It hts been demon,4trated by experi ence that consumption can be prevent ed by the early 1se of Ono Ilnute Cough Curo. Tis is the favorite rem edy for coughs, .colds, croup aothina, grippe, and all throat and lung trou bles. Cares quickly. Gilder's Corner Drug Store. 'T'here will be twenty odd Methodist sci-ions on 8unday during the Houth ern Epworth lc;i%Tue Conference at Atlanta, July 25th Lo 29th. Take the Seaboard Air Line ItHallway. All Atlanta wii. welcome the Ep worth Leaguers, July 25th to 29th, by the Seaboard A ir Line Hallway. To U OAndidate"s We have been rcquested by the Treasurer of the Democratic Executive Committee to state to the candidates that they can pay their assessment to County Treasurer Boyd when it suits their convenience. lie is authorized to receipt for sie. EditmIN Awftt Plight. F' 1M. Higgings, I ltor Seneca, (['is.) News, was aliiotd for yeari with Piles that no dotor or remedy helped until he tried 3ucklen'i Arnica Salve. He writes two boxeF wholly cured him. It's lho surest Pi euro on earth and the best salvo i! the world. Guru guaranteed. Only 25 cents. Sold by all druggist. Tickets will be on sale for the South erLi Epworthi League Conference at At lanta, July 2-Ith ani 25th, good until Avgust tst., inclusive, by the Seaboard Air Line Rallway. Thero will be suariso prayer meetings at the Southern pwort h League Con ference at Atlauto July :?:ith to 29 ! Love feasts and .jubllces. Take tile Seaboard Air Line R-tilway. 1(1l iebrow.-Key. Mr. J. P. Killebrew, busineS3 mana ger of the Voice of tile ;'eople, Pros perity, and Miss Mary L,ee Key, were united in marringe at Rock 11111, on W\rednesday of this week. The lerald and News extends congratulations to the happy couple and wishes them a long life of continued happiness. The law holds both maker and circu lator of a counterfeit equ&elly guilty. 'Ihe dealer who sells you a dangerous counterfeit of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo risks your life to make a little lar-er proilt. You. cannot trust him. DeWitt's is tbe onlv genuine and origi nal Witch llazel Salv6, it well known cure for piles and all skin diseases. See that your dealer gives you I)eWitt's Salve. Gilder's Corner fiirug Store. Epwottli League ivill go to Atlanta for the Southern Conference, by the Scaboard Air Lino Railvay. The auditorium i Atlanta will seat 9,030 Epworth I.aguers. The Sea board Air Line Utlway will take them to Atlanta. The Missionary I natitute for Cokes bury Distridt will bt held In the O'Neall Street Church, Nowborry, at 10 o'clock on Wednesday, August 1st. A pro gramme has beet, arranged and will appear later. At night Dr. J. W. Daniel, of Abbeville, will address the Institute, and the pecople of Newberry on the Twentieth Century movement. 'On the following Guy the District Con ferenee will be openecd. The people of Newberry and sur raunding country 2iie cordially invited to attend all t,bese meetings. iR. A. CaII, P. E. A gentleman recently ecm:ed of dys plepsia gave tile following appropriate rendering of Burns's famous blessing: "Some have meat and cannot eat, and some have none that want it; but we have meat and we can eat-Kodol Dys pep)sla Cure be thau ked." Th'is prep)a ration will digest, what, you eati. It in stantly relieves and radically cures in digestion and alz stomrach disorder's. 'Gilder's Corner I)-g Store. Executive Conn'nittee to Meet . 