The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, July 17, 1900, Image 3

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Knights of Pythias, Newberry Lodge No. 75. s A TI'N 1) CO\NV IN T ION A 01 thl-i nig will iv a tho 2:id mitl 4th Tmi-sh% nighol of eil-h uo th at 7. 30. Visi-ing Ktw t-; emrilly K of It. and 8. Crot w l 1-144ol liuilthip . (,orrected every Tuesday and Priday by Summer Bro's. Meat... ........................ 7_ . Shoulders ........................... .. 7e. H1am. ......................- .... 124ft itc. Bett iti d ............... ......... 9d I Oc. Best Molastits, new erop...... 6c1. Good Mulaisses...............2(..... C o .u ..................... ............. 7. . Meal .......... ........... ULaY .............. . ........ W heat lIran ..................... I 18t Patent Flour.................. . ?-. . 2nd Best Plour ....... ..... ...... 60 Strait Flou............ ........... : Good Ordinary Plour............$3.50 . Sugar ...... ...... ... ........ GI (;' . R ico ................................... . W . C olfee ................................. 10! -~ 1 Cotton seed meal, per aek.. $1.15. Bale Hulls, p ewt........ 351. Country Produce. Bntter, per lb .................... 15((20(-. Eggs, per dozen ..............It(a 9(1 1. Chickens, each.................... 15 t25c. Peas, per, bushel....... ............. o11, per hushel.. ............... Oats, per bushel........... 3(si'. Sweet potatoes .................. 60(wi5'. Turkeys, per lb ..... . ........ 6w, 5. Fodder, per cwt ................. 75taMwe. & One Minute Couah Cue is the only harmls remedy that produces immedi ate results. Try it. GilderS C,rner Drug btore Miss ~3 L 1.avn1P s chslnol. Miss Ratie Leivell will open hr mu-im school onl the first 4f Scptibil.I Teins retsonabl". t&f (I'. Vo the CUnlidatc.m. We havhebeen requested by the Tircasurer of t.he Demociti it! Icive Committee to state to t he c.mndidlates that they ean pay t.h'ir' -sessmint to County Treasurer l3oyd whn it suits their convenience. lie is utiorizedi to rec"ilt fo' saie. Salter, P1hotographer or Newherry, S. C. will he at, Ljittle4 MouIntail oil July 20',h, the day of colliirVt re-uio ., and will mlakce 6 ni minette pho'e graphs for 25c. t It. lice Urenm aniai (.nkio. The members of the Jujveinil Mi. sonary Society of JohTstoIe stiret chureb will solvo e cr'eam and oakv it the f'ont. yard of M.g. J. W. W hitOs Thursday after'in11on fromli 7 to 1) p. mu. All are invited. l,vt. tht' lii foltk!: come early. (11o<40 wity Itwow Vmit. Having putrchased the -oods hIIre'-to fore belongia Li my father., I am now closing out tile entire .tock r'aidlis of cost. Thm slof.-k con;i,S'-s of teneral metrchand ise. .I sure to call and p p)rlces beforei buy ing Yours for' bu-i s. Ther'e will be a .Joint Di.bate.( at. the W,est Enad C~hapel, Newher'ry, on Sat - urday evening, July 21st, to hersjin it.8S o'clock. between the West Eal I). batters and Rachma C111 ha pe an td Union1 Academv'. Debaters. Mahbject. for' tis cuassin Resol ved., That mieni hive equal rightsa at the baIlllot box with All are Invited to attend. '1 1,o A peten ofr a (ii,it Tcien vied hy 441 l.irdvspel)(O't I: wh Vtos Stoma an tld r. v"r re "'out of. order. All sneh '.houtld' k,now iih it Dr' K(ing's New LIfe Pit s, Ite w inde'irfuil 81tomachr anid LIver' Remtedy v es a silydeii aptipetlie, sion d dige'slion and a