NEWI SEICRY COI TON M %mKr.-r. (Corricted twice a wek Ib, J. W. (jty & Co;) Septeunbulr 28, Mo0. G ood M iddling ..... .......................... 0. Timely I nformo' n gi ven lrs George L,ong, of N' v Straitzville, Ohio. lWeVnel ed a d,1a-t-lu i tagedy and saved t,wo lives. A frigi,tful conghl had long kept her awake every night. Sle had tried mally renmecie. aiud doctorsbut, steadily grew wor-e until I uImed to try Dr. King's New Difcovery. One lotlte wholly cured her,. and she writes thi:. marvelous mediol u also cured Mr. Long of a severe tu avik of lit'eu monia. Such cures are posi.ive proof of tlh matchlIss merit (. this s4ud remed.y for curing ill t1'.-'Itt, chest and lung troubles. Only : and $1 00. EIvery bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free at all Drug Stores. Not,i-,: $15 'r,.) Ofer in Voice of the People, at Pro-p( rity. f&t, 2r. Bagging and Ties 50 cts. a bale at E. M. Evans & Co. f&t, if At tho Muoir Co. There was a most inagnificent, dit play of pretty drsses, bonnets and laces at the Mower Co. store Wednes du,y. 11 was opening day there, and t,he ladies were out lookit g at, the many pretty things, and the men will hae to hustle now to get the cash f,r the ladles wilt have to he arrayed In some of theso handsome costumes. This is one of the neatest and hand somest stores in this part of the coun try, and the goods displlayed were very elegant. laut, this fiirm has a reputa tion for nice things, and for us to say alything would be to paint the lily or gild refined gold. If you don't, believe what we say, go and see for yourself. Story of at Slave. To be bound n aud foot, for years by the challis of iseatse it tile worsi form of slavery. (jeorge D. Williams, of Manebester, Mlie., telIs how such it shiv was made free. He says: "My wife hts beeii so he:pleks for live yeal1 t,hat she could not ititrn over in h(d alone. Alter using t wo ho! t los of Elev trie Biitters, she i4 woldertilly im proveI an( able to it) her own work." This supremi rtIed(Y for female dis eases quickly cute iielvousness, sleep less, melatltohly, hwudn.ele, backucht., faltltin)g antd dizzy 'pells. This mirache working medivinti is a godsend to wrak, sickly, ruti (town people. Every hot tie giliranteetd. 011nly 50 Cents. Sold by all Druggists. K, Op0nlng D.y At I. l- Miller 5unn1Iery C As we ha,ve befor Imark.), openiuig days are fixed instil ut lonti in Newb y, and every year our t%ide awake tijer chants surpass all former elforts in making displays of prtty bonnets and handsome dresses. This year the disp0y at The Riser Millinery Co. was ti ill,!y superb. The show windows were ti ings of beaut.y, and to those who are to fortunate as to secure some of the p--etty bonnels and - hats there dlisplayce will be a joy for a , season, if not for ever'. ~' Very great taste was displayed in the ~'purchase of goods for this firm, and the ~'~display on WVednesdiay was simply el gant. Those lad ies who were not out Wed nesday had better e i.ll early. When yuwant aL pleasant physic try the new remedy, (J amuberlain's Stom ' ach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and pleasant in eff'ect. Price 25 cents. Sampulles free, at Peclham's drug store. f Lm. 50 GASES, 1200 PAIRS SBAY STATE $SIOES! Don't make (lie same mIstake this year that you dId last. Shoddy, cheap *goods are untislfactory. We have just opened Fifty Cases BAY STATE SHOES Those who have worn them for years Sknow what they are. Those who have not have lost money. rtMoseley Bros, Frgood Cigars antd Tobacco go o lider's Corner D)rug Store. f&t tf MeetIng of County Allianecr. 