'. i. At'Il ICitlTon. GOVERNOR'S FINAL WORDS TO VOTERS, f i llh.'. 'litial ;C 3 A na " O te :. 11ii 'liI131 AGAIN. 1.1Vt1lP4 - t h t, - y e a i ir*'s t i vat:. F. =-1-d.r t1i t'i t Slimtt14 -U:hpas t i S'' It I1\111141 -C 3111 1 11 tht \ f. it T . nj\ rrifw .)'h . 'i - 1Tlh i fil r 111: . :Ct u te t' ' :: t he c:It ai;_ln on thiit l: '0 i : t 0 i I'll 11 t01 lli0l'0W . It ;:t, t 'J l i nrt I lnd hundIti to tho prt.! vt -1v:ay in tht, P fia l ri'; T t I-r brin in Ch"oI lotwt') .ov. .lii \i w \ a 'it I it'I i .- * ' - aIln i '.: : q. ItN t th, M1 h ity 1 tu I K ,-t ,o(0 1 ' i . tie t- I tol st t h t ii it K I - S:O' t a t I: \ th e v: 1"n volts c -t ; (;ov. "All (if ti:c i: that l i th - dllot. h:a il d t Vo - a: \d n tary 'A wi-r thut Ki Ki r, v-i% b ( ;ov. M ')wv,ny. th:k . : . i -' txo-third, of t o h, iNj p >,*, W 'rV ' :.;ift. fi- ( lv al i cvp'n :a Argo jW'jTWr "q may }n trLm t a . ' it ,oni irl oif mlajor t "'ilt'lc f"tin t i . I: i w '011C al\ I i ll; N. -J trII. alh>wc- .. t o i :ati.\ 1hiIuI th: n t h Ir 11 11k . i Aii- I .. , han vo rm d l---ri-u 1ol: c u t1 Nflijt I t, UgIt. i'ytain thing, i o :n, u cc - agilist himn. " 'tu 'of th).. ft'eti iru at dee bl niIi'i. I i Iloy-t a l aI: nda - w 4 i :ure 1 we l to - Nni tlx on itiw i I n t Inan 1r:: ty tililell'foo'd. t gie ato ifeV sa of I k 1i a }-n - o f a n - aftr uiivuia hOadT -nf L~IHIt l Drut had wiureri " u forllationl toIthat 'l-' ' m th e it frthe tlant bos iowl elIe ina e rthe aickt o Knas- it, ofathe- friersan -hrh oOc'1t -1th a:- -- n. aefrthorud ti ils $2n -1ikt on -aeOtbr8 ii 0-nr and 0 i ted -'2t Al or te ocaio fth - oie cGrand. odg f .00 - ih lamodbe ,rr Se 17-2 - atoefaef Noo,liIe igto 2th.Ug.. Thio a w oitloeyi Ivi'ti i Iy lit' F1 IeIItIt atId MI'tihOrs of 't hiit Lodige, 1. 0.''. ' \\Vt' t I itIiI Wa I t *L l e t.f a tI;o t It I'It'S ph', ;.11t 1 1If;ti I . t i ' y 1 ') 0:1 11 . Th I Ica,in was anit ice Iint m it fo -( %-it 1 ill I t II,ter ta ilII eI1 , '.-i':. 'I I a o| tie ll els iti frielld|s 4)f 'l ;: kI | :e . 1. 0i). |-.. for tho purpo- o f ai n Illolw'y t0 fol-'vislh thot hand:-hoflln, 1'\\' 111 1 11 : I o Ilw it] 10 I ch c' 1,l'.11-:- ci4 1 I . L 1'- 10 I i. 'I 1 t ' ''It . 9 1 I 'lt e it I ' ' - 0 W I I' -lW ' l IIW 1'1 t.'\_( i' tit donle that ul tI i ot I "o I~ ~ ~ ~ I I',I. l az ltiuk Con\' m - thp('l v; vl in wa-|AV10'. ofiit (wo proIl' t' ell: \\'; , 'il' i, t\il illm),t }hopilliarl young1 Iakie.' n :. lhc ft-s" I - O w . 1 ll r:t-'t batl"o- :11- v'e w t-I'V ;kou 2 or' : l wil vol'ie \' dl o.'' t u i ' 'ot Ca llt. -.t % 11-1 It'. .c. 11 O l' (t';ioll' \\lou l c (if . n~ ~~~~1 1W, iW o ew o I rce yo l n pile 'i'' it rt i kiv t I | :l 'l- 1 ,- ( Ic The- ('In;! i i . . btW -l tet 1 'ii I -, il -iiiltt I r. In i h Il ai t i ,n t. lhiet I* ni ag I .\ t \ ;\ \ .t- T i. rl. I k : d I' : - I ; tl i h \ t - \' -II I i \ ft trit l t. few ouih tone. .\I loe \ilny atic \it %\ I I ' hu1 ( i hll ii .1 aft', lj- t-tit! t 'It -m l i l l li! r . t ti6i -A-Z itl -Ii ' i I.. r a i vouyou : om Iitlh:ri'bloof will Ifi b; : m n th ' I ' l p it:r' f ' he . ' A 11 1 I . l t I i ruoad I% Ii ilo o lls I I .