regulhiar bodily habit that intsures twm'mr halth andl tzrent ene'igv. Only 25 cents nt all d.tig store'. Ex'e-cutive Commnittne' to ii i'e The members of the Clounaty Demto cratic Executive Commit tee are- here'h r requested to attend a mee ting! of i.atid committee at. the court housme at New-. berry, on Saturday, .1luly 28th, at 11 o'clock a. mn., for the pur~pose of consid ering petitIons for new clubs 1and( to ap poInt manatig"rs for the primaiiry' elee tion and any other business thbat wIll come befdfre It. Members will come prepa'rd to name 4lo t,hir 11 managers.. C. F. IsovoI, County Chairman. - IIn Fooled tu ihe Srge'onms. All dlottor5 told( Rt'nlek Hramiltn, of West .Jei'.r14'n, 0.. t ftIer t-iuflerI i 18 monthq fr' im R.etail U'ktta. lhe wouhti dIe umnlesis -r costly oper'atiope wats per~ formed; bto1 he cnred htimsoelf with fIve boxes of Ibuck len's Arnica StaIve', the surest Pile eure ott "arth animd t he best Salve Ina thew world. 25 cetts a box. Sold by all dlruggists. To 'ITeactuhin WInthl,r"p. Mist" Kate bou Net'l, daughter of Mr. T. M. Neel, who has beena in (!hicau.;o for' the past, s.vor'aI month s takinag ai stpecial course in Engi'lsh and MathIte maties, has rturnl ,med 1hme, haLvin a)tC' captedi the posItion ;'s assist at, t eachet in ICnglish In Win? liop Coll'ege. MIss Ne' Is anmi unneuail ly bri ghit younIg5 lady ar.d has fully prepartied herself for teaching. Mhe tatu'ht ai f' w years att.t in the Graded School here andl gave groat PlatIsfatlti to the .rutes andi patrons, all recgrott,ing when she die cided to giv up) her 1 pos101 itin here Miss N'el will gIve satisfact Ion where ever she teaches, and( WVinthrop Is t< be congratulated ina obtaining her ser vices, VAIIIOUS AN) A,l A11tJ1'. Soe notice of 1inal% sett.lelmt t. M . W.' S. Sex bt is announevd as at camilidaIite ltr 81nb+upevisori5l for thei. Mve. .Tom ol soti, of Neiwlerry, is vi,ilill!_ D)e. T. E. Todd.- L2aurlens Ditily E trre Ih lae t h ati e of )allI inl the series with A lelrsoll wi!l be phlycid this Itflt 14M 1)1on', ii-s it. Ir. IV \\'. ikle sp-ent yesterd-ay inl Nf-wbw ry, wiih his friend, l'rof. Wil liaun'. \\'1.1h. The 16a1,11h . Mr. J. .W. \V.ts is IIounlced as a candh-Ite for Mlagis'rate for No. 10 TOWInAhipl. subij'ct to thi prIAVy. NI : B -n 1aL faort, has been eleected It dol.:"Ittve to the State Alliant , Which will niet, inl Columbia oi the 251,h inst. Iir Coo L. r (Wham is annoupcedl its i -cdiitate for u' gistratv from No. LI .Vownship, suject to the y:m . Ioerlati c r. L.. 1, 1 tishIor10 Went t.o (olum hii y(t! c to have t.he stoilach of the int_ro tho. is supposed to 1have kwol poisonecd a wcek ov so ago alua 3 Z.ed. TiW PX01urs.ion to CIItl'lk!stOI UarrVied dimwn a groodl crowd t,his Inlrnling anid t,ho twody inl tho Ciqy by thle 1'6, will b).- gi-cetly enjoyed by tho excur AmolliIts. Misses Norla and Pearle Duckett, of Orionwood, are visitilng their. Cousins ?Lisses lii anl MainIle I14s, it BrMPAMYn. NIv. toberit. Pvl'y wtIll give a bairbe enie IL l'oI'3s Cross Rioads it. ',iuda Conty on the 25th inst,. It will he ia big day filr- that s4etion Mr. and NIrs. It. C. Cannon left a fow ldays ago for Pli oulllaill. AIl's. (Xion w ill rI1Illail for the stillumer, NMIr. ('1an1n011 ts ret urIled. The County A.Hllincu Ilut on) Frity No bIsinless of int1t'rest. Li t.h Oe public transaoted or. Ioneo. What.ever was given mlt. A 11 1 he oild ollil-ors werev r.v-elected Work has been hwgun mn thu .Ap"ke and Ilmlale Factory. Mr. 1. 