'The members of the County Damuo cratic Executive Committee are hereby req uested to atttendl a meeting of said committee at the court housa at New berry, on Saturday, .July 28th, atI1l o'clock a. mn., for thu purpose of consid ering petitions for now clubs and to ap point managers for tihe primary elec tion and any other business that wIll come befaro it. Memnber4 wvill come prepared to name their managers. C. F. llovn, County Chairman. A Uooud Congh Medietuc. Many thousands have been restored to health and happiness by the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. If afilleted with any throat or lung trou ble, gIve it a trial for it is cert.ain to prove beneficial. Coughs that have resisted all other tr-eatmont for years, have yielded to this remedy and per fect health been restored. Cases that seemed hopeless, that the clImate of famous health resorts failed to benefit, have been perma'iently cuired by its use. For sale by W. E'. Pelbam, Drug gist. TIhe Seaboard Air Line Railway off'ers super-ior schedulesi for the Con fereonce of Epworth Leaguers at Atlanta July. 25th to 29tb. Invite Yone P'a,ronage. We have bough t the entIre stock of Furnitur-e andl Ho(usehold Goods of R. (. Williams, and will continue the bus iness at, his old si-nd. We Invite the -patrons of h' WIlliams to continue -their valued patronage with us, anId respectfully ask any and all others who -contemplate purtiasing furniture and household goods to call and see us. We shall apare no pains to run our busIness -on an elevated sy-stem. We will be .grateful to all who buy from us either for cash or on inal.uments. 11. i'. TODI) & Co., f-tf- Successor-s to 1R. (. WillIams. There will be a mammoth traIned chorus at the South ern Epwbrth League Conference at A tlanta, July 25th to 29th. Take the Seaboard Air Line Railway. VARIOUS AND ALL AiOUr. Se bridge to let. Court will convene on Monday. The days are gradually growing shorter. 'Tho candidates arc kept, busy attend ing the pienties and barbecues. M1r. Herndon alei, of Cokesbury, is oil at visit to relatives iII Nowborry. i. Frank M. Maybin 18 antinounced as a candidnte for Master In this issue. Mrs. M.J. ."pting, of Savannah, is visitino her mother, 'Mrs. If. P. Cline. We have been having quite a spell of hot, dry weather. Rain would do much good. Captain and Mrs. 'ugene Greneker, of Augusta, Ga., are'in the etty visiting relatives. M r. Waltur Scott, of Grand Junction, Iowa, is on a visit to his father, Mr. John Scott. The excursionists returned from Charleston early Thursday morning de lighted with their t,rip. Rev. Geo. A. Wright has been grant ed a month's vacation, and he has joined his wife at Uampobello. Mrs. W K. Sligh and children left Wednesday for Newport, P*a., to visit hfr sister, Mtrs. J. 11. Harms. Dr. W. G. 1louscal was called to I'aris hiountait \Wednesday on account of the illnest, of his little daughter. After a pleasant visit to Newberry, Miss ],u Iuknight has returned to her home neae Johnso.-Johnson Mon Itor. Mri. S. B. Jones and Mrs. Holbrook left on Wednesday for the North to visit relatives. They will spend about three weeks visiting several Northern cities. Prof. L. M. lawson, Peincipal of the Epworth [ligh School, at Oats, Dar linglon County, stopped over at New berry last Monday to visit friends, upon his ieturn from the National Educa tional Convention. J. 11. Hunter, Esq., was over on Wed nesday from Saluda in the interest of one of his cliits who is charged with murder. lie went before Judge Pope an I succeeded in haviug hlim granted b-til, in