6'}V)AA kp1 865 .4fAr N E,AV i Tv El We Have, During the There has been no back wardness in our buying and wherever there was a bar gain to be had it was bought, and by the time the entire has been placed in The BigStr it will, beyond the shadow of a doubt, eclipse any previous effort in the mercantile arena In upper Carolina. What is found on our counters is high grade, strictly first class. A Powei' of Valtre Giivinig! It's not so much what we: Tsay that is responsible for the business this store is doing, 'but what we do is up to date. 'Al our energies an d endeav ors are bent towards making this store the very best in ~ outh Carolina. The story of success is written all over tore; it's evident any way yo fr in the right man agement, t1o .e right goods and the right pricig. The old anti-1 WHERE THE RICI WHI 13 'A Past Week, Received ( quated ideaof small sales andc large profit is buriec beneath our modern policy of large sales and small profit. The coming feature of our fall business lies inthree majestic wor-ds, viz: HEAPER THAN EVER! While in New York I ran across a big lot of Millinery which I bought at less thai 50c. on the dollar. Don't buy yuor hats until you see our line. Miss Ella O'Rourke, oJ Baltimore, has arrived and taken charge of our She is the young lady I had last season. She is the besti Milliner that ever came do(iwn South. When you want~ a~ Hat or Bonnet Come to NIimnaugh's. Thousands of dollars worth of New Dress Goods andc Silks. I AND THE POOH res in Newerrycm ( :i rinec Nee a hr beds by t.o Cgo Loac C~D Show /um edrs aa -ttl money. ne NTevor was there a u emae t an g osfr 000 dozen Misses and ofl ,.I -en3s Stcig,the entire ,--'ock oT a ie illi t ha t n eecl rnA oney. Th V.e IloL wa le, 1. t we mad the an ofe tis entire lot at fully half their value-8B, 10 and 12 I-.2c. peor pair. S9GC dollars worth of Irish Linen Da mask from Belfast in rnill ends. 2 1-2 o. 3 1 -2 yards long. Shipped~ direc to us. Worth 75 cts. and $ 1.00 per yard. Whbile they last they are youirs at 49 c. per yard. 100 pieces Jno. P. King, se sln enly 5 cts. per yard. ~~e sad ALL STAND ON TH D REAR A r. X!AI KIts L, and StiL They Come! 1 0pecos Outing for this sale, 7 1 -2, 3 l-o and 10 cents per yard. 2(K0 piec2's Jeans: for Men's and Bos 1Pants i 5, 1 9 and 25 cts. per yard. iOO0 pices Shirting and Calicoes. As long~ as they last at 3 1~-2 cts. per yard. 2.00 piOces Calicoes, dress styles indigo blue, etc. at 5 cts. per yard. 200 pieces, 36 inches, Bleach Cloth in g. As long as they last at 4 l -2, 6 1-2 and 3 1-S cis 50 pieces Dress Ginghams. As long as they last at 8 1-3 cts. per yard. 100 pieces; Apron Ginghams for this salo ot 4 i.-.2 ets. per yard. Jackets, C ate ad L-adies' TailordIade Suits. One to I usa5nd dollars worth to arrive in tho neoxt Kw. days. One sid. of my store, one hundred feot ,ln packed and jammed with Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes direct from the best rnanufacturers in America. I handle the celebrated Ham ilton-Brown'! Shoe, the best in the world for the i;oney, also Drew, Selby & Co.'s Lad ios V-in Shoes, none better, Lewis A. Croset's Men's Fine Shoes--$3.OO and $3.50, as good as any man's $5.00 T hoe. When you want an Lup-to-date anid honest pair of Shoes come to IMimnaugh's E SAME FOOTING.