'he third quarter'ly meeting. of the .nty Alliance will be held on F'rl October 5th, at 11 o'clock a. mn., In 'ourthouse. All sub alliances are to send dlelegates. R. T. C. H-UNTERI, *'y. Pres. Nerve Was the reu ndlid health. pdomnit,able wIll a 9118u en)er re not fouandl whbere Sto. , Liveor, ney and Bowels are out de. you want these analtles and't e i success they birinir, use Dr. Kinh ', New Life Pills. Th~,ey dlevelop ever pow~er of brain and body. Only 25o at 4. all Drug Stores. WValting on un EnigIine MN!r. II. 11. Wells requests tis to state ithat he has ordleredl a 10 horse power engine to pul1 his corn shredder, and -that it will be here ini a week or ten *lays. The engIne lie had p)rove'd insuf fielen: to pull the mtachlne, which has caused the delay. H-*' will then serve his customers promptly. CASTOR IA For Infants andl Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signaturn of Ca ' 4 A#' VARIOUS AN) ALL ABIOUT. See guardianship notiee. Next Monday is sale day. It has b)eenl (lull around the city fo the past few days. Miss Euniceo Abraus of the count is attendlg scliool here t,his year, Rev. A. S. Leslie will preach at Zioi next Sur:day. The cotton miirket has been prctt: flat for the past week. The town politieal pot is runnin plretly lively. 8ore- Cycs have been raging in L4 city and county for the past few weeks NI iss Sue Coleman of Saluda counly Il at. NI s. IIuietU and is attending school, Tbe Ilelena School will open MondA1 with Mr. It >bt. Norris in charge. Mrs. W. C. Megget.t is visiting al Cross Iil11. Mrs. Dr. 1). Strother Popo of Col umbia is visiting at Judge Y. J. Pope Mr. N. 0. Pyles of Columbia was it tho city yesterday. Mir. Ellie Todd was in the city Mon day.-Laurens News, 27. Mr. Otto Klettiner is announced as t Candidate for may'or. College opens next Monday. Somi of the students have already arrived. Rev. Ml. G. G. Scherer will preach al Il elena oin next Sunday afternoon. Miss Alma Ilishop is visiting in Cc i inibia this week. Miss Kate Wheeler is visiting hc sh-tmr Mrs. H. S. Cannon, Ml r. Wister Gary has accepted -a po. Sitilon with Dr. W. E. Pelham and will Dnter1 tl)onl his duties Monday. Mr. It. H. Welch 'has returned from 1'hiladelphia whet e he went on busi ness connected w it h the Kn itting mill. Mr. .tober4 Moyes leaves for Balti inore Monday. lie will takc a coursE in Pha'1rrcy. I . Mlese litiet leaves Monday for It altimnore to take a course in Pharia -!Y. Mliss It -sie Carlisle will leave on Monday for tle Woitmis College of Mr. Juhmu 1 and wife went o Newberry 6aturdiy to visit relatveE -Chapin Nows. Dr. 0. .11. Myer, of Newberry was in ;own on professional business last week -Chapin News. M rs. E. P. MeClintocc of Newverry is visiting friends 1 town.-A. It, Presbyterian, 26. NMiss Julia Paisley Returned hor Wednesday from an extended visit tc Sivannah and Charlestoi. Rev. S. T. H1allman, D. 1). by invi. ation of faculty of Clemson Colleg will preach there next Sunday. Mrs. Gco. Johnstone of Newba'rrv I, visiting at the home of Mrs. A. A. Jet. -rs.-Union Progress, 26th. W. H. IHunt of Newberry was herc ror a few hours yesterday on business. -Gi'eenvlle News, 27. M iss Nannie Pool of Newbei'ry Ia visiting Miss Maudl For'rester.--Green wood Index, 27. NMt. R. H. Wright leaves Monday fom Lhe South Carolina Milatary Acadam) Jharleston. Mr. L. A. Riser has been elected principal of the Donalds school and left today to take charge. Miss F'annle C'i'wfor'd, of Saluda, h: visiting relat,ives and (filends in thc alL.y. l\Ir. John Paysinger has moved intc a itwelling in Briooklyn near' the Shut, tie factory. M rs. W. K. Slighi, after a visit to hem sistetr Mi's. J. H. Hlarmes at Newport P-a. has returned home. Mrs (C. WV. Bishop, on account of thi illness of her brotber Mi'. .1. 0. Meridtl was summoned to Laurnes Wednesday Mr. W. G. Odom of Atlanta has beer appointed foi'eman of the finishing anc packing depai'rment of the Carolinm Manufacturing Co. Mir. and Mrs. J. A. Reisser of Eben ozei', Ga., returned Wednad1ay an will conduct the boardIng hall at thi college again this yeai'. A geat deal of' the local news in thi p)aper' was crowded out of the last lssu4 on account of the pressure on our ad vertising columns. Richiar'd Gallmnan, who killed Lec Aiken at Pi'ospei'ity some t,ime ago aur rendered to the Sherif TVuesday even Ing at Prosperity. Col. Geo. Johnstone, a promlnen membei' of the bar spent, Saturday an< Sunday as the guest of Judge W. H Wallace.