the sum of $1,000. Solicitor Thos. 8. Sease. The very highest compliment to Solicitor Sease is implied in the fact that he vill succeed himself in an Im portant ofliee without opposition. It carries wit hi it the conclusion that he has discharged his duty for four years with prompt.ness, judgment, zeal and ability. And this conclusion is em phasized in the view that his Circuit composes the great and leading county of Spartanburg with four other oi the leading counties in the State. Laurens, Newberry, Greenwood and Union. Laurens Advertiser. Tho Farmers' Inatitute. A Farmers' Institute conducted by the members of the Agricultural Dc partient of Clemqon College will be held at Pomaria, S. C , on Friday, July 27t,h, 1900. All citizens arc cordially Invited to be present. Farmers are earnestly requested to attend and take part in the discussions. Thos. W. Holloway, -W. W. Blerly, Geo. B. Aull, W. Q. Hiipp and Hf. M-. Folk, commit,tee. The occasion of the Institute will prove instructive to the farmers. Sub jects of vital imp)ortance will be dis cussed. It is hoped the attendance will be large. Exercises will commence at 10 o'clock a. m. A first c'ass barbecue will be served. P'rogam of Union Meeting. The nextUnion Meeting of the Reedy River' Baptist Association, Is to be held at the Fairview Bl,ptist church, begin ning on Friday, July 27, 1900. Sermons to be preached: On Friday, by WV. 5 B3. [Ford; on Saturday, by TI. J. M ellard; on Sunday, by M. W. Rfankin. SUB/JECTS FOR DISOUUSION. 1. Characteisties of the first New Tdstamnent Cburch.-E. H. Longshore anud J. W. Bllanton. 2. The Need of Methods in raising funds for the Lord's Work.--T. Daniel s )n and M. W. Rankin. 3. The Need of Zeal in Doing the Lord's Work.--J. T. Davis and W. S. B. Ford. 4. The Need of Faith in Doing Re ligious Work.-M. Werts and T. J. Mellard. Jiviteel to Mt. Willing. Judge Y. J. Pope has received an in vitatic" to attendl the re-union of Com panies E. and M. of the 7th S. C. Regi ment, and Company B, 14th Regiment, of S. C. Volnnteers, to be held at Mt. Willing, Saluda County, on August 23d, and address the old sold'iers. D)r. RL. C. Carlisle has also been Invited to be pr'esent on this occasion, and meet his old friends and comrades. Beedt Potatoos for Second Orop, Ten barrels of last year's crop of seed potatoes for second planting at T1he Newberry Hard ware Company's. f&t 3t Telephone Subscribers. Plesse add following new subscribers to your phone list: Loving, C. A. (RLes.)-138. Tod d, H. E. (Store)-21. and oblige 2t L. W. FL.ovn. MAR IIICD). July 15th, 1000, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Subor, by Rev. J. W. Blanton, Mr. John B. Lever, of Lexington coungy, and Mrs. Lilla Farrow, of Newb)'ry county. . TH1E ISAl .1.. TEAM I)jSIt.IN;S. 'I he l'at,nme iln Nvwbo,ry Win 64t Suln ('10nt to .JNtIfy the A soitallon I nk Kerjo,ing Up t0he Te'lam. Tho baseball team was disbanded Yestel-diay afternoon. The people of Newery-v would not turn out iI sulicient unumbers to justi fy the Association In keeping the tean together, all of the neilbers heilng hired nenl, and the giate receI pin fall ill far short, or anythir like paying ex penlses. Then so,eral of tho other teamis inl the Stato have disbanded recOntly, naiely, liedr ont aid Inion, for the same reasons, and enough teams were not left to get galles4 enough to keep any interest. We are sorry to see the bo)S leave. They are a elever set of yoUin,1 mlei anld have made mlanv friend-; (ur1in-1g