\ l th gornd (tt il undvr thon suld \n -i w it , t m ini p ninge, and sprea'lers. of lie A1 Ie the Ka i-tto ii., now~~ arn! the |! t t'e tah ' (iou lvo .bo an rilti, \had wl-clt 1 dh ll( wof Te. Fory live lk' Iord- and never al>r, h ' ,'oe l 'k iC n>lwt:h his 0- 1) h10b1 sin and spravit af r. if 1t;1 - TI lilt n the > u o f ''Thev. It -N w~ ho:yI~ (It's-' to follow a h- v-, i h I ip or a %. f e hie its :IWvay' v i 'st ia ho co Iier io s ilo o I% ored fi ar", bolwy anY guard0ed r tar xti '-'.i r'311: 1iO hl"''ib il On% ole of "The" o- Li ll hn v'I'nil i heir ii I i l v I. 1al e ( il t I if ah tla :2 111104.1. I ,~ 111) ICi. 0. CM110(~ tIl il IIli1H Ill , le e I llnlo el t o he I Ilouse Of Thy. e(O11NS(IN .Ni) LA I 1.11I. Iri I i(g IC'MEnh tI -t11' Iie t 'e th(' - TwoI1~( (Sillrtanhburg Hlerald.) n1iy lyloplo siy thore is i sitr n wmbuic a to por-onall appoilr l betw eii the -ourth Districs Aly clected Jogesa,.os. 'T. Ahnn, 1ant ti' Third District's it ro!il ,lo, AshuryI-\ ( '. I ati mor. hIf them1 ela11:1i to o te h IIld miinst a 4 1t havo thoir personal we-l! -po i ica l d ilirers. 11,t tho (:]h i Iand thlt noW Coll. :-n111111 Ire lineo prouthLts of up. Initr falr-, Mr1-. Latimer from a erons evlfieldIs aud . ha.1s .n1 from 1 1.anar(e s' r-ed h1ilb= th noI largo, goild.natured, eaisy d 1-c-puhm- ini uannor, mil h_ th of . im : '-w n the:r lit- again:t I Mr. L..:jirner -i probazbly - n r a w-:l aS in of 1 1 cmme:ced r h. :ame zear. ha.' t Mr. J hnm. - I atimer La'-. Mr. Mr.an ArrMr 'J.rh two. ar Mr LaiLer. Ire to be' reckon1ed w"ith in Soiut.h THNINtiso h w.?t~1OWO A tMiticoto g rower- (If t he Sltte, which have bleen called to meiet inI this city next Wicd' iet-meday, the 12th :int ,wIll be well at Itndedl, as is~ indiented by the nlumber If letter4 that have~ been receCived hele from parties all oiver. the State' ex press ing~ their intdentioni of be inug pr'-ent. The10 wheat growerst' convention will be (lle(d to1 orIdr ait II P. mn., and the c.ot ton growers will ctonve'tne at night. Th le programmes~ of thle two conven tIOnsq wVill be arranged 1) as8 not to coin tIlet, with each other, and the final see s10na will be held on Trhursday. Th'le action of the agricul tral de partmnent as WVashbigt.on In dleciding~ to t end one of its chiefst to tho conven tion, shows with w.hat degree of im portanco this movement of the SiouthI Carolina farmners Is regarded through out the country. As the conventions are to be hold or tihe day following t,he second prlmary, many of the delegates will be0 anxions to hoar from the electIon, and the citi zens of Greenwood ere arranging to receive blu'letine from Clolumbia so that the result of the 010ection will be known In Greenwood practically as soon as theo returns ar-i received in ColumbIa. Thn Rtatn. Does the Baby Thrive If not, something must be wrong with its food. If the mother's milk doesn't nour ish it, she needs SCOTT'S EMULSION. It supplies the elements of fat required for the baby. If baby is not nourished by its artificial food, then it requires Scott's Emulsion Half a teaspoonful three or four times a day in its bottle will have the desired effect. It seems to have a magical effect upon babies and children. A fifty-cent botfle will prove the truth * of our statements. Should be taken Ia summer as well as iinter. SCI' I , Bo44 W NU. Cicwi., New Yoi k. Bottlo1f SoaaR WatPer Made of pure Artesian Water and very best Syrup and Extracts. An eXcllent and i(refshing stn;mer ldink, mo t ciairefilly I it) up by The l h vral-n tged t( .ell direot to .famul ilis in cas.s of tw tl z Il bottleb at 5. p1r ease--bottles to bo retIu1fenId to file. L o .t' a-'a sarsaparilla, Gin) 'et, and .trawbery ai-lrted ill Case, or, (:nIL 1L1tvor II deil . ) Pders Pho 1n i 1o No,-. 