1). Shock ley is supinteining the vork of cOn strlo.lionl uitl it is hoped( to have the botiling ready for tho Illachilery 11 iL few days. Soli-itIr Sense lI veS this i n1111illg for I'aLiis to attend sessioll vout for thLt ciouilIy. Ile will be ainompanii by his wife, who will spenld Hovel-i week4 at her old imi ill N b'lerry. parta 11-hur v lrald. meilir of iWortslti for (aW irt i thta ti',4 ervi l y Wi ! y qNtir. !y I d y the sense of Sioli l niu m,ti ilt l!;y l . the whole sy tvill whlfn vilerlilf | Ihr lug 1he 1m1couls S is ssI.M suli ; rlV'.,-SH IlMls neVter h u kS!t l -.4M I n r<criI i. s I Ioill r4p11 bl phy -it N he Ihv qIu ilnti t \i I w 14e is teml !* 1Il I lo -.) h 4 youl 4 1 11 lAbly 4h-riv(l fromn Howl). 11:011, U s : 11 : ' rh C -.i , it anllf Iv ae d . ' .1 . & - . TWdro,., o.. cont:tins It) i v lwr lr . il is :kho iloni n'illy, lov tmr 4l1 ri:t )oi 11n4 Ihelotlml itIlouls Surl"kees of th - y ee ,ll lo ing thil's liniarr (lure ht" mi:u yo" gWt Illh, gentilne. I I, i-A tOkenj Inl i r-.:iy.:a <I-1 int, e r oio m io. ht y I f j e itly A. t t Tv.,Wli Ilm litIs 1 1h e. l- e by ! r*W_9;-1 --, prive --'c. rb t -. I l' l'antiNy l'lls 1110 fe bi-st.. NLi wb o ir:alt i )%Iivrrk 'prinlgm. Thes. -flinSg meiion of Ne.wberi-~ l--nu t o i~n Si t t e:''ii tt 'Vl t' t ILlhslft tth Jhnpi oft N.-wherry is stil0 flisc'inlLhere. Iis Wil and it'[tyf adi moreel.thn ofelco*mes in anco iher iift r te w.on fyonnL ::Vetsins here Thompn ai ndA i\l. st St, ofd New-)uI herry. ThIgoeyIs o .u-e 0onn1 and thy acnd. Dr Ibstn Kih'e o"f l'Osp)erit.s allo'ih ,out.s i-r p1 t,.d .\ hoii.T lh St. 11 nitd'of Ned w1 berry dil.llife atwri ithia1i1 O She3' to of(' those ay whoha mte n wevt riad'2 Is eInion,l w ith quaSll cas wi ndt eisti IA 1ttt0ls(oty ImeetinOn of theJaeDNnc Camp'0 wlb h l itcsnt.he crt I huse oll 1at1-day Jul11)1 tot dist, for th- 11ros ofl tuhl ifNu lo. !eats t o h tt e 'reehtoo othni Aout Ist., ndo mak arrang o mets~'i .tford 1endit, thet sam fullI ftemw mee' tof moebers desIied. wilt l' bii b-) onrU pttIured.odLy ShoritlTfl'fod hs suctceeded in cap- vi dero who hav been iit1 tvaingO( Iarres foryl some time. IOne t, Wil Speak, who 110 is chargeis th~aii atsarlt, wt it. on hih was the CaIl'ured itbyn tel Shr in l .aurens (ouf t.y. Il is tIone'o theCOl goes )u whor ashauted AIr.. it I. Br Th2 thr sJh Suwbeir, who is The S.,rIcs Willi tho Anitivrmisin tony% WVIII Ulmm itr i Af14trro,thn %irr m-Will lity lin Col ittta Tonsorrow. The game of hall this aifteroIonl Will be tile lAst if the scries between New berry idt Anderson. They will play the third gaie tomorrow in ('olumbia. The patrollage iats ben So poo. livro ulhat it, does lCI justify the boys in pla , ing the gaims Go out, Ilh is after 110011 ilt(d see whtt a good gallic is, for You will notj have the op1rttulnity Igain ill it lollm- time to Ste two such evenly miatiched t(alms Ieet on ilhe diamond, Itt-Imembutr thef J arnel tik afternloonl will bi. the last wit i Anderson oil tihe local diallmond. Tomorrow t.ey play in Columbia. ( ,otut and see somue lie IlLying. (ime called it 5 o'clock. Ther.e ire i) better pills rIiado than D' WitL's ait-t-le Iarly t iser's. Al ways prompt, am certaill. ( id ers Corner Dr ui- Store. A FINFe OAMNC. In it iolly Contestel Inmie of Htll