias nea'irly3 hailf 1 inillion t seucibheis. Its st rong holud 111 upon tio ct ions of Amiericatn woen hias como1 ill thei paist geneoration, from its piract.icl atdviceo aboutt dIress det atils anid hbome mttettrs. Scl1I to Se*cretary HIohllowaty at Po' maria , or to W. . Fiennekin, CohAtinn bint, for a Preimi JLst. Do not te CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ar itordy It A N K U I 1 1' ,S80,(lI, Ho 4m 1111klia l# it,1 10Ihr 11* ti 'I A milg lit, Nmi iitak 4of 11nItInmure. (Halt ior" Sun.) An ilust rat Kill of thtI li )l h d- by willb .1111arcus A. h ho11 Impes to r this ('rout r. for acK, iIII aod 01n' lb'pulblica partY was dL-vteloped inl ltduii l alt I llik tt i !s pveially Alllled l ot ing or t heo illt iltrI Cloar ing I!on ,% Ap, eir11 io, wclhel init vhles in its mel.nlIber-hip Il] Ilm na tii l blali r in the it(l city, as woll as othir tliikors 111( tuon of largo meano. Juist pI ior to t1 h4 linevilig, ia cor-d ini to tie Stil ilt ( f Io of tho miost promlinvint bank prushth-nits inl h riy in ib:al p tright froinl Mlr. 11:a111a W41r,4 r0c,lived h,y cortainl woll-kniown gentlin llaitianor who aIvo e.liciatedl with tho McKin lof caul, to th Nt effact Vu o(), 00 ws epotdil frmin 11omtt ionAl banlks )f Balliti or it s lileir vo l ri)ut ion to Ihe (n1n111pai,t'in fu l-I of tho Iopulbli ilnl part yv. Toe tip was; Io( exactly I wVilcomo)( onle, but1 it wvas 0houghit vI., no1t111 to pal.8 it bY, hat lm11ost im1 f11diatvof the cAll for the e eting >J til el trin. hofso 11soiation was SSuRed. VOTED TO G'IN*?: TIIrV1ItN\'T. A t Itit m il o g tho ref uestof Otl dtor fI mma wal btho iniiomiwrmo titlmen, wers of tho IaSLsocilttionl for their con ;idortition. Cosider a fleforoe >r opiniion was imanitEi itn roganti 0 It full Woinpliane ith th0 wSlheS StIe national chairaman, AInd1 for -I ivhilO intiIS leeke l tlel . I t. wias irg (ld thaii thim Iwas a e aIllvl%nry cOin. ribltifo , t hll(] t o; ft tho v lfaro of hto financial iia-tituitions which it v rese nedlk th II S 1 U oCiatio (111011 d 'IisI thlt mloneoy. It was klbo, it, is Aid, Ill do very p-lain thtilt It lift ional aoint blingt dpositjtor Cor h11 fu1 of th Igoverilnimekit, wert ookve to for sili port by Iho dlminl itration bc1su of 1h ct. Tho finafncil n'sult of tho Inuoting vas tho paissalgo of a resOlInlionl by Io associition dvviding to rai.s the ,000 for tho iurpomlfo s auiin i of i in It olection o f M . McK mloy. Tlie aliount h l aci hCII bank wasi lntthe to Co10-il) NVt i ahPp0o iond(I and ioploto arrangoments 0or ralisinl" l0 ilt)Il-d wf,ro Ilnado. Ions3 ats-Sociation anmu up hofmro ih >'ani of dirl-con; of 1t1b1 varP)IWm4 na b'o alak in 0 bcity, whi onieh Ilhil amoutal to g a i t to re.e l\t soe of CXI I'i ofrnhe iiiae ing mtio it terig11 meetn of w.leain house 11ss o cati . tikt yi,itWa Threpresidene (ofI onofthy walh \Vlit the ri fAorat sttorth fn11113 ino wich thIe c-laringo ho)guIe ione ofIt thelbans(JC(11 inluded inh ist. loays roliat wenu the' iatey vas1: brought(0A up1 and t euit opsd hrat(ll AIhoboard of d Oireor appr(opri Ilraticaremei) of the n aro (las to' be o us for and:I where1 it. was "poit,"1ou he a i,i "t ho1 ithylad tonll b101e1 k~..i Wo oulN .t horati and OI mrbon wa to hontire to1ho llo gumenhts 1l reabon ing woro of n1o avail. T e (Tera( ic mmher con. tended thant the bank had no right to appropriuao its stockholder-' mny10110 for 1)olitical purposes. Anly individ( ial who deosirml to contribluto