249 andl 71 will reC(IiVe pro11011pt attenitionl. (;ve it a1 trial amid be coinvinced of its excellewC e. 75c. per Case of 2 Doz. S. B. Jo"NEkS. MEJCHANT TAILORS SPRING STYLES Hii ar'rie. Th em C brace the lates-t FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Wihw wil make at ih01era~te - Prices! FIT- ANDl - W0{ORA{IIIP BA PVXPLES., SCOTT & CLSON, OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE WVOME'SWMIAUl The prettiest cr eatures in the line of are~ heCre nOW. We desire to adus stocIk and1( 1h4ve marked( prices dlown to very low figures. These wraIppers are made4l of line qIuaility eCreali) in tssort.ed paltterns. rate wisL lining. Value for' almos4)t I wlee t,hese pr1ices---70e., 900., $1.20 anid $1.45. A nd beaut-iful line Jid les' Walsts in wvhit andl( colore'd 141awns andui Per' eale4s and4( colored andl( hin<,k silks at pece that1 will please andl( surprise you3. Many pretty reaIdy-m4ide ginrmonts4 for laldie', 1ii WhIe Msl Ink-, (ihrset (1overs, Gbowns, Skirts, &c. IWill be p)leased to show you. You1rs t ruly, IS. J. WOOTEN. ANNOUNCEMENTS. For House of Represen tatives. [l l". A It I'llI lK I il1ilt I - 11 J11< i1% bytannontiu ais at vandidaite ro M t I I I fIItvI'1) 14 t -:,I - 11( 1 % t- itI ( I t.e Ilhu'ise' of Iit'r iwn'ative'-, anid I I h l,t-d ,ito ablidth e it r-sulIt of thet Denl OVrativ im I I ry cle ltonl. ) 1,. 8( '1 Ni' PE it IS II VltEB - at ioilt.d 1s Ia en1lditIaLIC f Ithq ' , lluseo f t, R el. a iv s Itild wtil ablidv thw rec"ult, of thet I',-imary-3 vlect,101r For Clerk of Court. I II ElIWIY ANNOiJNCE MYI-'I,l a Cand'itate for Cleik of the Cour for NwhryCounty,'S.C.,bsubjectUt tie action of the Dteotratlc primary lIesilvel full y, .INO. C. GOGGANS. '.A. IIIIL IS iUEI!BY AN teouncd as at Candidate fo tI.Ik 4f Coirlt. of the cointV, am pl d,-vd to abite the result of the Dem eO -1 tic primailtry election. For County Supervisor I EllEll1Y ANNOUNCE MYSEJLI a candidate fo' the ollce of Count.N prv iutir nd pledge myself to )bid( the Isilt o the Deioeratie pri:-nary. JNo. M.F SCHlUMPERZT. J W. VATTS IS H EREMY NOM e 9 iiated 'i tCand11idate0 for the olliec 41 Conty Stiprivisor, iind will abidt: ti re.-ult of the Democratic primar For Supt of Education i' SI )NIKY WHIIEfE I'E' IS HERE b abny tnoiunced its a anldidate fot miounty Superintendnt, of Education suibject to the Denocrat.ic priuary. III-:111-:1Y ANNOUNCE MYSPILY it candit'ate for the ollico of Count.y 1upewriitenldtll, of Vducation, and pledge myself to abide result of Demo cratic primary. EUGENE 8. WERTS. For County Treasurer. HE tiiVAIV ANNOUNCE MYSELF as a candidate for Treasurer of New. herry ('oun tiy and pledge myself to abide the re-zuilt of the Democratic priaiftry election. JOHN L. EPPS. NEJ, 13. WHEELER IS HERE by nominated as a Ctnldidate for Treauirer of Newberry County and i, pledged to abide the result, of tha Democritic primary Election. VOTERS. For Master. It V. G. PI'ETRSON IS A CAN. . . didate for Master-and will abide by decision of the primary. I I1lEI Y ANNOUNCED MYSEL as a candidate for the office of "Ilster of Newbe'rry County, subject tc the Democratic pritmary. 11. I. RIKARD. For Sub Supervisor. I IEUEBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF as a candidate for Sub Supervisor 1f public highways, subject to Deuo L-ra;e primary. W. P-. COUNTS. I iIlliEAlY ANNOUNCE MYSELF as a ct andidate for Stb-Supervisor r County Commissoner of Newberry Liunty, subject to the Democratic pri mar'y ciection. J. Y. FLOYD. I lICEIY A NNOUNCE MYSELLP Sa-' a canid ate for Sub-Supervisor 0r I :outi y C''mlmiSsalone'r for Newberry Couimry. Subject to the rules of Demo LeratieC I'rimlarp). HENJAMIN I[ALFaena,. G1EO) W SWITTENBERG IS H ERE. byJrj atnnouneced as a candidate for MSuSJpervisor or County Commis sOionr, and is pledged to abide the re slIlt of the Democratic primary elc For Magistrate. G M. SINGLEY IS IIEREB3Y AN *nrouinced as aL candidate for Magis tuate in No. 10 TIownship, subject to Coe rules and regulations of the Demo eratic party. 