Aitler mim Whi-Tho Scure 3 1t 1. A good gaMe of haitl wIs phIyed here yesterd.aky afternoon het wcen Anderson and Newherry, ill whiich the AIlderson boys cllic'. olut victorioIs ill a score of 3 to 1. The gaimle was interestirig and excitinig from Starrt to finlish. Thi- gaill. fully delionsIrI-ted the fact that Newirry has iln Billy Wed diligion the lhailpioll pi,ther in the 'l'he A lditson lbill team is uilr1ult, edly the11( strolgest U-1111 thial, the New. tierrians have gonle ilp against this The feItulIres of t,he gaini were: For Newhterry, Jeninigs' wo-tagger ini ste.Colnd, Caldwell's iloukble- plays il the secoiml and sixth, the run and catch of WVinzel aid the exce'lIleit worik (if New lIe rr v's he 1e1 vs. For AnI id IIsot, ili-r's double play inl the ei gh th, r liirin,r the Newberrians with thre imen oin hbases, tihi' bellit.iful fielding anud Tlr's goOd W)IIrk behind th11. bal. The gamlle by inuii1rs i;- as fo IIo-ws: It It Il iNvwherry 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0--- 10 G Anderson 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 *--3 8 2 Si'rock Out,-ly Weddinlg(oln, 5; by 1311her 0. I lass on 13alls-Weddington, 0; Rouber, 1. l3atter'ies-Wedinigton and liesse: IRubeor and TPurnler. Umipire-Wveks. Attvildmncev porv. Next, ind last tn th is afternoon at 5 o'(lock. A UMe ancl D4.1ttit pight. '\r. W. A. Ilines of Miaicelster, 1I1., writ'inrg of his almost mll i Iaci lous escapo f'omil deat I, says: ' "x posiu re after tea sles i Id ticed serious Iun g trouble. whic il endfed inl conlsumipt,ionl. I had frequent h,emmrInlorr'haves and coughilrd night and day. All mily doctors sait lmust sooll tie. Then I begun touse ])r. King's new Discovery for ConmI Il ptin, which .om1 pletely ciired It. I Would not he with oul! it eveil if it,eost,$5.00 a bottle. 1I1tin d'edih h-ve iused it on in y r'ieommtienida titoni m all sayit ne ILverI fails to cuire [theort1, c hest andulii lun t roub tles.'' legu-. lar' siz.e 53Je. and $1 .C . '1T'ial botiles free at aLir d rug stores. 'LThe NeLwherr'y baisebalI L.eam left townI onl the 10.80 train yesterday niorn inig mu ich pleased w itch the cour-' t,eous5 t.reatmenlt accorded t,hem by the peole of A ioderson but natu1 raly 1'sore( o)ver' i i'hee straight deifeats lit, the hands of the local bail aggregation. 1tiseball expert.s here siz.ed ilp the Neowberr'lyites ats sirlohig ini tihe batt,er' aind at the hat but otherwise satdh weak and i nelliciet.t. The Anderson p'ayers say3 the Neowherry hitter's wer seatsnl--1 'dmon no01 Lht exeted(1. --An der'lson Mail, 15th. Inilital IRuiuning Cotton Orop. Mr'. J. rlidsay Dominick, of No. 8, was in towni Satur'day exihiiting an in sect which is playinig haviioc with his coLtoni cropiI Tlhe inisect re'sembhles a1 large miosquhitlo andi is of a greenish: color. Tlhey' deposIt eggs oni the iunderC shile of the leatves alnd in a fcw days the loaves wiii'er atndl drop off. [He hada beaut iful lieltd of cot,tOn wh11ich priom.i ised a yield of a bale to t he aoi'e, but siiic tt,alcked by these linsects - will not, hit say3s, miake live pounlds to thc acr'e. Tie for'war'dedl sameft of the In sects to P'rof. N ewmiani, of Clemnsor College, as nothing of the kind had~ ever been seen here before. w. F. II. 8. 'The twenty- fir'st an imal meeting o thei Womlllan 's i"Oreignl Miissionlar'y Soci e'ty oh Sooth Carol ina Coniference, MI. E Chliurc(h South, was held ini l3i lncomb str'eet chiirch. (h eenville. 