Knights of Pythias, Camstle: 'ETall1, Newberry Lodge No. 75. S TATED CONVENTIONS OF this L-Oge will Lo held the 2ad and 4th Tuesday nighis of each month at 7.30. VisIting Knights cordially welcomed. iiiOS. E. EPTING, ic. of R. fi S. Ciotwell Hotel Buildinh. NEWEItSUY MAtKET. Corrected every Tuesday and Friday by Summer Bros. Meat............... . . ......... 74(8io. Shoulders ........................... 7c. Hams................................ 2Q l4c. Best Lard ................ .. 9(l100. Ieit Molasses, now crop...... 60c. Good Molasses..................... 25@60c. Corn - . --- ------....................... 700. M eal .......... . . ......... ........... 70c. Hay.......................... 90c. W heat Bran.......'................. 41.15. 11et Patent Flour.................. $5.00. 2nd Best Flour.................... $4.50. Strait Flour........................ $4.25. Good Ordinary Flour...........$3.5("4 00. Sugar .................... .... 6C6c. Rice.................................. 558ic. Coffee............................... 1 15c. Cotton seed meal, per sack... $1.15. Bale Hulls, per cwt.. ........... 35c. Country Produco Butter, per lb .................... 1(W 20c. Eggs, per dozen ....... ......... 1(IOc. Chicrens, each.................. 15w25c. Peas, per bushel...... ........ '75c. Corn, per bushel.. ............... 60c. Oats, per bushel.................. 355@40c. Sweet potatoes ................... fo(q75c. Turkeys, per lb ............... 6( 8c. Fodder, per cwt .................. 75(a90c. Best Patent Flour on earth at.$4.35 at C. J. Purcell & Co's. tf Hart By i 'ream. Newberry, Sept. 9.-Quite a serious accident occurred to Mr. John Daven port of Deadfall section yesterday eve ning while putting up a round lap press for Mr. Bob Sobumpert about four miles from town. In some way he was caught in the press and his skull was fractured. He is not expected to recover.-Special to the State. You can spell it courh, colY, caugh, kouf, kaff, kout, or kaugh, but the only harmlFss remedy that quickly cures it is One Minute Cough Cure. At Gilder's Corner Drug Store. Valuable Laud for Bale 141 acres four miles west of Newber ry in No. 6Township, good water, good buildines. Sold for division. Apply to A. T. Wilson, Newberry, S. C. 12m Best Patent Flour on earth at $4.35 at C. J. Purcell & Co's. tt Teacher Wanted To teach the Reedeville school. Apply at once to I. M. Smith, Kinards, S. C. Mro. J 13. K4enion Dead. Mrs. J. B. Kcmpson died on Sunday morn ing~ at her home in Saluda Coun ty. She had been suffering for some time from blood poisoning or some thing of the kind from a small wound in the right hand, and on -Saturd'ay it was found necessary to amputate the arm just below the elbow, which was done. The shock proved too great for her and she died on Sunday morn lng. She was about 70 years old. DeWitt's Little i>rly Risers are IAompt, p)alatabl, leasant, powerful, purifying little pills. At Gilder's Cor ner Drug Store. All summer goods are beintr closed out regardless of cose. At Wooten's tf. We have the latess make of machi nery, we purchase the( best of Starch and blueing, we ma: uf.acture our own soap, so we know it to he~ pure, and we furnish you just as good work as any concern. -Up-to-date Steam Laundry. f&t, tf A Buicido, ttie Whitener, a colored woman ~ ~sperity, on Saturday afternoon ounce. .of laudanum and died at Pr Notfects. Coroner Lindsay was took a ent down on Sunday and from the sa-cs l rnu e sent an for(Jaee, ilnvestigate it acase of B essent by a church liera in the Phil The emierg ~ png t.he necessi society to Ka .1 Ws Witch Hazel ippines conta ~ cure frpls 1.1s a bo o p. The ladies Salve, the well oorigir ii1)De injuries and ski ~ rknowing that took care to ob01hes.Gl