their stny here. The lItest tenm ly for Stolk3aeln anald IloweI Troublies. "I have been in the drug busines tor' twenty years aind have sold most, ill of the -prol>rietary mediciues of ainy 1(1'. Among the entire list, I have neve, anything to equal Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera and Dia-rhoea I enled y for all stomach and bowel troubles,"' says 0. W. Wakefield, of Colubbus, Ga. " I his remedy Cul-ed two severe eases of cholera Iluorbus in my family and I have recommended and sold hundro0s of hottles of it to my Clistomers to their elitiro satisfaction. IL affords a gplick and si i en re in a pleasan, form.'" Por s"lle by W. I". Pelham, )ruggist. 110WERtS-TODD). A Prominent Young UCuple of Na wberriaa Married in Ctnton. Wednesday morning at 7 o'clock Al r. James A. Bowers, son of Mr. James M. Bowers, of this city, and Miss ist.elle Todd, oldest daughter of our most es timable citizen, Mr. James 1P. Todd, were united In marriage by Rev. W. S. Bean, D. 1) , of the Presbyterian ch u rch. Mr. Bowers holds a responsible posi tion in Atlanta with the Cable Piano tmpany, and is held in the highest esteem and confidence by his emp'oy ers. Miss Todd Is a most, est.imab!e and loveable young lady, and Is very popular. Mr. and Mrs. Bowers left Clibton on Wednesday morning at II o'clock for Atlanta, and will come to Newberry soon on a visit. The Herald and Newi wishes tbem much happiness and pleasure through life. During last May an infant child of our neighbor was suffering fi'om chol era infantum. The d( :tovs had given up all hopes of recovery. I took a bot tle of Chambeila'n's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoc., Remedy to the houser telling them I felt. sure it would do good If used aecordin7 to dirretions. In two days time the _n'ld had iully re covei ed. The chilt. is now vigorous and healthy. I have recommended this ramedy f.-equently and have never known it to fall.-- Mrs. Curtis Baker, flookwalter, Ohio. Sold by W. E. Pelham, Druggist. Have your Clothes Cleaned and P'ressed at the Newberry Pressing Club. Terms, $1.00 per month. Out side work done at )reasonable prices. f-It C. P. Pelham, Prop'r. Luthe ran Suanda,y-school Contvemntlon,. The Sunday School Convention of the Newberry Conference will meet at St. Luke's church, August 16 and 17, 1900, at 10 a. mi. PROGlHA MME. Devotional exercises. Welcome ad dress by R. H. Mionts. Topics for discussion: I. How to en list greater interest in the Suinday School on the part of the memibers of the congregation. Capt. HT. II. Folk, Thos. W. hlolloway, Re~v. %. W. linden baugh. 2. Is the spiritual in Sunday Scho.)1 teachIng overshadowed by the iutel lect,ual? Jefferson Quiatltlebaum, A. G1. WVise, Revs. S L. Nease, Ceo. S. Bear den. 3. Th Sunday School -its aim and purposes in retation to tihe church. R. T. C. Huniter, J. E. Boland, Rev. Chas. H. Arnustrong. 4. The Suinday School-its aims and purposes in relation to the home. D). B. Wheeler, J. S. Wheeler, Revs. W. HI. 11111cr, J. J. Long. 5. Ilow to interest the Suinday School In missionary work and benevcolent objects. Jno. C. Goggans, Wmn. P. Houseal, Revs. M. G. G. Scherer, S. T1. Hlallmnan, 6. Opening query box, 7. Lesson taught and exemplified from International lessons for August 19th. President Geo. B. Gromer. 8. How to reach the absent scaolar? Prof. S. J. Derrick, Revs. W. K. Sligh, H1. P. Counts. 