-Union Progress, 26th. The election on the 2 mill tax fo graded school pur'poses wvas held oi Wed nesday and resulted in a vote of 3i Sn favor of the Lax and 41 againsti t. r. Norris request us to state tha he Would bo glad for as many of th patr'oneof the Hfelona school be presen at, the opening on Monday as possible Miss Bleaste Gilder, who has bee: visiting Mrs. Willilam Arnold left SaI urday for a visit in Washington on he way to Newberry,--South Carolina. Rich mend (Ky ) Register, Sept. 25. Mr'. John Flitters, one of Columbia' polIte and accomodating street ear cor ductors, spent several days with friend and relatives last week at his old horm In Newberr'y.-Columbla Record, 26. Mr. F. WV. Rauch has been electe p)rincipal of t he War'ren ville school ar, has gone over to take charge. Mi Rauch has taught there before and th people wore anxious to get him back. Balnda Snntinel. 26L Wedneistay :liglit but.veen 8 and 11 O'clock somo oile ontred the yard of .i r 0. WCls and stole from lunder tiht frant, steps a Columbia cllailess bi. r cycle model 50 no. -1018 with the nameu of Mr. I. B1. Wel8 on the plate. Cont rt efor Davis has his force of hanIis it work oil Aletholist church and is putting the reck founda tion down. I I will be only a short,time now before the walls will be climbing Mr. C. H'. ilavic will teach the (%>r intl school this next, term. That is Mr IsItlaC's old hotmle which slpeais well for limI for, often1 ti! hmme fo!k are tIe hIrdtIst tolete. alda Hentinel NI r. ,. W. Flot d, proprietor of onit telepholm system, has pureliased the best s%% itch-board money coild buy and has placed it in th10e ventral ollice here. Let the good work ' go on and receive the harty sipport of the peofle.- Clinl Lon Gitz"tte, 27. Prof. \'. I-. lIack hia- retorned to his chair in Kee Mar Colleg-, Al,. Wefore going he claimed its his bride Miss Bies sie the accomplished daughut r f M Ir. J. C. 11 Rauch. M ay joy after joy sue cCssi rise tlo'ig lifes pathway and their connubial bliss know no end.--Sa luda Sentine), 20. Rev. .las. T. Mlellard of Newbery o( eupid the pulpit, of the Second Baptist church Sunday evening. lie preached at spletiIld sermon to i delighted con gregation. i r. Mellard is an old friend of Pastor Ford and the two worked a great deal together in Newberry when Mr. Ford lived there.- Galney Ledger 25. Mr. F. H1. Aull was re-eleted pres ident of (lie South 1Catrolilta 'ress asso. ciation, C. C. Langston, secretary. August Kohn, treastircr. No better selection could be made. These gentle men are pectuliarly fitted for these olli Ces. Mr. Aull is df-sacrificing to an unusual dgrev, sparing niopains for the comfort of the members.--Chester Lan tern. Mormon elders have been operatiIg in tle Higgins Ferry eiuIIit.IIIIy, 4a luda County, for sonic timo, Iad were allowed to go on unmolested tii it Was announced a few days Ugo that land had been given and funds were being raised with which to build a church, when the citizens mnet and sent a committee to the four elders and told them to move on. It is Sail that they moved oi. A Minieterl' Good W4 rK. "I had a severe attack of bilious colic, 1,ot a bottle of Camberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea itemuedy. took two dloses and wits entirely cured," says Rlev. A A. Power, of Emporia, Kanl. "Aly nei-hbor acl oss the street was sick for over a week, had two or thiCeC hottles of medicine from the doC tor. He used them for thec or four days withliout relief, so discharged him. I went over to see him the next morn Ing. He said his bowels wete in) a ter rible fix, that they had becu running Ol so long that it wits almost bloody flux. I asked him if he had tried Chain herlaln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea l1emedy and he said, 'No,' I went home and brought him my bottle and gave him one (lose; told himi to take anot her (lose In Iiiteeni or twenty mini ut,es if he (lid not fin d rel itf, but he took no miore andi was entirely cured." F'or sale by W. E. Peihamn, Dr'ugglst. DEiATH11. Mrs. Walter Summer' died Wednes day morning about It) o'clock at, her home in West End. She was burled ycsterday at West End Cemetery. She leaves a husband, fouir daughters and two sons to mour'n their loss. Mirs. M. L. Stevens, of Monroe, N. C., who has been on a visit to her daugh tar, Mrs. Thos. F". Tarr-ant, (lied this morning after an illness of two weeks. 