Witt's Witch H[azi *itls.Gl all the counterfeits der's Corner Drug' Up-to-date Steam La USp-to-dato machinery. ~ Up-to-date supPli''s UJp-to-dato facilities. Sequl-UPto-d tee phone and the nta~ Gide' ConrDu Store.f&f Vapt . aiok no ILonger Wt h oten th. N. B1. Mazyc who has been in Qapl0 ofthe Southern Rallway Cotlanly at this place for .the past.8 * east Is no longer in the emnploy of that o6mlPany, he havings reeived niotifca ion aWh fe w days ago that the company nadd ecided to dispense of his services. *Capt. MavyOk accepted his position at the depot here on September 9th, 1866, and has been continually in its service since. Heo has served under four man agemnts, and during his service har had aboult t,wenty clerk anAthec waWthnadt under him, and baa serve widby throp 411!erent agents, ~ All ~ ack - bousoil-ed lnen.8 4 Up4-dM Steam Laundry. VAltIOUS AND ALL AHOUT. Don't fail to vote today. We will keep open house tonight. Col. T. W. Holloway was In the city yesterday. Mr. 1). 0. Flynn has gone North to buy fall goods. Dr. D. L. B:)(ozer is spending a few days in Colun ia. 0 Mr. J. W. M. Simmons has returned froin Glenn Springs. Mr. W. XV. Hodges spent Sunday In Greenville with relatives. The storm didn't, reach Newberry last week, and we are glad of it. We will endeaver to get the report of the election out earlier tonight. The County Democratic Executive Committee will meet on Thursday. There will be an attraction at the opera house every night this week. Rev. W. C. Schaeffer and family, o! Savannah, are visiting in Newberry. Mr. S. J. Wooten is at theAorthern markets buying his fall stock of goods. Mrs. Joanna Earhardt, of Columbia, is visiting her son, Mr. J. W. Earliardt. Mrs. J. I. Wheeler, of Winusborro, is visiting relatives and friends In the city. Mr. 11. K. Boyd, who has been at tending the business college in Atlanta, returned home yesterday. Mrs. P. B. Connor, of Laurens, and Miss Ethel Conner, of Cokesbury, are visiting Mrs. E. C. Jones. The hour for the Wednesday evening service at the Lutheran Church has been changed from 6:15 to 8:15. Mr. Maurice M. irhardt of the Lver Shoe Stere, of Columbia, is spending a weeks vacation in New berry. Mr. Zeb White was called home yee terday from North Carolina on account of the death of his son, Mr. H. T. White. Mr. C. S. Nichols, of the county, has accepted a position in the State dispen sary in Coluiibla, and Will report for dut,y the first of next week. Wheat grower,- attention! See ad vertisement of the Virginia-Carolina Cbentical Company, about premiums for best crops. The Arnold Stock Company, which will appear at the opra house every night this week, gave a good -perform anco last night. Rev. W. 1. 1lerbert will be absent for about ten days, attendi-g a meeting with his brother at Pelzer, but his pul pit will be filled Sunday as usual. The National Bi,nk has received a new 10,000 pound fire and buglir proof safe, which is being put in position at the bank. Mr. J. IF. Wicker had the dontract to haul It over from the depot. Cole L. Blease, Esq., in o'der that nothing might stand In iis way of serv ing as a President,ial eldector, has re signedas a member of I hl'ouse of Rep resentat,ives. In the absence of the pastor, Rev. M. G. G. Scherer, who will be at Pros perity conduct,ing an installation scr vice, President Geo. .1 Cremer' will lecture in the Lutheran ch arch next sunday morning. Jas. A. Mimnaugh left yesterday for New York and other p)oints to eelect his fall stock of goods. He is preparilng for an immense trade thIs fall and says if good goods and low prices will draw he'll get it. Mr J. C. Myers lost by fire Satur day mornIng a barn of tobacco contain ing about 400 pounds. The barn was on his