9. Should the Sunday School sup)por-t itself? Prof. E. B. Setzler, Revs. J. A. Shigh, A. J. Bower's. That Throbbting Hleadache. Would qjuickly leave you, if you used Dr. Klung's New Life llsII. Thousands of sufferers have proved theie match less merit for Sick anid Nervous Head aches. - Thiey make pure blood and stron'g nerves apdi build up your health* Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Motiey back If not cured. Sold by all Druggists. B. I of Womiall's Cllogo, Riclumolid, Va, INSTfRUENTAL MUSIC. Will open School September ist, 1900. Music Room in central part of town. Termas, $2.50 per 8 Lesson?. A ROTTEN GAME *NWa1n;aA'i lt I.!. E' -l' (:l(tsjI I NU whe Sim,y ."d .1 . a? .1t- 1 k,o 11' Tohl lby th it) atu (b' i t mat t tey i.,-,t tih (Iran(l St-,m4l lltroro mhe tt.iitt Wall C11411t. The follow ing r41e1ol t' of t g ram of b)all beWk-lOW-tn th A d anl ild NEw heIorr3 taiIns iNyed itn ( 'ohlkillhIa on Wo(dn I .hN is ta r mtht, Statv amd tolls a tidh-fil tale for Now ll.hy: Thel b.-Ill 1"aZMeWiv ilt, r'daty aft.e noonl betwcen !h .n der n azoi! Nt -nirry Seamlb Y:"S Wl UnhliAer"'th"r andl ont. iided that a v y le . notice woul4d be out of 1:3''. Iforc ihe 'gniil I :m a:nd evel evn ) to the beigh"ihig of thn third iing, everyhedy. thuh l !o the- two teamus wt rceveniy uW''Ii and U S)thato tiine hall, phlying, wolNd beth eslt but this 'iN was W-intid bfore L.he blW hAdt pr-onveed very har. The liSO two pnin:> l:uoi playnd willh .11,ap and ;,,. with oli.N : (Ile rml mado. by lmhni], i-.( I t a .iI t1hi-- I als.ed tht-:z1. v t.or' lo C.;vk that, the 'a ilo wo l' be le No.w t xit. i 1 broughout. Ih'l whlen tli.. ii.( i;11 wvas ov r amd Aliderlsolln .1ad ha up 13 runsw tf hercre i: u .i N. - rey had oiiid nly a t. il l , t;e IL crowi i l lte.' S and wil" d l.oth. m a(count. of the "tor li3y i Y ' !iil : t weather., and ill b i of a clos-, thale t vanihe at, oncev. The .No-O) Ivry tea:n W44 at d ;'pl poinmel l t k I I v). r i t li work last weok agow:t the UhR ia" it leTd tho ball ranlk to bileit vc thatt it coui isd its own he t t ilyers frolv- .n delt3oln , bilt, iln thLis aLl.emi pt tiht! Nvvw berrys p"ovvd a lamcnUable 1i L-.. Judging by this ole gi:lll the tva - no m1latll wiateverl for that of iAl'er sof, Which wiled up tuns at, will jes terday anu v:oon and made nionkey out, of the Nt,wbervial ls. The crow< oin th Aand beanm soon disgusted with 'ho pooir showing liuk try Newhcry, ad-i m mely loft, t1h1 tcell long behre the last inning was Hli Ished. Wecddlin1!!t(o , fihe N wh ry ith , Was p) l!(Iotid all ovt-el fthe liehl for il safe hits with a total of 22 bass. Balls werc raining in all di- i't,ions to Such ail l: nt that hl l. takell out of the b:x after pitchin 1'vo. iin ifgs and (its e wvaA pilt, in] hi:- place. Case did very much btter, but the .\ud-r son boys hit hini frely ali, and conl tinued to add runs t their .--core. Neither tvaiu phi.ved with much life, bot Ander."on had u h a-! isoft, snap that it was aird f)or I liall get up Amluhel entlhuslesial if any ait ad. The batue vided 2; to Ll in favlog of Andet ion, the four ri billnd awmost presented to Newhlerry asI a1 kinld Of cons,olatioll gift. Aknderson playod ia good steady gabe throughout, making only onu error in the iine inntling s. Raganl of A ndersonl is at Capit,al left handedIC( Iitf'herl and but two saUfe hi(S Were 113lde olfis d lily nt h ell" n.", 18r game.S:11los Aond'son.