The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, August 21, 1900, Image 3

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Knights of Pythias, Newberry Lodge No. 75. S T AT.E 1) CON \'NTIONS OF tils [ will ko hield tho 2nd aid -it Tuesa(liy nig) 14 of each monti a t7.30. Visitilng Knight-i vorldially velcomled. TIIO. 1-. i1'l N (, .s o 4f R. And S. Clotwell Hotel Buildi'11. NEWEiMMIT MhAR(KET. Corrected every Tiusday and Friday by .Sunmer Hros. Meat...................... 'iA(e@83. Sh oulders ........................... 7c. H aml";.................................. 12() 1.10. Best Lard ............... .......... iIl0c. Best Molasses, uew crop...... ~00C. Good Molasses..................... 25(( 5Oc. Corn .---------........................ 700. MUal ...... .................... 70c. H 1 a ................ . . .............. . 9oe. W heat Bran........................ $1.15. I st P latenl t Flour.................. $5.00. 2nd llest Flour.................... $4.10. Strait Plour........................ $4.25. Good Ord inary Flour. .........$3.50(4-1.00. Sugart ........................ ......... (q)(a'o .7c. RjceI .................................... 5fa81c. Coico................................ 10(i)15C. Cotton seed incal, per sack... $1.15. Bale Hulls, por Cwt............. 35C. Country .'roduce, Butter, per lb ..................... 15(a)20c. Eggs, per dozen ............ 9(,(;Oc. Chickens, each................... 15tt25c. Peas, per bushel....... ......... ~ c. Corn, per oasbl6................ Oc. Oats, per bushol................ 35(q)40c. Sweet potatows .................... 60(a) 7 5 . Tur11keys, per tb .................. 6(a) 8 c. Fode er, per cwt ................. 5(i90c. 10eir b)e4lue, I will give a first class barbecue in the vacant lot nlext t Mrs. Spehl's Bakery on the 25th A ugust, IM'9). IJF:o. A. LoNC. We gun'antpe Sati Act lon or. money reifumed at the Up-ti-d ate Steain Laui dry. t&f tf Texas Cleaning Umpotund that we manufacture is the inest article for cleaning grease spooi from clothilng, and also cleans glat;. We sell it, at 25c. at bottle or give i bottle free to our patrons when they reuitrn to us three dollart' worth of laiulry listo. t&f tf Up-to date s.teiaim1 l1ulndry. Save the lists ot .nr latindiry paek ages and when Oh.e. amount. to $3 00 send them in and w ivill furtilsh you free one bottle of i. fluest. cleaniiig coimpouid ever inve d. t&f t Up-to-dla( :4 cam Laidry.. We have our cut plant, operated by power, and we arei pleased to show the public arouid ia, any time. t&C if Up-to-dat(. Steam IIuiidr.y. QueAtions %wswercd. Yes, August Flower still hus the arg et sale of any medicise in t.he civilized world. Your mother.. aid grandmoth ers never thought of usihg anything else for indigestion or Iil iousiess. Doc tos were scarce, and t hey seldom beard of appendicitis, nervous prostration or heart fallure, etc. The'y used August Flower to clean the s.slom and stop fer mentation of undigetted food, regulate the netion of the liver, stimulate the nervous iand organic action of the sys tem, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need a fewv doses of Green's Argst, Flower, ini li quid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. For-sale by W. E. Pelhamn. V'anlale Laini. for Sale 141 acres four miles wiest, of Newher' ry' In No. 61 Township. good water, good buildings. Sold for ni vision. Apply to A. G. Wilson, Newberary, S. C. t2m Comn,g. A. K. lI awkes, t he famuous Atlant .Optician, direct from tbe