2t For Mayor. I IIEREBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF~ as a canldida4te for Mayor of New berry, and pledge myself to abide the result of the Democratic primary. JNO. W. EARIIARDT. IT A~ FF'OIUDS US GR EA T PLEAS ure, in conu'ider'at ion of h is Iimpar 'al, j 1st, honorable administration 'end ever true and faithful service r'en dIered( to tbe town of Newberry, S. C., to numinlate Hon. 0. 13. Hafyer as a cand id ate for miayor of New berry, S. C., in the coming plrimlary election. Many Citiz,ens. STA l'E 01" FOUTH CA RO[LINA, COU NTIY OF~ N EWIBERRY-IN CO.\.\ON P'LEAS. .J. P'. Bc -:ers, et. ual., PlaintitT, vs. Prosperity Cotton Alills, Defendant. All amnd singtular the creditors of t,be tProspu r'ity' Cot.n Mills be and they are herehy required to render In and estabIlish) before me their claims and udemands on or befor'o September 15th, 1000, and all cr'editors are enjoined'and rest rined from prosecuting thoh claims or de mands elsewhere than ir this action. W. D. H A RDY, M aster. Master's O11cc, August 3rd, 1900O. -T HE Nationi~ BMl of NewIjrry, 8 ( (ESTABLI8HED IN 187!.) Capital----- -- --$150,00.0( Surplus and Profits - 96,865.8f General banking business t ransactei with prompt,ness. Speial attention t< collec.tions. Correspondonce solicited, Savings Department. Decposits allowed interest at the ratt of 41 11cr cent, per annum from (late o1 deoposit. Interest payable January 1st and July 1st of each year. M. A. CAaLIsra., Prest. TI. R. D)UNCAN, (Jashler. .1 W. M. SIMMONS, Asst. C'r. . The Newberry Hardware Company would call attention of the publi< to the fact that they have bought out 1F'. A. Schumport., Agt., ai r that th0) will c01(ict the businlesih 8 it the old stand, and will aliway have on han(l.at tho lowest pritvs, Agricultural implomontH of n1l kinds, PlOWS, Plow Stcols, Trace (olails, Haliesi F0(s,.811ovels 8ild Spades And everything needed on the farm Harness Made to Order. Re pairing neatly and promptly lone, ' We also carry a largo line of SAl)DLEl?Y and 1AItN.'1SS, BIt iDLES, COLLARS, COLLAl PADS, and in fact, everything found in'a well assorted Stock. F. A. Schumpert, Manager., OF Chiese and Japailese Mattings, Lace Cur tains, Tapestry Por tiers, Art Squares, Smyrna Rugs, Japa nese Screens, Bamboo Porch Shades, Exten sion Awnings for doors and windows of homes, Window Shades made to order for stores and residences, Carpets of every description for Churches and Society Halls, Gocoa and Na pier and North West ern Grass Mattings at the very lowest prices. JONES' Carpet Store, 15:39 Main Street, Columbia Hotl Block It wk Columbja, S. C. 3mn. HICYC[EIRPAIRING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IN FIRlST-CLSS STUR -AND 4FNWORI AlNS II II+* Bicycle fixtures of all kinds and bicycle sun dries always on hand. SWHEN Your- wheel needs repairing give us a call. We also al ways keel) in stock the BEST WHEELS on the market for sale. See our WVheels. J. W. WHITE. MAIN S'r IjG.r - - N.~IiIR.