plantation near town and the weedl had just, been cured and the fire put, out. It is not known how the fire oilginated. Mr. WV. B Aull has resigned as Su per'intendent of the Cotton Seed 01l Mill at this place, to accept, a similar position with the Penidieton Oil Com pany at Pend leton. M'r. Aull wvill leave to take charge of the Pendleton Mill on Thursday. He Is a good citizen, a good man atnd a man that understands h is business. We hate to se'e him leave Newborry. His family will remain here for a few months. I)earness Cannot hie Cured t.y local applications, as t.hey cannot reach t he diseased port.ion of the ear. There is only3 onie way to cure deafness, and( that Is by coni st int longl reimiles. D)eafnoss is caus"d by sin ti.'med condlition of i ho mucous lining of I he Eustachiani Tubio). When thIs tuboet inilaumied you have a rumbaing sound or'm perffeot hearing, and whten it is nit iroly cleosd deafnesas 1o the result, anid udlessl tihe idflaimmation can be taken out anud this tube be destroyed fore' or; nine cases cut or ten arc caulsedi by c t arrh, which Is nothing but an inflamed condh.Llon of t he ucous stir facees. WVe will give One Itundre I D)ollars for any case of Deafness (enuseud by cntarrh) that cot - s*ot be cured by IIail'a Catarrh Cure. Solnd for cireulatrs frce. F. J. CII EY & Co. Toledo. '0. Sold y al Drnists. Testimonials fr e. Hl'Fail Pills are the best. If our work does not please you in any way teil us about it. We will amp p reolato it. We are running a laundry for business and to please our patrons. f&L #f Up-to-date Steam Laundry. -Teacher Wanted, Dtrustees of Utopia school will T ~ eptembir 14t h to elect teacher meet term. Teacher with fir'st fra flt. fieate andi experience wanted. A Ileants will please state salary desire F.P M. Schumpert. W.E. LIke, 8.W. Nichols. | CO1fTON WEIG HER, rear of (Cen tral House. I will !.e glad to servo you to the best of my knowledge and ability. t&f lm. Best Half Patent Flour at $3.95 at C. J. Purcell & Co's. New lot of New England Watches just in. Come in and see us. t tf Daniels &f Co. TICK NEWiAk1iV KNITrINO MILL. 'T'ho Ormirniz-.ot 1oPr fcctec. andi tho 51n1! to bo in (perat ;on by .Janary l At. A knitting mill for Newberry is now anl asslired 1*net. The question was 1gitated. the bulk of stock subser-lhed, it ebilter. obtained and the organi.-ttiin perfected all in i few days. A meeting of the stockholders was held tbO other day und (lhe following Board of DireCLors elected: (Cpt. XV. Ii. Day, J1o. NI lKinard, It. Cd. lat thows, J,1. Norv.eod, George .,ohn stone, C. ,. Suimimetr, C I[. Cannon, W G. liouseal and It. I. Wk"10. J no. N1. Khiard and C. Ii. Can0non were elected President ,aid Secretary of the It mrd or D)irectors. Tihe ollowing ollicers and commlittees have beenl seleem-d: I 'rcsident and Treasurer, Capt. W. U. Da% - Secret ary, It. C. NIatthews; Commit.tee oil Loca tion-Capt. Day, (eo. J10hstone. E-q , and C. H'. SmI':er; Ijuildinlg Commit tee-Capt. Day, C. It. Cannon and 1R. H1. Welch; NIterial Coi mittee-Capt. Day, C. I-,. Summer and It C. Mut thews. The following is a list of these who have subscribed to the capital stock: W. H1. Day, R. II. Welch, G-Oorge Johnstone, I. C. Matthews, C 11 Can non, C. l.. Summer. . W. G. Houseial, J. E. Norwood, W. II. Ilunt, J. .1. Ki nard, 0. It. Mayer, J. H. Summer, Geo. S. Mower, S. J. Wooten, John Scott, C. F. Boyd, G. M. It. D"ptingr, P1. G. E'Ilesor, !,. V. Floyd, J. K. Zlder, Win. E. Pelham, Geo. H. Cromer, U. C. Per"y, W\. K. Sligh, and W. 11. Suber. We understand that the idea is to be gin work as soon as the location is de cided on, which it is said will be just, beyond the city limits, and the promo ters of the ent,erprie hope to be able to