home ollice of this great OIpticial [louse, or one of his practical Opticins, will remain at the store of his agent W. E. Pelham fhr .3 days only, beginnli z A ug. 20t h. Tis will give the citizen,s of Newberr'y anci vicinity a rare op)pt1 tunit,y of having their eyesight testedl FlElt by one of the most renowned as wvell as reliable 'Opticians In tihe United States. Call early' as he will positively remnain ibut three days, as het has other engage iments for later dates. CAUTION: 'These famous glasses are never peCdd led. HIow'as 'This? We otYor One lhmduredl follarm Roward for any case of Catarrha that, can not be cured by Halt's gatarrh Cure. F. J. CHEINEY & CO.,l'rops,Toledo,O. -We the u)ndersignedl have known 1'. .'Che. noy for the last 15 years, and believe lhim perfectly honorable in all business transge fios nd ancIally ale so carry Out any oblIgations mande by Itheir firm. 'WEST&TRUA x.W~holo.ntleDrug~glets.Tole<~io 0. WALDINO, KINNAN & MtAIeyN, Wholesale DruggIsts, Toledo. Chito. hiattPa Catarrh Cure i.s takeni Internally, act~ ing directly upon01 the lood and1( mucou ICIsuri faces of the systoem. l'rleo 75c. por bottle kold by all Druggisuts. Testlimonlals fr e. Hal's Family P llis are~ the best. Teacher Wantedhl The patrons of School DI)strict No. 18 (O'Neali) wIll meet at the schoolhou~se on Saturday, August 25tb, at 4 p. in., for the purpose of electIng a teacher First, grade teacher, with experience, wantedi. Salary $30.00. erme. 6 or ? .months. Applications made to JT. iB. MILLS, P-. W. SHIEALY, 3. 5. IIAnMON Prosperity, 8. 0. COUNTY OAMPAIGN. *ro Open at PYomarla A uigi.Rt lih, and1( (lose at Newvberry Au,go,st 25th-CandI dtates DIust F"IIo Pledge by August oth. 'The following is the schedule of the coounty campaign as arranged at thc trecent meeting of the Executive Comn amitteo. COU'NTY CAMPAIGN SOHEIDULE. No. 5-Spearmnan's Spring, Tuesday *August 21. No. 4-Whitmire's, Wednesday, Au gust. 22. No. 3-Mt. Pleasaunt, Thursday, Au ,gust 23. No. 2-T. WV. Keltt's, FrIday, Aug. 24 No. 1-Newberry, Satur day, Aug. 26 No. 1-West End, Saturday aight 4August 25. VAIIOUS AND ALL ABIOUT. (otton is going rapidly. Only one woek unt,il the primary. Sunday iglit miust have 1)"eII the warmest of (he season. Miss 1Aizzie Copeland is spending a few weeks in J Henderson vilie. Mr. L. W. Biailey, of Columbia spent Sunday in the city with friends. AIr. Lewis iland spent. Sunday in the city with his family at Mr. \W. It. Iats'. Capt. W. S. Langford retui'nded S_t urday from tv two weeks rest at I fender sonville. Herveral Coluinbians are expected up today to attend Diubau's cut at Spear mall's spring. A blind uegro with ai accordeon at tractecd niuch attention on the public square yesterday aft,ernoon. A largo number from (own are at tending the C_lnpaignl eetig at Spearman's spring today. MI. E. A. (urlisle returned yesterday from Dendersonville where he was a guest of "The Wheeler." Alv. and Mrs. W. 11. i)rallin and two children, and Mr. Drallin's sister, Miss Nettili, a.e vishit at Mr.C. U'. Boyd's. Mrv. Tom Smith, of Atlanta, arrived in the city SaLturday and will spend a few days visiting relatives and friends in town and county. Mr. Joseph Mann has returned from the Northern market where he made a personal selection of choice goods for tbo fall trade. Ms. Paul Johnstone, accompanied by her sister, Miss M a y Riser, leaves to-day for New York to make her fall selections for the Riesr M illinery. She will return. by laltknore. The election nai.age