monley to the Hopubliciln Clmpaign fund, I alrgui'ed, hud i right, to (10 So, but ho (liI not blievo a bank had that right, 111d he howoul lo consnt1 to it. A ftvr imay more word, it becanl o ovi(dont to th oete (lirectorH that t.ho objecting member of tho board did nlot inteal to chan11i1go 1Ils Vios'H Oil the qiustiin antt'ld was preparotl to (1o C1 he coulId to provent the appro priation of tie mony Iy his batnk. The whll01o 11110(or was, therefore, (hoppld( by tho bold anld no action waslt tiken. Th,1e friends of (ho Donocratic (i rector say h111at Ias long ast ho roNii h1is c111ectoln with the blk the MO'y wi nH 1ot bo appropriated. IH i.; safited tilit, the rmosntIhO b d if d irector-H (38 (Id not pass lie resolution1 ill spito of the Deocratic member wats bvause it wis u(ler tood( if fiuchl at thilg had0 hoon at n-'ompted he as it stoclkholler wou!d fvo gottel a illlnuCtiOn to pr voat the appropropriuition of t:o mon0e10y by tho bank. 1,) Tir-: roc ioj.i)r:r.s KNow ? ( ( b 3o, authorily, it is said, th stockohlers ill thes 11e ntional blikH know nlothinl- of Ohe moveoent to prosvint, tho klhiblicanl na1tionalCom11 mittee wit 11 $80,000, anIld lo3m stremons objections atr oxpetetd whlen Ohoy becoilo informed. it is lipposd cihe other na11tioial bainks in t4o city havo appropriated th req1liredl o11i3, amd it ma11y lave alroady bwon forw ordel to th Ro pubbhal commttel It is under stood that. the largor part of the mony will be used in Maryland to Carry I he Stato for MiKiniley. T: o groal(test lereey is being ma111intatlined ill ropgard to the action of tho clear. i1g house aind1 (the followilg Step tkek b)' 11145 bIIks. 4=1 A. is T" C1 MaI X-A . Bears tho lho Kind You Havo Always Bought Bignaturo vf 'I EE.3alAN 1'1.l ES A l'ITCI1lRiC. SIthi Caemlr's enator Sm4m Armor lhte InI Pl'illem. A specil dispitteh to the Phila delphill Press from Carroll ton, IlI, yeste(rdaly, say38: (Onoi of' thle stitte men'its wi th whicho Senaitor0 BonIjamanll It Tilh133a13 of Sout h Caro.hlna o)pened thle cam3npailgn in a D)emo1craIti mass118 mle'eti ng hero todaiy waIs hiis hol a1s seort ion fliat Seinator Mark 11 anna had1( risedU( $2,( 0(0,0(00 to $3,000,000) fr im tile aIrmlor platl malikers and1( wi H using it inl the cam33palign. "T'Jhere aro Iwo C1concern inl the count11ry whichl maiike this armor Cairnegio and3 11( th e Hthlehemi," ho sai1ld. "Wo\i haid a1 conitract 0on wh3i h we( had1( been41 hohhn11g them'iilve years. W 0 hlad been3 keep)ing t homi down to $83 a ton. Thllis yoarW, on tho laLt day of thle session, of Congross, Mar'k I [annaI took charigo of it 11e went 3m and1) ordered his8 hienchmonei to givo ordlers to the S<cre1ta1ry of the Nil'y to make1( a1 contracut for airmior pa Mark3'I 11113133, to th11 hIost of my be I ief and1( knowledge, had an aigrees mnt1 with thos308 two to give him $2,. 000,000) to $3,000,000) for thle presi - Thoi p)itchlfork Sonaitor conlulde d that, inl~3 prsuanleo of inclnf's wvarf. tuimo POlicy, (lhe South had had( 1),.. 000,000) niggers tuirnlod over to it to shoot01 and1 kill, and( that now theo count ry was getting 10,000,000 mifOl for I ho North to shoot and kill. 'Thei hlonor' (f car3ry ig oif a pr3ize I. t the St11 at" air far' out weighs 18hitBitiru slo value. Specimens oIf youri linlest, gr'ainr vege tles, Iinelt'y-bilt,stock, I iclm] int pou3ltr'y should1( be shown at thle State 1"alir, Oct1..:Nth to NOV. ml. BearB the T ho Kind You llave Always 80thht Bi*lnra on,