1Hear remalns will be carried to Balti more today for burial. l'[ars. Stevens was 68 years of aLga. Des it Pauy 10 Iluy Cheap. A cheap remedy for coughs anid colds is all right, but you want something that will relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more regu lar cl mate? Yes, If possi1ble for you, then in either catse take the only remedy that has b eeii introduced In all civilIzed cotntrics with success in severe throat and lung troubles, "Boschee's German Sya-up." It, not, only heals and stim ul1aLes the ti9enes to destroy t,he germ disease, bait allays inflammation, causes easy ex pectoratison, gives a good night's rost, and cures the patient. Try one bottle. Recomnmended many years by all druggist,s in the wou-ld. Eor sale by WV. E. Pelham. -lRewardi of 510. I will give a reward of $10ft>any per son who will ireturn my bicycle to me In good fix, or linformationi to convict the person who st >1e it. Th'le wheel Is I a Columbia chainless, mne101 50, No. .4018. Stole from my e'esidence Wed nesday night. My name is on the fronit name p)late. 1H. B. WaLLs 1t Bagging and Ties 50 cts. a bale at E.&t M. Evans & Co. Missionatry 80cilety Meeting. The Young Woman's M issibnary Society of the Church of the Redeemer iwill hold a regular meeting at the church next Monday afternoon at r5 o'clock. All the members are re quested to Le p)resent ats business of im portance is to' be transacted. S Elizabeth Dominick, Pros. (Cora L. Dominick, Scc'y. It Saved is P. A. Danfoirt,h, of LaGrange, Ga, suffered int,ensely for six months wit.h a ci frilghtful running sore on his leg, but d writes that Iuecklen's Arnica Salve .wholly cured It. In ton days. For IJI ecars, Wounds, bur'ns, BoIls, Pain or P liles it's the best salve inu the world. - Iureo guaranteed. Only 25c. Sold by all druggists. si11itiFIF HUFOtD'A CAP'TUI. How 11 o'itghit 1 Ngro Wanted for Almr do r in N wierry. Sherill' ituford of Newberry County irrived in the eity yesterday afternoon on the Columbia. Newberry and L,au rells regulir pasmen-ger traini. He had with him a mulatto, Jim Clamps, for Whom1 he ilas been hinting for several months. The lellow is want,ed for a murdler cominlittkd in the nortteastern portion of Newberry ('oulity about, th rfe mloliths ago. After his crime lie tled arld hIs Itnged to eude the sheriltl ever -,zine. The work of Sherilf liiford in ellfecting C;amlp's eallture wits Clever and goesl lotg way in Uxplaining why tie sherill is o popuillar with the pvu plo of his vouinty. Sherily INfood has bien S1Otadily at. work on th)I, eo . ,ly last week he heard that a fellow aiiswering Clamp's description was wolkinrg for a doctor near IateAburg. H(e went. there but found that tie Ilman was not, the one he w1an1ted. A few days agto he leard that Clamp Would ho at [inmo yester-day, so lie noArded 'lie down train. tcach lig 1irm those oni tuaOrt reported that nothing i thl lieen sceln of Clamp, Iti'd the sherill got back on the train to Come oil to 'olumbia. A nmillhor of negrovs al6o got itbitaid. The sherillf no soonler tilentrid Ihe traitn than he saw a fellow fittinlig tI e description he had (if Claimfp Iu waliked iup to him and arresti himl), proceeding to h and eulf him. Clamp rtly adiimitted thattl he wit- t ie wan wamted and seemed consideratb' frightetne. Sherifl Buford b)rought Lim oin to Cultiubia and put him ini the ]Uchland Co unty jaIl cvei night. This morniig he will heave fol. Newberry with his ani . The negro, it seetul!-, hats beenl ll re working at Ihe llluf1m quarry on iho other side of the river.