rs can call and get the boxes. They are ready to be de livered to them. The managers will find the boxes at .1. W. Whites store on main street. The ladies of the O'Neall Street Methodist church will serve refresh tuents on the ground11ls where the speak ing will take place 8at,urday night, in the grovesurrounditig Mv. L. AW. Fatnt's residence. Com14e out a id hlp on a good cause. The machinery has all arrived and is being p1lLced in position and work will commence at the Shuttle and Handle Factory in a day orI t wo. 8everal car loads of material hus also been re,ceivc-J. Notes fromn Walton. Miss Minnie Suber, of Steother, has been vi:iting her sister, Mrs. Clarence I lentz. Ir. Ba.hman Glymph, formerly of this counui y, but now o! A nderson, has been visiting his relatives around Walton. lie is accompanied with his two grown daughters. Rtev. W. H1. A rail filled his appoint ment at New Hopc Sunday afternoon, ard spent the nilght with Mr. J. 1). Crooks. Messrs. G. 1. Sligh, James Wood ( and James Crooks, of Newberry, are viit ng arotund th i week, and attended Protracted services at Mt. P'leasat church. M iss IAda Ji.mes, of Buck head, Fair field County, is visiting at Mr. J. D). C rooks'. Nirs. Angie Ciald well and Mrs. GI. it. Caldwell are visiting friends and rela tives near' Walton. Ifev. J. JT. Long, p)astor of St. Mat thews church, will hold comumuuion services the 3rd Sunday Ia Aug., and probably cont'nue the meeting two days longer, two sermons each day. 1tev. Armstor'ng, of Ncwberr'y, will as sist, Mr. Long. A friend has two scholarships in the Gau.-Ala. College, of 31acon Ga., worth $17.50 each; and are trans ferable to any perison In this County. The owner will dispose of them at 50 por' cent discount. Any one wIshing to buy them, w'll please apply to the Herald and News. X, 'Z. Y. Aug. 18, 1900. One fare for the round trIp by the Seaboard Air Line Railway, to the un veiling of the Statue of Vance, at Raleigh, August 22nd. Uard of Timnzkte. I desire to take tiHs method of thank ing my neighbor's and frIends who showed so many kind nesses to me and mine during the recent Illness of our little one, and can assure them that such kindness can only be appreciated by those who have shnilar trIals. I shall ever hold them as my dearest friends, and may the heavy hand of afllection never fall to their lot. Mrz. and Mr's. J. A D)ominlck. Tickets on sale August 21st-22nd, good untIl August 25th, InclusIve, to the unveiling of the Statue of Vance. at RaleIgh, August 22nd. Teachzer Wnnted. The patrons of Ocutral Academy will hold a meeting on September 1i, 1900, for the purpose of electing a teacher. Salary $30 per month. Applecational must ho sent to the undersigned al. pg. muaria S. (1. - J. D. Shcaly. W. S. Seybt. WV. B. K:bler. A P'owder' Mll1 Explosion Removes everything in sight; so do drastic minerl pills, but both ate mighty dangerous. Don't. dynamite the delicate machinery or 'our body with calomel, croton oil or aloes piills, when D)r. King's New Life Pills, which are a summer breeze,, do the work pae"(ectly. (ures IHeadache, Con stipat ion. Only 250. at all drug stores. '7h i nir or ir. T. F. 111atrallonk Ittri,t(I EkrlY sadltiy Mortilti:--A Live Wir Ris 0,kil of M, Falithfri Coloredl Firemeni. TOP Oiti,'i'nS Vf (0-ur' city wCre awak. 1nedI atl.n W'clovck Su1nday11 mlorning" by tl" sottlig of I he Ireaded lim Thie lir vroved to i- the hatn anll oarria-re house of AI v. Thos. V'. I Iat - moln, of Ward -1, whiebl wazs totally de sti o7 %1. The