begin work by January Ist. next. There is no doubt but that the under taking is going to prove a paying on and we are glad tk see such enterprises started up. The men at the !head of the knitting mill are business men of ability and means and their efforts will prove sue cessful. Mr. E. T. Carlson, of Scott & Carlsoi our Merchant. Tailors, has just returned from New York: and Phildelphis, whare he has been to study the latest styles, and has purchased for ca-h ai choice line of woolens and worsteds for men's and 'ladies' sutlings. To keep pace with their growing patronge he brings with him from Philadelphia another first class workman. I Iave your work done at home, they cial any work done in their line. Grateful ly appreciating past patronage, you are invited to call early and inspret their line. It Poisonous toadstools resembling mushrooms have caused frequent deaths this year. Be sure to use only the genuine. Observe the same care when you ask for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. There are poisonous counter foits. DeWitt's is the only original Witch Hazel Salve. It is a safe and oartain curo for piles and all skin di ecases. At Gilder's Corner Drug Stoie. The Arnold Stock Comnpny. The Arnold Stock Company ap)peared at the opera house last night in an in.. teresting and taking piece entit.led "'Guilty without Crime." The piece was wvell rendered and the audience well pleased wit.h the entire- perform ance. The specialties were all good, but the lilt of the evening was lBoston atnd Young, in their wonderful spectacular serpentine canoe. Trhe company is a good one and promises a week of pleas ure to all who attend the evening per formances at the opera house this week. Large sun spots, ast,ronomers say, caused the ex treme heat this summer, and doctors declare nearly all the pros earations were induced by disorders of the stomach. Good health follows good digestion. Kodol Dys pepsia Cure di gests what you eat. If you have Indi gestion or dyspepsia It will quickly re lieve and permanentl.v cure you. At Gilder's Corner D)rug Store. Of course we are on)ly one sinall lauin dry in a town, but we have the same kind of machinery and other facilit,ies for turning out tine wvork as the larger lau-.]rics in larger citics. Go with the crowd and patronize a home institu tion). Up-to d ate Steam Laund ry. f&t tf To tie Executive Comi t tee. The members of the Cotmnty Demo cratic ECxecutive Committee are re q1uested to meet In the court house on Thutrsday morning at 11 o'clock, for the purpose of tabulating the votes and declaring the result of the primary election. C. F. Boyt), - .County Chairman. The most dainty and effective pills made are D)eWitt's Little iCarly Risers. T'hey are unequaled for all liver' and bowel troubles. Never gripe. At Gil doer's Corner Diug Store. A Joint D)ebato. There wvili be a joint d!ebate at lBach man Chapel and Union Acadcn.y on Saturday, Sept. 15th, to begin promptly at 8 o'clock, between the WVest E0nd andl Baehman Chapel and Union Academy Deobaters. Question: "Trlhat war has done more harm than whiskey." All are invited to attend. jT. S. Hudson. The progressive nations of the world are the great food consrm' .g nations. Good food well digested .ilves strength. If you cannot digest all you oat, you need Kodol D)yspepsia Cure. ItL digests what, you eat. Yon need not diet your salf. It contains all of t,he digestanits combined with the best known tonics and roconstructives It wvill even di gest all classes of toods in a bottle. No other preparation will do this. It in stantly relieves and quickly cures all asomach troubles. At Gilder's Corner )eug Rtnoo SUIOil IN Pitm.PICi, it TV. A Colorrdi litimi 1itls ilrAelf With 1at R11nut1- -vottol