(f i 1lder, whe h2 capartd-in grat stenhc igy af: Ae makC'SI ing Onse of it"Newer fy ho:r runsI1 everI made'~ onate (:iIslmia diaond wa Burnliet41-Htel of Adeo,fr which hewas warmlye applude. e'' ; le' It,ismt necessarIly tc push th s ceain etaily for onyghe asummary is ag ive ais fo lw 1s: LILi'I1I~lliI Anv'er an......... o 1:e.t : s )f tI7 0---t6 Cors - NwherryI an tI(:' .\ndersont Cli mae e,I Iios-Newhe r :11 Anden in T wole ClusC t-Ant.lieon 4.IClyta hree ii a I l i s- ucder o ii c. he Doubeis'e 1,1'alays-Newbherryl liti;oi .\nder T185oalatison, Ilive Angoderso.n 2 Newbr, yl( (AIC h2.iet y01 bot n Io itleay to ltn.yh ycap. b Ad dcheap remeillyeWI'( forong s ale boyd t.a wih r1eliveaiur seveeaidngous thesults0 1)f troat Gam tol a1warmerad Inote regir' ell-s ma .te? llYe, if posibl 21 ort yo, then int'p (feitercase toae teonl themedyt 1that has (I eentC( Cint.rdcedin ate civilrizeda rcnri 0it, snucsst ndvr toae and lugtrit ot Cles dochn's terman~ C Syrup."- it: not. only hele andCI' slCi,m oltethein tilstes tti' deto t,Igerm ,ts dihease, but4 a.lays intlhimmt,ion, thes - rest,Lo fi and ur the pai tit. hTry one1( btltlo wihommetned ayas bya,htill11 the duggists in g,eal. mainr salerby A meeiCstoing of i,ho Jam'eo D. Nance1i11 foop illehli the chtourts ' houe of nglecting11 delgtesC to theStt reuIdn aolfited Confedns.tI VeIteraans ato tak! atndanclle members deie. Gl Adfer mainyz lint ricte exprien sc'inist aedsoee ehdo The followting i:. :., com!plcto list C the Stde wiodidah's, whi wll bl i NewherrY on August, third, for Lit pittpos of addressing the people oi ti issues of tit. tiay: Pl. Gvenortank 1. Gr,.11ts \. llo.v, \. It. MeSweeley. A. I i. Pat erscin :mi C:. \Valt. \\hilimin. [.l'' . id n e m tG v r o - ole. 1, lla tv, Nox IJ,ivigs1t . .Iwi. T. Slostn .h-s. I1I. Tiih I. iAI . l.. 'ile.v Fori I\ r I I c c11 , I ItittL I-1 en. Io t l"'or A0it'ni e. (:en e l ( . XVne flt hetge aIi. .. I. \ ali t.. Dr. W Il. l u1. .,m-r 1. W'or ;ecrevta I y of State M1. R. Coopt.r fi I d t :-1 ion IFllison ('aers.. andI. .. 1. \lil. 1'rAIJ!lawit Gevneral--J. \\. Floyd a twd G;. P. Hll-;c. -orI COmp1) I W ttIoVti Oke G entl1 N. \\. Br00kOr' anItt .1. 1'. )trham. F-or Nidrn Comimlissimln.l --T. N. lierry, W '. l. d.I: , 1. Bt,. .i \\ It. Alay ild, J. 1.:. I'-L-ae n d It 'e tti t. F''or o -A . . .I ;1 k rti . I). I Verler ladn C. T. \V-vhie. i obl e'< te Git n 1*1ve. A Miartding in idnti, of il-it tMr. -.ll 0!.verol' l'* hiladelphiai, w.Is thv -.'Ihj'VI, is 1:ar .t1 le irnl It. ol4 w ''l w s i ll -l t I .A 1a oa d fl c o n d it io n . My sko waslao.w yNlowyow unke", Omlouencd, p:.Il vontinul:0y in hliwk n il si.e, lt)> ttwitv -grad -iy gi.w-xig wv.akor daly bly daly. Thrl.t phyNSicianls Illtl ..iVent Illetip. 1.'orttu nlt(vIy, a friend advi-vd try;ng sEv. :e liitvuers; lid to any geatjo3ynd il?IoI'V nnt, t. ICot01in A their s :or Itlh) weeks, I'ng l t m now it well '1an. I kil'w thry aIt ved my 11i ' g) obbed ho gratv . ofl nither vietim." No one should fid! to try.N thern. Onily -0 ves., guirinteed it till Drug Storep, 'ctt Iltlilie. tilli tjo,? A ti We will Servo. a fhitass Ibabeecue It St,. L k' it llstty, 31st inistatLt. A good dinlner. is alsuIred. Cor0, tind enjoy yourselves. .1l. '.1'. H1 UI N ER. N. it Li ST1i1. Anl Excepvti t1.t h i Cule. A shop where you eaIt ret. what you want ad)I when you Wil ib,. '0 L5 II itti it 1 T 1 As e ,t' L i t'3. r. H.LSti., aattger. Lta-O FEE. i 11.001> l UICE. Ai lo r irtvidig i t' it i m ke t f re. s yourl lBloodt P'urc? A\re you Sore of ;t? Do (Ilt,s iand sceratches he(al Slow ly? Dovi your r3kinl itllhIor burn? 11,ave .