barn continled a lot of efittonl seed hIIs ar UIeal, tnld unde tihe sheis were a caiat-ge, huggy, stilky and hartless whiih wer till dcstroyed, also two civea uer hi:led ti in their stall. M r.I min11ol euti mates h is lozss at beC tweell SIOn and Ii.A0. No il.n-uranev. The (i re d epartimllent I es po1e(1 vd proiptly and did good work in Irie veniting the nevar by buildivo,- from ig nit ing Ilenry JLoh.akin, colored, it member of the Aeti L"'t Teilam, imt his death at this fire in a ralte peirliar imanier. One of t he electrie light polIes wits righ t at the fire and the wire was intted in two anld fell to the ground, l lenry be eame entan gl'ed with the wire and was killed by the Current before lie Could bd extricated. lie was cilled in less than two inillutes' time. Several members of his company rc ceived shocks inl attempting to extri Cate him from the live wire. ie was buried Sundtiy afternoon by his firemienl. 11enry was a faithful fire man (and mtlet his death like a hero, leading his company on to (dut.y. Vlolcanicerpios Are grand, but Skin Er'uptions rob lift of Joy. Bucklen's Arnical Salve, Cures them; also Old, tuniniig and Fever Hores, Ulcers, Boils, Felon, ( 'orns, Varts, Cuts, Bruises, Birins, Scalds, Chapped lands, Chilblaiis. Best. Pile cure on earth. Drives out Pains and Aches. Only 25c ts. ii box. Cure guaranteed. iSold by till Druggists. We have out- new machineivy in op. e'ation aitul are bette' prepared to tllrn out line work than ever before. tsf tf Up-to-date Steam Laundry. A NEW M SI'ENSE R. Mr. J. J. M"yer, or No. ), lI in Stiv''e' 3 Mr. et L EptliZf i 01n41111ay D ce tr-- r T . .l'e -ry Rie-14elf( c IN (Avlotk. The election or a Coity dispenseri occurred on SAturday, alid lie itev board has put in a new ivan. Mr. J. J. Maycr has been chose.i to fill ithe position fot' the next. ye:-r be ginning on Septeiber 1st. Mr. Mlaver has served the county as it member' of the county board for four years and is familiar with the business and will doubtless make it good 01spenser. Ir. T. B. Perry was re-elected clerk. Mr. Perry has held th;i position for some .ime and has givcn perfect satis faction. lie is polite and obliging and attentive to business and makes a good cler'k. Mr. Epting has been dispenser for only one year, and un ader his su per vision Ihe ses at the d' SpenisarIy has atuoiun~ited to considerabIly more than any preCvious year'-so miuch so that the State Board had notillied him only a few datys previous to his defe~al, that the salary had be'en raised fr'om $ai to $75 per month, and t hat of the cler'k ft $30 to i240. ft does look a little hard, that as a result cf his work a raise of salar'y was juistified and anothler is to reap t,he benefit of the incirease. Death, of Mr. P'rocutr Toil. Mrlt. Pr'ioctor 'Tod(d, w.ho has been a it'en of this city for' severail yearis andi rotr a long time coninected wvith the men cantile interests (of the city, died at hiis residence on Sturday morin g, aft,er' an illncss of only a few hout's. IIe leaves a wiife and one chiIld and a large circele of relatives and fe'iends. Ilis re mains were buried Suday afterncon at Rosemont (5emetery. A Scholarsipt1.. A ny one wishing to take a business course should cadl at this ofhice and con sult uts. We know of two scholarships in the Georgia-Alabama B3usines (Col loge, now in this county, which can be obtainaed at a reasonable prtice. I th a bargain. Thme Camnpaigun Meetinig Saturdaiy Night. The county campaign meeting to be hold Saturday evening In WVest End in or'der to give the mill operatives an op portunity to hear the candidates ad dIress the people on the issues of the daty, wIll be held in the beautiful grove fr'onting Mrs. F. W, Fant's r'esidentce. Everybody should turn out, and help to increaise the crowd. 