8. C., Jum 27t.h to July 1st., last. All the Stat' oflicers e'x('el' MI ss T. D. Martin, Rec See , andl( neartlly one0 hunlldred3 delegate were in attendatnee. Tlwo missitonies w"ho ai'e at home for r''eretionl, atml ex Ieel to return'l to thiirli fields Sin Sep telLl, wer'e prlesent and addeld miuel Interest to thle meeting by their talki Ont' was Miss Gary, who is laboring i1 China. The other Miss Glenn fi'or .lirazil. 'RWt Iivitaions were given foi' th liext meetintg. Newb)erry was chose amnd will have the honor of eniterttafiin this lbidy of niobht' women in their firn meetinig oif the new century. Tlhei irst. meetingof this society w: this city. NIris. P. ('. Gnillard was the repr sentative fr'om Newberry, and Mi Mabel Smith repriesentcd the Juveni Socety. THOSE PICTURES. AN EXIL'.AN.ATION Fl31l,NI)A AN) WE AltIM FOICE) TO 1ll(lW DOWN. Lut I1to (intitty Onlalt Statsti rom Unter Inl tho (0ottAperm Vontiuime to (o"kalp. In oulr last paper we publisied t,he following little illouilt siltib: "Wo Iinderstand that there is morv than One married m:mi inl Newborly earrying in his pocket, thi, piuirte of a hllnd,ollel .x ounw- woinil, and I hat wo man is not his wife, either. Wo doni't (nre to call any. nmnmes at this time, but will secifv ill Our next paper, il ainy 01111 sO dvsires." Thiis crvatwed considerable stir. uipon tle streets, it star-ted gossipers to gos sIIppitg and several persons came to us and requpested t1s to nam1ie Ilihe lparty or parties, and Itt the time they were making the rciluest, we have no doubt but, t hat, some of them had the pieture in their pocket. Well, It inatters not ahout that, we on1l.y Ioiloe th at they did, I d wish il at, the writer cold ie guilty of the samlle, anIld if 'VI'r' 1uaLr'ViCel 111111 ill Newberry is allilly of carying the pictilre. New bzrry is the better olf for it and in bek ter shape than we were aware. T he pieture re4ferr-d to is t.t of a Very S handsome youni wollall, and if you aIe not ill pos-se-silon of it, yoll will wish that, You were, and your wife will join you Ill the wish. The young lady's namne is Miss Annat Wilders Williams, of I'll i ladelpia,ll II and her picture Ornallients onesidt of overy silver dollar. flope no One feels had about it. THi1 v G AN 1) 1DATES. A of A hose! who ar I%vforv Ihe l'ublc Amkilig tItelr SuIlfrago! forStalt, Offiom. 'Tle followilng is a completv list Of tile State candidiates, who will be in Newherry oil August, third, falr thel puirp se Of addrlssing tIle peop.l oil tOe issules' Of the day: For Gov.-norl- -'rank 1. Galy, .Aas. A. lIlIyl, MI. I1. M.\Swenlev, A. II. l'at lersoll and G. Walt. \Wiiinanl. Fer I,ieuthltanlt, GwIernor-'Ile. 1, l1lase, Nox Livington, .Ano. T. Sloan, .iun. 11. Tilaa anld C. 1'. \\inkler. I"or AGyrnay-( eneral- G. l)ncanl Bellinger and .1. II. Por TreaIStIur-R.. 11. .lotnnings, and Dr. W. li..,1T111emerman1.. Foir secvetal y of Slate- I . It. Coopler. Por SuIwrintendent of Ilent,ion) Ellison Capers T. and Jr. .1. MlitMahan. For Aildjant General-.1. W. Floyd and G. D). lRouse. Por Comptoller General--N. W. llrooker and .1. 