--The SLate, 2i th. (iamip kiild another negro Johii Reese (It tile .Iith of hast .July and itade his escape. iIis brother Sambi.o wvs l!aced in jai: nli A tigust 7 as anl actces sory to the crime. Cit and 1 u e 11#44- aiy iented. Chamberlain's 1'i ii im applied to t eutx, bruise, butti, se,itd or like injury will instantly alay the painl and will heal tle parts in less imtle than any other treatment. U iIle-,s the in ury is veryT severe it will not leave at sear. Pain it ,1lm als: etures rletlumat ism, sw tllings ntiid lIttncIss. For sie by W. 10. Pl'.1ham. f I in Want -i3 Py fOr 1'riini ry Eltci11n1. i'ditor Herald & New.: The matu--ers of th primary elve tion ought to be p:tid for their services. They go to Newberry twice and carry out the boxes to the procincts, lose an other day's time in.magitig the elect.lon and earrying the boxes back; thereby ensurinig correct, reports as to the ielec ion of tihe parties who shall stand for election by the Democratic party. Why are they not. paid out of the fund subscribed to conduct said primary by the candidates who are before the peo ple? Aitd why are managers of the general election p)aid tt of siaid funid when nine-lentihs of the candidattes are retired? We ontly swear to suppiort, by our votes, and not by otur money, the p)arties nominatedl. Time lost iat one0 time Is as valuable as another. Let each elect ion pay Its own cost. W. 10. LO)NcsIorn. Chiamobrlatin's Cough iHemiedy a Great Fravorite. TIhe soothing and healhing p)roperties of this remtedy, its pleaisanft taste anmd p)rom pt andi permauent cures h ave made It a great, favorite with peopile every where. It is espieclally prtized by moth ers of small children for coldis, croup anid whooping cough, ats it aiwitys aft fords quick relief, and as It, cont,ains no 01piu3m or other harmful drug, It may. be given as coinfidently to a baby as to an adttlt,. For' side by W. 10 Pel ham. f um. Notien of .Joint istcussli. Owing to the inclemnency of the weath er on Saturday night the 15th inst., the joint discussion between WVest End and Union Academy D)ebat,ing Society was p)ostponed until Saturday niight niext, the 20t,h inst. The saume discussilon thiat was ptreviouisly an nounrced stands. The hour for meeting is 7.30t sharp. The public is cordially invited. Come out. The WVest l'Cnd1 toys will have something of interest to tell you about the hardships of war, while the UiJoon boys will endleator' to tell yott some thing of the horrors andl cruelty of in temperance. CH H>s. Sept. 27, 1900. Cured of Chironric D)iarrh,oea After Thirty Yehars of Stuffering. "I suttfered for thirty years with diar r'hoca and thlougi,ht I wias paist being cured," sa.3s .Tohn N. Hiolloway, of French Camp, Mis~s. ~' had spent so m-uch time and monecy and suffered so much thatt I had( given uip all hopes of recovery. I wias so feeble fromt tbc etfects of the diarrhoea that I could do no kind( of labor, couild not, eveni travel, btut by accident, I wits permit,ted to find a bottle oif Chamiberini's Colic, Chol era anid D)iarrhoea Remedy, and after taking several btott,les I am entIrely cutred oft thait troutble. I amit so pleased with the result that I am anoxiouis that It be ini remich of all who suiffer as I have." F'or satle by5 W. 10. P'elham. f un "WANTED." All the Cotton Seed you have for sale. H ighest market price paid. M. L. Spearman & Co. t&f (6t. Bagging and Ties 50 cts. a bale at E. M. Evans & Co. f&L f A NIE1V iNTERt'nisi'. Tho Newbvrry Sisitn lvim 111mid llo Faictory In Op.'raetIon Withinl the pist, few day; we have been Shown throlg lhe ll SIutie and landle Pactory, vhic was in ceitly beenl put in) operation. On arriving at, the factoryI N we wre Soiewhat. supried at (lhe uxtenlsive amlounlt of mlachinerwy in] operation anid the amloilnt, of Ilabor, it, takes to operate it. I'. i it III uch liatrger affair thatn Inyi of ourt ilmagrine andl is ljow% turn-Iinl (lit omll pretty workc. S.Iw of the Iawhiliry is won dertif is uiiman-le, anI works with thle regularity of at ceck. 