'VThe ladies wvill serve ice cream, etc., the proceeds of the sales to go to tho O'Neall Strecet church. T1he occasion will be made a pleasant onie. Laow rates to the unveiling of the Vance Monument at, Ihleigh, August 22nd., by the Seaboar.l Air LIne Rail way. lts Life WVas Saved. Mtr. J. E. Lilily, a prominent citizsen of Ifannibai, Mo., latlely iiad a wonder futl delverane fromt a frightful dleathi. In telling of it ho Hays: "I was taken with Typhoid Fever, that ran into Ptteumonia. My lungs became hard (Jened. I was ato wenik [ couldn't even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon dlie of Con sutmption, when I beard of D)r. King's Now DiEcovery. One bottle gave great reelief. I continued to use it, and now am well and stronig. I can't say teoo much in its pralse.'' This marvellous medicine is the surest and quickest eure ln the world for all Throat and L': ng Trouble. Regular sizes 50 cenits and $1.00. Trti bottles free at all Drug Mtoras; overy bottle guaranteed, Jiu Sor', i..4 l i f. l00. a b x tak lidel m (ine )ug Store. t t f SA-oll's ""l:1it .htr.zi and liubber.-, low. cast enth prica, atGhr ' Corner " Im ner I l ug - .. V:uitdv'- :V I 1VOKYr n! IOve. t cash prick S aL %;il h ' t ie r 1I )v 'g ;n-r. m f Wov keqi V V:0 lIt Ilr i lt d ItIh' freisIest lI : : (; ': Iner 1)rug Store. f& r f. Plor good ( ', tac T'aco goI to (;illde."'s (o -::s :-Ileg S. '. f&t tf TurnilpHe :" o- . l: r , and thle belta1. hers (. ne )u stor. f&t tf Nev lot of New !-:!:lunI Watt s just in. Come in ald we u!-. t ti i)aa .l& k Co. Mother.lI ndor f(u i !. I* 4*.,iren lilo- it, old folks . i I. \\ re . -c 1'. M i "t.e ( omgh :'ml-c. I I n, il e1k ily cutc. aill throatatit lun nb 1 at111 ; eis 2.000 pmol 11 :wt' x, em to be in l a'igh at I 1 :fv.: I ;f t Stat'. of \ance, \ 't -2.i b th ieQa L->ard Air Ll.n kai;%way. Unveililj. W 1a e 1' w of Vance. "l t Tart,- I Icel Tr -ib n I o Iv(f th I l 'Ipe," at Ualcigl, .\Iugui41 :'2nol. Taku tih Sea loard Ai1 kilw I"ailwa.v. One cent pr le 111 I- ;Mlill ary Com palies in lniifa!: I w tllty or Ilnrte on. one t2eket, to the nvilimHn of IE \'UnPo Statue at la i.h. .\ittgunt 22 d., by tho Seaboard .iir Line ltailwa:. See your Agunt for low -acs to uliveiling of thl \alce N'onumfent Ialeigh, Atiaust 22nd., by 1 ho Hvah) mi Air Line ivil-way. 11mbeav ie at Mt. Ple:tma:iI. A Itbrbecic will be I ' iVven at M1. P'leasant oti iext Th-sday : 2:;d, (!Lita - paign day fro that tOwnship, for the benecit of 311. I'leasant .dWthodist churcl---the pv(ace((S I'.l go low:n'ds aiiting the church buildiug. A arge rowd should he pr-entI. 'ill', r11 I st'i,if 41e Th(t 'lutlUsevs of Domlliln;ok fchoo!, No. 6 Township, w%ill receuivi! appliva tion.5 for i tefteher !ol :aid whlol Ilnitil S ptetber 1 . .