Firn ink i Tel New Film - Mihker Aitterm. A cattec of "suspenidled lni matioln " ou curred here Satilrday. ilattle Countz a bright runlatto, aged about 22, con iluitted Itsiide. She seemed to b lieart-briokcen helealu,e hur lover let I', aId, it is Kalid, told some of her atC quatinitaces o Friday that if he le lhe' si( woU'd kill herself. Ile lef auld oil Slatuirday milot'nling it, ibolut || o'clock she sit a note to Lunter . WIlvhe 's (I r dr store, wvorded abolt. l follows: "Mr i''rank: 'lee send nu at tenl eit phial of laiudaiil. I wait to ease It pail,"signed "liatie Couits,' ld enclosing ten en'lits. Mr. Pr."k Hunter filled Ihe order, is most.any otic would have done, suoIsg that el young womai was suLfering from son or'dinilr'y pailn. ShlI died from111 thtl U feels or the outiec of liauditiinm about 1 o'clock, after futile Ifforts to Save her life. Walter Cotiuts, tbe fatler of Ile suli ide, nild at whose house she lived, is at very clever, industiious and polito brickmason. Tiv atilair is q it,ie a shock to him, and ie !as sym,pathy from the good people liel. A cotton fire occurred it the Soti(h urn's platform here at :1 o'clock at. it., Saturday. The alarm wm; given by a colored main who happened to be i) at tlt holir, and si(Oon at crowd of fire tighters githlie'red anld extilnguiished the ll.meza. Thle dama,ra was Inconsider able, only sevent,ven bales being slight. ly burned onl the olit-ide. I*s, lbolut W10, covered by insuraince. The family (of Ir. F. V. Capers I fi riday last, and are now comfortabl% lomliciled in the city of Washington. Mr. W. R Capers and famlilly occupN ,he IcPall house vacitted by -his broth ar's family. Mr. NM. C. Morris has given upli hIs position as "drumier' for. Lorick & Lowrance, and will citer (te mjer:%an tile fleld here with M r. It, I'. Wicker. Morris and Wicker- hive miany friends who wish them well. A "piink tli.' wats givin by M iss Lula1 Moseley inl h 0onor of her giuests, Ni isses Fantinic Abel and Eunice Gibson, on Friday night last, and the palaciatl home of Col. u. C. Moseley was filled w ithl the beaut.y antild chivalry of the land. It was at recherche IlfTiri', and .he belles and beatux prusent vied with :tc1h other In the effort, to be sweeter aid happier th! aill the rest. Mr. B. 13 11ir, Maistrate-elect, 1hats been drawn as i grand juror for tile Jetob,,-r temu of the U. S. Court, at reeliville, wihieli convenies October 17. Pity that 11H 't 10 be the "coul't -vier," so that lie e-mld call oit, ill his amiliar- way, '-Onu-att-er-timle!"l misses l2Ssi0 and Carrie mlitchell, Jf 1 1tesbu'g, Are I rs. Alica Nitchell, it the hospitaiblu home of ir. S. 1. Bowers. Cotton is coming in freely, consider rg t.he crop short,age. It brotight I.0 )n SaturJay. Methodist church last S1indiy closed l'hursday night. l'>ach service was weltl4attenided, and eart' ful at,tention was given to the excellent, sermons :leliver'ed by lrv. Mr t. Tr'uesdale of D~olumbia, who contduiCted the servi.'ces for' Pastor A riii. Although no0 a4cces sions werec madte to the Thurchi it, is hoped01 that good has been done11. September' 10-h. PAL4Mwrri"o. HIs L.ife WVas Saved. MIr. J1 I. Lilly, aL prominientI citizAen of I[Iannia, No., lately3 b'ad a1 wontdir rulI deliveraniea fr'oI a1 figaht ful death. [o telig of It he s.ays: "'I was I aken with Typ' ~hoi Fever, that ran Iinto P'ieumion Ia. My l Uuigs beenei1 ha1rd icuned. I wats 5o weak I couldn11't 'ven SIt up In bed. Nothing helped mie. T expected to soon die of Con 4.umption, whien I heard of D)r. King's N(ew D)iscovery. One bottle gave great reelief. I continued to u'e II, and( no0w tim well and strong. I canr't say too much in Its yrdse."' Th'is mKaveliouts mied Icine1 is thesuirest an rd