~ Without an Office one can do somne business, but wit hout STATIONERY AND OFFICE SUPPLIES it is impossible to record transactions or carry on a business corres4pondence. Not in this city or In any other with in a radius of many milee, can such a stock as ours be found. It, Is comn i)lOte, and contains everytblug neces sary for the oflice. bor prices or quality cannot be dun. lhcated. W. G. MAYES' Book Store. Stockholders' etg EURtSUANT TJO A ~iOJTO Lof the Board J)lr. tr ofUTON (lenn, Lowery M the S ofth pany, a metno" 0S said Copn herebv c at oflice of C., N. & tE. h O in Newberry, S. 0., o0!) September, '1900, ut 0 b p)urpOo of authorhzing aaB'c capital stod~k to 'flye hundredtwuan dollars, the increase to be'Isd preferred stock, with a' erferowtr j dividends,and on fiaal lfildatida ~. der suolf ermiud dn Ition it tsh. said meetlng insdtrect STATEMENT Of the Condition'of The Com mercial Bank of Newberry, S. C., atthe Close of Busi ness June 30th, 1900. Published in Conformity With An Act of the General Assembiv. It ESO U CIS. Notes Discounted ., - . . $151,270 1 Safe and other 1.ixtures . . 2,311 45 W venue 11taml Aect . . . . 52 2 Overdrafts, Fecured and uu. ecured -' (182 60 Cash on lland and in Bank 15,997 91 $173,314 01 1,11A111bATIIES, Capital Stock . . . - . . . $ 50,000 00 Dividends unpaid . . . . .. 2135 00 Notes lte-Dhcountcd . . . . 25000 00 Undivided Proflts -.-.-.-..8,875 35 l)eposits: In .anks . . $ 390 55 Individual . 88,777 71-$ 89,174 2(s $173,314 o i Personally appeallred beforo me Z. v. Wrijht, Cashier of the above named Blank. who swears that the above state ment is Cor1eCt, to the Oes,of his knowl edge and [elief. Z. 10. WRIGIHT, Cashier. Sworn to before in this 3rd day of Ju!y, 1900. M. L. 21'EA ItAAN, [ ,.] N. P. for S. C. Attest: F. Z. rIL.SON. ('Eo. W.~ SUMMER. L1. W. FLOY. A Prize Offered At Reeder's Pharmacy. Everybody invited to Join the Fascinating Contest. Reeder's Pharmacy Offers a Prize Valued at Five Dollars to the Lady Receiving the Highest Number of Votes. READ THE PARTICULARS. Beginnint Monday, July 2nd, over y body will be allowed to vote with each glass of Soda Wat.cr or other deliclis summler drinks dispensed at our foun Thi is i a free open contest, and ev erybody will be permitted to vote early and often-the oftenor the h.et ter-for any fair friend whom they wish to win. All votes must be cast for some lady in Newberry County, and the lady winning the prize will be allowed to sclet somc article of her own faney, any'where in the United States, valued at Five Dollars. V01 Ofice for air citro muchi Yon Friends in this fascinating contest. At Reeder's Pharmacys Contest will close October Ist. I am now prepared to supply the pub lic with all the Ice they may demand for the summer. My wagons willl be put on to-day. Any one wanting Ice from wagon illi please notify me at once. This will assist me greatly in making out route for wagon. Please get ticketsa and do not aisk the driver to charge anything. Ice wvill be sold strictly for cash. I solicit your p)atronage, assuring you the best possible service. Very truly, .9 FURmRAN UNIV' -h~ Qreenvile * RSITY Thelnxt sessrion opes4 S. C. eptember, 19100. F1u2thf 'as otact Ion, leading ye on the26ho 1. A., and M. A , Is i and thorough in p)rivat6 families . ' the de'grees of hall excellent fare Ired. Boarding e:pense.8 Corres- mnoderat(); in mess Apitions for. may behad at le should not be 'Onldmnce solIcited. )ariculars app Places In the mesa A. 'efrred. For further A.i. y to the President. C- MONAOU, L. D r'ege Of Charleston .CHARLESTON,8. C. Founded in 1785. INXxT SE~ssroN OPENs OcTv. 1, 1000. J3oard In the Colleg Do 'toy in cludIng furnIshed1 roomgitor, can. he obtained at $*0ioo a nth light,a *'10 per session paal mont. Tutaon, ments.* One obl lai twovina..o ltionm I assIne o Nrberregivi ro County S1upoe ppineibyth and the Judernnent of Education datgseor f i robato. All candi. 'o.)~ 'pysj~ equpped ohemni [a,~ bilogiai aboraito. .~aQ;obt~~ Wbi~r of 4,000 vol. tof tur a