\plban w.Ill - i lh thet,I 1 plienlions wV:h ohe - t the uIldorsigild b)y ti-b .a Ite. M.Q.Cau .Nwhry . T. MInId ek , Ib cilndcnce. T . Ith t. %V t t 0. Tile Stlk ioi ci :t s of S c hb1 l listrict0. qjI Va h" . will m' it NALUr-day,NP W *zl!. -O'ovc or- the pIli I e! I-( I tca hc.f Mss I\,-o'c . i o ) V w '1, B. M. o that1 11"I Collil NiCe11111011. ? Tr os t he. IIClIn 'lil:gI.. Will n Ch l SptemiI ert i'jnst 10 Mh uics om in cenprl mary of taon. TUrLit-ls, 92or otr prb ic andstak. th ii h iders'l tienc1tig. iatr t 'to t cdr otf11'.''w t0 he "N-i wberryeie Ait.Sa.ce tt Warose Ctompany" wil'lh boxet te atr. pJit on Whit,s lay, AOuus ain,190 att'c it. ocok .m ,t. l nos hta comeh befor JIIOhe. JI' o i. T.o I. lov. ly i.n fare t'Tti 11 ten pCiet' woil Matayra. totte ltht he has' .hel. Ioxe alt pre pared (015( and ioad to Ic hivere t'oI)0 he manao s lie l hat it18s eod a copytcof cont anlax o be~ taken byo i te man-11 a112rs. Oedanager t can wol o beg foa brigistrae or11 ntary pul -I yc an take-ol !t,he oh an ht canl thnminister git loo 11.he otri 'lhe pols will b ope-n-d (ao I Oly a -1t p. m. The boxes ar tJ . ht' tor('on W i te et.F rntr Noin ight tolinews. r forming teprwl Stoy ve &iecu, keep herh ornith I-i HekUccLTadOL undwn sh wRll Williamosn Orial. ISt he. hascontiatin r kdny toubs,he .f 3 & .~ i 'utI (i o d-r, cl-:ill I iii T c;I I ZT I II ilin n kyI1 i l bi .:' lale . , l cat - oh ol M T Oile u !tm ro oo di . vm,:l: u i e l w:ll b y n. ,D IS i 'Cl . wAlIII hee P ,1 ojld bY all :t lit in .ler:: 2 '> lA. of Hilp.Cor4dition of Ttie 60m raercial SakiN. ofNe ry 11. C., aih( 8IoA Of BUSi ness JIme 3 0th, 190C. PlubIisherid in C9n milyI With An Acf:of the General 1.,1 .\ I.'I'1 I N tt : lli -rounted . . . . .. :*1;,1.27 0 .,)I 4afevaild withe V-i:<tm z 2re3 :,11 15 iv cn 'Stalip aiAct . . . . . (tI ve f S,elured and unl I nied . . .Ll . .. . . . m.:, L'ash mn Hand and it; ht:k I5I" 0I $17:1,1 1 . 6 I '~' . I 1 I I cI I ifol 'T 1 ~ ' I la who .l l~ctt li aTi n l-: iv si.c Iapi tal S tock . . . . . . . h01.000 (0 Dividends unpaid . . . . . *',) 0 Notcs e-Dise .ited .11.). . 00 ("ndivided ProM-.s . . . . . 8, 875 ;;5 I .I i, . . (2. In irihl A. .i. x .i 7 ' iii 9171 $ 17.1l 2i A.appuard before mi! Z. P. ' h Ca-hlierio(f tle above Ilaild 1"alhi . Who swear's thtteaoesa !I n.u is cm-rrwIt. to the! best of his kniowl tie and hCli Vf. P.l. W\\IZIG11I"T. ('a hier. imwit n1 to Iefore r:w It is :ird dhy oif dj utly, 1900. 11.~ S P. I-A It \1i. N. 11. S. 'N. I' for S.C. 1-. Z. \ II .S I N. ) i W . l li i l . A. K.HAWKES Tihe FAmous A1lanta OptCician i r \ N1,-u u: u: ,I~~Ic t hY . !'l. it 1 I 4OI i J(I' . , ip"c'1 wot OIl' I L 5 1' ;e pat .,I lI p jl d -i *at Iiv I ni a l t he Tior of es Cnt\. aIr tpr Nv a nd vc f : ily b.P'" 0. 410 1 11 t; hetV'1 mit v.n n e . ls e rr Y wll a 1 bi. T >p -: . i0 b, A. w ..2 -1'tnz wii, i. iAW . Alighe(1snAw.r(it D riploma of Ho lIe r inP'il the Emn illsure f ( Se tlh andiL eh ci l l'y( t 's. Sod etil in er 1,00 TI ui ST.\ o n ,i 1-:e f i I N Ie i )'; . tiI Wal, ii1 i iT Fl i,rs ll WI -: tjl DI tu andtPl i n td o g i ; issesn it i allyi brllian(I't iectcle lns Ti i n exic'(T tanle. lisActo. 1). 1WKES, Cinvent and Ja'rpe ofalleth ta illoitl tmins,but ThyPre ties, Art qurs, nsTATcre's,i B'laboo Porch. HoeSh,, E'lain- s siospri, Aw tni s .\lls Ddors Aand windula th ordtr hofmeh, W'osi.ydot M ills adtey tororer requr toresri and reidenc hfoe, Ca therets aod eeand leiion orb foreSpmbr5,, H90 aall Cciora aenjd Nand pelam r ands North wet-i ernCras MtigMast Cthiee lowestapricese Cir,Art Squres, neseMaI SIcreens,urh Banotllok Porch~ Soihae, Exten-3m Queet of S3ou,herin There is but one Glenr Equal on I Con Lli n Kidno,s, i 'o\vels and B Cuisine tnd sorviCe LI resort in i e South. For Board apply Sim P1R1CES REDUCE.D ON Ohu- ! to k ( i n 1a1d .1amner h d r in .. I- th:l m hi ma y bIe tarried 44t-r to4 anli'he !it -ason1. I Ii iI I I In I I: L 1:t ' w 1 t Ith lIIdI n1 i I do w.l I tI o inI :. t. TheI y I mId no e tIrntv d ,criplt im. ( 'all id :' the t and t,ak 3 1 1 n I t.,.k; of I redu i kd prie-,. TI' I ' Is IS m 1- II11. 