1'. Derhan. For R-6ilroad Commissioner-T N. Berry, W. I). Esvans, B. It. Evans. W. D.lyliuld, J. E_. P'utti-rew ;1nd( J. IL. Wharton. For Congress-- A C. Latimer, 1). IK. Verner and C. T. Wychle. Inivile Your Vl'tog. WI'e h ave bouighlt the enItire stock (If FuriItur anPt id Hlousehold Goods of it (. Williamis, anPd will cIlnt.inu1e the buis inless aLt his old( sItand(. We invite the patrolls of Ni r. Willims to1 cont inuet t,heirc valuoed platronagIUe wit uls1), and1 respeIct fuilly as5k ally and1( all others who con)temlp1late pI) asing furnt itare anld houcebold goods to call and see us. We shal1 1l' spar no Ia ins to r'un l01 our bsI iness on anI elevated syistemll. We wvill bie grateful to atll who buy from (iS eit her for cash or on ins1t,almfentIs. II. 10. Toiadl) & Co.,a f-I f- Suce .'sors 1(o R. C. Williams11). LIttle Miotuntain ltnioan. T1he reunion will he held Juoly 20th. TIhe railroad )pomhises amp1lle acom mlodationls. Ron p trill tickets wvill br 5)0 cents, aIfter' thait at 75 cent,s. Tick ets on .sale at William Johnson's sto.0l Tencher WVIanted I T'he trutstees of Smyr'fna School wvPl meet on) FrIiday3, 3rd( ofI A uguist, for the purpose15 of electin a1~1 teaIcher'. SLary'3 $25 per month11. App)llications sent. to the trustees on or before date above. .J. B. CLI.A Y, Ch). G IILIAA! SE:NN. TIeachier WaInted!I Tepa~tr'ons of Bethel school, d is tIct No. 26, wvillI meet at P'omalriat on Satur-1 (1ay3, Auigust 4ltbh, 1900t, at 41.3:0 p. m.,c elect, a te'acher for the ensin g year1l. The scho ol runl 5I monlIths. Salary $2i per~ mont,h. AMono hut first, Jgra<h I te,acher wanlted. A plications should1( be~ cen to I be trusteesx at an1 earlly (late. WI. A. DUNN, Chai 'ira & Secr'et Ie y. HI. I". Cou NTs, 'ITeiacher WVan te('al! TIhe' pait.ronH of F'ork Schlool,a D)istrac No. 55, will meet at Iaor.k school hlouse 'i Ha.urda(lfy, Aulgu lst 41, aIt 3 o'clock p. m1. I to elect a tenetherI for' next scoIlast.i .year. Tle'Ims $30 per mon01th. Schon0 to runl! HIx mntt.lh. A ppl ications~ shIouk bo) af1lressed to (te unldersignel - (. MI. Kinard, P'omtaria. 1 P~. T1. Wilcker, P1omerial. (Ilorioums News Come from D)r. D). 1. C'argile, c Washita, 1. TI. Hie wrItes: "Filour hol1 tI Is oIf Electrlie 1Hitte'rs hais cure1'd Mrs Ict'rewe r of loerofulIla, w hichl had ceit~ n , her g.reait l l'rling for ye(ar Ter.rihl1 sore's wonl break (lut (Il hie. '0ea anl Iuace, and(1 ihe best d(otoIrs( cou1ld~ gve' i . help; bullt her cure Is comlet and1 11 hi he.ilt hb Ix excel lent. ThI I'l s shows wIl es thoullsands(1 halve proved(l---thaIlIt Electr *H it I era Is thel best blood1 pulrifiecr k nowl It's th 1wsuprim" re'medoy for 'czem'r tetter, salt rhieum. tilcers, holla1 air e- runn)ing I4ores'. It slt ites' lIver, klI 8s ney3S and( blowetlH, expel' poIson, heli lo digestlonl, bu11I'di up the at rength. Oui 50 cen1ts. So(l)y all dIrugglists. Gut antend. is the n:1n a vali able illustrat cd pliplilct tj which should be in the hands Of every planter who Iises COtton. .Th b(Ok is sent Fiuni. St.nt ttaut I n I nI ;1 - t CR.lN.\N K.\LI WORKS, 93 N.. I ,t , New York. llbvii-tiv. WO, will serve a tr-chi.s hareent. it St.. I tlke's T TuesdaY, :11, i ta A "'olld dinne-r is a.surtd ('tome. -t! All Uitip Ii flit H il. . A Shop where yoll call ret- what pw' want ItId w en yoll wati0 it. S'UA itT iMOS. Uip-to-hite W-Ve cll stop themi the Ilies Ue ouri. bercen door ani witidow". Stei.warlt. Blros. III. It IISlie, Mialn. Ih%ve your. Clothevs "claned and iressed at. the Newherry 'r ssi Club. Terms, $1.00 per imonth. ()ou Ride work done lit rva-;oIabh iah . fit C. iP. 