'I'he Shliuttle ani lla le iaetory is going to prov te ai leest a. Ther is it strong demand for the kind and class of work they turn 'JIt and it wi!i keep them busl.y to fill Orders, it will aso prove i gool lil tit for the city, for it. is -iving etployniitt to fr-olit twelve to lifteenl gZood citizens 011r onIt people. and in other WIays Spreadinl-o and vircintingr their mlone4y att, hOIe. It iA id-Cndetd a home etiter prise. iilterprises of this -ind Iecd the eti coura11gemiient of evcrybudy, for they are what help ill a naterial way to build 111 at city. Mr. J1. W. 1,. Arthur is superinteied ing tihe factory and we visli them all tie sUcce.s IosS4ib1lde. Boars thho Kind You Have AlwayS Bought Signaturo of Th11e great alltUotil)(e0miient Iof Ihe "fall seItsonl in fullt blast." It .1 am ieson's cam1i1e in too late for us to c:Il at.tontionl to i, ill Wiur lait iSSue0. .tlImieS0n 111L a1 r01 utationl il t,his colint. for doing what he says at, the titie lit Says it and itn the Ilatitner lie says. ThI'e people have 1eRI'ned to tke J1 am -1; ies 0 iti iS W1o'd aiud when they read his ads. they know what to expect wleni they go to his store. He mi11k(es h is own selections itd iis year of 0xperience aI s MS tatil_rlt him wIILhat, to s t I plIse his cu1sto m11-r1s. Now donl't iake the mistiake a'id pass this big store by while on yourt. shopping roinds. lie has cloth ing, shoes, hats, staple dry goods, fur tishintgs and too many things to men tionl Iere, that he will give you great Sa,tiSfactiOn inl. ('all 11JamieSonl. HeI hilts bargains for youl. C. A. 9 TP O3 3M X AL. Bears tho lho Kind You Have Aiways Bought Signaturo of' Mr. I"eanlder. Sheely had It Imtile stolen fromt himl) at his homIe near' Sligh's oin S:tiurday night. lie fol IOwed andt traked the mule to New b-trry an( found out, t hat it was in tlhe hands of a nlcgro. )n Stiday evening the mule was found in lr. G v(. 11.3oozer's pastir where it had been piace I by the negro andit abantdoned. Mr'. Sheely tiow hits his mule. Since writing the above 'b Sheppiard (colored ) lhas been cainured by Conita ble Hajir an,. .od ged in jail charge I with the stealinig. Dears the h id o 1o Always Bought Signature Cominitustoneursu of Etlections. Giover'nor AlecSwteeniey lhas appohited the Stat.e and Fecder'al election commtnis .'doners for mrost, oft the counties of the StaLe, on the reccommendatin of differm ent county cbirmein, who ill have chiarge of the State and l"ederal elec t,ions in the 5'everl couinties of the State ini November. The following are the atlpoinltmients for this county: State-t. II. Greneker', .Johnz . F'ellers and WV. C. Sligh. Federal-i. H1. I lunt, .J. Fried Schump1er't anid CSharlton Cruo mer'. ,NERVOUSNESS, An American D)isease. DR. S. WEIR MrTTCHEL.L Is au Sthority for the statement that nerv ousness is the characteristic mal iady of the American nation, and statistics show that nerve deaths number one-fourth of all deaths recorded, the mortality being main oly among young people. Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTL.B. is the grand specific for this great , -American disease, because it goesn Istraight to the source of the weak- i n aes s, building up health a nd istrength by supplying rich, abund iant food and pure blood to the worn-out tissues, ro using the liver to activity and regulating all the i organs of the body. " The Mlebiga, Drag Co.," Detroit, Mieh. Llverettes the famous litle liver pile, s5c., V. V. Pclhatm, Newherr'y, H C. mnit b's Drung Store, Newberry S (5. 'hc Rccduers P har'macy, Newberruy 8. C. l)ar L. G. Corbet,t, i'rosp)erit,y, S. (5. AMITY LOIE NO. 87, . V M. A REGULJfAIU (OMMUJNICATh'ON of A mity Lodge', No.8f7, A. F". M, will be hield next Monday evening at 7 00) o'clock, in MasonIc Hall. VisItIng brethIiren cordilally welcomued. T Lhe 1". (5. Degree will be conffer'red. IIP. J. VOSS. S. W., Acting W. M. J. H. MI. KINAr ) nn4eret ary. I F.L1' FOIL Tli .:SUFFERF IRS. Newbrritgn limpontaa,g to tho Call for I10-o for tho butffererm Moro N-e.ared nad Necdedl Qoilvkly. '1 h14 I.Int at tho CoIntarv An urgent appeal for. help collies to the whole 4,ountry from the grief striekei and (lestitute people of Gal vestoti, '-'exa-, atnd il imiedliate re spolse should anl8wer tle call. It is indeed an appalling state of afairts ietween m.