\o0- pitulples? N'ruptionls? Avling. 1ies or liark? -vl-zma? ( ond 18,ores? !thiis? Svvnfuwt? Itheumlatism? huml Ireath? C1ttyrrh? Atr yOd Iale? If or IMrify .your A li it Once With 1111I. . ( utLi ik Ilood lt:da). It. w'aes the h0cod pure and' tich, hleaLls kVIr y sre 11d gives at clear, smloot.1h , halt y skin. Mci)ivated Mases H olcul-s, canwerv, (nOing. Sork-s, painfull swellingq, Muod poin a tre quickly CO ld bY It. It. 1, madjo epecially for all obstilate Wlood andl( "kin troubles. it. 13. DI. is dilerent, from other r0e1 dils becaulse 11. I t. It. dhii taisihf poi oL v! aeiner out r t the blood and enCtre systet'1o Otihe Sip ms l ann II MOt e0t urn-1. live it at I.NII. Il enres, WhVn all VISe r, a -. 'thr s l 0t 41!ed ;ot, t,birty Li:tt 1. mol at, Trg Store s at $1 PAr ( h ot e a hot.t le. ( 1 ri t.1-vat, t ent) h >. iS oiC i suL;,t i n,t ' ayIhi I w-s li t Ii ave tia iet away ll ab.suel' free. Co., (l llaa a. Ait to ily. 1 Rieceivd a Two S,notoLes.Cnernea fLargmpoe sfunuynply m phaznd rethnncisa idew.o iTurr rs .Tak S te saa>r Buyot Laur fo l the b tes N5t to11 2Nl) Tak t,he Saor (A YV 1,ie Ralw,aty.oe~ . tt,wl e To her lwillt bespowaibe oacing houne a'nd ot-el late at l)te ovewrh L~oegue Confeence t CAolnty uperhitor0t. Th I!wot I,eKIYapNNONI' *o forence at, A anidte Cort' Mcasi'of inowhich (,e ong peoldpleof Suern toMedothed CIsmlhav had ali met'lng alth'rwn TaketheSabardANir Lie ailwa. WanI tc, Tvacher for tho St. Paul school III dIistrIi(.t 3 1. 1 ZvqcofIrvI een t, 1st G , gra%d U. School will t!.t about sevo 1nonths. Abotit. 25- pupil- in the prim:try ',rades. SSitliy RI2S por .io. SLciool to open in v t. Iwleetion of tc Illeh . on tie fIlrat Ttl.4day in Au . Send application w ith flil part l ti lairs asto qualifentliohs, ex1erienleo-&v to anly of - the following at SI igh1s. S. C. J11o. V'. Kibler, JIlo. It. Hiedcihaulgh, Truiiisteeas. Tonutert1 W ntiledl We the I-der.igied tritees of Unimn Acaduily, scho-1 dist-ivt No. :12, wVill receive app;ita'ions fr tveher. A plilicationls muslt hw inl by 11e labt of Jily. Salary j'i0 per m t. phellool run i s mix or. 1 m11011ts. No. 10 township. \\'m. Ao.B>b, ('ha.irvilan, a s e e r e ta r,I I ( I oc 1-iby . Ni wherry. W. G. -1nlow. Newherry. Tent )-.r Wntecd. A (.ucher will b el 'il fel' the St. PhIiilhp,, Se'Iso,,. s,lOoi j L N ). 22, on] -.\ wust kt. 1901. .\ppliva:ions, gist ,I inl hialid of I r by 'I'he ,vinoot w\i,l 'le l-ab it Is'. of Noiheand toa-hl.l will bh,r1-uIired to hold I- first raec1q0ith-elt. TermIl, of scIool six liontli;. W. I'. Noonl, 1). A. Iuf It. . C.h slig1 1 's S. C . pni,ea that (laT o ehe-r Wantitt'~.gee The trust-tE' of Trinlity ( -hool will meet on .\' iui Ist., 19 , f(" ihi pur poje of elet.inr a Aeee. .pplient tionS 1musl41, hWe I. hitId ill 11 tIll r teforie that tle to 1h 11 it ne. b l T Tes,t il e St.Sl,e . W.. . .ll-Ni i. NN TeT.chivr waatul .'bhe trtiovs of 81m1yrina S .hool wil o il eriday, .'rd ot .ti1s, for th e trliose of a teachr it i llcv. Salir $25 per mionth. Apolieationls sent t'o the trustuct oni r bef-rme date :uhove. LILIA SENN.cs XV C. N.tfs Ih':i-, 'k. 'I' iit ivot .. 11:ttes Tie watrons of Ii t he itodl. dc.e No. 26, wVill im,v i mari ; S amti t ur (IhIy, A uglist -10h. 11400, lit -1 :;0 p. mI., t o eet,i val i therl forl the en4nin'- y eal o ihe sCh1o rNo 5' m ses1011 i. Salary $25 -r ioth . A one but, li.I grad Lvacher wantcd. A1ed .\. tio- Smid b Sent to thle tI U tist I thl l.e W. .\. I WNN, G. 13. .