'vilhamll, Prop'r. Tooth, Nail and Ilair Briusls, alnd 13ru11shes of ill kinds, it, GileIr's ('orn1i Drtuig Store. I & ti I lionsithold ammnIlonlial :)v. polr bol t L. a, Gilder's( Cornetr DuI'll Stort.. t & f itf Thel( mat,rons of 11:1u-tford .\vadeInnl *I school distriet.No ii will In\e Nal ordn'. July 21.,t, 1900, au 9 a. mi., to) 0h-t a ltin hit' f,'rI the iistuiot, *, of vigil 11miths. No in 1 nin r st'i sal:1r i30 a month. Nom. but li r ttnebvirS neued a.pplY. Applivntions" shoul bl !-on( tol thll Seret.arly of I',e liarid of TruI tees, V. L, lays, NewhCrry. S C * P. M'l. llaWVlNs, I W, K I. Y N-: , vit- s. Teatchv-r Wated. Tihe Trustees of .Johistone Acaleml:y will hold it met-ling oil .uly 28tIi to clect, it 'rincipal and Assistant for saiti school. All applicat-ions m1i1usI he inl the hands of the Trustets beh4'for0 1 it date. 'aiLV i1s apply inig will please stalilte terns uptin which they wil! Ieach. W .11 I mI l , ). Q. WI1soN. Teatch er for thle St. P aulI school in i School will runt abiout sevetn ltiontb About 25 pupils in thie primar'y grllIs Salar'y $25 e7 o colt pni T.da in Augustii. Sediil ) api'nioni wit,h full piart icuilarsas toqnulilet,Aions, -.xpeiece &e to any of il.he follotwing at Slighs, S C. Trunstees. TenchIotr IVamnI dil We t.h ICUnder'lsignI ed trustee'is oif Untiion A.cademy,3 schlO di stiet No. 32, will receive appl ient,ions for teachertl. Appi~l ict7tion must, be ini by the inla tif JulyIx. Satlary $30 per mnthli. Sehlt 1 runs11 six Or se'venl lilthIis No. 10i township. Win. M. BI bhi, Chlairman, J. J. Gal Ilmani, Sert,ary, Newberri'ly. WV. G ltniowx. The trustee's of the1 Ic le ma school wvil Iceleet, a teacheri for sai d school0 on A uust, 3rd. A pp)1lcants wx'ill senIId up plicat,ions to eitber of the unudersi gncd hy that date. Ji. TI. D)ennis. 1. 1). Shockley. Teachet-r lVaintd To teach the Vraughsvxille School, istr'i c No, 38, appili ennts enn i make t heir aplienltions4 to the unlders'ignetd, on or before the I19th day of Jutl y, 1900Ot. J. I). SAx GTicit. 'gjTecher IVamnted. A teacher wvill) be'lectedl for the St. PhillIips School, school d istrict No. 22, on Auogust Ist, 19000. A pplienitions mutit he In hand1( of trustees('C by t,ba t. da te. The school will openi abiout Ist, of Noxvembl er anod teacher xvili bc reqired Ito hold a first. gratde eertiliente. Te'rmt of school six mont,hs. Rt C. Sligh, Sligh's S. C. Trustees. lVerkI ECnd liaten. ICffective June 3d antd Iontinluingi t( and01 tiuding A ugust l1ith, the foliloxw inog Week 10nd r'ates will app)ily froun it.heAtlan tic C' Linte: Tlo Water o,S. C., Iiarris Spri-ngs, S. C., at rGieenville, S. C. Tickets sold Satur daIl.ys anti Sundays, goodi returning r ~ 1evigdetnain .o later thanl Mon ciTo Glenn Springs, S C. TJiekets sob Saturdays andi Sundays, good! ret urlni ng leaving destination not later than MnI i d ay foliowing date of Bale, $2 50. Irnclad signaltur1 form tickets liar Ate to ontinuious passage' to bCuse A i)proved:1 Issued by r.. T M. IEMMIICSON, H. Mi. li10 T1ra&flic Manager. Gen. P'ass. Ag1 GENN SPill Glenn Fprins, Queen of Southern Thw e is bu(t one Glenn Equal on the Continent Kidneys, Bowels and B R3TEL 6PEN JUNE Cuisine Mnid SerViCe Li resort in the South. For Board apiply Of Cond!lons of The Newbrry Savinga Bank of Nowberry, 3. C., al h Close of U11siness Junu 30th, 1900. Pub lished In Conformity With An Act of tho Genoral Assembly. )v ri-d raft'0, C tit,cu tl tuI t II "ti'li'i '.. .. . . . .. ... :;..... ~ I f I I Ii' I I it li, xi l 11.. ; t 1 i tI aI bi lii hand, .i . c 1!c.......'