(x and 8,0N10 lives were lost and 10,000 are homeless and 1 hungry anud are crying for. help. E.very section of the country is re sponding nb nliromp a td,y pi O the call, Iatnl Newlm-ry Imust lnot be lag gard inl this mllai,ter. The list has oeen left at. tle Comi iercial Illank, aid uvery one should eolltribuilte omthin The followin i6 a list of i he contribu tions so rar, tad pubic aicnowiledg mn1110ts "ill be m1ade in theset coluimn) froim tin:e lo till,e. F.'OR TH 'IR TSi. S Cash -..- .... ................................. 82.00 'ash .... .................... ........... .0o tum eit r ................. ............ 15 ( I -A no. MI. K inard ..................1.00 C. P. Hoyd .................................. m) M A. 'arlisle........ ................ :1.00 .1. IN . Joh nston.- ......................... 1 Geo. S. Mlower. ............ ........... 2.00 Cash ....................................... I 0 C ash ....... .................................. 1.00 . . C . S mti p p e ........................... . 21 C ash ......................................... 5 .00 A . C . onles.......................... ...... 5.00 Mi r.. Corrie Greneker ................... 1.00 TV. It 'erry ------........................... 50 E'ssie W ilson, .I issiollary Society I 'esbyterianl Ili $0 2.1 MA s. . 1. 1. e ......................... 3 So. U. It I.'11mployees.................. ) "m M iss M ary Bturton....................... 1.00 Dr. ( ). I. AI ty......... .......... 5.00 Tlheo. .Illisto le......................... .0 11i. 11. Nlvanls.............................. 1.00o It. 1). Sm ith ................... ............ I 00 Cash -............... ............. A) ). I lettier................... ............ 5.00 .1. W . D)errick.......... ................. 2: C ash ......................................... 1 .00 MIiss Fannio A. Johnston......... L.t A.. C. Lyles........ ..................... 25 lir. W. C. lrown ........................ .CO Laborer, oil ir. W. C. Brown'a 1.1ce...................... ......... .5 'tlat ski TlodIge 1. 0. 0. 1....... ..... 2.75 I rs. MI. K. Waaitimiaker.. .........I C I .1. 1 . R eng in ...... ....................... .0 D r. .1. M1. K iblei ........................... 1.(;( .I. W . ild w ell ........................... 1.g0 C a--h .-- -.-- ..-- - ... --... -.................. 1.00 h .......------.---- - .................... 1.00 IA tl el .1'l s.................. ............. 10 Slienriet tat Leonlh iith ......... ..... I.;) New Chapel Church...... ....... ..... 1.1 r, Cash ............ ......................... S. lI. Iouknight. .... ..... ....... 5,0 I. C. Wi'PiNtIrm .--........ ........... I.O . . 111un1(er.............. .................. L.CO 1I. L . Pellers ............................. 5)0 Jal a it ....................................... .1.11 IAsh Itiver ch t,!h ......... ........ 10.25 St. .John's Ilutnc.ran chtrch ........ ,.cJ C asH .....,................................... A0 M. G. G. Scherci.......................I 5 0 Bagging and Ties 50 cts. a balL at E. M. E.vans & Co. fat if A Newborry Itoy (lainn Fatie autu illnor in 'il-OH'esuo. The following is aken fromt the A th ens (Tenna. ) P os?. of Stecmbler 19t.h. M ar. lCvans is the son (of om- townspeople MIr. anid Mrs. 8. N. INvans, and has risen in the r'ail road world In hius aidopt ed State, himself holding a very imnpor tant pIositioni in t'te of the a nilroads of Ten neessco. We arc al ways glad to hear of ourm l:xys c?omting to the front: S. Elliott Evants, that prinice of good fellows, tendered the following friends a "houtse parity"' from Saturday to Mon day: (4. IL WVestcott trainmaster, Southernt lty., J1. L. Meek, T. P. A., Southern IRy., O. L. Mitchell, TI. P. A., C. S. railroad, (. (2. Clark, T1. P. A., Big ['our, F. I). Islackman, T. P'. A., Choctaw ltout,e, U. IH. lrigham, gen eral mtanatger' Tellico railroad and JItames G;. F'ishetr, cashiler Athens Na tiontal llank. 