1.Nxt:!, V CO. One car load of Bug gies just received; Buggies of all kinds and of the very best make. Also one car of the well-known White HickoryWagons. Call and see our Buggies and Wagons and get our prices before buy ing. We pay cash, dis count bills, and, can give you the very low est prices. SUMMERIZ BROS. WEDDi, PRESENTS VJlery J;ti I, R i ter 3 Ei hes, Cako ites, Ir P ebers, 1,41to... 1)4)3 Ivs O th a r I" I _ i lm p o li blr Crear' Ili ra, (l'riA, n ds W ao roit, lrive . 1, (irsiw, Tl g Spoons a ,d feN S0bir11ttr 'Vve, Clok olft wheieb .r go. Yors r I.'Y, DAYM .'LS & CO. T1h Nowborry 111)1-rv1a11ro '( panly wN h l ( I ati of t I' 1p1 1bl)ic to the facl t 1 the ha','Iive bought, 4)ut .:'. A. 'hurnpert, A Ky, anid at lloto Iah -m., m lill alwys kinS, iVSad aa Anrd ove'4rythIingi. noodolid onl the faruu. Harness Mado to Order. liepairing nieatlI( n promp tlyv (dono. Weo atlso carry at largo li no of SA I)DbIlI'CiRV and II A 11N 2SS, Bit l.11)L I.;S, CJOJLLA IR, C( L A. I.A [DS, and1( inl fact, o'verythingti found1 ml a1 well ass8ortedI Stock. F. A. Schiumpert, Manager. W ANT EDI IIlardi Wood of atli kinIds: ASil, Y()'O1N(1 WVilTR OAK and IUICKOlty. ForL prico1(41l( i a d o .o i f r a,o NFVIB.RY IJADLEB & 8LIUTT'LPg,:O '2 molE if 14i0n, Avt , M Iusic and IHusiness ('ou1rses collegef~ e1nrInuni y, andt the4 li,ist moral nnd1( rehIgou enl ~lvironnumt1 '. Th'Loroug h neCss, hlonl (omfristu' anid re'trinuts, in t,ilmat ZSas0(ebi( n41 with tealchers, and high religiousH tnn ar sti ront (4l! ntsf J1 A M~ ES HO l .:. !f lr idenlt, Notice to IRoad Overseers. Y OU Am I( !:R ;u Y RE~\ IQU[ID S- to put, yot: r'm ee i veV 4e t) B of roads1t in goo'i condition, and now is the t lmo to do t. IIhe law requjires bx dns ( and allI yver: 'ers 1mu-1 Al omply with then law. W\. A. 11411*4 Cou';(Anty Supervior. of0''-' 'P ' c i 44 ntf3m Wit.SokY SoUi Carolina. Summer Resorts. ". I.:?. ER! i Springs, and it has No for the Stomach, Liver, lood. I, TO OCTOBER I. nexcellec. The gayest to pson & Simpson. ('1A' 11:IVI1) IN Ir)6. Iin n ' ro e nIIt Is t sessio (n 17.1t. ( ;ori for dIeg-r-o s wN.ih 0 le.1,tives, S'd 'I INall with workin,g IaboIa tories. I I1tIih A r o 10, N-11 tvolumes. E0xperienlced tellchurs. Ilfficiolnt I l'ropIralor"y D-par ent. Tlii ill ( ollegi i pa r(' t en t $10. 11 1 Y'eI,a rato ry de parI*tmnent $20 to $30. I'v u *1;. r d 1 )0., t o $1 2..",(). Nvxl , (.-ionl beginls (Iltober. 1. I''or ( 'talogll, addre's GEO. B. CROMER, Pres., We buy second-hand Clothing and py for same in any Goods in the Store. fl. C. Williams' Old Stand. U'.ar~d Slz' S JEWELRY STORE. eine W,0t10S, IiIng, 3roaches, Studs eve ai lUlk Iluttons, Silver N%oveltivs, Sle al ae Cut Glass, Gold and Sil ver, kpuctuteles "lund TOYS&DOLLS Which wo will closo out, as we will discon11tinluo k0oping thon. IUAD 80CI0OLTZ. JEWELER AND OPTICIAN PARKER RYET 01u i .I1l/ 1 011 03B ter Its'y~ - ILYSTYLE ASK FOR IT At all Dispensaries. int hitWass \ Ihne a thmwlltl yumr than wecld nathuad od Such beut nd eceletqulty ThDaisrnt Shontaishte.d co'lred ~ wits, now,i fresh, andl s'moth and wrt atO Ieast a halfd ored w Wol havekO( forhemol at thosec. lic.tl5c cl.00,u wa.50, $., nd in silk a litotih higherct in price. ,L ai ls readly-madoc Skir ts at 250., 50c., 7~>c., and the flli'r 01ne8. Wo have reduced prIces gl'eatly oun our' entire stock. Yours truly, S. J. WOOTEN.