..> ; 2s,:;9 :I $I I. .~ N I1 2 iIccpit- l . . . . . . .*. $ , c i i AoMite x III Id Divci''h Ils unpfc d l i. .. i.- . b -.' :; i i iIi r c h IeI 't ui t lt ' . .l .0 .i .A . .i9 2 iW m. I. .* . I'. I .I - A !. t a a ! .. . . . . . . . k I: I u a-S a PIRCEd, 8,17 UfbCED ON ML Lok I n ". LA- X Y. hw rt o b c fc',.ii tu- this :i th \ iof' mu I M . t '. I i t. |c.. h i II. ('. M .\'\Illl:Wl k1i . vi I Nc ) w cui- l c- p ci. 'Il c-V .i l i - I l it -c S' I i l la-< ii it8:b Ni. i:v : Buggistk of Spgau- kindse make.'t i Aow oe m- of anti 'd seel our alI3ui.- e31. an'r agoi:,'li ns vand. n getr ingh Wil h epaycaishc.lis-v cunt l ils, and c sang give yocaerr low u ges prics. eevd makle. tntk Also oner car of' I'te11( well- n hiteMtcocc countLy billsi ol cl', d can give ypou tithe fery low-Ihnut estck prf. ics.~ei o Cel'ry SutatIls, ico o Itc ttSish t., (ake PlaIs, Syrupi ~it' (chrs, tc in ur inom titot n llobers, Cra t. itchers, l r i t. t wls, Wtors, Knies,t-'rks T)en Spooct'cc. fe Set Thomats C loks~' leftoc wh i.l ttil:s-r go. I Fi Your ~L~'( t ridu-ly ltit't u A ni.ho ias ri' n t of fttc rcshlt windies at,l G t ii Ir' (oil DrtcI u4 fi' t oreit 1. lait til Store i c fcc: lI))i 'tt iid ( flit N otue' l t o ewit gan W tchetI , ,f Dain'i rt oiitnil, i h (IP o. es hn Ve il p ri c t a t irsCorte. Dru NGIJOTELa South Carolina. Summer Resorts. Springs, and it has No for the Stomach, Liver, lood. 1, TO OCTOBER 1. nexcelled. The gayest to pson & Simpson. STAI EMENT Of the Condition of The Com mercial 1ank of Newberry, S. C., atthe Close of Busi ness June 30th, 1900. Published in Conformity With An Act of the General Assembly. Note, I: Iluitcd *..... $151,270 51 saft-111141otherI xtr.I. ,3 1 4 li'eVmII1 SUtimp Aect . 52 24 ()vldriraths, se mlred and uin 'e6d........ (082 50 Cash (n lilnd anld inllRank 1.5,997 91 $173,314 61 LIA I 1I T I lI ('apital Stock. . . . . . . . $ 50,000 00 I)ivihni b, 11n1paid . . . . . 265 00 N o Hes Dicl iic u ted . . . . 25 ) 00) I'I I v - . . . .35 Ini IhLtn ks . . . $ 3w)1 5 5 - Ind"iiul . 8,777 71 89,1 4 .1 26 I 'rto l itII apptered )efor. me Z. P, W,i01t. ( 'It.lhiAr of the Iliahavl Ilamled k wink, who swlars lat, I hithatV state tIueit. is cor 1 t.o the best of hIis knowl Z.. 1". WitIIT, (Cashier. hw n r o bfoie mi I is 3rd day of I '. I w .u( I N. I'. for S. C. F'. %. \\' I1.-,)N. ( i-:u i. WV. SI'M MI-:l. l'. W . 1,I)NIO. hdIar( S(11o1tr~S JEWELRY STORE. 1Fin. W a;vieh's, I.i lgS, It rm'aclies, Stude Sli v aml Iillic 1itlons,", Silver NtivelOvls, Silver-Table- WVare, Ciut Gla-, G id Sit TOYS & DOLLS \\ hich wi will closo out, as wo will dNC.mi iinne11 kee'pintg thorm. JEW E:LE R AND3 OPTiCIAN PARKERYET N0o10 Pi'0i'. Noi10 Bolt01', )KY. ASK FOR IT At all Dispensaries. Dainty Shirt Waists. \ l: hinc' at themti will tell you more ha ILiwE c:mtldIh i. a touisand wor'ds. Thei assorPt,mtY1~l cotins wh ite and Soloiredl waists, now, fresh, and1( smnooth, and1( wort,h iat least a half mnore than wo WX h avo th et mat 30c., 400'., 500., 75c., l..., $1.50, $2.00, anid in silk a lit,tle 1 Intid les read(y-mladei Skir nt at 25c., 50c., We have reduiced prices groatly on r' or eniticno stock. IYours trly S.$ J. WOOTEN.