'lThe invited guests air rived Saturday aftetrnoon aind enjoyed a six o'clock dinner of the choicest vitands, after which Iemonado was served1, interspersed with a number of speeches that, were as full of wit and wisdomn as an egg is of ament. (General mantaget' lrightam took the party out to TJellico I'laIns Sunday morning on the lImited express, whIch only hit a few htIghi plaeos on the road(. On ac. count of the express aunning so fast the invited gutet.s dh1i not realize what a line c?ounttry of grreat, possbilities they wer passing through. The guests not being able to) drik thie purte mountain wai tr of TeI ileo IPlin rStetur'nedl late In the aft.ettnan qut,t thtirsty. Th'le merry piart.y brokde uip MondIay mnori'tIng after voting S. lltIott. tohe bet fellow in Te'nnr~essec. Qutosti ,n u nteweredl. Yes, A ugust Flower stIll has tihe larg est, stile of any medicine in tbe civilized wor'ld. Youtr mot,hcra and1 griadmoth er~s never thought of using anything else for indigest,ion or biliousness. D)oc tors wete scarcec, and they seldom heard of aippendicitis, nervous prost,ration or' hetart, fatilure, etce. They usmed August I"lower to cletan thte syst,am andi stop for mentaltIon oif undtiigested] food, regulate the atiton of t he liver, stimulate tihe nervous and oraanice action of the sys tem, and that is; all they took when feeling dull and had with headaches andl other aiches. You oauly need a few dioses of Green's August, Flower, in 1i quid1( form, to maike you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. F"or sale by W. 13. P'elhamn. Bagging and Ties 50 ctsa bale at E. M. Evans & Co. fAt tf 'Ik0 twi'11ni 1Iounl 0ccuph-4i Ily Mr. Jak* A elek, Owieel by Mr. Fri 4i 11"ramou, Ii No. 0, Ituirncil l.att To (otny Niglit. The dwelling honse of Mr. Fred Ilar Mion, in No. 0 Township, was buned oil last u'llesdily morning. The house was occupiedi at tle timlie by Alr. Jake Aimiek and family, -Mr. Wired liarion, Mr. .John Irown, atil a fanily who was visiting Irs. A mick. The lire wits tliscovered itbout 4 o'.lock in the mornIn1g, and whenl discovered had gailned uch hadaway Ilhat nothiig ( .(ld be done ti save the houise. That ovetpants of the house barely escaped, not saving a change of clothilng, and soile were bli g bitly hu ined ill naki ng their escape. The burning is supposed to be the work of an ineendiary, as kerosene oil hald ben poulred on one side of thie house, extending alounlid to the chin ney, aid when discovered it wa bur-n ing the entire length. tThe total loss is estimaled at $(0. ATT I 'T TO I11,'101 MI 11 .. On Wednesday mlornIing an aittelnil t Was also made to burn tle mill that .4 some distance from the house, but It was discovered in time to extinguhl0i the flaies and but littile damage was dionie. A Niarrww Eoiwnp. Crady, tho 10-ye' old soil of All.. and Mrs. .Johi ('. ;oggatls, caine t ear meeting with ia fittal accident at the oil mill yestcuday. ile, with Mr. Jno. If. Wicker's little sot, were playing in the mill when (rady stepped into the auger or seed-earrier anld it was grad utially carrying him down, when lie had presence o f 1111d Vnou1 gh to catch hold of hi'-s leg with his hands and jerk it out. A bad gash was cut In his foot, which DIr. IlOiseal sewed up and lith 0 mn1101-1ing (-rald'y isgetting along airigh', !t, warl a naItrOWesa . Verbum Sap! Chill cures that cure Chills and Fever, at Pelham's Pharmacy. Physicians' Prescrip tions compounded by graduated and licensed Pharmacist, at PE11AM'S PII4AIAUV. xwe.We are saving lots of money to those who trade at PELHAM'S TWO STORES. FrmulL .Jars and liubtIhr at lowest cash priles at G ilder's ( orner Dru'g Store. Lf CTTOVN wEVI C it, rear of Coni tratl IOHuse. I will 'ee' glad to servo you to tho bet t of my knowledge and ability. t&f I r. Subscribe for Liie D eli neator Lbhrough I tf S. J1. W