\rm., Thev patrons of Lork School, Listriel NO. 0>, l Ilvis. at -ho lle, 1."M i nt c of12 11 1 1 Cl -w 1).i i ( l l ..i to alc it a .e ii. for next sai. year'. 'v l'-; .:( p..r mlow:th. Stchoo' to runl if,Ix mlontl h1. A pplic at.ionsshould he o.Al d dressvd tI I tho u listignied W. (;. Mvetfs,Sirw Li M. Kt 'tr-d, onrlait. D. T. N icker, l'm 'lhe ito-tns of lth111fiird \e lde J.ulyist, 9t0. .Il)a Isa ni, 4t ( e lect Secrelta ofte lnr fTrses 0 la. IlI.y), Newhorry.l(y - -II whN , \Ve l.Ati S 1o th m. i. ii.\Y Us, .S -'.i I l 'A s ix Tenebe Wanes,.n wilhol aobor m Itig o .llyomhany elect, a 'icipl and A.,stis ftntirisai tcool tAll ap lintions musltiv hgirt th hand. A. thTrt.s bfore tatd dat. .tale app0n will piC ,le sij0tte terms uon hichit ithIe iwill teac Agricul W.ur. Imr,n f l D.indWisu, AndThetrusteesn ofdeo the arm.ol wHaless a Mtache o saiderooo August 1rd. nAtl piant wrml onea. plicatin o i t hr af the lrinedo 8AIJD~I~UY lil. P. RNilS. F.. A..SShopey., IM.a.naser a. AI DO YOU GET UP WITH A LANE BACK T Kidney Trouble makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news. papers is sure to know of the wonderful L cures made by Dr. SKilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. i It Is the great medi. cal triumph of the nine. teenth century; dis covered after years of scientifio research by Dr. Kilmer, the em. nent kidney and blad der specialist, and is wonderfully successful In promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright's Disease, which Is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not reo ommended for everything but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladdertrouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer In this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer&Co.,Bing. hamton, N. Y. TheR i regular fifty cent and Homoof Swamp-Roo% dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. FROM A MASS OF MATERIAL 'te Inagazilne writos, sift out and ar ange intierestingly, facts which are miiecessiblo to the average man. All hie 111rrent Inagazines contain Some hing of absor-bant, interest, in all liues of fterature-, listory, Science, Fiction, etc. The le:d i ng pIC, 0d icals CII 1)3 o - tillUd at all times here. We sell all If them or receive subscriptions at reg Ilar rates. We ILso have a big line of lilammoeks vhich Wo atre selling at, prices to suit, he prlSe, at W. G. MAYES' Book Store. Notice. W E WiLL ML CXT A l)lSPENsER an(d Cleric for, Newberry Count y mn the 181,h day of August. All appli iit,lo-is for tLle places must, bo filed and worn:to by the 21st day of Jnly and unille handed to a Ielliber of the ioard. 'lie )ispenser, taken charge the Ist WI)t , and serves for one e'. .1. I'. ilA itNMON. Newberr, S. C., Jiuly 2, 1900.)0 ltf I amIf no0w prepCared to supply the pub Ie With all the ice they may demlanid 0o' tihe sununelr. My wagons will be put, on to-day. i ny oneo wanting Iee from wagon will >lease0 notify me at once. This will mesist me great,ly in m.aking out, rot.o or wagon. I'lease get tickets and (10 not ask L e Iriver to charge anything, Ico wvill ho old1 str'ictly for cash. I solicit, yoer patronage, assuring 'ou the best possib'tle service. Vrery truly, S. B JONS. MERCHANT TAILOR28 ..OUR.. SPRING STYLES~ lave arri vedl. They cembrace the latest designs in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Which'wo will make at 10oder'ate - Prices! ( JARANTEIfNG IT AND - 1W0llr,ANlP SCOTT & CARSON, OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE